BOOYAH! We found MORE COINS & MORE GOLD in the locker bought at the abandoned storage auction

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[Music] previously on locker nuts I bought a pair of units at the auction because I was curious about these lockers why had they been up for auction three times already we've pulled out tons of exciting vintage toys and lots of valuables such as safes cash coins and jewelry on the last episode we continued to dig and find more stuff but the real excitement came from taking a closer look at all the jewelry we found in episode 21 and of course the way in what will we find in today's dig let's find out all right you guys we're back at the now-famous unit here's what it looks like here's what we left it last time looks like a lot of stuff around here what happened is I actually took a few pieces from another unit it's right down the street actually here's we got it we still have a pretty solid row back here it's a boxes up there one thing let me turn this around show you something real quick since I got all those tables and all the boxes out of this area here look at that that's at one of those green army bags and that is one those canvas bags right there so this is there's another green army one right there what else we got in here I hope there's some more because those were those had some pretty decent stuff but of course the green army bag in particular we had three in the other unit we have two here that is where that little cache safe came out of they had the 3600 in cache that little tiny lockbox came out of the bottom of one of these there it was full of clothes but the very bottom I found that box so you know and ICT more that makes me kind of excited but of course the chances that happen again priority dang slim but hey I like the dream there's still some chances here for some good stuff all right you guys I got that box right there out it wasn't all chemicals actually the chemicals are on the bottom but that thing it got turned upside down so on the bottom which should have been the top was a whole bunch more fragrances like this Elizabeth Taylor's passion I found like four I mean before more of those from Estee Lauder's different hair enigma some of the boxes are pretty I mean look at that Besant melted wax that they've let drip all over down the boxes I can imagine what their house must have looked like before because that's are just really disgusting but Giorgio Beverly Hills per can so some of these would have to come out the boxes but I'll look these up and see about values because as I keep saying I've been doing really really well with the fragrances this box right here which on the table help um I think this is the bottom and it's it busted open so I taped the top really good turned upside down and look at this look we're looking at here there's a couple yeah that's good there's a lot of good tools in here I mean look at this stuff this rigid wrench right here this is a heavy-duty wrench I think that's an $8 tool right there there's a lot of to dollar items it's two or three bucks two bucks or $2 this add up there's an eight dollar wrench there's another one maybe this one's a five dollar wrench that's nice actually I might keep that one that is a really nice tool right there alright get some stuff on the truck there making some holes here that dress right there I just cleaned up the bottom drawer still had a few things mostly garbage mostly just old letters and stuff a few sellable items in there now what do you think that is good I didn't see that on the first coins for sure let's see if it's silver I'm gonna put the phone down percent yeah tokens oh yeah okay wait these are tokens tokens and then here's dollars [Music] these are they there's no corners on here oh my goodness I thought those are quarters there's what does it call season be anything forty-four dollars my goodness nice one all right you guys we got this big heavy box down from the top it's not super super heavy get some thermals brand new thermals add some princess house alright so we know we'll bring that to the better flea market that's just like a beer stein huh princess House of beer stein a little warming tray it's nice actually carefully tear free chromium Shelton where there's a [Music] okay nothing it's very nice chipping bowl with care Oh a chicken ball so the difficult in the middle around the edges that's pretty clearly definitely that's one of the better flea markets definitely that's something raishin B leo first what if this is mass-produced er if this is some kind of custom painted it looks custom painted this is this is kind of interesting isn't it so I got a brochure for my art workshop that's pretty cool isn't it look at that you guys it appears to be hand painted I'm gonna put that aside look it over okay Wow look at this old box Logan knitting meal Mills huh I'm Chicago look at those old stamps on there it's pretty cool here it's like Tiger it's why Knitting Mills is what is this like a Letterman's jacket or something Letterman sweater huh that we gotta look at jewelry of some sort no silver key instead of silver key yeah all right that's the progress trailers getting full lockers getting empty got loud and the chairs out of here the table dining table stuff back there with his legs are off all the parts appear to be here six chairs a nice table I'm thinking that's gonna be 75 or 80 bucks but uh you're getting to it and I'm going to attempt give this shaker whatever you call that a credenza or whatever little display cabinet and try to get that on two but I've been going through too much stuff we do have quite a few bags coming out this stuff here it's all Samsonite it's good stuff it's awful these are all full it's great can't wait to go through that stuff it may not be this time and it might tackle a couple of these up here just so I could start getting the stuff