Blender Character Modeling Tutorial - Stylised Character Tutorial - Blender Tutorial

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all right it's another day it's another coffee and in today's video we're actually going to be creating a female character this week and i'm aware there's a lot more of you since the last time i posted we're actually approaching 4 000 subscribers now wow that actually makes me a little bit nervous but i i hope uh i hope you're enjoying the content i have more videos in the pipeline so bear with me busy time in wales but with that out of the way let's jump on into the video [Music] okay here we are we're back and it does feel good and i hope you've all been well by the way i know it's been about two weeks since i last post posted so hope you've all been keeping good keep him well keep on practicing but the first thing we're going to be doing today i've tried to break this video down into nice easy to follow steps to really go through my genuine character modeling process and the first thing i tend to go with is to model out the basic body torso of my characters so it's a little bit different from last time in the sense that we're going to be modeling out the full upper body and legs all in one mesh so to start we're going to use a similar technique as we had as we have done before we're going to do shift a go to mesh i'm going to add in this single vert option if you don't have this single bit option don't get mad just go to edit preferences in your add-ons search for extra and just make sure you enable extra meshes and you don't want while you're there and enable extra curves too because they're all great and they're really useful but when we've added that in so single vert add single vert we're to add two modifiers to our vertex here we're going to go with the modifiers and i'm going to add the skin modifier and the subdivision surface modifier now when i jump at the front view mode what we can do now is using our vertex with the modifiers applied we can quite simply almost like modeling out the basic stick man which we can then add more detail to as we progress so initially let's jump into x-ray mode using alt z you can also look down here for my key inputs if you do ever get lost or don't quite understand what i say so to start now make sure you select your vertex here at the base and what we're going to do i'm going to press easy just just to extrude this up and now you can see we've got two vertexes with a nice edge in between and the skin modifier is nicely applying a skin across the mesh so from there let's carry on extruding up i'm going to do easy and this is essentially going to be where the stomach is towards the neck from here i want to go ahead and maybe select in this vertex in here i'm going to do e and x stop bringing this over here and this is going to be the basis of the shoulder and then if i do ex one more time just to keep bringing this over everything is really bulky right now so what we're going to want to probably do is to highlight everything and if you want to use the box select two like me just hold click on this option here and make sure you select box select or select box and then highlighting everything we can use ctrl a just to bring this nicely down and now you can start to see a bit more form come into this object but of course we're gonna need two arms on our shape here so in our modifiers it's gonna come back in and go add modifier and add added a mirror modifier initially it's gonna look a little bit skewed and you know messy so what we need to do is we need to bring our mirror modifier right up to it the top above every other modifier to make sure that this mirrors nicely across and that all the modifications look nice and smooth okay so that's looking good initially we've got this little cross section to the body but what we also need is some legs so selecting this bottom vertex i'm going to do e and x to extrude this out again and then easy just to bring this down and it's going to be looking a little bit funny initially we've got a a very strange shape i must admit but as we go along you'll really see how we can adjust this so i might i i'm not too sure if i mentioned it just now but what we can do is select individual vertexes or the whole thing and we can use ctrl a to shrink and to enlarge the amount of skin that we apply to these vertexes so around this section where the hip begins i want this to have a bit more skins to make it a bit thicker and then let's extrude the leg down again down to around here maybe ctrl a to thin this as we get towards the ankle and then we can do g and x to bring this in slightly and then just to readjust the alignment of your vertexes to get a nice spread out body appearance and we can do the same with the upper torso here in the arm so i'm gonna shrink down the arms using control a maybe shrink down the neck and i also want to readjust this hashed circle here this is the root of our skin modifier and i tend to keep this around the hip area so by highlighting this root vertex here what we're going to do is come into our skin modifier and click marker root that's just going to make sure that this nicely all sort of starts from this middle section and then the goal then is to just keep on adjusting and extruding and modifying your vertexes until you get a nice simple body shape so let's do that now i'm going to extrude this neck up one more time and then