How to Cut Holes for DOORS AND WINDOWS in Walls in Blender

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what's up guys Justin here with the CG essentials compact with another blender architectural modeling tutorial for you so this one is gonna be really important because it's gonna give you some basics on how to create openings inside of walls so that you can basically create door openings window openings things like that so we're gonna talk through a couple different ways to do this some of which use add-ons and some of which don't but let's go ahead and just jump into it so one of the things that can get a little bit tricky inside a blender is when you're doing architectural models a lot of the time you want to cut an opening for an object so that you basically have a hole like a door or a window or something like that and so let's start with a simple example so I'm going to import a door frame that I downloaded from blend swap from Menem 8 I will link to this frame in the notes down below basically what I want to do is I want to add this door frame and I also want to make it so the door frame cuts a hole in my wall so to start off we're just going to pin this to our model so just do a file append and then when you bring this door frame down you're gonna double-click on this and then we're just going to go into the object settings and you're gonna select the option for cube 0.1 or cube point 0 1 0 that's going to bring in the geometry of our door frame then I'm just gonna rotate this by doing an R Z typing in 90 and we're just gonna align this with our wall so I'm just gonna move this real quick this way and we'll move it this way and we can scale it a little bit too so I'm just gonna scale it on the x-axis just a bit just like this and so we have is we don't have a door frame in our wall but the problem is the door frame is in our wall and we don't have an opening well the way that we can do this is we can create a boolean that sits inside of the door object that will actually move around wherever our door moves and so the way that we're gonna do that is we're gonna add a cube and we're gonna align the cube with our door and we're gonna make it so that it intersects with our wall so the easiest way to do this is we're just going to do a shift a and we're gonna add a cube and then we're gonna go to the front view we're gonna align this cube with our door so most of the time I hold Z and move into wireframe mode to do this just so that I can see a little bit better what's going on and we're just going to start aligning vertices and so one thing that I like to do I do this is I like to turn Snap on by clicking on this button right here and then setting vertex snapping so what that allows me to do is when I go into edit mode it'll actually make the vertices snap to items in our model so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit the tab key to go into edit mode and then I'm just going to tap the 1 key in order to go to vertex edit mode and what we're gonna do is we're gonna start aligning edges so I'm just going to tap G and I'm gonna align this with this side notice how these are snapping and aligning with these objects because we turn snap mode on so you can see how I can select these edges and notice that I'm getting the front and the back edges because I'm in wireframe mode and I'm just going to align these with my door so just like this so now my cube if I go back into solid mode or material preview mode is intersecting with my wall and so what we want to do now is we want to tab back out of edit mode and click on our wall and then we want to add a modifier so we're gonna click into modifiers and under this drop down we're gonna select the option for boolean so when we select the option for boolean it's not going to do anything initially because it's going to ask us what object we want to use for the boolean operation well in this situation we're gonna click on this little button right here and then we want to select our cube and so what this is doing is this is now cutting a hole in our object but part of the problem here is you can't see the hole because the cube is blocking it and so I think there's a few different ways to do this and so what I like to do is just turn this off inside of my scene so that you can't see this one thing you do need to be aware of though is if you were to render this right now this cube would show up so I'm just gonna click on this restriction toggle and I'm going to make sure that we also have action toggle available for disable and renders and so what that means is that means I can turn this off so it's not going to be shown in the render but the problem right now with this boolean that we created is if I move this around you can see how the opening isn't moving with this and so the reason for that is because it's not linked in any way to our door frame so what I wanted you is I want to take this and I want to drag it into my cube object and notice how right now it's not gonna allow me to do this because it's not in a collection but it gives me these options for control to link or shift to parent it well in this situation I'm gonna hold shift in order to parent this to the cube so what that means is that means that now this boolean that we created that doesn't show up in our view is now linked to our door frame so now if I move my door around the boolean that we created is moving with that so we've basically created it and made it invisible but now it'll cut through any object that we place inside of our viewport and so it's kind of a bonus tip you can also do this with a built-in add-on called our kamesh and so we've talked a little bit about our kamesh before it's basically a tool contained inside a blender that allows us to create different kinds of windows and other things like that so you can see how I used our kamesh and I will link to our Commission the notes down below but if we create this object in our kamesh and we're gonna align it with our wall real quick well if you look at this object and we need to align it front to back as well but if you look at this object you can see how it has a little box in here well that box is basically a cutting box that you can reference with your wall with a boolean modifier so if I click on this wall and then I click on add boolean modifier I can just select this object using a little eyedropper and I can find the option for control hole you can see how what that's going to do is that's going to use that object as a boolean so now if I was to move this group inside my wall you can see how that hole is gonna move along with it so if you don't want to do this manually and you want to use the mesh objects you can do that I'm inside a blender so that's from an in this video leave a comment below and let me know what your thought was this helpful to you did you like this tutorial I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 63,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender door opening, blender window opening, blender doors, blender windows, blender archimesh door openings, blender archimesh window openings, blender cut door opening, blender boolean door opening, blender cut window opening, blender boolean window opening
Id: kZD8sSX7NtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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