ArthurTV Talks 90 Day Fiance, Growing Up With ChrisMD & Locked In Secrets!! (#214)

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yo so guys welcome back to the what's good podcast Simon and I were in the same clothes but Arthur TV is ready changed I was wearing a hoodie anyway Arthur welcome let's go thanks for having me no worries where's the TV part come from your name what was inspiration there uh what I just started reviewing TV shows when I started YouTube and that was pretty much it I was actually like becoming a lawyer at the time as well yeah and I didn't want to have a sort of like you know do a video have some hater like speak to my law firm and like find me on LinkedIn and get my like get me SATs basically I was like a lot of people in this like friend Circle are lawyers who else is well Meg yeah I knew when you said it Allison one other person yeah yeah it's just good lawyer as well yeah I've heard this yeah yeah winning award apparently yeah it's okay I know I'm going to get arrested all right um when I do some weird things but no I I I'll wear shoes [ __ ] you got to anyway sorry I'm weird um I know that back in the day everyone will put TV on the channel but you did it because you're actually reviewing TV shows rather than like yeah because I know back in the day everyone's like oh this is YouTube it's like the new TV I'll be called my first channel is called Randolph TV really actually was called like yeah I know Shane Dawson was Shane Dawson TV as well yeah and uh but yeah no it was just just because it was TV related and as well like growing up I remember every like couple of years I'd look back at my sort of like old Xbox names and like PlayStation names and stuff like that was so cringe like yeah I was Banksy kid and King Arthur and I was like if I'm if I make a YouTube name in two years I find it's really cream it's gonna be hard to shake so I was like just make it my name yeah and barely anyone thinks obviously like some people do think my surname is like TV like um initials like Theodore Villa Cruz or something like yeah yeah I've had I've had that just had that one so it was really weird um but uh yeah no and I was just like I just need my first name there and I didn't really care what else was coming up yeah yeah so in one sentence can you just sum up what you do your videos what they are honestly I cut now it's just I review TV shows like most people I'm guessing most people watch the watch this a UK based and I actually really don't have a very big UK audience really so like if someone comes up and says hi to me in the UK they're always like I know you from someone else's Channel okay I like basically just cover American TV shows yeah that's crazy yeah but to be fair like I think a lot of people I know would like a more american-based audience because cpm's higher yeah yeah it's higher I think than so like I started a react one yeah a reaction on my UK that's got a big UK audience and the cpm's like a quarter yeah which is crazy wow yeah I mean I've got a lot of channels yeah I was looking at this one thing I thought was interesting was a Minecraft one yeah and I clicked it I feel like it wasn't even Minecraft that is so it's I'm playing so if you click on oh okay I just looked at that one I'm like playing Minecraft whilst talking it's really funny because like on on the commentary Channel like yeah you guys will know this like every now and then you want to Branch out you'll try something new yeah and it will just flops it's not all your usual audience like yeah and I remember I did this like um which one was it it was oh yeah that vegan teacher video I uploaded that on my um that kind of commentary on my main Channel and it flopped and everyone was like well you know we like American reality TV shows like why are you talking about like British Minecraft youtubers yeah and so I was like oh given I've given I've already like done the commentary stuff for this I'll stick it on a Minecraft Channel yeah and left it and I came back after a month and that video has done better than any videos Six mil which is crazy this is like original Tick Tock though yeah yeah you always get those like Minecraft parkour maps yeah there's someone talking about so this was what like scroll down how long ago was this like two years ago yeah yeah do you do more on this channel how much so that week because it just took me a day to like play Minecraft and talk about stuff that week is really embarrassing I was really spotty for that week and I was like I can't do a mean Channel videos just so fast it's like had a giant one on my forehead giant one of my nose I was like I'm not gonna go in front of camera but I was like all this like dream SMP stuff's like kicking off yeah getting crazy views so I was like I make a couple of videos on this that was literally just I did that those like five videos in the span of a week and then they were all flopping got like 100 views so I stopped doing at the end of the week and then came back like a month later I couldn't never check the channel and one was on a mill one was on like five or six that's crazy did you monetize it like now yeah yeah they were monetize it at the time thankfully so it was a decent like a decent little boost yeah stupid little Minecraft Channel I'm never gonna reach the same Heights what's the end one oh true crime nice because I know you actually did um fellas mystery for a bit right yeah I didn't have to sit in or just uh originally it was to sit in so I did that that that brutal interrogation of Stephanie Lazarus I did on my main Channel yeah and again it got like 10K views after about six months hit the algorithm and got like half a mil 600k and I was oh that's sick yeah and then but because I knew the algorithm just wasn't going to enjoy it I was like I've got the second video and I was like I'm actually not going to post it on my main uh I'm gonna post it on a True Crime Channel and I mean they didn't do that well yeah um but then that one at the end the disturbing final footage no one can explain and the Black Dahlia those were two videos I did for the fellas Mysteries okay and we spent the month doing them and then just as I did that they were like we're putting feathers misuse and hold for a bit yeah and so I just had these two videos and I was like I was just thinking so all these extra channels like they're not really like ones I'm focusing on they're just sort of like random side projects that I would have done and like just stuck them somewhere where I guess to make sure that the algorithm is not confused on your main Channel yeah exactly and obviously flat brand deals you know like if if they look back and there's like a video like 5K views yeah yeah like lower the rate like they're like halfway yeah lower the rate I'm finished man yeah I've always wanted to ask about your main Channel yeah how often do you get like claimed or so this is quite this is why I do so much 90 Day Fiance stuff so I actually work with discovery on this okay so Discovery plus own the 1980 fiance like genre like there's a million different spin-off sagas and um they basically when there's a new like season coming out because I'm one of the very few 19a fiance UK YouTubers yeah they'll come to me and be like obviously like I don't think anyone can name any others really if that's all really into the world um but they come to me and they're like oh there's a new like night so 90d fiance UK yeah obviously it's like it's British people yeah and they're like oh can you promote it so they'll ask me to do a video and just be like can you just say there's a new season come out review a few couples hype it up and give us our link I've got the link to all the discovery stuff but I just spoke to them and they were like if you're using 10 to 15 second Clips Max and talking about the show and like there's way more commentary than clips and stuff yeah like they feel like more people find the videos and then go watch the full show yeah for sure like you know in in that in that sort of like 10 minute video there's probably like two minutes of Clips yeah from a two-hour episode so people aren't watching the show like through my channel they're not losing up they think they're gaining and I think I agree like the number of comments I get that are like oh I went and watched the full season visitors so I think it's sort of like a mutually beneficial relationship that's the first time I've ever heard a company actually just been smart like that yeah yeah it makes sense you know yeah because I reacted to the Big Ed thing and I remember I made like a it was like a 16 minute video and then I went through it and it's got claimed oh yeah and it ended up I think I ended up with a six minute video the amount of bits I had to just cut out like this 40 seconds this 16 seconds was it like a straight a reaction um it was a lot more reaction yeah uh but it was still like watched 20 to 30 seconds then yeah for 15. oh yeah a little bit more so I get it yeah so I think from then they were saying sort of more like 10 to 15 is where they kind of draw the line if you ever want to do another big Advent but I mean he was so he was the so I I back in the olden day I used to do Airline which is like a UK show and that was before I did my face reveal and then when Airline kind of ran out I was like I need to find something new and just that week when I was looking for new stuff Big Ed came up I had never done a 90-day fiance stuff and he just is the weirdest player the most spectacularly bizarre little [ __ ] like he's just he's so weird um and like deep down I think you can tell from watching him from Seasons like really not a nice person um so it makes it a bit easier to roast him yeah yeah and then obviously once I'd done like 10 videos on that people were like oh if you think he's crazy look at this other couple yeah and so I just kind of like spiraled now because I do so much 90 Day stuff when I do a non 90 Day Fiance stuff people like oh this isn't 90 day I'm not going to watch it so I've almost like pigeonholed myself but that just happened to the YouTube stuff I think it does have you ever met Big Ed I haven't you know I speak to him in DMS every now absolutely yeah in his Instagram DMS what did he speak about so because I am quite like my humor's quite dry and I think I can come across a bit yeah mean and stuff like yeah like I obviously like do try and roast people like to it it's like it's on the level like some people are like oh this is too harsh but some people enjoy it like yeah the British humor is especially like yeah you guys probably know that sometimes Americans will be like why are they being so mean to each other and you're like we're mates like the number of times like George Clarke he has a very dry sense of humor and the number of times people message me being like hey man watch your video so sorry George was being so mean to you I'm like he's one of my best friends he's just roasting me like and I'm playing along with it yeah um but every now and then like when I cover someone if I'm gonna like send for them a bit harder I will drop them a message on Instagram and stuff and just be like I'm gonna joke about this like aspect or whatever or this thing that you've done like is it okay like do you mind do you think this is too far and uh most of them are fine with it I should have done that with veggie man oh by the way I'm gonna say a joke just don't take it too first of me no I ended up working up yeah actually yeah I mean yeah like speaking of uh speaking of not getting consent before speaking about things online I I saw your messages to Chris yeah so uh I was more angry at Chris yeah because I'd done like we're tried really hard not to have anyone lick the wedding and we told everyone not to say whatever yeah and then um it started I started getting messages saying like oh good luck in your wedding blah blah stuff like that and I was like how does everyone know this and then I got a link to clip of you saying like about something as well yeah and I messaged Chris and I was like so Chris really like wound me up with his reactions so I was like oh by the way like Arthur's Arthur's mentioned the wedding he's just like LOL and I'm like all right but like I'm trying to basically keep it quiet yeah and then you know and he was just like oh well and I was kind of like oh okay yeah this is really winding me up here yeah I'm sure I'm sure like when I guess when Chris mentioned he's going to the wedding or something he didn't say to you like oh don't tell anyone no and because I mean I only found out about the wedding through you do you remember we were we did Theo's video in Scotland yeah and and you were like oh it's like it's like my wedding next week or whatever and there was kind of no mention there was a secret and obviously that day was FA Cup final day and so I was like speaking to Chris and Chip obviously chips like the only other man united fan I was like what you guys doing for the FA Cup and they were like oh Simon's wedding and I was like okay fair enough and so when people and someone on stream just asked me like oh did you watch the FA Cup Final with anyone I was like no I didn't watch it with the boys I think they're at Simon's wedding that was literally it like it did not cross my mind yeah and it's just one of those things like you know streaming does stress me out for that kind of stuff because like that kind of thing like you can just say one thing everything yeah I mean Twitter I could ruin them I didn't in fact the amount of times I was like oh yeah with the fitting for sandwich wasn't yeah yeah but um oh you said it before as well but not for like uh I was just glad it like didn't and the worst thing like I was having nightmares imagine if someone like turns up like exactly like comes away like I object running down the like the thing but yeah no thankfully it was because it was it was the night after the wedding or something wasn't it didn't you get married this afternoon yeah and the stream was like laying out on the status I was like but yeah I felt bad I apologize for the for the messages no I thought I thought it was more than valid yeah you'd send me an angle when I would have been like that's very funny yeah Chris Chris really wound me up with the replies he