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The funniest kid test answers. Tony practices the piano 20 minutes everyday. What's the effect? A kid wrote, "HE IS A BIG NERD!" Leave Tony alone! Look at him, he just wants to practice the piano. What do you mean he is a nerd?! You must be the bully. This is that one kid that bullies everyone in class like, YOU'RE A NERD, YOU'RE A NERD. REACTION TIME......... ugly bro *ew* What? It's funny that people think playing the piano makes you nerdy, but, like, playing the guitar is very sexy. You know you're playing the piano, you're like a nerd. EPIC PIANO SOLO But then you play the guitar, HOLA MUCHACHA!!! (HI GIRL!!!) *Spanish music* You like that? You like that? SI! (YES!) SI DA CHIERO! (YES, IT'S COOL!) HA HA, GUYS! Welcome to Reaction Time! We're looking at the FUNNIEST kid test answers! I already had a previous video like this one, so we're doing a continuation. Are you guys ready? Let's dive right into this! Guys, everyone I want you to meet, Tracey. She's going to be your teacher for the day. Tracey is also going to give you a math problem. With an answer, but Tracey is actually wrong! it says right here, "Tracey is wrong." Use an example to show that Tracey is wrong! Kid says, "BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN!" YOOOOOOO-! processing... processing...... processing......... Excuse me? Where are your parents? Who taught this kid that? She's a wo- This kid is a sexist! She's wrong, why? Because she's a woman. WHAT THE HELL?! Girls that answer questions wrong and they don't get it wrong because they're women. This kid need some slappin'. *SLAP* He needs some- Wheres my belt? You guys know a lot of latina moms. WOOOOOO!!! You know how it is with the belt. And the chunklas? Bring out the chunklas. .-. I would know, I have, I have two mexican friends. And they would tell me stories. They would scare me, I would be like, "I can never look at your mom the same way dude." You know that right? And they're like: "Naw she's a nice lady, except for when she hit me with a BELT one time :'( across my face! >:(" and I'd be like, "YOOOOOO, CHILL, CHILL, calm down.." Wha do you think is the BEST solution to overpopulation? There's too many people on this planet. What do we do? Do we just tell 'em to stop having kids? They can't, like- (I cant even describe this....) ;) Wow, wow, wow. Support your argument with examples. So, what do you think is the best solution to overpopulation? Kid answers, "The Hunger Games" *dramatic XD* (HOLY SH&^ AN EARTHQUAKE) *Casually jimmies away* Can you guys just imagine? He goes to class, he's like, "Hey teacher, remember that homework assignment yesterday?" "There's too many people here." He comes in class, With a frickin' bow and arrow, And starts killing his classmates! o-o He's like, "I NEED TO SURVIVE! I NEED TO SURVIVE!" Woah, woah, woah, woah.... Can you just, uh.. Can we take a chill pill here? You don't need to do the Hunger Games for overpopulation. Doesn't mean you need to start KILLING people if there's too many people. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! There are 300 students in Year 10. In America, it's called 10th grade. Just letting you know if you get confused. (Thanks, lol). "Mary and Mark want to find out year 10's favourite colour." "Mary asks 30 people." (Ur so lame, Mary XD) "Mark asks 150 people." (U f&*%ing go, Mark!) Mark says, "My conclusions are more likely to be more reliable than Mary's." Why does Mark think he is right? (Cause Mary is a woman XD) And a kid answers, "Because Mark is a man." (XD told u!) MACHO, MACHO MAN!!! Was that a sexist part too?! Are kids sexist now?! Wha-what are their parents teaching them? What are the teachers teaching them? (Jacksh*&, that's what XD) What are their classmates teaching them? What is anyone teaching th- GODD*- So, Mark thinks he's right because Mark is a man. Not- Not all men think they're are always right. (Yeah, my &%$) *CRICKETS AGREE WITH ME* Because we are. BOOOOOOOOO!! I'm just kidding, that was a joke! Guys don't get oversensitive. Come on, you know jokes? Like, uh... There's a difference between sexist... And making a joke. (U suprise me.) But, like, with that being said, you know? Men ar- Men always think they're right. Because, *SNIFF SNIFF* Hrum, we are. (I knew it XD) Mmm, what? I'm not even a man, I'm a lil' boy. Heh, heh, OK. OK, so this is a physics question. We all love physics, right? RIGHT, hah! Uhhh (screw physics .