GREEN FUZZY JACKPOT from the "Stacked on the Left" locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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when I saw this thing sitting up on the top of the boxes in this locker I had a feeling it might be something special and when I opened it and look inside and saw it I knew it was something special but guys yeah I can't believe how much this thing is crazy I just looked it up on eBay [Music] previously on locker nuts I purchased a huge unit for $800 to find out why the items were all stacked on the left side the unit has produced some exciting and valuable items such as Disney Lennox collectibles a hope chest time capsule and a rare trumpet some time has gone by and now it's time to clean out the second half of this locker all right what's up it's Sunday I'm back at this unit I think it's been two and a half weeks since I've been here I'm kind of happy to say that in my head I was thinking there's more stuff when I pulled the door up I was like all right we got this we got this oh we got this to you but if you see outside here it's actually been raining we've been having unseasonal seasonably wet weather lately is a big deal yesterday was Saturday I know a lot of people had their weddings planned they had to call those all off this is late May this is typically like safe for big events the big college by us Cal State East Bay had to cancel their graduation ceremonies is a big deal as in the news they did it last minute because it was raining yesterday so it's supposed to be writing today actually it's supposed to be thunder lightning and maybe even a little bit hail this is kind of crazy crazy I'm not complaining I know other parts of the United States are getting much worse than we are but us in California we're a little bit spoiled we're not used to this kind of thing especially not in late May so I'm gonna load this I'm gonna have to deal with tarps and who knows what else once it starts raining today and it is supposed to start raining right now I'm lucky it's a there's a little bit of a break so I'm gonna get to it let's see what we got but hey this is not as bad as I remembered it I can do this all right we got a big wardrobe box on the truck there I'm peeking inside all I see is clothes we're gonna bring that to the flea market it is important that I haven't careful with that when I'm taking it out at the flea market because in the same unit is where I found that nice trumpet that's a - oh I got listed for 275 one model different that Martin trumpet it would have been a maybe upwards of a $3,000 trumpet so I got to be careful with those but also more importantly if you watched our live video recently we had a couple safes and one of them wasn't really a safe there's more lockbox at low lockbox that was found in the bottom not of a wardrobe box but of a big duffel bag with call clothes all clothes I mean you pick it up you feel it you think it's all clothes taking out the flea market got to the bottom that was sitting right on the bottom and that's why we really have to be careful with stuff if we haven't gone through it we want to go on through it at the flea market because we get busy we get overwhelmed people come people will take that kind of stuff and we'll never know what was in it of course if you watch the video that's what we found like the thirty thirty six hundred dollars in cash and there's coins ooh that was the greatest find that I've experienced thus far got something here wrapped up in a blanket get you in here it's a statue oh what a shame statues been in this box protected but that piece right there is busted off that's plaster she's checking this even maybe there's some money in there not been nice that statues toast take a peek inside the handles here and all I see is clothes on hangers let's find out folded blankets 99 bucks it's a leather leather vest Merrill's those are nice they're a pretty good shoot too you can see and there's just a lot of clothes all right got a couple more boxes here animals hang on a second neither wiener dogs right here that is actually pretty cool this is Kern I don't know if that's a collectible piece or weapon it's pretty nice it's heavy do a more careful with this boy they sure like this kind of stuff Cooper read this it does smell pretty good in here be honest smells pretty good huh it's a candle holder looks like a crystal or something here I got another one of these that's pretty cool twenty-five dollars originally you can see that nice little picture frame those stamps of China oh that's kind of cool hmm stamps I have to put that aside I'll look into that a little bit later spoons appear to be silver or silver plated that could be good fun can you see them alright grab my glasses you had to take my jacket off the Sun is out look at that sun is shining it's beautiful it's actually starting to warm up to you so these two pieces premium sterling buy Onita you can make that out right there I don't know in this piece as well sterling right here heirloom sterling by Anita they're both the same maker and they do match I think those are solid silver I think that's solid silver of course I'll look it up but I don't think they're plated that's a good fine just found two more pieces at the bottom of the box isn't that funny this I hadn't been filming because it's mostly photos it's actually kind of sad and there's a college diploma in there too so there's just a few like books and about pictures and whatever's nothing like really valuable except the bottom was a few pieces of silverware kind of crazy [Music] serious that's the wrapped up and newspaper whoa okay that's for money in coins we're gonna put that aside a second this is wrapped up