How to Model 7 Different Kinds of ROOFS in Blender - Architectural Modeling Tutorial

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what's up guys justin here with the back with another blender modeling tutorial for you so in today's video we're going to talk about a few different ways to model some different kinds of roofs inside of blender so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so first thing to note as we do this is there are multiple different ways to get a lot of these results so there are other ways to do these as well but these should get you started for creating a few different kinds of roofs so to start off we're going to create a simple roof um the gable so to do that we're going to start by adding a mesh we'll go ahead and move it up a little bit so what we're going to do is we're going to start off and for this one we're going to start by modeling the roof as a part of this object so we could also come in here and draw a separate plane and draw the roof that way but i want to go ahead and just make it as a part of this geometry so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to tab into edit mode and then i'm just going to do a control r in order to add a loop cut right here so then i'm going to click and then i'll right click in order to place that so what we've done is we've split this whole thing into a loop well now what i want to do is i want to select this edge by clicking on it i just want to move it up by tapping the g key then we'll just lock it to the blue axis by tapping the z key so now what we have is we have our base shape right here well what we need to do with our base shape is we need to extrude this so that we have a roof because roofs usually have a thickness right so you could just kind of leave it like this and add shingles to it but it wouldn't look very realistic so in order to do this i'm just going to tap the three key to go into face select mode i'm just going to do a shift click and select both of these faces and so from here there's really two ways you could go about this and maybe what i'll do is i'll duplicate this so you can see both of them so first off i'm going to make a copy right here so the first way we're going to do this is we're going to select both of these and we're just going to extrude them up so we're just going to tap the e key and then the z key and what that's going to do is that's going to allow us to extrude this up so that our roof has a little bit of thickness and then from here what we want to do is we need these to hang down a little bit on the sides right so there's usually little overhangs on a roof and so what we need to do is we need to create the geometry that's going to allow us to do that so i'm going to click this edge or this face and i'm going to do a shift click and i'm going to select this face and you can't use the extrude tool right now so um because that'll give us kind of some weird results they'll both go in one direction what i want to do instead is with both of these selected i just want to click and hold over here and click on extrude along normals and then i can click and drag this and what this is going to do is it's going to extrude these out along the face normal so in this case it's going to extrude it out this way in this case it's going to extrude it out this way and then i'm just going to go to the front view i'm going to tap the g key and then the z key i'm going to move these until this is pretty much aligned and so we're almost done what we need to do here though is we need to add a little bit of overhang because usually these are going to overhang off of a roof on the front and back side so to do that i'm just going to select my faces and then we're just going to use the extrude along normals tool in order to extrude all of this at once so i'm just going to click and drag this like this then we can actually set the overhang right here so i could type in a value of like negative 3 or whatever obviously the dimensions are a little bit off but what that's done is that's allowed us to create this easy gable roof well the other way we could go about this because we talked about this a little bit is instead of extruding these up like we did before so we extruded these up then we extruded the edges out we could use the extrude along normals in order to do this so if we extrude this up like this notice how what this does is this extrudes this up but these edges get extruded along the normals meaning they get extruded out here well now we can just select these two faces and we can just extrude them down this way then we can extrude these out again so that's a couple quick ways to create a gable roof so let's keep going though um so there's a there's a kind of roof that usually goes on top of a barn or something like that you might see it on a shed as well called a gambral roof and so to create a gamble root gambrel roof what we're going to do is we're going to start by adding another rectangle or another cube like this well in this situation what we want to do is we want to add more loop cuts so we're going to tab into edit mode then we're just going to do a ctrl r but this time we're going to scroll our mouse up until we get three loop cuts instead of just one so once we've done that we can click right click in order to place this and so for this one what we want to do is we want to do the exact same thing that we did before where we want to move these up right but in this case we want to move this up to about here then we want to move these edges up about here you can see how when we did that what that does is that gives us a barn roof