Factorio Base Tour - Lily Rose's Nested Octagons 4k SPM Megabase (Extremely Visually Pleasing!)

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hello and welcome to another factorio bass tour i'm exterminator and thank you so much for joining me again and uh this is one i am very very excited about i enjoy all these bass tours they're all fantastic this one though i i had heard praises from before i even looked at it so that's always a good sign uh this is a base uh from lily rose and this this is truly just crazy it is such an amazing base in so many ways uh it is one of the biggest bases in many regards i've reviewed so where do we start uh first off i would like to thank lilly for submitting it uh because this i love i love doing base tours and i always like seeing unique bases huge bases and this is both i would say and like i said it received uh timbo who is a member a frequent member of kneelows's streams and my streams um and has helped me with my twitch api stuff he already was giving this praises like he he knew that lily submitted it to me and he's like just i'm excited for you to look at the base because it's awesome and i can see why so why don't we just start off by looking at the map and this should give you an idea of what we're looking at so there we go when i uh lily wrote up a very nice uh document on you know giving some stats for the bass the progress of the bass and when i was reading it and seeing the pictures and then especially once i got on the map here my head kind of exploded um so this is almost like those russian nesting dolls where this is octagons inside octagons inside octagons uh with just it's just ridiculous how how much work and thought went into building this base and to make it look nice in a very particular way so as we can see we have well really actually we need to zoom out to this level to get the idea so even the rails are in octagon form so this is this is how crazy this is so i'm crazy in a good way um the rails here on the far outside are obviously an octagon and then we come in a step further and this the concreted area is an octagon inside that we have an octagon built with octagons and all the rails within this all the main rails within this are also octagons and uh then even coming into here uh i mean this is kind of an octagon-ish like how the belts and stuff work um but uh there's a lot to look at in this space so this is built excuse me very far out from spawn so if we come over to here uh we have a ridiculous massive solar this is one of the biggest solar fields i have ever seen and for good reason if we take a look at a power pole this base consumes right now well when it's charging accumulators it's consuming over a hundred gigawatts guys this is 100 gigawatts um and when it's not charging accumulators uh i was looking it is around 45 to 50 gigawatts which is still crazy um and this is all with solar panels and accumulators there's no nuclear there's no like infinite power generators this there's over 2 million solar panels on this map nearly 2 million accumulators and all this power is because well there's over 70 000 beacons over 3 000 assemblers almost 6 000 furnaces so this is accumulators of charge you can see this is kind of just the average um draw here about 50 gigawatts uh 16 000 row ports 11 000 radars which seems slightly excessive a lot of these are probably in the solar field though just tons of stuff now in terms of mods i should mention this is using a couple mods that are pretty small um nothing major uh it was using actual craft time which is just like a thing to see how fast things are being made and stuff so there's that pump anywhere which basically allows you to just put a pump down anywhere uh in lilly explain that the reason for that was that the refineries were already built like that there was no water near them is my understanding so it was just easier to do this that's honestly i don't consider that like that cheaty like i don't think securing water for your oil is really that huge of a part of the game like you know it's not like the oil is being infinitely generated just the water it can just be pumped from anywhere and then electric locomotives and the reason for this they say he says electric trains were used to smooth the base the infrastructure would support the fuel production for normal trains i'm not sure if that's supposed to say wouldn't um but the electric ones save some ups and make the base run more smoothly so that's fine uh you know it's just a different type of train i mean there is a cost to it i mean the the a lot of the power is also you know from the electric trains because there's electric providers uh basically is how this works uh and then of course electric trains um you know get charged and all that stuff so uh if we look if we uh we're in a spider tron here if we look you know these are electric locomotives um the cargo wagons are the same locomotives just instead of running on fuel they are electrically charged um so there's a cost of power costs for this and of course costs went into building the solar and stuff um and then this also runs on uh htn which i believe is uh hopless's train network uh i apologize i know obviously who hoploss is i'm not sure if i'm pronouncing their name correctly though i always mispronounce their name i think um but uh yeah so this is they're not using a train like network managing mod uh it's just a bunch of combinator stuff which i do not i'm not going to even attempt to understand it i think lily even maybe had a little difficulty figuring it out because uh in their notes say that timbo helped a lot with uh the intersections and then on hopless themselves helped a lot for learning and fixing