Minecraft Xbox - Mario Universe Hunger Games

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video today i am playing a round of hunger games on a map called mario universe hunger games and no surprise this is a mario themed hunger games map this was built by mr mike b and i am playing with lion maker mini god netty plays stampy llama face paige the panda uh haydn hill hayden hill sorry and uh tomahawk 1989 and so everyone seems to be ready to go into their pods i mean they're pipes they're mario pipes everyone's waiting for me so let's hop in and let the games begin we're going to be having a two-minute grace period so there's two minutes where we're not allowed to attack each other which is good which means i'm almost guaranteed to survive for two minutes and we are off and that was a good start already got a bone no i didn't get it i didn't get it there we go i managed to steal something i'll get the iron get the iron get the one there we go i got the iron i get a fish as well if i get some stuff from this chest oh there's a diamond pickaxe there that's actually really good that's almost as good as an iron sword let's try and steal some stuff from nettie oh look a fire aspect uh flower i got there that was a pretty good start actually a very good start if i'm honest and a potion of slowness and a fire aspect flower and a cookie and all sorts of grand things and let's go go go go i believe this is um luigi's haunted mansion i'm running in here i've never played this map before uh so i have no idea what it is we're gonna be finding uh which is always the most exciting way to do things and look i got a another piece of iron i could make an iron sword if i wanted but then again as i said i'm pretty sure uh correct me if i'm wrong and i know you will i'm pretty sure that the whoa that's a chicken oh yeah i'm pretty sure that the the uh the diamond axe is as good as the uh the iron sword i believe and up this is just a toilet with a creeper ghost in i don't want to go in there yeah i think this is i think this is supposed to be the haunted mansion balls of enchanting uh there's some more boots down there or some socks down there another bottle of enchanting and some arrows all in a stick actually i need the stick don't like to make the the iron sword uh so i might go and try and make that if i can i seem to be still being followed by a very big chicken so i want to watch out for that is anything in this room nope just a very bright and uh colorful room in here and this is the the balcony where there are lots of anvils and oh there's a there's a ladder there could i hope oh oh there we go ah this is pretty sneaky wasn't it i can get up to the uh to the roof i guess then is there anything up on the roof hmm i think this might have just been a different way to get up here oh there's some chunks here which aren't loaded in i am not hosting the game so i might have to every now and then uh wait for some of the uh the chunks to load in but we're just going to deal with that uh as it comes and this is this is very spooky up here isn't it oh there's a chest here oh just got some scary music uh i won't but actually let me see if there's a secret sometimes uh when you play these music discs uh it maybe opens things up or is it just gonna play scary music nope i think it is just gonna play scary music well at least we get some spooky music while we're up here setting the mood and we can go even higher so i'm going to look up here see if there's anything good at the top and then i'm going to go and look at some of the others oh look a diamond i might be going to make a diamond sword if i get another diamond there seems to be bowser's castle there's a peaches castle over there and i think that might be wario's wario's castle in that direction and all that there's another chest behind here please have another diamond in oh that'd be too good oh a dog oh there's a dog spawn oh that's a skeleton spawner and a bone i think i just assumed it would be a dog just because it was next to the uh the bone so what i think i really want to do now is just try if i can uh to um to get another diamond i reckon there might be a diamond maybe on the top of one of the other castles maybe there's a diamond on top of each of the castles that would be rather handy is there anything else good in here that i can find and this is really funky music it does actually sound a little bit like mario music doesn't it and i don't think i've missed any chess in here uh sorry if i have i know you always tell me because i always missed chess but sorry if i missed any chest let's go head downstairs then shall we any hidden things behind the paintings nope right how did i how did i get up here i went up that weird secret ladder didn't i but surely there's got to be a different way you could have got up here unless that was just the only way and i'm just getting completely lost now right this is where i came in this room from and then is there no way down that way i don't think there is i think the way i got up here might have been the only way you could have got up here so let's go back down the balcony and uh keep heading down this way i got another potion of poison here as well which is even better than the the last one i got so i'm going to keep that at hand i should probably also keep the uh the ender pole at hand in case i'm gonna need that all right now let's