Mom Needs Her Son's Abandoned Storage Unit Back After Locker Auction / Storage Wars

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all right really interesting call just now one or apparently is tracking down trying to find out who bought it because they want to buy their stuff back oh hi Donna this is Jack I just got a call from Jeff over at North Cal storage auctions she gave me 150 bucks she's over there she's says it fills my heart it makes my day and I appreciate it so much Jack yeah you last time on Locker nuts jack goes through all the items that he purchased for just a buck lots of good stuff here including lots of nice clean clothes and shoes then it's time for a quick flip at the old flea market everything must go but stay tuned because this story's about to take an unexpected turn alright back at home not a bad flu market day yes they've got a bunch of stuff on my truck thing a lot of empty boxes and some trash not too much not too much good merchandise sold a lot of stuff sold almost everything no sold everything you know that dollar Locker well so hold or gave away everything out of the dollar Locker there's a little bit in the trash pile there but not much so one hundred and forty-three dollars was a total for the dollar Locker today I'm a little bit tired but I'm gonna get right to listing because I have to get a lot of stuff to list out of that locker nothing big-ticket except for maybe the Hugo Boss stuff but a lot of I see a lot of 10 I'm not listening ten dollar items I see a lot of 15 20 25 dollar items that are like a lot Google Streetview guy driving by the camera I just closed my garage doors at my car door so I want them to film the inside of my garage I just think I'd be heck of fun if I had a werewolf mask or something right now to put on he'll be sitting in the car at the Halloween that's going to be pretty sweet I went back to looking up some of the stuff I didn't have time to look at last night this Puzo watch it appears to be brand new like we talked about it yesterday but brand new there 36 bucks I've got some other watches from another Locker that I'm going to bring out to a better flea market they're a bunch of fossils and we put 20 bucks so I'm just gonna bring this out and sell it with the others $20 each the value on these have come down just a little bit but I seem to sell them faster on Amazon so I listed this on Amazon 23 bucks these apartment 9 shoes they are brand new stick around there's 275 I look them up you get them on eBay for 35 I think so this right here 10 bucks I had a feeling on this 2 bucks this cup right here I think this is like another $2 item I didn't notice the sticker last night it's 15 bucks new these guys right here are there's a little bit of value here they're like 15 bucks they're probably 3/4 full I'd say but how you gonna sell it this one's about the same so I bring these flea markets on for 2 or 3 bucks each so well before these come a little like gift pack and they're like 23 bucks now these shoes that off these were money just look at the price tag on them mine aren't even as nice a condition as this one here there's a 30 bucks so yeah bummer I think I'm gonna take them to the flea market and try to sell for 40 bucks the Hugo Boss suit which I put on that rack over there that looks like it's about $35 check that out oh just got paid 12 bucks for that Buddha statue I just put it up to she already paid me and she's gonna pick it up off my porch tonight that was easy money Cabela's shirt right here I looked these up these sell I found this exact same shirt it sells for 20 to 90 nine then this piece right here this should be a twenty to thirty dollar sale this flight jacket cover whatever you call it yeah we cannot send a fix after yeah and when it's going in we could make like scratching noises so hold the iron daddies and put it up on Facebook yesterday bow if you can see behind me there there's a white Mercedes out there that lady just bought my iron from me for 12 bucks it's just kind of funny because people won't be willing to go out just to save a few dollars Paul's up in a Mercedes died she called me in or maybe she called Thank You Jack and pulls the money out of her Louis Vuitton purse no joke people are so funny I just think it's funny all right really interesting call just now that was Jeff from NorCal storage auctions he called me because the this locker this dollar Locker that I bought last week the one where no one else showed up for the auctions the owner apparently is tracking down trying to find out who bought it because I want to buy their stuff back oh and she said she'd be willing to pay for it in theists really stinks about is and you know we found a lot of really good clothing I get this big ol stack of clothing right here I got a few things here and there and I just blew out a ton of the locker so the thing she I guess she really wants to get is there's a card somewhere from a father that passed away or something and they really want to get that back but you know where that that could possibly be is right there looks like gonna be doing some my own dumpster Davian huh see if I can find whatever and anything in there that they might want back what I did find we put aside was this data card right