Miracle Month - The Vengeance of the LORD

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers all kinds of forces have been resisting us that have been assigned by Satan to work against us and we haven't known it but now is a time of vengeance what Evers been tampering with your destiny what Evers been afflicting you whatever's been a milli a ting you whatever had been coming to get your peace and your progress your joy your career your business your family God is about to give [Music] Jesus kind of mission in the former way put it up there Isaiah chapter 61 thing this is what he was reading from and let's see what he read disappeared the Lord God is upon me because he the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted and proclaim Liberty to the captives and opening of the prison to them that abound watches and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord now if I flip over to Luke chapter 4 and verse 19 that tinkly and verse 19 this is what he said to preach the acceptable year the Lord watch the next verse and he closed the book that was the end of that verse he closed it and wide he closed it because that was the end of his mission he wasn't anointed to go any further got it because that is the former reign only the latter rain goes further [Music] you know with me here and guess what you are a part of that look at the letter A this is Isaiah proof 61 in verse 2 pleased to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord look at the latter rain the day of what vengeance of our God to do what to comfort all that what more we now are going to have to deal with a word called vengeance I said vengeance and this word vengeance is not revenge as nothing to do with hate it has nothing to do with revenge but what it is or any works of the flesh what it is it is not a remote emotional resentment or emotional retaliation but it is a necessity of punishing offenders that is proceeding from a love of justice right it's a necessity for punishing offenders proceeding from a love of justice the Bible says that justice is the foundation of God's throne on the Supreme Court you see I think of structure of a woman that has scales and the scales always have to balance justice but in the last days the justice systems of the world are going to be the number one target of demonic abuse they're gonna walk in and unjust judge ah do you not with me now - what happens man God says something about vengeance hebrews chapter 10 verse 34 we know him that had said vengeance belongs to who me and what will I do I will recompense saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people one man said it like this because we have not understood vengeance we've been victims let me say it like this understanding the anointing of especially vengeance will put you above fear alright let's look at something we looked at Luke chapter 9 but I want to go back now to Exodus chapter 3 please Exodus chapter 3 now here's when Moses is going down to bring God's people out of 400 years of slavery is bringing them out verse 19 God saying to Moses I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go no not by a mighty hand not by your own human ability you cannot whip the devil and I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof and after that he will what let you go and I will give unto these people this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians and it shall come to pass that when you go you shall not go how you shall not go empty I said you shall not go empty now let me give you this you're ready redemption is not complete without divine provision redemption is not complete without in other words when God pulled them out of Egypt look how they came out Psalms 105 and verse 37 please look how they came out he brought them forth also with what silver and dope and there was not worn come on feeble person among their tribes notice he brought him out healthy and wealthy well cuz Redemption is not complete without divine provision Jesus is our Redeemer he pulled us out of darkness but we were supposed to come out with some star we were supposed to come come on now I'm talking about forty acres of a meal I'm talking about 40 million energy we were supposed to come from save it now I'm that close about this one race of people I'm saying every one of us was in bondage the devil had every one of us and we came out but some of us came out and now we still trying to get our bills paid come on we still sick and we still have a high blood pressure no no no God says I'm about to comfort Zion place that the devil has held it back you bout to take it do you believe that they're coming out but you're coming out with some substance come on you gonna come out walking strong and gonna come out with your business prosperous every place that Satan has harassed you not only am I gonna turn it around and judge them but I'm gonna give you a recompense come on don't don't stop till you get your stuff I said this is miracle money I hear it in my spirit this is miracle money come on you kid see this is the kind of is the kind of teaching that you gotta take if you got it if you got a single car garage pull your car over to the side cause you may just get up in the morning and another car come on come on I'm talking about just saying God is about to comfort [Music] that you are about to be an attraction to the world can you say amen to that now some of you I know it's beyond what you can think but God specializes in the impossible if it's possible you don't need any faith faith is for the impossible and I believe the further up that you set that goal the more God likes it Peter said if that be you Jesus walking on the water tell me to come Jesus said well come on it wasn't decided if God's will wasn't for Peter to walk he'd have got out of that boat I could see him now he kind of he kind of waved his hands like he just didn't care come on now I'm just saying we're bout to make a mockery