Factorio Base Tour - Derpumu's 4k SPM, Beautiful & Symmetrical Megabase

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hello and welcome to another factorio based tour on exterminator and i'm glad to have you joining me here today and uh in this one we're covering a very very interesting uh base in my opinion this one was submitted to me quite some time ago by uh der pumu and uh i do want to give a quick apology uh to drippamoo that it took so long they submitted this about mid-december and i never i didn't get around to it until now um but this is an absolutely awesome base for multiple reasons this is a megabase it does 4 000 science of every of every science per minute so 4 000 of every science per minute as you can see here it is working on mining productivity 94 currently which is almost a quarter million science packs also um robot speed is done up to level 18. pretty significant uh and if we take a look at the production here to start with you can see a fairly consistent uh about 3.8 to 4k science per minute here of all the sciences um and it's uh it's pretty impressive now aside from the actual production um it's a very unique base um for multiple reasons you see here on our mini map that there's these things here and believe it or not this is actually extremely impressive i don't know if uh they came up with this design themselves um but these are actually solar layouts uh these designs here and we'll look closer at them here soon but it's uh it's really really really interesting um now they do mention that they didn't really have ups as a focus uh now i am getting 60 ups i am right on the verge right on the edge of dropping below you can see it drops a little bit below here and there um but overall really quite impressive so if we take a look at the map check this out this is i have to say um in terms of aesthetically pleasing bases this has got to be like hot higher up on the list probably top one or two most uh aesthetically pleasing bases i've ever seen now it is kind of all on a diagonal as you can see which may uh you know rub some people the wrong way it's actually kind of trippy uh looking at it uh normally i'm not a fan of like diagonally placed things but they've made this work so so well and how they've done this and this is actually i think a very interesting but very legitimate way of doing megabases and perhaps one of the most efficient is having multiple cells replicated cells producing every single sign so these each produce 336 of every single science per minute some people divide the cells into like just one cell or multiple cells just doing red science and then others doing just screen science and others doing just blue science et cetera um what dirt boom has done here is um made it so that each one of these is identical and each one produces every single science and we're going to look obviously very close at these but i just want to show you um also these rails are quite interesting uh using it looks like uh one six trains one four trains um and they're really quite quick they're on nuclear fuel uh and you can see the sheer scale of this base just considering these are five length trains a local and four wagons and you see how small they are compared to everything else here it's pretty ridiculous now i am on the latest version of 1.0 or 1.1 so we actually have the new train menu where we can see um here that there is nearly 600 trains on this map and if we actually click on stations this kind of showcases a new train menu as well we can see like all the trains going to these stations it is i think utilizing the train stop limit fairly well but let's take a look here so this is the kind of bus robot based uh mall i suppose you can see like some of every inserter chests belts etc everything made here some of its belt baits are of course bots moving things around as well uh this looks like potentially a wood burner yeah this is a wood burner so it's kind of just consuming a little bit of power from this just to burn any wood that ends up in the system uh you know it's again very nicely arranged these uh it even says maul here these concrete designs are really fascinating uh it always kind of allows me to it blows me away to see this type of stuff and then we have some trains here so these look like outpost building trains i'm not 100 sure why there's light oil maybe for flamers um they actually look like outpost repair trains um now that i look at it closer because we have robots repair packs walls and lasers and then this would be for flamers and then over here excuse me this is like a solar building training you know uh robo ports cliff explosives solar panels of course robots accumulators etc this has some artillery shells in it so on and so forth and uh it's really pretty awesome so some materials are trained in here most materials are you know we have steel here uh stone here and this just makes everything this is our our quote on quote little maul uh it's actually quite large but uh in comparison now let's look at these solar designs before we look at the because you know these i'm sure you guys are fascinated i was blown away when i saw this i thought this was concrete initially um but this is actually a solar build now up close it looks pretty bad like i don't know if that's the right word it doesn't look like anything special it looks kind of just thrown together and just messy uh in a lot of times these type of art things will up close you know so looking at this doesn't look like super impressive but when