Advanced VANILLA TRAIN SYSTEM by Ruspartisan on Deathworld Megabase | Factorio 1.1 Base Tour

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welcome to factorio base tour my name is nilaz and today we're going to look at an absolutely amazing base this is created by russ patterson who is a long time member of the community who is always helping me with optimizing my train system so needless to say this base is going to be heavily focused on trains and the absolutely brilliant train system that he has put together so basically why do you want to see this and why this is so interesting is because well it's a it's a death world base and it's 2 000 science per minute which is impressive in and of itself but the really brilliant part is that looking at this space and reverse engineering how he built a train system has actually persuaded me that logistic train network mod is no longer needed there have been many other variants of of making it with circuit controls but the circuit controls here are so simple that you don't really need to actually need that mod anymore so let's uh let's dive into this brilliant base and take a look at what it can offer for us and give you some inspiration as well let's start with the overview and you can see here we have a heavily focused on grids and it is a city block base each of the city blocks and they are maybe not that's visible but they are here they are standard 100 by 100 and you can see that some of the patterns here should be familiar but there are many things that are unique here that i'm really liking and i want to sort of maybe adopt myself granted that this is a death world it's also really important to have a strong perimeter defense so let's just have a look at this before we dive into the train system this primitive event it's very robust it uses the the advantage of the city blocks by just being something you can copy and paste along the road along the entire perimeter it's very simple but it gets the job done and that's the main part of it and also sort of interspersed here and there where do we have it we have some yep some artillery turrets that just keep uh keep things at bay as we are crossing the field let's have a look at the production look at the science to confirm this we have the 2100 signs per minute so it is and sort of the normal classification of what you can expect from a megabase of sorts and this beautiful design here is something we're going to dive much bigger into much more into it because that's the really the core part of this what we're having here is the science facility there's a single sign facility that takes up about two city blocks here of uh of space and it's uh designed so we can see the trains come in here and you can get all the scary amount of circuits but it is not actually that scary so we will be focusing the majority of the time not on the actual designs because they are a lot of them are either sort of things i've also built in my base but they are also with slight variations but that's not really the core part here the core is the train infrastructure and train systems so let's take a look at the infrastructure first to look at the infrastructure we should be starting with the zoom out view and you can see there's these big roundabouts they take up an entire city block and let's just uh go take a look at one of these in details walking on the spiderzone is quite comfortable because now we are pretty safe so what this is it stretches actually just inside the next so it's it's okay i'm just got to be uh kind of aware of this this has according to russ partisan who has designed it it has a 60 60 year trains per minute so one per second it can handle through here which is a significantly more than the normal like celtic knots and other intersections and the reason you can see is it by the way it only works for 1 for train so don't even try throwing other things in here this is for one for trains the idea is that they will easily get into the build into here and then other things as soon as they are in here they will other things will come back and you can see here if it has to do a left left turn please do a left turn yes it did yep there you go so it goes in and then it picks a path and then it can wait at multiple locations inside the facility which means that it doesn't block very much you can see how easily they can they can go through so this is a really cool design and uh yeah i i might use it it uh it has a nice feel as well nicely uh contrasting the city blocks the other part is uh that i really like as well here is the how to do in here and this is this is also interesting it's something that honestly personally i've struggled a bit with oh it's dancing anyway that's why i'm not running out in spite of time usually because it's too distracting the point here is that let's not take this one i want you to go with someone where we have one for trains ah come on give me one for trains give me one for trains there we have one for trains here and what you can see is you have room for one train and you have room for another train and on top of that you can have three tracks here so i think this is an absolutely phenomenal usage of the space here by basically solving a number of the problems that i've had i've i've had the issue that i can only have one train because i like going sort of curving it in and going out but this one has you come from here you drive around and go in which means that there can actually be a second train here and that means you can set the train limit to two instead of one which makes an absolute huge difference on train throughput and sort of the lead time here or not the lead time the amount of waste wasted time between one train departs and another one comes in so great addition and a great way to put it in that means a lot of this site a lot of these not actually all of them because you kind of have a district here the each of those can have six inputs and that should be enough for pretty much everything not for satellites but that's kind of a different matter that's a special case but we can you can deal with that as well so those that's the train infrastructure a really high throughput roundabout here that services all locations and looks brilliant and also these stations here that fit into the sort of the side of the sidewalk it only works because there are two lanes systems and i've never really considered it i've always been sort of hot stuck on the six lane or the four lane system and i don't think it's necessary if i look at this there are so many alternate paths through the system that it actually doesn't need to be to get the inbounds and outputs here so i'm going to take note of this and i'm going to show that with russ watterson designing it i'm also sure that there has been ample throughput testing as well activating the train station name you can see that stations are named with a requester or a provider icon so you know if it's a provider or request station also quite clever we also have some depots here these depots are enabled to one that means each depot can handle one train only oh it actually has distance now and you have 172 trains the depots serve a number of features actually they serve primarily the fact that this is where trains get loaded with fuel that's good but it also serves and secondary and actually quite