out of the devil from you it's coming [Music] well Reverend Reverend uh I don't know what I believe all that Reverend well let me tell you what's gonna happen to you second Kings chapter 7 verse 1 let me let me just show you what's gonna happen to you this is for you and Elijah said hear ye the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time shall the measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria in other words you're starving to death out here I know that but tomorrow is will be too much tomorrow is gonna be plenty though you shall eat plenty remember we've ever and it's gonna be cheap now watch what the reaction the first reaction that he got look what it says then the Lord on who the king hands King Hensley answered the man of God and said Behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven like this thing be and he said Behold watch this you go see it I said you don't see it [Music] with your eyes but you shall not you'll eat none of it are y'all with me this is called an unbeliever that's what it's called and I'm telling you here right now that the reason why you were brought here today was not a coincidence the reason why you were brought here today is for me to tell you what this this is miracle month the reason why he brought this attention visit now you ain't got the qualifier Jesus qualified [Music] are y'all here with me folks the church is entering into its finest here's what the man said then what man said how about the ecclesiastic please 7 and verse 8 praise God better is the what kind of a thing come on than the beginning they said what am i women did you call fire down on him kill him dude said no no no no no no no you don't know what that's a wrong spirit all right but then we go into the book of Acts now now all of a sudden you got the Holy Ghost come back again remember once Adam sinned Holy Ghost had to leave he had to leave because there didn't belong to God anymore meaning that it didn't belong him in the dispensation meaning that overall it belongs to him but he couldn't get any anymore because now because of Adam's sin he lost authority now God can't work through he got to have somebody to work through so now the devil took over he came became the god of this world so now the Holy Ghost is coming back when did he come back he come back on the day of Pentecost well Jesus had to go to the Father and he said when I go to the Father will send you back another comfortable the Holy Ghost came with that the rushing mighty wind roll and fill the heart say amen to that so now again if you get in trouble the Holy Ghost can talk to somebody over in Ireland and he could talk to them and say hey pray for sister girl she is in trouble right now her son had just rolled here are you Father what I'm saying and then they go before God and pray now they don't know what to pray for so they're praying to the father said when he's bigger than unknown tongue you speak not to men but to speak to God and you speak the perfect will of God so now God is authorized to send angel down to sister girl and get her out of the dilemma that DV say the Bible even says in Romans chapter 8 that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father watch this making intercession for do you say when you cleaning pray for yourself Jesus is up there getting somebody to pray for him [Applause] this is miracle motors [Music] so now the former rain Jesus couldn't touch him but look at the difference in the latter rain let's go to Acts chapter 13 Oh Lord y'all gotta be preaching too hard here alright this is this is Paul 9 and and the disciples or the Apostles now trying to get the word out and watch this and when they had gone through the aisle of pappus they found a certain sorcerer a false prophet a Jew whose name was Bard Jesus which was with the deputy of the country now one translation says governor okay so let's just look at this person as a high official in government Sergio's follows a prudent man who called for Barnabas and Saul and desired to hear the word of God but Elemis the sorcerer for so is his name being interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith now Satan wants people in high places he wants people in high places why because people in high places affect a lot of people but what you have to understand is that if you just serve God he said I will make your name great he said promotion doesn't come from the east from the west from the south promotion comes from the Lord I love what he said then saw who also was called who Paul fill with the hoop holy go set his eyes on him what's it and said old full of all subtlety and all mischief you child of the devil you enemy of all righteousness will you not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord and now behold the hand of the Lord - hand of the Lord is upon you and you shall not you shall be blind not seeing the Sun for a season and in me they that fell on him a mist and darkness and he went about seeking somebody to leave him by the hand whoa this is a long ways from don't mess with him let's just go somewhere else oh it's a latter rain and in the latter rain judgment yes yes come on somebody blocking you from what God has called you to do come on somebody trying to stop the growth of your business come on now somebody trying to stop you from raising your kids like his bow - it's it's God's vengeance coming in the latter days so wherever you are being harassed you'll be harassed no law all you got to do is have faith in the Vengeance of the Lord nobody did come on Asajj he looked at it but he said he was filled with the who holy though so one of the Holy Ghost main jobs is to execute vengeance for any of the enemies of the people of God watch this and nothing nothing shall escape him nothing nothing nothing so he looked at it watch it you know yeah yeah yup all I'm saying did you give me a close-up of that guy I don't follow what I'm saying no you better put yourself in