FOUND WW2 MILITARY TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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and work through okay we're through whoo that's hot that's hot okay here we go are you ready Hales lo the treasure hunt begins again and if you haven't subscribed yet why the Hales haven't you make sure you do hit the bell so you get notifications of all the new videos we typically give you five six sometimes even seven every week of the treasure hunt and today should be a good one finally gonna finish up this 300 dollar unit that we purchased from an individual I've been working on it periodically throughout the past couple weeks maybe it's been a week and a half and today we're finally gonna get into the locked trunk at least that's the goal open all night laundry room don't poop it here okay well we're not gonna drop our pants here but we are gonna cut inside and find out what's in that trunk as we get everything else loaded and over to the warehouse and then we'll see what's inside I'm set up on the dock at the warehouse these are the last two trunks that we have to go through now the second one being the World War 2 trunk and we've got the cedar chest now the cedar chest top has broken off that thing's pretty flimsy so I've been trying to keep it on but we're gonna dig into that first and then we're gonna cut the lock off of the World War 2 trunk unfortunately I'm flying solo today not by choice but let's open her up and see what I said that thing was broken off as I was moving it it was sliding all over so let's see what we got here we got a Neil Diamond looks like a pretty cool Neil Diamond record there's a price right there 75 99 is that a real record or is that just a picture I'm not sure look at here we got Beatles red rose Speedway Paul McCartney looks like there's some signatures on there that's Abbey Road yeah we all know that one that's Abbey Road we've got Lonely Hearts Club by Peter Frampton and Bee Gees wings at the speed of sound okay look at this here's the Road Runner funny front cloth beach bag still in the plastic 59 cents I'd be curious how much that's actually worth on eBay I'm not seeing a date I see made in the USA so that's cool we've got oh look at this there's little Lithia graph from yeah it is it's the luteal graph 1994 from Snow White in the seven doors see there and Oh looking down I see another one look here 1997 but nothing in it okay looks like we got another blank let's see what it is that one was the Lion King 95 definitely have some paperwork there's a refrigeration and air-conditioning guide another pouch now if I'm not mistaken these are for craftsman or tradesman carrying your hot objects in that right there so whether your welder whether anything along those lines we've got we got the figure Point needle book best of all family uses look at that and the needles are still in there actually how cool is that that's Japan 70 gold needles so I'm not sure if that's real gold or not but there you go you got owned oh let's see you've got a whole plate we got a a granulated sugar cane oh wait wait we stand er standard brands no there's nothing in it there's nothing in I thought maybe I said stamps but nope okay we've got there's some old poker chips got bunch of random things like electronic scissors what is that this is for what this is for measuring something but what exactly the review that's involved right I'm not sure what this is to measure but it's for measuring something here's some old Kelly perfume or cologne this looks like a lotion old lotion jar here's a hearse there's a purse and we've got some old pieces of something so nothing nothing too crazy right there some old boxes packaging containers what's this oh it's a pressure gauge it's just a pressure gauge brand-new and that should catch up any day the successful fish hobbyist sneak over here just some old papers big plans for Market Square [Music] that's pretty useless to us mechanic Illustrated that could actually November 1972 that could have some collectible value there okay there's a baby shoe now a lot of people like to bronze these or good and we got an old that be an Afghan or maybe even a bait I bet you that's a baby blanket that's what I bet you that is I bet you that's the baby blanket with the baby shoes that's what the parrot is here wanted those old brushes would this be like Victorian style oh I thought maybe there was a knife there was maybe I could knife in there yes I guess that's how you replace the head I saw that it was it wasn't connected I thought maybe that was secret tonight for the ladies back in the day okay we got some candy we got some candy but it's hard candy and it's plastic and definitely not gonna be able to eat that even though I am starving right now oh here's something here's something question is what kind of something here's a tote full watches okay do you read what kind of brand that is I can't I can't see either of them either which way right now Timex that's the Timex see what else we have here we have a I can't read it we have another one which is I can't see that one either it's not always the easiest thing actually filming when you do this as a matter of fact it makes it a hundred times more there's a chisel it's a box of randoms just random stuff but why why did you put this like there's metal and then there's a plastic sheet I don't get it here is some kind there's a cinnamon and sugar that's what they used to for shaker some Springs big Springs Boing okay all right I'm gonna go and sort through the rest of this if I find anything of value I'm gonna show it to you if I don't we're gonna get on to the World War 2 trunk we're gonna cut that lock off I did find two more little treasures in there that I thought were to eat this little pillow it says treasure matters which obviously we believe that and then we've got a 10 karat gold watch that's probably just plate gold but at the same time gold is cold so remember treasure matters so what we have here is you can see you see the 10k right up there 10k it's time and for those that didn't see when we purchased this unit we were told there was a world war 2 trunk inside and there is and it's dated it got all the information on the side ship from Germany we're not gonna share all that personal information for you but we will share the original video it will be in the video description and then we'll also link that in the comments and we'll put in that comment so we did not find the key so what we're gonna do is instead of taking a sledgehammer to this trunk we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna take the grinder so let's see what we can do remember safety first always grind away