"Uhaul? I Haul!" huge 886% return on storage locker buy - Locker Nuts ep18

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all right what's up locker nuts we're bringing you the latest video but right now on this intro it is March 11th which is and just so happens it's also one of the first beautiful days of the year you can see in the back here we've got Sun it feels fantastic yeah yeah it feels really nice we've had almost nothing but rain this year so this video I'm gonna call it u-haul I haul this is a great little Locker I got at u-haul recently just last week week before and makes a nice little video so I hope you enjoy it here we go here we go you sup locker nuts headed to u-haul in Dublin California this is a nice auction for me because it is only about seven or eight minutes from my house there's supposed to be three auctions on the on the calendar today on the schedule and now there's only one which means the other two got cancelled one before one after and must have paid the people must have paid up so auctions got cancelled I have a feeling that's gonna keep some of the buyers away so that'll limit my competition at least that's my assumption we'll see in a few minutes as I get here all right you know that little feeling ahead they're not being a lot of people here I was exactly right so here we go oh that's my walk cuz why cuz I bought one 10 bucks there was three lockers here three guys showed up me and two others one guy this is his first auction he was really I think just coming to watch see how it's done he said next time he's gonna bring his money - there's three units first one open it was just a couple boxes and some nerf guns and nerf guns are cool there's no value is it opening at 10:00 the other guy said five I didn't feel like bidding them up just for a little couple boxes let them have that one five bucks second unit exercise equipment and a dresser it didn't sell but this guy right here this is not like a great looking locker like this if anyone had bid me up I wouldn't going on this one but open into ten let me show you what I liked about it hmm yeah I don't know I I didn't really like this one there's some boxes so there's a little bit of mystery I'm looking over this couch right here I didn't see anywhere marks but you know what the wear marks are gonna be on this thing is on the bottom because whenever people put the freaking naugahyde on its side and drag it in it always tears it up so that's the side that's gonna be bad from what I can see from the door with my super powerful brand new flashlight is that the I didn't see any stains are terrible wear on these but you can't really tell from that edge but those are in good shape I could sell them and especially since it appears that I have the headboard which I didn't even notice - after I bid on it there's TV box and I get my hopes up on that it's just no 32-inch guy anyways oh it's the Samsung Smart TV but it might be in there I like the moving blanket because I see that's stuffed up into the bottom of it and that says the either the TV or something else breakable nice is in there probably it's a picture yeah receipts I saw this did not care for that saw the person here and I do care for that lots of shoes right so we see some shoes in there you see some shoes up here you see shoe shoe shoes shoes over here I don't really care to see shoes personally but whatever it's all sellable stuff so um I mean this was the table tables beat the heck over here so not living that the chairs reason to sell these little end tables reason to sell there's two of them that's pretty cool I'm not sure what that is but these are price and comforters or something in the plastic so anyways this look like a dress from the back but it's actually like some sort of entertainment center or something shelving etc so a couple boxes let's hope there's something in there it's got potential it's got potential there could be something in it does smack of left behind the weather's gonna suck over this weekend today is Friday but Monday's clear so I'm going to flea market on Monday this will give me a nice full load I'll make a little bit of money bring some cashola into the house but let's hunt for the better stuff and hopefully it's here alright so already getting in here these shoes are actually pretty decent they're not too warm who cares about that right but the only reason I mentioned it is that price tag on him 65 bucks I think I'll get 5 bucks for those at the flea market US Open we got you know how much I love my cards all right nothing in the cards there had to put the phone down weights three pounder something no so those are actually really easy to sell that's amazing how little toilet paper actually find them often I wish I found a 10 I'm gonna have to buy toilet paper anymore can't a bunch of magazines who cares but I do have a lady of my neighborhood that takes free magazines okay this is nice music solid a solid a Santana Joe a million that's good one your Sarah McLachlan definitely some chill you to Alicia Keys [Music] some sort of the car mount I would assume for something all right you got everything on the box now I put it back in the box I'll have a flea market stuff and then what's nice about that is now I can start transferring bone baboon we got here we got a little perk or a fourth towel and it's seen better days it's a good printer it's actually brand new I don't know how Mike does this one here yes Officejet 4650 look that gap maybe list that locally you don't get enough for those at the flea market we're lucky to get five bucks lucky to get five bucks on a print or even a brand Englander people just don't buy them but locally I can sometimes get 30 40 bucks for them of course then I have to test it plug it in 40 our price tag they've been warned but not too much good news is it looks to be mostly magazines all right I emptied out this purse it's just a bunch of paperwork so Kim over here hold