2021 International Faith Conference - Monday Night

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[Music] i can't stop shouting [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because my heart is full and my soul is [Music] no i can't stop jesus [Music] singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] salvation shall i fear who shall i be afraid who shall i be afraid for you [Music] [Music] come on declare this i will remain ten [Music] glory to god we'll see [Music] shall i be [Music] come on [Music] [Music] miracles what do you do in a global pandemic when there's fear chaos and the whole world shuts down you use your faith don't you panic there's not the time for god's people to panic god has big big plans for you and the enemy is not after them he's after the church trying to silence the church and stop your forward progress he's seen that this is going to be year of god's glory you walk by faith you increase by faith you work miracles by faith you stay open by faith because the church is essential you feed the community by faith you build by faith you win souls by faith you exercise your dominion by faith you continue to send the word throughout the world by faith now is the time for you to use your faith welcome to the 2021 international faith conference faith for miracles [Applause] are you ready to worship tonight come on let the people of god stand up and shout unto god with the voice of triumph come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we see prison cells we see graveyards we see broken lives and hopeless hearts but faith she's a miracle looking for a home [Applause] [Music] repeat after me i said i believe in [Music] can see miracles mirror [Applause] [Music] glories [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're holding the keys of the kingdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe in miracles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] i believe in miracles because i am living proof that miracles [Music] happened to me i was a prisoner [Music] broke me free [Applause] [Music] on the move and there's nothing that he can do faith rise up fade arise oh i think we'll testify for a little bit tonight [Applause] [Music] your blood washed me clean [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] breathing hallelujah [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus save me [Music] real oh yeah i am a miracle my heart has been healed [Music] hallelujah [Music] let's take a minute right here think about what the lord has done for you [Applause] take a of minute has brought you through here [Applause] happy new year [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's say that line again there's nothing that he can come on again there's nothing there [Music] there's nothing that he can't do [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] the sound of your voice [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh father we're a grateful people tonight we're a grateful people tonight [Music] we come into this room and we say thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus for all you have done for us [Music] the [Music] you worthy [Music] [Music] you deserve a glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] from you deserve the glory [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] our eyes [Music] night and day [Applause] rise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] deserve the glory [Applause] i remember as a child growing up in this southern pentecostal church and we sang a lot of hymns and we've gathered in church but there was this phenomenon that began in the early 70s in charismatic outbreak faith churches began to rise up and there would be i remember being in a meeting with kenneth copeland and they would just hit one core and the people would begin to sing it was the song of the people and they would just sing with one chord and everybody would begin to lift the verse and say anybody from that era can we take just a couple moments and lift our voices [Music] [Music] we lift up our voices and lived up our songs [Music] we cry for the glory of god to come [Music] inhabit the praise of your people oh god let your sound rise in the room let it rise [Music] here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord [Music] sweeping in the room [Music] come on declare that with me here comes the glory of the lord sing it out [Music] here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glory of the lord sweeping in lift [Music] and the king of glory will come in here [Music] [Music] oh yes jesus is on the throne [Music] know yeah is in control his kingdom is coming now changing the atmosphere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the glory the [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] here comes the glory of the lord here comes the glorious [Music] [Music] heaven is here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here comes healing [Music] and here comes everything you need one more time let's say here comes of the lord here comes [Music] just once more [Music] here comes the glory of the lord [Music] here comes of the lord [Music] hey yes here he comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on receive the king welcome him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome him welcome him welcome him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything changes everything changes when your kingdom comes let your kingdom come the earth [Music] [Music] everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] yay [Music] every is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything changes [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] come on i am [Music] [Applause] i said glory to god come on let's give the lord one more shout for the kingdom [Music] [Applause] welcome again to the second night of our annual faith conference international and we are here welcoming bwm we welcome the fma uh can you say hello tuskegee we welcome all of our international viewers and what else does this uh international viewers um see attached okay all right here's some of the countries that have been tuning in let's see argentina aruba australia barbados um belize bermuda botswana brazil canada cayman islands colombia dominican republic ecuador el salvador fiji germany um ghana uh let's see uh guatemala um genea um haiti um hungary glory to god we've got more here [Applause] not more it's a lot uh india ireland ivory coast jamaica japan kenya malaysia mexico netherlands new zealand nigeria norway panama peru philippines [Music] in puerto rico and qatar um singapore uh south africa saint whoa saint kitts um let's see what else praise god [Music] let's see sweden thailand trinidad u.s virgin islands united arab emirates united uh kingdom united states of america okay eurograde venezuela zimbabwe glory to god and uh and more praise god give them all a handclap these are the nations that are tuning in isn't it wonderful well i tell you we are glad to be here did you enjoy yourself last night amen uh the man of god bishop tudor bismarck bishop stand up one more time with you hello amen [Applause] amen um i want to say thank you for coming out um you know this this this this pandemic is uh something that we we we've got to get beyond this and and i just believe amen i i just believe the church is is big enough and bad enough to cancel this thing say amen i mean cancel it globally so uh i just want to welcome everybody and thank you for coming out and so forth and uh next year i know it will be totally free so forth and so on amen amen all right now um we have let's see i just want to say a couple of things first um and and let's see if this is uh i just want to make sure okay i don't read a lot of violence but that's next right okay all right i just want to say faith is is what needs to be preached because if if there's any anything that's standing against you or trying to come against your family and so forth uh faith has the power to move it and and watch this and everything satan stole faith can get it back [Applause] and and it's one thing that god's people need all the time is faith they need refreshes on faith and teachings on faith so i just want to encourage everybody you know don't don't think small of this as the speakers are speaking they're bringing forth words that are going to bring faith in your life so that you can do the impossible say amen to that it's church it's time for the church to rise up and be counted amen amen i think one of the things that satan is after right now is he's after the church because the church stands between him and what he wants to do with the world and uh i'm free on sundays i'm i'm doing this part of my series now is called preparing for his coming and and we want to every place satan has gotten in we want to get him out and every everything that he is messed up we're going to clean it up say amen and watch this the money is going to come in to do that now i'm not talking about a little money i'm not talking about you know that kind of money that you just go down and buy some groceries with i'm talking about money that'll make you funny i mean it'll make it it will make you laugh i mean this kind of money that i'm talking about this is real money and i'm saying the church is going to move into millions and billions i better say that again that thing came out of me we got work to do and it's gonna cost money to do it and so we are going to be well equipped with that but i want you to get this faith now our speaker tonight i'm telling you he's he's um it's faith i mean he started with this what 50 years ago whatever it is and i'm telling you the adventures of faith i mean in my life you can just count the things that have been done by faith i mean this mall itself we sow the seed into that ministry and because it's good salt boom manifestation took place but i just want you to get faith get it i mean just listen for it get it don't this week is going