MISSING $85,000 BOAT FOUND 2 YEARS LATER! (Finders Keepers)

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today marks you and I we recovered $150,000 boat it's the happiest I've ever been to feel vote pair of divers are working to recover a research boat that sunk in the Columbia River two years ago but it's not going to the junkyard these divers have a plan for it the audience is gonna have a lot of questions on this one so let's get out ahead of it okay and answer as many of them as we think they're gonna ask as possible great first one what makes this $150,000 boat well I thought that it was I mean it's a definitely an impressive boat it's quarter-inch plate it's 3/16 sides it's all welded it's a heavy bomber boat but talking to the manufacturer who's actually interested in maybe even having her back to remanufacture he says out the door it was like 85 or 90 thousand let's go show you what a boat looks like after it's been sunk four to two to two and a half years yeah about two years in the river and we're gonna be tasked with bringing that puppy up today a little concern on that what's going on here I just left him like two minutes ago help cheated me in the water and help you are you good no no that's good I just need I mean I actually didn't help us see what kind of pack there so what do you think of the rest there dirt all right beautiful it's why I think that we could have it cleared out in four hours okay well let's say the vacuum goes what I guess it's my turn I'm heading in [Music] [Music] [Applause] can I tell you the story about how this boat sank tell us it's jelly ok so this happens so this boat first of all is was bought by the Bonneville Power Administration for the intertribal fisheries so they they managed the salmon and they tried to increase the numbers of salmon coming back through the dams which is down because of the dams so the sea lions have figured out that if they weight by the dams they get their choice of big fat salmon and they only one bite out of each salmon they take the big belly flesh where all the fat is and they throw the rest of salmon away so they have a program of harassing this of the sea lions but hazing and we're stressing them and so they would use this boat to go out and has a walk around deck you'll see later in the film when we get it like a walk around deck like this where they can walk around with a shotgun and they actually shoot a big firecracker at the seal just harass them so they won't eat so they try to preserve the salmon so they've came down through here on a spring morning there's no wind they went down about three miles down to see where the others Iraq where a lot of sea lions congregate they were gonna count the sea lions they did that they were coming back up well this being the gorge the weather can change really quickly and 50 knots of wind started blowing up the river this way and the waves started jacking up so they think they were coming back they crust around this buoy right here and as they came around they hit a wave down there one with the waves the boat rolled on to its side and flipped over in the next wave tumbled them even further they all lived through it but one of them was injured pretty badly and ended up dying in hospital it was April they weren't wearing exposure suits there were in life jackets so this is what I know from reading the police reports kit so when I heard about this but six months ago I thought I really want to solve this so I spent all this money spent all this time learned the radar software stuff and and I found it and now we're about to go try to get it so that's the story about this [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're about five hours into it now yeah I think we were a bit optimistic as to getting this done today I think so we're not even halfway done our she's got one more tanky and I've got at least one if not two more today good luck guys sure see you in there all right thank you guys today's episode sponsor is oh three custom dry suits they are out of the UK but don't let that scare you because they I will make you a custom dry suit for the same price and or cheaper then a dry suit off-the-shelf here in the US check them out in the link description below they're supporting us as we're out here cleaning up the environment getting cars you never know what is that we're gonna find stay tuned check him out thanks a lot of work isn't it I had like crap so that yeah we got enough light for one more run yeah I'm beat and I feel like I've been in a car wreck them all my muscles first here we are back on day two we should actually day three because the wind were ripping yesterday it's a beautiful day today alright sure I think I think we're gonna uncover the entire boat today yeah let's could do it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at this point in time we've got what three tanks into this how's it looking down there art sir it's fun to see it's a real boat and a lot of moving a lot of sand and yeah it's good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alright sure in the day - give me your thoughts well we did a lot that was great I mean there's a lot left to do but it's fun we're in the cabin there's two fire extinguishers the boat fully charged starting at one point you know there's this there's a winter coat down in the bottom of the cabin it keeps getting sucked in the dredge so that's kind of a pain in the butt but yeah otherwise it's just good we're making a lot of progress we figured out how to let the dredge do the work without doing so much work ourselves which is a nice change from the other day for me look at that boat there it is because I'm gonna buy it five days uncovering in the sand Wow today's going to be a busy day we have roughly five six hours of getting this boat up loading that and we're going to be answering a lot of your questions pretty determining what your questions are going to be we're gonna answer those for you ahead of time everybody gonna wanna know