Modeling a Chain - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's Erin so this is actually a rear according of last week's video something happened with the sound I don't know what it was I traced it back and found a problem in the original recording so I'm not sure what happened other videos I recorded that day looked fine so I'm not sure anyhow redoing it so gonna jump in you've got to make a chain in Sketchup walk through some stuff with making components and then we're actually talking about scaling that was kind of the cool part of this process was seeing how to use scale and components it's a good lesson to learn if you plan on using components and rescaling them as use them in your model so without any further ado let's hop in and make a chain in sketchup native tools only alright so I'm gonna start with I'm gonna model this at scale so the scale is gonna be set by we'll start with a circle right here so I'm going to draw a circle I'm just gonna draw it on the green axes so just hit the left arrow key to draw a circle and I'm just going to draw it it's gonna be a two inch circle so I'm gonna draw it to the right one when I do that I get that so right now this circle if I select it and go to entity info is just like the edges is 24 sides that's a lot so when we make chains we're talking about repetitive geometry happens over and over and over again and generally speaking this is not a hero image this is diming this is not going to be just maybe use as a model of just a chain so I'm gonna drop this to like eight sides alright that's a little clunky right now but if if i zoom out and look at like this ooh that's a pretty good looking circle so this all comes down to how much weight I'm willing to add to my model and I want to keep it fairly light so I'm just going to put my initial circle in as three areas eight sides now I'm gonna grab a line I'm going to go from the middle of this circle I'm going to go this way let's start with two inches and then I'm gonna come this way four inches and then come back two inches so this is going to be half the profile of my chain I'm going to draw an arc from here to here so I'm drawing my default arc right now you can see that's a lot of side so that is actually twelve sides that's too much that's again going to give me a whole lot of geometry so what I'm going to do is when I come in here to my arc it's going to ask me how many sides I'm gonna put in four sides and then just draw that across like that and pull that out along the green axis till it snaps to half circle all right like you read that cool now I'm gonna grab that geometry I'm going to rotate it I'm gonna hit my red arrow my right arrow on the keyboard snap my red axes hit my modifier key and flip a copy over like that now I'm gonna do is double click triple click to grab all these lines and just say follow me with this geometry and with that we have a single chain link now one of the things that people know noted and commented on was I did not reverse this and I didn't but it's pretty easy to right click reverse face it's just a single face right now the other thing I want to be conscious of I'm going to grab this right now and slide it over because right now there actually is geometry floating around inside there that was my original path I can actually triple click and delete that I don't need it alright I'm going to grab all of this so here's the thing you might find when I just click the surface and right-click I don't have the option to make component but if I triple click right click I can make component it seems weird because what doesn't connect selecting the same thing yeah kind of right now it's selecting a single surface a grouper component can only be made if more than one thing is selected so triple clicking actually selects that surface and it also highlights all of the smooth edges so it seemed kind of weird seems kind of counterintuitive but in order to make this I do have to select all of it then I can right click and say make component and I'm just going to call this my link all right one Lynx good but one link alone is basically just a stretched-out donut so let's make another copy so what I want to do right now is I'm going to rotate this copy 90 degrees I'm gonna do that using the rotate command and I'm going to move it from this endpoint it's hard to see right now so I'm going to go ahead and turn hidden geometry on so I want to move this point right here but I want to rotate on the green axes so I'm going to hit my left arrow key click right here and I'm gonna spin at 90 degrees I do want to make sure to hit my modifier key it's been a copy and not the original all right almost there now I'm going to use the Move command to move it this direction and how far am I going to move it well like I said I am actually intentionally building this to a specific geometry so I'm gonna move it down let's say five and a half inches there we go that works good that doesn't overlap my geometry there's a space there perfect that's important because when I go grab all of this and move it option key again I want to move it down five and a half inches plus five and a half inches so I'm going to move it 11 inches so I'm just gonna type 11 hit enter and I'm gonna say 9 X so it's going to give me 10 copies all right there's my chain I can turn my hidden geometry off right now that is my chain so if I stand back and look at that chain that's a good-looking chain that is a big chain that's a big chunk of chain like that next to Laura you can kind of see how how big that is that's like big like