htn um and then fire razor also helped with moral support and fixing hd in some place so this is beyond my understanding uh all these combinations as we know i'm not good with networks but it's like a vanilla train manager basically and then these stations do also have are utilizing the train limit to help with all that so let's actually start and take a look at the base so what are the goals of this base and what's our production look like so the goals uh was it was basically intended to be beautiful unique in design and aesthetically pleasing which i think was absolutely achieved you know to know this isn't necessarily meant to be the most efficient base ever um so just keep that in mind while we're looking at it the planned infrastructure uh was planned to be able to support 4k science per minute average production however due to train loadings and some difficulties it may lower a bit by the time the production science can catch up and we'll kind of see that like some of these sciences are certainly in fact they're doing even more than 4k minute but then some like aren't um if we average it all out it's fairly close to 4k minute um i mean they're certainly cranking out science so we look at our all-time production uh you know 2 billion iron almost 2 billion copper i mean honestly fairly close to a billion circuits which is insane 170 million green circuits uh i mean just you know 180 million steel 23 million blue circuits so they've basically got the green circuit the achievement the circuit achievement but with blue circuits you know they make 20 million green circuits well they've done that with blue circuits and then obviously many many times over with greens um so we look at science so there's been uh 14 on most of these 15 on these two million science produced throughout the lifetime of this map which is a lot i mean that is that's a ton and speaking of the lifetime of this map this map has nearly a thousand hours on it guys if we take a look here 997 hours and 33 minutes and if lily is continuing to play on this currently uh they submitted this about a month ago and i'm now getting around to it due to there being like a cue beforehand of other people who are ahead but um if they're continuing to play this then you know over a thousand thousand hours at this point i'd imagine uh which is just crazy the most time i've ever spent on a map is about 450 hours on my sitting supported space map uh which is like not even half of this so that's pretty ridiculous uh and then uh back to the goals so uh basically they mentioned that there's too many places they're not happy with the rails and steel furnace production and green circuits uh they underestimated the input output needed in these places and had to rework the block with in uh ended up being less attractive in my opinion so we'll take a look at those but let's look at this so i know you guys are probably chomping at the bake store and take a look at the builds i want to see this well we had to go over the stats and stuff so we have this rail network running along the outside and these ore patches now these are not spawned in uh the reason that these are so uh rich is because they came out this far so this over here somewhere was the spawn i'd imagine and then uh at some point down the line uh they built a little bot base like to be like a make everything in very small amount of science and then after that they decided to move out to this area and build a 300 science per minute quote unquote starter base essentially to do more science in the background i don't see that base here anymore so i would assume it was just torn up in the process of building this base unless i'm blind which is possible so this is very far away from spawn as we know the farther from spawn you get the richer resources are so we have outposts here uh scattered along this outer rail network as you can see i mean these are well over a billion multiple billions throw in the fact that this map is at a whopping 113 basically mining productivity this is insane guys this one of these researches alone this one alone is nearly 300 000 science just this one and all uh productivity they give 10 each if you played a long long if you played quite a long time ago on the games you've been playing for a long time like me there was a time when each one only gave two percent i believe and then the deaths changed it to be 10 so sometimes i have to remember or or reorient myself and remind myself that it's now 10 per so this is providing 1120 mining productivity that means that not that it matter i mean billions of resources are going to last basically forever anyway but this is essentially uh 10 times this amount that it can produce it's about 30 billion resources that can be pumped out of here because it's the three billion times 1120 but the reason mining productivity needed to be so high is because they're actually utilizing direct training or mining to train which is fairly common on large bases that have reached a high mining productivity and this is good for several reasons it's very good for ups and performance because there's no bots involved no belts involved no inserters involved like this is basically as simple as you can get in terms of like performance and things happening it's miners which you need anyway trains which you need anyway if you're doing trains and then there's nothing in between that just goes directly in um and due to the high mining productivity you know these can just they mine so much so fast that they can just fill the trains you don't need a buffer in between that in their using speed modules make sense again absolutely no reason to be using productivity modules here when you have such high or patches