to be a week of miracles this [Applause] and they have started already now this is going to be a week of miracles so i want you to expect things that you didn't expect before you got to this meeting that that things are going to be happening and happening so fast they're going to make your head swing i'm talking about when you put an offering in tonight you may get the harvest in the morning you may get it tomorrow night oh so but before this week is out there's going to be sea time and harvest say amen to that are you expecting are you expecting a miracle tonight in the name of jesus glory to god we have david and nicole benion there they have been all over the world they have been just an inspiration to me and all that we do here we've had them here before and i'm telling you that just uh um their gifting is making room for them and bringing them before great men so let's welcome david and nicole binion praise god so we recorded an album that came out in february and then coveted shut the world down and we didn't get to go to any churches and sing this new music until in the recent few months and so tonight we want to sing one of these new songs is that all right so i wrote this song about a year and a half ago and it was a night it was on a day i was pretending to be black i think i might be a black man trapped in a white man's body on the inside i feel like i sound like todd delaney but when it comes out it sounds more like kenny rogers but i tried to channel my inner andre crouch with this song it's called waterfall now there is a passage of scripture and everybody knows that god's favorite version is the king james version but john turned to see a voice and king james says it sounded like many waters but the message translation says his voice was a rushing waterfall and so i wrote this song may you see jesus in it it's like i just want you to just worship with us here we go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] let's do [Music] that i am letting go feel the undertow no more playing in the shallows fountain of the deep here you calling me i am not afraid to follow [Music] oh [Music] raise me [Music] salvation [Music] oh it's all one [Music] take me [Music] me [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] okay oh [Music] [Applause] oh father we have decided we want everything you have for us we refuse to settle [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] praise him all creatures [Music] praise father [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who loves us [Music] the is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] in my favor [Music] in my direction [Music] [Applause] [Music] as i praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my direction [Music] as i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh come on let's let's give them a hand come on let's let's show them how much we appreciate that gift that they've got david and nicole billion thank you jesus [Applause] a blessing to the body of christ [Applause] glory to god take your seats for just a minute well tonight i said tonight [Applause] you know um i've kind of set in my mind where i want to go with my faith and i have used brother copeland's sister copeland kind of as a as a as a benchmark as a standard because i'm saying okay if he can do it come on come on help me somebody [Applause] you think about it just having a sense of a bigness i mean i i watched when i went out to kenneth copeland's ministries and i watch i look and see all that was done by faith and i came back and i said now if god will do it for him he'll do it for me because i read over in the book of acts i think it said like this peter got up and said i perceive that god is no respecter a person that that meant to me that if he'll do it for white folks he'll do it for black [Applause] and i'm thinking because i've heard all kinds of things you know what i mean and and so forth but i found out that wait a minute this i'm watching to see what god is doing in his life and i said now if he can have an airplane are you following what i'm saying i'm saying i just didn't say oh that's brother copeland you know after you know that that faith you know and so forth no he's given to every one of us the measure of faith oh that was oral robbers that got you know what i mean no no that's bill winston i've got the same faith that they've got but what i need to do is put it to work and i'm telling you this is a ministry that is evidence of what god will do with somebody who will trust him who will trust him and so i i looked at that and i mean i didn't have to hang around him all the time just hang around his tapes hang around hang around the cds and so i i went from faith to faith the faith my wife and i'd go down there and see something that man he's doing down there and we talk to other one another and some say sorcy next thing i know we popping a hundred thousand dollars in there let's go for it now i that y'all didn't get as many applause on that when i went out come on come on see that that that ought to be little stuff to you i mean come on church got to think big we gotta he preached on that last night my buddy just popped off my jacket well somewhere down there that's all right now i ain't getting fat that is not that is not why that button popped off that jacket that button was just weak that's a weak button yeah amen hold on to that for me praise god i might have somebody saw it while i'm in the meeting see that's what i'm talking about i'm saying if you believe you can get your harvest right into me right right at the same meeting that's welcome brother kitty's going let's see this this movie here and i mean this uh promo and we'll be right back amen brother kenneth copeland is considered one of the greatest ministers of our time a modern day father of fame shaping the course of entire generations through multiple media outlets like the believer's voice of victory magazine with over 3 million distributed yearly around the world the believer's voice of victory broadcast which currently reaches 2.3 billion potential viewers the victory channel a 24 7 faith-based christian network which includes 27 other ministries airing free of charge kcm's domestic and international meetings play a significant part in the call of evangelism and countless people have received miraculous healing deliverance and breakthroughs since the ministry began 77 million products have been distributed kcm has helped over 126 million souls to come to jesus through their ministry and other ministries they partner with set your hearts to receive this word and welcome brother kenneth copeland and welcome brother copeland glory to god [Applause] now he's talking about hanging around i like to hang around this i made the mistake one time i put on don't don't ever do this i put on a bill winston video now gloria and i go to bed early and we listen to brother hagin or we watch healing school don't ever put on a bill winston video but before you go to sleep you won't go to sleep i was i stood up in the bed man i was standing up in the bed stomping around gloria said you better sit down you're going to fall over and fall over to bed so you're a daytime preacher praise god thank you you're welcome amen thank you be seated please where's nicole and david so long well david you did it again you know you sang the joy right up into my into my out of my spirit glory to god and you know you're a whole lot like me our wives married beneath themselves nicole thank you for blessing my heart tonight dear oh god come on don't pray to god thank you jesus and then i come in and i've been thinking about tudor bismarck for several days and and i walked in the speaker's room back there and i said remind me where do to bismarck comes from and he stood up over there zimbabwe of course to hang around warriors like this and i am so thrilled pastor to hear that you are teaching and preaching the soon return of jesus how many full-time ministers full-time ministers pastors teachers evangelists we're going to have to start talking about this every time we get in the pulpit the reason our congregations are not talking about it because we haven't been talking about it and it's time to start talking about it and i mean talk about it a lot and just keep talking about it praise god he's coming he's coming i said he's coming the meeting we just left just a few days ago i was walking out of the hotel and there was a young young woman there of a faith of a different kind and and so i walked up there and i said come on go to church with me and she said i'll go to church with you and another young woman standing right there next to her and i said you know jesus is coming soon so she said yeah i know it well the other woman got to hear that she got to hear that that he's coming and then i walked out of there and i said lord i want you to keep that on her mind i want you just to come over and over and over and over and over and over and over jesus is coming and i need to do something about it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there's coming today very soon it will be the voice of god will be calling me i'll see the face of jesus [Music] i'm going home [Music] the heart will blow the angel will cry the father's love will fill the skies i'll see the face of jesus i'm going [Music] home [Music] but until then [Music] i'll go singing [Applause] [Music] carry on [Music] until day my eyes behold [Music] until the day [Music] i'm going [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on sing it with me and undo then [Applause] we'll go on singing [Music] [Applause] until then we'll carry on [Music] until the day [Music] our eyes behold our jesus [Music] until the day [Applause] get a deep breath now we're going [Music] home [Music] come on give the lord a praise praise god these are the last days these are the last of the last of the last of the last of the last days one way or another it's our last days amen it's so imminent we're right there 6 000 years