Minecraft Xbox - World Of Seuss - Hunger Games

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video today i am a cat in a hat and there is a much bigger hat and that is because we are doing a dr zeus themed map this is called the world of zeus and these are all of the the rules over here they're pretty much always the same so i'm not going to worry about them but what is important uh are the people over here and these are the people that built this wonderful map so i'm going to go and pan across here and uh give them the the credit they deserve so thank you uh all of these people for building the map i also want to mention who i'm going to be joined by in this game i'm going to have squishy line maker thimble elfali phoenix chloe and daisy as well and everyone seems to be happy jumping up and down in their pods all waiting for me so i'm gonna get in my host pod and three two one let's go look at that wasting no time and there's a bit of a weird spawn the the chest are actually over here so you've gotta go and try and grab them that wasn't very good only a wooden sword a baked potatoes okay though oh nothing good anything good in the top one maybe oh a bit of iron might be good if i can eventually make a sword but overall a bit of a rubbish start for me and so i'm going to ignore them for now and i'm going to go and jump down into the middle like this and uh see if i can go and get some some good stuff so you jump down into the middle like that and then you run around in all of the the four different areas and uh it's all dr seuss themed uh uh themed things and i hear you can say it's saying uh i do not like green eggs and ham sam i am one of the the most famous dr seuss books there and i saw a chest up here on the top of this wave and look at this map as well it's kind of a shame on playing hunger games on it because i kind of just want to go around and look at it all and here we go i've got a stone sword already that's pretty good so i'm going to go and have that at hand in case i am attacked uh we do have a um a two minute grace period which means there are two minutes in which we are not allowed to attack each other so at least for now i am going to be safe but i'm more worrying about what's going to happen after the two minute grace period when everyone's going to start attacking me so let me go and get my levels up and i'm going to go grab and end a pearl so i have that at hand so if in a panic i need to escape i can do so and let's go look around here i'm trying to see if there's any more chess on top of these waves and sorry if i keep running past them you always tell me off for running past chess and you don't realize when you're in the moment it's very easy to miss things and also uh when trying to commentate it's kind of hard to focus on what you're doing as well as what you're as well as what you're saying and so a lot of the time i watch back the videos myself and i can see all the chess i miss as well it's always obvious when watching it back but when playing it's very hard to notice them so please if i have been running past chess please don't tell me off it's not my fault everyone does it right let me go and uh i saw a chest on the top up here so i need to make uh my way onto the top of this thing's back and i want to be careful there are a lot of people around me and i don't like that and oh look i've got another piece of iron i think i should now be able to make myself an iron sword which will be mighty dandy and so i'm going to go and i'm going to put these boots on as well and grab my food and i'm going to go and try and get to a crafting table and i try and make myself an iron sword hopefully people shouldn't be killing me yeah i can see squishy over there she's normally quite nice so she shouldn't go after me yet and so i'm going to try and get back to the uh the big fish bowl looking thing in the middle and see if i can uh see if i can uh make an iron sword please don't go after me please squishy okay i don't think she's even seen me so i should be okay i think we're just about getting to the end of the the grace period so things might be getting a little bit scary okay she's still running away from me and here we go here's the crafting table let's go and make myself an iron sword there we go i did it i have an iron sword this is good now this is a pretty good start so we're properly into the game now so i could get attacked at any moment but at least i've got myself an iron sword and all it looks like no one's been to to this side then yet i thought uh that chest would have been stolen oh look that chest is left open though which is a bit suspicious hopefully no one's hiding inside and oh there's a big slime i want to avoid him yeah there are there are some chests around here that have been looted and what is it i think this is the the big elephant i think this is horton i think this is horton the the big elephant i didn't get a a good view of it from the front but i'm pretty sure that's what it is i want to try and at least get into each of the quarters so i can show you what they look like and all that these chests have stuff in okay so maybe people haven't explored all of this area yet you've got to be able to get on top of the elephant there's got to be