Modeling DOORS AND FRAMES in Blender - Step by Step Tutorial!

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what's up guys what's up guys justin here from the cg back with another blender modeling tutorial for you so one of the things i've been noticing as i'm going through tutorials on blender there's not a lot of videos for creating things that are fairly common like things like windows and doors where people actually talk so i thought what i'd do is i'd start making some tutorials teaching how to create those basic architectural elements there will probably be multiple videos on multiple different ways to do things there's always a different way to do things so we're going to try to come up with some videos that are more standard that people can use in order to create some architectural elements so if there is an architectural element that you'd like to see feel free to leave a comment down below i can't promise that i'll get to it but i'll definitely be reading those comments and looking for ideas in the future now let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so i thought that i'd start by creating a model from an image and so i'm going to link this image in the notes down below but this is a door from wikimedia commons meaning anyone can download it and use it so i will link to this in the notes down below but what we're going to do is we're going to start by importing this image and so the way that we need to do that is first of all we need to make sure an add-on is enabled so we're going to look for images and we want to make sure that import images as planes is enabled so then you can do a file import images as planes one thing we want to make sure that we do before we do this and i'm going to go ahead and delete out my default model is we want to go into the front view before we do that so that this is aligned with our camera so we're just going to go to file import images as planes and we're just going to find this image so in this case i can click on this there's a lot of different things you can do over here like adjusting the height of your plane so in this situation for example this is going to be probably seven feet tall it's pretty standard for a door so that's going to be 84 inches high so we're just going to type in a value of 84. then we're going to import images as planes so you can see that this actually brought this in along this axis which is fine so you could tap the n key and then adjust the rotation if you wanted this pointing a different direction so in this situation for example i could set this to 90 this to 90 in order to get my door back to where i was originally looking at it from my uh from my view from before so you can definitely use that in order to set your image up but now what we want to do is we want to start modeling so in this situation i'm going to start by adding a plane so i'm going to do a shift a and add a mesh we're going to make it a plane and we're going to set the align on our plane to view that will align this to the view that we have selected in here and then i'm just going to move this up and i'm going to make this the same size as my door leaf so i'm going to tab into edit mode type the 2 key in order to go into line select i'm going to tap g i'm just going to move this over so that it's aligned and you may want to think about tapping that y key while you have this active just to make sure that you're moving it along the proper axis i'm going to do this again right here right so i'm just going to select this edge move it down and then click and so that's given me kind of my basic door shape right if i was to rotate out of this you can see how my plane is aligned with this image and now what i want to do is i want to start modeling out this detail so the way that i'm going to do this there's a lot of different ways you could add this detail so i know a lot of people do things with images and baking and other things like that we can talk about that in a future video but for now let's just talk about detailing this out so the way that i'm going to do this is i'm going to add some edge loops so i'm just going to type control r mouse over this and then click i'm just going to move this over and i'm going to add this edge loop right here i'm going to keep adding edge loops until i've modeled out all of the detail that's in here so ctrl r edge loop notice how i'm just adding edge loops in here wherever we would be aligned with these panels on the door and so i'm also going to model the frame separately by the way you may be wondering what's going on with the frame i'm going to model that out separately but for now let's just add the rest of this detail and i'll come back and we can talk about it all right so we're not really going to worry too much about the latch in this tutorial we could definitely model that out later but for right now let's focus on the door and the frame so what i'm going to do now is i've come in here and i've split this up into faces right so if i tap three to go into face select mode i can do a shift click and i can start selecting all of these faces so what we want to do is we want to take these faces and we want to select them because we're going to extrude them right so we're going to take these we're going to extrude them back to give this a little bit of depth so we've got all of these selected well now i'm going to hold the middle mouse button i'm just going to rotate this a little bit so that you can see i'm just going to tap the e key to extrude this back right i'm not going to extrude it back a long way i'm just going to extrude it back enough that you can kind of see the detail in here right so this is giving this just a little bit of depth at the moment and so what that's done is that's given us a general door leaf so if i was to turn this off for example you can see that this has given us a general door leaf but there's a couple things we still want to do all right so now what we want to do is we want to add a little bit of a bevel it doesn't have to be too much just a bit right so there's a few different ways we could do this it's really easy for these central objects right so these objects right here that's pretty simple to do because all we have to do is just select the outside of them right and then activate the bevel tool so you can just do a control b move your mouse and eventually it'll start giving you this bevel so there is a piece in here that i don't really like where this is beveling these to the inside and adding this additional detail it's not my favorite thing in the world but for what we're doing right here i don't think it matters if you guys know an easy way to not have that happen let me know in the comments down below but so beveling these is really easy beveling the others is a little bit trickier it's not too bad though i'm going to tab into edit mode on this and for me all i've been doing is i just use edge select mode so i'll click on an edge like this one i'll just hold the ctrl key and click so i'll click to here and then i'll click to here because what blender does when you select an edge and then hold the ctrl key and click is it finds the fastest or the shortest distance between those points right so then i can hold shift and select this and then do the same thing i can just hold ctrl and click on these edges so what it's doing is just finding the fastest path around all of these so hold ctrl click hold ctrl click and so it's allowing me to select all of that edge geometry just by doing that control click and finally we'll just do a shift click control click control click so what that's done is that's allowed us to select all of this geometry i think we've got all the edges in here we may be missing a little bit over here so we'll just make sure that we add those as well so now all of these edges or most of these edges are selected so we've got all of these selected now we can just do the same thing or we do a control b to bevel them and bevel those edges and so the other thing about this is this is kind of beveling these and moving these outward just a bit so it's kind of moving the geometry