was like ow well it could have been worse could have been before yeah I guess also I know that you know obviously you tried to make well you tried to have it so people didn't take photos so that you could take photos and show them out but it was also only amount of time until people started showing photos as well right yes until we posted it was quite but but you focused quite soon actually yeah because Eric can do a gagging yeah oh yeah suppose that's so mental by the way which means some photos were not even of like of people at the wedding it was just like some shops were just the venue oh yeah anyway it was a sweet venue from what I saw although can I say one thing by the way Jake twin right Liam's brother I think it's Jake or Liam sorry in front of the venue but it's tilted okay just literally tilt the photo back anyway um Speaking of Chris so you guys are friends right yeah you're from yeah you're from Germany jersey so we went to school together the other guy in Jersey yeah the other the other one um but yeah now we went to he went to my secondary school okay and from I think what year it was probably like year eight or nine I think he he would have or maybe it was even year seven but we just started being mates like we were in the same sets for like science and stuff GCSE we did all the same things but then it was mainly like a level where like we studied biology chemistry and maths together and sat next to each other um and the easy subjects you know I didn't get back to those ones man I saw science things [Music] [Laughter] we were in a class that wasn't supposed to be in yeah because he just went in with Laura my wife is uh just I just went in with her and I was never meant to be in there and then they they never read my name on their own school yeah so I just went into a class like a whole year for me for two years for Jesus hold GCC um so we went in just next to her um did all the work and I wasn't the register and I was like nah I should be he's like no you're not so it wasn't nothing in Pan um and then I also coincidentally missed every other class of what I was supposed to be in but I didn't know that so then um initially I was in two years later we're doing the final GCC exams I was in my form um and they came up to me was like oh you've got an exam right now I was like no I don't magazine was like you have so I went over to the board and yeah my name's on there oh the class that never went into but I still passed it without any reviews I got to see everything I just didn't revised for anything at school that's actually quite impressive yeah thanks thanks but um and also the funny thing is in her class she was just doing my work anyway I just sit on Angry Birds should just do all the experiments that's sick time I think I think the teacher had problems with my parents back when my brother was at school I think he was too scared to say nothing to me is that fun yeah as you said yes uh yeah and then so so we started sitting next to each other and like in all of our subjects we obviously had a lot in common and then uh do you remember he used to do those like reacting to my son Sunday League football things yeah so he was like um when we were like 16 17 he was like we've got two seasons left before we go to UNI like come get involved in our Sunday League I've never played football I was always board Sports growing up um so I was just like oh fine I was all for football um and then yeah because obviously we started playing football together and then we're in the same class as we became really good mates yeah and then I remember him when we were about to like go off to UNI there you go there's probably one I don't know if you can find it it's probably hard because there's quite a few it was like the last game of the season against our Rivals and I get played through one-on-one and he says something like one of my mates who's a new to football to put it nicely everyone just threw on Golden I'm running like um which I bet a loads of people have seen but probably just never clicked that it was me but anyway yeah he uh he was like he was supposed to go off and do become a vet he's going to do Veterinary studies at Nottingham and then he was like uh I'm actually making enough money to like live off YouTube and we were like what and he was like yeah and so he's like I'm just gonna see where it goes and he'll be like like fair enough it was in that area where like there's I mean I'm sure he was the same with you and you were starting like there weren't YouTubers that were like making a I started a little I started about three years after that oh okay yeah so and and it was just like a is it that one no that's at The Fortress sadly it's not that one we were instant ones anyway it's Pro there's probably too many to Circle through them but um but yeah and then and then I was just at Uni and I was like oh I needed just some sort of job to sort of make money and I was like why not just start YouTube like Chris is doing it it seems like decent money and it's like flexible you know I don't have to go into work every day like if I need to study or do like a an essay or an assignment I can do that and then I've got a free deck into YouTube yeah and then started earning money from it and then was like why not do it full time so how far did you get in your you finish your law degree yeah so I finished my law degree and then it was during so I went to I came to London to do my like LPC like the practice year yeah and it was like halfway through that I started it and then I started like practicing as a lawyer so I was like I was an employee trainee lawyer and about six months into that like the hours were just awful like it was like first thing in the morning till like 11 o'clock at night wow and I would just be like I cannot do any like videos here yeah yeah like my channel was just dying and dying I was like either I give up YouTube completely or I put a hold on Law and um I was like to be fair I've got the exam and the qualifications and stuff so I'm just gonna go for it with YouTube I was earning enough to pay my rent and stuff yeah so I was like if I go full time like surely I'll I'll keep earning enough to live on and yeah never look back really yeah so so it goes at Jersey sorry Jersey you did you need that all or you did like did you do University there no so in London they have a university there I think there is one but I don't think it's that good I went to Union Durham in the Northeast okay okay so I was up there for three years and then London and then London for the fourth year yeah so have YouTube completely capitulates you're gonna be a lawyer again I don't know you know it's a weird it's weird I'm sure you guys the idea of going back to a nine to five thing I'll take it right now man after the 11k view yeah no I think I think there's like I think this kind of thing's more for me like even when I was in school and stuff I was always doing like little side hustles that you know never went anywhere but like I actually enjoy it so much more like being my own man doing my own thing like earning my money like I think YouTube gives you a lot of skills as well that like will help in and transferring a lot of different businesses yeah in a while that's just the mentality you get you can kind of go obviously maybe not as much money but I think if everything's stopped right now you've got to figure something out to be able to just get the money in you know yeah I think also what social well even just working for yourself I think working for yourself Point Blank allows you to like think of ways to get money in then I know when you're working nine to five you get your paycheck and that's kind of it whereas with like when you're self-employed or you doing YouTube whatever you have to defend for yourself you have to do different things like maybe a bit of twitch a YouTuber you can see how many adds up you'd have to earn you'd have to earn like 200 a month just doing YouTube but you can do like 500 quid here 500 quid there yeah exactly yeah so and and as well like I you know even if YouTube itself goes like who like people are always going to want to consume entertaining content like people have always like watched TV listen to radio or not always obviously but like music and yeah yeah you know performing arts and stuff like there's always been forms of entertainment out there like if YouTube goes like something will take its place yeah and I think like even YouTube itself like I always thought this about Chris like the people who stay long term are the people who are just good at evolving like you'll get someone who's really good at like a specific Niche yeah and then that will kind of fall off and how many people have you seen like go Sky High yeah they're super popular and then you're like oh that that's got a bit old and they've never found something new to keep it going and like you know Chris like when FIFA stuff was really big it was doing that and then that kind of got a bit quieter and real life stuff started going yeah and like there were loads of YouTubers his size when FIFA fell off kept doing FIFA and kind of probably are back to normal jobs but Chris is obviously yeah yeah you know doing his own thing and I've I you know Simon the same and like you know there's always new trends and if you're always on the trends and like figuring out what's doing well like if you can evolve and adapt I think you're always going to be on the scene in some in some sort of form it's like even JJ like JJ if you just did only FIFA probably would have just like fizzled out a lot of it in in the end you know yeah yeah yeah probably I mean it's sort of doing all right obviously because it's really good but like him doing music and then boxing even though when people vote people said shouldn't do that it's not good for you that's what's talking but partly wonders how much longer FIFA would have survived If he if he never stopped could have done yeah yeah no he's still he could have been carrying the not to the extent of what he was not it wouldn't have been as big but I wonder if people would be more interested in FIFA now if he was still on it and like Harry was still on it yeah true true because when they make a video you make sure you want to make a video as well yeah who are the big people on the scene now like Danny Aaron's Danny Aaron's the big one uh foot crunch he's killing it he's he's more like he does a lot of real life real life by using FIFA yeah kind of like how Crystal's things as well you know he'll do like a real life video but his football challenges inside yeah you have like AJ three still killing it right yeah people like that um yeah yeah yeah yeah this guy this guy he knows YouTube man oh [ __ ] yeah he's banging one male 1 ml 1.11 3.9 yeah that is crazy he used to have a guy where he's also you his name Works he just does it again which that's actually right yeah yeah but it's just that kind of world like that's why it doesn't worry me too much like I think when when I ran out of clips for the airline because that was like that carried me to 100K like that was all that would do well like yeah I do stuff in between and it would just flop um when that like stopped doing well I was like this is where I need to basically figure out if like it's my commentary adding to the stuff or whether it was like just the airline clips and I was just like carrying it and then I kind of felt like as things went on especially the way I started doing the 90 day stuff where it was like you know 80 of the video is me talking I was like I need to just make sure that like I'm adding a lot to the clips and like people are coming here to watch me because otherwise if 1980 fiance stops one day I don't want to be stuck at zero again like I want people to be like oh Arthur's done a video on this yeah that's actually the first thing JJ said to me was like make sure that they're watching you yeah not the game yes I'm posting FIFA videos and he's make sure make sure that your FIFA gameplay isn't the like the main thing of the video yeah even though it is everything on screen yeah you need to build it around you yeah yeah for sure yeah definitely because ultimately people can just play FIFA yeah yeah or watch TV shows or react to stuff like yeah there's there's a million different ones so you definitely need to find your own way of like sticking out and stuff but that's what I do think as well like people um I don't know people like to have a go at people who do like reaction based content and stuff and it's like well obviously often it works you know there's a reason why people want to watch it you know it's like it's like I love that compare compare I don't know like you're breaking bad type shows love Island like people still want to watch Love Island you know yeah Millions do so it's like you know people just have different days reactions and the thing yeah yeah sometimes as well like I'll watch part of a music video That's just come out I'll watch a minute of it and then I'll just go watch 10 reactions you know I feel actually yeah because I I would sit and watch a podcast I have the worst attention span so like Mr V's can't watch it all of it um but I will listen to them see that's weird three hours but I watched that I watched their own for three hours but that's what I don't know I don't get it man it's just like if you have a bad attention span surely you should watch the Mr Beast video because that's just like done I think one more I have it in the background so I don't have to I'd have to I don't watch the podcast like exactly like this I guess so like I guess with Mr V's one if I look away I've missed like half the video so yeah I used to do that I used to have this really weird thing I used to get roasted for at Uni like whenever I would do an essay I would I I had a TV screen on like on my desk yeah like I had the PlayStation bra along yeah um I used to watch the Harry Potters start to finish on a constant leap yeah I did it for four years and it was like I remember reading something saying like we all have a bit of a monkey brain that when you're like working on something with like it's good in the back going like focus on something else do this like pick up your phone like do this and if you have something like that it was like because