The Law of Favor | Dr. Bill Winston

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers favor determines the limits of everyone's destiny favor is like faith it demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor people can see it only one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor you're going to get confidence with favor all you got to do is know God now I want you to get that Saints because that is one of the biggest difference between the world and the church I said God will open up your door that door can be locked and sealed for years but when you stand in front of it it will open up the favor of God is so powerful till no harassment no weapon no nothing because God has endorsed you you're going into a place now where God is about to raise you up but I don't want you to compromise going up the mountain come on I don't want you to bow to bail I want you to maintain your stand and the way you gonna do that is through Sabre we are talking about what this idea of favor is how does favor operate and the importance of favor in this in this hour now the when you're talking about favor again we want to have this mindset of the kingdom and a kingdom mindset is not a religious mindset religion really can't deliver anybody it comes from the Latin root religio which means back to bondage and it when we're talking about the church we're talking about life the life that I'm talking about is Zoe it's a god kind of life if the life and the nature that God imparts to us when we get born again so why not you and I get born again we now have taken on a whole new status and we are exempt from some things that would come that would hurt you harass you molest you we are exempt from that I think over in Psalm 91 he says A Thousand shall fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come not you only with your eyes show you behold to see the reward of the wicked because you made the Lord which is your refuge even the most high your habitation there shall no evil there's another superlative no evil that means not a little bit of evil will befall you neither any plague come not your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you and they will keep you in all your ways so right now you got angels assigned so as we look at this he's talking about favor and I said you have to have a kingdom mindset on this because when you're talking about any of the promises of blessings of God those things are activated by faith it takes faith to active in faith comes how by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so I need to hear the word of God on it so I'll have faith to receive it into my life say amen to that so today I'm going to give you this word on favor because it's a part of the release that you have and this one teaching is going to change your life this one teaching is going to be the thing that is going to enable you to be able to be sure that you make it to your destiny say amen to that favor means to endorse I'm endorsing someone or maybe I endorse somebody's call me people call me it would you endorse my book form so forth what do they want they want somebody who perhaps has done something or somebody that established themselves or a brand or something to endorse them to enable them hopefully to sell more copies and people to have for it to have credibility so favor means to endorse it also means to support support to be able to support someone whether it be sports one in terms of a tangible way or support someone to encourage someone or whatever to support it means also to assist to assist the Bible talks about in Psalm 103 bless the Lord ye his angels verse 20 that excel in string that do His commandments harkening into the voice of the Lord that these angels are coming the Bible says in Hebrew 1:14 to assist us their sign to assist us over in in Exodus chapter 23 and verse 20 he told Moses Moses is about to go into the promised land behold I send an angel before you to keep you in the way to bring you into the place what I have prepared beware of him now obey his voice don't provoke him because you'll not pardon your transgressions for my name is in it but if you shall indeed obey his voice and do all I speak then I'll be an enemy to your enemies I'll be an adversary to your adversaries and for my angels shall go before you and bring you into the ammonites hittites perizzites Canaanites highlights at every sight and I'll cut them off so you need some assistance where you're going you need some assistance and could be someone who is a person human assistance or divine assistance and another thing that favor is favor also makes things easier makes things easier that's that anointing part of course you know the anointing takes a struggle out of everything it is it is it gives you sweat less victories so it makes things easier favorite also means to provide with advantages over to God so God's going to provide you with advantages can you imagine you've been in a class or something like that you're preparing for the course in preparing for the final exam and and then the teacher says you know I really like you I'm going to give you where some of these exam questions are gonna come from so you can study that and you can have a heads up on the rest of the class you can rest the classes that's not fair yes it is fair it's called favor favor ain't fair so God can give you insight as to what's going to happen and so forth let's all put you ahead of the game well all that's a part of favor also it means to show special privileges it show special privileges and and to be able to showcase someone or preview someone or whatever have you pick you out in and so forth or to feature someone so this idea of favor again that comes from the dictionary so these are ideas that you can get in your mind so you can start picturing what favor is now favor is a part of your heritage when you get born again look at Psalm chapter five please all the way back and as you are born again you're born into favor you're born in to the house of God and favor is a part of what you've been born into look what it says here started verse eleven but let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice let them ever shout for joy because thou Defenders them let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee for the Lord will bless the righteous come on with favor will thou compass' him as with a shield so God's going to surround