extreme water one it's like a little shell at rape shield law saran wrap you know what really good news I just checked because of the Sun outside I just checked the weather no Joker I checked the weather before I left the house came straight here thunder lightning hail now it looks like we may have caught a break it just says cloudy up until later in the day and then there's like one hour of 30% rain but this little thing right here there's some coins in here but I think it's all for but you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna save that for later this looks good this is a Linux box I think yes another Linux hmm already been open that's weird because it was shut the poo pantry mugs this product is fragile this is right here do not drop from the top of the storage locker that's pretty cool yep Linux so so far and actually you know what I was thinking about it it's been three weeks since I've been here right I don't know yeah I look at the calendar I'll tell you what I know Wednesday is a 15th cuz that was a big event our live broadcast you know that yesterday was it 18th cuz that was a big event because my buddy Bill got inducted into the Husky Hall of Fame for our high school not many people get that honor as a big big deal and let's even the garage show is on the 4th so so I guess it was two weeks no but that's what I was thinking I went to the flea market with this low but no this this load actually no and that is right I went to the garage so with this load and then I went to the flea market with the leftovers cuz there were a lot of leftovers American flag it's cool so that fairy book I've looked at up on Amazon various stuff sells pretty good berries are very popular very very popular we sell pear stuff pretty well the secret sketchbooks of Brian Froud looks like some sort of fairy artist or something I might also look that up um and this is done oh yeah there's another Lennox Nicky's teacup well I'm not taking that out if you can see that that's pretty nice it's Mickey Minnie in there I'll take a closer look later when we get home take it out of course I'll take it out cuz we're gonna photograph it and list it but hopefully that's another high-priced one card in the card these are not the right gloves for this to tell you that much nice little How to Train Your Dragon books got a holographic cover seems like it's new you know what I'm gonna have to change these gloves out these are terrible much better yes there's another Lennox peace with Tigger looks faded maybe this is maybe that was intended it's pretty nice huh that's just the car no be careful with all this - Lennox Pease Lennox well Winnie the Pooh it's a salt and pepper shaker oh it's all beverage Iger okay I think we have the box for these epic in the garage I found this before and I put them aside sealed shut got salt I think those are coasters northern exposure what the heck was that sound again alright I got off easy there I forgot that's like a little trivet right there so tile actually it's a decorative tile has got a chip on the corner i'm just gonna dog right back to it wish I had a table right now okay Tigger top two something prior teeth Watterson oh that's actually really nice that is that's super cool Disney showcase collection hmm it's not numbered but it says limited edition that is quite nice really good that thing it's a good unit just to recap we paid 800 bucks for this unit and that was a real gamble it was a obviously professionally moved the last time I bought one that was potentially me to not be a real good you can watch that video on storage auction pirates channel well I forgot what one of these dogs called out there obviously unknown because I got down to the wire I needed to clear this thing out rust-eze going to incur hundreds of dollars in rental fees for a home at a month so I called it my buddy Mike asked him to go in on that with me and help me out he did but I thought we had like $2,000 mocker turned out to be the big fat dude was still fun working with him this is nice Oh Lennox again poo pantry dessert plates look at that a rather heaping helping of honey pie whoo one musical figurine sounds like a music box this intensity 10 grab my glove intensity 10 oh this is electric pulse machine I don't see the electrodes were they yeah they're in here self-adhering electrodes they're not in here maybe they toss them this is good I sold one of these too just recently for some decent money like which was that I forget it was like over a hundred bucks it was a good one though I have one myself that I use like when my back starts getting really tight and I need to loosen it nothing seems to be working um that's pretty cool so old is new in your book they really do work when I used to go to the chiropractor or short while they're one of the chiropractors I went to would loosen me up with those things oh this is nice and they weren't the one I have is pretty weak though it's got a little Walt Disney stamp I'm not sure what this is let me just be a picture just sharkcam wait that's Cheshire Cat right yeah it is Alice in Wonderland that's cool that's a cool piece I don't think it's worth anything but look anyways the Judds farewell tour though Kenny Rogers is like tor books I'm like what the heck is that can't come on you know these might actually have some value concert stuff is going up Ringling Brothers I don't think so 1987 water filters we got a lot of bowls this actually is kind of a nice to the war in there yeah sprite war some signature housewares um a little glass bowls please look like pirates yeah no barracks wannabes this is tough there's an old pirates right there that's nice that's cool then we got this look at this photo puppet replicas what