here so this I think has some photos that told them that I have that and I won't charge for that I get that back for free but if they want to buy any of this stuff right here stack of clothes here piece of clothes I went through right there there's not a lot really because I've got so much stuff there's that Pujo watch I'll get that back to them and then there is this little tin right here I wasn't prepared for all this this just kind of just happened it's only happened a couple times before where the owners are like trying to get their stuff back and it gets this far where I'm actually called one time man everything was gone I I don't like telling them them I don't like tell them that everything's gone and there's no chance of getting their stuff back in this case at least that we have some peace of mind knowing that the stuff that was good was junk it was junky so you saw it you saw what I sold there's nothing good there I put aside so maybe it's kind of good that I got started on this late and I didn't really have time to look through stuff I put too much aside I should have brought more this the flea market you know maybe everything happens for a reason looks like a sort of like rosary beads or something if it's sentimental something that means something to them now let's get that back to them let's get that back Jim that's the right thing all right since we may potentially be getting all this stuff back to the owner I just want to go through this a little more carefully so these pennies right here I looked him up this is 43 looks like $43 I'm not sure if that's true or not if it's $43 I had mentioned before these are interesting because they don't have that copper look to them 1943 pennies I've come across these once before and this Hope and I have found something good they are steel pennies steel pennies they're not really worth anything I mean you get one of them that's like perfect condition almost uncirculated online right now for eBay for five bucks I mean that's a listed that's a listed so you could get it so I don't know is that even 15 bucks I don't think it is what I believe to be rosary beads in there that will cross yeah if we don't sell this back to them I'll take another closer look at that so we do have a couple dog tags and those potentially have some sentimental value data card of some sort maybe that's something that they're out there just got their religion on there Elijah's had it but that makes sense this old watch that was kind of cool so the face is gone you can touch the dials right there that glass must have broken off at some point and this is a Seiko looks to be old I'm not sure what that is that's right we got the Zippo lighter it's kind of nice it's got the Jeff engraved on there which kind of sucks makes it hard to sell but does have a nice pattern on it it's a smaller lighter definitely smaller it's got Flint that works it's a nice little pocket liner it's kind of screwed right there uh-huh Oh forgot about that mm-hmm yeah this does not seem real to me that Bruce Lee there's a little data card give that back to them I don't think they need these back hopefully those aren't sentimental if they are you know what they can stick it man I'm flowing with the puns so what we got here it says very go this does not look like gold to me nice little tie Clint it's got a diamond in there five cents before I go testing gold or anything we're gonna use this very simple magnet test yeah that's not gold okay that is not going yeah this I was just gonna test but I already looked this up it's probably really too hard to see on this camera button right there it does say 24k gold filled so that is not solid gold but this is the piece I'm most interested right here it's not sticking to the magnet that doesn't mean it's cool but that means that it's not not gold if that's the way you say it doesn't sound like it does not sound like wrong with me that's just I'm just giving you my opinion right now a bit wrong so much lately not on mine being wrong when it comes to gold hmm alright so we got the 10k let's give that a shot see what happens we're looking forward to dissolved in the fluid we're going here there we go yeah it is not dissolving not dissolving and I didn't think that sounded like gold all right I'm about to call this lady I must say I'm a little bit nervous I just I've only had to deal with this kind of stuff like once before where I'm directly contacting somebody something a call with my Google phone number I'm not gonna put on speakerphone because she doesn't want anyone she doesn't want her family to know about this hi Donna this is Jack I just got a call from Jeff over at North Cal storage auctions hi how are you good oh I'm fine I'm fine I'm sorry that we find ourselves in this predicament um okay so you know I'll tell you I mean if I if you had called me two days earlier unfortunately I just sold a lot of the stuff at the flea market to yesterday but I'm not sure if Jeff told you the good news is that anything that I think has a little bit more value I put it aside and I look it up I had a later date some of the stuff I haven't even gotten around to so I mean it was literally next to my chair in a pile when Jeff called me so the stuff I did so I don't think