Is Random Better Than Nothing in Mario Party?

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I'm sure by now most of you are familiar with the Luigi wins by doing nothing videos where Luigi wins a bunch of Mario Party mini games by standing completely still and well doing nothing so we know Luigi is good enough to occasionally beat the regular CPUs but that got me thinking how would he do against a bot created by me I've gone ahead and created the stupidest spot you can imagine that is only capable of doing completely random inputs with no logic at all we'll call this bot Randy and today we'll be finding out which is better complete Randomness or doing absolutely nothing Luigi and Randy will be facing off in every single Mini-Game in Mario Party Superstars and whoever gets a better score or survives longer in each game gets a point and of course Whoever has the most points by the end of the hundred minigames will be crowned the winner alright let's kick it off with mushroom mix-up and okay that did not take long first game goes to Luigi maybe Randy will fare better and bombs away and sure enough all right so the best Luigi can do in this one is hope for a tie if Randy just puts up one correct flag though he went on to Crazy Cutters where again the best Luigi can hope for is a tie that's an interesting piece of art by Randy there surely that'll be worth some points never mind next up is tipsy tourney and it looks like they're both going for some kind of bottom right corner Strat here but oh okay that's gonna be a win for Randy one thing to note about Randy he's not very good at jumping since he's only able to do one input at a time it's gonna be hard for him to get on top of this record but at least he's out there trying his best on to an absolute classic Mini game but uh it looks like Randy decided he doesn't want to play this one okay hot rope jump has got to be a tie unless Randy can pull off the craziest jump of all time okay this one should be interesting so far it looks like Luigi's doing well staying invisible in that corner over there uh meanwhile Randy's getting ganged up on in the other corner all right bumper balloon cars time and whoa Randy's just going for it okay that went about as expected one good thing Luigi's got going for him and sneaking snores that he will never be caught okay surely Randy's gonna get caught though oh wow never mind that's still a tie though ah this one is not gonna end well on to slot car derby I always love this minigame Luigi watch out wow Randy actually finished a lap all right time for Bowser's big blast here we go doing nothing worked well for Luigi so let's see how it goes for Randy this is like the classic do nothing and win kind of game so I think Luigi's gonna take this one okay never mind all right Randy think hard about this one be careful not to count the same toad more than once and be careful not to count any of those actual mushrooms as toads too you got this uh well a little bit off the mark there Randy but that still counts as a win ah this mini game has to be one of my least favorite it takes forever and it's just very random maybe that means Randy will be good at it though [Music] uh yeah mashing's gonna be hard for Randy here but oh Randy no don't do it no Randy all right Luigi's picking up some momentum now and there's another one okay this mini game could go either way but oh wow Rosalina had it over Luigi there I don't think Randy understands how this game works you gotta stand underneath the cloud see Luigi gets it on to Mush pit which is a perfect example that sometimes the best defense is no defense oh this mini game always freaked me out the thought of swimming away from a giant fish trying to eat you yeah oh uh good effort guys all right time for some golf now Luigi lining up his shot and honestly not too bad let's see how Randy does [Music] okay it's time for the race of the century now here we go [Music] uh yeah so it turns out they actually just stopped the race after three minutes okay there's no way Randy's gonna be able to do this one oh uh he seems confident with his setup though let's give him a chance uh yeah no oh okay Trace race should be interesting Randy's uh abstract art style may not score well with the judges here though let's see the score [Music] both squirm is another one of my favorite mini games oh almost Randy that was actually really close all right let's see how Randy does with this one good start good start yep yep I see what you're going for here Randy I see it come on lack of two let him cook onto Dinger Derby where it looks like Randy's just waiting for the right pitch here he'll know when he sees it he'll know okay Leaf leap is another one where the best Luigi can hope for is a tie but Randy is not messing around next up is pushy Penguins oh uh Randy that's the wrong way there you actually want to go uh that is not the right way either this one is similar to the rain cloud one from earlier I don't think Randy knows he's actually supposed to catch the ice cream all right on to Bill blasters now and this one is anyone's game both down to one life here and Randy takes it so for this one Randy what you want to do is okay uh that works I suppose and now it's time for the new best race of the century let's go hey guys I'm not sure if you heard but uh the race is actually started okay there we go Randy's off oh interesting development here though looks like Luigi has devised a new strategy and is quickly gaining ground here ah smart move by Randy though realizing that he can just do the exact same thing all right on to the final lap now and hold on wait a second look at this this is now Luigi's race to lose and it looks like he's gonna take it home oh man what a race let's try to get back to the other mini games now uh Randy I don't think that's where you're supposed to deliver the letter now to trapeze artists and it looks like Randy got a golden Goomba under there let's see how Luigi does yep I think that's gonna be a win for Randy yeah this one will be tough for Randy he is not designed for directional jumps he's just a very simple guy that's all now that is the face of determination right there unfortunately for Luigi though you're actually supposed to spin in this game Randy's got it down uh yeah this one's definitely gonna be a loss for Luigi all Randy has to do is just poke his head up once just a single time any second now there we go for The Final Countdown okay that countdown didn't last very long all right Randy let's see those mashing skills come on Mash next is Manner of escape and it seems like Luigi's been hardened from all of his time spent in haunted mansions keep it up Randy you're doing great over there okay looks like we're counting again uh let's see how Randy did this time yes very close all right guys smile for the camera beautiful on to Rapid River Race and from what I'm seeing here it seems like the goal is to hit as many of these spiky boys as possible and that's a win for Randy I always loved this mini game because I used to mess around with the Mario 64 version of this a lot as a kid and it's just really nostalgic for me but yeah this one's gonna be a tie wow look at Randy trying to protect Luigi over there okay let's see what he does in this one ah yeah see much smarter that time much