you zoom out the fact that it turns into this is is absolutely awesome i love this so much it's like all uh kind of botanical flower designs here uh and you know we have the i love the water the polluted water makes it even better actually and then water is left here with these it's really really cool this is actually a big part of this base and then in the production areas of course we have this circuit board design here with all of this going through it and again up close doesn't look like anything super special or impressive um but uh when you zoom out it just goes so well with everything uh now if we were in a spider-tron here loaded with nukes so i really oh shoot i should honestly i'm going to just take those out i really don't want to nuke this base on accident so you can see it says destination is full so they uh dipper mu is using uh this train stop limit for for this quite a few conditions on these trains as well and if we take a look uh this is powered by 708 000 solar panels and 604 000 accumulators uh 25 gigawatts of power being consumed that's produced here three terajoules of accumulator charge and we can kind of just look look here uh you know there's over twenty thousand beacons five thousand furnaces over two thousand assemblers and uh 8 000 lasers 240 labs for this and the robo ports are there's only 206 reports which is really quite interesting because this is basically all belt based in these actual production cells these junctions are super cool i really really like these junctions they seem to work quite well i don't really looking around i don't see any sort of train jam or anything like that everything seems to be flowing quite nicely this is interesting we'll look at that a little later um even more solar designs here um some different type of solar designs with these like massive highways of trains going through um and these are like iron loading outposts it looks like here um and they're just being picked up so irons being delivered maybe from the outpost looks like some sort of transfer system um because if we i mean look at the size of this solar like look at the size of this compared to these trains this is ridiculous and then of course we have our outpost so one interesting thing is japanese actually doing uh smelting at the outpost and i think this is a very legitimate very viable way to do things it's actually more efficient because trains can hold more plates than they can or twice as much actually because plates stack to 100 and or stacks to 50 meaning that transporting plates smelting here and transporting plates is more train efficient and just efficient in general than transporting ore and then smelting it and transporting it somewhere else so this is really really well done i think again all belt based these patches are quite rich they did not as you can see this is a very natural map didn't really use anything to like spawn in ore patches or anything like that a few very simple mods were used i think the main mod that was used was uh explosive excavation um i believe is what it's called and that's just to remove or patches actually just to make the base cleaner and i don't think there's anything wrong with that i think most of us can agree that building on or patches is not a very appealing thing um but let's look at these production cells shall we so let's start from the edges we have our delivery of copper in this case and uh it is flowing around and it's actually it looks like it just circles around the entire thing which is not a concept i've really seen very often or at all that i can think of it's like a circular bus and it just circles back on itself as you can see this is coming from the other direction and i think it's just literally circling around the entire base so uh it's delivered here comes around uh counterclockwise uh and is split off where it needs to be split off we'll look at the actual production here shortly um and then copper same with iron obviously uh and then stone is delivered here uh same type of deal circles around some radar and then steel is delivered here with coal the iron is delivered here i somehow missed that um there's actually double the amount of copper as there is iron uh another interesting thing is they're doing their quote-unquote bus uh six wide which since it's all blue belts at this point it's fine the main reason to do four wide uh for a normal main bosses because you start with yellow belt and belt yellow belt can only reach four tiles uh on the undergrounds so um for blue belt which can obviously reach farther doing it wider i think it's totally fine uh and let's look at the production now so all fully beaconed uh from what i've looked at there is a combination of 12 beacon and 8 beacon layouts here so these for example are 12 beacon and we know it's fully beacon because there's 16 uh effect sources um so four of those would be modules in the machine and then 12 are from the beacons so these are fully beaconed and it's using a combination of like direct insertion pass through of the chests and belt and uh i think the reasoning for this probably is the fact that maybe this just can't transport it quick enough just using one here other than that i don't really see a reason to be doing this because it's just extra inserters but i would assume you know this just can't keep up here if we were to remove these belts and this worked quite well belts are very optimized at this point in factorio so not really an issue here um and this is transporting here and then obviously