because I've watched it before I'm not like oh what's about to happen like is he about to die is it you know what yeah I know what's happening but like my monkey brain is still just watching it going like yeah yeah I've heard I've recently I've seen this is people on Tick Tock that will play the same song over and over again so we'll do the work do essays whatever and they'll just have the same song playing on the loop yeah I just have twitch open yeah let's have a stream but I can't do that because then I'm like oh like I watch like I watched a chess stream that that's that's so nerdy because you didn't want to say that yeah football stream um but then I'll just be like you know it'll be it'll be like oh my God look at this position and then I just want to turn and focus on it yeah so it needs to be something where like I know what's coming next so that I'm never distracted by it I watch just I watch stuff like uh Call of Duty or something like that I was like a war zone game where you know I'll watch do you know FIFA kill so just really sick player he basically just he just wins every game so I know he's I know he's gonna win he's gonna get whatever so I can kind of just have it on the background and it's never really that yeah yeah I don't need to watch it because I know I could watch the next game yeah yeah and then every now and then you can look up for a bit of bodice entertainment if you're bored you can just watch for a minute yeah and watch the final cycle closing yeah so yeah that's my monkey brain yeah yeah this guy can't focus on anything yeah something's wrong with me man no I just watched I'll put podcasts on yeah I love podcasts but um yeah I don't know I don't know what I do man here's something I admire like um read for a lot like he's really good with this kind of stuff and he does like daily meditation he's he's not a human though he's just like so in tune with his like my body it's like it's actually impressive I think we make him really uncomfortable we call it we always like you're actually like perfect he's the perfect human yeah he doesn't know how to reply to it yeah because how do you no I'm not yeah that just makes it sound like you want more sometimes I feel uncomfortable around Reeve man because it makes me feel like [ __ ] yeah just look at him I'm like I feel like [ __ ] man I think you should take inspiration from it you should be like are you gonna be a bit more like you yeah but he's he's so far I love him talk about it as well he's so passionate about it and meditations one where he's just like you know but I remember come where we went for um I think you guys might have been there as well I think we went to sticks and sushi for Harry's birthday like a year ago and Reeve was the first one there we arrived and he was just his eyes closed I definitely I know he just went and said hi and he was like I've got five more minutes of my meditation and we just were just like finally just gave him his space and peace just took five minutes he makes me feel like [ __ ] yeah man [ __ ] that anyone anyone else and you'd be like you're so weird stop doing that life on Christmas Day he's like a mirror to me of what I would be if I looked after myself yeah yeah I did everything right yeah I mean look at the man what the hell asked if I was a really good at everything yeah yeah yeah FPL stream you know like the last day um we went to a port uh remember before that stream tomorrow we're at a pub and I had that was I was driving back after the stream to Nottingham so I was like don't drink today do not drink today do not drink today I'll literally me and free to get to the pub and when I'm saying don't drink I'm like freezer asked me for a pie I'll say no wait did you sit down and I'm like I'll drop mine so I peer pressure myself then really gets them like it's like nah I'm not drinking yeah [ __ ] man I feel half of my eight deep now but I had to book a hotel to stay the day it's awesome he's like didn't he do the walk across the desert or something as well Reeve was that really he did it yeah he did yeah that's where you shade his head for right yeah he walked across a Theo was supposed to do that right anybody's hit them so you just didn't yeah but that's just the kind of thing that it's just three reason you know she's going walk across the desert pretty impose about it no he did a video um but now as I said recently you've been in a few um videos that I've been involved with as well in a second but also the sidemen one yeah that was it weird hotels yeah it was baldy because you know there's something wrong with them wow he did it for like three years in a row I swear because he was always live streaming he'd be playing FIFA so if we hit this amount I'll shave my head so I'm straight on the stream like donate donate but yeah no what are you saying sorry Simon video the weird weird restaurants restaurants yes yeah yeah where you were on the Karen's team yeah Karen Steiner yeah it was good fun who are you with you with I was with Chris uh and Ethan oh okay nice nice that was a good uh uh pretty tame like that they were they were like quite rude but they don't take things like I think almost like when I was like oh I'm gonna be on on a Simon video like the guy's banter is so much worse than like what someone who's employed at like yeah I agree I agree yeah the stuff like Chris and um Ethan was saying to me that probably didn't make it in the thing it was just like 10 times worse than anything they were saying uh they made us do a bunch of like funny like awkward stuff and like yeah it was funny having them yell at you like it's a weird dynamic especially given you don't know them yeah that's the weird thing you're like I don't know this person and she's like you know roasting me for like there she was like roasting me having a small dick and I was like where's this even come from who's giving you this information how did you know I think that's exactly what I said yeah someone needs to make like a an extreme current man where they're like you are a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] no like No Limits yeah but they said they said they get some like really nasty customers try and outdo them yeah try and outdo them but like go like very thought they look yeah like how they look and stuff and they get people apparently they're like just roast them for their looks and wait and stuff and they're like yeah you are paying for like this fun experience like you know I have to go home and a load of rules yeah I was gonna say there are rules about yeah certain things like there's no body shaming or something yeah although yeah or penis that's exactly yeah it was like they were like yeah no body shaming then instantly remember that um yeah I would go to a restaurant that had no limits yeah they could just say say absolutely for the next hour and a half you can say anything you can't post it because it's a good demonetizer yeah yeah um speaking of you know Chris and Ethan having you know I guess a more a worse sense of humor uh one of my favorite clips of you is in the um Christmas come down with me on Chip's Channel where you're talking about like the health health issues or something yeah oh my have you yeah have you seen that is it where someone someone laughs yeah so I got this i got this DNA test uh that circled DNA one and it basically was like it was it was a really rare thing it was like a you've got this thing like one in like 16 000 people have it um but like if your partner has this Gene as well they come together and like all of your kids will be dead by the time they're five I'm laughing because of the clips I'm not because I know that they burst up but that's another one like even they're like I'm pausing like waiting for you to laugh like it's obviously our sense of humor and loads of people messaging me after that being like really hard for the boys to not take that serious as if I'm sitting there crying this extremely rare genetic like carry of this also it's nice it's like the first time you've been around chip you know so it's not the first thing you've heard his sense of humor yeah oh yeah exactly people who watched it sometimes assume that the only bits on camera when we speak yeah exactly someone's behind that I mean chips chips the workout off camera as well man yeah a little rodent but um and what was the other one in there there was another one in there where oh yeah Harry brought it up this was so awkward because like I told Harry obviously like it was one of these off-camera things but like we were quite good friends with our neighbors yeah and they had a cat and it was like I say in the thing like they had one of those windows that like you know you twist the thing you pull out and the cat had like unfortunately like had had hung itself on the thing like accidentally and I didn't I didn't like want to bring it up like I love the neighbors they're like the sweetest people like they were so nice to us like they'd have us around for like Christmas dinners and stuff like that and um and one of the sons who's like you know like 15 just like messages me with like a clip a quote from the clip so I was like they've seen me talk about this guy and all of the boys on the video just like laughing at their pool like cat that passed away in like the most tragic circumstances um oh yeah he said big time because he was like did it die and I was like yeah yeah someone yeah these videos even not the Christmas one the ones that we did for the the main series are my favorite videos man I don't know why yeah that is just so sharp I couldn't even speak in the first time it's just everyone's going each other I mean at a table like where everyone's playing up to the cameras but the booze does it like he did a what's it called a pub cruel video and that was obviously quite quite mad and then he didn't he did a second one on Thursday yeah yeah and it just is like Chip he he really he doesn't have limits himself no and so when he gets drunk and he's in charge of the video it's ridiculous like we rock up hole one like 1pm and we do a shot and a double next place we do a large glass of wine and we're like chip it's like two it's like two p.m yeah we're already like on the verge yeah not being able to take it was that whole Forum we were like I'm genuinely not having any more yeah um I remember the first one he did he asked me to do it now I was busy and I was like you know what I'm not saying yes to the next one yeah he's just like he messaged me on that first one and was like I don't think this is your kind of video you're right yeah yeah ever since the first time I've been one I was like no no I can't do this again and especially with chip I was good because I was like I was like I really enjoyed to do that I'd love to do this but then I was like yeah probably dangerous well chip also has like he has no limits either like you say but like also I feel like sometimes when you're in a shoot if if you have something that will make someone else uncomfortable sometimes people will not do it he will do it yeah I'll make you do something uncomfortable you know yeah but he makes good videos they aren't because people like people love it like people love watching people suffer like no one wants to watch everyone be nice and have a good time especially like British like followers and viewers like they love people just put like rinsing each other like as much as possible yeah and uh so that kind of sense of humor just is yeah it's so good so who's what's your like favorite channel to be on other than your own oh because you're on a lot of Christmas videos I do feel like they're all just very similar like you know the the Simon come Diamond me one didn't feel that different to doing a shoot day with Chris and Ethan like you know whether we're kicking a football round or like going to a diner yeah or like doing a chipped in doing a pub golf like because it's all the same sort of people yeah it's all the same sense of humor and like that's what I enjoy like everybody's watched Chris in the video like knows I'm not that good at football he's not bringing me on because I'm going to bang a free kick like you know he's bringing me on because we're good mates and we have a good laugh together and like so I feel like it's all it's all pretty much the same and the same with the Freezy videos like yeah the video see the other day yeah I was gonna say actually it was a bit because a lot of the content of us at the tables just chat got caught the main focus was on you guys getting electrocuted which is funny well so I I was saying yeah when they asked me to do it he told me it was like obviously an etiquette lesson but what did he tell you also so this actually so when he first messaged me he didn't even tell me it was a video he just goes he goes hello mate getting a few of the boys together through some etiquette training and he and I was like what do you mean he was like oh we're gonna learn how to speak confidently how to talk to girls or this kind of stuff yeah and I was like this is kind of like a freezy thing to do like get some of the boys just do something a bit more yeah yeah and I was like he knows that I'm a bit of an awkward bloke he was like he's found some of my weaknesses you know he's helping a friend now so I've rocked up thinking that it was just going to be me and a few of the guys just like having having like a a sort of like I tried to put it but like a sort of like annotate wannabe type guy going like yeah here's how you talk to women like you know like this is what you say something and then all of a sudden the cameras were on us and I was like oh okay yeah and then obviously and we didn't even know that you guys were getting electrocuted so we came out and Chip just started going like that everybody's like I I when I watched this clip I died laughing a bunch of idiots man foreign [Laughter] [Music] how's his friend yeah because freeze kept saying about George yeah he kept calling George Arthur's friend yes we go we do that's good training and she teaches us then we go to Hyde Park for some reason you do obstacle course with a plate of food in the hand okay decide which of you we choose oh yeah so it's Kellogg's Max fosh Arthur and then George the Arthur's friend um and I was like I I got a chip