have come and gone and we're in this little sliver of time just this little grace period here and whatever you whatever business you need to take care of you need to take care of a synonym get things right right now because the gate's closing but until [Music] then i'll go singing [Applause] [Music] joy who will carry on until the day our eyes behold our city until the days we're going [Music] home [Music] praise god thank you david thank you jake praise god thank you lord jesus hallelujah thank you lord now wait a minute wait hey hand me that thing back [Music] [Music] he walked up the street to calvary [Music] the rugged cross he bore the crowd stood by and they watched this man they'd heard him preach before no one could ever be worthy of such love i never find when he was on the cross [Music] i was on his mind the look of love was on his face thorns on his head the blood that stained his scarlet robe had stained it crimson red his eyes were on that crowd that day yet he looked ahead in time [Music] when he was on the cross [Music] i was on his mind [Music] he knew [Music] me yet he loved [Music] whose glory makes the heavens shine [Music] when he was on the cross he had been on his mind when he was on the cross [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the lord [Music] he knew me [Music] he loved me [Music] he whose glory makes the heavens shine [Music] no one's worthy of such mercy [Music] when he was on the cross he had me on his mind when he was on the cross sing it with me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise his name praise his name praise his name praise his name give glory to the name the name the name the name that's above every name that's made the name under which all knee must bow and the sound of that name cobit 19 has the bow its knee it's [Music] glory to god forevermore hallelujah thank you jesus oh glory glory oh thank you jesus thank you david ellis and jacob smith glory to god and all [Music] both of you stand up who's that over there on the b3 yeah oh that's my man [Laughter] i thought i recognized that touch thank you lord thank you steve now i need this this this little talking clock when it goes off it honks a horn the first one of these i ever saw leroy thompson had it and nero said brutal copeland [Laughter] he said i want to give this to you and everybody clapped bill do you think there was a a hidden meaning there well i need this to make sure i preached long enough that was a lie i don't i don't have any i don't need anything it's i don't have any quitting sense is the main part of it but i am going to turn it on anyway father we thank you oh glory to god oh hallelujah the word of the lord the word of faith the word of love the word of miracles we're here tonight to uplift the name of jesus we're here to believe the covenant word of god and we're here to bring glory and praise and honor yes and i bring my peace upon this worthy place this great church and i thank you and praise you for the honor of being a part of it thank you again in the name of jesus i pray and believe i receive amen and amen glory to god thank you lord jesus glory be to jesus excuse me faith for miracles let's open our bibles to the book of galatians please of course in the book of galatians the word faith is used 20 times in this little small book so galatians chapter 2 begin reading with the 20th verse let's read the 19th verse for i through the law and dead to the law that i might live unto god i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ lives in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me excuse me i do not frustrate the grace of god for if righteousness came by the law then christ is dead in vain o foolish galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes jesus christ the anointed one have been evidently set forth crucified among you this only would i learn of you received ye the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith are you so foolish having begun in the spirit are you made perfect by the flesh have you suffered so many things in vain if it be yet in vain he henceforth that ministers to you the spirit and worketh miracles among you doeth he it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith now let's go to basic fundamentals i think too much of the time well i know this is true with me you come to a place where you think well you know everybody in here knows but we're we're not the only ones that are seeing and hearing this amen so there are many many online i mean pastor read how many nations was it a lot there's a lot of people out there some of them just turned it on and said what on earth are they talking about fundamentals well what how do you start with fundamentals what does the word miracle mean it actually the root of that word is wonder a wonder a sign well what is a sign and a wonder well it makes you wonder but just a miracle will not bring faith it will get someone's attention remember the man at the beautiful gate peter and john amen notable miracle took place that day man never had walked they in the third chapter of the book of acts and they just went through the people through that temple and the people were filled with wonder and amazement but nobody got saved until peter preached because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so to have more miracles and signs and wonders in anyone's congregation then you you must begin to believe i mean you must begin to preach so people can believe and expect miracles so what is a proper definition a divine intervention on the normal course of nature let me say that again a miracle is a divine intervention on the normal course of nature in the middle of the storm jesus did what he spoke that's the first fundamental of faith jesus said so himself he spoke to the wind and the sea and he said peace be still he arose and rebuked the wind and said to it peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great call so who said that huh well who is jesus [Music] and who is god it's not a trick question in fact it's an open book question god is love jesus the son of love love manifested in the flesh come on love said that love said it amen glory to god now so what is faith let's look at faith from the heap from hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 from the classic amplified they'll put it up there i'm going to read it off of mine yeah now faith is the assurance the confirmation the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses that's what faith is for by faith trust and holy fervor born of faith the men of old had divine testimony born to them and obtained a good report by faith say by faith by faith we understand that the worlds during these successive ages were framed fashioned put in order equipped for their intended purpose by the word of god who is love so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible now i've heard uh i've heard this this preached that god created the worlds out of nothing no no no he created out of something which was not visible we just got through hey faith is the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of the thing proof being the proof of the things we do not see and the conviction of their reality faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the five physical senses that is a masterpiece of definition of what the force of faith actually is and we know that the word faith is used in a lot of a lot of different ways uh well what faith are you and so forth and that's fine but but that that's that's not where we are and that's not what we're about we are talking about that force itself and we're talking about having faith for miracles having faith for a divine intervention upon the normal course of nature so galatians chapter 5 verse 4 christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law you are fallen from grace for we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith the hope of righteousness by the confirmation the title deed and perceiving is real fact what's not revealed to the senses for in christ jesus in the anointed one in in neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but faith worketh that tells us faith works but it works by love of course it does god is love and it's his faith all right let's go back to the holy grail mark 11. oh glory be to god pastor does your bible sometimes just fall open there well my mother this bible is just it is worn so right there because that's where i learned it verse 20 or verse 19 when evening was come he went out of the city and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots now when evening was come he went out of the city they'd been gone 12 hours and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree now that's 24 hours some time during the night sometime during the night the reason they didn't see it before that is because it went into the root structure first not the leaves the leaves were already there my mind peter calling to remember seth unto him master behold the fig tree which you curse is withered away and jesus took that opportunity to do some powerful teaching here jesus answering said unto them have faith in god all right well what about well have faith in god yeah but what about have faith in god yeah but i don't understand how faith in god yeah but i need have faith in god yeah but i don't know what to do have faith in god i don't know where to go have faith in god i don't know what to say have faith in god i don't know what to think have faith in god [Applause] but it must be the god kind of faith my cross references have the faith of god for verily i say unto you that who so ever shall say whosoever shall say i believe i have faith for miracles [Music] whosoever shall say satan don't you touch me don't you touch my family [Music] now i'm not bragging on me you understand but i've been i tested negative for covid five times i didn't have it then i don't have it now and i never will have it [Music] and if you ever watch healing school you know what