Modular Hexagon Death World Megabase by K3N1M0 | Factorio Base Tour

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welcome to factorio base review my name is nida's and today i'm gonna bring you a really really awesome base now look at this isn't this already awesome this is made by kimino and it is i'm just gonna throw some some key points at you so that you know what this series is what this review is going to be about it is a obviously a hexagonal modular base it is a vanilla death world base it is 4 800 signs per minute it's constructed of modules that are very identical it is uh using isolated robot networks it is using train limits in 1.1 and there are so many cool things about this and not the least just the aesthetic feel of this in and of itself so let's dive in and have a look at this absolutely amazing base first thank you camino for allowing me to review your base and i'm sorry for not doing it sort of on time but the good thing was that by in the time it took me to get around to actually doing this review you managed to build the base even bigger and even more awesome so let's take a look at it so as i mentioned it is a modular megabase so each of these modules here you can see here this is even numbered so you can look it on the map this is number o8 and somewhere out here i think we have number 40. there are 40 of these in in construction they're all completely identical and we're gonna spend a bit of time the way i do these base views is that i go through the science the trains the mining the operate the logistics the power the base defense and sort of go through each aspect of this space and the parts that are most interesting i'll go through with more time and the parts that are just like standard i'll just not spend as much as much time on so we are going to look at a module to start with there are new lights but that's because uh he decided that it looks better at night this way i am however going to do true always date there we go i have a this is a a death world base but i have disabled the biters because i don't want to listen to all the attacks coming in we're going to look at the base events later but the core part of this is this module because once this module this is where the majority of the design work has been done into making this module each of these modules are designed to be producing two signs per second or 120 per minute now what i can do is i can make use my rate calculator yes the mod is called rate calculator and i can also wait for the auto save to complete i can do the rate calculator here and we will get an awful lot of things that are being produced if i schedule it by minute you can see all the sizes are above 120 per minute that is great one two three four four yeah five that's how much is being consumed where's the last one what there one oh there you go it's already all the way up to 177. that's why it's not next to the other ones so the way that it is uh it is designed or the way that it is constrained so that it doesn't use more than two signs per second is actually going through here the science facility can only consume 120 and that's actually something i would recommend if you want to make something to be to be if you want to guide the science guide it by setting the consumption rate not the production rate the production rate should just be too much it's always just going to be a bit more than your consumption rate so that you always have like internal buffers in these regions so that's how it is geared the whole thing is bottlenecked and therefore geared by the science consumption here and everything else is going around what we should look at is we are not going to look at that right now we are going to go here and look at how this is fed so this is fed by raw materials which i think is super interesting actually like getting raw materials in and this is where we have some some of the interesting things here each of these stations has a train limit of two and there are a total of 95 trains in the network 95 trains that corresponds to there's 40 of these units and this one is hard set to 2 trains and you can see here it can fill in two iron trains two copper trains and that means also on the copper trains we also have 95 trains so that there can be 80 of them already located here and then 15 sort of out there in the world being filled up because there's always as soon as this one goes out the next train rolls in the trains are 310 and well um i think that's a good number as long as you don't do belts because you can see here there are no belts in the space and we have one for coal one for stone and one for oil coming in the water is interesting because you can see here the water is oh my god that's cheating it's actually not cheating at all because what you do is you find a location such as this one and then stamp the blueprint on top of it or actually probably maybe more like this i'm sure that he has like an idea about where are the water inputs like here here here and then when you stamp it down you select one of these regions that are full of water so you can stamp it down and then you can you can fill everything except this location put in these ones and then landfill over it and it's a bit it's a bit tiring to do that kind of thing but please please please just give us the water pumps in the ground it's i know this is uh the fact that we have to sort of jump through the hoops to do it it's it's kind of annoying uh this all i can understand why because this is kind of silly you just plop it in there but you know it is what it is so let's go through some of the various things the one thing that really surprised me is how little oil is actually being consumed for one of these modules but again i mean if it is enough it's enough and it certainly is enough so you can go here and there's a bit of cracking not much cracking a bit of a bit of this one of the things that is important here some of the things like they're very low quantity they're just being built like this and then somehow this one is squeezed in here by making batteries there so there's a lot of interesting designs here and you can just go into so much detail with this with this design we're just gonna be like okay why was this okay the one thing though that i want to show you is a lot of these here they have they're only working when they get a signal of one and if i hover over this one you will be able to see out on the right hand side sometimes there's a little flicker there and there there's a tiny flicker which means that all of the inserters that have the secondary not well all of them that have the second condition here they are disabled but they will then be example for one tick every and i think that's 144 ticks that means they will be idle in the meantime and therefore don't use any processing power so that's a way that you can build a bigger base and then gear these towards you can see here these are actually