chose you actually you [ __ ] me over man because you voted chip a million out of ten yeah 10 out of one without that what what I didn't [ __ ] he did a good job but we got a million up what did you get ready on the scale to be fair he whispered on my ear and was like you're the reason you got airpods because we all got a gift I got airpods and the other boys got Vodka in it was a Gray Goose actual Gray Goose bottle that's pretty sick I'd rather the airpods so he he was like nice to me and so I was like yeah it's my boy chips and it scores aggregate together oh so you only got 20. so you scored like not Point what percent of yeah I got maximum his was 30 power I'm almost 70 power is a good thing I do love about Theo like he is he's one of those people that like like acts along and makes himself the butt of jokes and it's just it's always he makes videos so much funnier because he just gives you material to work from well that's why when did the Simon rank YouTubers obviously the favorites for funniness was like chip and Theo obviously got very different humor you know yeah off camera Chip's probably funnier but on on camera Theo knows how to be the joke but then like if he was like acting hard and pretending like it wasn't shocking him and just go yeah yeah it would be so boring to watch but him like spilling stuff that was one thing I was surprised at that you guys didn't spill anything on us no one got shocked when they were pouring the drinks I think because I was fully expecting like my entire roast dinner to just be on my face the first thing was because we knew that we didn't have any more food so we were like let's not spilled like whatever it is and then after that it was like she would tell us she would tell us when we're at shock so we're but they're always they're like all of these videos are just always so fun to go along to yeah yeah I I just go for the front man actually the one time I don't know how much I enjoyed it was Chip's dark video the 48 Hours 50 hours in the dark like that was that was like mentally very difficult like being entirely on your own yeah and in pretty much near black like it's it's really annoying because the cameras have like um uh infrared bulbs so it looks like they're just black and Whiting like there's loads of Shadows but and it looks like you see that see the massive Shadow yeah wow it looks like that there's a bright light and they've just put a green filter on it yeah yeah but it's because there's like a a bulb shining the infrared light and then it's catching that and obviously there's there's the Shadows so I think a lot of people might have well in the comments at least we're just kind of going like it obviously wasn't pitch black like we can we can see all the Shadows um which is a shame because like it literally was like you could barely see a thing the only light we had was the little red lights from the from the cameras and that was it like he had taped he had uh yeah you watched that didn't you the talk comment is I can't wait to watch this on Simon's house that's actually an interesting one in the same way you're probably curious about like the copyright so like say trip does a video like this and then you watch it on your second channel do you ask them first or is that like a I don't but I always wait like so if he releases video today I'll wait a couple days react to it on stream and then I'll wait a few more days okay so you give it time to hit the yeah yeah but um yeah I I mean I also like I like to think anyway that I change it a lot in terms of like I don't just sit and go play oh this is funny like transformative as well like a lot of people admittedly like I do watch the whole video but a lot of people in my chat literally go like stop [ __ ] pausing it and I'm like well no I'm walking yeah it's not just the video also you'll do more of like say like on a better score they enjoy it when you're acting it right right to it yeah I'll encourage you more and a chip listen when you wrecked it as well yeah you'll do more of that you know and in terms of like Mr Beast like you know anyone can do that yeah some people some people have said like oh can you not react to my stuff anymore yeah yeah okay oh yeah when Vic did one yeah and he was like uh he put in the chat no he put it in the chat he's like Norm react to this yeah he said no one reacts to my house tour by the way and then he private messaged me as well and said don't reacted yeah so now I never did it and then about I think it was like three weeks later I saw I think it was Harry reacted to on stream yeah yeah and I was like yeah talk about it it just seems to get away three days after that I went well did you I did it about I think I did it like six months later or something yeah well he does that also I love his um second Channel like Integrations is it a start hurry yeah just start the video by the way guys today's video I actually did a I did a little podcast with a guy um called Mulvey his name he's got this podcast called not bothered is it in a park it's in a park okay so yeah me and Randy have both had this come up on our Tick Tock I've had like 12 episodes or 12 shorts it's probably because you watched one of them yeah because I think most of the clips have like 300 views like there's the occasional woman I've seen like yeah I've seen all of it there's a couple with a couple hundred K because I'll like he'll cut it and uh yeah there you go open I've seen about 20 to 30 minutes yeah but you speak well and then you'd make some good points as well I'm actually trying to learn from it yeah um but yeah no he so he is yeah great venue so his thing is like they do his he does his podcast in weird places so he did one I don't know if you know Kurt cars he's like a travel vlogger look at look at this guy search up Kurt cars like he literally bangs like tens of millions of views like he's you might have seen clips of him on Tick Tock he's like big hard South African guy and he'll like he'll like go into like the roughest places in like South Africa Colombia like go go on this thing and let go most viewed and he'll like go to people who are like threatening to kill him can you talk about John yeah this is one of them yeah guys there's board and bankrupt as well as on avocados yeah oh yeah man and people just love his stuff because he literally just like his life is on the line in half of his videos like he's literally there with like cartel members that are like that will be like okay you've got you've come here with cameras you've got money give us 10 grand or we're gonna head you type things like seriously scary uh I think sometimes he he doesn't but he's like a big he's quite an intimidating character himself but he did he did the first podcast with that guy on beaches yeah they were literally just on on a beach like great View and he the last one which isn't out yet he did up a tree with a guy so so that's his kind of thing and yeah he was like can I just do this with you yes um yes first couple of videos we're getting hundreds of thousands of views but he's been like a long time viewer of me like since pretty face reveal yeah um always like been very nice and stuff like drop me a load of messages and we've chatted before so I was like yeah I'd be happy to come on and just same sort of thing just wanted to sort of like have a little chat and uh yeah I saw one of the most um controversial things in that video though was the socks right what are you wearing right now I don't know are they different Adidas though no no no no no no no just follow differently no okay yeah I was probably in a rush I think I literally just got back from holiday and it was sort of like I had like three pairs of like three individual songs that were clean and none of them yeah pears but uh oh there you go some nice a couple of nice comments that is a good uh I mean from what I saw on my end you know good good uh yeah because he was all he gives a lot of advice to let up and coming YouTubers and like stuff like that on his channel some tips so let's go to the video the channel again Nick the cook has I saw a video um for Toby man go down on the left the Colombian women but more he was literally he was like so I think the guy who does did the podcast is his like channel manager and get some brand deals and stuff oh wow and he was like please feel free to react to as much of this as you want like kind of you more than happy for you too and this guy bangs shorts and he said he's gone from like couple hundred K to like couple mil like mad or at least a million a bit so quickly yeah it's always stick to like I think we I would like live in a bubble a little bit in like the UK like YouTube FIFA kind of scene so to see people just like well I mean now YouTube's so mentioning that people do anything but yeah it's always announcing someone or something that's not necessarily like meta and then they turn it into the thing and grow and grow and grow it came up because I think he did uh going to Pakistan like chip dead yeah and um I don't know if you know I'm supposed to be on that one as well really and just I this so the guy the channel manager was like I've just got back from there a month ago and I've been going to the toilet every hour and non-stop for the last month yeah and then I was like I asked my dad actually and there's one more funny one but I asked my dad and he went on a cricket tour there when he was at unit and one of his mates had such a dodgy meal he's got one of those like bags that sits outside your stomach and has a hole through it and he was like and so I asked a bunch of travel vloggers and I've got a friend from Pakistan as well and he was like just make sure you eat everything that's sealed or like thoroughly well cooked and then literally like I I was really quite like I was sending loads of messages like me I'm really not sure about this yeah it's really dodgy yeah he's like don't worry man we've got a tour guide I really don't know and like the government website was like there's been an earthquake recently and we're also this is quite dark I don't know if I'm sorry to talk about this no that um but the UK government was like we're expecting a terrorist attack oh man and I was like chip I'm getting so much anxiety about this and he did the video and he came back and on the Monday the terrorist attack happened like hundreds of people died and I was like this is the exact same thing I was scared of but I went for dinner with Harry a couple of days before I was like due to leave yeah and he was just like oh how are you going to Pakistan he was like do you know how many planes crash never thought to Harry about a trip he's like show me videos of like planes that were going down and he was like there's a good chance and I was like this is the final straw yeah so everything that could go wrong was like yeah it was not one thing it was like there were too many things piling up and I was like the health they're like yeah I was like it was too much I decided not to go yeah but I kind of regret not going you know he made a good video he made a great video the locals were lovely to him like he obviously is fine like health-wise from that like yeah yeah I think obviously a bit of it's probably ignorance from my side just going like you know it's an unknown yeah and being scared of it so I you know I've got some regrets not going but I think we're going to a similar sort of place this summer today seminister one so I've heard that I'm gonna try and not yeah yeah no no spoilers obviously I even want me to leak anymore but yeah yeah um yeah I think I'll go and just see what happens but every time we go anywhere Harry just he whatever like we've got a private jet to Ibiza and he's like oh this plane oh this is the statistics he finds the models yeah yeah and then says and checks the thing he'll watch it on the flat as well download videos of like plane crashes yeah and he was like what airline are you with and I was like this one he's like look at this 2018 video yeah and it's literally just like going up like that he's terrified of flying yeah like whenever it's like a small plane he's like oh no no I'm not I'm not going on that unless it's a little bit bigger or whatever and I think he watches it to like give him the information so at least he knows a risk on there maybe it's a bit of a misery loves company thing where he's just like if everyone else is scared on the flight with me like it makes you feel a bit better this is an advertisement from Better Health if you guys are struggling or wanting to talk to someone and better help is definitely the place to go you can meet with people on the phone or you can do video calls or you can do just text calls if you need to so sometimes it's nice to be able to get that you know thought or feeling 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mental health professionals with a wide variety of expertise in mental health and our listeners get 10 off their first month at what's good that's better slash what's good let's go well speaking of taking like opportunities yeah you did locked in oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I did how was that because I've always thought that's like such a it seems like such an obvious idea now it's done if you know what I mean yeah how long ago did you go on this it's like two years right yeah yeah so season three was the one that just came out and I was on season two uh no it was really good fun like I think some of the people that are in there are now like friends for life especially Joke Man like joke man's one of my best mates now like we hang out not oh my God that is that was an interesting uh Rose battle um but yeah no it was a weird experience the whole not knowing what's going on in the outside world was weird like I think you constantly have fears that like your nan will have died and like you know you'll come back and that you know true actually yeah because they don't you don't get world news I'm sure it was a world war three years on the horizon type thing we were going in there as well and it was like uh what if you come out and just you know there's not been no contact just like everything's been nuked yeah so how long it was one week two weeks two weeks yeah 14 days of like literally nothing literally no contact with