big boat anchor chain or something I don't know I'm not a chain guy but it's a big chain I'm gonna take all of right now and I'm going to make it into a group so generally speaking this is how I will operate things become components especially things that are going to repeat and collections of those components I generally put into groups if this was something that's going to repeat and possibly change I would make that a component as well right now I'm not going to do okay so I'm going to make a copy of this I'm just going to hit option just make a copy put it over here to the side when I want to resize this chain so if I was to come in here so first things first if I come in here to one of these links and I would just just scaled it right if I just go ahead and scale this down and that's not gonna do a whole lot for me I could come in and grab this whole thing from the outside and scale it I could grab this say I want to scale that to you know some percentage if I wanted precise link so my links right now are two inches across I wanted this you know say they're supposed to be one and a quarter instead of one then I'd have to do some math to figure out what scale to put that to so let's talk about precise scaling so if I come in here I'm going to just this one length I'm going to hide everything else I'm going to go up to view go to component edit and hide similar components that hides everything else and I'm going to turn on my hidden geometry that gives me some things to dimension I'm a draw a line from the middle point right here straight up I go to the middle point of this line right here draw that straight up and then draw a line between the two now I can actually look and see this line is 2 inches see that down there in lower right corner that's 2 inches so if I grab my tape measure click from here to here and say that's supposed to be 1.25 that's what it's saying it's 1 and 1/4 do you want to resize it yes and then when it resizes oh oh weird stuff happen weird stuff happened twice so two things happen here one is I did not make this these chain links separate from these chain links so as soon as I made a change here they happen in my old chain this chain was supposed to stay the way it was the second thing that happened was each link actually changed and shifted about its axis based on how I resized it so yeah kind of this is a kind of situation where everything that could go wrong went wrong so I'm gonna undo a couple times so I get back to my main chain link sighs that's fine so I actually want to keep this for right now but actually now I'm gonna undo that too I'm gonna get rid of those lines come all the way back out and before I go any further we're then right here I'm gonna double click select all these chain links and right click and say make unique what that does that says these chain links are different from these chain links so when I make a change here this set of chain links is not going to affect this set of chain links now I'm going to come in here and I'm gonna look at some stuff now so if I come in here and do the same thing I draw my lines and I resize that with the tape measure same thing is going to happen they're gonna scoot away from each other and they're going to be disconnected so that's not a good solution so how do i rescale that to a specific size but what I can do is I can come in to this component and I'm outside these components right now so right now I'm drawing this line outside of the link geometry but I'm inside the group of the chain so when I come in here and I say make that 1.25 and hit enter it's just say do you want to resize what's in the group yes the whole thing shrinks down so if I click out you can see the difference in the size awesome but not done so I come in here and get rid of these lines here's the issue this component has just been resized on the outside so I took the box that this chain-link was in and squished it down I did not tell the original geometry to change size fortunately there's a pretty simple solution here if I right-click on one of these components I have two options here one is reset scale by hit reset scale guess what's going to happen it's going to go back to its original scale I'm gonna undo that if I right-click on it and I say scale definition that says this copy and all the rest of these rescale to this size so right now I don't have reset scale because they're at their new original size so by taking that extra step I've assured that these aren't going to some reason or another blow up to a bigger size in the middle of my model and I've also kept them totally separate there's a totally separate chain with totally separate links from my original geometry so I think it pretty much said everything it maybe one or two extra things I had the original video last week and if this is posted that means the audio actually all still worked too so that's a big plus hopefully you like that if you did like that go ahead and click like down below and if you don't already please subscribe we do several videos we can be notified of each of them if you subscribe to our channel most importantly though please leave a comment most of our content and notes like hey your sounds all messed up our greatly appreciated we like making these videos a lot we're like an even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 21,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D modeling, Chain, Components, Links, Scaling, SketchUp
Id: R-aiotyInRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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