glorious is if you do what's right in the natural and you do what's right in the supernatural you can live in divine health amen hallelujah well it don't take long to get happy in here pastor god forevermore i am so hungry for the day i'm so looking forward to the day when we can cram this place full of people praise god [Applause] whoa glory to god thank you jesus be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore i say. it's a it's a it's a fun [Music] study to just go through matthew mark luke and john and see how many times jesus used his words on purpose daughter i say unto thee arise [Music] and he touched her hand glory to god words faith filled words dominate the laws of sin and death for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made us free totally absolutely free of the laws of sin and death absolutely free and if the son has set you free then you are free indeed and you are indeed free glory [Applause] therefore i say unto you what things so ever you desire i want you to notice that there is a comma after the word desire that is correct grammar spiritually and naturally what things so ever you desire comma you pray comma believe there it is i mean anybody can read the english language and understand that what was it charles capps say that's a simple you have to have help misunderstand that and we've had some high-priced help sometimes but it is very very simple when you pray believe that you receive and you shall have when do you believe you receive when you pray that's all part of the prayer you haven't prayed until you believe you received you're not you're not finished praying yet and when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against any so that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses that the whole how can i say that lord yes the whole the entire faith spectrum whether it's for miracles and we're going to talk about different kinds of miracles here in a moment all rest and are founded completely and totally on the law of love and i'm not i'm not talking about you know what you think about just oh really oh i need to use some faith in it no no no no no what you think about most of the time when you're when you're not preoccupied what you think about most of the time you will eventually become my dad said to me more than once kenneth if i can just unzip your head airplanes and motorcycles had come out well i couldn't argue with him much yes i wanted to fly i wanted to fly so bad i just you know other people being you know i was in grade school during world war ii and people drew all those manila covers for your books you know and some people draw my my books had airplanes all over and i didn't you know i wasn't much of an artist but you could tell what they were and i i put shark's teeth on you know like a p40 on and you know and i wanted to be a flying tiger and i became a pilot i know another little boy captain william winston tuskegee airman now compared to him now i'm all business when i fly i don't know but compared to him he really knows how to fly compared to this man i just waller around in the sky i have never yet had anybody shoot at me while i was flying but he has and he shot back and won [Applause] praise god forevermore now we we know from what we've read that forgiveness when you stand praying for you it's all part of the prayer you haven't prayed until you believe you receive and you haven't prayed until you forgive if you have ought against any any means anybody that includes politicians you don't have any business getting mad i don't care who's president who's governor who's mayor hey i was back in the days of president johnson and um oh i just man i and back in those days bill you know you leave the television on the news and stuff when you left your room this is before they had the electronic as and turn it up a little bit so people supposed to think there's somebody in there of course it's six or seven hours you never change the station but anyway anyway so i walked in the hotel room and the president was on the on on on the television speaking well i didn't know i wasn't paying too much attention what he said i still had my meeting on my mind and thing and i walked in there and uh and i took my tie off and i thought i started in there to turn the television off and off and and i said i don't remember exactly what i said but i said something like oh what does he want now and so i walked in there and the lord stopped me i'm telling you i came to attention do you know president johnson no sir do you know anybody that knows him no sir sounds to me like you don't know much [Music] what did i tell you to do in 1st timothy chapter 2 to pray prayers of thanksgiving intercession givings of thanks for all men kings and all that are in authority that the church yes sir then you start praying for him so i did every time i'd hear his voice i'd pray for it anybody said anything about him i'd smile pray for him i'm i'm the same way about mr biden he's got a tiger by the tail and and i i would not want to be in that position and so just just pray in the spirit my god oh god pray for him every meal i pray for my partner's every meal i pray for my country every meal pray for mr biden every meal vice president of harris every meal god help them god help them and the thing that i noticed the more i prayed for president johnson the better i liked him and i thought i don't care a whole lot about the way he's prosecuting this war but i've never been a president during the war time i don't know what kind of a mess i would have made out of it and the more i prayed the better i liked him amen and why because of what jesus said about love amen in fact let's go over to the gospel of john i want to spend some time in here the 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th chapters of the book of john all took place in what was known as the last supper and it's absolutely thrilling and amazing when you put yourself in that place when you receive communion it was not a great big table that would have had to have been a table for 26. everybody on one side of the table no that was an artist concept of it but that it it was in the middle of the night they didn't sleep that night at all very dimly lit some astonishing things happened that night the son of love washed judah's feet isn't that amazing this is the miracle worker himself and he knew let's go to jesus said things like in verse 20 of the 13th chapter verily verily i say unto you he that receiveth whomsoever i sin receives me now this he's this is covenant he this this this is the end of the first covenant it is the beginning words of the second all these men knew anything about was the first covenant of the law the curse and the blessing that's all they ever heard that's all they ever heard preached in fact all they ever heard preached was the law until jesus came along and started preaching the blessing and all he preached was blessing a lot of people hated him for it killed him for it eventually praise god verse 21 when jesus had thus said he was troubled in spirit and testified and said verily verily i say unto you one of you shall betray me then the disciples looked one on another doubting of whom he spake now there was leaning on jesus bosom one of his disciples whom jesus loved simon peter therefore beckoned him that he would ask who it should be of whom he spoke the man with the revelation of love he was there when jesus said you have what you say and he said it he loves me this is the only one of them they couldn't kill they tried more than once a nice little trick that some real nasty people back then had was to take a believer and hook a grappling hook to them and just sit them down in a boiling pot of oil and just pull that grappling hook up you don't have anything they did that with john and he came up out of there and it didn't hurt him it scared them so bad they threw him away on the isle of patmos he just got out there and wrote the revelation um god the man that jesus said woman behold your son behold your mother now you can get a sense of why the apostle paul wrote a letter to timothy and said don't let anyone despise your youth how would you feel if you had the apostle john and jesus mother in your congregation and you're just a kid same way i felt when i had to preach in front of brother hagin yes sir i mean it one at one time i was preaching the first time i'd preached in a sizable church there in tulsa sheridan assembly and i went early and i touched all the seats in that auditorium i was so excited i never had preached that many people before and um and he was there i thought well i don't know anything else but what he preached i'll just preach the same thing we were out at our book tables at a full gospel businessmen's meeting he walked over looked at my tapes walked over and looked at his tapes he said kenneth at least you could have changed the titles i said no sir that's the title of that message i'm not about to change it you think i would have changed it if it was a book well what's the difference it was a talking book and that's where i learned faith not about to change the title of it i wouldn't touch the title of that it kind of irritates me a little when they mess with the titles i put on them ammon well was what he meant no i put on there what i mean so and when the service was over unusually strong service that night and uh and i kind of kind of settle down in my legs and i'm in a kind of weak knee and i walked out to the car and there was a someone help me out there open the door for me and i sat down in my car my less than wonderful car and then sat down there with me and i just sat there for a moment [Music] and uh this fellow patted me on the sword and said you were all right now turn is brother hagin he opened the door for me sat down in there patted me on the shoulder and said you you all right you okay i said yes sir that's love and manifestation somebody came into him and said listen there's a young man over here we need to you need