Erase the Shame - Vengeance of the Lord

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers all kinds of forces have been resisting us that have been assigned by Satan to work against us and we haven't known it but now is a time of vengeance what Evers been tampering with your destiny what Evers been afflicting you whatever's been a milli a ting you whatever had been coming to get your peace and your progress your joy your career your business your family God is about to deal with them [Music] all kinds of forces have been resisting us that have been assigned by Satan to work against us and we haven't known it that they have been working through spiritual forces using people to gain advantage over us but now is a time of vengeance at the time that a comforter has come now what you can't do is look back at Joe and say look what Joe went through well Joe didn't have what you have come on somebody I said Joe did not have what you have you the Bible says in Romans chapter eight verse 34 who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even where at the right hand of who God what is he doing making intercession come on for us now wait a minute he's checking out his body and a body in Chicago is in trouble he take a body in Berlin Germany and say pray they don't know what to pray for so they are praying the Holy Ghost shown better the higher but when they pray God hears a prayer because the Bible says he that prayed in the spirit prays not unto me but unto God so if you play they play design God is a prayer in Berlin and answers that prayer here in Chicago and sets you free Joel did not have an intercessor that's one of the biggest differences between the Old Testament and the new and if somebody preaches only fool then you have no faith for the intercessor and it doesn't automatically happen are you with me Jesus sees what we're going through but he needs you because the authority of getting you delivered must come from euros well I'm preaching better you saying anything [Music] so all these forces the enemy is trying to use to stop you know the Bible says God is comforting Zion I said comforting Zion now I want you to see how this works because the Holy Ghost number one job one man said in these last days is to execute vengeance upon all the enemies of God's people and nothing shall escape him so anything that is arresting you anything alone have mercy alright Psalm 92 in verse 10 but my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn I shall be what anointed come on with fresh oil one of the major things that fresh oil is gonna do is bring restoration same into that now Joel said in Joel chapter 2 he said and I will restore the years you remember when he said that now all this is because of the rain the anointing now that's why I said you got to keep up with me because I don't want to get too complicated here I want you to hear this so if you remember there was a woman and she had an issue of blood remember that well Jesus the anointing flowed on this woman and as a result of that Jesus didn't say she was healed but Mark chapter 5 verse 34 he didn't use a word heal he said to her daughter live faith come on that made you whole now when I say hose I mean no trace that you have been through what you have been through [Music] let me said another way you don't look like what you been through are you in here see I'm saying that this anointing in the last day God is going to erase all the traces of what has troubled you he he he is going to take you and make it so that there is no sign no trace that you have been treated the way you now [Music] I'm talking about this one got called and he said I will send you a video of me when I testified about this but he said I had bad credit and he said I went to this lady and she asked me to do something with and I have to move and so forth he's I saw script on her death and I said what is that she said I used that to fix my credit and he said let me see that script and it came out of Colossians chapter 2 in verse 14 and in Colossians chapter 2 in verse 14 he says here blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way and then led to the cross well you know what that means that's in the old Jewish custom at that time back in Jesus today that when the debt is paid they will take the note that what the debt was on and mail it to the front of the business so everybody could see that this is a good business person here they pay their debts well what Jesus was this nailed to the cross thank date that he saw it's unjust for the unjust judge to hold you in that kind of situation because God says I'm going to make you so that you don't look like what you been through and he said he took that 15 song confessing it and then one day the Lord spoke comes out what do you want it ready to be he said I wanted to be 700 and whatever 25 whatever and he said my credit went up the 725 any time I went to the God he said I said now check it again are you sure that's me he checked he said my credit he said then something happened about six months later let it fell again he said I got this word again pumped it right on up there he said my friend told me no they won't change your credit rating for another six months he said that change that thing within 30 days [Music] [Music] they tell you I'm saying now he's going to race to shame with the rain I ain't into that and I'm saying everything that the enemy has used and has made you look like what you look like you're not gonna look like that anymore and I'm telling you you going this Bible and see anybody you see the lepers that prod after Jesus head son of David have mercy on us he said go show yourself