in addition to the crazy mining prod research so this is uh you know the direct miner into train is used throughout the map we're not gonna really mention that past this point um but it's used there so just look at it one more time it's uh it's two miners per uh per wagon uh interesting that they opted to go with two miners only and not like miners on the other side too i've seen both uh not that one is wrong or right just an observation that i've definitely actually probably more often than not seen uh when people use direct minor to train seen uh having the miners on both sides of the wagon just to kind of speed it up a bit but again i don't know if that's really necessary here just do the sheer level of mining productivity that they have um so stackers coming in they are using one uh four trains it looks like we've seen this on several bases actually i've looked at fairly recently in the past as well uh it seems fairly common these work well they're fast uh you know they uh they're pulled through trains obviously since there's no locomotive on the back uh this seems to work pretty well for a lot of people and i mean these are speedy these are real quick i don't know the stats of these in comparison to uh like using nuclear fuel i would a wager based on the speed of this that they're a bit faster than using nuclear fuel these look like they're moving at a pretty brick brisk pace more so than nuclear fuel trains i'm not exactly sure on this i can't even click on it because it's going so fast so my mass accuracy is poor but um i could click on this one yeah i can't click on it when it's moving like that um i mean i suppose we could just click on the train menu and find one right uh see if we can find one that's moving so like this one not moving anymore um but yeah i think they're faster speaking of trains there are over 400 trains on this map and over 1600 stations that's a ton of stations that is a that's a lot of stations uh very nice labeling here using the rich text the icons as well which is now much easier to do when setting up stations so we just have ore patches along here i'm not really going to look too much more of those pretty straightforward it looks like biters are just off uh from my understanding i don't see any sort of defenses i don't see any remnants or indication of biters at all which is fine you know this space is definitely meant to be a building experience not a fighting bugs experience so that makes sense to me nice intersections uh visually we've seen these type of things before again keeping in mind that not everything here is necessarily the most efficient uh not saying these intersections don't work they certainly do but um you know anything in this base you see or that i mention is like not efficient um that was not the main intention of the space it was to make it unique and visually pleasing which it certainly is so let's just start with the smelting we have copper kind of taking up this section multiple cells there's a ton of these production cells in this map and they mentioned in the note in the notes how many they have i believe um also a ton of time was spent on electric networks uh this is actually ridiculous so far more patience than i have because some of this was certainly built before the recent change of the bots placing power poles and wires connecting how they are actually built in a blueprint um because this base was started in 2019 so crazy amount of time spent making these powerfuls nice but this is just i mean this is an actual power electric network view that i actually like looking at which is very very rare uh it i mean it's perfect really there's nothing that i can see out of place and this is just crazy to me um so we will turn that off though to look at the builds so we have copper uh kind of from this section here so on this like quarter of it basically well except here but or eighth of it rather um so yeah we have copper in this section and a little iron on the outskirts here so looking at these builds they're all going to be the same so we're only going to look at like one of each because they're all the same uh it's beacon obviously it is moduled now again interesting that they've chosen to do speed modules rather than productivity now when you have this many resources you don't have to use productivity i could be wrong so please don't uh hold me to this but i feel like productivity um may actually result in a higher output like per minute than speed i could be wrong i don't remember pardon me thinks it is and the part of me is questioning that uh so it's been a while since i did the actual calculation and read up on that but um just an observation that they're using speed um you know maybe it was just to make the amount of furnaces they wanted to fit in here actually fit in here and put tibia would have thrown that off or something um again i don't think productivity is really needed for the resource saving aspect of things uh aside from maybe reducing the amount of trains used or trained traffic just because it's not consuming resources as quickly for the same output but uh you can see so this is uh a beacon because there's 10 effect sources two modules in here plus eight beacons if here as they all are so very well done getting all these be hit by ten or by eight beacons in this sort of configuration um i would personally have probably a difficult time doing that uh myself but uh so they're in by the looks of it they're in uh like a little square little sets of four here it's kind of how i'm looking at it so there's these four furnaces this little square and then these and then these and then these again everything is like symmetrical as far as i can tell and just it's just very