interestingly enough not set but these are set so you can see here it fills up and this one then goes only every every cycle every 144 ticks and there are 60 ticks per second so it's about every two and a kind of half second it activates and then goes out otherwise when this one is making one then it'll unload one another one another one whenever the robot comes in and picks up one it'll unload one more in here so that's a way to make sure that they are we're allowing this to go down and then it's get filled up it works pretty good i think it's it's a bit of a shame that you have to do it for big basis but um it's pretty cool when when it's done correctly as this is this is done i want to show you something that is uh really clever at first when i look at this i go i'd be immediately going no no no no no unloading into provider chest and then having the robots take care of it is not good but it's actually quite clever the way you can see here there is a an active provider and there is a passive provider for each one what this means is that each of these trains will be unloaded into both of those and activate providers will always have priorities so right now at this point you can see the robots they will come to these locations let me just with my mouse cursor there you can see how many are scheduled for pickup immediately but all the other ones there nothing is scheduled for pickup so right now it is exclusively emptying this one and the active provider until this train is empty and as soon as this is empty it'll just start consuming while the chains are shifting it'll start consuming from the other one there we go so now it'll start consuming from all of these other ones because those are available why can't i not see which ones are going to be consumed from but please consume from something yeah there we go this pickup and now it comes in it'll of course chop up this the passive provider and then top up the exit provider the active writer doesn't have a lot here but that will always be consumed first so this is just basically a way to make sure that let's turn it around and say if i if we didn't have this what would happen well what would happen is that if you just unload it into passive providers or to storage providers then you would have the issue that the train would unload or partially unload and then whichever one sort of was closest would be emptied first and only when that was emptied and the next one's empty and next to the next leg it'll go to the very last one at the end and i mean the train would be incredibly unbalanced and it would actually run out of every single thing until there's only one wagon left this way it it is much more balanced and there is a little buffer so it'll continue to always consume from the output chests or the active provider test first so it's a really clever way to do robot robot unloading and i have not thought of this before but it is definitely something that i now put in my toolbox so that i can i can go like okay robot unloading what i do with a robot unloading is always unload everything into active providers and then from the actual providers i move them to storage chest so that i can control but this is way way better so huge props to camino for doing this it's a super cool and something that i've learned from this page view so i love the fact that i learned something for these reviews as we're working on trains let's actually look a bit more on the trains the interesting thing here is how simple this train system is this train system is just flat out saying give me two trains always give me two trains that's it these ones will obviously be having one train well here uh can i click the station there we go only one train and the train network in itself is interesting and a bit weird i think that so you can see here it's not everywhere like i can't really tell why there's no connection between this and that i'm it might be something to do with this link here that it doesn't like having that one next to it and but and again this one is quite close but it could also just be a matter of only adding them where they're kind of needed so from this one whether you go down here and over or you go this way and over it ultimately doesn't really matter much what is very interesting about this is because the base is so geographically spread the trains are so big 10 wagons and they each of those facilities consume so little material it's only 200 to it's only two signs per second then there is not a lot of train traffic in the network i mean you see a few things moving here but if we look at uh here's the train overview very very simple if we look at these of these here like how much is actually moving one okay thank you out to save two three four five six seven eight nine ten so only ten of the these so that's like 10 at the current snapshot are actually moving at any given time so little chance of getting congestion here even though it's not an optimal network because there are so many connections but you know aesthetics form of a function in this case but it still works and that's the beautiful part of it also that the way that they're randomly spread out and their minds are randomly spread out that means well they're probably going to be there's there's gonna be some kind of balance so they're not all congested through the same location let's have a look at the trains and the loading locations let me just jump over to a loading location so this is a loading location and it's quite interesting this one there are some very interesting choices made here that i'd like to go through when it comes to trains and mining together so let's look at the mining you can see here it's at 150 mining productivity actually something i always seem to forget in these things i should be looking at science just to show you how it is working and if we look at one hour here four thousand eight if we look at ten hours it is constant it is rock solid at four thousand eight hundred that is super super nice to see i love it i can never get my bases to be this uh this consistent there's always like weird things happening in my bases i don't know why but with 150 mining productivity you could do a lot of things that make no sense this one being one of them this is not how i would recommend you set up miners but if you have 150 mining productivity you can get away with anything so this one for example let's have a look at it it is so it's only one speed module and then we have this is mining at 0.75 per second and then it's on top of that it has 150 so it's 0.75 times 16 that's 12 per second is what each of these provides so two of these that's 24 i mean when they're active it's actually 24 per second so you can see that at this point there isn't really a good point to to just jamming them in together because you're not going to be able to consume this much i mean this one i think we can just do this one and per second 440 per second that's