to the priest the Bible says as they went come up they were healed and that one came back and he was a Samaritan and he came back and glorified God and Jesus said by faith what has made you oh it's not only that you can go into Book of Daniel and you'll see that the three he proves they were threatened cuz they wouldn't bow down that it's all pagan god and these ungodly laws that had been established and they stood on the water God the Bible said he threw three of them in there tied up he said when the King looked wait a minute I'm here to tell you now but they may throw you in there but you coming [Applause] [Music] and you look like what you did look like the point happens [Applause] you are not going to look like what you've been through God is erasing the scene come on he's untying you from everything no longer with them bill sit in that house for six a day peg go sit in your house for 16 minutes long enough for you to ride out of touch you gonna be Belinda come on you are under the latter rain it's washing away shame now come over to one more place because I can go over and over that because God is about to do some things now that have not been done before so don't you think your situation is so special same into this though year is over in Genesis chapter 20 this is when this is when here is Abraham and he's going by down in this country of the Philistines and Abimelech grab hold to his wife and look at verse 3 but God came to Abimelech on a dream and he said to him behold you bought a dead man for the woman that you have is what gives another man's wife now Abimelech and grab this other man's woman but I Got News for you the Holy Ghost not just angels gonna protect you but the Holy Ghost and that's why he wants you to get a good relationship with him that's why I read over in 2nd 3rd and 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 and and verse 14 that's why I read that's victory because he was saying here the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all what amen and I told you grace means God's willingness to use his power on your behalf even though you don't deserve it say amen to that and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost we said that communion work is the same work we get partnership of Cana Nia it's a closeness the Holy Spirit this verse is saying this hey let me have more responsibility for your life see if you believe that he'll take more responsibility for Paul said I saw the Lord three times to take this thing from me and God said to this to me my grace is sufficient for you now you both want to say so God Paul had to learn to let the Holy Ghost take more responsibility and I'm saying you need to learn the same thing he can take more responsibility for you for your situation for your business for your king I'm saying the Holy Ghost wants to do something but when Jesus left the Holy Ghost came and now this ministry of Christ is fully in the hands of the Holy Ghost that's why we need to get a a relationship with the Holy Spirit that's either one level that's going to make things happen for your life save so Paul went through all kinds of things Paul went through and second Corinthians chapter 11 he went through shipwreck he went through beatings they stoned him one time left him for dead watch it took rods and beat his feet because they broke your bones but somehow he kept walking along because this is what he said none of these things move me look what he said about his affliction is found over here and second Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 17 look what he says here he said for our light affliction which is but for a moment light affliction they have beat you and left you for dead you call that light come on they have whipped you with 39 stripes and you call that light Paul said none of these things move me why because he understood Romans chapter 8 verse 11 if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead is dwelling in you he is gonna repair your mortal body by this so here is Abraham the man has grabbed Abraham's wife now can I tell you the truth I don't believe he grabbed her just because she looked good I believe he grabbed her because Satan is using all kinds of forces to try to keep you from your destiny and I believe that Satan the same thing he did with Eve he's trying to do with this woman he's trying to grab this woman and he's trying to cut off that divine seed that's coined through the generations and trying to cut it off with Abraham come suck eight-time come back in a dream say you are but a dead man you've got another man's why I'm telling you God will look out for your kinfolk so whatever's been tampering with your destiny what Evers been afflicting you whatever's been a Milly a ting you what Evers been causing you to delay what Evers been causing you just to be hung up to be frustrated and so forth whatever have been coming against your peace and your progress your joy your career your business your family God is about to deal with them do you believe that I'm telling you we are in the time of the greater works we are in the time where God's gonna get this job done folks it's not gonna be a maybe but it's gonna be that the church will be the most attractive thing in the world I've even talked about the money that's about to be converted over into the turkey because it does not belong to the devil and all the weenies got it because God's people have known the Vengeance of the Lord this is it whatever you've been going through you'll go through it no more I said whatever you've been going through you're going through it no more and whatever has been arising is that's the last day