see if i can find my way out of this house and then go to one of the other sides we are now out of the grace period which means that if i see anyone uh there's a good chance they're going to attack me in fact there's an almost definite chance they're going to attack me oh look i can attack them though there's someone here standing in the middle not paying attention i got to go for them i know they're gonna hit me off they're gonna hit me off i'm getting really knocked close to the edge there right i gotta go after them why can't i get them i don't think that they're just holding a piece of bread i think right go go go go go go go i'm just chasing ring around the rosies around the middle here i wanna be really careful that they don't knock me off there we go i was able to take them out though and i was able to steal all of their things and let's go to let's go to bowser's casters shall we this one looks rather funky but oh no there's probably going to be lots of lava in the area here whoa look at this place this place looks awesome actually look at the uh the size of it i should probably get some some food at hand because i am going to start getting hungry so go and eat some of my num nums and this is a yep this is a chunk not loaded in here so i guess i am not going to go around that way at all there's a chest right here at the front though someone's probably already got it but i might as well have a quick check just to see yeah already been looted so what i really want is to try and find a another diamond and because this side is not loaded in very much i might actually go to one of the other side let's go to peach's castles peach's castle is probably a lot friendlier than a bowser's car so let's go and head this way it looks like there is already someone's been in there there's a chest here but there's god that's gotta be looted yep definitely looted i can't see anyone behind me and also that stampy llama face was slain by my minigun oh here's tomahawk his tomahawk and he hasn't seen me yet i was able to poison though i was able to poison him let's go after him let's go after him he's only got a wooden sword and yes there we go another kill i am doing very good at the start this game i don't have any um more chess plates yet um but this is still a very good start by me i've taken out two people already this um this uh diamond uh axe is really good and look we're going down the mario pipe as we go down and oh look we're going through the the mario pipe let's go and uh see what is going to be on the other side i mean my big challenge is still basically uh to try and uh get myself a uh the the other diamond that's going to be what i'm going for and what am i doing here i'm just making a mess of all of my inventory i was trying to get the uh the flame sword back there and have i got a um an enchanted piece of gold i believe i do is that uh yeah a magic star with knock back oh i could try and knock someone off a bridge or something that would be quite cool i have so many interesting things i can use and oh no it looks like the uh the chunk hasn't loaded in on this side here either so let's just uh keep an eye and make sure no one's going to sneak up on me if i stay right in the middle of this pipe then people shouldn't be able to come at me from either side uh we do have gamer tags turned off so people won't be able to see me unless they're close to me uh but after a certain amount of time we are gonna then turn them back on and then that way we can all go after each other so here we go my pipe has loaded in so let's go and keep off heading this way uh i've taken out two people but there's still plenty of people running all over the place so i do want to be very careful and there's a chest up here anything in this chest uh nope just a whole load of maps let's go and put some more maps in there that seems to be the map chest so let's just go and put all of these maps and things that i don't want in here and uh let's go and carry on so is this peach's castle still or is this loop me around to to somewhere else i think i'm just in a completely different area of the map it looks like a a bit of a a ghost castle again to be honest and oh no this is taking me straight back to the middle i think i just went in one castle and out the oven oh look see on the top of there i think that's nettie upstairs over there all right let's see if we can go after my sister it's part of the game i'm not being mean we've got to go after everyone uh so as you i'm sure you know it's basically the last person alive wins and so to do that you need to go and try and take out everyone else and oh look there's lots of money in here look there's lots of big piles of gold all over the place and i might actually want to get some more food soon that's the the one thing that i don't have too much of and whoa there's a massive piranha plant oh that's huge can you go in it can you go inside of it i'm not sure if you can but how do you get up on top of here this is where nettie was you've got to be able to get upstairs here somehow there seems just to be a few little dungeons down here a lot of these chests have had most of the uh the good stuff taken from them and i got a um a few bottles of enchanting here though so i might actually go and splash these get a few levels and i might actually go and try and enchant my bow if i can would be uh pretty handy and