to sue him or something he said for what they said he's preaching your sermons word for word he said glory to god somebody finally got it they wanted him to sue me oh yeah isn't it wonderful they said oh thank you jesus so in this setting peter came up there to john and said ask him who it is john's laying up there saying no no no no no you asked me there would come a time when jesus would have to ask peter three times do you love me and he asked him do you agape me the god kind of love unconditional love agape has no is not based on feelings i would say that you could say agape love is love of the will i will love you whatever you do whatever you say whatever you think whether you love me or not i will love you i had the lord say to me one time i learned something here that that uh was enormous in my life i i didn't not audibly i heard it and so so powerfully inside my spirit he said kenneth i love you that's agape but i don't like you very much oh lord i said why he said you're too high tempered he said somebody just criticizes what you say a little bit you get mad and he went ahead and talked to me about it but then i learned something that has been so powerful in in in my life and in this ministry where glory and i are concerned and it it had to do with a man that walked up to me had a big smile on his face walked up and said with a still with a smile on his face and i thought you know i'm smiling and he said copeland i have never heard anyone rape the scriptures like you did tonight and turn around and walked up well i didn't want to i didn't know what i wanted to do my first thought was just decking but that ain't no you know that that's not going to work and but now that's just going over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and now he's already forgotten about it but it's just on my mind and then i then i start thinking all the things i wish i'd said and the lord said don't listen [Music] pay no attention [Music] to the bad stuff people say to you and he said don't pay any attention to the good stuff they say about you he said from this time forward you tell your staff to never ever bring you anything about you in print ever again so i've missed all kinds of crisis i've missed all kinds of really bad books and you know they say a prophet has no honor in his own hometown well i do because i don't read what the paper said about me i don't want to know and like gloria says if you live long enough you get respectable amen so now i want you i want you to notice this this is so powerful now jesus answered he it is to whom i shall give us up when i have dipped it and when he had dipped the soap he gave it to judas iscariot the son of simon and after the soph now that was the salt covenant where he gave him out of his plate to eat and he took it and ate it now satan entered into him then said jesus unto him that thou doest do quickly now no man at the table knew for what intent he spoke this unto him for some of them thought because judas had the bag that jesus had said to him by those things that we have need of against the feast or that he should give something to the poor now you really have to have an outstanding reputation for giving to the poor you're in the middle of a seder meal and and so many wonderful things are being said and done and then they think he's well he must have told him to go give to the poor here in the middle of the night when most people have said well i'm telling you what he here he just had to go to the restroom right in the middle of all this he then having received the sop went immediately out and it was night therefore when he was gone out jesus said now is the son of man glorified he had to get that devil out of that room the rest of what he had to say changed history had to get him out of there now as the son of man glorified and god is glorified in him if god be glorified in him god shall also glorify him in himself and shall straightway glorify him little children yet a little while i am with you you shall seek me and as i said unto the jews where i go you cannot come so now i say to you a new commandment i give unto you that you love one another you see that semicolon that you love one another even as i have loved you that you also love one another by this shall all men know that you're my disciples if you have love for one another that is the new commandment it is not a new suggestion it is the new commandment yeah but don't start yeah but he's not over with it he goes ahead to say well i want to take time to go to this but we must understand that this is a commandment it is the commandment of the church it is the commandment of every congregation it is the commandment of every born-again believer and it certainly is the commandment to those of us that know a little bit about faith and miracles because without it you can forget miracles this is where it starts amen glory to god [Music] now we understand that faith works by love faith works god is love it's his faith in us and we have his commandment to love one another we also have the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves which fulfills the royal law love your neighbor love i go to bed with this every night after i tell gloria how much i love her and i just kind of roll over i say i love and i just quote jesus i love the lord my god with all my heart all my soul all my mind and all my strength whatever strength represents everything i have of the the strength of my testimony the strength of my financial ability the the the ministry's strength i love my god with it i love him with it i tell you i oh i love to give i just it's a way of life i learned it from oral roberts his first revelation was not miracle healing his first revelation was sown seed and i've talked to him about it so many times he said don't ever do anything without you sow the seed first he said to me one time he said kenneth if god tells you to build a building sow a seed dig a hole [Laughter] sow the seed and get into action now i have seen miracles of notable kind working in his mirror in ministry faith for healing miracle family miracle financial miracle deliverance miracle all of these are miracles all of these are divine intervention on the normal course of nature and they're all healing miracle by love family miracle by love financial miracle by love deliverance miracle by love let's go back to mark's gospel chapter 5. look at that 40th and 41st verse of 4. he said unto them verse 39. he arose and rebuked the wind and said he rebuked the wind and said he rebuked the wind and said unto the sea so he he rebuked that wind and spoke to the sea and said and said and said peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm and he said unto them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith they feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him i'll tell you he's a faith man a faith man they came over unto the other side of the galilee under the country of the gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit one unclean spirit now i'll refer you to the sixth chapter of the book of ephesians when the apostle paul by revelation from god in the in the sixth chapter said this [Music] you know he said put on the whole arm of god that may stand and stand so forth we wrestle not with flesh and blood but against principalities powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places one translation says in in the heavenlies those we could go with the book of daniel and and look at all of those in the 45th chapter of isaiah and so for and so on but this is what we're interested in one spirit is the ruler that ruler takes over a human being spirit soul body mind action voice everything now i have i've i've had experience with this so he had an unclean spirit who was dwelling among the tombs so an unclean spirit brought about an unclean man no spirit including the holy spirit can have full range in this earth without the use of a human body and that's the reason [Music] it is vitally important that people understand you are a spirit you are a soul made up of your mind your will your emotions it's the intellectual part of you and you live in a body and when you and i accepted jesus as our lord and savior oh the spirit of the living god himself the same spirit that indwelled jesus came inside and immediately immediately nine precious things called fruit of the spirit began to immediately was in there now fruit needs to grow and not knowing about that not understanding that not having been taught in that area people don't know much about it but then you take the next step which is the easiest thing you ever did in your life gloria and i both were scriptural illiterates when we came into the kingdom of god so we weren't frowning oh what'd you come for oh i want to get i want to get full of the holy spirit what are you looking like that for jesus the gift to the world you know what the root the the the he the root word in the hebrew language to love is give for god so loved that he gave amen so and then when the spirit of god has full range of your spirit your soul your body and your tongue now he has something to work with because you stepped over through the gateway to the supernatural and love is the gateway to success hallelujah glory to god so let's go on down here always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying cutting himself with stones when he saw jesus afar off he ran and worshiped him and cried with a loud voice and said whatever had to do with this jesus that son of the most high god now i've heard these things i've had them talk to me and that's the way they sound they torment me now for jesus said unto him come out of the man you unclean spirit. he asked him what is your name he answered saying my name is legion well we are meaning [Music] don't tell me where this country now there was there now under the mountains a great herd of swine feeding then all of the devils now everybody there heard that conversation between jesus and this man they did not