the outside world everyone's sleeping in the same room it's pretty intense I kind of panic a little bit when I put my phone on disturb for like five six hours that what I'm gonna get back to yeah it was really nice I'm really disappointed I couldn't keep it up because like when I came out I was like after a few days when you lose that feeling of anxiety yeah you just kind of forget about it and for ages when we came up we were like just not really checking our phones but just you just fall back into the habits so easily but no I mean some of the hot that some of the worst things was like we were all so ill by the end like really there was dust everywhere that we were all in the exact same room and like so I think one person might have brought one illness in right and it just meant we all had it yeah it turns out like they don't we don't get clocks either see we had no idea what time it was so we didn't know when we were going to battle when we were waking up and at the end they were like they told us they were like you guys are going to bed at like five six a.m and waking up at like 8 A.M like we were running on so little sleep you just thought that a jarring feeling yeah it was just the bright lights wait so you didn't even know how long you were sleeping we had no idea you have no Concepts I get that but like yeah all you know is I'm a bit tired yeah you just think you're tired because it's just like it's uh yeah I thought I should at least let you know like how long you've all slept for that'd be nice yeah but I think that's part like it's another one where they kind of like people don't want to see a bunch of people hanging out that are well slept they're having a good time like they they want there to be drama and divisiveness it's yeah it's like a mini love Island like you know in love Island like they'll put two people who hate each other and be like you need to have a conversation about what just happened yeah yeah so yeah yeah true if I have a little sleep and you say something that normally I'd be okay with yeah I'm going at you yeah and everyone wears like sunglasses when they wake up yeah it's like so bright yeah exactly told who else was going to be in there before you went in yeah the whole like line up and stuff was leaked and I didn't know anyone which was kind of nice I guess because it was just meant like you know yeah starting from a clean slate with everyone but uh true true I felt like if you go in knowing one person you're just gonna spend the whole time with that person yeah exactly you might become better friends but you're not making and like I was so different to everyone else like all the guys were much more like you know Road many type guys yeah and I was just I was just so clearly stuck out um but it was fine because they were always such nice people like they sort of took me under their wing I mean I don't know if I got roasted so much for it since but the uh Joke Man on episode three put me in a durag and uh it just became a bit of a thing and like the number of times they'd like I don't know whether they I've never actually watched the whole thing back so I don't know whether they made it look like I kept asking yeah or like but they were they were going like right do Ragtime Joke Man like come put one on Arthur see and he's like he's like the coolest guy as I joke around like literally the sweetest boy um and so he was like he just spent the whole time trying to get me in on like Jamaican culture yeah yeah like he you know it's all he's ever known and he's he just wants to share it with the world so so you watched um this is season two chip was a season three one yeah right which one did you watch like all of it I only watch a lot of these I think I watched all of them but oh did you watch season two as well yeah well I don't know when you were first in this we're like oh we should get on a podcast that's how bad we are asking people really when you're on here yeah who else is on the series [Music] um LDN was on this yeah yeah what's this and then who's on season three chip chip Max Kadar I didn't watch that okay I didn't watch that series but I saw hundreds of tick tocks yeah oh yeah the whole thing we so when we were going in it was just about the start of the tick tock boom right right like 2021 yeah era and so like a lot of stuff was getting put there but like the whole show was essentially put on from season three I mean that happens now it's with like everything doesn't it like yeah the number of times I see like this podcast side plus stuff like come up yeah Simon video is like and cop it's a lawless land like copyright just isn't it not even us I I see probably like more other Clips oh yeah sorry yeah yeah oh yeah that's what I mean is it like it's other people just like I mean we were talking about like people upload full movies like there's just no repercussions on YouTube like you'll get the content system like Auto checking it and taking it down and hiding it or whatever but on Tick Tock like no no one is in charge like anything can go up I think I think I'll pushed that as well because they know that like yeah this would be a point at some point where they have to stop doing that but like for now it's like the wild west so they can grow their user base and then at some point kick it off you know I mean even on YouTube you supposed to do things on YouTube you know that you can't do anymore oh jacobara yeah of course oh yeah I didn't watch it but yeah as I said Tick Tock yeah it is a funny one though because obviously people do make their mind up it's a bit like the Laval and stuff like I don't know if you ever hear the love island people come out and like there'll be people who everyone's like why did why does no one like this person in the Villa like everyone seems so mean to them and like everyone at home's like oh they're also mean to them and no one wants to be friends with them but they're so sweet and then you always find out like three months down the line that like secretly they said something was so horrendous that it had to be cut off for sure and it's like but people make their minds up based on what they see and I don't think it's always necessarily like what's actually going on if that makes sense how did the how did like cleaning and food work uh we had to clean ourselves I think how did that works they go out of The Villa on like a Sunday oh wow and they go there yeah okay we didn't get any sort of like Time Out The Villa we definitely were doing all the dishwashers and Dish dishes breakfast and food in between but they had a chef that was doing okay sort of like bulk meals like almost like kids School meals but that was one of the other things like it was awful like some days we'd Rock up and we'd get this like polystyrene box of like watery lentil dull Curry just the liquid nothing else yeah no rice no potatoes and Joint man every day would just be like he's like get me Caribbean food please I'll pay you whatever it takes just go get me some chicken rice and I'll be so much happier and we were like and then certain people were like I can't eat this like bring me something special and we were like I would rather have that like vegan burger and then by the end the chef was just like tell me what you want and I'll make it and you like literally give us chicken and rice and burgers for the rest of the thing yeah yeah because it was uh it's a good concept so because it's basically big brother in it so yeah yeah but with like YouTube twists things like I'm a celebrity yeah I'm surprised no one's done that yet for YouTubers do it for a week yeah that's true I mean the budgets budget is crazy like I'm I mean I've I doubt they make it back on the views like renting a big house like all the equipment all the people monitoring like they have like a shed of like editors because obviously like they're because it's 24 Around the Clock like they need people to just like pull the files and just be editing and it's like it's like uh you know the social network when like Facebook's starting up yeah yeah at their computers it literally looks like a scene from that so I think if a YouTuber wanted to do it probably wouldn't be even profitable you have to think there's like a brand you have to get every top YouTuber involved yeah and you have to get like you know Logan Paul yeah their sponsors but then also the other job not for you I'll do it myself how many big YouTubers want to put themselves through that like I at the time I was like kind of like a bit of an unknown people didn't really know who I was as a person yeah I was like this is like it's gonna suck and I'm going to make content for two weeks but on the upside like people kind of get to know me a bit better and stuff like that whereas for you you'll be like everyone knows who I am you don't have to agree to this but you'll be like I don't know if it's worth suffering for two weeks to go on the show and maybe Mr Beast could chuck in a bunch of extra money but like I guess Mr Beast is like the platform that realistically as much as anyone can know anyone if you're a Mr Beast Channel more people are knowing about you yeah that's so true they asked me to go on the lockdown yeah and I was like you're gonna be like Mr B Stars no no I was like um it was just as Pokemon was like blown up so before more for me I was like I just can't make I can't stop making content for two weeks because I was like every day at that point um how much I was like um if you wanted to do it how much I should say anything I should have said a number just to find out yeah at least um and then said no but to find out you're worth it yeah now I'm like guys can I come back yeah well they're definitely doing another season so you can always float it by them yeah yeah yeah we'll see but no um would you would you do things like that I know obviously like I don't do any of them like even like you did like the show I know and I actually love to it's just it is just two weeks yeah I don't go on a holiday for two weeks yeah you don't you don't it's a long time that's what I first when I kind of like I was doing more videos I was shocked how you guys don't go anywhere for more than a week yeah holidays two weeks at a time yeah but but now I know because you get back and you're like you forgot how to make YouTube videos everything's gone you know like the momentum's gone I'm like uh every single day during like I was like yeah it's just like how how early did you have to film to get all those ahead I was like like four weeks she was like he's really good you know I was like all right just tell me what failure man dad does that with Chris my dad's a big like football fan yeah 100 never watches my videos about reality TV relationships but we'll be like God have you seen the new Christmas video there's never once complimented me on one of mine and the one time like we did that like famous like recreating famous goals yeah and like I scored the Ronaldo free kick from Mars out so I sent it to him and I was like Dad look at this and he was like his only response was didn't get a lot of power on it though did you so Dad tell me you're proud of me once because that's all I need please please um I saw it recently you guys have been doing a lot of like the um not not group channels to put like reacting together yeah how's that thing going pretty good um we like it's I think everyone's like not wanting it to become like a necessary like a a named group yeah but people obviously like on the internet there's like a couple of like names for like the group of us and stuff but yeah I mean like it makes sense like if like me and George have very similar senses of humor like obviously that's why he's doing Chris's videos with him as well like yeah on the like you know he's just we're quite similar people um and obviously we'll kind of do like commentary stuff so it just kind of made sense I think Alex just kind of went one day like let's do it you know he did the e-boys and it did quite well and then also like group stuff just does do quite well I feel like you're right there when it becomes an actual group or a name there's more expectations there and it changes if I have to do it yeah I think like the way you guys do it now it seems to work pretty well just rotate around and I think like six like six or five or six people is like it's quite a heavy amount of people to like get like try and organize schedules and stuff like that so yeah I mean I'm sure you can imagine so yeah I think it it went well like right at the start we're like getting everyone when they were hyped but like now I think everyone's just like okay we've kind of had that big boom yeah we'll still make videos and stuff together because reaction videos are better as well when it's not just you like yeah the money I would give to be able to have like a like care size like natural laugh or like yeah where you can watch something and just be like sometimes I'll watch a clip of them like laughing at stuff and I'll just laugh because they're just laughing yeah whereas the knee I'm like I hate watching these Reddit videos man because it just makes me think like so easy but his Reddit is actually really good anyway yeah the content is good but yeah he just looks at something and laughs it makes it so much more enjoyable I can't naturally laugh at stuff like I just don't like if I find something funny yeah just kind of like Excel and like I'll watch you back on a reacts video if I'm by myself yeah yeah you're not realizing all right I'm watching his video and I think what adds to his videos it takes him so long to read the titles yeah he reads it like a child yeah so he so like for me I will go on Reddit and I'll just I'll see the meme and the title together like I just I've seen it he goes like bro how are you how are you not looking down man just make that reaction stuff so easy because I I did a reaction video solo the other day and I was watching it back and I was like man this is I'm gonna need some like serious background music here and I need like rapidly chopped up yeah but I mean that's you know you pay good editors like I've said it to a few editors and some of them come back and they can take the driest thing yeah and make anything but I don't really watch much YouTube I was used to watch a lot of PewDiePie's