what did i have here let's just put some food here for now and uh are these ladders are these gonna lead to anywhere i can get a little bit higher and get to the second floor here i've no idea how you would get all the way to the top i don't think anyone's been up here though these doors weren't open so let me go and have a look up on the uh the other side as well let's see if there was any good loot hiding up here any chests at all there is a chest and inside it is absolutely nothing what a waste of time right so i'm still on the other hunt for that that final diamond i guess then and oh is this ah here we go this is how you get upstairs on this castle here i think there's just a good chance there's going to be a diamond at the top of all of these castles just because there was on the other one but uh this is right where nettie was and it looks like uh she's already stole all of the the good stuff from this chest here i will get the um the golden apple oh an enchanted golden apple even better that could save my life if i need it but i don't seem to be able to get any higher this way oh no up there that's where she was i could try and have a go ender pearling if i aim a bit like this i could throw an ender pearl up here and see if i could get up the top there and try and get that chest oh i did it that was perfect that was amazing actually and in the chest there is absolutely diddly squat what a big waste of time oh i think you go up pipes i think you go up pipes will lead you uh to this area here right let's go down this pipe then i love doing this i love going down the mario pipes it's so much fun i love this map i love mario as well so it's cool uh just being on a map themed around something that you like right i want to be careful because i think this is close to where nettie was and whoa this is a very long pipe let's see where it's uh where it's going to to lead me to the problem with when i play hunger games is after a while i kind of get into a habit of just looking around the map and enjoying wandering around and then i kind of forget that there's lots of other people going after me so i need to remember that i got to stay on my guard uh just in case someone tries to go after me and oh i think i've gone into a just like a graveyard here and something shooting at me please just be a googly there's not someone around here is there i can't see anyone i can hear i can hear skeletons i can hear skeletons shooting at me i have no idea where they are and i thought it was going to be my love garden then when that big pink thing started loading in where are the where are the skeletons i have no idea oh well let's keep wandering around here and see if there's any more chests so once i got that diamond i think i'm almost guaranteed to win because then i can very easily make a diamond sword and uh there's not much better than a diamond sword and look another golden apple that is going to be very handy so basically golden apples when you eat them i'm sure you know this but i say anyway it basically makes you uh regenerate makes your health go up much faster so if i'm weak somewhere i can quickly eat my golden apple and that should help me out big time in this chest here i've got some boots i think i've already got boots don't i have already got boots i suppose the the gold ones are slightly better so i might as well uh go and put these on anyway it doesn't matter uh too much though and then let's go and carry on wandering around and oh look that's what it was that's what the big pink thing want was it was the back of this guy's tongue it's just his big tongue there and is that all there is in this area do i have to go back through that pipe again uh the one that i came here i think that might be everything that you can you can do around here oh there's the skeleton standing up there on the tree there's the skeleton and all can i go in can i go in here oh this might be some sort of hidden secret i feel like i'm going into some type of tomb i better not get stuck in here come on open please open door it open for a second and there we go there we go now i have got inside okay where's this uh where's this going to lead to i'm getting a bit worried just because i haven't seen anyone in a while and i don't know it just makes me get a little bit more nervous when i haven't seen someone in a bit and i think the only thing that i really want is a food now and that diamond of course and oh what's this i've come out of the water somewhere and i heard a chest oh there's someone right here there's someone right here let's try and poison that's nettie let's try and poison her there we go i got a good poison on her can i hit her she's already hurting me but no i was able to take her out and she had that diamond she had that diamond she must have stole it from the uh the top of that castle that i was on earlier and she had some more iron down here as well i'm gonna grab that i might even be able to make myself some iron armor at some point and i think this was the uh the chest that she was looking through and so i might just go and empty out some of these things that i don't need into this chest or like an iron helmet that is going to be very handy she had the iron axe that she was unique using and then that little bit of iron so let me just go and throw away a few more of these these things that i don't need another map there i'm probably