6 Ways to CREATE WALLS in Blender! (Architecture in Blender)

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what's up guys Justin here with the CG essentials compaq with another blender architectural modeling tutorial for you so um you guys have been asking me a lot about ways to create different kinds of architectural models and how we can use blender in order to create models for architecture so this is probably going to be several different videos about different common things you want to do in architecture in the first video I wanted to talk a little bit about some different ways you can create walls inside a blender so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so there's a bunch of different ways that you can do this inside a blender you're gonna have to kind of pick the one that you like the best I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you a few different ways you can create walls and then you can kind of decide what's gonna be your favorite and what you can use inside of your workflow so the easiest way to create walls inside a blender if you have a simple shape is to use a cube so if I do a shift a and then I add a cube and then we're gonna move it up a little bit and we're gonna move it over a little bit and I see probably what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna jump in edit mode so I'm just gonna hit tab to go into edit mode and we're just going to move this along the x-axis move this along the y-axis whoops like this so let's say you had a simple room like this what you can do is you could set this cube up so that the outside of it fits the outside of your so that it fits the outside of whatever shape you're trying to create and then you can delete out the face on the top so you can just select it hit the Delete key and delete this face and so I would probably delete out the floor as well because what we're gonna do is we're going to add a modifier in order to add the thickness to our walls so probably what I would do is I would delete this floor model out as well and then if I had a floor I would just have it in here as a separate plane but what you can do now is you can take these walls and you can go over to your modifiers and you can add a solidify modifier and you can add a thickness of whatever you want your wall to be so if these are gonna be like 6-inch walls you can just add a thickness of six inches and so you can use this in order to quickly quickly create walls inside a blender so this is probably my least favorite way of doing this but you can definitely do this if you just want to use that cube not mess around with this too much note that if you want this to be actual geometry in here you probably are going to need to apply this modifier in order to make this the full-on geometry just note that you can't adjust the modifier once you've applied this and so then another way you could do this if you wanted to is you could also use a plane in order to do this so let's say we're going to do a shift a you were to add a plane in here and we'll just move that along this axis right here what you could do is you could tab into edit mode and so what we can do is we can select our different parts and pieces so for example let's say that we I was to come in here and select this edge I can move this edge to wherever I want it to be right and one thing to know and I may make a separate video about this is you might want to think about if you're trying to match lengths and other things like that turning your snap mode on and setting this to a vertex so if you snap this to vertex what you can do is you can use this in order to snap your different edges so that they're aligned with other objects in here we'll talk more about that in a future video but let's say we were to take this and we were to move the edges around maybe add like a loop cut or something like that and then we could delete out some of these vertices or these edges so I'm gonna delete those I'm gonna delete these will delete the edges and then we'll probably have to select all of this and tap the F key in order to fill it in but now what we have is we have a shape that can work as a floor plan well now I can extrude that along the z-axis just like this and then I'm probably gonna delete out my faces again just like we did before and so then we could add our solidify modifier to this and we'll go ahead and give it a thickness of 6 inches and notice that you can set this so that it goes out or in by setting this offset value so I'm going to enter offset value of 1 and then also notice because we have this extra edge in here and over here this isn't extruding into the right thickness so just make sure you check the box for even thickness when you do this so you can adjust this but you can use this in order to create your walls to whatever thickness you want so that's another way to do this neither one of these is really my favorite way to do this because they're not very precise so the next two ways at least to me are going to be a lot more precise and they're really gonna help you a lot more and so the next thing you can do is you could come in here and you could add a cube so you can do a shift a and you can add a cube and then what we're gonna do is we're going to set this so that it has a size that's aligned with what we want our wall thickness to be so let's say we have a 6-inch wall we're gonna set our cube thickness to six inches when we create this and then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to move this over here I'm going to tab into edit mode real quick I'm just going to move this so that it aligns over here and we're going to turn our snapping back on so I'm just going to move this up we're gonna make sure that we set this to vertex snapping and I've basically set this so it's the same height as this wall and then you can come in here and you can move and extrude these edges in order to create your walls so let's say for example that we wanted to build like a ten-foot wall over here so I'm gonna set my length inside of my scene units to feet but then I'm just going to move this out using the move tool ten feet and I'm gonna go back in here and I'm gonna set this negative ten feet like that but then let's say I have another wall on the end well I can just extrude this out another six inches like this then I can extrude this to make my next wall like this you can see how by using that extrusion length like this we can actually create our walls in here so you can see how you can use this to quickly create your walls inside a blender and so I think most of the time what people want to do is they want to come in and they just want to draw out basically edges that align with the size of your walls that you want to put in here and so there's a couple different ways that we can do this as well we could insert a plane and then delete everything as a vertex or we could enable an add-on called add mesh extra objects so what that's going to do is that's going to give you extra objects