a way to get in the element there just has to be you don't build a big elephant like that in hunger games and then not have a way for people to get on it and i got another stone sword at least i can uh stop other people from getting it and even though gamer tags are off i'm still crouching because i'm used to it and i'm sure i got did i get some did i get some leggings there we go i've got some leather leggings which is better than nothing so what i'm gonna try and do is i'm gonna try and get as many um enchantments as i can balls of enchantment and then i can try and char my iron sword but oh no look there's lots of people running around here and i don't fancy facing them yet and so i can kind of let them go after each other and let them battle it out and then i'm gonna go and try and get away oh no look they're coming after me though i'm gonna go up here because i found a chest on the top of this tree and this one's quite hidden so this one could have some good things in maybe you know no i fell down please don't go after me please don't go after me i'm gonna end a pearl away in case one of them goes after me but i gotta go and look in it oh here we go i've got a chainmail chest plate is that better than what i had already uh yeah i only had gold before so this was definitely worth doing but now i really want to get out of here if i can okay let's go back down the vine so i don't hurt myself and then let's run run run run run run run and get out of here i think i'm okay i don't think there's anyone too close to me i always get scared when game attacks are off though because you can think you're fine you can think there's no one here but then you turn around and they're right in your face and look it looks like this elephant's about to to crush this chest here i didn't think there'd be anything in that one i might have even looked in that one earlier so let's go and try and look in the uh in the the other side then shall we and here's the elephant from the front you can't really see it from down here and look the the battles began it looks like uh that was daisy was slain by lion maker so i'm gonna have to to watch out for him uh something that i do want to try and do is uh get a bow i don't have a bow yet and uh this is a very big and open map which means that long range battles might be something that i'll be getting into so uh having a bow rather than a sword or as well as a sword would be very useful it looks like there's a big fireplace here i can go and jump into here and oh look at this ah this is pretty sneaky please be something good in here just a load of wool really is that the only thing in here um oh is this is this a hidden chest here though bit of gold any other hidden chess rounded no i think this is kind of just a little secret easter egg that people could find nothing particularly useful in here and oh i can see someone i saw someone on the the table top up there okay i might go then and try and take them out and try and steal whatever they had if i can't get anything good myself i just go and steal someone else's things i guess so i don't think they know that i'm here i'm not going to look in that chest because otherwise then they are then they're going to hear me i don't know they got a boat there we go they got what i want and this is squashy can i take her out oh no she's hurting me though and there we go i was able to take her around i don't think there's anyone else near me so i should be able to steal all of her things come on run and pick it up pick it up pick it up quickly quickly now pick them all up they're all over the place and then i need to go and try and run somewhere safe and uh try and uh sort out all of my items there's a lot of stuff here that i don't want i don't need an egg of course why she's carrying around an egg she's a duck and uh can i throw something else away i don't need these there we go i managed to pick up a potion and oh i can get these uh chainmail leggings if i throw my old leggings away they're gonna let me pick them up come on pick them up pick them up pick them up pick up my leggings i need to throw these away there we go i managed to get everything from there that i needed and so now i'm gonna go and hide somewhere safe and uh try and sort out all of my my items i guess uh climbing up on top of the uh the sofa is gonna be the the best way to go there's another little chest down here i can't help but look at it i can't help but look at the chest when i see it and uh nothing that i really want uh there's a carrot i could grab and i'll leave the stone sword there i don't really need that and oh yeah let's go and try and find a way on the sofa here we go there's a ladder right here and oh look lion maker oh line maker was slain by phoenix okay i thought line maker would have some good things because i saw him taking some people out but it looks like he was just taking out himself and there's a chest right here uh i'm not even gonna bother taking that i never bother using cobwebs i always muck myself up when i use them right let's go and hide up here somewhere uh hopefully safe uh there we go no one should see me here and uh let me try and sort out what i had then so there we go i got some chainmail leggings uh i've got a potion of