not going to use that i'm not going to use the flint and steel or the socks and stuff so and i don't need all of these bows i got more than enough bows so here we go i've managed to sort out my inventory a bit and so now the next thing i need to do oh look at this look at this a little hidden potion down here this is a invisibility potion ah this could actually be pretty handy so let me have this at hand uh invisibility potions don't work very well because they can still see your armor and they can also see the bubbles coming off as well so they're not the best things in the world uh but yeah they can still be uh pretty useful they might be they make you less visible than if you didn't have one so it's better to have one uh than to not so actually a bucket of lava as well this could also uh come in very handy for if i'm trying to escape i can kind of throw it down behind me i guess and to try and slow people down so i can have that as well right let me try and find my way out of this area i don't think there's anywhere else for me to go apart from the the way i got here as far as i can see anyway can i not jump over anywhere here nope okay let's go back down through this well then and let's go back to the graveyard and then through the big pipe and then i might try and head my way back to the middle because i think that's where the uh the crafting tables were so then hopefully i can make myself a diamond sword oh oh there we go i thought i was going to be locked in here then but nope it did open up right now how did i get to this area i remember i came through a big pipe but where is the the pipe on this side i don't know i got scared i was going to get stuck in this bit now i seem to be doing quite well and so whenever i do well i'm just worried that i'm gonna do something stupid and mock it all up right so where was the entrance to the pipe oh that was a spider falling from a tree there that scared me a little bit um oh here we go here we go it was down by the tongue wasn't it that's it was down by the tongue so let's go and uh head back this way if we can and uh let's go and head back down through the pipe there's a creeper up there so i want to be careful he doesn't drop down on me and oh look i can see someone gamer tags have been switched on there is someone up above me over there i don't think there's any way for them to easily get to me uh so i should be okay but i do want to i do want to keep an eye out though nonetheless and so at least this way i know no one should hopefully sneak up on me because they have gamer tags on so unless they're crouched and then gamer tags are invisible i should hopefully be okay i'm still getting hungry here though and i am starting to to run out of food so let me go and eat some of this bread and i do have a little bit of food left there we got a little bit of raw beef that i can eat if i get hungry again it's always very important to keep your hunger up because then that way you can always sprint and then if you do get hurt your health is gonna start regenerating immediately and look there's some string on the ceiling there how cool anyway so let's go try and find that crafting table is there oh look there is there's one in the middle uh down there so let me try if i go and jump down here and then i'll go and take out the spider if i can get back spider leave it out and then i can go and jump down here is there any quick way down now i'll just go down the stairs let's play it safe shower let's get my hunger up and then let's go and try and make that diamond sword and then i should hopefully be set for victory i think i'm getting a bit too confident now whenever i get too confident that's when things end up going wrong so let me try and very quickly get to the middle cause i'm very exposed out here let me go and get to the crafting table quick as i can make myself the the diamond sword go go go go go quicker quicker quicker now let's run now let's run let's run which side should we go to uh let's go uh over to here for now there's a doggie down there oh there's a person down there oh run away run away run away run away run away run away run away i saw the dog before i saw the line well let's get in here then i need to go and try and get my diamond sword out as quick as i can oh no he's still chasing he's still chasing he's still chasing right let's um uh invisibility myself and then let's try and slowness him and let me try and get up here to this pipe if i can and now let me try and get the the diamond sword out there we go i now have the diamond sword out i should hopefully i'll be able to do a little bit better now right he's got slowness on him and so well i think he did i think i hit him so i might be able to to push him back if i can and this place looks amazing doesn't it i think this is from a super mario not 3d world the um the uh n64 version what was that called i can't remember what it's called yeah i think this is the uh the castle from that game but i got my my sword now so let me have my sword next to the bow so i can quickly switch between the two and let me see if i can go after linemaker see how rubbish the invisibility potion is you can just completely see my armor running all over the place and looks looks like they're fighting against each other this is perfect i might be able to run in and just take out whoever is strongest out of the out of the two of them