videos yeah yeah and he's the same to be fair he doesn't really laugh out loud at stuff um so I was like you know [ __ ] phone it can be done as long as you be yourself like it's what makes it authentic to the viewer and also less likely for you to burn out anyway but you can do something you don't enjoy after a while or if you're happy to support too much it's hard to keep it going yeah when I was doing reactions that's like actually a Prime energy before it like and then do like three or four workouts like [ __ ] yeah sometimes I can't watch like sometimes I'll do unusual memes have you seen that one where it's just like it's just literally Tick Tock videos like this [Applause] I was looking for like other people who had done reaction stuff where I was like who can I see you similar to me that's like doing well and I watched one of xqcs and it's no joke a 10 minute video taken from his stream on his main Channel with Sony views and he could have a PNG of his face there and it would not be a different video like he is literally just dead pan staring at this thing I've seen a YouTuber who actually has I don't want to name them but they've done a video once but they reacted and they didn't have the video like they're clearly not reacting to that video oh they've done generic reactions no way and they've used it in like three videos that's crazy and then they just put a different clips in it that is crazy yeah xqc is also like um he's like just interesting guy that's what he is interesting me too and then people try and copy that style I'm like it's not his style it works he works yeah he's just games he's talking about uh Valerian and I'm not gonna repeat it because I can't do it but he was talking about how like they start off with like the agents that are like you know won a Flash and next minute can we play we can't play audio can we archive less that's not good but anyway he's just like he just goes like um you know now they're creating characters that I can like um you know go through walls download the game and create a new universe but the way he does it is just unreal but um obviously when I explain it it's just awesome yeah yeah have you seen him he's been on the stream with like Madison Beer recently yeah yeah talking about stuff and just the way he stumbles over his words it was like a tick tock that came up of him like obviously English isn't his native language as well yeah of like him like saying things that like the completely wrong things yeah a cheetah will come up on screen book yeah it cracks me up every one yeah he's not trying either he's just being him because he's from Quebec so it's like x2c xqc is X Quebec yeah there's a girl now who does like a lot of uh content streaming too and everyone keeps saying oh you just try coffee xpc he's like nah I'm from Quebec this is my accent this is me as well because her name is something like something QC as well everyone's like copying copy and I think they did a video together you know yeah she's got the weird like Swedish whatever Scandinavian French French right and then French yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you see where the English America yeah he plays the car and he's like what's your favorite Pokemon yes yeah and uh Kai says like these are the Charizard and he says uh that's not that's not unique that's basic or something like that yeah for his accent makes it sound like the end words yeah the guy's like what what did you say what that was one word did you see the one where it was like a tick tock and it was like he was like supposed to like pronounce words and he was going like you know like uh esophagus yeah yeah and then one was like say Tuesday and he goes Tuesday and the guy goes cheese dad he's like what what's this guy's problem man it's like it's like he's talking though he's just so funny he streams like 19 hours a day and his channels are just like 12 videos a day just clipped up yeah to be fair you can't keep any kind of energy up like you can't expect him for 10 minutes straight no yeah you just constantly be talking like I don't know how people do that all day this channel of course is just people who load it for him you know there's High people to do Minions on the background yeah yeah no he's got 100 Mil so he doesn't I don't think he cares I've been giving that guy 100 man would you guys take a kick a kick deal it all depends on the money yeah I think I think a lot of people would man I think like but I think that yeah yeah oh yeah okay yeah it's so far is they'll see like someone like I think the hard part is they'll see big creators get these deals then everyone thinks the smaller streamers will think oh I was going to start on quick kick then it's that easy but then they have to realize they have to start their audience again yeah um but I was gonna say on Tick Tock you actually make a lot of tick tocks right or at one point I know my fear just see you doing like facts there was a time when I was just doing like daily daily Tech talks like I've got I've got like um my editor I just decided to take him full time yeah because I don't make that much content like a lot of the times he's like making Tick Tock Clips or like help script writing and stuff and so a lot of the time I'm just like make a tick tock every day yeah and then so like I go through phases of it like I wish I was like more organized but some days I'll go for it you know once I always used to see I think they were banging a few it's like the um it makes you smile like that oh my God I was so cooked for that as well so cringe all your friends yeah but they were banging though right they were doing if you go on my tip my Tick Tock it's like one of the two or three pins I'm not that ashamed of it yeah yeah but Idris is oh it's actually it was a trend it was it was oh is it is it not pinned maybe not on web it doesn't say web I don't think it has uh it's probably too far that if you type in like Arthur TV who got you smiling like please bang man are you smiling like that it's just you like at the start right here oh there you go so much that's literally the trend but I used to get you all the time and it was literally like they were just doing 15 more views yeah yeah and it was literally just like the sound is like man who got you smile at that and you just put a clip of like something that made you smile yeah yeah and it was uh would you redo the clips or would you do was the same one every time no I'd read I'd read it I'd redo the clips yeah yeah outfits and stuff but man those old tick tocks every time I get tagged in them sometimes it's just Chris now you gotta go through it man you gotta go through if I like when it bangs so it's fine yeah it's so true if that had like five years yeah hi Nick no no no but the fact the fact that one of them has gone to 15 mil means that the others were worth it I know yeah yeah Oh I thought I wasn't going hey this one's not cool that one this one's really cringe yeah I know people who will like fair enough apparently people try and do Tick Tock and they'll get really dishearten when it doesn't get many views I'm like don't worry on Tick Tock don't worry about views man just post them oh yeah one more go and then that's it yeah you do not care about the views and it's not even a case if you need the momentum yeah no literally one of them will yeah yeah it's not a YouTube man no and and as well with YouTube like if you work a week on a video being like putting so much effort into a thumbnail tied to a structure of it and all that kind of stuff and it flops you like so depressing yeah whereas on Tick Tock you're like I can literally film another one in five minutes and upload it and it is the low effort tick tocks that yeah go mad yeah that's so annoying there's so many that are like a decent effort yeah at least doing a trend and playing a picture of a smiley dog on the screen so all things to go yeah yeah I feel like um more George is probably one of the only people I know that does tick tock like really well consistently right yeah really because because I feel like everyone in our circle is just yeah but there are people who do that type of stuff just not necessarily crossing over to YouTube yet yeah by meaning and like also yeah like if you go to any American Circle they're all just like spamming out Tick Tock spamming I know Instagrams whatever it's just like I think a lot of us are not based on like I think it depends when you start if you start now as an influence I think you get you get the idea of like I'm wake up today and I'm making loads of content and I'm sharing it out and being that guy but a lot of us came from like trying to make like sick card videos you know and like so I don't know just a different vibe like we're not a lot of us are not actually like the influencers type of people yeah whereas which you know I hate it I hate social media I hate posting pictures I hate person Instagram stories you know where some people love it and that comes natural to them yeah I think you just get roasted yeah if I had a tick tock like I remember when Tick Tock started banging Ethan said uh in our group chat he was like oh I could see Simon as like a tick tocker you know like doing all the dances and stuff yeah I was like what does that mean like look if you're a dancer now and then you know no wooden what a wooden in your videos you do I'd see like dance moves that now and then no not like actual dance get rid of this but that's probably that's probably where Eden takes it from miniminter's Best Dance Moms that's so funny man [Music] well Ethan's done a proper it was proper like bait I am so happy showing more people first trap no kind of kind of no he's done a lot of thirst trap ones this one just type in yeah okay yeah [Music] yes it is it's the worst one he's still angry so let who's there oh and then the girls disappear oh [Laughter] no that hurt that I I was just saying I'll never forget you said it and then I just bring up that every time well look but you did the one um on the Simon account right where the arms have fallen and you're like yeah you look so happy in that one that's because I was happy I made like a really high effort Tick Tock that I thought was good and then it didn't do that one I don't know but if those bank if I did Tick Tock dances and they banged everyone would rate it yeah but for the first 10 if they stunk I would be mocked every day it's a UK US audience as well I swear UK viewers like don't want to see you no Dancing Yeah where is that in America they're like it's such a different culture yeah like the Bryce Hall kind of okay that look yeah I mean they were yeah they would do some yeah like jumping out the shower just filming yourself going like that yeah it must be great I would love to see his DMS they must be yeah that's for sure actually true yeah Vinnie hackerman yeah um and also destroyed this sweet guy apparently from her like what I've heard yeah they're all nice apparently a lot of them are like really cringe up behind the scenes but apparently he's really sorry I've only witnessed what when he fought deji and he was really did you tried to him like behind the scenes then much or not no because they thought in America I think right and you went out there no no but like the way that he talks to deji in the videos and like afterwards and stuff he seems yeah seems nice yeah yeah he seems very like self aware of his content and is like I'm very aware this is crazy I can only apologize but like it does well it pays my bills like you know you can't hate if people are doing it yeah that's what America the court is just so crazy I bet you can like get a Tick-Tock account like 20 30k and already get like PR companies hitting you up but then at that point then they'll just dictate your you know do this do that you know I like this and if American parties well we know they're crazy but it's just like I just I could never live like that man they're just like so based on numbers like for example they'll do parties where you can't get in unless you have like 100k followers yeah the [ __ ] man yeah I've got friends that have been to LA and they've been like at the door they've been checking if you're verified on Instagram you can't get in if you're not there yeah oh it's crazy I had like three conversations the last time I was there that started without not what's your name or who are you whatever it was how many followers do you have and it's just as soon as they do that it doesn't it doesn't really happen in our like Circle at all like obviously like I've I'm like very similar like compared with most people I feel like everyone's pretty nice to me and stuff but there was one it was it was it wasn't like the group like any of our group now it's like a group I when I started doing commentary yeah um one of our friends brought her boyfriend into a party and he was going around and um apparently the number of people that went like hey how's it going like what do you do YouTube and stuff and you like I know I don't have any subscribers yeah apparently there are people just going like oh okay and turn around is walking away which is just so bizarre to me yeah in the UK as well but it's weird because that that like the people of that party and that was a scene where it was like everyone there was like 20 to 50K subs and for some reason it's weirder then like I felt under more pressure than an event then I would like now with people with like Millions like yeah yeah I think a lot of like at least like people that we know are just like Wide Circle whatever it is everyone's just really really nice like everyone's just top people yeah I feel like if people as well I think it's quite obvious that like if you weren't a nice person you wouldn't be like I think everyone can tell that like in the group yeah if someone's like welcomed in or they're already a part of the group like if they weren't a nice person they just wouldn't be there yeah no yeah like I feel like if someone brings someone along like you know George come along to the video yeah but if he's a nice like people just gonna be nice to him yeah yeah whereas if he comes in and just starts being like a dick and is like really off himself or something like people are just gonna go I'm not gonna have you alone yeah basically if you see someone