you with favor he's going to surround everywhere you go you you'll be having assistance you'll you'll be featured come on out you you came in late and got a front seat whatever have you the favor of God are you with me here now favor is something that's granted is not something for payment you can't work for it but it's something that is granted and if you look in the scriptures a lot of times when you're talking about favor you're talking about something that God has given to someone that causes them to be successful where they normally would fail or causes a door to open which normally that door is locked but favor will cause that to happen in your life say amen to that so it starts when you're born again 1 you've got to be taught about favor and you've using your faith to activate favor in your life and when that favor comes you will know it because that favor will distinguish you now as we look at this also when you're talking about favor where do we see it start now look all the way back here in the life of Noah look back here in Genesis and chapter 6 please verse 5 he says this and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I have made them so but Noah found what grace now what does grace mean favor in the eyes of the Lord now as you know here is God and basically what he did with Noah is he picked Noah out praise God for whatever reason now he took Noah and picked Noah out and others perished but Noah and his family were spared so favor will cause you to be spared when other people we'll fall by the wayside so this is favor and then as you going down anybody that you see god success in the Bible you will track their lives and see that they had favor attached to this whatever success was in their lives now reason why I'm telling you this is because you're understanding favor and relying on and expecting God's favor in your life is key for you to be closer to God favor is the way to the top tooth out favor is the way to the top now let's let's just look at this because if we want to look at the reality of this thing how many you know the devil does not like you how many things he like it - okay now he the enemy opposes you so when you are sent into the earth and you and I as the righteous are deliberately planted among the wicked because we have the light okay so in that the wicked then many times being controlled by the enemy their job is to keep you down to frustrate you to harass you so forth and so on but favor turns all of that favor is the way to the top look what he said over here over in Luke chapter four and look at verse five he said the devil taketh him Jesus up to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and the devil said to him all this power will I give you and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me into whomsoever I will give it if thou will worship me all shall be thine and Jesus ended and said to him get thee behind me Satan no let's stop right there here's what I'm telling you is that the idea is to occupy the mountain the idea is to get and occupy or control that sphere of influence same into that and the thing of it is is all the way up the mountain you cannot compromise because whatever you compromise going up the mountain will control you at the top of the mountain so now with favor you're gonna get confidence put it up there please put up there proverbs 24 and verse 5 a wise man is strong yay a man of knowledge increases strength what are we giving you today knowledge look at verse 10 please out of that if thou faint in the day of adversity come on thy strength is small now so what did Daniel do they said Daniel anybody caught praying to any other God doing this 30-day period of time other than this statute of whatever or the king will be thrown in the den of lions somebody tell me what did David Daniel do he went up in his room didn't try to hide open new windows Shanda and they arrested it they put him in a Lions in but guess what favor seek the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment no weapon no nothing that's that to become low mbers because God has endorsed you see this favor and and we got to show you this cuz you're going into a place now where God's about to raise you up but I don't want you to compromise going up the mountain come on I don't want you to bow to bail I want you to maintain your stand and the way you're gonna do that is through favor but the way you get the favor the function is by faith and the way you get faith is by hearing so as I give you this today one lesson is gonna turn you around one lesson where you would have have been been weak or faith in that day of adversity now you all stand strong you all said no no no I got favor of my life say amen to that it may not look good right now but I will keep my joy when his favor comes on you you don't have to tell a man thank you I better come over here when his favor comes on you you know oh thank you to a man come on up here let's go with this again and Joseph was brought down to Egypt Potiphar and office of Pharaoh captain the guard and Egyptian bought him of the hands of the instrument lights which had brought him down hit now what happened Joseph was sold by his brothers as you know to a traveling band of Ishmaelites some business people and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man he was in the house of his master the Egyptian and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand and Joseph found what Brinks what's the name for it favor in his sight and he served him and he made him what overseer over his house come on all that he had he put into his hand favored the way to the top the way to the top say amen to that I've had people come up here before us a pastor you know they've been passing over me for this promotion and so forth and so on you know and and what they want well I would you well I need them to cut me a little slack no you don't you need finger call this favor they don't have to cut you no slack come on God's gonna cut you some slack see if God says promote you there's not a single person that can stop your promotion there's not a government there's not a demon and it came to pass from that time the time that he had made him over Silva's house nor that he had that the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph's sake and the blessing of the Lord was on upon all that he had in house and in the field and he left all that he had in