nice looking it's it's by far one of the most pleasing bases i've ever seen visually so now this is belt based obviously now there are robo ports here and there are quite a large amount of robots particularly construction robots in this network and i imagine this probably is a network that spans the entire map uh yes so probably not super helpful for ups again efficiency was not the main goal here um so pretty straightforward really i mean we're just taking in copper smelting it and then belting it out here that's using some side loading here to switch sides very clever because as we know inserters output on the far side so this would be on the far side if they didn't do this trick so switching it here with this side loading to then make room on this lane open this lane up for these guys to output and we get a full belt uh from this so very good there and then these are all coming together and uh looks like it's going up here it's a little hard for meet a differentiator so we it looks like it's it's a kind of every other so we have plate or plate or plate or etc etc in here by the looks of the stations are being told to turn on and off probably based on uh an amount here again i have no idea how this setup works with all these smarts but that's my that would be my guess is it only turns on when it actually needs a train to come here potentially so then this is a waiting station it seems like for the empty trains uh so yeah this is the depot i would imagine all of the or most of the sections have this um now this does have a bit of a different train area the builds themselves are the same and this is the same in fact it's it's every other but then this is using a very tight diagonal stacker which i like but it doesn't really have this additional stuff which i don't know if these are just general depots then because certainly i don't think this needs all those and this one wouldn't so these maybe you're supplying multiple things potentially if we take a look dude i can't click okay okay so it looks like so we're going in out which i would imagine would be the drop off or yeah and then the depot okay interesting so yeah this is an or train so this is in and then it's going to out and then it's going to go to the depot so this is out plate but there's an out or um i'm actually i want to watch this here i want to see where this goes because i find this very interesting uh when this is done where the out or is okay so this is going to the depot but then it would go out is this out no that's out plate so it comes to the depot for two seconds of inactivity and copper ore to be equal to or more than one uh and then it's going to go so out i guess would just be the outpost obviously so i'm an idiot um duh so yeah there's that's kind of how this train network works excuse me so that's the copper again basically all the same here in an octagon octagon builds within the octagon rail some interesting rail going on here not bad by any means just kind of an interesting type of junction but it looks very nice and it's you know it's kind of just mirrored here just the the amount of time and thought that's gone into this is pretty crazy to me uh now we have steel here and steel looks like it's uh taking or smelting into plate and then doing a very short belt pass through here to turn it into steel it looks to be on a one-to-one ratio again not using productivity modules which is interesting uh but it seems to be working for sure um i think it's like a one to one ratio i'm not sure no this would be like a one to one because it's one to one normally just iron uh plate to steal and then when you speed it it maintains the ratio so maybe that's part of why they did this one in speed um so very good here same type of training setup again you know comes in there's a stacker here it comes in uh this is all the ore and then there's only it looks like there's only one steel load here which makes sense you know it it takes a lot of steel to fill a train now these trains are very small these uh actual finished goods trains i'll call them are just one two length so smaller here but again that's 8000 steel which is no small amount uh and then so then this quadrant is steel down here uh and as we move in we get more like into more of the finished higher tech products so we're gonna stick around the outside here uh continue looking i'm gonna look very briefly at the iron i think it's probably identical to the copper except of course for being iron um so yeah and again this is like is this mirrored not quite um but yeah so this is uh i'm just checking this is the same as the copper but of course so if we look we are producing right now or on average we are producing more iron than copper all right so i suspect there maybe would be a little more iron smelting it looks like i mean it's kind of hard to tell honestly for me to just count how many things we have here uh but it actually looks like there's less iron significantly less which is interesting oh we're making more iron it's going to steal duh so first we get to take that into account so we've got the iron here and uh before we move on i do want to mention i was looking through the notes so there's uh the base has a total of 712 cells a cell being one of these so there is over 700 712 of these production cells and of those 702 are used for production and then 10 are basically just empty for storage or future expansion uh it uses about 104 beacons per cell with the exception of plastic solar panels accumulators and space science so as we saw the amount of beacons used but also something that maybe we couldn't really tell is there's a hundred and about 130 000 speed modules used in this base which is nuts and then about 40 