interesting uh perspective so the depots are only in here there are no depots out here in the outskirts and that means that for example when you have a train a train will actually go to when it's done or at least these uh the raw material trains will after they're done loading instead of waiting at the loading station they will go to a depot which means that they'll kind of be brought back into the network where it'll be easier for that point from that point to summon it to to where it's requested instead of when we have a requester station for iron such as this one when it requests then instead of requesting it all the way from oh that's the depot instead of requesting it all the way out from the or location you're actually requesting it from a depot that's somewhere nearby i like that as well it's kind of functioning as a buffer chest like and buffer just in the same substance sentence i don't know what's going wrong but i like it because it takes the trains that are usually very far from the center of the base and bring them in so that they are easily requested to where they need it great point now we are going to use this location as our go through the circuit network because before you just freak out and close the video it is so simple that i can get it i mean that just says how simple it is it is looks a lot more daunting that it is but i can explain it to you in a very easy way and then we'll go through how it actually works in the circuits but what this does is it takes advantage of the train limits in a dynamic way so that it manages how many trains can actually be requested based on supply and demand which is brilliant and then it um it it this means that with the depots for refueling and sort of immediate dispatching with the with the train limits you really don't need logistics train network at all anymore and i think i'll i'll adopt some a setup such as this let's start by looking at the train schedules they are pretty simple they go to the depot wait for one one second of inactivity that means they will be done with their loading and they just go full empty this is how i like building my schedules very simple and then have the logic on the train on the stations instead of logic on the trains they're all kind of the same these ones have an extra depot because after it's done loading i want you want to bring it in here to the depot so it's close by from the provider from where it's provided provides the crate located you can see it makes no distinction of whether the screen circuit is used for a blue circuit build or for a green science build it doesn't matter it's just a requester for green circuits so let's take a look i'm going to explain how a provider station works in this case this is the provider station this is providing the speed modules to the network and the way it does it works is first it says well this station can at maximum contain two trains so no matter what we are going to dynamically assign it can never be more than two no more than two trains can ever be assigned to the station that's the upper limit here we go that's the upper limit okay so far so good then it will check how much is actually being filled being available on this train station and that's what we have here 19. and that will be compared to the size of or how much can be in a in a location so in this case one train can contain 8 000 so it'll compare to 8 000 by dividing it and then we get the whole number of now it says wagons but it's not actually wagons it is full trains so this means because it's 19 000 available in the boxes we can actually at this point provide two full trained loads not including the one that's already there and then come the magic where it compares compares this number to that number and whichever one is highest lowest lowest will be the one that gets sent in here and that goes to the l which is the limit so basically one of these is comparing it if this if the number of trains that can be provided is greater than the maximum train then send the maximum number of trains that means if you could for example provide four additional four trains here but then it would say no no you can't set the limit to four because that would potentially cause change to backfill out into the main line not allowed and the other one just says if it's greater than the equal to then input the number so out here we have a number of two and that will be this is the reason why well it's actually not very interesting because it's both both those cases but the great thing is all of this here that one is the fixed that you put at the input how many trains you can have and this divides by this train size and then this is the logic of what you're going to use the max train size or the actual train size goes in here get set this one is for the balance loader you can see that these are flipping on and off and the reason why for this is that there's a desire to have an equal amount in each of these so this is the what is commonly called the maxory loader and it takes a bit of calculations because it added to all of it so it doesn't work for like a 10k base i would imagine but it will work for this part and it means that the trains will load evenly which is an important thing because if you say for example now that you have 21 000 but it's if there's 21 000 and and they're all focused here then you can't actually load the trains you can also see the blinking here for this train that says destination full because whatever it wants to go it wants to go from it is going towards the request and just as i looked at i was like what what is it this is trying to go to the requester but i can't get to the requester and there requestor is full yeah it's blue it's turned blue so it's full it doesn't request anything and that's why nothing comes in so let's use another example and look at the requester chest the requestor station how did the requestor station work well at the core they work very very similar which is absolutely amazing which makes it a whole lot simpler by the way i am aware that i forgotten this one because i'm going to come back to the last network here so again we have the maximum number of trains allowed at this requester station and that will now we also have the amount here located this is set to 32 000 but we also need to have a location that says how much do we actually want inbound at this station in this case it has been set to 64 000 which then gets subtracted from the total number of this number in the boxes so it's 32 36 64 000 minus whatever is in the box how much is in here 29 so that's the output that means at this point this station says i would like to request 34 000 additional green circuits all right well the green circuits is then divided by how much can be in one train one train can contain 32 000 and that outputs at the number of cargo wagons here and issue what you see and that means it will request one station then we have the combination between these two where it selects the lower of either how many of you for to be requested and what is the maximum number it was one it went in here to one but now it has reset the limit to zero because right now it's not requesting anything you can see here it's getting 40 000 in so that means there's only 22 000 requested 22 000 is less than a train full so it's not requesting this station is no longer