is the stuff you wanted anyways and the stuff I do have still is the better stuff I'm seeing two boxes here so if you want to meet tomorrow I'll be out in Pleasanton tomorrow morning for another auction actually do you want to just meet me at the u-haul would that be okay yeah that's on the Sonoma Boulevard but Jeff said also that there's a card or something in there that you wanted that it was sentimental cards normally I go through and I just throw them in the garbage but I do have my carvers can here but I didn't really want to go through that until I talked to you just to make sure anything that I find that I thought might be personal material I'll put it back in the bin for you cash is probably best in that if that's all right with you that'd be fine thank you okay have a good night bye bye that went really well she seems like a nice lady so the story is that I was given is that this is her son's locker he's a young man a little irresponsible is his first storage locker and she just explained to me that the notice has been sitting on the desk for a month now she didn't open it because it's not hers to open but the analysts are calling and emailing but who knows maybe they're going to the kid and he's just being a goofball you know boys aren't or is it that way even in their 20s they're brains enough fully formed and I'm speaking from experience so I'm gonna go through this garbage can you guys get to watch it go through a garbage can how fun is that so I should just like dumpster diving only there's not gonna be any treasure in there or I could say it's kind of like an unboxing in Reverse right so let's get started on that all right so here we go I'm not looking forward to this this isn't the part the job I like but I'm gonna do it cuz this lady it seems nice and I want to make sure she gets her step back you're watching this and you're going why do people do this why do people buy stores walk here that doesn't look like Flair it doesn't look like something I want to do you wouldn't have a very good point okay I think that's it I didn't really see anything in there that was worth going through the garbage for I'm doing this really just to get the lady step back and give him peace of mind and for me so I can look her in the eyes and say maybe I sold some stuff but I didn't throw in anything away that you're gonna miss this is everything I got and I think this is the better stuff so we're gonna wrap that up and we'll resume tomorrow hopefully I will have a nice calm meeting tomorrow I'll get the 300 bucks she'll get happy and that'll be it but I'll tell you I would love to film this thing but Jeff already told me that she does not want her husband to know about any of this plastic bags got everything out of the garbage can and then here's the other bin this is a huge to Friday morning 10:20 and I'm on my way to meet this lady to sell her her stuff back or her son stuff back I must say I'm a little bit nervous I just don't like this part of the deal it's only come up once before I've only met a previous owner once before to sell them sell her her stuff back and it went well it did nevertheless I just don't like confrontation I don't want to deal with it it's like it's not motional for me I know it's emotional for her that makes a little a coat taco but we're gonna see how it goes in just a few minutes on how it's going pretty well the lady is very nice she gave me a hundred fifty bucks she's over there she's gonna get she's gonna pull her car up back there and pull up next to me so we can transfer the stuff a little bit easier because it's raining not super hard but it is raining we're gonna get wet we're out for long so she yeah I feel bad but she's doing it for her son I think she feels a little she city's in a fragile state is going through a hard time or something so that's the pulls on the heartstrings it does but the but you know what is 300 bucks it's not the end of the world that's a little bit of a lesson to be learned here for this young man so we'll see how the rest goes all right I'm sitting here with Donna is that okay to use your name I can edit it out if not no that's fine all right yeah so we she got in touch with Jeff at the auctioneer and said that she would like her to get her son stuff back and it was really nice timing unfortunate wasn't two days earlier because I could have got all the stuff back but I had held what I think is the better stuff the nicer stuff the stuff we sold was the lower end stuff I don't think you'll miss I hope not but we did keep all the stuff I had went through the garbage can it pulled out anything but I don't think there was really anything in there but I got everything I I think people don't tax or like ripped up shirts or anything but I got it I went through everything so thank you yeah I want to have peace of mind to you that will get you back everything but um you did agree to be on camera right yeah be on this yes silly little gentleman I have and this is uh this is kind of a new for me too I've only met one other person before to get him get her her stuff back and that was years ago so um I really do like the fact that we can get your stuff back it's it fills my heart there's not much left of him and his job he's still alive my