out a little bit for me again i'm not super worried about it because all i want this to do is look like a door however if you are concerned about that there may be some other things you need to do but if i tab into object mode you can see how my door looks just fine so i'm not going to worry about it too much because if i texture this i'm probably going to do it with just a texture from view anyway and so now what we need to do is we need to add some thickness right and that gets a little bit tricky just because you can't just take this and extrude it so you can't just select all of this geometry on this side and extrude it just because what it's going to do is let's say that you were to select i'll just take a couple of these faces and we'll just do a control select across here but if you were to extrude these notice what this is going to do is this is going to make this hollow right you don't want this to make this hollow so what we're going to do instead is we're just going to take the whole thing i'm just going to tap a and i'm just going to do a shift d to duplicate it so i'm going to move it this direction and i'll just tap the x axis to make sure that i'm moving it in the proper direction so i'm going to move it this way uh really whatever the thickness of your door is so maybe we'll move this call it two inches for right now so you can see how now we've got this facing this other direction on this duplicate of this object and so i want to rotate this so that the so that the detailing is in on that side and so i'm just going to r z 180 so i'm just going to rotate that 180 degrees then all we're going to do is we're just going to select the edges and we're just going to fill between them so in order to do that we're just going to type 2 on our keyboard we're going to select one of these edges we're just going to do that same thing that we did before so we're going to hold the ctrl key and click click click click in order to hold the perimeter or select the perimeter so i just want to select the edges around the perimeter for both of these so we'll do a shift click do a control click here control click here whoops undo we want to make sure this is going all the way around our perimeter now you can see how i have the edges on both sides of this door selected so what i want to do now that i have these selected so i just want to right click i just want to click on bridge edge loops so what that's going to do is that's going to create a face in between the edges that i have selected so notice how now what i have is i have a solid door with that detailing if i was to tab into object mode you can see how this door looks really good well now let's go in here let's model out our frame so we're going to do the same thing i'm going to add the frame as a separate object i like to keep these separate when possible so i'm just going to do a control whoops i'm going to do a shift a mesh plane i'm going to align it with my view and then for this one i'm going to align this with my door frame right so i'm just going to tab into edit mode i'm just going to move this out so it's aligned with the outside of my frame i'll do the same thing over here there's a few different ways you could do this actually you could probably extrude something as well but we'll go ahead and do it this way for right now so i'm just going to move this up on the z-axis move this down on the z-axis and we can align that with the bottom of our door that should be fine so now i'm just going to add a couple more edge loops so i'm going to do a ctrl r add an edge loop up here we'll do a ctrl r we'll add an edge loop over here notice how this is actually snapping to my door which i think is actually really good because that means that i'm going to be aligned when i finalize this now i'm just going to come in here and i don't need this piece of geometry in the middle anymore so i'm just going to come in here and i'm just going to delete this edge so i'm going to click on it type x and delete edges so what that should leave me with is that should leave me with this door frame right here well now let's just add a little bit of detail to our frame and i don't want to get super crazy with this um you could obviously get more crazy i am just going to add a couple edge loops in here in order to generally align with the detail that's in here and so we're going to go ahead and call this good for this door so you could definitely get more in-depth you could probably even uh you could probably even use like a curve or something to extrude the actual profile of this i'm not super worried about this for right now i just want you to be able to create a door frame in general so we're going to start just by going into face select mode i'm just going to do a control click i'm just going to select these faces i'm just going to extrude them out just a little bit and it might help if you kind of rotate in order to do this we'll just extrude this one out a little bit then we'll extrude this one out just a little bit all we're doing is just giving this a little bit of out and in right so that's not just a hundred percent flatten here so i'm not really worried about too much other than that right now and so we've got our frame in here and for our frame let's say that we wanted to let's play around with a bevel modifier so let's just add a bevel modifier in here what that's going to do is that's going to allow you to adjust the bevel without you having to do a whole lot in here so i can just adjust this bevel with this modifier so you don't have to do it this way but you can see how that gives you a little bit of extra detail around the perimeter when you do that then you can also adjust the number of segments that are in here so you can adjust this really however you want but it just gives you a little bit more smoothness to your model when you do this so let's go ahead and hide our plane and i'm just going to do the same thing again where i'm going to take this i'm going to tab into object mode i'm going to type a i'm going to do a shift d to duplicate it we'll rotate it by tapping the r key and tap z to lock it to this axis and we'll type in 180. then we'll just move this and again i have my snapping on so that'll help me align right here and we'll want to make sure that this is aligned so we'll make sure to select all of this use the g key make sure this is all lined up and i can probably actually from top down just select these this way and so then we'll just do the same thing we did before where we'll do a bridge edge loops so we'll just select all of these probably going to turn my door off for a minute probably going to hide my bevel as well all right so now we have our edges selected we should be able to right click in here and click on bridge edge loops in order to make our frame solid as well so now if i tab out of this you can see how i've got a door frame in here as well as a door that i can then add to my models inside of blender we could talk in the future about how to add the handle this video is getting a little bit long but just in general you can use this in order to create this door i'd recommend once you create this door maybe saving it in a library somewhere so that you can access it really easily in the future so that's where i'm going to end this video leave a comment below and let me know what you thought was this helpful to you how do you create doors in blender i just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week if you like what i'm doing in this channel please consider supporting me on patreon so if you're interested in supporting the show and what i'm doing here make sure you check out that link in the notes down below but in any case thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 20,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender door, blender door tutorial, blender door and frame, blender frame tutorial, blender door and frame tutorial, blender doors, blender modeling doors, blender door model, blender frame model
Id: AzOFx5rnkeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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