Bought this locker because of ONE BOX! Paid $510 at an abandoned storage auction. What's inside?

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you guys ready that's not empty it's got some weight to it that's the xbox 360 one of those connect motion sensors oh that sucks right there that's not good movies and music music and movies all right yeah now we're talking here's some xbox 360 and some original xbox games that's pretty gross all right that's pretty gross this is very interesting look it's got the spotlight in there if you don't agree with me please put in the chat what you think is funnier than that that is a great movie what's in this i really don't know i still don't know what's up locker nuts all right bought another locker online auction let me show you what i got here's the unit right here 510 bucks looks all right there's some boxes a few more boxes there looks kind of decent more boxes all right we got some tackle maybe some fishing tackle box right here the one previous right here we do have some uh fishing poles right there that looks kind of good and down here movies and music i'll tell you the thing i like the most the most was that right there lionel that's a train box i think so we'll see what's in it that caught my interest all right so i got my camera gear we're going to head over there soon first though i got to go drop all these packages this all the packages from our auction last night there are actually not that many packages because everything was a little bit small smaller items but still yeah pretty good pretty good load there so i'm gonna drop that real quick and then we'll head over to the facility i've got about three hours right now before they close so i gotta run these errands and then get over there and i got the starbucks too and uh get that thing cleared out it's an 8x8 shouldn't take too long there's our stuff all right are you guys ready here we are we're at the unit this is extra space storage not far from my house 510 bucks i paid for this plus fees so they charge 10 it's an online auction so that brings up the 561 dollars that i paid for this right here it's an eight foot wide eight foot deep well i'll just show you right now are you guys ready i think you are i think you are let's see what's inside you guys ready okay i know it's a little dark we're gonna get the cell phone out and take you inside i gotta get a little light on this stuff but you can see it you see the mattresses but that's okay there's a lot of boxes here and a few of them look really interesting let's dive in okay here it is here it is we got the light on we got the light on let's take a look around ooh already we can see much more than we did in the photos oh okay well um yeah that's a tackle box this i didn't even show this in the photo i don't understand that but um oh gosh this is gonna be heavy guys i'm gonna come back with my pickup truck for this probably all right well don't hold me to that but that's probably what i'm gonna do got a little hand cart here that's good i always like the dollies there's the box we saw in the photos music and movies that's interesting oh this is a good one right here too this is a this is a really nice one actually yeah i like that okay that's a good one well it looks like we have a little bit more movies and music right here including matrix reloaded oh yes i've been wanting my girls to see the matrix trilogies they have never seen it so that's going to be good hopefully all three of them are in here or in this locker because i didn't really want to buy it online so okay but here here here here this is what we saw in the photo and that got me interested that's really what i dug into this unit that's not empty it's got some weight to it hopefully that's the lionel train but i'm hoping to find a lot more than that right we're hoping to find oh that's the xbox 360 one of those connect motion sensors that's good video games is good i don't know if this is sleep number bed legs sleep number one what's this manual and rail looks locks leg bulbs i don't know what that i don't um what is this what the heck sleep number what is this do these guys sell sleep number beds or something what's with all this sleep number oh boy we got a mystery oh that sucks right there that's not good i'm a little bit bummed about that quite frankly i really didn't want that that did not get shown in the photos so we have a few boxes here i don't know maybe a dozen boxes a couple of them up here i'm not seeing the 500 yet these boxes hopefully hold some good stuff and the sleep number stuff has me a little bit concerned what's that right here this could be something decent fair playing cortland hopefully this is some decent stuff all right guys what do you think i'm not sure what i think honestly i don't really know what i think just yet i'm gonna have to pull out some of the boxes but you know what this is all part of the thing isn't it this is all part of the experience bidding that much money 561 dollars is a lot of money to bid you got all that hesitation like oh i don't know if i should spend that much and then you get it and then there's like a kind of a thrill like yes i got one and then you get here and it's like oh i don't know i don't know if i'll make my money back or make any profit for that matter and then you find something good and it lifts you to the moon let's hope that happens here because it doesn't always happen but it has happened in fact it just happened recently right with that guitar that awesome guitar i found signed by george strait and a couple other guys that was amazing anyways this is the dark in here it's very dark so we're not going to be able to use that gopro like we'd like to so i'm going to just load all these boxes up and we're going to take those home and go through them there but i'll probably come back for a second load to get this furniture because it's way easier to do with my pickup all right let's start getting some of this stuff out and loaded those are some