appear in a video once and never I invite someone into Assignment video soon and just never again it's a really nice person I mean has it happened over the years have you have you had people that like have sort of come in and you just been like oh I really don't like not obviously don't really want a name drop but I genuinely don't think so because we don't really try and collab with people that just aren't friends if you know what I mean like we're not inviting we're not going okay we need this person for this reason we're going oh who's gonna make a good video because they've got good chemistry yeah yeah yeah and you'd probably only know that if they're already kind of your mates because you like banded with them before yeah that doesn't make sense obviously we have done videos like Gideon Logan Paul yeah but everyone's I've barely ever met a YouTuber that I haven't thought is a nice person yeah it's harder with YouTube like with tech talk if you're going famous for dancing like it's easy to be like a [ __ ] person and no one knows until like it comes out whereas with that on YouTube at least I mean obviously things can you know come out and stuff but like most of you but you can just tell if people are nice from their YouTube videos because like you're just so obvious in the way they kind of come across them and podcasts as well yeah Underwood spreads so quick as well yeah like if you do anything yeah but if you're a dick in a restaurant away from videos someone or someone will like clock it and spread the news yeah it's like a click that Reddit video and recently where I was like um you know that time I was in your 21st one yeah I was waiting for the next video and um someone comment like oh I assumed you were just at every seven shoot and they need something imagine just like they're ready on this side let me type a joke run off again should I bring Randy in for this one yeah I got referred to as Chris's cameraman a couple of times yeah when I first started doing videos with him yeah and people would be like oh who is this guy when they come home oh it's Christmas cameraman I was like where's that come from I don't read rumors about yourself and you're just like where's that yeah yeah when I started seeing that stuff when I actually started to not believe all the you know how you sometimes will hear someone online and say oh I met someone at a restaurant and they were really not they're not a nice person I started to take that a lot a lot less seriously when I you heard people lie about me yeah so I was like well this is not true so you know imagine like all the things they say about this actor sometimes you hear a lot of stuff and it's like well let's surely can't be existence now but I don't know some people say some things on Tick Tock I'm like it's just wrong like you just made it home um but yeah yeah it's bizarre people love to like talk like that as well like you know like they can if they hear one bad thing they can be like oh well I had this interaction and actually like through this year it could be seen like this you know yeah and yeah did you this is completely random when you started posting your first videos did you have face cap no I didn't know how long was it till you had FaceCam uh yeah I did it when I hit 100K because there's a lot of stuff right it was nervous it was well it started off as little stuff because I was like if yeah I didn't want my like Law Firm like finding out and like freaking out about it yeah although they did in the end like but by the time I left like all of my partners had like after TV merch like they were not sipping tea out of Arthur TV mugs like which is quite funny they're probably still in the law firm offices now it's just bizarre um but yeah when I started I mean mainly it was because I was a student I couldn't afford anything my first ever video If you hear the quality of it I'm using the mic built into my old MacBook Pro like that's how bad the quality is yeah MacBook Pros are good Max they have nowadays yeah but probably back like a good five or six years like it it sounds so bad yeah um and then it was the same with the camera I looked at like DSLR and it was like a grand and then a lens was a grand then I was like I'm literally like eating one pound beans I'm gonna have to spend the next what's that six years of saving a pound a day for just to save up how much money I need so I was just like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do this until I'm like if I hit 100K I'll know that this could be going somewhere yeah I would have hopefully earned enough and then I'll buy a yeah nice buy a camera if you could be in the exact same position right now as you're in without showing without showing your face would you no not I mean I'm still so small it doesn't really change my life in any meaningful way like I'll get the occasional person come up to me and just say like I like your videos I like this but I mean like I like doing the content I make but it's quite a lonely world like being sat in front of your camera and scripting all day like yeah doing the stuff like coming on this podcast doing the videos with you guys like and the other boys and stuff like that kind of stuff is so much more fun yeah true and I wouldn't be able to do any of that stuff if I was like secret identity type person yeah yeah I mean I I hated ad as well like I was such a spotty Little Nerd well and he is in big trouble I remember this oh wow so we had uh this was when I'd probably just after I just met well we went on that I don't know if you saw we're on a ski trip like three years ago and um he had basically started reacting to Airline which was the videos that I was like doing and he kind of like semi-roasted me in one like he was like oh he's stolen this off Arthur and like stuff like this so I was like would you mind if I made like a tongue-in-cheek video like I'm obviously joking in the video just being like well any stole my videos and stuff and tried to click pay his name and the video flopped anyway so I took two hours on that one yeah but yeah and that was the other thing I like I I must have hit puberty very recently even in my early 20s I was such a spotty Little Nerd like um and I I was like I didn't want to go on camera because I was just like very self-conscious yeah the way I looked so I actually ended up um borrowing some of my sister's concealer in some videos yeah just to like highest fear the spot so I was like sometimes I go back and I'm like I wish I did do only FaceTime because like why was I doing all this [ __ ] as a kid man forever that is one of the good things about starting oh he's like in these new um wait okay we were talking about you know you're talking about uh people looking at you and judging you online yeah yeah Mr Beast has posted a photo of his body transformation so this was him how long ago does it say I'm on a really weird angle okay well him and you know him and um Eric are doing a competition like a bodybuilding competition or something like that yeah so let's see it geez I was expecting to like go back to the one see that's how it's like very more like stage like a I don't know it seems more like I don't know do you think he's edited you know whatever they're so different he's made himself from the same background you know yeah it should be actually that's one that yeah I mean with the lighting and stuff yeah it was good though it was very good it does look good it's like a little smile as always I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it looks pretty warm uh he does look good though looking great bro I'm surprised he didn't put a strong arm Emoji yeah I when I did start like when I was doing like the facial stuff and I was like trying to build hype like I was like I was going to the gym a lot yeah and I did that's one thing I'd probably regret like posting like semi-first trappy sort of like like oh physique transformation and stuff and like it was basically like that like I put one on my story of me and my boxers basically like yeah kind of same thing like like now I look back on it and think it was cringe like it's not the end of the world yeah but now I'm just like you're such a dweeb like now if you feel good then it's nice for yourself to do that you know I'm strong enough to be as well I feel sick now you know this is that was one hour ago that was posted okay and it's on 1.42 million views unreal uh likes those kind of things when people like congratulate you for stuff like do do a lot better like there was one time on Instagram when I had a photo and I was like I want to post this but I wanted to get the engagement up and like five days ago I'd hit 80k Subs yeah so I took a screenshot of me with ATK subs and uploaded the photo of my face of like just me and then with the slide along of like thanks for 80k subs and the engagement was like twice as high yeah so it was uh I'll do it every time yeah thanks for 81 that's what 82 that's 83. but um me and James Mario he's a very sweet boy nice I mean the fact that I used to oh yeah there you go I mean the the that one on the middle right is I mean that's just that's just nice action shot man jumping jack off just evidently tensing of it and the one along just like it's just so it's just so obvious oh I just [Laughter] do you like look back and just go like oh man this is embarrassing would you just accept it I keep it well is there a point in your life where he's gonna actually have to accept that I was younger and an idiot it's both though I look back at it and think this is so embarrassing I don't want to watch it but it's there yeah I have to I have to accept it but I don't I don't know yeah yeah okay you've not really aged much I'll take that you're more tan than that that was 20 years ago shut up that was 10 years ago 10 yeah I like it in the moment I'm always like I don't care about like I don't care what like I don't care it's cringe-wife I don't care then and then like five years later I'm like actually I do now I care you know but you care about five years ago you care about now okay five years ago so I'm saying now I'll always put myself in situations that I'm like I don't care what people think but then when I look back in five years I'm like I wish I did care what people think at that time yeah yeah but I I don't care actually overall is what it is uh it's more it's my personal your personal like feeling that's why like say Mr Beast like he looks great he's improved you know so it's um yeah do you man are using like a transformation like video or anything to do it man you should if Chris is one do you remember when Chris did one in that bang that did crazy people love that kind of stuff as well because like something people are always going through like people are always trying to get in better shape and stuff and watching someone that they like and relate to yeah gymshark money yeah accountable as well yeah I did a few videos but it's probably the opposite because I did a few videos where I was like doing like oh I I didn't eat sugar for a week I said that's what happened or how much weight can I lose in one week but then like now I'm like I'd rather just like get my head down and just do it I feel like doing a video is more like I'm only working out now for a video so I'd rather just do it I mean like yeah I get it but also it'll make you do it if I do it anyway are you yeah I've lost like faculty you may as well put her that's five kgs I lost 25 overall oh [ __ ] yeah she may as well put a camera on it that's what that would stop me because then I'm like now I'm doing it how much more would you want to lose just as much as I can really yeah if you're not gonna do it if you put a camera on it then obviously don't do it yeah but don't do the camera yeah I want to do stuff like I did like ice bath for like 30 days like this is what happened you know yeah like the Freezy 30 day challenge thing yeah yeah kind of kind of and document what happened but then I'm like oh [ __ ] 30 days man like I'll I'll do I'll do it but I forget to film it like that's what I'll go like I'm doing stuff now where I'm enjoying it but I'd like haven't I hate I hate vlogging I hate actually making YouTube videos I don't enjoy it man I hate it I like doing podcast stuff I like doing like the Pokemon videos I enjoy that because it's not videos it's documenting something just thinking of like doing a video on its own I'm like I [ __ ] hate that right now yeah I feel that so I gotta try and figure out how to you know keep going let's all jumper up as soon as I said I hit I feel that he's like what number one Channel videos yeah yeah but maybe I should do it I should like a uh my idea originally was to do like a video where I do like I don't know burning like 500 it's not much but 500 calories a day and document each like different tasks doing it and I was going to show like all these different brands in the video and then pitch it to all of them and be like do you want to sponsor this video do you want to sponsor this video yes and just blow the rest of them yeah that's pretty good but um no but now it's not gonna do things only for money but I don't know I mean I never started YouTube to try and make YouTube videos it's just more just music so like now now everyone's like now YouTube is a place where it's all about making the best video I'm like I'd rather just be funny man than just like you know yeah it's long like I I look at that sometimes at them when I do like in real life stuff yeah and then you watch like one of Chip or Freeze's videos yeah yeah the production just is that's what I'm saying like I love doing that um that shoot that we did the other day the the waiter one that's a good one I could do stuff like that but it's just like I just don't love it enough I feel like I have to really enjoy the whole process to do that yeah I'd love to be in like a a group that was like kind of like a bit like Simon where you're like if there's something you don't want to organize you can get someone to like yeah organize it for your beer yeah yeah if I could if I could do one where it was like rock up once a week yeah for the day and just like have an absolute right I'm gonna try and do that I'm trying to hire someone in to help like do that type of stuff but it's just obviously expensive