Minecraft Xbox - Disney Pixar - Hunger Games

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video today i am playing another round of hunger games and you can get a a little glimpse of the map down there no spoilers i've nicely looked at this map properly there's going to be a surprise for me but it's a a disney pixar themed map and i think is this the rules over here are these are the the people that helped build the map so a big shout out to all of them and a big thank you for helping build them up so we can play and here is one of the the map builders right there there's MZ who's one of the people that helped build the map and here we go so disney pixar hunger games these are some of the the main builders so big shout out to all of them hello Lee how you doing down there you okay peek-a-boo peek-a-boo peek-a-boo anyway over here we have another sign which is uh oh these are the rules oh there are four secret chess for up the map try your best to find them a load in plastic texture pack I believe I've done that yes don't break any blocks one minute grace period exit the world upon death and I think there's one last group of signs over here which says well what does this lever do oh I think it does they're the little lights up and down there and awesome but well these are like some reviews that people have done this map is amazing awesome job shout a gunshot he's a friend of mine anyway let's let's go and begin then I should probably say who I'm gonna be joined by sabe I'm not hungry so I can't need any of this cake but yeah I'm gonna be joined by Daisy alpha Lee long shot line maker MC Phoenix and longbow so let's begin in three two one go there we go oh no oh no I gotta lift it up oh okay I guess we don't drop I guess we don't drop I guess we run into the middle Hey that was an exciting start so it looks like we got the I think this is a Monsters Inc this side over here and I can see well there's a chest down here let me go and try and grab this one as quick as I can so as I said we got a one minute grace period I think so I should be fine I kind of we bother to get that to get that wooden axe that's not going to help me too much or there's another little hidden chest down here we go got a bow that's pretty handy and I might as well put my armor on now before I forget so I got a bow and one arrow that's all I've got to defend myself but I guess it will do for now I want to find some of the hidden chests see if I can I got a pickaxe I think that might be slightly stronger than my fish so I think I think it's a pickaxe a stone pickaxe the same as a wooden sword maybe and look at that mass's Sully like I want to have a tour around the map and have a decent chance to look at everything but I also don't want to get taken out so I'm going to try and get suited and booted a try and get as much armor and things as I can and then I can go and start trying to hunt people down and looks like I can go stampy star I got myself some iron booties there so they're gonna at least protect my feet if nothing else as let's go and try and find some more I'm gonna be able to climb up here some how old you reckon this is parkour here I reckon I can jump up those blocks I'm not sure it looks out a little bit too difficult to jump up another any hidden chests behind here it says it's for hidden chests and I know the where the map is split up into four quarters so my educated guess would be that there's one hidden chest in each of the the four corners look at the the massive door there this map looks absolutely amazing if anything I'm a good annoyed that I'm playing hunger games on it and rather than just looking round it to be honest I don't want people to be going after me while I'm trying to look at it but I got some cobwebs and a potion of healing which could help me out so I got an iron ingot as well as if I managed to grab another iron ingots I've got a stick I could actually try making myself a tie and sort it all up some iron leggings another ender pearl I'm game I'm getting pretty decent stuff here I just want to make sure I don't get a snuck up on I got loads of really good things for my bottom half but nothing good for the top half but either thing I'm really going for now is just trying to get one more iron ingot because then once I make my iron sword I then I'll be yeah then I'll be a lot stronger at all looks I can go up through here watch out for them gone sleek grasshoppers I think we might be going into bug's life area which is the second film that Disney Pixar ever made and Wow look at that what a massive transformation already and all look someone down there they've already got a better sort of a look here we go I got my second ironing get right let's go back run down to where I was so there was crafting tables all over the place down there and let's try and make myself an iron sword if I can right let's go over here no one's following me are they I think we are safe I can hear I can hear someone splashing a potion through the wall and let's go and try and make myself an iron sword here we go now things are looking better for me iron sword in hand and all their little chests down here I looked in this one yet oh no there's a stone sword in that one as well oh that would have been handy about five seconds ago until I made my iron sword anyway let's go back into bugs live territory I want to try and at least for a little bit visit all four quarters so I can see what the the different styles are and let's go and try and make my way around here Trek there's gonna be a chest up here somewhere well I think the mall thing there's some ladders there if I jump up around here ALPA sorry everyone you're gonna have to watch me doing parkour you know how this normally goes all that's quite good I just about managed to get up there and I'm climbing up on top of I don't even know what I'm topple on top of here to be honest I want to make sure no one's sneaking up behind me I can't see anyone else in this quarter I'm looking at as good