using ctrl a i'm going to reduce the amount of skin that's been applied just to give it a nice body shape and i want a bit more geometry in here with the hips or the lines with the stomach area so pressing two to go into edge select mode i'm going to click this edge here and then do right click subdivide that's going to give us another vertex in here when i go back into vertex select mode using one and then i'm going to highlight this vertex do ctrl a to bring this up slightly and then ctrl a here just to maybe increase the size on that ctrl a to bring this down and the goal is is to just get a nice basic body shape for us to work with and i'm going to extrude this out again and i think that's looking pretty pretty decent for the most part we can almost commence with this from here so when you are happy with your general body shape the next step now is to move on to doing the hands and the feet so let's go and move on to the hands first now in regards to the hands i do have a dedicated tutorial covering that topic but to give you a little bit of an insight what we're going to do is i'm going to press alt z to go into x-ray mode and then using the tilde key i'm going to go into top view i'm going to scroll in here and we're going to use this vertex here to go and start modeling out a nice basic hand so the first thing we're going to do with this is we're going to go into our skin modifier here and we're going to mark this vertex as a loose from there we can now go ahead and start so extruding out some extra vertexes which are going to act as the palm and then the fingers of this hand so initially let's just do the palm so i'm going to do one two three four and five now these are really long essentially so i highlight all of these here and double tap g that's gonna let us move them in slightly but now we've got this interestingly skewed shape initially initially so back in the top view initially i'm just going to highlight all of these and then using control a once again i'm going to bring this all nicely down till it's a little bit less skewed and warped and then from here what we can do is when we highlight one of these end vertexes we can press e to extrude so this would essentially be the thumb and the same over here press e to extrude this out over here g to move the vertexes and e to extrude out this finger e to extrude this one and so forth until you have a nice basic hand shape and then all you need to do is to go in and adjust the general positioning of your vertexes till you get a nice basic handshape but of course if you did want a full complete breakdown of how this tends to work and how i like to go about you know rigging a hand specifically then feel free to head over to my hand rigging tutorial on my hand modeling tutorial that gives you a bit more insight into that but i think for the purposes of this tutorial that will generally do and because we are mowing across this has already happened on this side too so there is a nice hand now if you haven't already let's go ahead and tab back into edit mode on our base mesh here go into alt z so we can see inside here and we're going to do the feet in a very similar fashion i'm going to use the tilde key to jump into my right side view initially and then let's go ahead and do easy just to extrude this down just a little a bit more and then maybe readjust the alignment slightly in front of you just to make sure everything's nice and straight and then in our right side view let's with this little vertex down here selected do e y just to extrude this forward and then i'm going to jump into top view and this might be a bit hard to see initially but we're going to do a very similar technique as we did with the hand so let's mark this vertex as loose and then just extrude out one two three four and five digits to make up part of the feet and then we can do the exact same thing because we have a very very merry messy shape initially and then let's use ctrl a bring this right down and then i'm going to select all five of these front vertexes and use ey just to extrude these out and now you can see this will be the sort of basis of the toe of the toes and they're all bunched up together initially and kind of looking like a foot but all we need to do is as we did with the hand is using g to go ahead and move our vertexes we can really start to adjust the general positions of our toes until they look a bit more like feet and you know i don't tend to go for for the realism with these sort of characters if you haven't seen already my characters are very stylized so i'm not looking for that realistic style so something like that is generally what i go for and i think for the purposes of this tutorial i'm gonna be pretty happy with that okay this is looking pretty good and you guys are doing an absolutely smashing job but this character is supposed to be a female this time around so what we need to do is make those extra fine adjustments to get a bit more of a feminine feminine feminine appearance to this character so in order to do that we need to make this an actual mesh because right now it's just like a fake mesh in a way it's just a bit of skin that's been attached with the modifier so what we're going to need to do is i'm going to turn back into object mode here and with our object selected from top to bottom let's apply the mirror modifier and the skin modifier once you've done that when you tab back into edit mode