off I saw something you know I'm definitely gonna have to go through these two you look in there it looks like jewelry boxes doesn't it the red ones right here and right there looks like to me lunchtime Jana made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and oh that's appreciative right now cuz it is hot I'm getting hungry and tired and I start a lot of work to do not that much but still work to do but anyways taking a few those were really really heavy really these are heavy okay let's see what we got yeah this one I thought had the boxes okay so let's see oh my goodness it's a big old cigar I'm great America that's hilarious napkins so we got a whole bunch of like cigar cigarette filters it's funny the Olympic Games slider that's pretty cool here's an old lighter that's cool cool calculator turn it down very old very cool some brand new chopsticks Sony Playstation 3 manual that's good except for the fact that it's completely got wet and it's moldy sheen spray prepare and sell that screwdriver but without that okay you know magic 8-ball or Valentine's cutie pie sweetheart love you a few more lighters are here nothing too exciting Allen says SWAT tactical gear okay okay now we're talking what's this Oh electric warts it's like an upscale lighter look at that that's pretty fancy we'll put that aside a few higher end stuff okay this is interesting because this is a restraining order so the the father the old man he had a restraining order placed against one of the sons and this is not the first one that I found I found another one also I was from 2014 hmm so sad those are safety deposit box keys see that um I'm gonna get this back to the owners just in case there's two keys in there it's empty two keys in there so usually they give you two down here the bathrooms right across right there and there's a lady that just went in there right when I was looking at this I don't know if you guys saw what I saw there but I gotta be quiet because these people are right around here it doesn't look like anything to me but I've been dead long before dead wrong incline I don't think that's super high instep it I'm just going to be a little quiet about that that is jewelry that is defined alright guys what's this okay that's nothing yeah it's nothing it looks exciting but it's not I don't think that's anything okay next I'm keeping this one alright I'm gonna stop the video cuz it's all paperwork and go through a little bit quick and we'll start it if I find anything good okay empty this entire thing was all letters paperwork etc all in here crazy huh almost an entire garbage can full of stuff but I was looking back over here and you know what it's actually a really good thing I took that down because this I believe is the leaf to the table that I'd loaded so we definitely don't to separate the leaf and oh good I'm sick and I was gonna eat that box too I might get it anyways but uh yeah good thing huh alright good trailer keeps getting a little bit more full I'm down to the last few things here I was trying to fill that box up before I shove it under the table and I had this bag right here full of bags yeah this is a really nice one right here Kensington bag doesn't whatever look closer I'm not sure what it is but I check in the pockets just to be sure hold that paperwork out cuz I want to give me one on this personal paper it's not personal can you say this does not look like gold to me it does have something on here I'll see you but yeah I don't think that's real but kind of cool I'm gonna check it out bring it home look at it closer yes and that's how I'm leaving it the table was in here that's kind of nice I made a lot of progress in that back corner and we got a definitely full load coming out that's the trailer always it to show you the trailer because that's my masterpiece for the day and there's the day's work Freetail everything's free how did you get to that yeah well everything was dollar to three dollars in the in the morning but it's time to go home where's all these customers and we're charging money prices right all right guys so it's been about five days since the film footage that you just watched I actually forgot about this box until I was just editing the video really we have that box that I put aside so today I was at the unit and cleaned it out it's done done empty closed finito but we still have this box we still have a couple things we still get the saved let's not forget about the safe but this box right here I had gone through in that in this particular video portion on that day I actually forgot about it so let's let's let's look at this stuff a little bit closer okay so yeah we got some good stuff here we got some good stuff this is what we've been holding out on right here to show you a little bit closer all right this is that some kind of a pipe cleaner clean ream alright so let's look that up on eBay see what we got this is that nice lighter we'll look that up see what we got for as far as value when I see see it we've got him talking about values okay this is I don't think there's anything there but let's take a closer look I don't even remember what this is and someone oh yeah cross pins some of this stuff um either I had edited it out so you didn't see me pull this out of those out of those drawers or with stuff I pulled out from earlier drawers put aside a couple comic books I never heard this one paradox space I don't know this one yeah I'm gonna be selling comic books tomorrow for two bucks each so I just add those to the stack but I will look at my first cross pens interesting but this is what I'm most interested in right here let's get this stuff out take a closer look because I didn't really look um so as you maybe Harvey mentioned a few times that particular unit that I just emptying very close to the bathrooms a lot of traffic there a lot of people walking right by my unit and