How To Create A Door In Blender - Part 1: Modeling

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in this tutorial we're going to be making a door in blender first go into the scene properties and make sure that your units are based in metric then go into front view by pressing 1 on the numpad by pressing shift a open up a reference image that you're going to be using to model this door if you want to use the same images myself you can find that in the description select the cube enter edit mode and click on the x-ray button in the top right hand corner select the leftmost edges press g and then x to move the vertices inward the height and width of a door is about 2 meters by 90 centimeters which is why it is important to make sure that your units are correctly set if you want you can press 3 on the numpad to move into right mode select everything and adjust the depth however in a minute we will be making changes to this anyway to make sure that the dimensions are completely correct you can use the measure tool in edit mode here we've got about two meters and on the width we've got approximately 90 centimeters so not bad looking at the door you can see by drawing horizontal and vertical lines that you can split the door into sections and this is what we're going to replicate on our model click on the model and then enter edit mode press ctrl r and then use the middle mouse button to create four vertical lines and then again to create four horizontal lines you should have this kind of grid we're going to move the lines so that we can roughly make out the outline of the panels on the door select all of the vertices you created in that first line then press g and then z or z followed by 0.275 to move that into position do the exact same with the bottom set of vertices except now you're choosing minus 0.275 next choose the middle lines of vertices and press s to scale followed by z and then 0.15 when you are happy with the horizontal set of lines select the leftmost set of vertices you created then press g x and minus 0.05 to move that into position then do the exact same for the rightmost set of vertices you created except g x and 0.05 then select the middle two lines of vertices press s to scale then x and then 0.33 this will make the small little panel in the middle on the numpad press three to go into the right mode and then select the rightmost set of vertices and delete them what we're going to do is use a mirror modifier so that any changes that we make to one side of the door will appear on the other side as well so go into your modifiers select mirror and then choose an axis of y and make sure that clipping is turned on we're going to give the door some depth by selecting all of the vertices pressing e and then y to extrude along the y-axis until it meets its mirror counterpart [Music] great now still with edit mode selected click on the face select tool and then click on each face of the panels pressing x to delete and then faces [Music] you should be left with four holes in the center of your door we're going to try to build out the four panels of the door having a look at the reference image you can see that there are ridges of the panel and that's what we're going to try to recreate in edit mode with vertex mode selected click on the face which is closest to you on one of the panels then press e then y then 0.015 followed by s to scale by 0.675 then finally scale again pressing z and 1.3 this will bring a nice oblong shape to your panel on the diagonal between the face you created and the edge of the panel click on control r and then use the middle mouse button to create two edge loops by holding alt and shift click on the two edge loops you just created as well as the middle face we're going to move these back into the door so press g then y then 0.01 and then deselect the outermost loop so you have just two selected and click on g y and minus 0.01 do the same thing with the second loop so you are just looking at the third and choose g y and minus 0.015 and this finishes the basic panel now all you have to do is the exact same procedure for the other three panels so let's do that okay with the door finished we're now going to turn our attention to the door handle so first create a cube by pressing shift a and then selecting mesh and then cube press s to scale by 0.1 and then s again followed by x and 0.25 this will create a nice rectangle for you go into right mode by pressing 3 on the numpad then pressing s to scale followed by y and 0.05 to reduce the depth of the cube make sure to rename the object to something like door handle base or door handle talking of the handle let's create that so create a new cube by pressing shift a mesh and then cube then pressing s to scale by 0.01 followed by s z and 0.85 press 3 on the numpad to go into right view then click on the leftmost face and press e followed by y and minus 0.02 to extrude the handle outwards from here select the right face then press e to extrude x and 0.085 this should make a nice handle then let's move the handle into a slightly better position now let's turn our attention to creating the lock or the keyhole to create a cylinder and rotate it by pressing r then x and then 90 degrees scale it by pressing s and 0.008 and then translate it downwards by pressing g then z and minus 0.05 create a cube and scale it by pressing s and 0.005 we'll translate it again so press g then z then minus 0.06 in edit mode select the bottom most set of vertices and extrude by pressing e and 0.002 we'll scale this inwards so press s but this time press shift y so that we don't scale in the y direction scale it by 0.8 let's extrude again so e and 0.002 scale shift y and 0.6 and one more time extrude e 0.001 shift y for scale and 0.2 when you're happy with that make sure to move the bottom section into place now we're going to create the actual keyhole so in the topmost cylinder select face mode and then delete the top face go back into vertex mode and select the edge of vertices around the cylinder press e to extrude then s and 0.4 to scale inward then do it again but scale s x and 0.4 to make an oval shape with the oval still selected press e then y and 0.005 to extrude inwards then do it again to just close the face you can do this a few times as you want now maneuver the lock into position on the door handle frame you can make small adjustments to the mesh so that it doesn't go through the door handle if you'd like however this will be hidden by the door so it's not too important in the real world objects are never completely straight and rigid so we're going to add a subdivision modifier to our handle so it looks a little bit more natural and a bit more like the reference picture so that we can maintain roughly straight edges with a little bit of rounding we're going to go into edit mode and press ctrl r to create edge loops and slide them to the edges of the mesh and we'll do that everywhere it's slightly more difficult with the mesh of the lock but the principle is exactly the same just press ctrl r and move or slide the edge loops into position along the mesh lines when you're happy with all of that select the door handle base in object mode then go down to modifiers and select subdivision modifier change the level's viewport to 2 and you can see the effect that this has had on the mesh it's rounded it off slightly let's perform the same thing on the actual handle and make sure right clicking to shade smooth go down to the lock add the subdivision modifier put it up to two and if there's any problem with the mesh make sure you add additional edge loops as i'm doing here great on this door we have a secondary lock near the top so what we're going to do is copy the one that we've already created and put a cylinder underneath it select the lock object and then press shift d to move this into position further up okay so let's create the cylinder base so create a new cylinder then r then x then 90 to rotate it and scale it down until it's roughly the same size as the door handle base shift it up by pressing g and translating it up and then scale it along the y axis and move it into position with the lock make sure to select shade smooth on the cylinder base and that's it select all of those objects and then translate them onto the mesh of the door so that they're roughly in line with how you see them in the reference photo if you want you can create a door frame by scaling a new cube making sure that the size of the frame is slightly larger than the door itself on the top and the bottom make sure that there is a slight overhang so we're almost done with the modelling and the last thing we're going to create are the door hinges and these are just simple cylinders so in object mode create a new cylinder and shrink it down and then move it into place by using the translate tool zooming in let's do some further manipulation by doing some scaling and translating until the cylinder is roughly the same size on our door as it is on the reference photo when you're happy with the size click on the object and press shift d to duplicate it then shift-click to select both objects and shift d again to duplicate both hinges at the same time we'll do this one more time shift d and then move the third hinge down into position at the lower end of the door and that's it for the modeling if you want to see how we apply materials to the door make sure to watch the next video
Channel: Most Excellent
Views: 935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most excellent, blender, blender3d, blender tutorial, create a door, door, wooden door, modeling, how to create a door in blender, blender 2.91, part 1, modelling, model a door, model a door in blender
Id: uuT19x-3P78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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