Speak the Word Only - Faith for Healing

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers [Music] [Music] [Music] hello bill Winston here and welcome to the believers walk of faith where we walk by faith and not by sight well did you know that words in the beginning were made more for creation than communication you know see words were meant that once spoken they cause to come to pass what they say Elvis that was a power of warren's in the beginning could see the knowing and Holy Ghost power God was working on words so as you speak it those things are manifest so the Holy Ghost now is waiting today on the believers words that as they speak the word that he can bring forth things in their lives remember over in Mark Kotsay chapter 11 verse 23 whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed these are cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things that he said she'll come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith so we're gonna learn how to speak the word praise God let's go in today's message it's called faith for healing let's go over to Matthew's Gospel in Chapter 8 please Matthew chapter 8 this is Jesus now starting his ministry as you know his ministering and teaching on the power of the kingdom of God and he was constantly working miracles it says here in verse 1 and we need to come down from the mountain great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying lord if thou will thou can make me clean and Jesus would forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy was cleansed and jesus said unto Him see thou know'st tell no man but go thy way and show thyself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimony unto them and Moses said in the law that if your leprosy has been cleansed and you go to the priest and the priest would certify that your leprosy has been cleansed or a person with leprosy has been cleansed and the person is healed so that is sending the person to the priest but I want you to see something here it said Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean verse 5 and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum there came to him a Centurion beseeching him and said Lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus said to him I will come and heal him the Centurion answered and said Lord I'm not worthy that thou should come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for I am a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I said to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and to my servant do there and he do with it when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel and I said to you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast into outer darkness and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and jesus said unto the Centurion go thy way and as thou has believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the self-same hour now that's kind of our introduction because this is something powerful here that that we're talking about in this leper Jesus laid hands on him or laid touches the leopard and the leopard got healed and that's what it says also in Mark's Gospel chapter 16 it's starting at verse 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and he that believeth in baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils and they shall speak with new tongues and they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and he sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following amen now let's come back to Matthew chapter 8 here because I want you to see something very subtle but it's something that the Spirit of God spoke to me about in terms of sharing with you in the miracle service that we having tonight it seems like there was a difference here in the way this healing was manifested and the one it seems that in verse three he put forth his hand and touched him that's interesting laying hands on the sick and they shall recover and an impartation of the anointing flowing into that vessel driving out sickness in that something but it seems like starting at verse five there was another level of faith operating and he said in this one he said in Jesus verse seven said I will come and heal him and the Centurion answer said Lord I'm not worthy that don't you come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed on the line speak the word because that's where we going tonight speak the word you see he didn't need him to come you didn't need hands laid on him or anything like that and that Centurion was not a covenant man meaning that he was not under the line of Israel Abraham but he was a believer he believed he believed in the authority of the word of God he believed that this word once it's released he said in verse nine he said I am a man under Authority if I could say and add one alert the land to it without you know distorting the scripture I too am a man under authority see uh Authority I've been in the military and that's one of the first things you do is you learn to follow commands the man says watch the latrine that's maybe I should take another example the man says okay I want you to go and do some whatever now once he gives you the command he's gone he's gone guaranteed he's gone then you know how some people are you tell them to do something you gotta send right there they do it not in the military because you'll go to jail for not doing it this will be disobeying a command will send you the living worth prison he didn't need to be there just tells you to do something and he said whatever I'm on the authority I understand the power and the authority that you're operating it I've seen it and I see here that you don't need to come lay hands on them you can just speak are you following what I'm saying I was some time ago I went over to visit somebody who was in the hospital when I was there I'm trying to remember was it mercy somewhere like that Hospital traumas going over to visit them I went to visit them and a person I would while I was sitting there visiting with him a person passed by the the hospital door the room door and saw me and oh pastor once I said hush man it's hey he's and let me tell you what happened he said you were on television