you can see now this is an actual mesh that we can adjust and i want a bit more geometry to work with so let's also make sure our subdivisions are set to one on the render and view and then apply this also so that this base mesh is now looking good for us to model if you like you can also go ahead and make a backup i'm going to do that now so i'm going to undo this and so before i do apply my subdivision you can just shift d to duplicate right click to leave in place and then we can just call this one body backup and if you'd like to disable it all together for now go into our drop down turn on this disable in renders option and just turn both these off for that backup but then when you're ready apply your modifier and now let's make some fine adjustments and before we do press on i'm just gonna sip my coffee and it is worth mentioning that when it comes to a character mesh typically we should have a nice center line down here because this can cause some issues in terms of the direction of our general loop cuts and such so what i want to do before we do adjust the shape is to re-topologize this area so what i'm going to do is you may or may not have this problem but it looks like i've had it just because of how i've made this mesh if you do have a nice center parting then you should probably be fine but what i'm gonna do is press three to go into face select mode and i'm actually gonna delete this face on this face so holding shift to select them both then i'm gonna press x and click faces so now we've got this gap on the front and i wanna make sure we have two nice square shapes on the center line down the front here so what i'm going to do is press one to go back into vertex select mode and think initially i'm just going to merge these two vertexes so i want to click here and shift click here and then i want to merge at the first one here so i'm going to press m and click at first and this is going to give us a nice little shape here and what we can do is is with this vertex selected hold shift click the click here click here and click here and if i just press f now we've got a nice more squared shape and we can move whoops what have i done here and we can go ahead and move this down by double tapping g and we've just got a nice center line instead and what we're going to do is mirror this across rather than having to redo this but we need to also need to check the back so if i jump into my back view the left side here also has the same issue so if i press three to select faces i'm gonna click here shift click here x delete the faces press one to select vertexes and then merge this one with this one m at first so now we've got this nicely merged shape and then we're going to do the same again create a square here press f to fill those and from there we can go ahead and i'm going to do gz to move this down so this is more of a straighter line so i like the look on this side now i prefer this topology here so what we're going to do is in remove this entirety the entirety of this left side so if i press alt z to go into x-ray mode i'm going to highlight this entire left side just before the middle point then press x vertices so now we've got this perfect one half and then let's just go ahead and add a mirror modifier and that's gonna nicely now mirror across and we can see we've got a bit of a better topology going on on this character mesh now we can go ahead and make those fine adjustments i was talking about so in order to go ahead and get a more feminine shape we're going to be using the proportional editing tool so turn this on by clicking this up here and a woman's body tends to be a little bit more curvy so hips will tend to be a bit wider the waistline will tend to come in a little bit more so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select one of these vertexes and when i press g to move it i've now got this circle radius which is affecting everything else in this general area what we'll need to do is to go ahead you can scroll your mouse wheel up and down and we are having the issue right now where the mesh is actually coming apart so in order to pres you know prevent that we need to turn on clipping on our mirror modifier and now if i adjust this you can see that it's making sure that the set the points don't leave the middle but from there if i scroll my mouse wheel in i can change the effective radius on this tool to allow me just to make some more fine adjustments and affect the general other red you know the other vertex is in the general area so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select this one here and perhaps bring these out slightly increasing my circle of radius and then the same over here just to give this character slightly wider hips to look a bit more feminine and then perhaps bring the hips in bring the waistline in just a little bit perhaps bring the armpit up and women sometimes tend to have slightly thinner necks compared to men but of course this will all depend on your general character style and the sort of appearance you're going for and don't forget to jump into our right side view now initially i want the curvature of the back to be a lot more prominent so i'm going to select this vertex here press g to bring this in something like that perhaps bring the back out slightly reducing my area of effect here and then the rear end we can make this a bit more plump to your preference your character characters