as I can but I can't find anyone I got some bottles of enchanting I which can be a pretty handy I might as well just splash them now and so if I do get an opportunity to insure my iron sword that could help me out big time and I'm also going to grab my Golden Apple so if I get hurt I can eat that to get a little bit of extra regeneration anyway let's go and try and make my way back down and let's go and try make my way to one of the other corners I know one of the other quarters is a Toy Story I know I got a glimpse of that but I'm not sure what the final was is one is and I saw someone in my quartet in my quarter there was someone over there somewhere so I want to be careful let's just see if I'm going that they've got a helmet and a chest plate and I've said no teaming up so they can't try and team up with me but if I'm good I might gonna track them down I believe that might be longshot and who was training for a cobweb down to trap me he actually did he actually managed to trap you in a cobweb I always never see that actually working and he's scared he's seen my iron sword oh no don't run back to this quarter of see this quarter right I think I'm gonna have to try and be sneaky gamertags are off so I got a good chance to try and sneak round and he might not know where I'm coming at him from right I don't know where he is even I think he's around here somewhere let's make sure he doesn't end up sneaking up on me because I've got much better stuff and oh look there was someone there someone else poked around that corner for a second right let's make sure I don't get snuck on behind me I think I'm catching up with him there I think I'm able to catch up with him and there we go we're now in Toy Story territory and there's loads of people all over the place round here I'm a little bit worried about running out right into the middle I'd only get snuck up one I think he's there running away he end up held up there but I think there was someone else up there as well and others loads of people here right let's just get out this quarter for a while look at woody look at Witte up there on top of the dresser right let's just leave this area for a bit because there's quite a lot of people in there I can let them all try and take each other out and let's go into the final quarter and I know which one this is this looks like Finding Nemo looks like we're now under the sea and here's someone for me to go after they're running away from me why are you scared I think this one has facade did they not see me and I think Daisy saw me and if she was running away from me I think she was just running around anyway look look how much stuff she had she had like almost everything right there we go I have now got loads more loot let's just try and hide somewhere where no one's gonna see me and then I can go and put all this extra armor on I think I saw like a poison potion and all sorts there I think she had some great stuff so let's go and try and get somewhere safe let's go inside of this massive chest here under the water and try and gear up if we can all look it's full of gold on rich on rich on rich right if I go and all the honor the someone in here the song right in here I can go and catch them I can catch them they let them even got their sword out I don't even if they have a sword I don't even know who that is to be honest or they slash through some they splash with swiftness they're trying to run away I might be able to get a good shot in there big sure oh I hit them I hit them one more big shot no okay they've got away there's no way I'm gonna be able to to catch up with them that terrified me though I don't think there's gonna be anyone else in here right well we go I can put or put a gold chest plate on does he have a helmet at all there we go I've got a leather helmet which is better than nothing I got a a potion of poison and another potion of healing so let me go and put all of my all of my sword and bows and stuff together so here we go got some at any dandy stuff now to be honest I'm not looking too bad and lion-o a longshot was slain by lionmaker by the by the looks of things let's empty out my pockets a little bit I don't need this many things and I've also got another two iron ingots and if I get two more I could even try crafting some more iron things actually I think I need 5 to make an iron helmet which would be a pretty useful rabbie let's go and have a little bit more of an explore around this area there's a little chest down here most of these chests have probably been looted now though to be honest I reckon that most of these are going to be empty just because the games been going around for so long so they've got stew this gets to the point where almost everything is already taken and it's more about fighting rather than gathering things so let's just go and empty out my pockets a bit more so that way if I do run into someone I then that way I can just focus on picking up all of their stuff and yeah not worrying about it too much so there we go let's empty out some of those things here there's gonna have a quick look in this chest see if there's anything in there no nothing particularly useful another little chest down here gonna be anything good or someone's coming someone's coming right forget the chest forget the chest right I got my my potion of poison at hand and so if they charge me down I can try poisoning them I could try jumping up here I guess and then I could try and get the high ground which might give me a big advantage I look if they went up here as well they had the same forward as me I think they're there waiting behind that cornice I'm oh look they've just Interpol where they're gonna learn to keep an eye out for them right I'm not sure where they landed all there down there I reckon that ender pearl hurt I've hurt them let's go after them I believe that is longbow so let's go and try and take him out longbows kind of sneaky though I know what he's like so be prepared for an ambush Eyrie is hiding behind