these purses out and this first appears to be used because there's wear on there but there's a paper inside of a practice and it looks like it's been cleaning out the zippers same goes for this one you know there's been there's people inside like they were trying to I don't know staged it or somewhere maybe they bought it in a thrift store where they displayed it so what's kind of cool this one's got a tag on it [Music] if work a couple piece of clothing Bible oh this is from that day this is like a another drawer to you for this let's go battle so where's the good stuff I could just go dig in right now but good chance there's no good stuff it's vinyl tablecloth it's like it's [Music] Benson pottery it actually looks a little bit better decent quality you know I mean they literally save that all right getting back further into it there's some kind of memorial book this might be something that they want to keep actually do some bowls actually that's a nice strainer that's cool it's better than when I go there we'll be upgrading all right we got this box here you know nothing surprising until I get to this now here's something I actually have never seen before records crown blue at first I thought it was a chocolate on my glasses about reading that but you got this on my fingers so I thought that was chalk like pool table billiards Chuck I looked it up that is bluing die so you throw it in with your laundry in a little more blue I guess I guess what's that for like blue jeans ticket bill to give you a real battery life [Music] some glasses plastic looks to be new or almost new and that's means it's gonna settle okay getting a little deeper I mean right now right here I only see like maybe two or three hundred or so [Music] more paperwork brown sugar that's what that is a couple of pictures of themselves trash alright so brown sugar was not sugar it is a Oh what do you call this wig hairpiece we've all right just left because that my dears this locker here's the first really interesting thing that I found a pen cam video mini video camera and recorder but unfortunately not there you next books Christmas tree stand [Music] okay real quick cause I'm gonna go grab some lunch let's take a peek what's in here oh yeah that's it that's it that is it it's good all right grab some quick grub for lunch and I'm back at the unit I got five more boxes to get through them and try to bust these out matches pad sheets or whatever you call this pillows blankets it's nice stuff nice nice pillowcase on it the blanket right there is nice it's heavy oh my goodness more stinking notebooks how many notes does she take there's another bedspread that looks like it's wearing you but once again like a sitter they just can't tell us some of these people that does not tell you that much paper shredders do not sale I don't know why I think people are in Stockton really cared about shredding their documents magic just kidding I just took all the stuff out no there's nothing good in there so there is this cast-iron skillet right here is that see right there Kyler's limited yeah do you have just a lot of sellable stuff here I mean all this kind of stuff adds up dollar dollar door maybe there's two maybe there's three each you know maybe that's five yeah he's still sticking with that two to three hundred dollars out of this unit so not too bad but not too great either alright and here's how I'm leaving it all right where we last word right [Music] all right it's Sunday and back at the unit just started loading got my trailer with me and should be a pretty easy load everything this process just matter getting it on there only problem is the stinking clouds up here it's been raining off and on forecast was clear it's not clear keep sprinkling so I brought tarps and that's cover up alright I realized after I was putting the last couple straps on this yeah I probably should have got a picture of it before I put the tarp on but that's okay this is a little exposed here this one I don't really care two layers of tarps and all this draft and everything's oops I just see right here I should put one more set of bungees right there I'll do that and then I'll be on my way alright so we got that TV fired up and it does work it looks pretty good too so yeah the box matches it no remote but remotes look like they can be had for about 6 bucks on eBay brand new it's got that liked it I don't know why that's on here but it does also have the protective tape the film right here covering the whole outer rim again I don't understand why people use stuff and leave all this crud on their TV while they're watching their TV I don't know if that's out of laziness or if it's out of thinking to make it easier to sell it what you does thank you very much for doing that yeah looks like dreadlocks from my hair no I think that's actually pretty dope right there it looks like what's like what's that rapper's name has on the head you know I'm talking though Coolio I look like I got Coolio head on my beard all right so here's our boot today cuz all the way down the corner we got three spots so nobody cares about some of the I'm asking 40 bucks on this table right here and someone's offering me 20 for the chairs so I myself is later today few things here have a few people picked that up with two bucks no one's bought it just telling people 10 bucks on those lamps this morning than him Brian so a little bit of bedding couch surprisingly is really nice it's got some chips on the wood on the feet but that's easily painted over 20 bucks on the couch can't believe you haven't sold it this thing is wobbly and you see that five bucks on that no one's bought it if it asked an 80 on the TV here and I've got a couple people who have shown interest they really want it they just can't spend that much you could just tell if it's outside of their comfort zone I was asking 20 on this set now I'm down to 10 this isn't gonna weigh in I bought these shoes I guess