hear this jesus heard this all the devils besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them forth with jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea and there were about two thousand and they drowned and they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see what was done and they came to jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid and they that saw it told them how it befell him that was possessed with the devil and also concerning the swine and they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts and when he was come into the ship he that had been possessed with the devil see he was possessed with a devil one he that was possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him how be it jesus suffered him and said unto him suffered him not go home to your friends and tell them how great things the lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee and he departed and began to publish in decapolis which were the ten cities in that local area how great things jesus had done for him and all men did marvel where did he get the clothes [Music] now faith which works by love demands corresponding action either before or after or both what are you planning on well plan plan ahead plan faith plan love you have someone some family member that's that's not doing all that well then surround them with love and faith thoughts yes just surround them you have someone that's incarcerated or you know someone that's incarcerated prepare for them to come home we we heard of a of a woman that was praying for her son and she set the table for him yes sir and she would talk to him and just just have a good conversation with him and then get up and wash the dishes they were clean dishes but she's preparing well you know what happened he came home full of the spirit of god if i remember right call to preach corresponding action ahead of time [Music] that's what love does so can you see it uh nicole it it just comes up in my mind and jesus says okay now we're going over there and uh we're going to deliver this man see deliverance by love now he looks terrible he's skin and bones the devil's tried to kill him over and over again but the father has directed me to call him to preach so he's going to have to have some clothes he skin and bones he he he i can't send him home to his friends and his family looking like this he doesn't remember where he's been for the last time many years even though he probably doesn't even know i'm just this me he probably didn't even know her remember how he got that way because it doesn't happen all at once he just got something stupid on his mind and couldn't get it off and that's whatever you think about most on the other side you will eventually become and if it's fear thoughts all the time i know i can't do that i know i can't do that i'll never be able to do that i don't know i can't do that nobody ever loves me i heard gloria say one time that you know depression is terrible a seriously depressed person thinks about themselves all the time and she said you know thinking about yourself all the time and depress anybody i thought yeah okay lord that's good yeah because i used to be a person that had a lot of trouble with depression and i guarantee you i was the only thing i thought about all the time and i hated me until i met her self-induced thoughts about yourself particularly when you don't like yourself you know you know the lord said i don't like you very much now what does that mean what what does it mean when somebody says you know i don't like you that literally means i don't want to be like you and i can see what jesus was saying he said i love you but i do not want to be like you you want to be liked then love yes unconditionally all the time day in and day out you get up thinking love thoughts amen my wife and i you've heard me tell the story i mean you know i i just fell head over heels in love with the first time i ever saw her and uh so couldn't get her off my mind and uh anyway and i saw i called her and my boss had taken over the fbo uh fixed base operation on an airport in camden arkansas and it was a mess over there and he said uh i've taken that over and he said it it's really a mess he said i'm i'm sending back tate and his wife over there and uh one of you'd like to go i said yeah i'll go he said don't you want to think about it i said i thought about it and i thought that girl's over somewhere and i'm gonna find her and so i was smart enough to get her phone number and i called her she said later when i called her that that afternoon we had a squall line come through there bill i mean in fact it was such a fast-moving thing that and it just just i was one of those expressed fronts and there were a bunch of geese that you know when when an airport goes instrument then the beacon comes on and those geese were falling toward that beacon they had vertigo so bad they were falling out of that out of the sky kind of upside down and they got on the ground they wouldn't move you could just go and pick one of them up by the neck and so i called her made a date we went to uh went back to camden to the rocket room which part of a hotel and it was a little it was just a nice restaurant it wasn't all that expensive rock no way i could have gone there but anyway we talked about the music of the day and brenda lee and you know different ones and there was a wurlitzer jukebox in there called one more time and so johnny mathis came and i said i will never there's no way i'm going to dance with somebody and sing at the same time those guys practice that and make that look so good and and i can't dance much anyway i'm not going to do it yeah well johnny mathis came on singing misty which earl garner is one of my musical heroes anyway oh i mean that man plays just anyway johnny mathis look at me i'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree feel like i'm clinging to a cloud i said gloria would you like to dance now and i never thought about it she didn't have anything she only met me once she didn't have any idea i could sing or or what and i decided to just i didn't think about that i just like i'm clinging to a cloud i can't understand i get misty just holding your hand so walk my way and a thousand violins begin to play is it the sound of your hello that music i hear i get misty the moment you're near and i'm just singing and walking all over her feet [Laughter] i do not remember the drive back to blevins arkansas it was 40 miles i have no idea it doesn't exist in my memory now this is the second time i've seen her we walked up on the porch i said gloria will you marry me she said okay and just walked in the house [Applause] [Music] she said later what did you want a speech and she said when she walked in the door she stopped and said what have i done i don't even know this guy oh well i'll get out of it later next april the 13th we will have been married 60 years she's not out of it yet now the reason i want the reason i wanted to tell you that [Applause] this woman's unconditional love changed my entire life i was depressed i was terribly depressed and i i raised my voice to her i don't even remember now what triggered it bill it just i i don't even remember now what i said and and i thought in my mind i thought she doesn't deserve this what is the matter with me and i just stopped i said gloria i am so sorry i just now 9 out of 10 times it would have ended right there she didn't say i just fell over on this old couch and just i i went into a deep sleep i i thought when i did wake up i thought i must have slept around but then i realized i had when i woke up now i'm just i'm just lying there on my side on that couch just in this deep deep deep sleep and i opened my eyes and she heard she was right up in my face just sitting there praying for me and i said gloria i have to preach she said i know it [Music] and that's what i do i preach now and i'll close with this mark 10 27 let's turn there we were in the book of mark mark 10 27 jesus looking upon them saith with men it is impossible but not with god for with god all things are possible but now wait a minute look in chapter 9 verse 23 jesus said unto him if you can believe all things are possible to him that uses his faith for miracles i've seen [Music] outstanding miracles experienced outstanding [Music] we when i was on the flight crew royal roberts evangelistic association airplane we had prayed oh and and with this was in detroit and we had oh we just had so many people that just so bob dewise who was my boss he was captain of the airplane he said kenneth we're not ever going to get all these people prayed for he said i'm going to set you up prayer line boy sir all right and so he set up this prayer line and this woman walked up there and you couldn't see how far it went up into her hairline but it just this purple the only way i have him describing it it looked like an eggplant you know how an eggplant is kind of purple looking and it and with you could see blood looking vain kind of thing in it and just terrible looking thing came down almost i don't see there was any way that she could see out of that eye now so many times the word would say and jesus had compassion on them and healed them i experienced that all of a sudden when i saw that it just made me angry at that thing and she walked up there right in front of me in fact my mother was there she and my dad came to that meeting and she was standing right behind me and there was a lot of people lined up there to pray for her so she was helping me and this woman walked up in that prayer line and when i saw that i just the name of and when i touched it just disappeared now that's a divine intervention on the normal course of nature because there's no way she could have lived much longer with that malignant and i've asked doctors and so for these will absolutely so that's exactly what a malignant tumor looks like when it's exposed like that it looks like an eggplant just disappeared but when it did