Creating Money From Thin Air - Kyle Cease & Larry Morrison

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[Music] this is the very first of a long series of amazing amazing calls uh that will help you in the area of money and it will help you in the area of your heart and consciousness too but why this is so profound is one of the things that you can just tangibly see is this will make the absolutely everything pass pay for itself in a tangible visible way too i know that having the absolutely everything pass pays for itself over and over and over again but if you actually hear like an idea on your credit on your whatever but coming from a conscious place you are upping the value and you will actually see something that one of the people last week said to us on our four-day event it's more expensive to not have the absolutely everything pass we'd love for you to join us at all of our events and and that includes these amazing events larry's going to do and see if you change little things each week about your money about your money situation about how you perceive your bank account about how you perceive your credit score about all these different things this is so exciting to me because if you really allow yourself to do that this is going to add up to be um a conscious uh beneficial thing as far as your consciousness and your expansion is concerned but also you're gonna be able to look at your actual numbers and see them change so i'm excited to introduce um larry morrison and have a call with him today and then let him take the wheel and do uh every saturday morning that he can with you guys in the future and this is just a part of the absolutely everything pass and uh it makes me so excited to to have this so um without further ado here is joining me to today the amazing larry morrison come on brother hey man thank you so much for you you always do such an amazing job of introducing me i feel like i have to live up to what you're saying but i really appreciate it brother thank you so much should i just start should i have this guy is a piece of and then you yeah you should get the ball really low like we just found this guy off the street you might hate him so it's all good yeah that way no man you know you're you you deliver whatever you want to deliver but that's just my heart talking you know and it's just it's just true you you left and you're here and we are so honored to have you my brother thank you man i'm honored to be here as well and i love this team i love i love you kyle i love everything you've put out and i continually learn from you and i appreciate everybody for spending saturday morning with us um from moving forward so thank you thank you it's awesome man hell yeah man well let me ask you this is there anything before we we get into whatever the flow is is there anything you had in your mind that you wanted to start with or a concept you you wanted to offer or uh any specific revelations that maybe we could riff off of and then what i think is if this calls to you one of your best formats is your q a like you because you don't go as long into the childhood as i do you get way more questions which is great like we need that variety i'll take someone and we'll go to okay so in utero you felt this but you have this sometimes it's not that necessary you know what i mean um and and so with you like you have that amazing kind of combination of really answering these tangible questions and and getting getting more um more in as always you know i know i hear kyle say this too but just look at me as like a buffet in that take what you want leave what you don't i'm not going to have all your answers i have my answers i have what calls from my heart you know and my experiences through my own lens and filters right so um i still work on this stuff and and i just know that i'm gonna do my best to answer from my heart and point you back to yours always and then lastly i don't really like answering tangible questions about money i will talk a little bit about stewardship from time to time but like if you come at me with should i move money from my 401k to my ira i'm not going to do that i'm going to ask you straight up what's the benefit what are you afraid of what do you want to have happen in your life that that's supposed to do and serve you as right so like um this isn't this isn't dave ramsey or any other suzie orman or any of that kind of stuff we're doing it's a totally different way which is from the inside out you know what are the belief systems what are the emotions what are the things you feel around money that are indicating your blockages right and so that's what i'm about that's what kyle's about i know as well and and uh your financial traumas what your parents taught you about money you know those things go way farther because i could teach you until i'm blue in the face i say this all the time but i can teach people about money till they're blue in the face but if they have a belief that they don't deserve it they're going to sabotage it it's not going to matter so i'm way more interested in the energy and the beliefs and the traumas around the subject than i am about the mechanics mechanic serves a purpose but to me the mechanics of money are kind of like going to the gym yes you need to exercise but if you believe you hate your body you know if you're body shaming yourself subconsciously to go to the gym or whatever that's what we need to look at you know what i mean so those are just the the housekeeping items and i had uh what called to me to start us off kind of down this road um for as long as i'm honored to be with you guys is to really go through kyle's book on the illusion of money and um every week i think we're going to just break down a chapter a little bit and then i'll go into q a but just to give you guys like a skeleton a road map if you haven't read it it's an amazing book it's what drew me to kyle and if you have read it before maybe it's a good time to pick it up again and we're just going to take it slow and easy and there's so many golden nuggets of information in there that we could take one