000 productivity modules all level threes of course um so that is a ton of modules the cost for that alone is pretty astronomical so we're going to move over here it looks like we have a brick and rail made in the same area as well as a furnace production section thrown in there we have red circuits coming in here brick coming in so it's very convenient it's made here not an accident i'd imagine uh tons of steel coming in here which has dropped off via train since it's not made here and then these are also a beacons it looks like a beacon throughout all this except maybe the plastic or something is different we'll take a look at that uh and then it comes through here these belts kind of just snake around you know to get to everywhere they need to go so very very clever creative design here of these builds and these are outputting the furnaces and i'd like to find the train station so we have rail loading here three stations of it three stations are rail loading here's our furnace loading then we have our iron unloading here and then we have red circuit unloading steel unloading and then tons and tons of stone obviously for the stone brick and then this is another steel unload it looks like so uh pretty uh straightforward there uh looking at the brick it's gonna be the same as the iron copper you know it's just brick and now these are using productivity which i find interesting again it may just be for uh like ratioing like getting the right amount of furnaces in here for it to work how they wanted and like visually work and stuff because i mean this would be quite dif this is in my mind would be quite difficult to make all of this look basically the same uh you'll notice that for the most part i mean like this varies like iron varies a little bit from brick but generally like the same design at first glance is uh to me would be very hard to achieve so then we come over i want to look at plastic so yeah plastic uh well plastic is a beacon as well because this only fits three beacons so this has the petroleum uh looks like petroleum is definitely trained in so this whole build here is plastic and then half of this one is plastic and then we have two and a half a rocket control units so this is our depot again where they wait using the train stop limit excuse me and then this another deep over there where's our actual unloading here we go so coal is unloaded plastic is loaded a ton of plastic and then the petroleum is that's a lot of pumps um the petroleum is over here so the petroleum is on these vertical stations it's a little hard to tell because it's night time and also there's just a lot of stuff there's a ton of pumps and stuff going on here but that's understandable just to get liquids to move how you want it's quite difficult sometimes so you know a lot of times a solution or a kind of best solution we have is tons of pumps so petroleum comes in this is what one one force of the wagons as well or the tankers tankers do now basically weigh the same amount as wagons there was a time at when they weighed more so these would have been quite slow but they were the same as wagons now so that totally works built the same size and then we have rocket control units over here which are sharing a belt of blue circuits and uh speed modules and then outputting of course the rocket controlling units these are uh pretty simple as far as rocket parts go uh very simple drop-offs and pickups as well i only need two ingredients so blue circuits and speed modules i'm sure we'll find the speed module build here soon in the circuit builds uh speaking of circuits here's let's start with the green circuits so coming over here the green circuits are very very busy again a beacon this one is using three productivity and speed uh and then this is using two productivity and two speed so uh this definitely must be some sort of ratio thing to get them how they want uh because huh i'm curious because this looks this looks to be a one to one like they have one cable machine supplying one circuit machine but if you just did full productivity as i've mentioned in my uh recent megabase tutorial videos uh in other videos if you do full productivity on both it's very very close to a one-to-one ratio so i'm not sure if this was done to make like the amount of machines needed total in here fit the amount that they wanted uh because there's two four six eight and then so there's 16 in here maybe if they had done full prod even though it's a one to one maybe they would have only needed like 14 total machines or something like 14 uh like seven sets i'm not really sure this is just very interesting to me i'm not sure the entire the intention here maybe this is closer to one to one like even more perfect like closer um which was more satisfactory so i'm interested again i know this bay you know i'm just these are questions that i didn't specifically see mentioned in the notes so i just find this interesting when comparing bases and bases to my play style as well uh the reasons for this so these are sent out uh these don't look to be full belts out of each section uh however there's a ton of these i i can't even count i don't even know how many are in here a lot because they're kind of all weaving in and out this looks like there's two iron in the middle here so this loads we have it looks by the looks of it we have copper and iron unloading here we have a green circuit load here and then three green circuit loads just smack in the middle there and that seems to be the same for this one as well and then another one up here another one over here red circuits are pretty simple actually in comparison we just have copper green surrogates and plastic trained in of course the red circuit