Call for the Miracle - Agents of Change

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ANNOUNCER: Drs. Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer. Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you. We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life. We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possibe. If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry. ANNOUNCER: The Believer's Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners, and viewers. ANNOUNCER: Up next on the Believer's Walk of Faith... BILL: Now, what is Jesus doing here? He was calling things, come on. You got it with me. That be not as though they were. Now this principle is so powerful because it comes from the spirit realm and the spirit realm controls every realm of the natural. So it doesn't- what you can see, and feel it, touch it, taste, and smell it. It can be changed. BILL: Everything God desired he spoke it into being. Then he said in verse 26, let us make man. Now, don't think man and Adam are two different. This is, this is Adam. After our- make man in our image, after our likeness, let him function just like we did. Say amen here. Now, if God is going to speak things into existence and he made man to function like him, don't be trying to add nothing to what I'm saying here. Then what, how did Adam function? He had to function like God, this is where I think the church right here starts getting it twisted because they're trying to figure out how is this going to work? And what you've got to know is we, over the years have been taught wrong by the devil. We had been taught something that was indifferent to the way God made us. And Satan did that because when you start operating like God, you will express the same abilities of God. Now somebody said, well, you trying to be God. No, I'm trying to be God's child. Say amen to this. This is where the church is going. We're going into planting the heavens. Lord have mercy. Everything God spoke already was, but it was in God and God spoke it out. And the Bible says over in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 and the earth without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Now what is the Spirit of God moving? What is he doing? He's waiting on something. What is he waiting on? He's waiting on the Word because he can't do it without the Word. Say amen to that. The Spirit of God needs the Word to manifest the Word. God chose this method. Let's go all the manifest the Word. God chose this method. Let's go all the way over if you will, let's go over to first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 26 through 28. For ye see your calling brethren and how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called, but God has chosen the method that I'm about to show you God chose it. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty. And base things of the world and things which are despised had God chosen. Yea and things which are not to bring to not things that are. God chose a method of using things that are not manifest. Things you cannot see, cannot feel, cannot touch, cannot taste, cannot smell, cannot hear. God chose things that are not one of those to bring to not things that are one of those. Are you with me? Boy, oh boy, I'm telling you Lord have mercy. This is it, folks. What I'm telling you, if you get this, you can just tell Jesus to come on back because this is it. I I'm I'm I'm, I'm serious. This solve every problem you got, this will put you on top right here that I'm talking about right there. If you have a problem and you can see it, then it's in the natural realm. Feel it, touch it, smell it so forth. It's in the natural realm. And if it's in the natural realm it can be- Lord have mercy. I want to make sure I'm using the right words. It can be governed and dissolved by the spirit realm and replaced. Now, this is why Jesus came and Mark- put it up on the board. Mark chapter 1 verse 14. And after that, John was put in prison and Jesus came to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. Watch this, saying the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the gospel. Now what does repent mean? Somebody, anybody, okay? Change your belief. You're believing wrong. You're not designed to say things and expect something different. You are designed to look at a problem and say something different. Y'all come on. Come on now. You are designed to call things into manifestation. I said, you are designed to call things into manifestation. The trick of the enemy and how he has taught us is to save what you see. That is not what you've been sent here to do. You've been sent here to plant the heavens, that everything that's gone to be done in the earth is fulfilled in heaven. You are designed to plant heaven in the earth and the way you do it is call for it. The power of the Holy Ghost is powerful enough to take and dissolve what you do see and manifest what you don't see. Say amen to this. And this is what God who taught Adam. This is where Adam function. This is how Adam was going to go about and turn every place he went into the garden. The word is forever settled in heaven. You're going to take what's in heaven as seed and plant it in the earth by speaking it. Now, what I've taught you on Sunday is when Jesus saw that fig tree bore no fruit, what did he do to fix it? What did he do to fix that situation? He spoke to it. He spoke to it because it, like I said, I believe it was the enemy deception trying to think that's the way things normally are. No, it wasn't the way things normally are. A tree supposed to bear fruit. Are you with me? Fruitlessness is not the way God planned things. And that's why women who sometime can't have a child come up and pray. We pray for them. All of a sudden something breakthrough. Look at Hannah, she couldn't have a baby. Fruitlessness is not the way God planned it. Say amen. And that tree was taking up the parts of the earth that should have been taken up by the will of God. How, what did he do to storm to stop it? Come on. What did he do? He spoke to it. No, he wasn't trying to show anything to people. He wasn't trying to convince people. Let's go to one place. Glory to God. Let's go to Mark's gospel chapter 5. Now here you have two situations. Now this'll work for anybody. 