concept and break it down and and really apply it to your life um it doesn't mean you can't ask anything it just means i just like the idea of having you know you come in check in and be like yeah i read chapter two this week and this is what came up for me and we can go and riff on that you know so i uh re i think i'm on like it's like my sixth or seventh time reading it now i just read the introduction last night and took like four or five nuggets away from it the biggest i think being how just like i said we we um we think the outer manifestation of money reflects on our own self-worth as kyle put so beautifully right and uh that is so far from what your worth really is but um anyway i think i uh well so far i'd love to come in and say i did not ask larry to do that but i will totally uh take it and i'm so absolutely honored that you want to use that format um but i will say you and i both are such a good example of following the principles of that book because that our leaps together are creating this thing and one of the things i really believe is how this is a big thing i just want to throw off of because this is such a good example of it i want to offer everyone to just open up without knowing the specifics of it how easy it is to create money out of thin air right this is why i get so excited about what you have inside of you and most people they have a thing that could be a gift in a certain way for the world but then if you're thinking from the patterns of what you know what the world accepts you're actually thinking from the old world and what's trying to come through you is a new world and there are unique gifts you have that usually you'd probably think no one wants to hear this gift because you're looking through the lens of the old world but what you actually have is something completely original right and so when i if i look at okay so we have the absolutely everything past going and i'm looking through the lens of the old world i wouldn't be able to think let's add larry to this right but the new world says let's add larry to the absolutely everything pass give him his own saturday slot and there's so many things that happen in my new world now one there's a thing happening on the absolutely everything pass that adds value to everyone else that ups larry's a view of himself that ups larry's confidence and also um i don't have to always be there like i can do other work i can be with my daughter like like it's it's the universe going look i'm going to create abundance for everything right and and one thing that also comes out of that is the revelation that by offering to someone else and not being in some kind of competitive vibe or like threatened or something like that like what if larry turns out to be better than me i hope you are i hope you just crush it you know what i'm saying like we're all in this together right but there there could be the death of a competitive vibration or a or a threatened vibration i don't i don't have that i have a very big like dude let's go if you're if you're in your high alignment we're in a collaborative thing we can go to the moon right and so so the one of the things i want to offer is what's trying to come through is not only a new idea or a new new world but the death of old uh patterns that would say i'm scared of someone else doing it or i don't i don't see anything beyond the absolutely everything past that we already have you know or or whatever so that's one of the things that the book is trying to offer too is that i just want everyone to get you have a unique voice and you have to not think from the old world right and one of the things the book does start out with is imagine if michael jordan was working at a at a applebee's you know or a restaurant or something and you know you were going you see that he's you know got this other potential and he's like yeah that's great i hear that you know i can't remember how i said it but imagine if you knew who michael jordan was and he got amnesia and just heard what society says and says you need to go to get a job and you're sitting here telling him dude you have this gift i know who you are and he's like yeah i gotta be tangible though he's thinking from the old world right i gotta i gotta i i'm gonna get a promotion soon you're like dude you're gonna make money you'll be fine right all of that's included in your ideas and the more my heart opens the more it's just like says something like larry like come do this but why would it say that with larry the reason is because larry opened his heart and left his his tangible world right of of the old world do you get what i'm saying he left the world of well i know for sure i make money in this business i know for sure i can see it so when he did that we got more of larry's heart right so here we are now with bigger wide open hearts and our and our heart meter and our possibility meter is much higher and our say no to things that don't align meter is higher and our and right so we are here and our our hearts are so open uh individually and collaboratively that a lot of crazy magical can unfold in this because we're birthing a new world and that's what i believe every person is here to do new ideas are trying to come through you every minute all the time and if you follow it and not give power to the ya but world the yabba world dissolves and so this call right now is the beginning of following out of thin air like we are creating something out of thin air this isn't like we already had the world of other memberships that have a saturday morning financial shaman already right this is like we're following god and god's like i want to create new worlds through you right so follow the heart let go of the yeah but and this is right now the manifestation of that and also it's the proof that following it gives you magic so we'll probably start following our leaps even faster in the future right and birthing faster and faster other worlds so yeah no and i love that uh first of all everyone's enjoying this moment in time because kyle did exactly what he just said right he left a successful comedic career