from your sausage [Music] and work through okay we're through whoo that's hot that's hot okay here we go are you ready here we go we're through and one two three look at that right there just look at the here let me bring let me bring it up for you so you can see see that right there in 1943 okay I'm gonna bring the camera in here we go Lee furniture manufacturing SPE seedot seedot QD dot number semi GI be 1943 all right all right here we go the first thing I see is Elvis there's Elvis there's Elvis the pelvis we found some other Elvis stuff in this unit Elvis is alive and Elvis dad controls Presley estate Presley fans face delay in viewing stars burial site appealing youth market Elvis becomes a movie hit Elvis Elvis Elvis Elvis there's more ailments plague Presley and there's world war two right there World War two what if strategic alter I'll turn it as a world war two edited by somebody who's German this is definitely a World War two book inside a world war two trunk and no stinking way alright just because it's offensive I'm going to try and cover up a little bit but there is a book here and again are we're not trying to offend anybody whatsoever but this is definitely world war two and stuff underneath here oh my goodness all right we tell you in every single unit this stuff is in every single unit and look at that we've got everybody's gonna ask the dates 2013 2010 2010 I don't know the dates on that we're just gonna set that right aside and it looks like we have more we do we have more in DVD form we're going to set that aside to we've got a super comb maybe that was for the opposition's mustache you know comb that must I don't know look at that how beautiful that is let's see if there's any markings no but it looks like there are some kind of marking there I wonder if that's sterling silver or not I wonder if that's like I wonder if that's from that error huh it's beautiful modern made gas range instructions manual there's some kind of patch can anybody identify this patch if you can put it down in the comments what would this patch before remember this fella served and this trunk came from Germany was shipped back home to the United States we've got mister this is US Army single six signal vilela signal Center and school okay I think we're okay there's no personal information there I'm not gonna go through all that right now there's some frilly stuff there's a a heart handkerchief there's another handkerchief look at this this is pretty ornate I guess would be what you would call it Wow okay you as 25 Livingston Kentucky see if I can show you the whole thing can you see that all right it's beautiful whatever it is I don't know if that's a fort where he was stationed here's another one well this one has the US Army on it here here here here let's just close this for a second and put it there US Army Fort Benning Georgia okay here we go to my wife little wife made may who made my dreams come true her name is only you you Sharon all I do and I jump you make my joy complete by simply being you so here is US Army Fort Benning Georgia I wonder I wonder if that's where he was stationed here's some more cast iron cast iron and this looks like an old nightlight see if this cast iron has any markings it does Taiwan I'm not sure what that's gonna mean but the markings are Taiwan on the cast iron here's another here's another nightlight and it's kind of weird just kind of weird pencil got a couple more things this is a deed first Federal Savings and Loan deed let me look at this really quick see what I can find and there is one more thing here why I'm looking at that there's a Crown Royal it's in yeah that's everything that's everything that's in the rest of it there's a Crown Royal tin let's see what's inside this deed here's a copy of the last will and testament copy of the last will and testament see what else is in here here's a marriage license but again I can't show that to you here's a I can't show that to you either too much personal information I found the deed alright I'll go through this and if I find anything of any more interest in the paperwork I'll share that with you especially if it's military wives okay here we go auto parts and here's like a knife look at that there's a kunai f-- that's a browning George would be proud there's a Browning here's another it looks like another hunting connive skinning accepters actually that's probably okay that you saw that alright that's not personal information from the people in this unit so they probably bought that somewhere passed it down here is a Berkeley so there's another Berkeley connive again probably a hunting skinning knife looks like we got another one that's a surgical stainless we have here we have phantom calls a pro series phantom calls ProSeries phantom calls you know what this you know what this is for I bet how about these are hunting calls I bet that's for hunting calls oh wait we just found money there's some money and oh yeah that's 1945 that's World War 2 silver right there that's a silver nickel from the war how cool is that and look look there's some coin collecting lights - or magnifying glass here's another caller Shanley's alright so there's two callers in here suit else is in here some kind of cable work for something I can't show you that oh there's something for the phantom caller eagle all right this is all right may God bless your birthday yeah we should be okay her Paralyzed Veterans of America let me look in here real quick okay the only thing in here was a map that's it everything everything I've seen say anything about parallelization of this veteran so I'm guessing prep he did pass away but I'm guessing that is just something that he got for free oh look at this okay we got stamp collecting as well giant catalog enclosed we got oh wow wow wow okay all right this entire folder is filled with ant look you got stamps but I think some of this was actually personally sent to ya some of this was personally sent airmail I must see if I can show you some of the stamps let me see what I can grab out of here all right this is a three cent stamp and are they in nope not in there then here nope not in there oh here you go stamps that were collected more stamps just postmarks even I'm not sure if post marks are valuable some stamps are so there there you go with the dates and the postmarks look at all that how cool is that [Music] looks like that's it [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 185,917
Rating: 4.6229768 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, WW2, WWII, WORLD WAR 2, MILITARY
Id: 0U2oyuXhYKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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