Found some of my FAVORITE THINGS! I bought a locker for $2,110 at the abandoned storage auction

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but here we got something good we got some records what do we have here an outlaw in his beer okay what is this wait a second you know what i think this is yeah you know what i think this is oh yes oh you know those uh new skateboards that come out with the one wheel this is the original prototype right here what's in here a two of three oh it's not done yet we are finding good stuff in the suitcase expiration date on this we're gonna have to find out and you know how we do that with the reese's easy easy easy all right we got a sweet tiger blanket right there that's cool oh this is not for resale we'll see about that all right what's up locker nuts this is the unit that i bought just recently yesterday in fact while my competition was sleeping if you didn't see the last part go back and watch it because uh great start already great start let's pop this in and start looking as a reminder we paid twenty one hundred and ten dollars for this plus fees let's dig in oh yes oh nice looking locker there it is there it is in all its glory and this one does look like it's going to be a glorious little locker and i say little but it's a 10 by 25. the last one i bought was a 5x5 the one before that was a 10 by 30. this one's just right right in the middle towards the bigger side we like the bigger ones so i spent 210 dollars i was thinking about this on the way here 10 by 25 that's 250 square feet right the one before i spent 1690 which i knew at the time was way too much way too much it was a 5x5 that was 25 square feet this one's 10 times bigger for 500 bucks more definitely a better investment the other one i paid too much this one i paid too little right i paid too little i got this one for steal while the competition was sleeping i love saying i'm going to keep saying that i love it all right here's the plan guys okay today we are going to get a load for the flea market so let's get as big of a load as we can out i'm gonna be going first for the big stuff let me get the gopro on and we're gonna get started all right there we go got that stuff out loaded most of it it's good stuff for the flea market this right here hmm toilet seat it's going to stockton 2018 championship ohio state synchronized swimming oh brand new with tags though we'll put that aside there's some baseball pants right here i think right it looks like baseball pants i don't know i haven't played baseball since junior high so what do i know but it looks like this is a nice dolly right here yeah it's pretty cool let's see how it's bowed right there so i would think it's for you know moving like barrels or anything that's around i think we're still gonna sell it but i'm gonna put it aside for now i think there's there's the other one in there too there's two these are nice i'll take those out these bottles right here i'm tempted kind of tempted to take these there's a coca-cola with san francisco 49ers on it man i'm kind of tempted to take these to the vintage market so we're going to the vintage antique flea market coming up they just reopened it first time in like 14 months i think and recently announced it's open today right now is april first event is going to be early may so we're really excited about that we already reserved the booth but now i need to start putting aside stuff for that market but the bottles man they're just they're heavy they're breakable i don't really want to deal with those yeah yeah but here we got something good we got some records of course we saw these records already i see christmas right there but we prefer rock but um 20 orlando okay i don't know [Music] roger miller i don't know 50s big dixie tony bennett herb albert oh that's cool we had that just recently herb albert herb albert we had that same one just recently okay well not super great stuff and this kind of stuff doesn't really sell all that well swing era i love the music it's just not a big seller but still records are good we're gonna put those aside what do we got here round table that's a camping table that's really cool that's really cool i'll take that my goal is to get in here i want to get all this stuff out these chairs the bar stools there's the oak table right there there's like it looks to be the round top to it right there and take all that to the market not this guy though maybe that goes to vintage market but i think we just list that locally this definitely goes right here weed whacker most definitely they love any tools oh look at me i'm getting distracted these are actually kind of neat look at this like there's rocks glued in to create the art and their wall wall plaques two of them that definitely feels like those are 60s or 70s that might go to the antique market okay what do we got here big old pen set robinson caruso i think they had a son that's some wrestling stuff souvenir program that's from one of the wrestling events 2003 okay this is not quite vintage but getting close and put that aside wrestling stuff does pretty well okay that's what those bins are for the goodies there's a nice wilson glove right here this feels like a decent one barry bonds advisory staff series all right we'll put that aside all right let's see some kids books it's like a lot of kids stuff here spy goggles drawing paper i don't see anything you know potentially with significant values here it's not significant value then we just take it to the market all right