here you reckon he's gonna try and ender pearl again oh he tried to splash me with poison here the same for as me as I guess and oh look he almost snuck away that I just caught him in the corner of my eyes I reckon he's hiding behind here somewhere he's trying to try to punch me I don't know if he's got his sword I'm stuck at I'm stuck in a cobweb I think that was there right there we go I had a healing potion they got my health back up now I can go and try and charge him down he's got to be so weak he's only got a stone sword I've almost got full hearts as well try and shoot back with an arrow and go and try and finish him off he's got to be so weak how is he still alive he's got good armor I guess so that's how he's staying alive I guess and I'm not getting stuck on him I know okay he's got to be so weak now though thing is he running away no he's still going after me he's still Oh enough to me how long's this fight gonna go on for how is he still alive how is he honestly still alive I've got any more bows there we go if I trained him that was my final arrow there I think right let's go charge a minute I can't believe how long he's been able to stay alive from this has been crazy right let's go and use just use the poison potion I was trying to save it but seeing how long as he's taking to get killed I might die no no he saved me from so far away that was crazy well it's had lead the Golden Apple and try and get my health back up and then let's go back after my think he's running around this way I can hear him here just getting her I think old barriers there is go after him go after him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him there we go finally after all that time I was finally able to take him down that was quite an epic battle there wasn't it all right let's go once again go and hide somewhere and let's see what goodies along beau were hiding is there anything good thing I can put this on he's got some some enchanted leggings down there don't if there's if they're going to be better than what I have already let's get some pork chops in case I need to get my hunger up at all I think I'm I think I'm gonna be good though right let's go and see who else we're going to be able to track down then let's go back into toy story town and they seem to be where most people were hanging out let's just see there are quite a few people left actually I didn't know how many people were left and look there's all stuff underneath the bed are it's all messy under the bed all let you see that I turned around I just saw a little head poke up who is hiding in the flowerpot come on who is pretending to be a flower are they stuck in there is there any way for them to get out is there any way for me to get in and all I actually think I've got a better chest plate here this might be a bit of a dangerous time to do it but let me try and put the there we go I've got a better chest plate on there that might actually help me out and I think there's someone up in here I have no idea how I get in there are they still up in there have it is gonna be another little head poking out right maybe I need to climb up on this dresser up here or something and then try and jump in once again it's probably not worth me um looking in these chests cuz it's probably all taken what does this say keep fighting soldiers this should help you on your journey or look at here I saw their legs I saw their legs I think they know where I am here we go hello NZ the prized a peek at it surprise I don't know they got a song oh they did nine solved there that was actually a little bit more dangerous than I than I thought it was gonna be all right let's go once again pick up all of their fins or look more iron down there some bottles of enchanting all I can see people fighting in the distance over there right why want to do is um try and get my levels up then I want to try and find an enchantment table cuz if I manage to enchant my sword then I think then I'm gonna almost definitely win so I got two iron swords I got another healing potion here and I got andis front teeth what one of one of these what are these are these snowballs do they do not back or something they are weird I've no idea what those things actually are I don't think I got anything else good from that fight though so I got a healing potion which is okay I managed to get my levels up so I've got four levels now so I should go to get a relatively decent enchantment and there's only three of us left it's me lionmaker and leave their left and someone fire was it did once I see that I think someone was on fire in the middle I know at least here fight on it they're fighting each other all right let's let let's let them get you have a weak then I can try and run in and try and finish them off if I can right looks like Lee's really weak over here I can go and try - if I go after lionmaker I don't think he's ready for me here right if I go charging down I want to make sure I don't get stuck in but I know he set me on fire I need to jump in the water if I can I can see why Lee decided to run away I think he's managed to enchant his sword I believe right I'm gonna try and ender pearl away if I can right there we go managed to ender pearl away now I just need to run now I just need to run another big ender pearl never begin to Posey chasing me I don't know if he is or not oh I don't know where I've landed whoo that was dangerous right keep running keep running keep running right it looks like lionmaker is gonna be the cap to be he seems to have the best stuff so what I'm gonna try and do is not technically team up with Lee because you're not allowed to team up but if I kind of see Lee and lionmaker fighting I might gonna help out Lee a bit try and take out line maker possibly steal his sword would be lovely and then maybe try and go have to leave for the final fight he had like a fire aspect sword which was rather deadly why let's once again go and try and empty some of my stuff here so if I am able to pick