they didn't want the box for bucks all these four bucks each oh right here these sold some silverware sold a couple of pans with lids sold a blender for 10 bucks and brought this train set out again 50 bucks no action yet this bed right here I think it's really nice looking to me that's cool I'm not been able to sell this unit I was asking a hundred with mattresses and nothing yet pretty rollerskates here [Music] for each step again mountain clocks result and sending the stuff out of that last Locker yeah some of it selling that's 80s toys and then actually sold like three or four of those maybe five today sold a few of these antiques all the steps been out a few times but this time they're bringing down selling a few more pieces keep bringing out this about lamp right there's 20 bucks it's getting a lot of interest no one's bought it yet though I sold a few of these that's about the bottles yeah yeah this is out of my stash but all this stuff here is out of that last Locker this is out of my stash so that's our boots pretty big and it's old I don't know maybe 180 bucks so parts again it's not too much moms on the sweep duty crowd is not too big today got the son outfit and did not seem to bring the customers not yet anyway about 10:30 holding onto hope all right as soon as I come out in the backyard to make a wrap-up video everyone wants to come out and join me because the weather's so beautiful today here's grace sitting in for the fun so I hope you enjoyed that locker that was nice one I mean it is nothing like super exciting but hey this is a business and we turned a profit and can't go wrong again with the ten dollar Locker so just wanna update you on a few of the things I got my notes here but that printer I wound up testing that it was out of ink it was dry and so I evaluated the you know should I put those brand new ink cartridges in and sell it or just let it go and sell those in cartridges separate and that's what I did the sprinter did sell for a dollar at the flea market the table and chairs was asking $40 I had a lot of interest but a guy said I wanted to offer you 20 for the chairs I said maybe at the end of the day but I want to sell it as a set and TV eventually did sell for 65 bucks the guy was really grinding me on the price but he did take it the couch 36 bucks the bed was the big disappoint another day sold for just a dollar I wound up sitting on that all day lowered the price through the day until the dollar sale boom gone for a buck you know this day was it was a pretty good day but we just didn't get the traffic we needed if I had more traffic more customers I would have sold that bed for $100 cuz it was pretty nice but overall not a bad Locker a lot of items to sell but those people working almost every single box every box but we still turned a little profit let me show you real quick the little summary you just read copy me back then all right first up was the ink from the HP printer looks like the lady had purchases recently intending to replace the cartridges in the printer but she didn't do it and instead of doing that myself I just decided to sell those online which they did sell for $19.99 on ebay pretty quick to within a few days next up was well went right onto the summary why because we didn't have very many eBay items nor local items to sell out of this locker everything was just kind of ho-hum the only thing I listed locally was the TV and I did get some interest in that almost sold it for 80 bucks but I just didn't have enough time to make it gone before the flea market but we had a good day at the flea market sold about five hundred and twenty-five dollars but you see there I counted for 396 because we had a twenty five dollar booth cost and about a hundred bucks was accounted to the other items that I brought up from earlier lockers but not too bad 400 bucks and also I worked in there $31 dump fee which we took after the market because we took everything that didn't sell to the dump you know if we can't sell it for a dollar or get it away for free it probably deserves to be going to the dump anyways so we've got four hundred thirteen dollars in total sales three hundred and seventy dollars in profit a whopping 886 ROI return on investment and I don't hear the cheer I don't hear the sirens the alarm I guess that's nothin to celebrate over because it's not that much money but you know what booty have we still got the ice-cream maker that one's staying with me alright so that's how the profit came together not bad I am turning some nice little $10 and $20 units into some big return on investments or ro eyes but you know what we can't buy these every day because they do require too much work I need to do something a little bit better but as we're taking a swing yet cuz when these times we're gonna hit a homerun right and what are we gonna make if we do I don't know big marine big-money cameras my camera decided that you're better looking to me we've got a little gyro cam Stan whatever it's called but anyways good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on you so I did this lettering for Google yeah and so I was getting do one for locker nuts and all the letters can be mattresses you bought like 50 mattresses
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 14,173
Rating: 4.9075427 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned storage locker, found it, treasure hunting, make money, storage auction, storage auction unit, storage locker, storage unit buying, found in storage locker, real storage wars, storage auction locker, sell on eBay, sell on amazon, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, storage locker finds, storage unit, auction hunters, mystery box, storage unit finds, luggage auction, storage unit haul, passive income, real life, vlog, dumpster dive, how to dumpster dive
Id: vp0OObdFJiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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