it's not good enough for our live auctions or ebay we'll take it to the flea market okay we're making a dent oh i forgot the battery that's a little lamp right there i figured you had them hanging in here because it's so dark back here there's no lighting actually they have like a light in here but usually the lights don't work but they still have them some good lawn chairs right now they need to be cleaned up and i think those will sell that's probably i don't know what 20 bucks for the stack 10 bucks doesn't matter what is this i think this is a fountain i could be way off but i'm feeling maybe there's a fountain in here or something i don't know almost looks industrial telephone book okay it's actually kind of cool that sticker k zap must be a radio station that's a vintage sticker okay a couple cleats i don't know why there's pieces of something falling around everywhere shouldn't be there's a couple remotes magnavox nice blanket here so we had some good news this morning we took camille to the dentist was an oral surgeon actually she had four baby teeth that had to be removed because they are not they're not giving up they're holding on and causing problems for the adult teeth coming in and she needs braces so she can't get braces till her adult teeth are in and those baby teeth were not budging so she had to get them cut out basically it's kind of a big deal because she's 13 and she had to go under fully under it's a little scary there's a key so that was this morning and we made it through no problems which we were fairly certain that it wouldn't be a problem but it's still scary for us to see our little one go into the surgeon's office you know you're completely powerless at that point here's a garment bag or something but she did great surgeon did great everyone did great it was over and she's home resting that's kind of neat it's an old piece lincoln school hostess club june 29th of 2020. we've got some beer i got a little porta potty right here that's good save that in case of emergencies all right that made a big big dent i like that okay keep that up this is going to vintage market right here look at these what this is some kind of fraternity stuff big plaques for their wall maybe he who dies with the most toys wins to my big brother that's cool that's right fraternities you have like little brothers and big brothers and sigma alpha epsilon this is a big leaf for the table here okay and here's a couple tables just in time for the flea market we got tables hmm behind the table's got a budweiser wall picture there another really cool piece these are good i like that stuff all right right here i got a nice shop light and make sure i don't break that that kind of would suck a lot but we'll bring that to the market i bet that'll sell it will sell there's a bunch of cones oh wow these are actually kind of heavy we figured out the guy was probably a coach like he coached baseball i think so these are probably something to do with uh coaching i think drills and such okay now these chairs here look a little bit nicer i mean not nicer more modern i should say there's a table back there i'm going to take the oak base with the round top if there's another table here i want to keep those chairs part of that set another one these tanks right here carbon dioxide huh what do you need that for i want very old ski boots raiders football there's an antique uh weed whacker there um what's that let me part to a barbecue or something hibachi yep matchy grill or some bowling pins all right it looks like some tools down here to the flea market it will go the cans actually decent the anodized steel that'll sell okay getting the load going here starting to pack up nicely got a lot more to get in though all right this wall map right here we're gonna take that to the vintage market that's kind of neat all right a little tear right here i don't think that's the end of the world this neat piece that'll go to the vintage market oh what do we have here an outlaw in his beer okay let's look at this out here that um i don't think that's a i don't think that's a real painting i think it's one of these ones that's done over something that has a lot of texture on the back so it looks real but it's not leave buck bukk it's really nice though it's got a decent frame on it wall accessory that looks like an old print old print okay there's our baby right there there's the uh divide there where the where the leaf is gonna go okay stop sign no left turn i don't know if he's supposed to have these okay what is this wait a second guys i was just grabbing this thinking pool cue why was i thinking that there's no pull point q in here oh oh oh okay let's see what we got let's see you know what i think this is right here you know what i think this is yeah you know what i think this is oh yes please be something good show me something oh that's a nice that's a remington shotgun right there oh daddy like daddy like oh wow oops you gotta be careful it won't be too loud oh that's a beautiful shotgun oh whoa okay wow look at that look at that oh that's nice okay we're gonna take that home and take a closer look because i'm worried someone's gonna see me that's awesome you guys i do already own a shotgun it was a locker find right if you watch my videos a while you probably remember the one i found it had a gun safe um and it's a nice shotgun but i don't think it's as nice as this one this one looks nicer that's coming home with me heck yeah all right guys back at the house back at the nut house let's