it says and I saw this up top I was hoping this guy would be in there yes yes that is beautiful I've never seen anything like that before look at this guy that is beautiful I do like puppets and I do like Kermit the Frog this is this is something this is something special the master replicas mm-hmm the box looks like it's in there yeah absolutely a nice condition with the exception of the dirt March this right here scoffs scuff scuff I don't think that's a big deal the front looks good it's a little faded trying to get as much done as I can't but right now I'm gonna stop you know I'm gonna scan this thing I just got to know how much this is worth I got to know when I saw this thing sitting up on the top of the boxes in this locker I had a feeling it might be something special and when I opened it and look inside and saw it I knew it was something special but guys yeah believe how much this thing is crazy I just looked it up on eBay two of them sold recently one for five hundred and sixty dollars just a few days ago and another one for 1,200 but the 1,200 our one was in their original cardboard box like I had the outer box 1200 perfect condition two of them there's a whole bunch of them listed for like eight or nine hundred dollars it's a great fine the only bad news is I'm looking at this gun I'm like I would love to keep that guy I think that a lot tonight I seldom keep anything I'm not keeping this guy he's got to go sorry Carmen you're worth too much great fine I was gonna take him out and check him out a little bit closer you play with him a little bit but this has never been open we had this all taped down all the original tape yeah he's never been taken out of the box so I'm not gonna mess with him I'm not gonna take him out just for my enjoyment uh but yeah but looking him close here he is super cool it's like I mean I know it's translating to the video but just looking at him with the naked eye here it is like looking at Kermit the Frog I mean it's like it's really nice it's exceptional it almost it's almost like I don't know it almost like brings out emotions because this is like such an icon from my childhood and looking at him right here it's like Lyanna Kermit the Frog he's very realistic I don't even think he gets more realistic than this this is photo replica so the documentation that comes with this is master replicas you know assembly in handling instructions all right thank you guys so much for watching this part five of the stacked on the Left series great Locker great items it really was an exciting one we wish all the lockers were like this but they aren't but this one was and I hope you guys liked it but this piece right here I was kind of hinting in earlier videos that my favorite piece is to come and this is definitely an this is an exceptional piece and we find a lot of really good items a lot of unique stuff this is not unique you know but it is like it's a rare piece it is and it's for collectors but what I like about this the beauty and the beast' was an amazing piece but this is like looking at right at Kermit the Frog and for us this is our childhood Kermit for a lot of you guys - I know Kermit it's very special piece but when we looking at him I don't know how translates through the camera but with the naked eye it's like looking at Kermit the Frog it looks real and it looks like he's gonna come alive and just start talking to you it just kind of brings us back to being kids it's one of those emotional pieces yeah and the awesome thing is is it's now up on our eBay store so check it out we are by far the best priced for the condition it is so it's cool if you want to look where our eBay store the link is below in the description so feel free to check that out also we have our email in there witches locker nuts at so if you want to email us directly on this side I'm running the other item you can feel free to do that as well but we definitely have some cool items up we're getting ready to put some more cool items up so please be patient with us it's exciting but a lot of work and we're excited about it yeah yeah I know a lot of you have said that your Winnie the Pooh collectors and we have several pieces still if we need to believe that came out of this locker that we have not yet listed on the eBay so check out the eBay there's a way to subscribe to the eBay just like you subscribe to our YouTube and if you haven't yet please subscribe to our YouTube channel get that little Bell button to be notified of new videos when you subscribe to our a based or you'll get emailed a newsletter I think it's weekly or monthly I'm not really sure but they do email out to people who subscribe to your store a little newsletter that shows all the items that you've recently listed but you know check it out I can't really tell you exactly how to do it but I know you can do it but this piece will be there and other pieces to fall very soon so you want to check it out if you like this sort of thing alright so thanks again for watching this series but it's not over yet there is still another video we stopped coming and the next one's gonna be really exciting because storms coming the storm is coming it's coming so thanks for watching this video alright till next time good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on luck oculus
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 21,498
Rating: 4.9465084 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storageauctionpirate, #hustlegrindrewind, storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, bought, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit
Id: QZMta0vCKUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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