it notice who was conducting business the Holy Ghost but watch he had to still operate through a [Music] so your job is to yield to the Holy Ghost can I show you on one thing that you won't get scared um let's look at first Samuel 25 this this is what a man Nabal Dennis navel David a stable for seafood the david has his mighty man fighting a battle and people really acted nasty you know today it would be like this hey giving you nothing you're not a man just just just nasty they'll never had that happen something because nasty and David told this man this strap up y'all don't know what that means [Music] you know baby was a warrior see they didn't take no math when he says y'all strap up because he just hasn't for six little lambs or whatever have you cuz he had he had three thousand fly is that give me some food for my people no we giving you nothing is that okay y'all strap up I like that I like this stuff I read this stuff sometime and up up that by it my steady dip yeah praise God let's go get this stuff yeah okay I give them get a little while here I'm really not like that okay we'll put up put up and then so what happened Mabel's wife Abigail she heard Mabel's response she said Oh Lord she said let me sneak behind him and go get some food for those people so Abigail goes to get some food gets eat and take her David all right but it's kind of interesting God didn't forget that he didn't like that and look what it says here it says in verse 38 and it came to pass about how many days after 10 days that the Lord one smoked and what did he do I'm telling you you're in a season of the latter rain people harassing you now they'll harass you much longer now watch what I'm saying about God watch this because this is Scoob he's a God of love ezekiel chapter 33 he's a God of love now just look what it says about him he said this he says saying to them as Eagle 33 and verse 11 Santa them is and I live safer going back I have no pleasure in the white death of the wicked but that the wicked should turn from his way come on live see Susan he's still a God of love but you are gonna make it to your destiny the things standing in your way we'll have to eat the give way or they will be different well a trust that you empowered and encouraged by that teaching that message on vengeance is a powerful message now I can't say that enough I have got a two pack series and when I say that I have a one is the CD the other is a book you can get them together get them separate now why did I do this because a lot of God's people are not making it to their destiny they haven't been in the past and one of the biggest reasons why is because they hadn't been taught some things see he said my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge or in Isaiah 5:13 he says they're held in captivity because they have no knowledge you see there's knowledge that we need when we're not making it to our destiny we were continually ever as a child of God and a seed of Abraham continually broke and don't have enough so there's knowledge that we need folks the enemy always works on lack of knowledge he works in darkness but when that knowledge comes in light comes in this is it this is the light on how to get to your destiny this is the light to fulfill the promise or the plans that God has for your life all of us have big plans God made you a genius before you were born glory to God but now it's time to get into it this vengeance teaching is guaranteed to take away all the fear in your life of stepping out of standing before certain crowds of people this right here the Vengeance of the Lord both two CDs or the book get them both together I'd get them together God now I'm not just trying to sell stuff that's not the idea I'm empowering the body of Christ well this is bill Winston saying I love you until next time keep walking by Faith all kinds of forces have been resisting us that have been assigned by Satan to work against us and we haven't known it but now is a time of vengeance what Evers been tampering with your destiny what Evers been afflicting you whatever's been a milly ating you whatever has been coming to get your peace and your progress your joy your career your business your family God is about to give [Music] now is the time of God's vengeance working on your behalf removing all obstacles standing in the way of your kingdom progress to water today's two-part teaching series vengeance of the Lord on CD or mp3 on DVD or mp4 contact us at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or order online at billwinston.org looking to get an even greater understanding of God's vengeance then order today's additional offer God's love of Justice bundle and in addition to the vengeance of the Lord two discs series received dr. Winston's highly anticipated book vengeance of the Lord this book will arm you with the truth to give you unshakable confidence in the power of heavens justice system to protect preserve prosper and promote you even in the face of extreme testing also included in this book our prayers of vengeance for you your family your business and church order this must-have bundle today doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your line contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online and billwinston.org /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world this broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of bill Winston ministries partners and friends we invite you to become a partner and join dr. bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have dominion over it Thank You bill Winston ministries partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 125,734
Rating: 4.8691654 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, Lord, Dr, Bill, Winston, Faith, Recompense, BW1685-3, #BillWinston, #VengeanceofTheLord, #BWOF
Id: Xpd-BzdghPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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