will vary depending on what it is you're looking for and then let's bring the stomach in a little bit and of course this is a woman so um you know depending on your character design you may need this section here to stick out a bit more so i'm going to select these two vertexes and press gy just to bring this forward scrolling my mouse wiggling to change the effective radius just to give the general impression of you know these these parts of the body all the while trying not to skew or mesh too much i can see the lower back is probably a little bit too high here so i think i need to bring this in a bit more and then bring it out a bit more on this side and just take your time going through your character making those adjustments as you require until you get something that's probably a little bit more feminine and i think i need to bring the center part up a little bit here i think it's a little bit low something like that maybe i kind of want a bit more geometry here too so if i press ctrl r and then left click with right click that's going to give us an actual loop cut here and i'm going to press gy just to bring this out scrolling my mouse will in to change that effective radius once again and maybe something like that okay so now we've got slightly more feminine proportions we can go ahead and add an additional subdivision surface modifier on top just to smooth this out a bit more and then right click shade smooth to get the final body mesh something like that okay so well done for getting this far because it's now time to go ahead and model out ahead to go along with this lady right here so what we're going to do is we're going to do shift a in object mode to go ahead and add in a cube now i've got a dedicated tutorial where we discuss head and you know face modeling if you want a bit more detail but in order to sort of summarize what we're going to do with this cube i'm just going to press s to scale this down easy to bring it up to around about where you want the head to be and i've said in the past hey if you're doing some low poly modeling you know there you go congratulations but what we're going to do is we're going to come into our modifiers add a subdivision surface modifier to give us a nice football head and i want a bit more geometry here so i'm going to tab into edit mode press control r click this here and then find a place where i want this extra loop cut to be maybe around here and then what we can do is press one to make sure that we are in vertex select mode alt z to make sure we're in x-ray mode and i'm going to highlight this section here and just do some adjusting or we can also turn off the proportional edit admin tool now and the idea is is just to adjust the general locations and positions of your vertexes to get a decent head shape that you're generally happy with and then don't forget to tab out into object mode have a good look from either side maybe jump into my right side here tab back into edit mode and what we can do is if i turn on this mirroring option here again so if i do anything on one side whoops except that press g to move this you can see it's happening over here too so i'm going to jump into my right side view and perhaps press g just to bring this in so that the head goes towards the nape of the neck here and perhaps gets something like that it's a bit white here so i'm gonna press alt z to go into x-ray mode and then do s and x no s and y s and x okay and on that one then perhaps we'll just select these two press g and bring these in just to thin out the jaw slightly to get something like that and then what i tend to do from there is increase my viewport render to 2 and apply this modifier now when we go into edit mode you can see these are actual vertexes and meshes that we can play around with now what i think we need to do is to go ahead and give this nice character a little face so in order to do that i think let's start with the general mouth area and the nose so i'm going to tab into edit mode on our character here and let's initially make a little cut out for the mouth so i'm going to press 3 to select faces then while holding shift click these two faces here i think i'm going to turn this into my general mouth area then press x and click faces so now we've got this nice gap where we can you know model a nice mouth and do some expressions sometime down the line but also want a nice nose to go along with this character so what i'm going to do for this i'm going to do ctrl r to add an additional loop cut here and then maybe bring it up to around here in terms of your preference for where you place your notes it's completely up to you but for this method i'm going to press 1 to go into vertex select mode then click off to deselect every other vertex and i'm just going to select this one at the front then using ctrl shift b i'm going to bevel out a nice little squared area and then press e y to extrude this straight out to give us a nice pinocchio like nose and that's probably a little bit long initially but um we'll come back and do those little adjustments now let's add in some eyes so i'm going to do shift right click here to move a 3d cursor and then shift a and i'm just going to use some uv spheres for this and right now they're huge so press s to scale these right down to your general preference and the sort of values i make are very basic so i'm going to do s and z to scale this up here to stretch this out