uh the iron is coming in as well and if we look uh let me find some more circuit build so here's circuit so this is actually kind of interesting it kind of just weaves around here initially i thought maybe it just splits off for everyone but you can see this iron for example uh comes through here and weaves underneath this to supply this machine uh and that's just that's all it supplies but it weaves through all this and then like another one uh comes through here and supplies just this machine uh and then you know this one is actually coming in from another direction so i think this is why they have the iron circling around uh because this was needed to be able to get the iron actually to everything that it needed to go into uh you know excuse me because if it just went around and stopped uh then you know this type of thing wouldn't really work or they'd have to be weaving it through the whole base which is not ideal so we have some circuit production and then again everything seems to be moved by belts which is really quite impressive being able to route things where they need to go the design uh like time and effort and thought that went into this is actually pretty ridiculous in my mind being able to come up with a design that it works like this with everything and belts and everything placed all like this um and then actually being able to route things where they need to go is really impressive to me so this makes every single science uh i don't think we need to necessarily look at every single bill like every single item build uh you know most of you know most of us know what goes into the science um you know every so everything that goes into science is made here um oil of course is here uh and then oil products blue circuits and stuff direct just belted in like that um and red circuits here and then plastic again just like the thought i had to go into this you know to like make this right here just be like well i need red circuits here and then we need to get green circuits to those and these need to also then go to blue circuits but then these need to get plastic so we when you put the plastic here which it needs to get coal from somewhere and then have petroleum right in etc it's like this is pretty crazy to me um this is very impressive in my mind and it's all just belted where it needs to go some rocket control units obviously the rocket right in the middle and surrounded by some nice polluted water obviously the water was not polluted to begin with but it's unsurprising that it is now and in the labs each cell has its set of labs here now everything is one grid so i would assume just checking assume all the labs are here so we could measure the amount of labs simply by just taking this as a blueprint and we can see that there are 20 labs so that would be 20 labs per cell there are 12 cells here in in this base that produce 336 science a minute so 12 times 2 would be 240 which theoretically should work out and it does well it moved but there we go um and yeah so this makes red science green science blue science military science purple science yellow and uh space science here as you can see this is outputting it here and this looks like this has some smarts on it which makes sense it's basically just limiting the insertion of satellites based on how much space science is in this chest so that it doesn't over launch so probably i would imagine it's inserting a satellite once this drops below a thousand or hits a thousand um which makes sense uh and then it all goes into here now these are not actually working it looks like uh one of the science it looks like yellow science here is actually a bit of a shortage so if we do find here's purple science being made uh let's take a look i'm i'm really interested at this point let's see so this is missing uh brain freeze on what it takes here um it takes pressing units flying robot frames and so it looks like it's missing processing units is what this guy is actually short on you can see here um that there's a little bit of struggle with this and this does seem to stop every i saw stop for a second there it looks like a green circuit problem uh so this does stop for a minute or two um but still well i say a minute for a second or two uh but it's still cranking through science i mean keep in mind this is a quarter million science research and this just started when i started the video um and we're already 30 done with it so i mean this is working um you know if we do look over say the last hour and let's see if we can isolate i'm interested in isolating all the sciences um it does even out though if if we look so it looks like we're missing military um here but that one may not be produced at the same rate because there's not as much military research but you can see this all evens out all these or last hour are 4k um four four four the um space science and purple science is actually slightly more and if we look um space science um fluctuates of course because it has to do with rockets so it only produces the science when the rocket's launched makes sense that's why that one fluctuates so much but all the others are a very very almost nearly straight line a little bit of fluctuation in there but overall it evens out 4k science a minute if we look at 10 hours yet again and this is how you really tell if a base is like truly x signs per minute you can't just necessarily look at the like one minute production um if you look over i'd say 10 hours or longer is a good time to look even one hour is