take a closer look at this you know they got security cameras all around and there was other tenants i didn't want to do too much with this out there but i had to take a peek and see what was in there i just had to starting with the bag right here it's a nice bag i think it's leather feels leather or pleather but pretty pretty nice bag really good condition let's open it up and take a closer look at what's inside all right now i know we showed this in the back of the car but look at that beautiful right here look at this this is like right here the butt is rubber so it's up against your shoulder and fires i think that absorbs some of the impact there it is right there remington magnum wingmaster 870 beautiful gun best i can tell when i researched it i think the cell for somewhere i think it's several hundred dollars i don't really know how to look up the value of used guns best i can tell i think this is about several hundred maybe if i'm lucky maybe a thousand i don't know but several hundred i think is uh fair evaluation easily easily 500 though you can see right down there that this is empty empty empty all right boy if that didn't make someone do a number two if they were breaking in a home and heard that down a dark hallway yeah yeah yeah yeah so put the safety back on there just because but first let me just look super cool a whole bit yeah red dome okay oh dang that's good found gun i'm always hoping to find some guns okay and here's the thing about shotguns right now i think they're really hard to find and that means that they're really easy to sell it means they go for a lot of money did i bring lunch to work today what do we got here hide and seek bars best before january of 21 that's pretty close i mean that's not that far off really that's three months ago i think it's close enough i think it's like horseshoes you know expiration dates like playing horseshoes if you're close enough you get a point you don't have to be right on the ringer you just be close i mean if you're on the ringer you get extra points but it still counts i'm gonna see this i really didn't bring lunch to work today we got that dirty towels i'll still take them to market somebody might need it i'd rather see somebody use it even if it's like to wash their car or something all right i don't know if this is the kid the guy is a kid probably those will return to the office with all the photos i'll get that back to the owner if he wants to pick him up that's good budweiser mirrors are very good very good very good very good very good there's a brand new one make a little brand new one in the box yes now this piece right here you know those uh new skateboards that come out with the one wheel this is the original prototype right here i'm pretty sure not positive pretty sure can i do it oh it's almost come on oh yeah okay okay it's not it's not really that unstable i'm just terribly um not athletic let's just put it that way that is cool there's something that's for something wheeling something around the warehouse or something i don't know it's neat it's old cool i got in here huh one lever tap with lock oh okay that's something better originally the description on this locker said bar items b-a-r ah this is for beer it says taste test to make sure the beer tastes right okay so this beer making stuff okay phil collins got some more cassettes these are a little bit dirtier sammy hagar at least the outside's dusty kiss oh okay there's some good stuff got some good good uh cassettes and then look at that bud light little beer tap this is a nice little box actually look like junk and some decent stuff there's another something tapping a keg or something that thing perlic milwaukee nice looks expensive some sort of pump a little bar tap right here right yeah nice here's another one bud light i think that stuff will be good little items we'll put in our auction i put all the beer taps and miscellaneous parts and stuff there's a little bottle opener i don't know take that to the flea market okay these little bookshelf stereos right here you know these actually sell pretty good locally like on facebook marketplace and offer up and stuff they sell pretty decent i'm gonna take it to the free market just because i just don't have a lot of time right now to uh list the sort of stuff but that's a that's a good little seller i mean you put them on for 40 bucks and more if they're worth more but 40 bucks man they're gonna fly that's a nice little 40 bucks and i have to do too much take a photo post it real quick this is a nice little turntable it's in samsui you know what actually i'm going to put that aside we'll take that to the vintage market the san seri tim table i think we'll take that vintage market what we got here vaseline look at that hummer huh this is pretty big the battery's got to be shot it's been sitting so long 2002 hummer um hopefully that's the right remote for it but it's pretty big i'm gonna put it aside because maybe we find the charger if we could test it we get way better money for this i don't even know why i'm moving it i could just left it right there it would have been perfectly fine perfectly fine we got in here got some booze was this i don't know that looks like some kind of mix it's half drink vitamin water ooh some vodka that's in here white claw hard seltzer bring that out try to sell it why not this looks like almost like a a miniature portable ping pong table that's what it looks like raiders raider nation okay aqua hydrate right here that's sealed clothes that's a