up a bunch of stuff and then I will actually be able to pick all the stuff up so there we go I've managed to go and put everything away in there and now let's go and a try and track down where everyone else is I don't want to get ambushed I don't want to be surprised I want to make sure I see them first but what I also want to do is try and find that in charmant table I don't think was that there wasn't one in the middle there's just that water in the middle isn't there and I'm kind of scared to go back here to be honest because I know lionmaker was somewhere around there but she was there is there laddies around here Holley was slain by line maker and his line making her I don't think he knows I'm here I might have a chance to be able to go and surprise him here there we go I got a few good early hits on him can I get her you set me on fire I'm just gonna keep charging in I've got no option but to keep running just keep running out and keep running out and keep running at him and there we go I managed to do it I managed to take him out he had the better things but I have the element of surprise and I was able to win I managed to take out everyone well I didn't take everyone help but none of them took me out and so there we go I've managed to to win this round of hunger games but I don't end the video quite yet why I'm gonna do is a how do I set myself to fly there we go I can turn myself to fly mode and I want to just fly over this map because I didn't get to see everything and I want you to get a good shot so you can see there's mr. Potato Head there's Buzz Lightyear down there and look you can see um eyes even got the little top shelf here with that little wheezy penguin I can't remember his name in the binoculars and is this their hidden chest congratulations you found hidden chests number three oh I think maybe that's where line maker good that sword is actually looted someone made their way their entire way up that parkour anyway there's a the window here that you can look out there's one of the army men with a parachute there's some of them miss Bo Peep sir sheep down there and there's one of the the aliens that go oh and so down here we're going back into Finding Nemo land and look at this place this place is so cool you can see all the characters up on this slide there and there's the shot and the hammerhead shark there there's the the massive chest of gold that I went into earlier and now let's go and switch around and we are now back in monsters England and look at that Sulley that Sulley is absolutely amazing and huge and I think I found the next hidden chests hidden chests number one whoa yeah look a sword with fire aspect I reckon that lot a line maker was able to find the the chest on the the top of that helping the toy story side and look how cool is that oh that is absolutely amazing and I also want to go and have a quick hop into bug life land and so here we go this is what it all looks like from above and where'd you reckon the hidden chest is you're rocking this all the way up here directing you can even get up here oh yeah it is it is I reckon there's a hidden chest up here a hidden chest number four and always got a golden apple and amazing things here hard Hornet hat and spats slimy snails sneakers and beetles body armor how would you get all the way up it out you would spend your entire game just trying to get to the top and then the rest of the game trying to get back down I want to see if I can find the monsters in one now I think I found all of the chess apart from one so let me go and see if I can quickly find that before the end of the video nope nope that's not where I meant to go I'm getting confused here Oh where's the where's the the crossroads I've got I've got lost around is at that corner not that corner it's got to be down here then here we go so let me go through here into Monsters Inc again let's try and find that hidden chess is on Sully's head I saw one I already looked in actually I've already looked in that one and so it's the it's the Finding Nemo one that I haven't found yet and the Finding Nemo area is here and where do you reckon it is do you reckon it's on Nemo's head I can't see on the always in here is this where a chest is nope I think that's just a a little bit of a hole I can't even find the hidden chest and I'm flying around I have no chance gain it in a game it's normally somewhere high up not on the turtle up here is this where it is or there is a hidden chest up here I don't think that that is the special one all hadn't a an enchanted bow in it though and oh there's a chest up on here that's got an iron sword on and all look there are ladders leading up here and so where would you go to and there's all ladders leading all the way up here really oh yeah I didn't even see this up here this massive stingray here we go hidden chests numbered too and inside there's an amazing enchanted bow so there we go this is the the disney/pixar map in the description I'm gonna leave a link to the download of the map if you want to download it and a play on it for yourself as well as the the channel of some of the the builders of the map if you want to go and a check out some of their and other videos also there's going to be a link to everyone else who was playing with I know some of the other people that were playing we're recording as well and so if you want to go and see the game from their view you can go and check that out once this video is finished but most importantly I want to thank all of you very much for spending your last twenty minutes with me in this Hunger Games map so thanks for watching and I will see you all later [Music] Oh
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 18,389,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Disney, Pixar, Xbox 360, Edition, Version, Hunger, Survival, Games, Stampy, World, Map, Online, Download
Id: 0xihXAzral0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 29 2014
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