I can't always hear them coming so when I did find good stuff you'd hear me talking a little bit more hushed tones I even had that some people say that I was doing that for dramatic effect that there wasn't really any risk otherwise it would have somebody with me well come on you guys that's absurd I don't bring someone with me for protection I'm my own protection I'm never in fear but that doesn't mean that I'm not cautious when I hear somebody outside my unit or think I hear somebody and I just found a safe well I'm gonna be wise about that aren't I I'm gonna be careful I'm not going to be announcing to the world I just found a safe I'm talking to you guys other people can hear me try to understand that but I'm not in fear there is a difference back to this now that I've clarified the hushed tones in the nonsense from some of the comments but here we have Giovanni watch heavy but I don't think it's a value this is a eternity watch again I do not think there is value there this is I don't see a brand on here Givenchy designer brand but I don't think that's value this is I think the incline we saw it is so nice looking Watchmen incline stuffs not super valuable but it's probably a $20 watch if I put any battery in it Oh something from mathematics and something probably for a sorority or something got some Greek lettering there and I don't think those are gold actually I will look that up in the loop okay so what's this look at this before ditto let's have some markings ooh are we it it's got something on something on there it's tarnish so I don't think that's not gold I don't think it's silver either but we'll take a closer look okay so here's what we got all this stuff right here see that clear yeah this has got some interest right here are you potentially some gold that sure looks like silver cuz it's either tarnishing on it a bit all right so let me get the loop these two right here that are the ones in alright I definitely want to take a look at this one is the one I found in the backpack I have very low expectations on that this one is at the bottom of the plastic drawer this one's got some potential let's take a closer look I'm gonna get my sloop get back guys I am in disbelief right you know disbelief I can't believe this this I it just it's humbling because I go through it I'm like yeah this isn't anything and let me just show you what I got I'm gonna stick up my loop out and I took a closer look this different here's all marks 95 so we got some silver pretty good that's not really any surprises this one I wasn't sure about these are all tarnished these definitely have the look these also have to look but I couldn't find a marking on it so I'm not gonna say that silver just yet this piece I it looks like gold it doesn't stick to a magnet this one does not look like gold but I've been tricked by white gold before so it does not stick to a magnet and this little thing does not stick to a magnet but I don't think that's Goldy that looks like brass but I was gonna test those anyways this guy right here that's not a diamond it looks pretty funky under the loop but it's 10k it's 10k gold 10k these pieces right here 14k this is this one is white gold those are really nice 14k and 14k so this piece right here came out of the bottom of that plastic tray and I have found jewelry on the bottom of plastic trays before it's one of my favorite places to look there's some 14k right there this piece right here is what came out of that backpack the Kensington bag like a computer bag 18-karat i mean i'm gonna assume that's what it is because it's marked 7 5 0 it's hard to see it with this little camera here you might see it being picked up there probably not 7 5 0 this one right here was marked 5 8 5 that's 14-karat this one 7 5 zero which equivalent to 18k I really thought this was nothing and I said I don't think there's anything but I'm looking at oh boy oh boy oh boy all right you guys you saw it it just happened a few minutes ago actually if you look over here there's the stuff still on my desk right there I actually have a different ending plan on this because we went through one of those Air Force bags last night and one of the bags looked interesting and it had some really cool stuff in there I was gonna show that at the end of this video but then I realized I forgot about the jewelry well let me take a look at it and it winds up being another hit can you believe that can you believe that I don't know how much is in there I didn't really I didn't total it all that but I'm gonna assume like another four to five hundred dollars in jewelry scrap value crazy right it's crazy this Locker has been great and again I'm sad to see it end but it is going to so tomorrow we'll get another video out with that air force bag and you'll see what was in there it's pretty more exciting stuff until then though if you would please hit the thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and hit the notification bell so you'll be notified when I get the next one out and don't forget we still got the safe we're gonna save that for the finale I hope it's good hopefully it's not a busted be a real shame to end this one that way but wow so much good stuff has come out already incredible I hope you guys enjoying this I sure AM alright until next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts alright I don't know if you guys get bored of me weighing gold but I don't get bored of Wayne gold 9.4 4 grams of the 14k stuff that's a good stuff 10k 5.4 we got that glass kind of skewing it the gym or whatever here's the big money 18 K we got 3.37
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,055
Rating: 4.9396229 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Treasure Hunting with Jebus, Found cash
Id: 4zGC0VjackE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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