load again the finished product train is a one two opposed to the one force and this is a belt and cable here which is fine uh doing three pros and one speed on each of these and then sharing circuits and plastic on this belt and this is so one of these is supplying uh one two three four five six seven of these i think or eight no seven because there's three and then four so one to seven on this um works pretty well just have two copper at the top seven this side seven this side for a total of 14 red circuit machines and we have a ton of these cells obviously kind of this whole section here now we're going to hop a little bit to the left here and look at the blue circuits there's actually not that many cells of blue circuits at least not in this area so we have again three prods and speed uh inputting the red circuits and green circuits here and then again all these are a beacon uh sulfuric acid i'd imagine is being trained in yep so we have iron copper delivery green circuit delivery three stations of it with mate which makes sense the uh blue circuits obviously take a ton of uh a ton of green circuits and then red circuit delivery so i'm interested how many machines a belt of green circuits is supplying it looks like uh so there's one so one two three four it's actually pretty good this one [Music] this one is not quite running fully you'll see it's it swaps there between item ingredient shortage and working so last one not fully working the rest of these i believe are this is of course outputting these and then sending it back over this way over the left here we have batteries while we're in this section we didn't really look at those there's only uh five cells of those i think or four that's five um so these are actually halted due to a sulfuric acid shortage at the moment and this is very straightforward again batteries just require iron copper good to go doing some side loading here um and this comes over and uh this is loaded on this vertical station right here i mean still a ton of batteries this is a massive amount of batteries and the iron copper here was actually for the batteries obviously instead of the blue circuits makes sense uh so there's all that we already looked at plastic green circuits blizzard gets red circuits uh some more plastic thrown in here a whole section for storage chests so uh yeah each like they said they used some of these for storage so there's a ton of stuff in storage um now keep in mind that this network spans this whole map so you know this 1.2 million circuits and storage it's counting the uh circuits in like passive provider chests if there are anywhere like within built i don't know if these were at any point are these in passive providers when they're loaded no they're not actually so uh this is in fact then there's just 1.2 million circuits and 742 000 iron chests it's a lot in here and a casual 133 thousand beacons just chilling in storage so they're ready for anything basically they're ready to just build a whole new base of this size just double it just double the whole base um now we have sulfur sulfuric acid production here so sulfur is made locally petroleum trained in sulfur made right here and then output and where are these outputting exactly so this comes over this way it comes over to here and is loaded up it's cranking out so this guy's just waiting to go to where it needs to go and off it goes and then lube red engines or electric engines here this is well it says lube it's not actually lube but all right well lube's down here so lube uh this seems very similar to the uh red circuit build kind of in the fact that it's just um you know like two lube machines and then it looks and it's actually exactly like the it's actually exactly like the red circuit build um so loop here where the wire was basically in the red circuit build and then eight or sorry seven machines here doing the electric engines so i like how the same build uh design is used for different stuff it works very nicely and then solid fuel over here on the right uh you know very straightforward there my oil and that's it making solid fuel which is went sent over and loaded in the middle here and then uh it's going to be sent somewhere for rock fuel i believe that was maybe over on this left side so here's the oil production i wanted to look at this for sure so we have eight refineries all productivity and then we have uh a cracking here a heavy to light cracker right here and then the light to petroleum cracking right here so this looks to be all the the main refining and the cracking is here and then obviously the liquid the main liquid outputs are just sent over here crude oil delivery and then petroleum loaded up in here uh now and then we have of course some light oil here that's what i was looking for light oil heavy oil right there i assume the cracking is built such that there is of course leftover light and heavy obviously to be loaded incent where it needs to go and there's several of these builds there's three of these by the looks of it so quite a lot of oil production and then we have coming down here by the steel we have the low density structures which are again pretty straightforward there's a lot of these because they're very slow you need a lot of them so full productivity on these that's good to see because these are super expensive especially on the copper side very good to see utilizing productivity modules on these uh cop or copper on its own belt and then steel and plastic sharing about here very nice and this is outputting and loading into a train right here it looks like just one train which is more than sufficient i would say for latency structures that's a very expensive train um so yeah there's