slightly jump into my right side view s and y just to thin this out and perhaps come into a top view just to rotate this slightly just to make sure it sits nicely on the mesh and of course we need two eyes so let's go ahead and click the mirror modifier on this and in terms of our mirror object we want this to be the head so there is two eyes a mouth and a nose so let's finish up on this mouth then so i'm going to tap back into edit mode i'm going to press two to select edges and then while holding alt click one of these edges and that's going to select the entire loop and so we need to fill in this mouth so let's press e y just to extrude this back inside and then let's pop inside the head press one to select those vertexes and i'm just going to select these four one two three four then press f to fill this might be a little bit hard to see but i'm just gonna create two squares on the back here and then press f to fill just so we've got a nice container where we can put in some teeth and perhaps a tongue at the back of the mouth and then one last thing i want to do before we do go ahead and move on to the teeth is press two again to make sure we are in edge select mode hold alt select this loop and then while holding shift and alt go around the rest of the mouth and i just want to add a slight bevel here with control b scrolling my mouse wheel down just to make sure there's only one bevel just to add a slight bit of depth here okay and on top of that now we can come in and add an additional subdivision service modifier and there we have a nice face coming along okay and of course you can increase your viewport subdivisions to see how this thing is going to look right now that nose is it's quite the schnoz it's quite a big old pointy nose no offense if you've got a big nose but um yeah so i think what we can do now is add in some teeth so let's go ahead and i'm i'm gonna click on the head here and do shift s cursor to select it just to make sure that my 3d curse is nicely situated back in the center then shift a let's add a cube scale this right down then gz to bring this in line with the mouth s and x to scale this out to around about the right size gy bring this out s and z to scale this to the right size and from the right side to s and y teeth generally aren't very you know very big then let's go go ahead and add in some loop cut so i'm going to jump into my top view initially type into edit mode ctrl r and then scroll my mouse wheel up a couple of times maybe five loops left click right click to keep that nicely centered and then press one to select vertexes alt z to go into x-ray mode and we're just going to add a nice curvature to these teeth by selecting this middle section turning on our proportional add-in tool then if we use gy to move this and scroll our mouse wheel in just so we get a nice radius as we move it we can see this gives us a nice bit of curvature cool and on top of that we can go ahead and add another subdivision service modifier to this and perhaps include one more loop cut down the center with control r just to add a bit more of a solid line at the bottom with the teeth flatten out okay and now we can press gy just to bring this inside the mouth and of course adjust the general positioning to your preference i think i'm going to increase my viewport by one right click and shade smooth on those and also right click shade smooth on the head and let's duplicate these teeth to create a lower set with the shift d and then z to lock to the z axis are 180 degrees to flip these entirely and then just adjust your general positioning and location until you get something you're generally satisfied with i think something like that will do and now you may or may not want to jump into edit mode on your head and using some of the vertexes around the mouth play around with the general shape turn off my porcelain tool here just to give yourself a little bit more of a smiley appearance because you know my characters tend to be a little bit happier than most depending on how wide you want the smile to be [Music] something like that okay cool and then let's right click and shade smooth on the eyes and i think we could probably adjust the nose slightly so i'm going to tab into edit mode here and then go into x-ray mode with alt z again and let's highlight these front vertexes double tap g and that's going to let us just move them across the edge and i think that's going to do for the general face initially what we can do now is go ahead and include some hair so to achieve the hair today we're going to go ahead and use quite a simple method so we're going to go ahead and initially tab in the edit mode on the head press 3 to select faces and then alt z to make sure that we are selecting both the front and the back here and what i'm going to do is while in front of you let's just go ahead and highlight all the faces up to around here and we're just going to duplicate this section using shift d right click to leave in place and then press p selection and what we've essentially done here is created this part of the head as a separate object and we're going to add some modifiers to this so let's initially add a solidify modifier and make sure that your solidify modifier is above the subdivision modifier which is going to still be applied on this object here because it was part of the main mesh so what we're going to do with the solidify modifier is to increase my