and you asked for people who were sick you said now I'm going to pray and there is no distance in this prayer I'm going to pray and wherever you are you can receive it now you can get a point of contact by just taking your hand put it on the screen or something like that and just this is settling your your own mind set mind and but but I'm gonna pray and and this word has no limits on it and I said I'm gonna pray and he said you prayed and his aunt mother or somebody that she couldn't walk on her foot but ever did and I prayed and a miracle took place in that house and she was to go to the doctor that Monday and went and the doctor said there's nothing wrong with him what what he's talking about no I want you to see this because the church has come some distance but we've got a ways to go in Genesis 1:1 he said in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters watch this and God said Let there be what like and what was there like no when did light come when God spoken now go to verse 26 and in verse 26 and he said and God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish and sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and God created man in his own image exact duplicate of Cahn you got the same nature as the Father God watch this image and after our likeness and notice the word likeness I'm going to act like God now how do I know I'm gonna act like God I gotta have some verification in the scriptures look at Isaiah 55 in verse 18 Isaiah 55 and verse 8 look what it says here for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither my ways your ways now God is saying that they supposed to be my thoughts and watch this your ways supposed to be my ways well what are God's ways when he saw darkness did he say ooh ain't it dark out there what did God do got it he spoke what he wanted am I right about that now look how he talked Abraham Romans chapter 4 verse 17 wrote Lucas how he taught Abraham in this same deal he said as it's written I have made thee a father of many nations before whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth things at what be not as though they were what did he do with Abraham Abraham without child and Abraham had was not a father of many nations but God said I want you to call yourself a father of many nations the word Abraham is the father of multitude that's what it means so he's saying call yourself Abraham call yourself a bruh I don't have any kids call yourself Abraham I don't have any kid call yourself Abraham because I will teach you how to function like me because words are made more to create than to communicate and I'm saying to you now as we speak the words look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 again over in Genesis 1:1 he said in the beginning God created the heaven than the earth verse 2 and he said then the earth without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God what move moves he moved he moved what did he do when he moved he didn't do anything why because he didn't have a word yet he's moving waiting on the words see the father gives a word the word is God and then the word comes to the Holy Ghost who manifests the word so it's gonna be the same thing here as I speak of the Holy Ghost is all over the place and the Holy Ghost is waiting on the word to bring forth things in your life saying it but he's limited by our Authority 1st Samuel chapter 17 and verse 45 he's limited by our Authority look what he says here David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword with a spirit with a shield but I'm coming to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied for this day this day not next week because if he had said next week the Holy Ghost would have had to wait till next week he this day you see when God gave you the earth he put you in the thorny and he has to go through you to get things done if he didn't have to go through you you wouldn't have to pray God just do it they can't just do it because he said let them have the earth let them have dominion you with me you say it God will do it now that's one thing that's missing mark chapter 11 verse 23 one thing that's missing when you say for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed they'll cast into the sea and shall not shall not shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things that he says I've got to come to pass he will have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't need hands laid on them you need to hear it now people because of the lack of faith do take hands the Bible even says over in James is any among you sick during five let him call for the elders of the church a little annoying him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up and if been any sins you'll be forgiven we're talking about miracles we're talking about things on another plane do not try to figure it out with your mind if you do you will bring it down every time you meditated and bring it down to try to reason it out here to bring it down to more and more unbelief so you got to take it like it is it says over in Hebrews 11:3 he said through faith we've what understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God you've got to just believe that Mary was not married and had a child you've got to just believe that God raised a man from the dead who was four days dead in stinkin you've just got to believe come on now and up saying we got a bunch of believers up in here and that's when you see the power of God say Amen we're gonna be struggling with this thing to son because God never told you to achieve he said only received John chapter 1 in verse 11 you only receive and look what he says here he said and he came to his own and his own did what received him not we'll look at that in mark chapter 6 it received him not didn't even receive it but they didn't think he well I knew him he fixed my toilet back there three years ago well now the man is caught and he is the son of God but he put his Godhead abili aside and came as a man and came anointed by God because he was going to show you whatever he meant I would have said again whatever he did I can do it to the to verse 12 but as many as received him to them gave he power to become sons of God now I think