8 to 80. Doesn't make any difference who you are. If you can talk. You are made like this. The problem is the enemy made it so we all believe what we speak, that's number one. But made it so that we, if we speak something that isn't so it's like when lying, but that's not true. You can't lie saying what God said. If he said you are rich, you can't lie. If he said you are healed, you are not lying. If he said you're the head, you are not lying. If he said you're the lender, you say it. It will replace your condition. This is what he taught Adam. This is called the spirit of faith. That everything you see, if it's out of order with heaven's government, you have been authorized. I said, you have been authorized. Doesn't make any difference in what it is now. See, don't make any difference what it is. Don't make any difference whether it's a mountain, whether it's iron, it doesn't make any difference what it is. It will dissolve it and replace it with what is in heaven. But you got to have the nerve to call it. Now let's, let's look at this Mark chapter 5, start in verse 25. Okay? Now here's a woman and a certain woman who had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians had spent all that she had, nothing better, but rather worse. When she heard of Jesus, she came the press behind and touched his garment for she said, now here's the thing she's using this. For she said, didn't she say this? If I may touch but his clothes I shall be what? Whole. This is what she said. Now understand, uh, the doctors couldn't get rid of it. Come on now. So now she's gonna go to a higher authority. She's going to go to a higher principle, the same principle that was taught that God used and he taught Adam and he taught Abraham. We'll look at Abraham in just a minute, all right. And straightway, the fountain of blood was dried up and she felt in the body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus immediately knowing himself with the virtue gone out of him, turned about in the press and said, who touched my clothes? His disciples said to him, you see the multitude thronging you, and saying who touched me? He looked around about to see her that had done this thing, but the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth, keep going. And he said to her daughter, thy what? Thy faith, come on, has made thee whole. Keep going, go in peace and be whole of that plague. All right, let's keep going. While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house house a servant which said, thy daughter is dead. Why trouble the master any further? So now we've got a situation here that is the result of her being sick. And now she's dead. Gone. Graveyard dead. As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he said it to the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid. Come on. Only believe. Now he was focusing, I'm sure back in the old Testament where he said, thou shall live and not die. And declare the works of the Lord, Lord have mercy. So he suffered no man to follow him. Say Peter, James, and John and the brother of James, the brother of James. And he come into the house of the ruler of the synagogue and seeing the tumult, people crying and so forth. And then that wept they wailed greatly. And when he was coming in, he said to them, why are you making this ado, and weep? The daughter is not dead, she's just asleep. Now, what is he doing here? He's calling. Come on now. You gotta hear something here. He's he's calling. See because God in heaven, with long life he's going to satisfy us. Are you following what I'm saying? Though he's not going by what it looks like. He's not going to call what he sees. He's going to call what God said. And he's basing what he speaks on what God's will is. Say amen. And they laughed him to scorn. And so when you say things that don't line up with what it looks like, people think you a little bit off and they could start laughing at you. However, when he put them all out, he took taking the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with him and entered into where the damsel was lying. And he took the damsel by the hand and said to her Talitha cumi, which is to say, interpreted, damsel, I say to you arise. And straightway the damsel rose and walk for she was of the age of 12 years, and they was astonished with great astonishment. Now, what is Jesus doing here? He was calling things, come on. You got to with it me. That be not as though they were. Now, this principle is so powerful because it comes from the spirit realm, and the spirit realm controls every realm of the natural. So it does what you can see it, feel it, touch it, taste, and smell it. It can be changed. Let's go to Romans chapter 4. Look what it says in verse 17, as it is written, I have made thee father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickened at the dead and does what? Call it things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be. Now what was spoken? The Word, but what did God tell him Abraham he was going to do with his name? He's going to change it. He said, no longer will your name be Abram. This is Genesis chapter 17 now. No longer will your name be Abram, but from now on your name shall be Abraham. Now what is the word Abraham mean? Father of a great multitude. So he is saying, I know you have no children, but this is a way I'm going to give you children. You going to call things that be not as though they were. So from now on, don't say you don't have any children. You are a father of a multitude. Now, if you're saying by his stripes I'm healed, you are not saying I'm not sick. That is not scripture. The scripture didn't say nothing about I'm not sick. The scripture says by his stripes I'm healed. Don't go outside of what he said. See the power is in what he says. See, you got people come sometime talking about I'm not sick. Well, that is not what scripture said. Scripture said you say by his stripes I'm healed. According to his Word, I am healed. So Abraham began to say what