general offset so it's a bit larger and then we can also increase the thickness if you like to so we've got something a bit more chunkier and that could be here now we're not going to leave the character looking like this right now this looks a little bit funny so i think initially let's jump into our right side view tab back in the edit mode and i'm going to press alt z and press 1 to select vertexes i'm going to highlight these vertexes here and press easy to extrude this down and then easy one more time to extrude this down and because we are in x-ray mode this is also happening on the other side here now right now this actually looks a little bit like some sort of straps on here on this character's head but we're gonna make all the fine adjustments a little after so i'm gonna select this one here as to scale this in slightly and i also want the back of the hair to come down a bit further so perhaps we'll highlight everything here easy to extrude this down a little bit guy to bring this in easy to bring this down again and gy to bring this in just to sort of match with the curvature of the head and what we need to do now is initially i think i'm going to turn on this option here called only rim this just makes it so that the solidify modifiers is not going to go ahead and add that unnecessary geometry inside this mesh also but to get a bit more of a good shape on this we're actually going to jump on into the sculpting window up here up here and in the sculpting window this lets us basically have access to all the sculpting tools so the only one we're going to be using is the grab option over here so go ahead and click on this and then i'm going to increase the radius of my grab tool and then let's initially turn off the mirroring option up here which is typically on by default and i'm just going to grab some sections of the front of the hair just to make it a little less uniform and just add a bit of style to this here and the idea is is just you're grabbing little bits to add a bit more style almost like you're playing with clay because i suppose that's the idea of sculpting just sculpting out a bit of hair using these tools and you can increase the ridges again if you wanted to add some you know deformations to the head section up here to really make the hair not so symmetrical but then i'm going to turn on my mirroring option once again and i just want to bring in these side sections reducing my radius here just so i get a nice little curvature into the head where we have the hair nicely coming down and make sure it's actually flat enough so that we don't have any gaps something like that and i think from the back as well this is very squared off initially so let's go ahead i'm going to bring this down perhaps increase the radius again and reduce it just until we get a general shape that we are happy with so just keep tinkering keep on playing if this is your first time using the sort of sculpting options in blender don't be intimidated there's really not a lot well there is a lot to it but uh there's not a lot you need to worry about in this moment you're just taking advantage of the ability to grab and adjust the mesh on the fly and i think that is looking pretty nice so from here i think oh we've got a little gap here so i'm going to bring this in a little bit more but from here we can jump back into our layout window and add some extra little details so i'm going to do shift a add in a uv sphere scale this down cheesy to bring this up i want a bit of a top button sort of look on this character maybe something like that bring this back a little bit i'll just press an r to rotate here and then with this selected press shift s cursor to selected shift a and let's add in a taurus now a taurus is just a big like ring but you can adjust the general look on the radius and how big and how wide you want this shape to be but i want it to be relatively thick so i think the minor radius i'm going to go for 35 and the major radius for something like 0.95 we'll see how this looks when i scale it down so now i've got this shape i'm going to scale it in and see what i generally end up with and then rotate this over here scale this in rotate this a bit more maybe and if i look around i think that looks pretty good to me what we can do now i'm going to add an additional subdivision to this taurus right click shade smooth right click shade smooth and i'm generally happy with how the hair is looking here so now that i'm happy with it i'm going to go ahead and apply my solidify and then while holding shift click on all three of these sections of the hay and press ctrl j and that's gonna join those up nicely we are gonna go ahead and need to reapply the subdivision if you clicked this shape last and then i'm just gonna put that on two and that's looking pretty good in terms of the hair now i think one thing we did miss here is the eyebrows so let's go ahead and do shift right click here for that as well and then do shift a i'm just going to do this using a basic cube which i'm going to scale down and then use s and x to scale this out g to move and then in edit mode let's use control r again scroll or mouse wheel up twice so we've got three loop cuts here left click right click to keep everything nicely centered once again alt z to go into x-ray mode using the proportional heading tool we're going to do the exact same thing we did with the teeth where i select the middle section