it it kind of sucked the wind out of the room my mother said where'd that go i said i don't know now in praying about this and seeking the lord about it the lord just simply said it dematerialized how the force of faith force of faith then i was assigned to the to be in the invalid room and colin steele who was uh my boss on the meetings came to me and he said now now kenneth he said in the invalid room you know there are people that are really sick big crowds make people nervous it just some people don't like to be have anybody around when they're really sick in a lot of pain and so forth and he said there are there are people in there that you you sit down and you listen to the the speakers and you outline his sermon well thank god english was my best students you can't tell it sometimes but it was anyway so i knew how to make an outline so i just outlined it and so and he walked in there and he told me he said now he's going to you want to have about five to seven minutes because he's going to stop there they had a little table and a with a black curtain around it and all of his partners on micro fish and he would go in there and pray in the spirit while the anointing was still on him for his partners i carry mine on a usb don't have to have a microfiche anyway this woman was on a stretcher well it wasn't a stretcher it was just an old army cot and those things it's almost impossible to make them work a little tummy all pooched out there and he said he caught me brother my lapel and pulled me over there to him he said now you're going to do the praying and you're going to do the laying on of hands now he was [Music] huge he said this to me i don't know how many times he taught it at the university success without a successor is a failure and he he was teaching me he was training me teaching me the healing ministry and teaching me how how to conduct myself in the miracle ministry well i'd i could feel the color coming out of my face and he said don't worry about it he laughed he said don't worry about it i it makes you make a mistake i'll fix it but don't touch them until you're ready to release your faith i was studying brother hagin's tapes on how jesus received the power and the authority of his name he inherited it he took it by conquest and so forth and i thought okay my point of contact was that's what he preached that day my point of contact is going to be the name so we walked over to her just about as far as from here to david and so she and her nurse had her she was so weak that her nurse had her holding her back up here like this and so and i i looked at her and i walked over there to her oral roberts is standing right here and i said in the name of jesus that's as far as i got from right here i thought my god the line of the tribe of judah has roared and this is something when it's under that kind of anointing you you you can't do what it what it does you foul unclean spirit in the name of jesus whose i am and whom i serve take your hands off of god's property now she went [Music] and just blew that tumor which was in her stomach out on the floor and i looked at that thing and it was still crawling around it was still alive [Music] and i looked at that thing and it just lay there and it had tentacles on it and i thought that thing looks like a jellyfish and just it just died [Music] my question to you how did oral roberts develop that kind of faith for miracles that's all he thought about it all he thought that's all they thought about all the time two things god is a good god and expect a miracle every day that's all they thought about and people would get mad at him now stuart hamlin wrote until then now i added those little things to it but he he wrote that great song he also wrote god is a good god god is a good god that was oral roberts theme song and expect a miracle every day during the full gospel businessmen's days a pastor came up to me man that i knew i didn't know him really well but i knew he knew him by name i wish he wouldn't say that i said what that god is a good god i said what do you want him to say god's a bad god well no but it gives people the wrong idea about god that's because of all of that curse of the law teaching and not ever teaching on the blessing and not ever reading get all of that out of the 28th chapter of deuteronomy and don't ever read the 27th yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir that's right there were two mountains they're still there and one of them is barren and the other one is lush green six tribes on one side and six tribes on the other and they were shouting back and forth these are people that knew nothing of the covenant nothing shouting back and forth it wasn't all the blessing and all the curse they were shouting back and forth glory to god well jesus wiped out one side of that that one of those mountains because there is no curse anymore it's out there but it's been defeated because he was made a curse for love did that come on glory to god oh hallelujah i believe it's time for praising i believe it's time to pray i am i had the the word of the lord came to me now i've heard i've only heard what a um well to me was audible one time and it was bill i was flying in it was late at night i was flying a cessna 310 and headed to to the airport and uh it it already it was already after sundown it was dark and i heard this coming to you from the revival capital of the world i immediately looked down at my audio panel because i never i never listened to natural radio when i'm flying i no that's silly and i looked down my audio panel and no and i thought i know where the i know where the entertainment capital of the world is it's hollywood i know where the political capital of the world is washington d.c i know where the country music capital of the world is it's nashville tennessee where's the revival capital of the world i don't know just went on and landed and a man's on our board he's in heaven now he named dane adams he called me he said there's a piece of property out here northwest of town i think you need to look at i said all right so we got out there and just a barbed wire fence around it and so i pulled that barbed wire fence up and gloria crawled through it and then i stepped over it and when i stepped both feet on the ground i heard it in here nowhere near as loud but still with a lot of authority this is the revival capital of the world you're going to build it i saw with what faith in god i love you i love this ministry god is a good god and would you stand with me please thank you lord jesus for the honor of speaking your word in this marvelous place i praise you and thank you and once again i give you all the glory for every word that's said and every healing that's taking place here and online and they're happening right now there's a lot of ears have been healed tonight spiritual ears and physical ears have been healed tonight and i pray oh god god and many people with heart trouble afib uh all kinds of heart trouble all kinds of heart situations are being healed stomach ulcers have been healed glory to god i'm all over the physical body particularly in the low back and the lower the from the waist down many many many many miracles praise god thank you jesus and there is a person in the sound of my voice that took music studied music you studied piano and with with and with great with good success but then you just decided you didn't have time for that and you missed god so go back and pick it up oh brother copeland i'm i'm old well how old are you going to be if you don't go back and pick it up go back and do it but the lord has something to teach you through it and you have something of an anointing there and there are songs that need to be written and they're not going to be written unless you obey what god's told you to do because there are plenty of songs on the inside of you and there will come a time when you will be a psalmist amen thank you lord jesus pastor come sir and take this away from me i don't have any quitting sense there's so much love in this room i don't i know you have something to add to that i'm awake this love is a key yes to this to not only to seeing manifestations but this love is a key for a person moving from one level of grace to another and that it it it it almost seems like how can that happen um i i i thought if i did that i'd really be um losing ground but if what we think would be lost would actually be a step to another level and that we've got to take that message that you just preached praise god and think love working miracles yes [Applause] i had the lord deal with me on this if if the little foxes spoil the vine then the little acts of love develop a lovely life it's what you do all the time how do you conduct yourself all the time and i learned just little things to never put my socks in the dirty clothes wrong side out somebody has to turn them back around i don't want i certainly don't want my wife doing that well she doesn't do that anymore we have help now amen and i am not going to leave a hotel room with all the towels in the floor now we we checked in the hotel today where i'd have time to rest and and study and get ready for tonight well we weren't there very long but it doesn't make any difference if i'd stayed all night someone's going to have to clean that room whether i stayed there several hours or all day or all night or whenever it was so she gets the same tip anyway i don't want her having to bend down and pick up those towels oh my goodness i don't want her to have to scrub just because i was there and i drink hot tea and so i use a napkin or a paper towel or something i keep a little little little dish on top of it to keep it uh warm take that off and sit that down on the table and then and just just sit the cup over there and it hot and make a ring on that no no no take a napkin or something put it down there i don't want her wiping up a wet spot and if you're going to leave a gospel track you better leave some money with it and i'm not