right i don't want to get sandwiched in the middle though that's the only problem and here's line maker in here i'm going after him i'm going after him oh no it's lagging a bit it's lagging a bit just keep swinging just keep swinging oh he's trying to run away and him comes tom hing comes tom oh tom's got all diamond armor and stuff on tom is doing very well over here and it looks like tom is chasing after linemaker right i am just going to go and try and take out whoever's that oh that's not tomahawk that's a mini god i believe that is actually i think that's midi god going after lion maker right oh look look at the massive goomba over there that is amazing right so whoever is left out of this battle i think i'm going to go and try and take them out oh did i make it just throw an ender pearl there actually i think he did but it was a rubbish one and he didn't get very far at all right and he's running straight to me he's got to be really weak he's got to be very very weak and there's mini god going after me mini got it midi god is definitely going after me oh no this is switch now this is the opposite from what i wanted to happen and i'm swinging they're hitting me from so far back go go go try and get them try and get them oh look they're going after each other again they're going after each other right i can try and have my golden apple to get my health back up there we go this is going to start putting my health back up this is such an epic fight all three of us going after each other i don't think line makers even using a sword anymore there we go got a good arrow there on mini god maybe one more might take them out i'm not sure if it will though all right let's just carry on the fight let's just carry on the fight we're just going to keep hitting each other until someone's taken down line maker is trying to spawn zombies in really it's come to that i do have a skeleton spawner i could try and spawn one of them in i'm pretty sure it'd go after me though i don't think line maker even has a sword oh here we go he does have a sword i don't think he has a very good one though i think it is just a gold one i love how long this fight's been going on for right looks like lion maker is on the run i think i need to worry about mini god more than lion maker because he seems to have all of the the better things and here we go he was chasing after me then i got a few good shots and now i can switch around and go after him i want to keep looking behind me though just to make sure that a linemaker isn't going to try and sneak up on me there we go got some good hits on mini god there mini god has got to be really weak and mini god does have an iron sword as well it's only uh one worse sword than my one there we go that's some good hits that was some good hits mini gold's got to be so weak there we go i was able to take them out but in comes lion maker can i take them both out can i do it can i do let's have another golden apple e tt that's going to help me oh no but my health's going down it's quicker than it's going up there we go i got my health fully up and now lion maker is on the run come on step b come on you can do it you can do it come on one more person to take out go on you can get them you can get them everyone cheer me on i need it line maker is just gonna run run and run oh look line maker is trying to steal all of the uh the diamond armor all right i do not want to give him a chance to put that armor on but i don't know accidentally crouched then right i don't want to give him a chance to put that armor on i just got to stay on his tail i just need to run run run as fast as i can to try and make sure that he doesn't get a chance to put it on he's just going to try and get away from me try and get somewhere safe and then put on the diamond armor and then he's going to turn around and go back after me i keep getting stuck on all of these blocks though and i think he's the last one left i'm assuming there's no one else left but there might even be some more people around him what's this big thing over here i mean this is a a big catapult we're running under here and oh is he trying to climb up it i think he is i think he tried to climb up it but he kept failing now he's just hiding now he's just trying to hide right i got him trapped i got him trapped and i did it i was able to to take him out is that it that was it he was the last person in the game i was able to win what a round of hunger games that was so much fun it was so close in the end with the other three of us left but i was just about able to take them both out ah dear so that's gonna end this video here hopefully you enjoyed uh watching this map and watching me play on it and there'll be a link in the description to the map builder the other players and a download to the map if you want to play on it for yourself but for now i want to thank you very much for watching and i will see you all later bye
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 12,184,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Xbox (Video Game Platform), Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), Mario (Film Character), The Hunger Games, Video Game (Industry), Mario Universe, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, Round
Id: 3yLoHdK3Xoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 02 2014
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