maybe a little short and if we look over 10 hours all of these are 4k science a minute except for purple which slightly there may have just you can see this dropped here basically to off um maybe ran out of something w said there were a few issues they fixed so this maybe was it right here actually um and then again military um is is very low um just because they're they're not doing very much military research it's primarily the mining prod and robot speed um so we can look there let's reset this and while we're here let's look at the all-time production um 1.7 billion iron produced two and a half billion copper cable 1.6 billion uh copper plate almost a billion green circuits almost uh almost 200 000 red circuits 200 000 steel nearly 88 million rail 32 million blue circuits which is really quite impressive and then if we look at science about 27 million of all of the main sciences here which is a lot um and this is just super super cool i i really really like this um the aesthetics of everything to me is just so pleasing like yes it's on kind it's on a diagonal axis and stuff which normally throws me off but they've done it in such a way where it all works so perfectly together like every everything just works it's just so it's just so aesthetically pleasing to me at least i absolutely love this it is it is really a masterpiece i think is the the term i'm really looking for is this is a masterpiece both in its production and visually in its just build style and and and everything in art it's really quite amazing to me uh the just everything looks good the junctions look good the the production written underneath looks good all the circuit board designs on the production just fit so perfectly you can even see roman numerals numbering the production cells going clockwise one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 and 12 at the top and to top it off because there's 12 it aligns with the hours on a clock 12 is at the top where 12 is on the clock six is at the bottom these align three six with a clock face um which obviously may have been very obvious to some people um but i'm just mentioning it it's because i didn't notice the numbers right away that kind of triggered my brain since there are 12 it align it's just like everything just clicks into place the the whole like botanical flower uh plant theme on on the panels and stuff in here is so cool so like a star theme on here um and there's no need to really look at each cell because they are all exactly the same like literally even like where the drop-offs are everything is the same which some people may find boring but i think enough flair has been added to this where it it's not and i mean this is a very viable very efficient way to build a megabase is having a cell that just makes x amount of science per minute and then just making multiple of them um i kind of want to just sit here and look at this junction for like 30 seconds um it's just super satisfying to see these trains whiz through here definitely on nuclear fuel the speed that they're going through and uh man this is just this is just such a cool base guys and uh two trains passing in the night there uh you can see there's like a turn around here so they are using single-headed trains um which makes it even more interesting i have a i personally have a bit of a hard time building single-headed trained systems i just my brain doesn't really work that way so it's cool to see they made it work it's a very viable way to play a lot of people play that way but um now last things i want to look at i do want to check out what is going on on some of these outpost things so this looks like uh what is this this looks like another this looks like a a transfer station so it looks like there's transfer stations again because they're doing the small thing at the outpost um instead of bringing the trains directly in they have like a storage hub and they're transferring them so like this is steel and coal the other one was uh if we come down here this one's copper this mass amount of belts of copper here this one is iron now i'm not a hundred percent sure the reasoning for this it's basically doubling the amount of trains required whereas if you just sent the trains from the outpost to the science uh you know instead of this you you would have the number of trains potentially maybe not quite because you'll probably need extra trains to make up for the travel distance um i would imagine this is maybe just to keep production smooth or for train routing although i don't really think so um it's uh i don't know it uh i'm not 100 sure another possibility because i did something like this on my 4k signs per minute base a transfer system like this kind of um at least in my smelters um is it's to keep the networks clean uh from what i can tell these are separate train networks we do have this set of lines going through the middle but from what i'm noticing there's not any uh like material carrying trains moving up and down these they're all on these outside lanes outside from the center two and uh from what i can tell this network that this whole training thing where these are moving is its own thing um it does not connect to this internetwork um internetwork here and honestly probably that's the main reason for doing this uh it's keeping these clean instead of having like tons of trains moving into here um from the outpost trying to like throw them in through this one junction here maybe that's a reasoning uh again though it is double the trains i feel