talking about two or three dollars a lot of cases the tip ought to be larger than the bill and right on there god bless you and leave them a 100 bill tell them to flow now and i the other day i'm watching bill do this and i mean only flow or flow flow and i thought it's time for some of that to come back at him and so this was in columbia i believe it was one in columbia south carolina and so the last day there and i said you flowed monday and you flowed yesterday and here's one because i like the flow he flowed in the spirit amen glory to god we had there's a one particular restaurant there in fort worth that gloria enjoys eating there and we go in there and hear that here come the waitresses just cram around there and sit down want to talk about jesus we let one young man find waiter i mean just led him to the lord and he said well yeah i know about jesus i said yeah but hey come on man and i handed him gloria's book god's will for you i said read this i will and then we prayed together and he's oh and his little daughter was so shy she and finally i i looked and he'd bring her to work with him sometime and i just you know look over there at her and tell her i loved her and she'd come over there and and i'd you know i'd look around and slip her a 20 bill and she could and and the teacher called her daddy and said you're going to have to get after her why she she tells lies what did she say she said that kenneth copeland was her good friend he said that's because he is oh and we befriended him and just fine young man and he kept the way he wasn't feeling all that good and he just went to the doctor and at first they said well there's none anything wrong with him but he still started kept losing weight and he just he just suddenly died with a tumor on the brain he just bought a new truck his mother we were in touch with her she said what are we going to do we don't have money to pay for that truck we don't have any money at all we paid off the ministry paid off the truck paid for the funeral [Music] because of testifying and witnessing in a restaurant thank you jesus praise god brother copeland give him a hand clap god loves you i love you and jesus is lord good night everybody they have a victorython coming up what is the date on that victoranton praise god hallelujah [Music] this coming sunday it's that start on sunday this sunday yeah this sunday on tv praise god give a hand clap hallelujah take a seat for just a minute if you will we come this far by faith so we gonna sow seed here praise god amen if you would just uh make your checks payable to bwm and um the uh yeah i think bill winston ministries and uh we'll be okay uh let's see we got some given music and uh do we have something else amen all right he is exalted the king is exalted allah i will praise him please [Music] [Music] he is exalted king is exalted the king [Music] i will is him he is exalted forever exalted and i will break [Music] [Music] he is exalted the king is exalted online i will praise him he is [Music] is true [Music] is [Music] him he is exalted forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise the lord now the scripture is given it shall be given unto you good measure press down shake it together running over shall men give unto your bosom it says when he sows to you spiritual things it's okay for you to sow back to natural things also he said be not deceived god is not mocked for whatsoever a man or woman soweth that shall we also reap thank you god bless you amen amen all right glory to god uh pastor barnett let's come up and pray over the offering here praise god amen amen just lift your offering envelopes or your telephones or whatever you're using to give tonight up as an act of producing your faith heavenly father in the name of jesus dear lord we thank you dear lord that you have sowed into us so richly this evening spiritual things and we are sowing natural things for a supernatural return heavenly father we thank you as we give it is given unto us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over men shall give unto our bosom according to the voice of the man of god within 24 hours we believe we receive in jesus name amen amen amen all right glory to god let's have an offering uh the they're coming around now to get the offerings well we had some some things to happen down in louisiana as you know and jesse duplantis let me know uh this afternoon that the things are so severe down there still there's no power you said it's had all kinds of people sleeping in the house and so forth and so he wanted to let me know that uh he'll not even be able to get out on tomorrow and so i said okay well what we're going to do now so i call my dear friend bishop t.d jakes [Applause] you'll be here tomorrow at 7 00. [Music] you know god god is good he always whatever's going on god can take care of business he knows how to do it but you know we've got all kinds of just wonderful speakers in the body of christ really but i think a good replacement if jesse couldn't be here i think jake's d.d jakes would be one excellent choice so give the lord a praise for that and we'll see you tomorrow amen [Music] all right uh have we received the offering okay sand to your feet wait wait wait what now oh souls yes call for souls praise god the idea of jesus coming to the earth was for humanity the bible says god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever shall believe in him will not perish but he'll have everlasting life and i think what i in my life i'd gone to church when i was a small kid my mom died took me to church but church really wasn't in me i was kind of playing the church game and as i got older going in the military and so forth and things you know were so so and then i went with the company ibm and and for some reason after training i got on quota to actually be a salesman for computers but i couldn't sell something just wouldn't click and as a result of that i cried out one night in my apartment by myself downtown chicago and i said lord would you please help me with tears in my eyes about three or four days later a lady came by my place at work i knew her she worked in another department she said hey bill you want to go with me tonight and i thought we were going out you know to just have some fun and uh i was single she looked good i said yeah let's go and we did but we ended up in a schoolyard and the back went in the back door of an auditorium and people in there holding hands praising god and that's where my brother grabbed me and hugged me he said jesus loved you brother he by the spirit i think he knew that i needed the lord so what happened that night i received him and things changed from that point i became a new creature not only that but things that were troubling me physically fell off my life the doctor said my goodness this thing has cleared up not only that but my performance when computers went to number one in sales downtown in chicago not only that relationships were healed things got fixed that i didn't even know were broke that happened when you get born again everything changes everything changes so you're looking at me or you're here and you need a change in your life i guarantee you when jesus comes into your heart everything will change so here's what i'd like to do if you don't know him i want to give you an opportunity to receive him into your life it comes to words the bible says that thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you shall be saved so what happened is that night i confess and i want to lead you to that same confession repeat after me dear lord i come to you now just as i am do you know my life you know how i've lived forgive me lord i repent of my sins i believe jesus christ is the son of god that he died for my sins and on the third day he was raised from the dead lord jesus i ask you come into my heart live your life in me and through me from now on from this day forward i belong to you in the name of jesus amen now if you said that prayer with me and you said it from your heart let me tell you a change has taken place inside of you your name is now being written in the lamb's book of life now that's just a start now we've got to teach you how to live that new life you can download my book if you're watching me by stream or if you're here you can come up to the altar afterwards we even have water baptism for you if you're here and you just receive christ because that's the next thing that you do and not only that we have a foundation course for you it's online you could give us your email and we have the ministers that will take care of that and take you through this foundation course 10 classes that i teach myself on how you can have and walk in unshakable faith this is going to be a new season in your life let me be the first to say welcome to the kingdom of god amen give me let's stand your feet i will [Music] open up my [Music] i've seen [Music] father we thank you for this great meeting thank you for the brother brother copeland sister copeland and the copeland ministries thank you lord for all they have done for us millions of people around the world continue lord your blessings upon them expand the borders of their tent father let this victory ton be a a campaign of people investing that they can meet their their objective their goals in this great endeavor because they're putting this gospel out all over the world and father we pray for every person here that this series of meetings will be a meeting of miracles that miracles will take place in every person's life in jesus name now we thank you call it done in jesus name can somebody shout amen just waving somebody tell them jesus loves you and so do you i i'll see you tomorrow night with bishop td jinx [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 40,660
Rating: 4.8934913 out of 5
Id: _6WOUYV090w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 43sec (12103 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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