why do you get to keep the boat first of all I knew who owned it because the insurance company paid a claim on the boat right the CCRI TFC ran the boat the Columbia River inter-tribal Fisheries Commission then when its sank they did a insurance claim so I called the insurance company said I found your boat this is before we did anything on it I found your boat pay me you know X amount of dollars I think I said $10,000 I'll show you where it is because I know they couldn't find it before and they're really responsible for it right you can't just abandon something in the river under state and federal law I mean it's got gasoline in and it's got lead acid batteries I wrote him an email and they said you know let's let's think about it and then in the meantime I thought you know I kind of want this boat and so I went back to them and said you know you could pay me this money or you can just basically let me do it they were nice enough to say we we give up our interest in it basically so so in a nutshell you know it's not just a maritime law Finders Keepers losers weepers absolutely not you really do have to go through the proper channels you do you know you do and and in fact a salvage law is the opposite of finders keepers so if you you know you can get up to the value of the boat and the owner would be responsible for paying that is how it usually it goes right what set you on this mission to go find the boat it's not who's in this video also he helped us on one of the dome one of the days we brought it up he he had heard about it and I was like oh that's an interesting story tell me more I love to go from a rumor to then it actually kind of building a case and then investigating the kids that I loved doing that and I loved the fact that nobody else could seem to find it like these guys came down from Seattle this professional boat you know searchers couldn't find it how many days it takes you to fight again so I spent a hundred hours I think and I think I did it every Friday all the way through the summer basically I would just take Friday's and put out podcasts and get out there and just enjoy the river look I got more questions here how many tanks of air do you think we went through in order to get this I think I drank about 20 of them myself yeah and people always ask me also Jarrod why aren't you using compressors why aren't you using you know hoses and how come you're doing it this way the reason why you know we do things way we do is because we're limited on our resources you know that's right I've got the bag you don't have the bags right why you called me in yes we could have brought an air compressor but then ring in hoses will bring an additional gear an additional weight on the boat and those are just and we're already running the pump for their dredge yeah weight which was a significant thing it's loud it's big it's it's noisy and to have a second a second thing then you also you have the exhaust from one going into the other potentially it's just better it's cleaner to have bottles and just drive to the closest city to charge them up so there's a million ways to do something this is the way that we chose to do it sure we have some really good news and some really bad news the good news is is currently the boat you can kind of see the yellow bags right there the boat itself is standing up on his bow which means that the back of the boat is a up the bow of it is still in the bad news is we got a couple bad news --is one is it's not floating yet another bad news is we lost one of the bags actually we lost two back so we have one bag that's floating way out there well there it is ladies and gentlemen are should the Sheriff's Department had to put up a sign because of you so many people calls but look at it today so tell us how many days has it been since we've been down here and what happened well first you got to know we live in the Columbia River Gorge which is basically like living in a hallway the wind blows two directions it blows from the West and a blows from the east and when it blows from the east this one spot right in here called Rooster Rock gets hurricane strength conditions and we were lucky for the first what five or six days we almost got the boat we got the boat up we were floating it and then that hurricane wind started the switched easterly and it was gusty is 40 gusting to 60 not quite hurricane stream it was insane was the day shelter [Music] [Music] [Music] that was good the happiest I've ever been to build boat [Music] a lot of sad that's what the drag a neck so let's try the next try [Music] like the scuppers Rollo because they're all weakened a little bit we want to keep out the staff next round [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] be sure to subscribe because I just got a tip on a helicopter what yeah so I might be going back east to get myself a helicopter in r22 are you gonna sell the boat are you going to keep the boat it's too big for me I probably sell it I sure am looking for a boat and just in case you want to donate it I mean responsive I mean can I be on your YouTube channel hundred percent yeah is the name of my channel I need to make some more videos but that's why I have to arrow down here I figured someone's got to document this link in the description below we got it we're hungry yes let's are let's go eat let's go eat food thanks for hanging out for this little adventure yeah later later bye bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 4,001,359
Rating: 4.8674827 out of 5
Keywords: sunk boat, sunken boat, boat sunk, boat underwater, found boat, found boat underwater, scuba diving, scuba diving finds, underwater finds, crazy underwater finds, treasure hunting, river treasure hunting, scuba treasure hunting, boat ramp, boat launch, fishing dock, full face mask, found sunk boat, found sunken boat, boat crash, boat wreck, boat, finders keepers
Id: VJQjVy_d2CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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