to do that so I have to like keep up with her if I was to do it I'm also not really asking people you know yeah I put this video I'm like yeah sure and whereas I'm like oh man it's just like three days to get the courage to happen yeah and they say no I'm like [ __ ] actually someone did send me a clip of you I think someone asked on stream a couple of months ago yeah it was like would you ever get Arthur on the Pod and you're like yeah I'll ask him soon I was like he's being nice for the camera no no no no never we never ever ask yeah we're scared of rejection we've been on a list for months mate yeah yeah yeah yeah we've said it let's get him on let's get him on yeah so it's just yeah we just we got turned down once yeah yeah because he was busy or just said he did in general he said he's podcasted out what's his this phrase but like he had done like three in like a day and then I think um Theo had like driven back from like bright after filming with his pockets with Joe Willis the other day I like that man but then to be fair like some people just don't want to talk about anything like some people don't want to come on unless they have something to talk about yeah they feel like they need to have something to talk about whereas a lot of people also just don't mind chatting for like three hours well sorry one hour two hours whatever whereas um yeah I know like like I'm down to come on but I'll do it when I've got something to talk about you know give us like I'll come on after my fight I'll perform a fight but that's a bit why I'm like I think that's probably why I was so nervous just like thinking so much like what exactly are we going to talk about for like an hour because imagine getting 10 minutes in it'd be like well we just waffle man yeah yeah because I did I did a little podcast with one of my friends like a couple of months ago and it was almost worse because we over planned like yeah we turned it into like to be fair I like love making that kind of content but it was like a it was like a fact-based thing so like it would be like a whole thing on like um I saw these as well each individual fact like is really interesting like we did the whole Saga on like um we did uh Instagram versus reality and like how that makes people feel and like what they go through to changes and the number of like footballers that have had like plastic surgery is insane like one of the most viral one was the casimira's nose like I never really clocked it proper nose job yeah yeah like David Beckham like one day literally one week was like wrinkly like a bit of jagged teeth and then comes back oh yeah here you go I don't know if you can zoom in a little bit more to see his nose before and after but like oh yeah sure he's got quite a sharp nose now yeah I don't know what he looks like Jackson from the Grinch yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not a great nose job I can't before yeah Beckham had some even when he was at PSG apparently and there's just loads of them you know when you did it you'd film a whole podcast and clip it up was like how you did it yeah I know some people will do Tick Tock won't they where they're like there's no noise there yeah they just barely does that on Tick Tock and she's pretending like she's talking to someone and she's like it's really interesting you'd ask that because like men like you know and then all the talk comments are like just a reminder like she's talking to him there's that one guy isn't there now who does The Tick Tock where he's like um isn't it crazy how like blue is blue oh yeah and yellow is yellow isn't that concerning yeah yeah that's ridiculous but they're the type ones where you go like eventually that joke's going to run dry yeah yeah you know what I mean like totally there's only so many times you can watch it of a guy being like paint something green and it's green yeah paint something white and it's white it's been trying to reinvent his own thing man but um yeah I'm not sure what else to talk about I think now is the moment where you said where it's like now what do we do well you mentioned Gibb yeah don't know if he'll come on the podcast I haven't well I don't know if you've seen his latest video he uh he talks about the next Miss no not next Kingpin card and uh he's like I've been betrayed and it's a clip of me saying like I don't think he was as good as I thought it'd be in the fight but I'm sat there thinking like here we're doing like so I want to clear this part up firstly we did like sideman awards for the end of the year yeah and they'll Ethan gets pissed at me here I get given a list of things yeah so best boxing performance and I got given three or four fights yeah oh yeah and I was like oh these are the four and I literally start the video off and I say if there's anything else you guys think that wasn't on the list say just say and we'll add it so I read the four out and Ethan's like that's a crime how have you not put a give on this fight like this fight on yeah and I said well firstly I didn't write the list secondly he got knocked down so yeah yeah like I'm not I'm not gonna vote for it but fair enough yeah um and then he uses the clip where I say I didn't look as good as I thought it'd be oh surely sure he's just joking right I hope so yeah because I like Gibb yeah every video get on here then give but it's because we talk about boxing everything that's another thing that stressed me out about but you can literally just say one thing and it's so offhand and then people can make such a big thing I know he's obviously doing it in Jess there but what is that you don't have to do this every month right yeah does it feel like ages this last one yeah let's probably start this month we haven't spoke about in months yeah it feels nice but um yeah no I mean I'm that I do understand what you're saying because you you speak for like an hour and a half you say one sentence that's clipped out yeah yeah it's not even that mean or anything yeah one as well like it wasn't really that bad and then everyone just thinks I hate I hate my friend but then also I don't get is like everyone always says like oh man you're such a KSI meat Rider and then about everything oh these guys are such yes man and I'm like well yeah you know I've called gibber I've said I don't think it was that great but you know whatever and then when I said something's wrong it's like oh you hate your friends man yeah there's no way to win because there's nothing on the internet that's one of the like cold truths I had to learn like when I started doing this it was like that there's always going to be especially like with the content I do especially a lot of it's like relationship wise yeah there's always like there's always two really bad people in these relationships like for example the couple I'm covering at the moment it's like a young guy in his 20s from Tunisia like a a woman in her 50s from America like sad old lonely and it's a bit like he's kind of taken advantage of her loneliness to get a green card into UK but at the same time like she's taken over advantage of the fact that he's from a poorer country to get this hunk so like both of them are bad and everyone if I like criticized one they're like I can't believe you criticize this person like the other person's done this and it's like it's as if the whole world like oh at least a big chunk of the internet just thinks like only one thing can be right or yeah and it's like you say one thing in that short entire like opinion yeah no more like you know black or it's white and that's that's it really yeah um it can get annoying man and you see people like flagged up from like the smallest things like oh you know he said this like six years ago and it's like Karma yeah yeah who hasn't like just said or done the occasional like stupid thing like for sure it happens but like surely you can tell from their content that they're a good person yeah that's why I don't like Twitter because I don't think like people aren't there watching all their content and being like I know what this type of person is like I've heard that you've seen this but and I hate them forever and anytime I get it brought up I think also as humans as people we grow up like wanting to not not be liked by like viewers but when in your friend groups or your school you want to you don't hate about anything you want to be like you know um get along with them so when you see like someone not agreeing with you on like social media or having an opinion that if it's yours it's kind of like it hurts because you want to be liked but actually it doesn't matter yeah if you get 100 000 views on a video it's okay for five people to hate yes but we read it as like say it's the last thing on earth it's annoying how like you can read like 100 nice comments this is crazy one mean one and you just think about it yeah so bad it's like I don't know how that sounds but it's so so um it's the way it is that was exactly how you know go back to again but when I was spotty like all comments would be nice and then like I'd get one being like [ __ ] hell that's a big red dot I'll just be like you know it as well and you read it and it's like that sticks out yeah and um but it's just yeah there's probably some solutions out there but some Reeves probably has it meditation you know just being the calm person yeah like having discipline will then not gotta be stoic towards it I guess yeah yeah insecurities all things that aren't true when someone says something about you that isn't true and you're like I don't want to reply to this like half of me wants to like correct them yeah but half of me doesn't even want to entertain it and just leave it and just be like you know what I think what you think yeah I know yeah for sure for sure but it's true when you don't check your video like you feel better you know if you had a video you don't look it's fine you know you look and you're like obsessed about it yeah um I was gonna say John to uh to end out the podcast here how about you girls though what would you rather well you change it to an AI mate so the AI and then how about you make one up right now wait I don't know it goes through John's John's brain do you do would you I'm really on the spot you have to do that yeah others or we do like we'll do an ethical one oh unethical would you rather John this is quite this has probably been asked a lot would you rather kill one person or six right isn't that a whole trolley thing oh yeah I don't think that's the way they were yeah two people would all right um would you rather if I could go and no one knows or everyone thinks that you [ __ ] goat but you didn't this is quite topical as well because like what do you care more about like I think I would rather they think I [ __ ] a girl yeah I think just about I just couldn't do it you know I couldn't I couldn't do it I think deep down everyone thinks I think deep down knowing what I had done or not done is way more important than what people think I agree can you imagine you were just like you know imagine you take a girl on a date and some guy walks past he says you you're that guy [ __ ] to go exactly you can't say actually no I didn't it's just everyone thinks I do and yeah but everyone's like no no he did yeah exactly 100 oh that's awful why go as well yeah what's a sexy animals why I'm me and Marion have Harry Potter oh my God sorry Robin Hood Robin Hood it's just a joke the cartoon version oh yeah have you ever seen um oh what's that basketball movie from the Space Jam what an absolute World we've talked about like hot cartoon characters I've brought I've brought that one up though every single time um Lola Bunny is not hot you I do I do obviously understand it's just hard but I'm saying compared to Mid Marion like her voice was just you know what I'm talking about the cartoon you're saying it so fast as well Robin Hood no Robin Hood the cartoon well you know Robin Hood like the story the old like old school like hand-drawn Disney like cartoon yeah so there was a fox oh yeah she's she's cute yeah man come on let's go and just let her Aura in the movie as well like just just cute man are you like a good girl dude I just like this fox man like Lola Bunny is there like short shorts um she's there with like a little like nun hat and flowers sorry what yeah pull up uh looks like the girl what he's like he's like love interest you know that one this one man no you're weird yeah yeah I mean I'm into it let's go let's go you know she's 11. it didn't matter that our context is gonna be crazy it's actually like probably under a year old no I'm trying to say I'm talking about like I'm thinking of an age when you talk about being in class and being like I wasn't on the register but I should have been that's good that's good though no I'm talking about like did those two get put together [Applause] I'm saying that it doesn't matter um what do you mean it doesn't matter I meant like no it's a cartoons there's no ages in it like this is not a good road to go down either stop this I assume then on what the [ __ ] that's a rabbit that's what it's based off sexy no what is going on it's called freezy now get get more oh Roxanne to be found a little bit no well yeah it's like people that like the uh Pokemon trainers and stuff like Misty yeah yeah Misty's like eight years old well that's why I'm like oh yeah my girlfriend uh it wasn't that one [ __ ] reminded me of it the girl from um Shark Tale how would she just finished probably a year or two and this is but like she's demonstrably a woman at least yeah it's JLo so it's uh Angelina Jolie sorry Angelina Jolie yeah see that's weird Beast what all right now Randy's gonna incriminate himself I think we stop it well let's call it there yeah sorry so uh as always check out Arthur in the description down below go subscribe you're almost at 500 000. yeah nice nice so yeah go subscribe thank you guys for watching thank you for listening and we'll see you next week peace peace foreign
Channel: What's Good Podcast
Views: 730,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whats good, miniminter, randolph, podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 36sec (6456 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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