son is still alive but it was just a mishap I didn't open mail I should have opened it a few weeks ago and you have worked as a true gentleman with me and for me to get back what we could and and I so appreciate it yes it's it's it fills my heart it makes my day and I appreciate it so much yeah yes it's it's I don't even know what's in there I haven't left and I I'm not gonna look I probably should but I'm so grateful to have it yeah I'm so grateful to have it yes grateful to have the opportunity to give it back to you really thank you um and I just I just want to say you shared a little bit of your story with me that you're you do senior care yes and that your son you think would would be upset to lose this now yes when and if he finds out and I don't want to take your money really I I just want to give it back to you oh no no no I do no no no no I do I promise you I've already made a little bit of money off what I sold my wife called right in the middle no I do please let me let me give you the money because I don't feel right about it I not knowing you I was you know I just in my mind thinking you have money in the $300 is not you know a lot to lose and I I don't want you to I don't want you to be out money if it's like Oh 300 or so yeah well that's just a lesson he's gonna have to learn I'm making pay me back but it's not the case right yeah it's not so I I don't feel right about taking it I don't I do feel really good about giving you the stuff back this thank you really again I wasn't expecting this and I wasn't um well I was half-expecting it when I came trying to do this yeah thank you so much absolutely thank you thank you for being on the camera too because yeah welcome I do appreciate people like watching you know what what happens in this business happens I can't wait to see all your other stories oh yeah it's fun I bet it is yes I love storage words and I haven't watched it yeah it was the real life as exciting as that but it's very kind again I wasn't expecting it and um thank you yeah thank you very much absolutely all right I'll wrap it up okay all right well say that could not have gone better I feel so good I made somebody happy today she's happy I'm happy I hope you guys were happy because she let us put all that on camera I'd love to sit and chat about it but I gotta go cuz the auctions about to start pretty soon and I got some friends here they want to talk to you doctor Rodney all right see you soon all right that's gonna do it for this video I hope you guys liked though the series here the three-part series because I sure did I absolutely loved the ending nothing nothing before has brought me so much joy as this particular Locker it really did fill my heart and I do feel like that Donna's also that day at least that day she was very happy that she did a good deed as well and you know after that that that meeting which you guys saw I brought the boxes to her car the rain actually stopped for a few minutes and we got out and said our goodbyes she gave me a hug and told me that how much she appreciated it and I said you know this is this is gonna be shared on the channel and everyone that watches is gonna see two people here doing something you know selflessly for two other people me for her her for her son and you know who knows maybe that's gonna inspire somebody else to do something nice to somebody else out there and she said yeah because you know what what comes around goes around and she told me you know maybe you doing this today is going to bring something good to you maybe today at the auctions and I thought yes maybe you know I hadn't even thought about that but you're right maybe Donna let's hope so right so then I go off to the auction and we score a 10 by 15 for 25 bucks 25 bucks I open the bit of 25 no one else bid I'm like really no one else can bid there's a pedal car right there I'll show it to you right now look at that is pretty dope pretty dope it's like a hundred one hundred fifty dollars at least and Wow I mean there's a lot of other great stuff in there I'm gonna show you that locker in time in time I show you everything but for now we're gonna wrap up this video I'm not going to show you the summary because we didn't really this one wasn't didn't really come down to profit I made a couple hundred bucks because I did sell at the flea market a hundred and thirty nine dollars or something except who sold a couple items locally before I got that phone call but this one was not about the profit right this one was about just having the opportunity to do something good and I hope you guys liked it so until next time thanks for watching I really do appreciate it go ahead and subscribe if you haven't already that way you'll know when I put out my next video hit the notification bell if you really want to know right away and I just like to say good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on locking nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 17,804
Rating: 4.9434524 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storageauctionpirate, #hustlegrindrewind, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit
Id: A_2Db5yvS8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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