four three of these yeah three so steel we already looked at that so moving inwards now to the science uh well almost we have where the heck was the rocket fuel uh here's something here's the rock fuel so rocket fuel here is actually stalled or turned off it has no light oil interestingly so the light oil tanks were full i'm not sure if maybe there's some sort of train shortage or backup with that or just distance again not meant to be perfectly efficient which is fine uh some empty cells here actually ready for expansion so if you were interested this is kind of what the empty cells look like so they're all just pre-built uh you know they all have like the same exact beacon layout it's kind of hard to tell with all the machines and stuff in them but this is what an empty one looks like or empty from production buildings uh so they're all just kind of stamps of this is how it started just tons of these were put down and lily put a ton of these down and then filled them in as needed so there's that and then solar over here tons of solar and robo frames which come over the robo frames trained um yes a one-two train of robot frames and a whole train of solar panels uh and then if we look so the science builds the last things well first off we have a nice uh section of three for the labs we have one two and three again all the same just kind of right smack in the middle there going across in a line these are put to be modeled very nice and these are stopped due to production science purple science which i believe was mentioned in the notes as being something that's lacking the trains also are color-coded uh by the way if if we had if you hadn't noticed that before all the trains are color-coded to match what they're doing it's fantastic that's a ton of work um and then yeah so purple science seems to be lacking i'll be interested to look at the build so we'll start at red uh you know obviously simplest gears copper not much to really look at here eight beacon again uh very good build one gear machine per for uh looks like five here so ten of these so they have one red or one red science cell here moving upwards we have green science so it kind of goes counterclockwise it looks like in terms of progression of science gears here to go into the belts and then inserters are made up here so it looks like one belt machine one inserter machine for uh three six three four seven like 14 of these i think yeah for 14 uh green circuit or circuit green science machines uh and then blue science so there's two things of blue science and uh that's because blue science takes a long time and only produces two so blue science takes longer than purple or utility science and it only produces two whereas these produce three so that's why there's two cells of blue science and then engines red circuits sulfur these are all backed up again because there's a shortage of per production purple science and these have everything trained in so none of this is made locally and then we have again so two main sections two big octagons of this it would be 16 small octagons and then purple i want to see what's holding up purple i'm curious rails i would assume very unsurprising rails are a pain in the butt to supply for purple science especially at large scales uh i absolutely sympathize with this i totally see how this would be a problem supplying enough rails for verbal science is not easy to say the least now these are actually full a lot of these chests so there's some gaps in these belts due to how the inserters are opening but also just because the outside chests are actually empty um because they've just run out due to how the things output so maybe some change of how you're unloading could remedy this because the the rails are here there's enough in here uh and it's more a matter of just the outside chest are getting empty first so then you only have like two or three inserters outputting and then that's of course holding up the science so i you know that's always that is difficult i have that problem as well a lot of times so i can't really fault that productivity on the science machines on all of them by the way if you hadn't noticed thank goodness and then uh just one of those and then one uh utility science here yellow i'm losing my words so low agencies here and then frames and blue circuits sharing the cell coming down it looks like again everything trained in so there is a total of four eight 12 16 14 here i think 14 yeah so there's 14 and this one however i happen to just look at the one that's not full um so it's actually 16 which is what it should be that's why i said 16 initially because that's that's what like every other build has for the most part so some of these yeah so this one 16 16 this one is only half interesting um and then same deal here again you'll notice it's all the same like this is not this is not a bad thing this is intentional and this is what part of me this is what makes this great is you know there's 14 here and then purple science there's also 14 in this exact same cell and then these two which have 16 match the 16 here it's just so nice symmetrical just the amount of work and thought that went into this is just crazy to me it's mind-blowing uh everything trained in as well here as we saw and then of course this is uh put on the trains and sent to the labs and sent into science and you know we finished the 113 creativity and we're going to be about 40 percent for the end of this video into another 290 2000 research so despite the shortages this base is still just cranking out the resources the products the science it just it's gone now this one is full on production science so it looks like only a few of them aren't able to get it the last