Funniest Student TEST Answers !

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guys I did it I just borrowed some of my sister's deodorant and moisturizing body wash because my skin is drier than my humor hopefully she doesn't find that's her Matt have you been using my deodorant and moisturizing body wash what makes you think I took them okay I took them but men have skin too and women have all the good stuff leaving us guys with slim pickings have you tried the new Old Spice fresher collection it has real ingredients with real benefits for men yes I did okay no I didn't catch now you guys can be on the same level as us women well maybe not the same level but you now have access to some great smelling products and I also give you great benefits like moisturization and exfoliation these are great okay I'll stop using your products since I have my own body wash with shea butter now good and to return the favor I might end up stealing some of your Old Spice pressure collection products wouldn't my run out never mind don't keep your other products but I'm gonna use the Old Spice fresher collection and you guys should get some too just click the first link in the description below and if you want to win an Old Spice bag full of fresher collection products and swag just take a picture of the face you make when you're relaxed post it on instagram and tag me at dang Matt Smith using the hashtag men have skin too to be entered into the giveaway but today we're gonna look at some people that should have used old Spice's fresher collection because it helps you relax and according to these silly and funny answers that they put on their tests they weren't relaxed at all let's check them out huh and yes this is the last one the final rule we've done 24 of these yeah yeah this I think there's the last one whoa so let's do it number one we got items sold out of cafeteria strawberry milk hamburger chocolate milk nacho okay at this rate how many hamburgers will be sold in five days you just got to do a little bit of math here no problem and they put chocolate milk what that don't even make any sense your little boy or girl question was at this rate how many hamburgers will be sold in five days and they put chocolate milk what last time I checked chocolate milk is not a number is it anyway man that's ridiculous I've never seen such a funniest silly dumb test answer in a long time this person must really want some chocolate milk I mean dang they're talking about hamburgers and you talking about chocolate milk boy bad Adi but hey it could have been worse DJ Khaled another one we got I am happy when I okay okay so am i but you know I keep that to myself come on little girl don't nobody want to know that you're happy when you poop everybody's happy when they put whoa I mean unless they're constipated like me or I light like Jamal not not like me like light yeah hey like Jamal constipation sucks but comment down below if you're constipated I have happy one-hour Matt she doesn't look very happy she must not be pooping right now Oh sitting in class I wouldn't be happy either but to the people out there who are constipated and you know clogged up look you just got to stop eating the doughnuts and eat some raisin bran they'll flush everything right out yes I know I'm nasty but you know why it'd leave me alone moving on we got what are these symbols okay you got a trouble clef at the top if you guys are taking music class or you know you play any instruments you know what that is and then at the bottom they put a sad face that is a bass clef you know you it is a bass clef right yes a bass clever comment down below it's a bass clef and they put a sad face these kids are about to make me constipated okay in their defense it does kind of look like a sad face but you know we're talking about music they asked what are these symbols this is not an emoji okay oh man hashtag you're wrong hashtag dishonor upon your whole family but you know what the good news is they spelled treble clef right is that right yeah yes right is it right is right but seriously is this kid like depressed or something or they sad I mean we're talking about sad faces do we need to get this kid a priest son or something I mean come on don't worry kid we're gonna get you a lunchable and a kid cuisine all right moving on we got Emma all sitting and knitting old bars for days okay a a city and knitting hitting that winning back go ahead and get that yeah anyway right to complete each sentence use the word Bank you just use the words in the word Bank and fill in the blank boom and says I got yarn at the bank that's not you're not supposed to use the word a bank and you're supposed to use the word Bank like oh the children of our future are not looking good man this this is not looking good do you like the bank put your feet on the bank did you bank the drink actually the sentences were making sense up until did you Bank the drink is that some new slang that I need to be learning like come on now get a bank to clean up the mess dang can you bank your fingers what what boy I will Bank soon oh man wow wow this six year old really needs a different school cuz they're obviously not learning at this one so you know it's not a not looking good and time out why did they have to color the bear brown Oh racism up in here discrimination I'm just kidding most bears are brown but there's white bears there's black bears there's the Berenstein bears there's Yogi Bear there's Smokey the Bear and only you can prevent forest fires let's keep it going we got write your own story problem using the numbers 23 and 64 solve your story problem below man I wish I had these questions in class I mean this is easy so they put Sam hat 23 a penis this is a family friendly channel the most family-friendly channel on all the youtubes we can't be looking at stuff like this Sam had 23 penises oh man Sam you need to go see a doctor about that that's not good you know how many times you'll be having to use the bathroom oh heck no man you would not be happy when you poop or when you pee man 23 jeez do they all like pee at the same time or can you like you know choose which one you want to pee out of anyway man as nasty man is nasty and you wrote the three backwards man k okay in all seriousness I'm pretty sure this person