slowness could be quite useful um i got oh i had a spare leggings as well anyway and i got my bow which is what i really wanted so i'm gonna have my iron sword then i'm gonna have my bow and i've got my potion of slowness and i can have my ender pearls so i can get them quite easily here and a potion of swiftness as well i'm not gonna put them next to each other because i don't want to get confused between them because they literally do opposite things but i'm feeling okay now i'm feeling all right so did i get any more balls of enchanting i didn't so that's my next goal i've got a good iron sword all i want to do now is enchant it and make it even better and so there we go there's some bottles of enchanting and some more arrows and let me go and throw away a lot of these a lot of these things that i don't need i don't want to put too much good stuff in here just in case someone else finds it and then they steal it all and i'm giving them better things but i don't want to be carrying everything around because if i um if i take someone out i don't want to be uh struggling to pick up all of their things again like i was uh like i was earlier with squishy so i'm dude i'm feeling okay i'm going to go and splash myself with these bottles of enchanting then i'm going to go and try and make my way to the middle and uh try and enchant my my iron sword then so i want to be careful though i know that phoenix is probably going to have some good things because he took out lion maker and i'm quite aware there's probably lots more chess around here i could get i don't want to waste any time i want to go and be as quick as i can to make sure that i try and win so let me go and gradually make my way down here it seems to be clear as far as i can see is there any is there anything in here i didn't look in the in the bookshelf there's probably got to be a chest hiding behind here somewhere oh no okay okay looks like we have some ladder parkour i'm going to give myself one attempt one attempt at this if i fail i'm not going to try again because this looks rather difficult oh that was an okay start i've got up to here this isn't this isn't actually as hard as i thought it would be and i probably shouldn't say that because i've not done it there we go look i wanted to do that i did ladder parkour first go not too shabby there's got to be some good stuff in here after doing that they've got to reward me for that pickaxe some wheat and a compass i did i couldn't actually think of three worst items that i could have found from there there's got to be something good up here though come on game please give me something nice i want to win this game oh not more parkour they reward me from completing it by giving me more of what i don't want oh i got some some balls of enchanting again which is uh something that i was actually looking for so that's okay i guess so let me splash them i've got four levels now so i could get an okay enchantment and let's uh let's give this a go then right i'm gonna things this is uh this is a big drop here though right i'm gonna do if i drop i can throw the ender pearl and it will hopefully uh be able to to save my life is what i'm thinking but this is probably a bad idea to do this this is probably not going to end well but oh well i'm feeling i'm feeling courageous today i'm feeling courageous so i'm going to attempt the difficult parkour and the big drop anyway let's do it keep going up and it's a good chance to to look over the room and look at that look at the big cat in the hat that is amazing i totally missed that when i walked in here see if i didn't climb up here i might have missed one of the most amazing builds in the map and let's keep climbing shall we i think i'm nearly there one more big jump and there we go i made it to the top there's got to be something amazing up here surely there we go here's the chest here's the hidden chest and there is look an enchanted sword i don't even need to to enchant the other sword i've been given one anyway and look we've got lots of arrows food and an iron chest plate okay i think this was worth it i think it was definitely worth coming up here so let me let me kid up then let me go and uh put on my my iron chest plate and uh i got to think about getting back down i guess and what does this sign say leap of faith um oh they want me to jump and try and land on that ladder no i don't fancy doing a leap of faith let me just check there's no more chess up here there's an anvil there but that's not really going to help me who's left then who's left we've got me i'm sure line maker died okay i guess he's uh maybe lion maker keith uh killed phoenix then maybe i read it wrong so it's me lion maker lee and chloe and uh rather than doing the old leap of faith i think i'm gonna do this the the safer way and uh let me just go and oh look there's someone down there there's someone down there let me try and end a pearl just to this sofa and then i can go down the ladder might be a safer one oh elfa lee was killed by lion maker and look there's someone underneath me if they climb the ladder i can try and knock them off and that might be enough to kill them actually and then i could go to the middle and instead of enchanting my sword i could enchant my