to want to touch people's hearts and grow and evolve in a new way that source was telling him to go down right could have easily done just stayed with it right and so here i feel super honored to be following in that similar footsteps and showing you yeah you can do this because everybody on this call is speaking from example right everybody on this team is speaking from example that we listened and the universe supported us because this is a supportive unconditionally loving and supportive universe and those yabba's trying to protect you from a hostile universe that you believe is out to get you right that's one of the first things we have to do is look at why do we believe that this is a hostile universe why do we believe that it doesn't have our back and why do we believe that our hearts calling couldn't happen for us that we couldn't make money at it that no one's gonna listen to it right why is that more um reasonable than the universe has your back so i always say it like this so you're telling me if you don't believe that your heart's calling can make money or take you wherever you want to go um you're basically saying that the universe put that in your body you put it in your heart put it in your awareness and then cut off all the ways for it to happen wouldn't that be torture wouldn't that be hell so do you have to believe that this is hell or that everything is happening to support you right and that's what i love watching kyle do every day every week that we you know get to watch it is he tells people go after your heart and here he's bringing me on somebody's saying the exact same thing because not only have i experienced it but the truth is that it will take you where you want to go and that the mind created world or the pattern created world is what we're watching break apart right now especially with money right people are getting tons of money and not being happy not being fulfilled trying to get more trying to figure out what's going on or they're not getting it at all and being completely depressed and shattered and feeling unloved and unseen by you know god our source and we're like wait a minute and that's why i want to break down this book because i really believe it's a lightning rod for what's coming there's a massive amount of change coming in the financial world when we see you know crashes and bailouts and crashes and bailouts and we're like what the is going on if two trillion dollars and then another two trillion dollars pumped into the economy doesn't show you that it's all made up anyway then why are we so obsessed with it right because we've attached so much meaning to it so much meaning to our own happiness and fulfillment comes through money instead of going toward our happiness and fulfillment and letting money come and serve as it was supposed to do so anyway hell yeah man i love it brother i mean dead on and also i just want to offer everyone when your yeah but comes in and says it's not going to be safe take note of how much the yeah but world hasn't brought you anything right like like the voice that's stopping you from leaping okay i'll just stay here why don't we ever question that voice like why is it always the question is the excited magical leap yet we don't go wait the leap the the thing that's stopping the leap i've i have evidence of your work everything sucks i'm totally depressed i get addictive i don't make more money through you the yabba world is not anything that's tangibly showing you success it's just stagnancy that's saying don't go to magic and that's not only the voices that are inside of you that's the voices that are outside of you some people are primarily yeah but people because they listen to their own yeah but so much so then you have your own inner calling and then you got other people's external yabuts coming right and so there's a yeah but inside of you and then there's yeah but there are people who practice the yabba world that don't follow the magic and that's totally their journey and that's fine but you got to be careful to not let people who didn't follow their heart guide you right it is so big how much you have your own thing that's birthing and the old world both in your body and outside of your body is going to do everything you it can to stop you because let's say you have a new free way of living or a free way of seeing money or you you want to go travel and you have maybe parents that never did and they've they've yeah butted themselves down by not doing it now they might tell you you should never do it because it's a threat to them that you're living higher it means to them that their life was a lie so you are threatening their story when you live in your truth so one of the things that you have to go through is and that's the universe the that's the universe going stay in it i'm i'm i'm going to actually collapse these things that were in your body as a problem right and so you stay in the magical thing you're going to get from people and then eventually it'll just be accepted you know no matter what you felt politically remember remember when obama announced he was running and how everyone around you was like the world isn't going to accept a black president which is crazy thinking but then once he became the president the world wasn't was shocked for a couple days and then it was normalized it wasn't all the people that said it wouldn't happen weren't like i can't believe how wrong i was it was just like yeah of course he's our president and and when you have a calling all the yabbats like that come in like it's not going to work blah blah blah blah blah blah and then eventually you keep going and it's all of a sudden like it's normal that you're that right like it's about to be normal that larry is a it's normalized part of the absolutely everything pass it's totally normal that this is his thing it's not at one point this was a scary leap for you right yeah oh yeah i mean especially like you said about having a successful company and now what's super fascinating which we and i haven't talked about yet is my company is actually growing by leaps and bounds the more