nice tongs those are huge let's take a little pixie okay there's xbox 360 and some bookshelf speakers that's all right yeah that's a lot of music right there looks like some movies down below that's good it's good stuff for our auctions oh look at this guys train track cars switches etc i think that's train stuff in there yeah it says right there too that's good more pillows in my blanket that's not what i uh sheets and towels dang it that's not what i want to see [Music] more speakers all right that's a pretty good load right there see that's load number one all right there's load one okay what are these are these sleep numbers there's a bunch of fishing supplies here yeah this mattress actually looks pretty decent i gotta like i always say you gotta get it outside look at it in the sun i see a little quite a bit of dirt here that could have just been from moving it sliding it around no stains that i can see but it's really hard to see in here it's empty bag kensington though that's a nice laptop bag i hope that's the microwave it looks like a decent one all right that's load number two now let's take a look at this i like when the drawers are full all right next loads ready so all right there's load two back for more another tv right here that's good i saw that pedestal right there and i thought there might be a tv here sure enough there is that's a samsung it's a little bit older a little bit older tv but it's still probably going to be kind of decent that feels like it's in there oh this is not empty this is almost definitely a plasma it's super heavy all right that's another good load right there i can't see it's good stuff but it is a full cart so all right there is load three got most of the boxes on so now i've got is the mattresses and the two big pieces of furniture and a couple little miscellaneous things which i'll go up and grab a couple more things by hand but i think i'm gonna take this home and start unboxing all right guys that wasn't too bad i think it was here for only like an hour that's not too much between you know paying and uh with them showing you the locker all that's dead time so that's not even loading so an hour not too bad now i'm on my way home and we'll go through some boxes tomorrow i'll have to come back for the furniture that's no problem though uh one thing i just wanted to mention it is a glorious day you can see i'm in a t-shirt and i'm starting to break a sweat it is uh very warm very warm my temperature in my car says 79 degrees can you believe that this is february 23rd that's crazy we're getting some good weather all right lockernuts back at the nut house and uh yeah i don't know if that ride came through on the video but such a pleasant drive on the way home from this particular facility i go through the mountain right here uh yeah very nice so it's starting to get dark it's starting to get dark it's about six o'clock right now i got a little bit delayed it came home to kind of a mess uh turns out that there is a uh scammer that has duplicated my page stole all my videos and put them on his site on facebook and is sending all the people who have commented i think they're sending them like friend requests and asking them to come whatever watch on their channel or something it's very frustrating and facebook doesn't give us a very good way to combat that a lot of channels are having the same problem so hopefully they get that figured out here very soon but in the meantime shame on you facebook for like giving uh scammers a platform to do that it's silly there's no way to there's no way for us to contact anyone at facebook and there's no way for us to report a fraudulent page someone who's copying us crazy all right well anyways um let's see if we can plot a couple things the tvs and stuff i got to get that stuff listed quick because i gotta i don't want to sit in the garage let's see if i can pull something out of this day before it gets too dark all right so much for that idea it's the next day it's sunny out um it just the night got away from me my daughter wanted my attention i had other stuff come up so here we are next day let's get i brought these in so i could do them inside at night because this room is well lit what can i see let's let's see what's in those boxes right there let's get on it let's get this show on the road this is one of my favorite spots for unboxing because it's where we do our auctions i've got quite a bit of lighting set up here and it's uh it's well lit all right 24 leg bolts i think this is probably something else to deal with this sleep number stuff those look like remotes it's right there real light sleep number i bet you the remotes have full value i bet you they do oh this shed some light as to what we have this is what we have we found this four panels i don't know if i showed it in the video but we found those four panels we found all these pieces we're finding lots of pieces so that's what it is huh it's a bed oh there it is okay so that's what it looks like assembled huh there's a list of all they were definitely organized mattress inflator select comfort corporation model s f c s 0 1 d r what is this i don't know there's a bunch of bolts here the inflator has really got me perplexed so is this an inflatable mattress it looked like it was sleep number i thought was something a lot more fancy upper end all right well anyways next box movies and music music and movies and i like that i'm doing these right in this room here because we're probably gonna auction most of this stuff off if you guys aren't sure what i'm talking about when i keep mentioning auctions well we do uh live auctions right here in this room every monday night 5 pm pacific on our youtube channel never been definitely check it out it's a lot of fun it's fun just to watch but if you want to buy any of the stuff that you see coming out well that's where we sell a lot of the better items that we find right in the live auction you can you can be a part of it you can own some of this stuff