God said about him. Look what he said in verse 19, and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was yet a hundred, about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb. You cannot consider what's in the natural realm because if you consider that too much, it will get you to doubt in your faith, and faith does not work with doubt. So you're going to have to take your focus and focus on what God said. Folks, we're coming up on that right now, because what has happened in the last days, you're going past what the doctors can cure. See, so you going to have to cure it yourself. Now, when I say that, I mean, with the Word of God. You're going to have to take that Word and apply it or find somebody who knows something about the Word. So there shouldn't be anything that we need in this earth that we cannot access by calling things. Look what it says here in verse 20. He's staggered not at the promise of God through what? Unbelief. But was strong in what? Faith. Giving glory to who? God. Now that's what the enemy doesn't want. He didn't want God to get the glory for this. And being fully persuaded that what God had what? Promised. Come on. He was able come on to perform. Now let's go over. Let's go over to Hebrews chapter 6, please. Did God promise you something? Do you believe he's able to perform it? Now, what does he need you to do? He believed the word and call for- Come on now, call things. Look what it says in Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12. No, let's start at verse 11. And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope to the end. That ye be not slow, but followers of them who through what? Faith, come on, and patience inherit the promises. Now what did Abraham do between the time God said your name going to be changed, or you're going to have a child coming out of your own. And the time that God actually changed his name, now what happened? He got out of faith. He lost his patience. He saw himself getting older. He said, Lord, you know, I can't, I got to shake a leg here now. I don't know how, how you know, I got to make sure I can, I can deliver here. And so he saw himself getting older. I'm just using my own word. He saw himself getting older and the next thing he did, Sarah said, why don't you just use my handmaiden Hagar and have a child? And what did Abraham do? He did it. He did it because his thinking is that if he got too old, God couldn't do it. But let me tell you whatever God promised you, he is able to deliver. BILL: Well, I trust that you were blessed by this teaching. Now, here's a point you want to meditate on. You were designed to look at a problem or circumstances and say something different. In other words, if you got something that is contrary to what you desire and the circumstances that you have, say something different. Say what God says. Well, they may think I'm lying. How can you lie saying what God says? Call things that be not as though they were. Powerful teaching, praise God. Well, until next time this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith. ANNOUNCER: Blessed by today's message? Order the agents of change series in its entirety to receive the full revelation packed teaching. This four part series is available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4. To order in the US contact us at 1-800-711-9327 or online at In Canada contact us at 844-298-2900 or online at You are not in this generation by coincidence, you were created for such a time as this. To be a change agent. Don't allow fear and unbelief to block you from impacting the world and fulfilling the full plan of God for your life. This is a must have series and a right now word for the times we are living in, get your copy today. BILL: Hello Bill Winston here. I have a book that should be in the hands of every person that in the body of Christ, it's called faith and the marketplace. You know, once you get born again, God doesn't take you out of the world. He leaves you in it. And that same thing about your profession or wherever you work or what your gifting is, whatever it is, you're going to have to attach faith to it because that's God's way. Without it, you can't please him. So you're going to have to attach faith to it. And I think what happens some people get born again, but they don't know how to use faith in their profession or in raising of kids or a family or whatever they do. And as a result of that, they end up toiling. I've got good news for you. No more toil. This is it. It's just going to tell you how now to manage your life with faith, that you, whatever you, whether you're a doctor, whether you're a beautician, whenever you are, it doesn't make any difference. You can apply faith to it and succeed every time. That's what this is all about. God is a God of success. He wants you to win and win big. So it's faith in the marketplace should be a part of your library and guarantee you it'll bless you. Get it today. Bill Winston saying, we love you and keep walking by faith. ANNOUNCER: Drs. Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer. Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you. We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life. Contact us by phone at 1-877-543-9443, or submit your prayer request online at Follow us on Periscope and Facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions. We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible. Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world. If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry. We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you. ANNOUNCER: The mission of Bill Winston Ministries is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world. Thank you, Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of The Believer's Walk of Faith Broadcast.
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
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Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith
Id: hzE7tRraIZg
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Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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