-.) Well... The answer wants u to find X, it gives u a problem and u hav to find X and it also says "does the object continue to move after it comes to rest?" When it says it comes to rest, physics, it means it stops The kid answers "No, there is an elephant in the way". (DAH CRAP?) *Squeek Squeek Squeek* WHAT DOES AN ELEPHANT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? Um.. IDK. I thought it would solve the problem My kid is an idiot I have, I have an idiot for a kid Lets recap here ok This is creative kid he just wants to hav fun Theres too much goin on you hav to sit in a classroom for 8 hours in a day IDK Some schools is less somes is more It makes u soulless, it makes you a soulless human being It loses all creativity *dramatic pause* he's creative, he wants to have fun He draws elephants- What the hell is wrong with this, Oh my God What am I saying- I don't even know... WOOOOOOOOOO An engineer designed an ocean liner That would extract heat from the ocean's waters He thought he had a good idea But his boss fired him ;-; He got fired- he said "YO engineer dude!, outski bro >:)" Explain why? A kid says, "because he slept with his boses wife" :O I don't know what type on Sh(duck noise)t this kid Has seen, maybe he watches to much movies Maybe this actually happened to his parents If he wants to talk about it, i'll be here for him *Well said :')* How does this kid even know, you know I don't know if it's sleeping I think it literally means sleeping As like falling asleep Guys were to blame, were the problem it's The adults, I'm not even a ful- i'm an adult damn it -.- The first cells were probably... Lonely... Yeah... they were You know why? They didn't have anyone to Replicate with ;) They need someone to To do a little replication, you know Finally, were looking at the Last one... I know, I know but there might be another one! We might add more to this series *YAY* Brian has 50 slices of cake *gimme* He eats 48 :O, what does he Have now? *a sore face from me* What does he Have now?...... Diabetes :l WOAH Brian has diabetes (LOGIC WHERE ARE YOU?!?!) Hey this kid is not wrong, He ate 48 slices of cake! That's a lot of g0d#mn cake Maybe if Brian didn't eat 48 slices of cake, he wouldn't have diabetes *mind-blown* GUYS! This is logical I hopefully didn't get- Oh they got the question wrong :l Why'd you mark her(wat) wrong teacher? Whats the problem? That's not wrong It's 100% right Maybe it's not the answer you're looking for but it's still Right, you still get credit... maybe the teacher has diabetes Maybe that's why, the teacher got But hurt and decided to mark her wrong I think, I like this kid a lot >:) That's gonna wrap it up for this video, If you guys want To see some more, HILARIOUS kid test answers Make sure to go to the original link It's gonna be the first thing down below in the description Hopefully you guys don't get diabetes from these answers Y'know... don't eat 50 slices of cake What kind of- question is that?! Yes, 50 slices of cake he eats 48 What does he have now? That doesn't even make sense who even makes up that question? That's what we should ask Adults are making questions for kids but... 50 slices of cake You think kids are gonna believe that? there gonna be like That's a lot of cake...leave some OUTRO (because I'm to tired to type the rest XD)
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 8,715,982
Rating: 4.8859739 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, teens react, elders react, kids react, free time, tal fishman, family friendly, facts, top, children, family, friendly, learn, game time, kid, test, dangmattsmith, hilarious, funniest, most funny, fun, answers, questions, notes, drawings, draws, guess, best, top 10
Id: bNl8M3lNuL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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