but i'll tell you what these cds are in excellent condition usually find it with lots of scuffing on there these ones are very nice a little bit of scuff on the disc but not much at all these are these are good oh talking heads more songs about buildings and food i love the talking heads look at this focus awakened minds incorporated and it says right here never listen to the cd while driving what what are you focused are you not focused it's called clarity why can't you listen to this you can't listen to this and drive maybe you need this cd i don't know roy orbison stone temple pilots this is good stuff jeff healey band stevie nicks yeah we're gonna make some good lots for the auction out of this stuff genesis beach boys the doors blues traveler history channel ancient rome home alone ken burns film the national parks of pearl harbor jerry suckheimer david jerry suck armor why you gotta ruin pearl harbor great explorers carly simon jeff beck led zeppelin johnny cash stevie ray vaughan oh okay i see something better in here i see something better in here start with this grand theft auto four it's xbox 360. more cds stevie ray vaughan meat love pink floyd roy orbison yeah now we're talking here's some xbox 360 and some original xbox games including this is one of my favorites return to castle wolfenstein i like that game grand theft auto san andreas few more xbox 360 and xbox [Music] oh conan the destroyer yoga vietnam and high def ever after mash oh look at that season one lost in space is a good movie the river wild very good one of the funniest movies ever come on you guys if you don't agree with me please put in the chat what you think is funnier than that that is a great movie here's another great one classic classic men who built america the bible that's good stuff something about mary also very very funny beverly hillbillies oh there's the matrix all right me and the girls gonna be watching the matrix for sure okay next box this one says bottom two border wraps tube mattresses i don't have two entire holes on this one i think it's more parts for the sleek number beds that's my guess yeah that's what it is these are those they're they're pretty heavy they're definitely thick thick thick almost feels like this part in place actually maybe this is what inflates here it almost feels a little bit like rubberized we have to look up those beds and see if those really are anything special and then we got this thing right here jack lalanne's power juicer express okay so this i did look this up on amazon last night when i was carrying it in the house i thought let me just look and see how much these things sell for i scanned this one brand new this one's available on amazon for 175 okay this one is not very new you can see that already see a little flick of uh food right there it's not cleaned 100 that's pretty gross all right that's pretty gross i mean i should have just cleaned it before i put it away okay like that like that and like that okay it doesn't look like it'd be that hard to clean i don't know what the value is on these we'll have to research it but if it's got enough value in it i'll take the time to clean it and sell it i'll probably sell it locally i don't know all right next box this one says train tracks and cars i'm excited about this one a little excited about this one this one's got some potential right here there it is this is what we're looking for these look like they're in really nice condition too at least from what i can see right here this is very interesting look it's got the spotlight in there searchlight car okay we'll look that up that looks like it could be kind of decent here's another there's a box car cno box car all right we'll look at that one huh oh look at this oh my goodness stuff's spilling out in there that looks like maybe it's supposed to be coal yeah it doesn't look like that coal looks more like coal you see it this little dark thing so i'll have to put that in a new bag and get it secured okay this piece right here that's pretty interesting another lionel piece number 252 crossing gate that's in part number oh that's cool automatic gate man got the little gate man box there there's the part number we'll look that up all right here's a transformer and sometimes it's worth a few bucks boy that one everything here looks like it's in excellent condition there's the partner on that one this one's in the upside down but it's an atlas old gay o gauge and there's the number 6201 another box car okay now we've got these uh what are these called these called switches i forget sometimes these have some decent value i don't know about the lionel stuff but i think we've sold these for around 25 bucks each this one's easy to look up it's number five one two two lionel there's five one two one okay that's a different i think just different direction but it's a similar switch okay now this says track wires etc maybe it means tracks and wires etc i think that's what it needs oh wow got a lot of track in here see all that oh yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good lionel it says lionel i don't see any numbers though it just says lionel and there's a p looks like a p right there i don't know if you can see that yeah but no numbers on this track i know metal is better than plastic i know at least that much from the flea market guys they come out and say how do you have any metal train stuff usually i said no this is plastic there's a lot of stuff here there's some curved tracks over here a lot of straight track um probably what i'll have to do i've probably just o gauge if that's okay i'll probably have to take all this out take a photo of it all laid out count how many of these and how many of those and listed as one big lot on ebay there might be a hundred dollars in track right there for real all right next box is a big box first up we've got a coffee maker nothing too fancy there mr coffee okay there's a power supply to the xbox 360. good good good is that wd-40 we always like finding