thing to look at here is space science excuse me which is down here right by the red science there is more storage and then gears pipes uh radar which just a ton of radar there for satellites and then accumulators so this of course has all the parts we looked at previously trained in there are each one of these has a silo just double checking um so there's eight silos now the base was the uh you know a lot of the base is set up to do four thousand science per minute however there's eight silos so the reason for this my guess is purely for aesthetics and symmetry and evenness and making it all the same and i can absolutely respect that and i like that i i get a little chuckle from it because i you know factorio is a game where you know i think it's actually in the spirit of factorio to overbuild um well period but then even just for uh reasons that really don't have anything to do with production uh really you would only need i think about five silos but you know of course that would be a bit weird because you'd have these or something and then one of these and that just wouldn't do for this type of base so they built eight and that's great like i absolutely am a fan of that i really like that uh and if they ever want to scale up well they have the silos to do so um so you know this is here the satellites are made here now again the devs got rid of the thing to view how many satellites and rockets you've launched don't know why i'm gonna always complain about that but uh we can kind of see if we look at i think consumption is the best marker if we look at production like there could just be a bunch of satellites sitting somewhere i think production's going to be our best bet consumption for the satellites so 16 000 so i would say about 16 000 rockets launched at least with satellites um that's a lot that's a little rocket 16 000 rockets so that's what we're looking at here looking like these are out of whatever is supposed to be on here what is it on there i always forget what satellites take what are the satellites um so these are low on blue circuits no i don't think there are accumulators maybe yeah it looks like accumulators it's what they're long um but yeah there we go i think that's mostly the base guys this has been a pretty long video uh i'm kind of losing my voice and my words as you can tell uh my throat is getting kind of uh scratchy it's i'm losing my voice but this is truly an amazing bass it's been an absolute pleasure to look at um i tried my best to look at everything and uh this is just this is really really awesome i mean i i can just sit here this is like a screensaver i mean i get to sit here and just look at this you know i can't even see what's going on inside it i can maybe see some trains uh but it just looks fantastic i absolutely love this uh lily you have done a absolutely brilliant job with this base in this map huge props to you far far more patience and dedication than i have uh a thousand hours in here and honestly based on the amount of time spent like the perfection of this power network and all the builds uh normally i'd say you know a lot of that time was probably spent afk i mean i'm sure some of it was basically all megabases have a fair bit of afk time i would imagine more than most bases this actually has a lot of the hours on plate like actual play time doing stuff now i could be wrong um but that would be my guess because there is a lot of actual work in in time and playing that went into this so that's even more impressive it looks just absolutely amazing i i truly i don't know what else to say i can't give it enough um enough praise this is such an amazing base kind of reminds me of who i believe it was i want to say was it derpamuse bass i want to say that was another very visually pleasing bass that i gave big prophecy this is um in that similar vein very much up there one of the best looking cool bases i've ever seen uh the mass amount of octagons in here is just really cool to me all these intersections um and uh yeah i think that's gonna do it guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did again lily thank you so much for submitting this apologies it did take so long to get to it but i'm really glad i did and uh we will move on to the next one in the next week or two here i think i have two more in line and if you guys have a base uh you would like me to take a look at for either a tour which is like this style or an actual review which i've done i think two of where i uh you know and much i give many more critiques and advice for bases um if you have any of those types of things let me know uh discord is the best way to contact me my discord is linked in basically all my videos and i believe that's gonna do it for now guys thank you so much i would love to hear your thoughts down below if you did enjoy a like is appreciated so other people can find this as well if you're new to the channel and unsubscribe feel free to subscribe turn on notifications with the bell icon so you can uh find out when new episodes and videos on my channel come out and until next time i look forward to seeing you all and do take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xterminator
Views: 56,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Factorio base tour, Factorio base, Factorio tour, Factorio factory tour, Factorio megabase tour, Factorio megabase, Factorio grid base, Factorio City Block base, Factorio Octagon, Factorio Octagon factory, Xrerminator, Factorio most play time, Factorio 4k SPM, Factorio SPM
Id: nZ2KlqyJInM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 52sec (3172 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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