i let go of it and it's making more and more money and i'm like maybe i should that's that maybe i should and then my heart's like no let go i'm like all right fine but um not funny yeah man i i totally agree and i just want to offer everybody else too is every single person that we consider great that has evolved humanity that has listened to their heart had to go against the yeah buts inside and out because all of those yabuts want to do is keep you safe the idea is to keep you safe by keeping you small in the known comfort zone right and so if you're staying in the known comfort zone the mind can protect you from the scary things but if we let go of the idea that there's a hostile universe beyond the safe comfort zone then all you're going to find on the other side of the unknown is more supportive universe and more you right so there is no reason to stay safe there is only the illusion of hostility and unsafety that's what needs to be let go of so that you can move forward i say it like this everybody has to master two things whatever the heart's calling is and listening to your heart and mastering letting go of the limiting beliefs right we all have to spend time letting listening to letting them go listening to and letting them go and alchemizing the traumas and all that stuff everybody has those two things to work on so and everybody you see that's successful like kyle has done those things now of course there are people who are naturally talented and have gotten massive success without that and you see what happens to their life but most people that you come across that have done amazing things have had to master their craft and letting go of the to bounce off of what you said you're the examples of people who got success but hadn't done that and then you said you see what happens to that that's that's a really huge point because what we're really doing is building our inner foundation for us to be able to live in a world where it's normal for the success externally to come to you if you're in a place where your body isn't ready for that and you just inherit a giant amount of money or you become a child star before you know what what you are as a person right a lot of times these things can become really successful but inside your body doesn't know that you're worthy of that and so you don't have the vibrational match to it so this is by the way and this isn't just tangible in those two examples it's tangible in like every human being on this call has an amount of money that their body is normalized that they can bring in and then there's a number that their body goes on that would be horrifying that's that would be huge right like if you had a huge thing there's people like it for instance if you really really want like 100 million dollars i promise you you'd have the same vibration that would lose it because it's not normal and you're not vibrationally in the body that that's just what's normal that's just what you do and we got to slowly release the traumas that are on the way to that right and and so that's why you know people that that's why there's major studies of the amount of lottery winners that go bankrupt it's it's unbelievable because they is anybody broke within years a lot so you the more money you get if you don't have the foundation measured in lottery winners 80 of lottery winners go broke in three years yeah doesn't that football play 80 percent 80 of football players are broke within three years after retirement does that and and by the way i bet you anything that study would show the more money they made the faster they were broke probably right because there's a foundation that we're building here and you know what i want to offer everyone is follow the leap towards your next step not not aim for the biggest thing right the biggest thing you can see in this moment right i can tell that just by having larry on right now we're starting it's like larry's ready to start a series but i'm not ready to be like okay so the plan is next year we all are you know we're hit like it's nice to have these little tangible things look forward to but i know that by just having you on here and starting we will get new information as we go and it might be bring on another person for this time of day or bring you know oh larry's going to do a a new format there's a new series like but it feels like it's jumping the magic of today to to be like if it's not organically coming out to be like larry you have a series in a month from now it feels like it's it's too rushed right like it's like right now we're celebrating and acclimating and letting your body adjust to um where you are today which i believe this is measurable in everything money and also like weight loss like if you want to lose it too fast you don't you're not celebrating one pound you lost right so this is really merging with source in this well i love what you said and just to bounce off of that is brene brown calls it minding the gap right which is you can see where you want to go where like your highest wants to take you and where you are now and feel the vibration of not good enough because you're not where you want to be because you're only looking at the gap so if we set that too far ahead we'd be looking at oh what are all the things we need to do instead of just being super excited and passionate about what's happening today being in love today with everything that's happening the momentum will naturally take you there if you're just acceptance you know you're accepting and allowing everything to come through right now right and not putting yourself down for where you aren't but a loving where you are because i had this conversation with a client yesterday and she was like i might never her belief that we had to remove was she might never get to her dreams and i'm like realize that right now you are living your dream of the past at some point you dreamt of being where you are today and you're denying that dream by saying i'm not gonna get to the next one so realize right now that you're doing something anything that you dreamt of doing in the past you know whether it's