gz to bring this up and using the radius on the proportional editing tool i'm going to add a little bit of a curvature okay that's cool and i'm going to do a very similar thing with the scale of this object too so i'm going to press 3 to go into face select mode selecting this face and this let's just go ahead and scale this down and you can use the proportion editing tool again to get a nice scale ingredient to really get across that shape of a of an eyebrow and then we may also want to go at the top view here and add a bit of a bit of a angle on above on the above side too just so this curves nicely onto the head something like that and then of course this is a bit low poly so let's have a subdivision surface modifier and also a mirror this across using a mirror modifier and then our mirror object once again is going to be the head and i think that's looking pretty good we can right click shade smooth and there is pretty much most of the face the last thing we need on this bad boy right here or bad girl should i say is some ears so let's jump into our right side view shift right click here and then we'll do shift a and for some ears i'm just going to use a cylinder which i'm going to scale down initially and then s and z to scale this down on the z axis to thin this out then we can do rx and 90 degrees to make this nice and straight g y to bring up g x sorry to bring this out and then let's add some extra geometry to this so initially i'm going to do control a to add a scale and then tab in the end mode press three to select faces i the inset eye to inset again and then we can go ahead turn off the proportion edson tool gy to bring this in i to gy to bring this in and the general idea is just to keep going through add in some insets moving things along to get a bit more of a curved ear okay something like that looks a little bit funny but we're gonna go with it then let's go ahead and add a subdivision surface modifier right click shade smooth and then let's jump back into our sculpting tool again turn off the mirroring option but i think i'll turn on my is it the y no it's the z axis so that whatever we do on the front will happen on the back and i'm just going to go ahead and increase my radius and give us a little bit more of an ear shape only very basic something very stylized nothing too fancy maybe like that and then back into layout let's give this person their giant ear that we need to scale down and rotate from the side let's just adjust this are to rotate and maybe rotate it outwards slightly from above too oh my goodness is this i've tried to try to make your ear better than mine but i think that looks pretty good and now let's add a mirror modifier once again the mirror object is going to be the head and i think that is looking pretty good for the base of this character okay so where were we of course i had to run on top of my coffee before we finish this up so our character is looking a bit bare right you know so let's keep this pg-13 and put some clothes on this character so the basic technique i use you may have seen in some other tutorials we're simply going to duplicate some of this mesh and then readjust so we can build up some clothing so initially let's tablet the edit mode on our body here i want to create a t-shirt so let's press three to select faces alt z to go into x-ray mode and i'm just gonna select some of these faces here so i think what i'll do is use a different selection option let's use the is it the circle select yeah and then when you click and hold you can move along your mesh select in different parts and i think i'm going to select up to around here and then when you're happy press enter enter and now this is our selection and with this tool selected i'm going to do shift d right click to leave in place and then press p selection and what we've just done if i go back into object mode i've turned this into a separate object which we can call t-shirt and of course i haven't mentioned but you may want to go through your model as your building and rename them appropriately just so you don't get all messy like me but that's just me so what i'm going to do with the t-shirt now to make it a bit more prominent and sit on the mesh a bit better we're going to use a solidify modifier and i'm gonna move this above our subdivision but below the mirror just so everything looks nice and what we can do we can change the offset just to bring it up and make it sit up on top of the mesh a bit better as well as if you want then you can also adjust the general thickness of your clothing to suit your needs i want to keep mine very thin at the moment and if this all looks jagged because we our subdivisions are only set to one in the viewport but if you wanted a bit more of an idea of how this was gonna look just increase your viewport uh subdivisions and there you can see this is gonna look nice and smooth when it comes to rendering this out but for now let's keep this at one and i'm happy with the t-shirt that's looking cool now i want a bit of a jacket on top so i'm gonna talk back at edit mode on this again and i think this time around i'm gonna use my box select tool and i'm gonna select up to around here and bring the sleeve down this end so i've got this much of the mesh this time around then shift d right click to leave it in place again p selection of course also i am in two point blender 2.83 so if you're in 2.9 and some of the key inputs