bow instead eh what do you say about that not too bad of an idea is it right is that person gonna climb the ladder though let me wait here for a little bit and if i see them climb or get round that corner i'm just going to hide and then when they get to the top i'm going to knock them off and then i can jump down and try and steal all of their things there's no other way up until the sofa is there i'm pretty sure this is the only way up so i should be safe but i can't see where that person went oh look they're down there they're down there okay they're looking in that chest here they're probably gonna go and try and climb up onto the onto the sofa next i don't think they've seen me they don't seem to be like someone who knows where we are is he climbing up has he seen oh no they're just going underneath me oh no he's going to climb up is he oh he's found a chest there i think that is that line maker maybe i think they've got an iron chestplate okay they've gone underneath me right i can still have the element of surprise here i don't think they know where i am i need to make sure i'm very quiet and sneaky but if i come down here i might be able to sneak up behind them while they're looking in the chest i don't believe they have any idea that i'm here but now they do now they do now they know that i'm here although they're trying to fire arrows at me or they got a flame one they got flame bow right let me try and get in close and use my good sword then if i can and then i can use the my flame stuff on them there we go this is good this is good i know but they've set me on fire now oh no they're knocking me back they're knocking me back this is not good this is not good now they're chasing after me but there's a spider behind them can i take her out use my bow keep shooting her back keep shooting her back and there's a spider going after as well now the spider's going after me now all right let's run away let's run away i think she wanted to run away as well and so did i let's have my swiftness potion and let's get out of here that could have gone either way i reckon she was just as weak as i was i think we are both lucky to surprise her that was intense though what an intense battle right now i've got my swiftness i got the um i got the advantage now i think i might be able to sneak up on her again and if i see someone else coming after me at least i should be able to to run away she had that bow though that bow gave her the advantage it nearly took me out i thought i was gonna win but that bow nearly got me so what i'm gonna do is try and enchant my bow then if i fight her again i should have the the advantage let me try and get a good enchantment i just want to be quick i want to be quick okay i got power it's not as good as what she had but at least i've got something a little bit better now so let me go and put my bow here and my cook fish there and let's see if i can go after her again is she still down here is she still under the sofa maybe she's climbed on top of it now all right i want to keep out i want to keep her keep an eye out and uh see if i can find her well there's lots of zombies around here you don't think they're going after her do you the chest which is left open down here all right let me go and have a look around here is she still underneath here hmm i can't see her anywhere i want to make sure she doesn't sneak up on me but no i can't i can't seem to to find her anywhere quick look in this chest nope she's not hiding in the chest okay i think she's scarpa then i think uh she decided to run away and she's probably just hiding somewhere around here so what i'm gonna do and i'm gonna ignore her for now i'm not gonna spend my whole time here looking for her i'm gonna go and try and wander off somewhere else i can't see her up above me either i can't see her on the sofa anyway and so as i said i want to try and see every corner so i'm going to go to another side of the map now and see what we can uh what we can find over there i'm not going to bother looking up here because squeeze she was up there earlier so if there was anything good up there she's probably good and i just saw the goldfish in there i remember seeing the the goldfish in the books and i still can't see chloe so let's go and have a look down this way ignore the spider if we can and let's look in this side and whoa this side looks cool this side looks really awesome i don't i'm not very good with the uh the names of everything in dr seuss however there's lots of amazing things everywhere where we go and so let's go and try and find everyone else so it's a it's only me a line maker and chloe at the moment and i kind of know the general area where chloe is kind of where i came from but i have no idea where lion maker is so i want to be uh really careful and did i hear her oh yeah i heard a trap door there a um a pressure plate sorry which i stood on that made me panic a little bit i'm really trying to listen out to see if i can hear anyone and are all these chests looted yep all these chests are looted by now there's no point uh climbing up there it's sort of the the point in the game where it comes less about uh trying to find items and uh much more about just battling and trying to to win the fight and my