FUNNIEST Kid Test Answers! 😂

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my dream is what would a third graders dream be it could be like oh I want to be an astronaut or oh I want to be a doctor when I grow up or oh I want to be a youtuber you know stuff like that my dream was to be a youtuber alright not gonna lie it was and it worked out so that's cool I also wanted to be a professional skateboarder that did not work out but let's check out what her dream is what she wants to be when she grows up my dream is to work at Taco Bell with my mom Taco Bell oh great yeah that's a great job you have tacos and burritos yeah sure no no that's not what you want to do alright what's your name Shanta interesting name um huh I don't think you want to work and talk about with your mama oh god that's not good that's not gonna be too hard to accomplish a Shanta pretty much anyone can work at talkable maybe raise your dream a little bit more alright you can you can accomplish a lot Martin Matt anyways guys that is what we're gonna be looking at funny kid test answers guys we hit 10 million we did it for 10 million I actually have a special emerge piece look at this it's frickin dope it's the 10 million hoodie guys on the front is special edition ten million and on this sleeves a bunch of X it's just such a cool merch design so go cop guys link down below thank you guys all so much for 10 million you're literally the best hashtag infinite army road to 11 million ok let's continue short answer number five ten points ooh that's a lot of points you better answer this carefully buddy alright it says provide an example of a risk okay okay hmm hmm pretty hard question I guess I don't know but it's a ten point question you got an answer super carefully it's a lot of points let's see what they said no that's it that's the whole thing just just no they just didn't want to answer you know what this is a mood I relate to this you know what sometimes anything alright like sometimes I'm like this you know like the teacher asked me a question all right Billy I have a quick question for you what's three plus five no nope nope no no I'm not answering I'm not answering your teacher I just no just now nope you're not gonna get an answer from me nope never huh good I relate to it all right I understand this kid this is a mood this is 100% of mood defend your answer and then this kid drew a nice little picture where he's got a little stick person defending the answer like literally Sarge I don't know how much longer we can hold them this is like a stick dude shooting whatever defending the answer honestly if I was a teacher I would a hundred percent give this student at A+ dude like he's putting in more effort in his drawings than actually studying for the test and getting the actual answer correct like this is even better dude a plus two this kid good frickin job I think you deserve an A that's just me all right maybe I shouldn't be a teacher but still you deserve an A so we got a lego building competition right so will who is ten years old built an ultimate car apparently that's what this thing is it's an ultimate car and then we have to I don't even know what that name is jar is your name jar okay we have jar six years old and he built a shooter thing a shooter car or something looks pretty cool and then we got Riley who's 12 years old and they built a worm I'm done I'm done I finished before everyone this is my creation it's a worm you like it it took lots of effort and I think I should win this competition a plus for me right yeah it's a worm dude this is amazing honestly I think this should win cuz it's just funny like it Riley is this freaking hilarious - just one Lego piece a worm and it is I mean technically yeah it could be a worm so good job fill in the solutions problems you fell on the playground and scratched your knee okay that's how we I guess I don't know solutions get up and deal with it you know what I like this answer don't be a frickin wimp just get up and deal with it it's just a tiny scratch on your knee just frickin get up and deal with it this is what you have to do alright oh oh oh my god ah you know what I'm okay I'll be fine that's what you gotta do don't be a freaking wimp just get up and deal with it so this kid had an extra credit question on his test and it says what is the strongest force on earth [Music] that's a tough question what would you guys put be infinite army yeah that's what I would put let's freaking go you see that strongest force on earth to become a part of the infant army usually you just gotta subscribe it's that simple just subscribe no put it let's see what they put oh so cute you know what this kids probably in a relationship right now and they're probably having the best relationship ever and it's just all love and kisses and making out and stuff and whatever and they think that their relationship is the strongest force on earth no one can make us break up we are the strongest well you know I'm sorry to break it to you but you're probably gonna break up alright that's just how relationships work especially in high school in middle school but uh you know what I hope you stay together Billy and Betty whatever I don't know civilization okay kinda close kinda they spelled it pretty close alright not bad monarchy okay yeah a little bit off kind of look like monkey or whatever dominance okay a little bit off-course spot Oh God I'll just does not look good zero out of four so far uh-oh illiterate oh okay they spelled illiterate right no interesting okay let's see if they spelled anything else right Oh God literally nothing they spilled everything wrong except the word illiterate how ironic is that yeah how do you know how to spell illiterate and be illiterate at the same time what the heck these are some hard words though not gonna lie like irresponsible is pretty hard to spell succession it's kind of hard to spell illiterate they spelled it right dude what that fact what are the odds man that's actual Aires so we got rat or a teat good job proud of you we also got six s IX good job fricken proud we got dad d8d yes still is frickin go and then we got this picture which I'm guessing like you know sad or Matt or whatever oh so it's st STD oh no oh I mean yeah I understand he's sad because he has an STD but it's not STD it's as a T it's sad come on little belly what are you doing that's not the right answer as TD that's actually hilarious and I mean yeah I would be sad too if I had an STD I understand how does this kid even know about STDs what the heck did how many days are in a week seven nice job how many months are in a year twelve good job is this number even or odd sixty-eight even nice how do you know because I'm smart I mean yeah I don't know why I'm talking like that and then the teacher just corrects them but that's amazing dude it's kind of a weird question asking how do you know if a number is even or odd like that's a weird question anyway it's like what do you even put as the answer for that I don't even know I honestly would rather put because I'm smart it's just like that's why I'm smart teacher alright don't question me so this kid had a question on his test and it was find X freaking math dude I hate math math is the worst can we just like start a petition to just delete math