Joseph's hand and he knew not all he had saved the bread which he did eat and Joseph was a goodly person and what well-favored Samwell favored he going and it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph and she said lie with me o and flow ok and and he refused and said to his master's wife behold my master what is not what is with me in the house and he couldn't committed all that he had then to my hand there is none greater in the house and I neither had he kept back anything from me but thee because thou art his wife how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God and it came to pass as she spake to Joseph day by day that he hearkened not to her to live by her or to be with her come on and it came to pass about this time that Joseph went into the house to his to do with business and there was none in the of the men in the house there within and she caught him by His garment saying lie with me at this woman is desperate war and he left his garment and in her hand and fled and got him out know her mercy and it came to pass when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and was fled forth that she called into the men of the house and spake unto them saying see he had brought in a Hebrew unto us to mock us and he came in to me to lie with me and I cried with a loud voice and it came to pass when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried that he left his garment with me and fled and got him out now that you can wear a favour people can see it on you while I trusted you a blessed by this powerful teaching it's the law of favor now the days teaching is a part of exciting three-disc series now here's a very important point from this series I want you to remember understanding favor and expecting the favor of God in your life is key to getting to the top you see favor is the way to the top and the way you get favor is by faith that means you have to expect favor to come to manifestation in your life now announced is going to give you some important information and how you can order this powerful set of teachings on the law of favor and I'll be right back favor determines the limits of everyone's destiny favor is like faith it demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor people can see it only one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor you're going to get confidence with favor all you got to do is no God now I want you to get that Saints because that is one of the biggest difference between the world and the church I said God will open up your door that door can be locked and sealed for years but when you stand in front of it it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment no weapon no nothing because God has endorsed you you're going into a place now where God is about to raise you up but I don't want you to compromise going up the mountain come on I don't want you to bow to bail I want you to maintain your stand and the way you gonna do that is through favor understand God's fear expect his favor and wear divine favor on your life in pastor Winston's dynamic teaching entitled the law of favor to order on CD or dvd simply write to bill Winston ministries PO Box 947 Oak Park Illinois 6 0 3 0 3 buy bank card at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at a favor is a part of your heritage when you get born again Psalm five and verse 12 says for the Lord will bless the righteous with favor will thou compassed them as with a shield in other words favor is going to circle you around I mean it's going to cover you all the time now notice what it says this is the righteous he's talking about righteous comes when you're born again you have to be born again to get this heritage of favor so if you're not born again you can be born again right now praise God I remember my life years ago I'd gone to church as a you know young lad and so forth growing up in the city my hometown Tuskegee Alabama but I really wasn't born again I knew about church knew about God but it didn't know him for myself but I got much older of course things changed and I reached out and God saved me and next thing you know I had a relationship with Jesus everything changed in my life favor took off praise God well the same thing had happened to you and God wants you to be born again he wants to encircle you with a favor that he has reserved for your life so if you want to be born again if you'd like to be it's very very simple the Bible says in Romans chapter chapter 10 and verse 9 if thou shalt confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead you shall be saved well here's what I want to do for you I'd like to do for you the same as they did for me years ago somebody prayed this prayer with me and a miracle took place in my life I would like to do the same for you right now right where you are so if you know that there's something missing you know that you don't have a relationship with the Lord oh you might have been in church but that is no real thing you got to have your personal relationship with him and if you sent in your heart you don't have this let me pray for you right now here's what I want you to do very simple thing just bow your head and pray this prayer with me dear lord I come to you now just as I am you know my life you know how I've lived forgive me lord I repent of my sins I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God he died for my sins and on the third day he was raised from the dead Lord Jesus I ask you come into my heart live your life in me and through me from now on from this day forward I belong to you in the name of Jesus amen praise God well if you pray that I'd like to give you send you up my personal book I wrote it for you I wrote it with you in mind it's called born again it's spirit-filled it's in both English and Spanish these tell you what the next steps are by you walking in faith and in a born-again life this is powerful here it gives you those steps and you can follow those steps and watch what's going to happen to your life well this is bill Winston saying we love you and until next time keep walking by Faith you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 671,863
Rating: 4.8180838 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Bill Winston, Bill Winston Ministries, BWOF #LawofFavor
Id: GZzindgJHNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2015
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