best tactic and what i always try to do is try and get the uh the two remaining people uh to fight each other and then uh whoever's left weak i can go and run in and try and finish them off and we do have a rule that when there's only two people left uh we're then going to turn gamer tags on and then that way we're going to know where they are so if one of us dies gamer tags will be then switched on and then yeah it'll be much easier to find each other so i don't think there's anyone in this quarter then and so there's only a one more quarter for me to to go to so let me try and uh find my way to that oh no this isn't the this isn't the the middle i'm getting really confused around there and i want to keep my hunger up actually my hunger keeps going down i want to keep this as high as i can so that way if i do get hurt then my health is going to start regenerating instantly so there we go i've got my my health back up and i got my good sword i got a decent chance here i feel like i should have waited to get a a better enchantment on my bow but i was so scared and panicky that someone was going to sneak up behind me uh yeah i just wanted to i just wanted to get out of there as soon as i could but it doesn't matter let's go carry on exploring and uh let's go and look on the the other side i think it's i've been in this quarter this is where uh the green eggs and ham guy was and that's where the elephant was oh no i've been in all of them i've been into all four quarters then i guess and so all it is about now isn't about seeing the map or finding items it's all about just trying to find the other places and uh i'm here wandering around i want to be careful there's no one hiding up here in the trees anywhere i keep switching to look behind me just in case someone's trying to sneak up from there well there's a stone sword there maybe there's going to be a few spare chests here and look aha is this the way to get in the elephant he seems to have a hole in his foot let's have a look in here and uh there's a wooden sword there there's a chance there might be some some chess still up here it's quite a a difficult thing to spot uh just that one little doorway so there's a chance that uh there might still be a few spare empty chests up here and hopefully uh no lions up here it's a bit of a a bit of amazing here i gotta try and make my way through idea if there is a chest here hopefully i will have something decent in it because it's quite you've got to go quite out of your way to get in here and i never knew what was inside of elephants i guess what's inside of elephants is mazes we now know all right let me try and work my way around this way maybe i'm rubbish at mazes i don't like maters either i always do so bad there's a doorway up there but there doesn't seem to be a way to get to it i can't see anyone else in the maze i can hear some googlies i can hear some googlies growling i guess i need to try and make myself uh try and get uh to the opposite side of the room that i came in on and i seem to be doing that okay go around this way is this it here is this the exit no oh here we go i think i can see a doorway down here and there we go i made it through the maze and i got a feather yay that was worth it i reckon that these chests have already been looted then unless there's going to be something better up here maybe i mean it might just be a nice way to look over oh this is just leading back out again oh that was just their other chest right what a waste of time i guess as someone had already been through the the maze then so that was a little bit of a waste of time but it doesn't matter let's just go and uh carrying on trying to find everyone else it's still uh just me lion maker and chloe at least it's day now at least i wasted the night while in there so it should be easier to to spot everyone else and i can't see them here though hopefully there's going to be no one in this quarter to try and sneak up with me and i reckon there's going to be a way to get on its back as well maybe there isn't you're just assuming that don't have a way oh look there's someone here i totally missed him oh that's chloe that's chloe that's not a hymn that's a her there we go i've got two good early shots there then though and is she running oh she's running she's running she's scared she's got really good stuff that's a an enchanted iron chest plate she's wearing there and i think she's trying to hide round the tree let me run around is that only a stone sword she's got i think i have the better sword here and i'm gonna go and try and shoot her with arrows as she runs they want some very good shots i need to eat as well though she's there darting left and right trying to avoid the arrows i am not going to let her go though i'm going to go and try and sneak around the other way if i can okay i think she knows where i am if i get some good shots then i'm just going to charge in she's got that really good bow though so i want to be careful and i also want to make sure that line maker doesn't sneak up behind me if i see him coming up behind her i'm just going to try and keep her in place oh no she set me on fire here though all right let's back off for a little bit then let's back off it's her turn to to chase me