meant Sam had twenty three pennies okay you spell pennies wrong or peanuts I don't know I think it's pennies so Sam had 23 pennies how much more peanut I'm sorry I can't read it as pennies because they spelled it wrong man come on how much more penis does he need to get 64 ma'am surprised they didn't put 69 but anyway how much more pennies does he need to get 64 4141 pennies more yeah seriously can somebody teach this kid how to spell because right now it looks like Sam had 23 penises and he needs 41 more to get 64 dang that rhyme no these kids and these funny test answers are giving me a headache but moving on we got if someone in the audience cannot hear you you probably need to increase your volume okay makes sense if the speaker never changes his rate or pitch you might be speaking in a monotone alright alright two for two if someone suggests that you are slurring your words you need to work on your alcoholism what a geez Jimmy what is going on at home man we need to have a talk with this kid oh wow you need to work on your alcoholism how does this kid know about alcoholism dang man blink twice if you need help are things okay at home I mean oh I don't know man jeez slurring your words I'm pretty sure you need to work on your speech or I think that's the answer but also yeah maybe you need to work on your alcoholism I mean dang I don't need to work on my alcoholism okay maybe I do hashtag the struggle is real oh it just got dark he got darker than my childhood but seriously man somebody saved this kid let's get him on the right track geez another one we got write your own problem and have a friend try to solve it hey it's easy-peasy booty squeezing all right limit lemon squeezy easy peasy lemon squeezy family friendly there's a hundred thousand drunk mommies what is going on with the drinking today geez first alcoholism and now this kid is talking about there's a hundred thousand drunk mommies two hundred got hit by a car how many left 100 I know oh my gosh this is the most disturbed kid I've ever met somebody send them some help man somebody get them on the helpline one hundred help me please 100,000 drunk mommies two hundred got hit by a car how many left I mean how many are left ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight right yeah I didn't graduate so leave me alone oh geez man it could have been worse okay it could not have been worse man that's as bad as it gets man I don't want to be the friend who has to try to solve this problem dang seriously kids what is going on at home like is your mom drinking too much we got to report them to Child Services I mean dang this kids childhood was almost as bad as mine oh gosh dang man moving on let's go which of the following requires the longest digestion time your mom oh that doesn't even make sense so anyway I don't know how to pronounce this so you know just let me know in the comments down below monosaccharides disaccharides or polysaccharides and then they put monosaccharides and that says explain i guessed well me too man I guess - geez all right good for you hey as long as the answers right it doesn't matter how you got it I guess man hey Loki I guessed on all of my test questions and I still passed okay no I didn't I failed but anyway hey you get an A for honesty all right so you know I mean you got your dignity you told the truth I think this kid's gonna be all right but let's keep it going Martha's grandfather was an alcoholic I'm just gonna leave I'm just gonna leave I'm done there is a major alcoholic theme today man we got to get this under control Martha's grandfather was an alcoholic and her father was now and her father's father was an alcoholic and their great-great-great great-great granddaddy was an alcoholic Martha reaches the age of 30 and becomes an alcoholic loses her job and robs the store for money Oh bad influence Matt guys don't don't do it it's not worth it as Mark though responsible for her actions or is it not her fault since alcoholism runs in her family it's her fault are you gonna go to the judge and be like judge it wasn't it wasn't my fault you know my father's an alcoholic and I'm alcoholic you know leave me leave me alone sorry Martha but it is your fault okay and then they put get your stuff together Martha yeah man see see a round of applause for this kid and they better have gotten that question ring hey hashtag get it together seriously you can't blame your bad decisions on your father being an alcoholic it doesn't matter if your father was a good man or a bad man or a black man but you've got to be responsible for your own actions and get it together guys it's been fun 24 episodes of the funniest kid test answers but here we go the final final one ah better be good man let's go we got this dinosaur can stab you with his face like a fork oh okay okay I mean dang man jeez I wish I could stab somebody with my face ah then I would never be the laughingstock of high school and the teacher better not even think about marking now wrong cuz the dinosaur can stab you with this face I mean jeez just like a rhinoceros man not a rhinoceros man but like a rhinoceros man man I can't even imagine if dinosaurs existed today whoo they probably killed a black man first yeah as usual man but you know what one day we're gonna rise up and we're gonna be the last one to die in the horror movie yeah man this dinosaur can stab you with this face like a fork boy when just like my last relationship is over thank you guys for watching the video please please drop a like it's gonna help the channel grow and all the cool kids are doing it really hope you guys enjoyed the video the funniest kid test answers the final one but you never know if this video gets like a hundred thousand likes then I might have to do another one you never know but yeah click on the screen to check out another video and add me on instagram and twitter at dang Matt Smith oh yeah yeah thank you guys again for watching the video and imma see ya next time peace [Music]
Channel: Dang Matt Smith
Views: 4,231,984
Rating: 4.9244251 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, funniest, test, answers, exam, funniest exam, funniest test, funniest test answers
Id: 6dj9XS44SNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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