smarter alright moving on to the 1v3 games now the way I'll be doing this is that Luigi and Randy will each get an opportunity to play as both the solo and also as a part of the team of three so basically we'll be playing each of these 1v3 games two times if they both win once each then it's a tie but if one manages to win twice then they'll earn a point for that mini game alright Randy what you want to do in this one is avoid all the Big Blocks so they don't squish you maybe Luigi will have better luck turns out for most of these 1v3 games though winning as the solo is really hard for both Luigi and for Randy leading to a bunch of ties there are a couple close calls though where Luigi and Randy both almost got caught in Spotlight swim and then in this soccer game Luigi almost won but Randy made a crazy clutch save to force another tie until finally Randy decided he was done messing around he also managed to win and look away uh expertly forced DK to fall into this hole to win Pogo a go go and then proved to be an absolute psychopath in skewer Scurry which actually gives him a three-point lead heading into the 2v2 games now with only 36 total games remaining and we've got bobsled run to start us off with the 2v2 games looks like both Luigi and Randy are employing the hugging the right wall tactic seems to be working pretty well so far but we're coming up on the first big jump now see how it goes okay yeah uh that went about as expected but we've got another race to hop right into now and this looks like a pretty close one to me okay never mind I guess slow instead he wins the race in this one all right one more race now with dungeon Dash I never understood why they're using tandem cross-country skis here what is the story behind this situation and why they can't just like I don't know run out anyways it looks like standing in this lava bat isn't good enough for Randy to win surprisingly hmm bold strategy from Randy here just deciding to leave the goal completely wide open let's see how it plays out okay yeah not great next up we've got balloon burst yeah I think this one might be a tie on to Cake Factory where all Randy needs to do is just drop this one strawberry to win come on Randy you can do it there you go oh yeah it's time for another race I don't think Randy knows he's actually supposed to dodge the cannonballs that keep hitting him in the face but it doesn't seem to matter because he's still able to win pretty easily all right guys this one requires good teamwork and coordination honestly it looks like Rosalina had a full circle around this by herself uh keep it up Randy you're doing great over there oh so close oh so close oh so close good work over there too Randy on to another game I loved growing up and something I still to this day wish I could do in real life it looks like Randy's having a little trouble getting through that crust there but still good enough to win I guess ah dungeon Duos or in this case run into a wall for three minutes simulator or reverse a bomb all Randy really has to do is just hit one button and I'll probably win and sure enough okay this one will be a true test of skill yes a well-earned victory for Randy [Applause] time for another test of skill now good work Randy really helping out there and that's how it's done this one is similar to reversa bomb but in this one Randy decided to try a new strategy of completely boxing DK in and then not moving at all surprisingly that did not work out very well for him all right Luigi's still behind but now we're moving on to the Dual mini games so let's see if he can make up some ground well uh at least he didn't lose on Divine with me where Randy actually does manage to hop to one Vine but it's a tie okay this one will be interesting because it all depends on how many boosts Randy is able to dodge so far Luigi has actually had a narrow lead for most of the race but it looks like Randy decided it's finally time to try similar story with this one if Brandy decides he wants to keep testing how every meteor in space feels then Luigi's got a chance uh this looks like it might be another win for Randy though unless then finally after a three-minute mercy tie on spin doctor it's time to move on to the coin mini games with Luigi still needing to make up some ground let's start with hammer drop and oh wow Randy immediately trying to take Luigi down with a clever move but doesn't work out for him this time ah Castaways I've always been so bad at this game I can never gauge the distance and the timing and then you have to rip up the palm of your hand on the N64 controller to reel it in every time I don't blame Randy and Luigi for not participating in this one on to Parasol plummet which is anyone's game Luigi out here just taking these hammers to the Noggin but it looks like it helped him win now for this one Randy what you want to do is pick up the question mark blocks you see how Rosalina and DK are doing it just try to do that quicksand cash is a 1v3 game so what we'll do for this one is run it twice to see who gets the most coins combined and it looks like Randy takes this one and same thing with River Raiders where Randy wins again with a total of 30 coins to 19 for Luigi now with only 10 mini games remaining Luigi really needs to step it up here if he wants to make a comeback ah but luckily for him Randy also got zero and two less coins overall so Luigi actually takes this one and then follows it up with a decisive 3-2 score in puddle paddle so don't count Luigi out quite yet uh oh maybe we can count him out now oh this is a nice little song I like this uh uh what are we gonna talk about that or time for some beach volleyball now down by six with only six games left Luigi has to win every single one remaining just to tie luckily for him despite doing nothing he's also somehow an absolute volleyball serving God let's see if those skills translate to hockey now alright he's got the puck on his stick make a pass uh shoot from there even just do something Luigi don't you care about winning but you know what I gotta give him props because even in the face of defeat he stayed true to his ideals by standing completely still and doing absolutely nothing and after that tie with only four games remaining and a five point lead we can now officially declare Randy as the winner now we know that random inputs is in fact better than doing nothing in Mario Party Superstars you might be wondering though what does this all mean well uh if you subscribe to my channel maybe we can figure out the answer to that question together thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one foreign
Channel: j0rts
Views: 238,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: j0rts, nathaniel bandy, touch grass, touch grass every game, touch every game, touch in every game, jorts, mario party, mario party superstars, luigi, waluigi, every minigame, every mario party minigame, luigi does nothing, luigi wins by doing nothing, luigi does nothing mario party, luigi mario party, ai, mario party ai, mario party superstars ai, mario party bot, ai plays, ai plays mario party, random cpu, random ai, bathaniel nandy, redfalcon, redfalcon mario party
Id: pYSPGk61Gbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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