plenty plenty to feed this and how much we got here we got 600 i love that there's always one construction body in each of these and they go in here and they fill up buffer chests i don't know why it has to be buffered just but i would say requesters should do the same thing but you know we'll let it slide so the way that this works is and kind of an interesting thing it's kind of a yeah it's it's it's going to set the request here let's see if i can figure this out because i think it's really weird um but it kind of makes sense what happens is that it's it summarizes everything in here on the wire so it summarizes everything it goes in to no it here this one is reading logistics content so if i could just have a look at what the logistics content is in this logistics set okay forty thousand forty thousand and okay all of these are just at zero all right let's go up here so it reads 40 000 from the logistic counter that's why it has to be buffer just so it reads how much is in here then it this is really a weird way i i'm not really sure i like this but i i'm trying trying to understand why it does so it has 40 000 in here then it takes the 40 000 because there are a total number of 100 of the buffer chests so the concept of that is in the logistics network it gets put in here it also summarizes it also includes the stuff that's in here the propressor providers if they actually fill up like this one is filled up to 100 so then it divides it by 99 it doesn't divided by 100 divides by 99 so that even though there are 100 so that each of these requests are just slightly more than what they already have so this is the this is the real idea of it now i would traditionally just say these ones should be set up to 2000 and then request but if you set it as i would have done set it up to 2000 then it will fill up the first ones first like all of these will go in here and fill those up and then fill that up because they're the closest one and only at the end once everything is filled up to 2000 will they start filling up the top ones what this does is prevent it by basically saying you want to request all that you have divided by 99 not by divided by 100 because then it would be as give me no i said too close to the limit you want to see here it basically says you have what 480 but you want 500 as it as more goes in here the average gets the total amount in the storage boxes at the mining facility plus the total amount in the buffer chest ready for load increases and as that increases the requesting amount also increases and that will continue to increase all the way up to the time when it is 2 000 in each of these and then okay so that's one thing what happens then on top of it is that it sends a signal out on the red wire up here the red y goes into this one where it divides by 404 if this was divided by 100 then this would be divided by 400 that means it basically splits it in and that becomes a very small number you can see how the number here since i have at this point let's see in the total logistics network 42 000 divided by one hundred that's forty four hundred something divided by four by four hundred here then it gets about one so this one will have a train limit set to one i don't know if there was a good explanation but the idea of doing this and i think this is also really really interesting and very uh very good is that it basically says see if i can try to explain it again in a different way each of these buffer chests are set to slightly more than the average of what they already have that's the whole point they basically are set to the point where they go like just give them a bit more just give me a bit more which means they're going gonna spread out between these and as more of these go up then they go above the average and then the other ones will start requesting proportionately more so they'll always even out and they'll always have a request that just says give me just a bit more i like it it's super super brilliant and it also is used here input to guide the number to speed between 0 and 6 0 and 5 which is going to be one two three four five them out that is room for in the stacker so that's a really good idea on on how to do this one thing though that is important and i think i would have made like an obscene amount of mistakes and i don't know uh maybe come here can just mention this but you can see there is one big gigantic robot network that covers all of it except that every single one of these are isolated from the network but if i just just once accidentally put one here and linking two of the networks oh man is it going to be a nightmare because then all of this will start flowing out and the robots are going to go out and things were going yeah it's just nightmare and on top of that every single one of these you can see this is a separate network and where we locate load right now it is disjoint networks here and here very very carefully set it up i love the idea but i would hate to implement it myself because this is just when you misplace this one by one tile see this is not connected this is connected if you misplace one of these by one tile with a copy paste arrow or just because you don't think for a second then suddenly you have these logistic spot bots somehow leaked into this network ah robopod mad story huh interesting hello man sorry the inventor of the mad story loader and yeah we do have some logistic spots in here so that's the trains it it is a really interesting way that it's controlled on how much these have and it seems to work very simple train system but the mining and the robot controls are kind of advanced we've now jumped back in the hub because there are a few things i want to to illustrate here that's pretty ingenious in terms of how to to guide the base here there's a warning system and this basically monitors all of what is available this uh the ah let's see let's see let's see so the or indicators are there to indicate how many loads are available and let's just see here if i take this one it will yeah this one this output one can i just unload it here here here where does that go back in on this global network does not go up oh it goes out from that one this one is yes there it goes this one tells that there is one load available of iron that of course goes in here to be set the limit but it also goes in here to be added to the iron ore indicator on the green wire so 42. what this means is that if i look at this i now can see that there are 42 currently 40 iron loads available for pickup 36 loads available for pickup 18 stone available freedom 14 uh coal available for pickup and then the next colors they are kind of designed to be matching so the red one matches the copper the blue one matches the iron there's yellow the stone and the pink is i think the pink is the oil no yes pink is oil yeah but that's done something as well basically that means that the indicators the colored indicators are how many