are different just remember you know simple google search will let you know the updated versions of these tools so what we can do then is if i add another solidified modifier to this new jacket that we have move this sort of solidify modifier back up change the offset and increase my thickness this is going to be a bit of a some sort of like overcoat or jacket that's going to sit above the t-shirt maybe reduce the offset to the sits nicely and i also want a bit of a gap where the jacket would you know zip up essentially so what i'm gonna do for this is you know we have got a mirror modifier here so what we need to do to create a gap is if we could just come into our mirror modifier and turn off clipping and then press two to select edges and hold alt and select this edge here what we can actually do with this edge selected if i press alt z to come back out of x-ray mode and press g i can actually move this oh make sure i turn off my proportional edit tool but we can actually move this out and to create a bit of a gap with the jacket you know would do up essentially and you can also you know if you really wanted to you could come in and if you wanted to adjust all your vertexes individually to create some more intricate shapes on your coats or your jackets and your t-shirts just to get you know a nicer shape you can do that but i'm also going to do the same again now for some trousers so let's go ahead and i think if i tab into edit mode here all said go to x-ray three to select faces i'm gonna select up to around maybe here and then select some of these two how does that look i think i need these faces and then we can just do shift d right click p selection once again to create some trousers and it's the exact same method rinse and repeat add a solidify make sure it's above your subdivisions change your offset play around with your thickness till you get a general appearance you like what i also tend to do with my clothing too is enable this option for only rim just so it sits nicely on the mesh and only rim means it's not going to create some internal geometry which is going to be completely needless so make sure you turn that on option on as well but i think that looks pretty good the last thing we need is some shoes so i think what i'm gonna do to create some shoes for this character is to shift right click here shift a let's add in a cube scale this right down and jump into my right side view i'm just going to line this up with the angle initially scaling to a relevant size with s and z here and then in edit mode let's do ctrl r left click right click to add in one loop cut three to select this front face then e y just to extrude this out give us a nice low poly shoe initially and then in front view let's just realign this just a little bit okay and in object mode let's go ahead now another subdivision surface modifier we could also do control and apply a scale here just in case we need that and then back to back into edit mode i'm going to press on this top face here press x delete faces just so we've got a bit of a gap where the with the foot would go inside the shoe and then just add in some loop cuts in particular areas to increase that geometry so perhaps ctrl r to put one in here and ctrl r to put one in somewhere around here and we can increase our viewport right click shade smooth and perhaps rotate this ever so slightly and then we just need to add a mirror modifier just so we've got two shoes and the mirror object of course is going to be the body and there we have a nice set of clothing on this character okay well if you're still here congratulations because you are amazing the fact that you stuck it out to this point says you have the determination to make it in the blender community but the last thing for us to do here is to add in some color to this character's life because right now everything's gray and dull and boring so all we need to do is to jump in to our material preview over here by clicking this option and if you've never done this before you quite simply click on any part of your mesh and then come down into this tab here for material properties click new and this is our new color we can rename it i'm just going to call this skin or base and then if we click on this color here you can make your character any color you wish so i'm going to make this a bit more of a cartoony pinky color and then if i click on the head i can go into the drop down and give it the same perhaps on the hair we'd want to give it a new color of hair which can be any color you want to get perhaps i got a nice ready color or perhaps like a nice brown but go ahead now and add a bunch of color to yours i'm gonna skip ahead into mine but let's see how this thing turned out and there we have our finished colored and pretty female character and that's gonna just about do it for today's tutorial if you did enjoy a like and sub it's very much appreciated and if you enjoy the work that i do consider joining my amazing patreons in supporting this channel the growth has been fantastic and you guys are amazing but on that note my name is caleb enjoy the rest of your day and i'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Keelan Jon
Views: 48,532
Rating: 4.9790711 out of 5
Keywords: Blender3D, Blendertutorial, Design, Development, 3dArtist, 3dart
Id: OuDT9N3ka0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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