nice big thing of water costco brand vodka a little bit more booze in here and then this that's awfully random what is this this is like a i think this is a flask how did i know that i don't know it's funny looks like a cell phone it's a flask pretty funny okay what do we got here skechers those are some nice sketches they look like they've never been worn actually maybe once indoors that's good listerine some chili and a banner jamaica hibiscus class what is this some sort of stuff you add to water maybe dish soap yes put that aside jenna likes that brand although she hates when i bring home stuff from lockers so we just won't tell her will we oh makita gloves keep that i've seen in the last episode how much i like my makita stuff what's in here oh it's been open i thought it was new oh what's this look at that pocket watch how cool is that it's not like a high end it's cheap it's made in china a cheap thing they order from the mail but still kind of neat brand new we'll put that aside that might make our auction if we have a few other timepieces okay here's that other glove oh here's some fizzy vitamin c's just like emergencies oh more change all right we've got a little bit of change in here and a usb cord oh for an iphone nice oh there's the quarters we found nickels and mostly pennies but there's some quarters in this one what else we got we're definitely gonna have to look check this out it's all garbage okay all right this is a nice big piece of luggage travelers club let's see all right we got a belt two more belts right here i was trying to buy these suitcases and oh i didn't know there was stuff in there you know at the flea market they're always trying that with me it gets old it's pretty low but they do it a lot a lot well i didn't realize there's anything in that suitcase right there i just won the suitcase oh you want to take all the stuff out it's like uh yeah socks paperwork huh there's a nice mariner sweatshirt but it's a little dirty and stained up but it's a nice quality easy pro gold huh that's it's thick crocs by crockett oh that's a nice raiders t-shirt right there we can put that aside oh here's another one is it is it it is and it's a double i know that's my size double xl oh here's another double xl well well and do we have another double xl we do indeed i'm getting some new clothes yo raiders double xl raiders training another double xl notre dame notre dame football oakland athletics sleeveless i like it i like it a lot all-star sports that's bowling wait is bowling a sport just kidding i just trying to take off all the bowlers in that crowd here i love bowling which is why i doubt it's really a sport there's a triple xl what is that right there what's that logo i'm not sure got some slides here that's good under armour that's not bad okay what's in here [Laughter] was not expecting that i was not expecting that that's really good right there yes a one a two of three a four five oh my goodness guys five two dollar bills it's 10 bucks right i know i know i know the comments already jack you spent like 20 whatever 300 and something dollars on this locker and you're getting excited over 10 yes i am actually i get excited over finding pennies in the locker oh it's not done yet we are finding good stuff in the suitcase p s p i'm missing the battery cover that can be ordered this is not bad condition it's got a few scratches it's got a crack right there dang but usually the ones i find are junked up all around the corner and a couple light scratches and then that little crack right there otherwise that's a decent decent hey i'll find the junky ones and i'm happy check this out guys already in this locker today we found cash a little bit of cash and a shotgun that's that's good all right let's not forget this side we still might find more good stuff over here cambridge classics nice nice quality is the other croc and this what is this these are some camouflage pants i think this is gonna be good stormtext redhead redhead extra large these are these are nice quality right here all right maybe use these when he took his shotgun and went hunting for ducks or something which i've never done but i can guess that's probably what you need all right little thing here oh tropicana las vegas you went on a little vacay i'm jealous i'm jealous good bag right here pitchers plate oh that's cool another raider hat raider nation for life it says brand new nice here's an oakland a's t-shirt rooted in baseball nice here's another big uh piece of luggage there that will definitely sell there's a raiders blank here looks a little bit older and faded but that's all right we're gonna still sell it we will we got some reese's a big old bag of reese's let's see expiration date on this we're gonna have to find out and you know how we do that with the reese's easy easy easy you go like this okay let me show you guys something new you want to know what the expiration date is you go like this you open it and peel it out you put this in your mouth [Applause] i'm thinking it's like late 2020. that's my go a little past this prime but not really more booze and some snickers that looks fancy doesn't it tin cup mountain whiskey okay oh look at this the bag's a little gross but those are deep edge vodka whole bunch of vodkas cornitos big biggest tequila that's brand new sealed a little bit of sky vodka what's this click and drink patent pending that's super cool actually i i really do like that that's that's a neat piece i'm gonna put that aside actually it's too good for