trains are currently being stationed at look uh on location so you can see at this location this one will output the number of trains allocated to the station so what the warnings are going uh going for is here it'll go for some different ones that says if there's less than four available then it says that there's not enough trains or not enough iron loads available for pickup it's kind of time to make more iron mines this one is saying there are currently a lot of trains if the there are not a lot of trains being loaded i don't think i get why that one is there and then the last one is all the trains that's subtracting one from the other and outputting it as that one but it's only outputting up to this one which means that all of the locations are full yeah so that means all these loads that are available network are also being picked up that's basically looking at the difference between the iron indicator and the iron ore indicator and the blue one so if they are too close that means every single load that is there is already being consumed and you can see here there's 10 copper tin iron and if this drops below eight it is defined as there are not enough trains available are so not enough trains allocated for loading i think that's a bit bit sharp uh that constraint when it's less than four then it's low but i mean hey it works i it works really well so it's pretty good in a base like this to get some aggregate warnings about what's going on this is where the the indicator the one that sends this is a counter just counts upwards you can see it counts up to 144 and then it starts over this will not just identifies when the c input from the counter is equal to one that means once every 144 ticks it'll send the signal out you can see here it flicker boom there's a signal and the red signal is a secondary signal which only counts every fifth it counts a lot slower here so that counts um the one here so this counts like five times as slow as that and that's used for here this is an indicator whether the artillery is online or offline then it'll send the signal here but only a signal when the signal is two so when two is equal to one ah two is equal to one when the indicator two is true it's better then it will send the signal out to the base defense that it now activates the artillery and this is a way for when you research the next level of artillery range you might want to have 4 million yes great you might want to stop your artillery just for a while to just shoot a bit and then back off so this is a way of pacing the artillery so you don't get overwhelmed and this is the oil counter that's there to just figure out how basically it's the same as the warnings and that but what i want to do lastly i want to take a look at the power we should click on a power hold sorry about the excessive clicking almost 1 million power poles 35 gigawatts power looking good very stable it takes a lot of space but hey it's it's it's here and it is just a complete uh completely the same design being stamped down again and again again and you can just take more of these so this one's left all the ones that are empty here they will be they are reserved and the last thing we want to look at is the base defense this based event is in my opinion a bit on the weak side it doesn't have like a solid wall it just basically relies on the bite is just slowly going through here and then having lasers at the back and just overwhelming with laces it's okay but it does take a lot of damage i would definitely throw in some some flamers but i can also see that since you so many of the lines here are diagonal then flamers might not be the best thing because you can't really point them outwards you'll have to point them either downwards or that way so i don't know i think it's it's it's working but it's a a smidge on the weak side is uh it is it's just my sort of assertion on it because you're gonna have like constant warnings of course with such a big robot network and such a big base you will not have a problem you never run out of materials to just replenish it but you're going to be listening to the incessant warnings all the time so that means we've actually gone all the way through all the different locations i want to just zoom in okay the hub here and i love that it's called a hub it's pretty simple well maybe it's not simple but it just makes everything here and quantities modules and all these things that you might need to go out to fill up on yourself and also fill up on the these they have lots of different building robo ports here are building spider tons and you can see here that's basically the only thing that's on this dashboard is to bring those spidertrons up to start building things i think that's pretty uh pretty interesting way of doing it and let me see how much what the gearing is on at least how much they have on the grid they only have a single report so they don't cover very far or maybe that's that just that one is it nope they're all the same so they have personal laser defense as well it seems a weird combination but you know if it works it works their speed is the most important thing over here we just have all the sub ingredients needed to build the hub and that's also just taking iron and copper and stone and oil and all of that stuff inbound because of course you need this this is the core of the base that just keeps keeps the base expanding so we have there we have it that is two thousand now four thousand two hundred signs per minute uh fully operational operation for a valentine long time on a on a death wall base i am currently this is currently running okay on i guess it should be oh okay yeah with all these debug settings set but without biters it's running 6060 even while stream while recording and with biters it's going to run a hell of a lot less on my pc because well by the suck they eat ups more than they eat your base so i hope you like it if you like it and if you see camino he is sometimes hanging out in in discord and also in the twitch chat uh be sure to compliment him on this amazing base so thank you very much to kamino for allowing me to review the base it's been super awesome uh the bait the base is available for download in the link in the description below together with all the other base review uh base reviews i do so thank you very much for watching if you like this video hit the like button if you feel that it's worth sharing with other people do share it and of course yeah if you want to see more consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already thank you for watching see you next time until then take care and stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 158,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, 1.0, 1.1, base, tour, review, ltn, logistic, train, network, vanilla, htn
Id: eM9uohZe0qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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