your job or you're you were in a happy marriage or you have kids or whatever you dreamt of that as a young person and now you're living it and the way to deny that gratitude is to keep looking ahead and keep putting yourself down for not being where you want to be and you're actually kind of declaring to the universe just so you know universe when you give me what i want i don't even see it so right like you're by by being unappreciative of where you are now you're screaming to the universe when you give me what i want i'm not even going to see it so the universe is like well then why would i give it to you right and you're probably almost all of us are probably way farther than we than we dreamt of you know like like this is nuts like i hoped when i was a kid that i just had a i hoped at first i hoped i was going to be a band teacher and that would have been amazing too but i'd have this like nine to five job and a kid and everything like that and i have the dream kid and a dream career that that came through me and and the people around me and this is like this thing that formed on its own this is so much farther than the biggest thing that i was going to see myself be and um you know and and and the more we are in collaboration with the universe and in total surrender and in the now the more it goes i got so much bigger than you've ever seen but you got to really be with the emotions that are coming up now you gotta cry out a thing every once in a while you gotta trick yourself into thinking you're not abundant and then release pattern shame this is really a fun game right like and it's like going i'm going to mirror you everything dude i i've watched you i mean you obviously are amazing on stage and if you just said i want to stay home you know you that might if you made that goal it might not have been your highest at the time but now just watching you being able to you know be with vivi and build so much and do so much with this staying home it's just awesome to watch but if we had to put that out there and then like made it a goal it might not have been as beautiful to unfold if we just stay with it i'm on the road i get to be anywhere in true freedom i would have never thought to do that um before right so the first dream leads to another dream leads to another dream but if you get too far ahead of yourself all you're thinking about is where you're not right instead of working that dance with the universe i want to offer everyone as you watch this like you are going to get little surprise nuggets that you're not you're not anticipating right now so don't expect too much and and be blindsided by how much more can come in right like this isn't just you know write down everything that's said and not feel it i want to offer everyone to feel what's coming through let everyone feel the now that's forming and the excitement that's forming and the possibilities that are forming and um you know get excited about the fact that larry's going to be available pretty much every saturday for this like mark your calendars do not miss an episode you know and and really watch as larry unfolds in front of you watches you start to i mean if you get a little thing like think of if you just heard this call so far and it just gave you permission to leap towards one thing a little bit faster than you would have before and and really combine that with appreciating where you are right now you don't think that's going to add up in a into a completely different life very soon right this is this is really big so now you have this north star of of larry calls on saturdays to like re-ask yourself am i doing what my highest wants you know am i like i i'm fasting today and this dialogue is helping me through it right like i'm like that's why i'm doing this that's the yeah but that wants to go eat the sandwich that you know or whatever i'm i'm i want to fast today i just want to and this this is pushing that so imagine the little pushes that these calls are going to be giving you so so just a reminder to set your calendars up on your phone to make sure you see these calls and then weirdly throughout the week you're gonna also have me and it's totally possible and wednesday night and oneness like you're you are set up now to have six days a week and and breath work of of you literally could have six days of week six days a week of of content of inner work it's just a reminder to to use the absolutely everything pass it's crazy affordable but use it you're going to watch it pay for itself over and over and over so it's just a thought so simply let me just add on to that in simply by the way that you feel simply by feeling your way through this and feeling better about money about yourself about your heart's calling about you know where you are and acceptance and even if it takes you into darkness and sadness and trauma like simply by the fact that you feel better you know somebody just asked me the other day you know why do we keep doing this because we're less triggered and we're in the more the dominant emotion that we have or our vibration which is the dominant emotion that we have is more feeling good right isn't that what we all want and isn't that the point of money anyway everybody's like i need to get money it's like so so what so you're happy so you're content so you're fulfilled well if you got the happiness and contentment and fulfillment without the money why would you need the money right you have the feeling you know one of my clients said the other day her dad always gives her a hard time about the fact that she doesn't have money and she's like dad but i'm happy and he's like that doesn't matter i'm like well then ask him what's the point of the money then [Music] you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 12,287
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, hiring god, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, it's totally possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, debt, highest calling
Id: Oa_8eRr4hSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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