this is the reason why most people are not operating in the level of faith that this Centurion had because they're trying to achieve rather than receive God never told you to get rid of something they told you to receive something and see if you receive salvation the nature of the devil will go I better say it again if you receive Jesus the nature of the devil will go [Applause] now this is where we are if you just have to do verse 8 and this is where we are we're the point of receiving when you see people pleading with prayer to lead and with God and so forth you know what they're trying to achieve see they're trying to override their sense of condemnation you're not condemned nobody says for by grace I better read it again for by grace are you saying he signed out of a high up are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a all of this is a gift have you got to work for one piece of it it was earned and you get no credit God wants to do it all he's gonna call you clean you get you ready and Scindia he's gonna protect you he's gonna prosper you he's gonna promote you God he's gonna do everything so that's what I'm talking about that's where miracles start but I want you to see the different level once it I need hands laid over that's all right don't feel condemned about that somebody says I need some all how much does I need this is whatever have you but he said here's some great faith but I can just speak the word and your servant who is miles away will receive healing somebody might be watching me right now from Africa it makes no difference the Holy Ghost is all over the earth watch this he's moving waiting on the word I Got News for You angels will buy you buy you right now they are also weighed down the world but the most part Holy Ghost brings creative faith angels dominating faith they'll stop stuff from happening but the Holy Ghost create stuff see faith never deals with the visible it's designed for the unfit invisible it brings the invisible into visible and once it becomes visible faith is gone so everything you need has already put up he said in psalm 119 and verse 89 thy word of water is forever settled everything God's gonna do for you already well I trusted you were blessed by that powerful message now here is a point you want to remember in Matthew's Gospel chapter 8 and verse 8 the Centurion answered Jesus and said Lord I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed now what was happening there he believed in the authority of the word of God that once this word was released his servant would be healed now it certainly was miles away but he said Jesus you don't come to you don't need to come to the house now I call that great faith because great faith says I can have it the way I want it praise God so sometimes people need hands laid on him or oil and whatever have you this man didn't he just needs the word and I believe you're right there you can take the word alone if the word is spoken you believe it and you're gonna see the manifestation of it so I'm gonna speak that word right now in Jesus name don't you doubt you just take that word of what I say in the name of Jesus I command any disorder any infirmity any disease that is in your body to leave you now in Jesus name father we thank you for it we call it done in the name of Jesus Oh God I'm telling you receive it try to feel it first receive it first and then just just lift your hands and just start praising God don't doubt know that it's done if I spoke it and I'd use the name something must have happened well praise God you're that powerful well this is bill Winston saying we'll see you next time we love you then keep walking my faith God loves you and once you healed in body mind and spirit the key to your restoration is his word our you ready to receive it are you ready to claim power over your situation and obtain wholeness call right now one eight hundred seven eleven ninety three twenty seven or online to bill Winston dot org to receive your very own copy of the message series faith for healing this anointed three disty to the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit your faith will increase as you learn how to manifest the signs wonders and miracles in your own life when you call today you'll receive this collection as your choice of CD or mp3 DVD or mp4 which is designed to bring you restoration healing and blessings take hold of these spiritual truths and start walking in Heaven's atmosphere here on earth but wait on you order right now you'll also get a copy of the divine health book this 30-day devotional written by doctors Bill and Veronica Winston was created to provide you a daily dose of faith filled teachings on health and healing follow along and see your quality of life change as a child of God Christ was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for your iniquities and by His stripes you he'll call right now one eight hundred seven eleven ninety three twenty seven or online at billwinston.org [Music] are you ready for a paradigm shift in your thinking are you ready for that next chapter and your life to manifest join dr. bill Winston for the 2018 economic empowerment and leadership summit and discover your full potential to harness the power already in you to propel to the next dimension this is your time your year investing you your business your dream your future your success on Friday March 23rd a career fair and Business Expo turn our evening session at 7:00 p.m. Saturday March 24th workshops in Summit the time is now for you to achieve dominance in the marketplace mark your calendar right now for one of the most profound events to take place in 2018 held on the campus of Living Word Christian Center in Forest Park Avenue or register right now doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online at billwinston.org /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music] the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers [Music] you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 165,935
Rating: 4.7978392 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, word, God
Id: K1wwTtFq450
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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