you gonna be a rat and the bills ain't gonna stay in your house no 30 days from now on I declare those bills paid in the name of Jesus amen to that you are not anointed to pay bills you are no need to preach the gospel to get the sick heal and the lame walking say Amen you are anointed to be a leader in your community I said you are noted for business success I'm not talking about success that takes ten years I've talked about success that takes ten days you're not thinking like the world you got to mind the price so I'm saying right now the ball is flowing I said the oil is flowing well have mercy the oil it's so it I said the oil come on come on the oil is floor I'm talking about money's gonna come healing go manifest is gonna be without your family and everyday gonna be like you on vacation now give God some praise one more Exodus chapter 14 just one more verse this is where you're going now he told Moses you do not will have to fight this sand seal the Lord shall fight for you and now I want you to just hold your peace don't try to get revenge just know that I will execute vengeance I got your back don't get mad at them don't get ugly start talking dirty just understand just praise me I'm coming in on the sea [Music] [Music] manifesting this I'm talking about people who've never seen a miracle before about to see miracles [Music] [Music] you have diplomatic immunity no weapon I said no way formed against you shall prosper and when this anointing starts working like it's starting right now you are not going to look like what you've been through those relatives that have not seen you for a while say girl is that you say yeah that's me oh you look good look what not even a smell of smoke come on they don't even know you've been through the fire don't know you through the flood das bringing you out to a wealthy class we will get to the promised land you've got a praise and a shout thank heaven cause he's bringing you do you believe your preacher believe it start confessing it go home build it in your spirit so you got faith for it and let me tell you that devil cannot touch you and anything that he's done to you God has got to reverse it and that that anointing is powerful enough to remove every bit of shame that's on our lives [Music] well I trusted you are encouraged by today's message now here's a key point you want to remember God is going to erase whatever has troubled you in the past in other words you're not gonna look like what you've been through yet automate avi this is a time that God is going to beautify the church I mean whatever it is cars of whether it's emotional whatever whatever you've been through he brought them out of Egypt and he said there was not one feeble one among their tribes that means everybody that had even a sickness God healed it well that's the time we're in right now we're in a time of God's justice now this particular justice system I talked about I've got a two CD series here called the vineyards of the Lord and I've also written a complete book on the Vengeance of the Lord now this is a powerful teaching as you read it you'll see that this is the thing that could keep a person who's been threatened to be thrown in the fiery furnace keep them from burning up this is the thing to keep the lion from from biting Daniel or eating Daniel when he got thrown in the lion's den this is the thing that caused essa to be able to stand before the king uninvited and the king says hey esta whatever you'd like I'll give it to you up to half my kingdom this is a thing that got Apostle Paul to the finish line it's the justice system of God and it wants to work on your behalf now it all comes by faith and faith comes by hearing the Word of God so either CD book get it to get I don't normally push this but this is important this is an endtime message Oh ready God well this is bill Winston saying until next time we love you and keep walking by Faith all kinds of forces have been resisting us that have been assigned by Satan to work against us and we haven't known it but now is a time of vengeance what Evers been tampering with your destiny what Evers been afflicting you whatever's been a milly ating you whatever had been coming to get your peace and your progress your joy your career your business your family God is about to deal with them now is the time of God's vengeance working on your behalf removing all obstacles standing in the way of your kingdom progress to order today's two-part teaching series vengeance of the war on CD or mp3 on DVD or mp4 contact us at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or order online at looking to get an even greater understanding of God's vengeance then order today's additional offer God's love of justice bundle and in addition to the Vengeance of the Lord two discs series received dr. Winston's highly anticipated book vengeance of the Lord this book will arm you with the truth to give you unshakable confidence in the power of heavens justice system to protect preserve prosper and promote you even in the face of extreme testing also included in this book are prayers of vengeance for you your family your business and the church order this must-have bundle today doctor's Billman veronica winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online at /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music] the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 127,379
Rating: 4.8672419 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, Dr, Bill, Winston, Faith, Vengeance, Anointing, BW 1665-3b
Id: qdR3NaKNHzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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