alternatively if we wanted to we could select this and then we could turn on proportional editing basically proportional editing is going to set this so that not only if we adjust this one object is it going to change but the other objects are going to change as well so notice how if i tap that g key right now everything is kind of moving along with this so i'm going to tap the z key to lock it to this axis and notice how we have this circle in here and i can adjust the size of the circle by scrolling my mouse wheel so you can see that you get a stronger or weaker effect depending on how big this proportional editing object is so if you did want to adjust this all at once you could use proportional editing but in any case we're going to go ahead we're going to set this and so now we have our general shape and we're just going to do the same thing we did before so i'm going to tab in object mode or edit mode i'm going to select these faces and then i'm just going to do the same thing i'm going to extrude these along normals so when i extrude these along normals it's going to extrude this out then we can do the same thing with these faces using extrude along normals like this we can extrude those along our normals as well so that's an easy way to create a gamboro roof well now let's talk about a more complicated roof so a hip roof is a roof where your roof goes up but then your edges kind of go inward so let's go ahead and let's do that so for this one i want to start by creating my cube let's go ahead and let's scale this one so it's kind of a longer building so something like this and so in this situation because i want this to go outward from this face i think it's going to be easier if i just add a rectangle on top of this one thing i'm going to do in order to make this work a little bit better is i'm going to turn on snapping so i'm going to set this to snap to vertices i'm going to turn snapping on you can also do a shift tab in order to do that but what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a plane i'm going to align this plane with this corner then i'll tab into edit mode and i'll just move these edges so they align with these edges so now i have two objects in here right i have the plane that's going to make up my roof and i have the cube that makes up my building well what i want to do first is i want to scale this plane out a little bit and so one thing that's going to make this easier before i scale this is i'm just going to set my object origin to my center of mass on my surface that way when i scale this outward it'll scale it uniformly from a central point but what we've done is we've just scaled this out using the scale tool now i'm going to tab into edit mode and i'm going to extrude this up just a bit i want to make sure i have the face selected not that one edge so i'm just going to tap the e key and extrude this up just like this and then i'm going to extrude it up again so i'm going to extrude this to whatever i want the height of my roof to be so maybe something like this and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to scale this in so i'm just going to tap the s key in order to scale this a little bit and so by scaling this in what we're getting is we're getting this slope backwards a little bit just like this but this still doesn't quite do what we want it to do right it's got this big flat space in here well what we're going to do is we're going to switch over to vertex editing mode so we're going to type one then i'm just going to select these two vertices i'm going to right click and i'm going to merge these vertices at center so what that's going to do is that's going to take these two vertices and it's going to merge them at the central point between the two vertices then do the same thing over here so we'll do a click a shift click then we'll right click merge vertices at center so what that gives us is that gives us this roof in here over this building and know how we don't have a face on the inside here you could just do a alt click and type f to fill in a face in there but that allowed us to create a simple hip roof so now let's say that we wanted to create a hip roof but let's say that our building had to turn a corner right so let's say it's more of a complex hip roof so what we want to do in that situation is we'll start by roughing out our layout and so what this gives us is this gives us a building that turns a corner well let's start by adding a rectangle that lines up with this so we'll just do a shift a we'll add a plane move that plane so it aligns here and so with this situation what i want to do is i just want to start by modeling out this straight part of the roof right so it's basically going to be like this but on top of this object right here so i'm just going to move this so the lines here move this so that aligns here and we'll just do the same thing we did before so object center of mass scale it out tab into edit mode extrude this up extrude it up again so so far we're just following the steps that we just talked about right so we'll scale it in a little bit merge our vertices at the center so we'll right click merge vertices at center all right so so far what we have is nothing special the trick here though is we want to take this face and extrude it along here in order to create the other piece of our roof and so what we want to do in order to do this is we need to split this up so that it's an extra face right so the way that i'm going to do that is i'm probably going to look at this from the top down but i want to create a knife cut from probably this point right here to this point