Kids Who Beat The System (Hilarious)

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Here's an example of a girl trying to fit a square, and nothing fits. So instead of struggling, all you simply have to do... Oh my gosh, she just beat the system! Alright, you don't have to find a solution to everything. You can find a loophole. The loophole, sometimes, is easier than the solution. But welcome to Reaction Time. Kids that beat the system. I love this series. So for example, there was this time, this mom, put a lock on a drawer. She did not want her kid to have access to this drawer. It might have had candy inside. It might have had expensive jewelry. Who knows? The mom just didn't want this kid to go to that drawer. This kid is so genius, he found a loophole. He just took out the top drawer, so he could access the locked bottom drawer. Oh my God! I don't think I was that smart as a kid. Like, this is a kid who literally beat the system. Okay so, in the old school days, kids would actually do this, to copy questions and answers for tests. This was old school piracy. Question says 'Which is the best estimate for the length of a football?' Is it 1 foot, 4 feet, 5 feet or 8 feet? Umm... I, I don't know right. You don't know the answer so instead just, 1 foot. Maybe we could just add ball? Oh, my gosh, I think I just kinda beat the system. [applause] I feel like these are are the kids who are gonna be the most successful in their life. These are kids that think outside the box. "Oh, what's in the box?!" The typical kid that does exactly what they're supposed to do You know, think like every other kid Do exactly as the teacher says. Do it the same way. Every kid learns the same thing. I feel like those kids are just gonna work a normal job! But these kids, They are the kids that are gonna find a solutions to different problems. Geometry shape. Name these 2D shapes. Jade, Charlotte, Charlie, Sophia, Harriet, Emily, Maria ''Hey! Got the job done.'' You said NAME, the shapes OK, so this one, I feel like maybe this kid isn't gonna didn't really beat the system The system is probably gonna fail this kid I mean it was, uhh, it was a good try. This girl made her own hammock because she wanted one, but her parents wouldn't get her one. So she literally, just made her own. Is that our future architect? OK. Relax. She just made a hammock. But uh, that's still pretty cool. I kinda feel like it's dangerous for some reason... Like, if one of them collapses. She just like falls, head first. OK. It'll be fine. It's just a bed right? It's not like she's, it's not like it's concr.... Woah! OK. This has to be the smartest kid out of them all. This looks like 'false' and 'true' at the same time. This kid did not know the answers. So, he just put both, and was hoping the teacher, wouldn't notice. So, it also looks like it's 'true', but at the same time, it's also 'false'. [laughs unbelievingly] Oh my God! I did not know that was even possible. To make it look like they're both... Ok, I'm..I'm, shocked right now [applause] Guys. Give him a hand. That deserves some applause. Teacher told the kid, to solve this problem: One plus sign x over n. So, this kid took out both 'Ns'. Right? because they're on top of each other you're allowed to cross em' out, and then just put: one plus six... and got, SEVEN??? That's probably not the answer. But, that's a pretty good try. OK. So this kid was gonna get punished. He got in trouble, so the mom, was gonna go hit him. He says: Going to spank me? Good luck. And then he added, a floor full of legos. So, there is no way the mom could g... oh...wait. O..he didn't beat the system you know how he didn't beat the system? Simple. The mom, she just needs to wear shoes. [breathes in] OH.... I'm sorry. I just gave her the idea, she just needs to wear shoes and she can just walk all over it. guys, oh my goodness. OK. So this one's just a parody of everything about kids beating the system. It says: This kid is going places, not college, but places. And then we got the headphones on the bottom and the headphone jack, plugged in his ear. You go boy... You go... Go places. You guys, thank you so much for watching. That was kids who beat the system. That's gonna wrap it up for the video. Check out some more videos, subscribe to the channel. Leave a like if you enjoyed the video. Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you guys next time. Hope you have a great one and peace out!
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 40,167,440
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Keywords: reaction time, reaction, teens react, elders react, kids react, free time, tal fishman, family friendly, facts, top, children, family, friendly, learn, game time, time, reactiontime, reaction time youtube, youtube reaction time, reaction time channel, react, reactions, reacting, reacting to, tal, fishman, kids, kid friendly, fact, learning, funny, funniest, hilarious
Id: uCfoAzmZh2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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