like the amount of trains coming from here is about the same that would just be from coming from the outposts this is not really a criticism it's mostly i'm just curious what what the exact reasoning behind this was if you guys have thoughts leave it in the comments um i would say it's probably to keep things a bit cleaner um maybe just keep production smoother because you have this storage system that can kind of act as um you know thing to smooth it out because uh it's being kept full here and uh and the trains can just come in and fill up really quick and don't have to travel excuse me travel a super long way so that would be my guess um it obviously works it obviously works great uh and then if we look here i'm not this is just stuff i guess maybe this is where uh radars and stuff are these designs here we have a solid row of laser turrets basically around this huge perimeter wall uh so i would say that it's not on peaceful mode also artillery outpost you can see the artillery exploration here i mean you can look how big like i i am zoomed out 100 i'm zoomed out as far as i can go without a command and this is by the way this is like a star shape kind of um it's just just well the lines disappear as i zoom out but yet again even even the wall is an aesthetically pleasing shape that goes with the rest of the base it just blows me away it really does there's actually an inner wall which is really quite smart this maybe was the initial wall and then expand it out and then we have our artillery outposts here uh dragon's teeth set up here laser turrets all around obviously the artillery um and then flamers which is what those trains we saw in the beginning with the light oil were for as you can see fighters attacking yeah the artillery has been pushed out and they are getting their ore from down here so far out uh because the ore is really ripped so you know it's approaching you know 70 80 100 mil on some of these probably um and that's kind of yeah so this one was definitely over 100 mil initially i would imagine uh and all the smelting is out here too um like we mentioned all belt based and yeah so they pushed out this far like 177 mil just to get these really rich uh or patches and then push out the artillery even past this to clear any biters that might be here uh just overall i really am quite impressed by this base looking at i'm just this is a random caveat i'm really interested in the amount of artillery shells consumed i imagine this must have taken a lot of artillery shells um just artillery fire and stuff to clear this many bases uh 617 tank shells uh 154 000 artillery shells and keep in mind this is consumed not produced like it's one thing to say produce and you just have 100 000 of them sitting in chests but they've actually used consumed 154 000 artillery shells pretty ridiculous um if you ask me so definitely um a long time also i probably should have done this beginning but there is 22 days 14 hours and 1 minute 35 seconds of play time on here in other words uh 541 hours 32 minutes and 59 seconds of play time that's a lot of play time now i'm i'm guessing a fair bit of that was afk usually on these very large bases that have done a ton of research and have a ton of play time usually a fair bit of the time it's just afk um which is okay in my opinion you know because you know once you get this running like it's at the point you want it to be that you basically to do research you just have to afk like you know once you get these built and it's at the production rate you want then kind of the point of the base is to just sit there and do research now i do imagine that designing and building all these uh awesome designs in in in cells and stuff took a large amount of time i would be very very surprised and blown away if literally like all 500 hours were actually actively playing on here that would that would be impressive that would be very impressive i would imagine maybe a couple hundred maybe up to 300 hours or so were spent on this um i don't know um definitely maybe we'll probably enlighten us in the comments um but uh i think that's gonna do it guys overall i'm just i love this so much i said it multiple times super impressive 12 cells each one producing 336 of every science per minute awesome solar panel designs awesome everything aesthetically it just everything works so well and over here it looks like a stone uh transfer by the way in oil as well so there we go guys i think that's gonna do it uh i hope you enjoyed i really really enjoyed this and i wish i hadn't taken as long to look at it because man i was missing out so there you go if you did enjoy a like is appreciated i would love to hear your thoughts in the comments what you think of this and uh in regards to the aesthetics and design and production anything like that let us know and uh if you're new to the channel feel free to subscribe to keep up with all the content and until next time i look forward to seeing you all and do take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 72,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Factorio base tour, Factorio factory tour, Factorio tour, Xterminator, Factorio base review, Factorio megabase, Factorio megabase tour, Factorio 4k SPM, Factorio symmetrical base, Factorio trains, Factorio outpost smelting, Factorio megabase design, Factorio concrete art, Factorio solar design, Factorio solar layout
Id: o2kFcnggT4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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