off of the face of the earth please dude I would love this no one likes math I bet you all of my comments are just gonna be like I love math I like math math this is the best no it's frickin not don't lie to yourself but yeah this kid had a question it artists test saying find X so yeah here it is there's X boom done next question this is great do you I mean technically he did five X maybe be more specific teacher all right what the heck how am I supposed to know that that's not what you meant come on teacher that's X a frickin found it that was easy give me a simpler frickin test to change centimeters to meters you take out senti I mean technically speaking that's the correct answer in a way so you can't mark him wrong all right be more specific and then also there's another right 200,000 in figures so I you know you give right to oh oh oh oh oh oh right that's what I'm guessing he put uh no he actually just wrote 200,000 in fiction freaking smart-aleck dude I love it though I love it if I was the teacher and I saw this I would honestly be like you know what you're you're a funny kid you're gonna grow up to be a comedian a plus Marcus is the strongest kid in second grade he used to lift 12 pounds whoa now he can lift 97 pounds hey sighs Marcus you freakin in second grade that's insane okay let's continue how much more can he lift now and then for the answer the kid put Marcus is on steroids honestly probably all right if a second grader can lift 97 pounds then yeah they're most likely on steroids average 2nd grader wait so second graders weigh about 46 pounds right so basically they're lifting double their weight almost oh no I don't think that's possible but nice try yeah Marcus is on steroids that is the correct answer so there's a question on this test that says three ladybugs and for more ladybugs three plus four equals seven nice job and then also they had to draw the ladybug so nice ladybugs great ten out of ten next question was for seals in two more seals okay four plus two equals six nice frickin job and then they had to draw the seals which looked like that Oh God those are seals those are you are you are you sure are you sure you don't want to try to redraw them are you sure they kind of look like a hey demonetized I'm gonna get to monitize because of you why my merge bleeds come on dude that doesn't look like a fricking sealant oh I mean I'll give him the benefit of the doubt all right they're probably in like first grade but come on man that's not a seal you know that you know that's not a seal so this kid put for an answer on his test if I had one hour to live I'd spend it in this class because it feels like an eternity that's actually so true dude I bet you'd agree with this being in math class or any class in school feels so much longer than an hour it feels like 10 billion hours but when you're hanging with friends and having a good time and you know doing whatever having the happy good old time it goes by and like a second like come on dude so this is so true if you had an hour to live spend it in this class because it feels like an eternity that's kind of smart because then it's gonna be the longest hour of your life pretty much so this kid had to name all the shapes circle nice rectangle nice hexagons nice Pentagon noise square noise I don't know why I started getting an accent halfway through anyways triangle nice mate rhombus nice ten out of ten okay I'm gonna stop that next one cup in the saucer I don't think that's shape mate don't really think so that's definitely not a shape he literally drew on a handle and then the saucer below like he drew the head odd he's like you know what screw this screw this I'm done naming shapes I just want to draw my own shape you know what it's fine and then he got triangle noise brought to you you got nine out of ten pretty good cup and saucer you think so this kid in this class was doing some math homework right and then a frakkin walrus took over I don't know what happened but let's read about it the walrus has lost its home due to global warming Oh and has chosen to reside in my math book I apologize for any inconvenience caused on his behalf yes kids are becoming so smart this is freaking genius how do you even think of this I could have done this so much dude this is so smart if I just don't want to do my math homework I can just draw a freakin walrus and say that the walrus is just living in my math homework and then you know it covers all the answers and I get an A plus this freaking JD's dude okay I doubt the teacher would accept this but if I was a t-shirt I would accept this so good job I guess hopefully you had a cool teacher who graded this I don't know this is funny though good job on drawing the Wohlers - that's a freaking good wall I am a star because I just am alright don't ask freaking questions I just am I'm a star alright I don't need to explain I don't need to tell you why I just am I'm a frickin star and there's nothing you can do about it I'm a star yeah ha ha ha being a star is pretty cool I can just float through space Wow ok I think I took that a little bit far but I love this dude I just have dude kids are so sassy nowadays so this girl Emma Knight had to answer this question of when I am a hundred years old I will be and she put when I turned a hundred years old I will be tired of everything Plus everyone preach it sister preach it so I will tell everyone I'm going to Canada but actually go to the Bahamas whoo that's actually a great plan no one will know where you're at I'll live in a tiny hut with my tiny dog ok I will order fish tacos when I'm hungry Plus live my best life with no crap no crap at all alright I don't need anyone I just need my tiny dog and my tiny Hut and I don't need any crap but I also do need fish tacos so that that's that's definitely needed but nothing else I'm good with that alright I'm gonna be a hundred years old I'm gonna just be chilling with my fish tacos and my tiny dog and I'm good to go now what dude I love this Emma this is the perfect answer I hope you got a hundred and ten percent on this my mom worked hard today she deserves a microwaved hot dog why why that kind of weird and specific but okay I mean I guess so good job mom so you're saying you'd gift your mom a microwaved hot dog like you go happy birthday mom I got you something it's a microwave hot dog dude if my kid came up to me and gave me a microwave hot dog they're going up for adoption I'm just kidding anyways guys if you did enjoy today's video make sure to smash that like button subscribe if you're new to the channel ro2 a look let's frickin go hashtag infinite army guys definitely go cop the merge it is selling fast and it is only for a limited time so go cop to ten milli hoody we also got phone cases and much more on fan joy co / infinite so go cap but yeah guys I will see you guys all in tomorrow's video peace [Music]
Channel: Infinite
Views: 13,658,026
Rating: 4.8902097 out of 5
Keywords: Infinite lists, entertainment, family friendly, Elders React, Kids React, FUNNIEST Kid Test Answers! 😂, FUNNIEST, Kid, Test, Answers!, infinite, lists, reacts, reaction, funny kid test answers, infinite lists kid test answers
Id: UDugant6hwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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