that very best of prince here walt's che cachetto i don't know what that is the girl from ipanema but this one says father daughter i don't know if that's an album what's interesting i'm starting to notice about this uh locker there's been no photos nothing personal that could either be because he already cleaned out what he wanted to take or it could be because this was just his extra stuff like overflow from the garage type stuff i don't really know nutcracker shout out to locker nuts here's that bag of fishing gear let's see we got oh first of all here's a receipt from bass pro shops okay they spent 32 bucks 32 bucks not like super big ticket stuff but what do we got all right that's what we got we got some fishing line three three things of it uh power bait does this stuff go bad is there an expiration date because i'm gonna keep that it's brand new it's never been open i'll probably keep that when we go fishing this year because there's three that's what four or five bucks each not big savings but it is savings trout and kokanee magic gel and there's a little tiny lure he's a floating minnow also in that box we saw this very early on when i was just poking around this is a connect for the xbox 360. it's a motion sensor so they can you know you don't need a remote there's lots of games that work without a remote whoa is that brand new nah it's all dusty it's been sitting up on someone's tv for a while he just puts everything back in the box very nice keeps all his manuals and everything i like finding lockers from owners like that also i mean i feel pretty confident this stuff's gonna work i don't think this is the type of guy that puts broken items back in the box with care all right here's one of the reasons why that box is so heavy that's a pedestal to a probably that tv this is a dvd player but it is not a blu-ray so that's important blu-rays you'll get 15-20 bucks old dvds players like this probably five bucks another reason that boxes on the heavy side there's this rca tuner right there huh 500 watts that's pretty decent rt2280 home theater av surround receiver well i think there's some speakers i think i saw some speakers maybe they go to this maybe it doesn't matter i have to look this up see if it's got some value okay next box that's more looks like movies and music movies and music and movies spiderman fireproof firepoop's great movie robin hood us marshalls oh there's that matrix we got one more matrix to find then we got the whole series there's some good movies a here more music ooh fight club okay that was that it's a short little box all right let's see what's in these things this okay well we're going to get some tackle right i don't think that's a big huge mystery a lot of stuff here a lot of stuff here yeah these weights have some value i know that flea market they're always trying to grab those weights try to get them from you first thing in the morning i'm not exactly sure why i might pull anything out that looks a little better aka clean and put maybe start a little fishing lot and do it in our auction i think that's what we might do we got this reel right here that's south bend classic two maybe that's something i don't know got these weights and we got that bait in line um so yeah maybe we'll make a nice little fishing lot out of it i don't know guys if you're interested in this stuff make sure you come to our next auction there's a little cork bobber that's nice what's in this i really don't know i still don't know oh i'm sure some of you know what the heck is this oh my goodness is this a chessboard this is like a thick rubber mat right here let's get out that's gonna be cool if that's what this is look at that these are huge they're heavy too huh wow i would never guess chessboard i was thinking barbecue tongs or maybe something for the mom look at that chess game scorebook they never even entered a score maybe this has never even been used i mean it's pretty clean yep there's the black pieces yay this is actually pretty cool this is this is neat i like it all right now then let's see what's in here um this is what made me buy the locker right i saw this in the back i thought oop maybe there's more train stuff so yep and there was right but as i'm finding the lionel stuff isn't worth as much as some of the stuff we found in the past like the lgb stuff is just super super um expensive and collectible yeah okay look at that track layout book maybe we should sell this with the track there's locomotive right here i really don't think he played with these very much they look like they're in very good connect condition little scuff scratchies right here that's like the only thing i see wrong okay so we got the locomotive one two three four five six seven cars there and those are kind of cool um this book looks well the box looks old and the book looks so we'll see if i can find a date well this book is dated 1971. that could be that i mean this looks like 1971 all right so very interesting very very interesting that could be a decent fine i'll look this up neat all right we're going to do the rest of it right here all right because i don't want to drag all these big boxes in most of this stuff here all has to do with that sleep number bed we got these panels little legs second mat that says first mat that box you looked at this has foam in it so this is all to do with that bed quite a bit of stuff for the bed and i'm still not sure what i'm doing with that bed here's a nice tupperware right here in the pot probably just donate those items and then right here there's another sleep number bed brochure some organic cleaning stuff wood polish leather conditioner spot cleaner stain away all right and then we have some sheets here a whole bunch of sheets and they feel like they're high quality and the bag is actually pretty heavy this right here this um air filter it's an ion filter ionic breeze quadra i don't know if there's a value in that ozone guard it looks a little like yellowed this side does yellowed