requesting and you can see that it has turned blue means that it's full while this train is in here uh on the other hand if you look at well also look at this one this is also we're just going to go through the same for the red circuits here the red circuits as 41 000 in this location and that means it is it is it is this one with like 50 64 000 so it's only at this point outputting 23 000 and 23 000 is not enough for another train and therefore it doesn't request any more trains this one as well we can now go back here it's now at 53 and that means this one these two circuits these simple circuits and i honestly mean that in a simple way you really don't have any mid calculation things you're basically have this is the only calculation that these two things here at cyprus it's what you define as as how much is on the train how much you want inbound what's the maximum number of trains all those things you get it inbound and that will once you have this it's easy to set up one more train station because you you can just set it to request the question is then then you get a very big system that has that's managing a many too many net train network and it all seems good but don't you lose track of of whether you have enough of anything well that's where the last inserter comes in which i think is really cool so what it does here is this is remember this is a provider so out here we're saying how many how many are we actually providing to the network that's the number here this one says how much are you providing i am providing two full train loads full and then then we're taking this location and putting on the green wire and that green wire will go into the global network on the green wire and i'm going to go up here and on the red wire we will have the demand so this one is you can see the red wire coming in on the demand it will did currently have zero demand this one has one oh finally this one has actually gotten it's now to thirty one thousand this one is thirty one so it's now requesting one train additional and it will now send the network sending the information to the global network on the red wire that is requesting one red well one red train and here we go that's one red train and as soon as that goes in we are now stopping we're no longer requesting any trains for the reds let's look at the global network here you can see this is how much is being requested and once you've set up the system you can actually look at this and go hmm purple science well you have one purple science requested but you also have two purple signs provided okay so that's not probably not a problem but if you for example see now uh it's eight copper locations requested and eight copper or requested that's a lot that means that there's definitely a it looks like there's a deficit in the system but you also can see that we have 48 48 on the green one 48 copper provided and 31 copper provided so in the grand scheme of things it's not an actual deficit there is a specific location that we'll just jump to and we're now back here to this location that i mentioned and this is now what is done here is the aggregate of all the demands and all the supplies and putting it in here so at this point you can see anything that is a positive number means that there is more supply than demand aggregate there might not be enough trains to actually services but that's another thing you could do a measurement of all right we are standing too close to the rocket yeah but this one is a great way to come on a great way to track it and what you could do is set up warnings to this and if anything goes below zero or maybe goes below minus one so that you don't it's not just a a clip there then you can you can get those notifications and give you warnings down here as well you can make a dashboard to illustrate how many of each you have available those are kind of things that you could add to more flavor to it but the core of the thing of the matter as you're working with the space you can see that this space is fully saturated everything all the supplies are higher than all the demands and that means the base is in a healthy state which is extremely powerful to be able to monitor this thing and be able to do responses as you see the base progressing maybe you try to scale up things and then you're kind of unsure whether blue circuits or red circuits are keeping up well you're going to easily see that here so that is an absolutely brilliant base you can see here we look at just other things that are sort of quirks and cool things like i like this power plant it's an 8 18 nuclear power plant and it's just basically saying every time there's a room somewhere in in the water then put it in i like that idea of doing it like this just having the land having it with a landfill underneath it does kind of limit how many you can build because even building the next one over here might be possible but it might also get into trouble because this one could that be built here no it cannot so i don't know but there's still as long as there's plenty of room you can just start stamping it down out here in these locations and there should be more than enough power there's a bit of solar power but majority of the power is actually coming from the nuclear the steam turbines here i've set it to always stay so that's why it's the peak performance to today but it's a it's a healthy balance i'd say other things well i think that a lot of the things here the actual designs we could go into those and just look at at designs like this but if you've seen any of my builds you will also recognize that these are pretty much standard these kind of builds the parts here and here's a different location but it's it's it's just a really aesthetic base it's something that i really enjoy looking at it's um the main part of the space is definitely the train stations and how you manage to train network and i i really want to make this train network and this is what russ partisan always does doing just something with trains it's always really really uh interesting and awesome so i'm happy that i got to re review this space and show it to you because i'm i'm blown away how how how well managed it is lots and lots of of small services gathered together but you also have the global management of of the overview so it's it's just in every way really really cool so thank you very much to ross partisan for allowing me to demonstrate the space for you and i hope you're enjoying it and if you're sitting in with a base that has some interesting quirks you can see here i'm not demonstrating the entire base but i'm looking at the stuff that's unique the train system so if you have some base that has some unique builds some unique designs then let me know share it with me in the discord reach out to me discord and maybe i'll take a look if i find that it's something that we all could learn something from thank you very much for watching and hope to see you again here on youtube on twitch on discord wherever it is thank you for watching and as always stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 94,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, 1.0, 1.1, base, tour, review, ltn, logistic, train, network, vanilla, htn
Id: q9NjKDKXlck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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