stockton sorry stockton no offense and stockton says none taken okay hey we're making some progress here guys these are cool i i don't even know if i commented on these a little grody then that could usually be cleaning but i think these are worthy to go to the vintage market they got that diner feel you know like an old diner those are neat those are cool cool vintage all right here's the base base hello can you go okay yeah look at that right there those are eight tracks helen ready that's funny hmm what is this my feeling is it's gonna be like one of those big a big chair or a bench or something maccabee that's a good brand let's see what this is only because i'm super curious that's the only reason otherwise it makes no sense to be spending all this time when i have to get the van loaded yes very nice look at this double seat me and jana or whatever giant me whatever side she wants i'll take the other side drink holders arm rest put your magazine in there or your phone or whatever sitting by the beach oh yeah all right got a sweet tiger blanket right there that's cool oh oh my goodness that is awesome oh look what's below that's even more awesome well i don't know we'll see right i don't know why that box is all chewed out like that but anyways there's a ammo box and a trunk right there and it looks like a military truck that's what that looks like we already found the shotgun so this is that's thinking awesome right there i love that piece i wish we had an old house or something we could put that in that's super super cool most definitely this set is going to the vintage market that's going to be our highlight piece at the vintage market i think that's going to sell as soon as we get there i might be completely wrong on that oh there's a neat old poker table right there you see that that's neat too i didn't even notice it there's so much stuff in here i don't even like see stuff you know i like see right past stuff i just uh i get i get over excited i do i get over excited i get all like look look look look and i miss some of the big glaring stuff right right in front of me and i take that all that's all a good problem right it's all a good problem i'm just overly enthusiastic about lockers i haven't lost it yet i haven't lost the specialness okay ooh okay it's like let's grab some coolers those always sell well this one's full though okay all right oh i see broken glass in there they broke one that's too bad gross i kind of want to get that glass one out but then i kind of don't because i don't know where to put it but i'm worried someone's gonna stick their hand in there that would be a really bad day at the flea market let's grab another one yep more pint glasses actually that's kind of a cool little cooler isn't this pink vintage probably i could probably go vintage market but we're going to bring it to stockton i have to be careful about how much i bring the vintage market right because like this is going to take a large part of the van but luckily i can stick stuff underneath i can't bring too much i'm only going to have the van i got to be careful about how selective i am i want to bring big ticket stuff i want to make some money out there that's the goal right all right let's go through this stuff here okay a little bit of christmas stuff right raiders stocking these guys they're plastic they look like they're heavy or resin or something but they're not they're light plastic what's this team slay ornaments raiders ornaments okay that sounds interesting right here not just just more christmas stuff but i just see later stuff a little better that one might be a little better nordstrom looks like his arm came off though i only like to sell really good stuff in our auctions you seem to be kind of picky all right and if you've never been to our auctions i'll tell you we do them every monday night at 5 p.m pacific on our youtube channel we've never been come by and check it out every monday night we do it i mean we've never skipped one since we started about a year and a half ago hopefully someday we'll take a vacation it's been a long time since we had one this worked it keeps me very busy very busy fast tracks genuine letter keys for an ipod video what what's an ipod video that's got to be an older ipod manufactured by mako for paul sebastian fine fragrances not for resale we'll see about that sorry sorry i just thought that was funny what i just said i cracked myself up there's no one here laughing just me so ah lose my mind all right that one actually looks nice it looks like a yaw drill right see that it looks kind of like a yadro it is not but maybe it's a it's a yad bro it's a brother to ya dro oh more stupid jokes i can't help it oh this is actually good i know what jan's gonna say i'm not gonna say i'm not going to say it i'm just going to post it on the screen why not janna why can't we keep that that's like 12 worth of good stuff right there and i'm just gonna buy it anyways all right i'm gonna put aside i'll try to sneak it into our next party i'll just pull it out be like oh we had extras when i didn't know you bought this many good thing we didn't run out because we have extras some kind of labeler made in the usa there's that it's got that going for it monarch paxor one one one zero oh okay it says right there but i wonder if that's something good and by good i mean expensive it is i don't really need a label or i just need to sell it and make some money we need to get our 210 dollars back oh that's elvis right here thank you very much yes velvet