up here and it fades down to the natural tan color down there and that's probably from sun beating down on it but these are kind of cool you just take a damp cloth and wipe those down the ion blades very easy to clean and i think those are actually pretty effective this right here i know what this is because we own one of these having a two-story house with the kids bedrooms upstairs it's an emergency ladder escape ladder if there's ever fire they get out the window and get out the window safely i should say [Laughter] you can always get out a window you just can't do it safely there's uh it looks brand new that's good all right this one yeah we already looked in this one okay so we got the xbox 360. let's pull that guy out these little speakers energy is the brand energy and i see another energy one right there energy take two it says two little bookshelf ones probably a center and this is probably the subwoofer i got some good cords here these are monster cables it's good quality stuff all right this uh box here so sheets and towels sheets and towels let's confirm oh no there's some other stuff in here okay there is definitely some other stuff in here cabbage patch so this is a later model one it's not one of the 80s this is a later one i think it's still funny still funny all right bunch of baby stuff in there toys decent toys geez should we be keeping this we got a little granddaughter coming and these look very clean vr tech move and crawl ball oh man i might have to keep this box this is good stuff look at this grandbaby inbound that might be i'll keep a box right there i know what janna's going to say she's going to say new nay but i don't know i'll check with her i can only sell it later a little decoration for the wall oops sorry just knocked her tooth out just kidding racquetball racket aerodynamic wilson it does not seem like a new one the handle's all dried out staff pro oversized i think that's racquetball it's not tennis more just decorations for the home a little book puzzle this kind of thing and what's this oh this is nice it's metal a little horse decoration huh nice anything else hiding in here is a brand new towel nothing else all right and then also forgot about this put this in here didn't look at it fully yet that's a nice little monitor it's not big 22 inch that's actually looking really small these days 22 inch used to be humongous back when well when i was young all right well it does look used i was hoping it was new in the box so that'd be an easy sale but that's still a few bucks if we sell it it's also good to uh just hook it to your laptop and have a bigger monitor all right we got this box here and that box there and that's about it pillows really come on we're not going to go out like that where's the jewelry box pillows and blankets that's what we got dang it and the last item drumroll feels like a microwave looks like a microwave it's a microwave dinner that's what it is not new let's see little food stains on it too that's a decent sized microwave 1.1 cubic foot it's bigger than one we have i don't think jenna's gonna want to upgrade but i'll ask her if not microwaves have put them on uh facebook marketplace usually 20 bucks this one looks actually pretty good and maybe clean little food off of it as long as the inside is clean maybe 25 30 bucks easy easy sale all the time microwaves die on people and uh right away they're like looking for a new microwave like minute it dies they're on facebook looking for a new microwave happens all the time that's how we're gonna sell that baby all right well that's gonna do it for this unit unfortunately the story comes to a close because we're out of boxes and as of right now i'm also out of units i don't have any more lockers to go through but i think in like an hour hour and a half the first of many units today closes through the online auctions so there's a bunch i'm bidding on today there's usually like three different days of live auctions i go to the facilities around here all of these facilities are closing their auctions on the same day online so frustrating because it it really jams me up and they give a 48 hour window to clean out so there's only so much i can do it's unfortunate if they spread it out i could buy more my goal is to pick up at least two we got to get a little bit of overflow here i'd love to get a bigger locker too these little ones they're fun they're easy but they don't last for long and they don't give us much stuff this one for example didn't give us that much stuff that we're gonna auction off and that's what we're looking for we're looking for auction items we got some cds we got some movies we've got a few video games maybe some fishing but these items are too big the tvs the sleep number bed the stuff's too big so not that much auction stuff so i'm gonna be on the hunt today which means another video will be coming up soon but hey maybe the next one we buy is the home run right hit it out of the park all right we'll see this one wasn't a home run but this was still a fun adventure and i hope you guys had fun watching it and thank you thank you thank you as always for going on the adventure with me i so appreciate that you watch the videos all right the next one hopefully will be out soon alright very soon we'll see no promises but i'm trying i'm trying guys gotta buy some lockers today that's my goal so we'll see you soon enough but until then good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on right there locking it all right guys just like an hour so later i've got one this is the first peak first peak of what i bought look at this 1510 dollars look at that i see lots of leaves it looks like it's been sitting a while this is a 10 by 30 it is packed
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 33,520
Rating: 4.9596543 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, work vacation
Id: jvWs-_nAt24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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