right here so we're basically roughing out the way that our roof is going to look so in order to do this all we have to do is tap the k key to activate the knife tool i'm just going to click here and i'm going to click here and then you can hit enter in order to finalize this and so basically what we've done is we've come in here and we've split this up so that we have two different faces right well now we can come in here and we can select these two vertices by doing a click and a shift click right right-clicking and merge these at center and so when we merge these at center what that's going to do is that's going to give us a base right here that we can extrude and i'm just going to go to top down mode i'm just going to extrude this along the y-axis so what that's done and you may want to put this in wireframe mode what that's done is that has extruded this out so that we have a roof that runs around this corner solid mode may show that to us a little bit better and so from here there's nothing stopping you from going in and just cleaning everything up right so if i go look at this right and i turn on wireframe mode you can see how you may get a little more overhang here than you have here so you can just kind of move everything around get everything aligned the way that you want it to be so you may want to move some things you may also want to select some things and move them in and out like this so you can use this to kind of finalize that just by selecting edges and then moving them around you can see how this one's a little bit more complex than the others so now let's talk about if we had like a hexagonal gazebo or something like that so let's do a shift a and we're going to add a cylinder in this case so for the cylinder we want it to have six vertices and we'll go ahead and we'll make the radius bigger we'll make the depth bigger maybe we'll make the depth and the radius a little bit smaller there we go and so what we have here is we have this hexagonal shape well we want to take this hexagonal shape we want to make a roof that comes off of this well the first thing we need to do is tap into edit mode and select this face and then i'm going to type the so i'm going to type the e key to extrude this but in this situation i want to type the s key for scale right so extrude scale is going to allow me to extrude this outward right so instead of extruding this up it's going to allow me to extrude this out like this once you have this kind of in here and selected you can select this face so you can type 3 to go to face select mode and so then i'm just going to extrude this up like this and what we want to do is we just want to do the same thing we did before so we're going to go into vertex select mode drag a box across these vertices then right click do emerge vertices at center so you can see how creating that gazebo style roof is really easy so another kind of roof is let's say we had like a shed so let's say we had a shed with a sloping roof so for this one it's actually fairly simple you just tab into this object type 2 to go into edge select mode we're going to move this up like this and then from here you've got options right so you can extrude this along your surface normals if you want to you can do an e s to extrude this out and then extrude that up like this and again notice how you can adjust your thickness over here like this so creating this sloping roof is really easy so let's say we wanted to add a dormer in this roof over here right so let's say it was like a little additional like tiny little roof piece that was coming off of this well the way that we could do that is we can add a cube so we'll add a cube right here and we'll kind of scale it down until we get the size of cube that we want and then we're just going to align that with our roof so i'm going to move this up across you can kind of size it however you want like this i'm just going to move this until the bottom of it kind of aligns with the bottom of my roof right here now and i may move this down a little bit more so we've got our cube inside of our roof well now we just do what we did before for our gable roof over here right so we just tab into edit mode split this with a control r move this up select our faces extrude them along our surface normals like this we extrude these along our surface normals as well then the only thing that's really different here is we're going to extrude these front ones out like we did before these back ones instead of extruding it out i'm just going to move these faces until they align with my roof right so i'm going to look at this i'm just going to move these back along the y-axis until i'm sure that they've intersected with my roof like this so then if i click off of this you can see how you've got this nice little dormer inside of your roof without a whole lot of extra effort so there are also some options and some add-ons like archimesh for creating different kinds of roofs as well but in this one i wanted to just teach you how to work with the geometry leave a comment below let me know what you thought um if you have any other methods that you use for creating roofs i just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 19,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender roof tutorial, blender roofing tutorial, blender model roof, blender hip roof, blender gambrel roof, blender gable roof, blender barn roof, blender shed roof, blender hexagonal roof, blender gazebo roof, blender dormer, blender dormer roof
Id: Pcb-BBeGt8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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