elvis tapestry oh yeah baby actually that is pretty cool i like it all right there's joe namath a little wood plaque that's pretty cool oh what's this guys okay i don't think that's a real signature we're gonna have to pull that out and look at it closer i don't think it's a real signature but it could just be older and faded looks like it's printed on but i don't know why would they frame it it's got a crease down here i don't know oh this one's not ken stabler to angie wishes can what the heck it looks like it's written in pen and the pen was running out of ink so then he went over it a second time that's probably going to devalue it a little bit all right what's this peep banasak to angie very cool wow all right this is a good box right here that's some dice trick dice there's a trick dice i need a table i need i need that i need to get that out i'm gonna do it right now look what's behind it some sort of a chair right there tool bag and a budweiser light box which hopefully has another budweiser light i think those are going to be some money for us oh i'm happy about this too another good folding six foot table for the flea market we really cannot have enough of these because even if we had too many of these we've got friends who don't have enough of these oh yes that's professional all right now these bar stools i was thinking i was gonna take those out with me i think i'm gonna wait a little bit on these another creation by crow modern chair company those are vintage manufactured in los angeles that's kind of nice and actually i mean these were sitting on the table which is why the crease is there that'll come out i think maybe take a little heat gun uh if we have to i think it'll come out with just sitting for a while it'll take its shape back they're in very good condition really nice i don't know if there's value in those it seems like there should be okay storage hooks these are always good man this guy had a lot of uh portable cds two more probably saw on them 17 basically probably sold the drugstore or something pharmacy probably that's what i'd say not a super expensive product but still those two are brand new and we found two already uh out of the box automated book light what what is this look at that it's like a point of purchase display like you put on the countertop when people come and buy something at your store i didn't i didn't think they had a store i didn't find anything on that but this is brand new automated booklet i like finding brand new stuff like that multiples you know i don't know why i just like it you don't find it that often oh this another piece it looks a lot like yaguro but it is not it's yad bro it's very nice though paul sebastian 1990 okay maybe paul sebastian's got some value because it definitely feels quality it's got a nice look to it and like i said again and again and you guys are like okay we got it it looks like i said it again and here's another one paul sebastian once upon a time muscle man was made for me plastic sheeting and his muscle man strong plastic sheeting cheating google don't be typing something different and get me demonetized that'll sell wait do i need to keep that no no no i tell myself no no we're trying to clean the garage out jack but you know like someday i'll probably need some of that and i'll be like dang it i should have kept it i could just stuck it like right over here no one would even know until we needed it and then it'd be there and now we don't have it and that was done i should have kept it i got another keeper box right here we're taking all that home okay another buck's going home of the good stuff ideally we want to have lots of lots of boxes of good stuff this is not bad stuff right here let's just go on the flea market so put it right over here oh man i could go for another one of those reese's but i put them in the car i have to dig out one of these backup backup meals right here i'm kind of hungry hmm that i know you guys are like that's grocery eating the cookie but i'm eating it with these hands that should be the grossest part wait am i eating these cookies because now that i open them that doesn't look good wait how long do these expire oh that's good forget all that noise those are perfectly fine it's actually exceptionally good that's good harry potter yeah brand new maybe i don't think that's ever been out of the box those are sealed these guys are wired on still look at that that's excellent it's just a little dusty you know how you dust the stuff like this where it's like cracks and stuff i mean if you have an uh air compressor that's good but just get a paint brush just paint it like you paint it just a dry paint brush take a nice layer of dirt off and it's very gentle cookie time i love that oh yeah look at that that's awesome ready to hang shade sale that is really cool right in your backyard instead of an umbrella i think they sold these at costco for a while coolaroo all right these are not going to stockton right too bad stockton i'm saving that for i don't know what something else we're saving it for something else this feels like it's filled with metal it's super heavy oh you know what i don't think this is i don't think this is what oh
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 19,680
Rating: 4.9657493 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, found safe, locked safe, found coins, found gun, shotgun, remington
Id: hTnc9D04mCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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