when you do a shift a in order to add something so what we want to do is we want to do a shift a once we've enabled that and under mesh you see how there's more options in here when I enabled that well what I want to do is I want to add a single vertex and so when I add a single vertex what that does is that basically gives me something that I can work from inside of my model so I can now take that vertex I move this over a little bit just so you can see it maybe align it with this edge right here you can see how what that did is that gave me a vertex well now I could extrude that vertex along this axis to whatever my thickness is going to be so in this case I'm going to do a point three three but then you can take both of those you can extrude them along an axis to whatever the length is that you want it to be so again if we did a ten-foot wall you could extrude this down just like this and so notice how we can use the vertex extrusions in order to extrude this out so that we can get the wall that we want once you've roughed out what this is going to look like you can just select it all so you can do an A then extrude that up on your z-axis you may need to come in here and fill in one or two of these so this one for example I'm going to come in here and I'm going to select all the vertices I'm just going to tap the F key in order to fill that in but notice how that now gives me walls inside a blender that I can use to create my plans or really whatever it is that I want to do so another way that you can do this is you can use an add-on so blender has an add-on built-in that allows you to create different walls so it's called our key mesh so if you go into your preferences under add-ons and you look for our kamesh you can see how there's an option here for add mesh our key mesh and so what our kamesh is going to do is now if I tap the N key it's going to give me a create option down below it's gonna give me an option for our kamesh and you can select the option for a room and so what the room option is going to do is that's gonna allow you to use these tools in order to create a room so for example what it does is it starts by creating a wall well now I can take the wall and I can set a length then I can add walls to this so you can see how what this is doing is this is letting me add walls in here and you can see how this sets the number of walls that are in here so if I do like a negative 15 or I guess it's gonna be a positive 15 that's gonna do is that's gonna create my walls in here for me so it creates a wall model then you can also use this to create a floor as well but then you can click on these walls and you can still edit them then notice that it also gives me the ability to add thickness and so notice how this lets me dynamically adjust the length of my different walls inside of my model there's other options in here as well so you can set different angles for your walls and other things like that so you can set if they peek if they have a different height other things like that as well but this allows you to kind of live update all of your different walls inside a blender so if you're looking for a more advanced tool you can start with our key mesh that one is free and built-in and then there's another one called our key pack and so what our cue pack is is it's a much more advanced tool for creating walls inside a blender and so I will link to this page in the notes down below but this is a much more this is a much more detailed toolset for creating different kinds of walls and architectural models inside a blender and so this has both a free version and a paid version so you can check either one of those out I think it gives you a comparison on the features page down below of what the difference is in here so you can see those down below and so what architect does is it gives you a number of different options that are really more complex or more it gives you a number of more robust options for adding different walls so I can do a shift day for example and if we see if we scroll down a little bit you can see how our capac gives you an option to add different beams and trusses and roofs all sorts of different things like that you can add a simple wall and you can see how this pops up a little this this pops up a little window with some presets but then you can click on this and you can add this wall in well what that does is that allows you to edit these in real time so not only can you click and drag these edges like this in order to adjust these you can also click on the values so if I click on this wall and click on this value I can type in a new value and hit the enter key so what that allows me to do is that allows me to live update my walls so say for example you wanted your wall to be a little bit thicker you just type in a new value and it's gonna thicken that wall even more so and then I can use this in order to start adding additional wall pieces in here so I can add an extra wall segment in here and then I can also click and drag in order to adjust the length but I can also adjust the direction so what I can do is I can use this to quickly add in and adjust these different wall pieces just like this so you can adjust the wall there's also an option in here to draw a wall but this also gives you the option to just draw a wall so you can do that by selecting a preset and then clicking a point and then notice how this tool actually stays live so you can actually use this in order to add walls in just like this and then notice how if I tap the C key it automatically closes in the gap right here but then this wall that I drew all of these are now live editable so I can either click and drag in order to make adjustments like this or I can type in values so you can see how when I type in values these walls are going to adjust live so this is a very robust tool kit I'm gonna get more in depth in this I may do a full series on our capac I haven't really decided yet it kind of depends on what you guys tell me that you want but this is a very powerful tool for creating and drawing walls inside a blender all right so that's where I mean in this video in the next video we'll talk a little bit about how to create openings for windows and other things like that inside of our walls but leave a comment below let me know what you think about this idea what you think about these methods for creating walls I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it not we'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 95,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials, thecgessentials.com, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender architecture, blender wall models, blender making walls, blender walls, blender ways to make walls, blender archimesh, blender archipack, blender archipack modeling, blender archipack features, blender architectural model, blender floor plan
Id: Cunh57XjRv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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