Funniest Student TEST Answers Part 24 ft Karolina Protsenko

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I thought the last funniest kid test answers video was gonna be the last one just like if Sponge Bob made his last krabby patty just like you have Dora the Explorer did her last exploration what happened to the sad music it was supposed to be sad anyway but what's going on everybody I'm out here with the best violin player in the country well in the world probably yeah yes is he Karolina yeah if you don't know about her channel please check it out got the link in the description below we did a video on her channel it was epic right yeah I thought it was good to see it's that good there's no words you know to describe how good it is so please check it out but we're back at it with the funniest kid test answers and we actually have you know a kid who's like you know can understand and like probably tell us why these kids put such funny silly answers are some of these answers gonna be yours yeah they're probably yeah I think yeah yeah but everybody please comment down below your favorite instrument - the piano I mean the violin I like the violin that's my favorite okay okay great yeah yeah yeah just comment down below violin all right let's do it first one here we go what position is it called when you tuck your violin under your arm is this oh it's right okay are you sure okay all right we got sit position sleep is it armpit position the child they put armpit position is that real thing yeah it's not just me it's not me you know a lot of these kids they're just putting answers that don't make sense I mean I've never heard of knocking no that's not real right see it's the rest position so you guys got to remember if you ever play violin rest position okay the next one what we'll second finger on the E string give you a B's a P sharp G or e-flat now see I think I know this one okay oh it's not P sharp okay only there's no P shark there's no P shot what kind of kids think I mean these are kids that obviously haven't played a musical instrument before you know I think these kids they need to stick to basketball or you know football or something right yeah I'm pretty sure it's G yeah yeah it's G yeah we is G yeah there's no P it's just you know yeah yeah now abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] said my faces round so they say they think I look like a rock you know it's okay whoever said that it was the same kid that thought there was a p sharps it's fine it doesn't matter but comment down below how you would describe a rock to somebody because I same color same color yeah oh see so everybody comment down below blue okay that's the right answer moving on we got clouds are made of fluffy pillow see they spelled that wrong they spoke they spelled pillow wrong and you know they obviously did not win the spelling bee our clouds made of fluffy pillows hmm I'm pretty sure clouds are made of a combination of air and water that float in the sky and evaporation and imitation yes right it looks fluffy but like yes so don't lie on a cloud don't do it because it's not gonna you know don't it's not it's not gonna work in the cartoons a lot of people if they follow the you know bounce off a cloud it's not like that in real life so you know you don't want to do it next one hi my name is Alex G and my first habit is food how can your favorite food be food that's that's not anything specific they have to put yeah you gotta put like oh my favorite food is pancakes see the teacher should have marked this wrong because you know your favorite food can't be food it's got to be neat something specifically your favorite food could be a rock right right no it can't be okay no it can't be a rock where does food come from well I mean food does come from mom you know moms like to go to the store and they'll give you know they'll get the food sometimes but you know actual food it comes from yeah there's a you there's no you and mom is a mummy yeah you can say oh that's my mom but you know it's M om and if you got a wrong and then you know you have to repeat the third grade I'm sorry you go it's not gonna work II mean you knew how to spell mom in kindergarten right yeah I learned how to spell mom last week yeah you know I also learned how to spell Rach last week I didn't know much about spelling back in the day only thing I knew was how to eat oh sorry yeah moving on oh we got a report card for Mom okay would you ever give your mom a report card okay yes yeah I wouldn't do it either cuz you know you're gonna get in trouble right it's not it's not worth it so helping me with math homework average they gave their mom an average on helping them with math homework well maybe you know maybe their mom just didn't know much about you know algebra Oh excellent okay cleaning good good being a mom oh she got four checks for checkmarks see I've never gotten any checkmarks on any of my homework or tests or anything it's it's sad because I don't you know you'll give me yes I get check mark finally cooking dinner they put n/a which means not applicable which basically means that this person's mom does not cook dinner yeah yeah yeah they're really good at cooking and you know maybe it's time for the kid to learn how to different you can cook dinner right yeah okay I cannot I can cook breakfast pancakes and eggs and that's it and I can cook rocks okay moving on moving on what do you like about school nothing I liked uh lunch yeah Oh arts fun mm-hmm playing at the playground it's fine yes the recess lunch and you know yes yeah yeah yeah the last one we've got list one significant Australian celebration and state three ways that we can commemorate this occasion I don't know anything about what or this means things um well um have you put that answer on a test or any homework no okay see see so you shouldn't do it just I don't know anything about whatever this means thank you at least they're nice enough to say thank you you know that was polite of them but I mean if it makes them feel better I don't know anything about Australian celebrations either yeah I got to learn about it so you know just comment down below and let me know in Australian celebration you know what's your favorite holiday Christmas yeah yeah see Christmas Christmas Christmas I like Christmas and I like Thanksgiving Thanksgiving this for me I think a party birthday party actually my little brother's birthday's tomorrow yes yes yes so happy early birthday to our brother how old is he turn 101 years old I remember when I was 1 no I don't know I don't yeah long time Oh see she's 10 and she's that good at the violin I mean I've never been that good at anything but you know one day yes yes she's lying but you know no no I'm glad you like the glad you liked the video thank you thank you thank you but that's it for another one of the funniest kid test answers please be sure to check out the video we did on Carolina's channel we played music yeah hey you got the link in the description below check it out and and subscribe to Carolyn's channel because all the cool kids are doing it and if you want to be cool then you see he's no akiza so check out a video you can click on the screen to check it out all the cool kids are doing it and we're gonna see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dang Matt Smith
Views: 4,460,335
Rating: 4.9142027 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, funniest, test, answers, exam, funniest exam, funniest test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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