i guess and yep she is chasing me down she is chasing me down right if i can try and run to line maker i can try and pit them off against each other she's still chasing me she surely is she's not going to let this go where she right now i can try and push her back now my hearts have come back up oh no she set me on fire again this isn't good this really isn't good this really isn't good now this is really really bad really really bad oh no she's trying to set me on fire again that bow is so good i need to be better at dodging it i think i'm not dodging it very well so i guess if i do better at that it won't hurt me so much but here's line maker here's line maker he might be here to save my day there we go he's going after chloe he's going after chloe now then okay so all i need to do is get them to fight each other then i can run in and take out the winner okay they're definitely going after each other hey chloe's going to be really weak so if i go after lion maker then hopefully i'm going to be able to win this is he going to see that i'm behind him though that's the big question is he going to turn around and go after me i think he's pretty focused on taking out chloe and so if i get really close behind him i might be able to surprise him and take him out okay here we go keep chasing go on chloe that's it that's it we can both team up on lion maker then we can just carry on our fight as we were going there we go this is good this is good i think he's only just now realized that i'm here now he's going after me he's got to be so weak though he's got to be so weak keep shooting him back i've got no arrows left i've got no arrows left there we go i was able to take him out though and now i can steal all of his things this is amazing this is amazing that went so well he had so much iron armor i can go back here now let me have something to eat to get my my hunger back up so my health's going to go up and let me hide around the corner here and let me try and put on his armor if i can quickly i don't know that's my iron sword i want to get that back and he had the he had the same iron sword as me actually he had a he had a flame one let me go and put my iron on and he looks enchanted enchanted boots and uh iron leggings as well and uh he had plenty more arrows as well so i got all of my arrows back this is good now this is good i got a good chance of taking out chloe she seems to have been by nemesis throughout the entire game the only problem though is she still has that flame bow which might be the might be the end of me what i want to do is try and fight her as close as i can i think she's coming now to try and steal some of line maker things well let's just do it let's just go for it let's just go up behind and there we go i've got a good chance oh no she set me on fire again though she set me on fire this isn't good this isn't good is she gonna charge in it's not hurting me so much now though because i've got all of this armor on and i'm doing some good job dodgers here this didn't actually hurt me too bad so if she comes in then i might be able to to finish her off let me go and try and sneak around this side if i can and surprise her is she still here oh no she's running away again this is such an epic battle it's been going on for so long all right let me try and climb up here and try and surprise her if she comes around and uh she has no idea that i'm here there we go i was able to surprise her i was able to surprise him why is my um why is my sword not setting her on fire i thought it was a blame uh a flame one did i pick the wrong sword maybe here we go i'm charging in she's gotta be really weak because she's running she's gonna probably turn around and try and hit me again with the bow here we go i gotta get her now i gotta get her now why is she not dead there we go i managed to win that was an intense battle if ever i've had an intense battle me linemaker and chloe all going after each other and i was able to win that was probably one of the best rounds of hunger games i have ever had that was so much fun that was so much fun it was so close so intense i was so almost taken out by chloe so well done chloe if you're watching this back and i'm gonna very quickly fly over the map so you can see it all from uh from above i really want to show you horton the elephant from the front so you can see what he looks like and now he's holding a nice pink flower as well for me and so yeah an absolutely amazing map if you want to download it there'll be a link to it in the description as well as a link to the uh the channels of the uh the main map builders as well and a link to all of the uh the other players that were playing in this game if you want to see it from their view sadly though that's the end of this episode here so i want to thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 12,102,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthorugh, Gameplay, Commenatry, Stampy, Finnball, Sqaishey, Lionmaker, World Of Seuss, Dr Seuss, Map, World, Online, Download, Build, Fight, Battle, Console, Edition, Version, The Hunger Games, Survival Games, Cat, Hat
Id: fIaUicQod2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 21 2014
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