Minecraft Xbox - Beep Beep - Hunger Games

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video today i'm playing a round of hunger games on a map called this is a um a coyote and road runner fiend map it was built by castlecrafters and team ripples uh it's called beep beep as i said uh here are here are the rules down here pretty standard stuff which i never bother reading uh here are some here are some comments here are some reviews from some other people i guess um very nice and over here are all of the builders let me just uh pan across here so you can see all of them and over here is a load of cheese anyway let's go up and play the game then shall we i'm playing with a group of friends and oh hello hello oh what yeah what are you doing shaking those things around they're for sitting on not shaking around anyway uh today in this video i'm being joined by long shot miss pink mermaid line maker rosie mini god daddy oh and super g and uh once everyone's ready uh they're gonna hop inside of the pods uh in this is this is this actually a big lump of cheese uh or is it i don't know what this is supposed to be actually this big spongy thing uh there it says uh bird see oh is it a big bird see i don't even know what this is supposed to be over there you can see there's a road runner uh looking at us backwards between his legs and over there well you can see the massive big coyote that has gotten smashed into the into the wall over there and i've not seen this map properly uh this is literally the only bit i've seen is this area here so uh we're going to go and have a look around join the game and because it's quite big we're going to start off with gamer tags off and then once it's down to only two people left i'm going to switch gamer tags back on otherwise it might just take a long time trying to find the final person so hopefully i am going to be in that final two and uh be in that situation uh but what i'm going to do i'm going to very quickly cut ahead in the video until everyone is ready and inside of their pods and then we can begin the game okay everyone should now be ready to rock and roll so let's begin the hunger games if i pull this lever oh we got lifted up and now we can go and run to the chest i know i've got a sword right at the beginning it's always nice a splash potion of something or other uh another wooden sword or a golden apple oh like a an iron helmet as well a compass i don't really care about that oh a load of free seeds those are at the top there brilliant that's exactly what i wanted what was that potion a potion of slowness okay so um it seems quite fitting for this map that you might want to slow someone down and do a portion of poison i love myself a good portion of potion a portion of potion i don't know what accident that was there all right let's go wander off then let's try and go in a direction that no one else is going in there seems to be people going over there and let's go i can see one person running off in that direction and someone running off over there if i go through here and maybe go left or is that where they're all gonna go oh no i wanted to go where like no one else had gone but it seems everyone's gone in the same direction let's go and have a look around this way shall we there seems to be crafting tables all over the place uh there's a chest up there i guess if i uh jump my way up here i might be able to try and grab this chest i'm already get quite hungry actually to be honest i got a few carrots i guess that's kind of good timing and i got a a stick as well so maybe if i get two pieces of iron or maybe a diamond i might be able to make myself a better sword there's also a hidden chest all the way around here uh inside of these uh big canyons and look i got a a bow actually that's quite good as well as some leggings so i can try and cover myself up a little bit so i won't get so chilly and i got a load of them seeds i think some people have been leaving a trail of seeds behind them i think i picked up a whole load of their free seeds and there's a chest all the way back here hopefully this one's going to have something good in because it's kind of quite out the way or just play another bow i don't really need another bow see this is i just had one but i got some balls i've been chanting and oh no rosie hit the ground too hard uh because it's so early on i'm assuming she's gonna she's gonna be able to to carry on i think it'd be a bit harsh if we say she's helped the game already for hitting the ground too hard but i'm gonna tell you something oh no oh no that was terrifying oh my god i unsword though from it that was genuinely terrified i should just wait here and just wait for people to drop down and then when they drop down just take them out as they land that was awesome though that was really cool i honestly thought that was me being taken out right t have a listen now if you hear someone else drop down i'm going to run down and try and catch them because they're gonna still be weak after going through the lava that would be a really cool place to wait for a trap but i think would also be really boring so i'm not gonna do that right where has this led me to then shall i go up or down oh look there's a chest up the top up there and i got my iron sword out of that that was that wasn't too bad at all daddy all was slain by a slime so far two people have been taken out none of them by other players all by either dropping or by a slime right i'm nearly up that place up there and let me try and make my way up here oh can i make my way to the top and there we go i managed to get this chest and look i got an iron helmet i'm actually doing really good i'm actually i think i've already got an eye on him actually don't i oh i already had one so it's a bit of a waste of time for me but at least i've stopped um anyone else from being able to to get the helmet i guess is the is the only good thing and uh let me try and make my way back down here oh is this where i dropped through then okay so there's more stuff around here a bottle of enchanting there so i could try and get my levels up and i got some booties not the best booties but booties nonetheless right let me just splash this now and get it out of the way like i've got my enchanted golden apple there and i guess if i go back this way this is me going back the the way i came and i think loads of people just lagged out i said i'm gonna very quickly uh try and invite them all back in and then we can carry on playing okay i've just invited everyone back in the game so we can now go and carry on i'm gonna very very carefully try and make my way back out of that death trap and i go and try and hunt some people down i'm feeling good now look check me out i look like someone who's ready to take some people out so all i need to do is run around as quick as i can where is everyone let's go let's go and like go in the complete opposite direction uh from where i went at the beginning of the map then oh look i've come out here this is like behind this is where the uh where the uh the road runner bird was looking through its legs i guess so let's go and head over in this direction and look there's there's another coyote over there just strapped onto like a massive rocket or something over in that direction this map does look so cool doesn't it right let's go look in this chest oh there's things here that i've not looked in a potion of slowness uh could be quite handy is that like a another iron helmet i know that's the one i had anyway let's get this potion of slowness and let's put it next to the um uh the potion of poison and so i can just go and throw all of those that kind of that's what i got now i got to that two slowness i got two slowness and poison so if someone comes at me i can just slow them down and poison them and then that way if they try and run away when they're poisoned i can just go and try and chase them down and like another stone sword i'll grab that just so no one else can grab it and some more bottles of enchanting and were there were there enchanting tables in the beginning of that oh this one right there there's someone right there i didn't even see them at first i didn't even see them right let's try and get them with slowness if i can then that way they're not going to be able to run away there we go i got the most slowness i got them with slowness but they're trying to fight back they're trying to fight battle let's try and use poison if i can oh no i didn't have a slowness again i know this is going bad let's go bad let's have the golden apple if i can let's get my health back up there we go that's going to put my health completely up and there we go that saved my life i don't know am i getting hit from behind i know we're good we're good we're good i panicked then i did that really bad i did that really really bad if i didn't have that uh golden apple that would have been me taken out but and the uh yeah but the way it did work out as was i was able to take out miss pink mermaid so let's go and uh hide back here a little bit and uh let's go try and have a look through what i've got and that um that uh golden apple was really good it was like an enchanted golden apple so it gave me like regeneration for ages so that i really did save my life then i wasted all of my potions though but i'm still feeling pretty good i've still got my pockets full of seeds so i can use them if someone comes after me maybe distract them by throwing seeds in their eyes and if there's a chest up here i might be able to have a look and see if this is being taken or no there's still stuff in there but not uh really anything that i particularly want but let's try and let's try and climb up here then shall we oh it's so sad it's gonna be really slow trying to climb my way up right let's gradually try and shrug my way up i always find it's good to to get the high ground on maps like this because then we can look over the map and i don't actually think there's many people left it's just me uh line maker and long shot left so as soon as there's only two people left as i said uh we will be switching gamer tags on and i thought that was someone there then but it's only a skeleton right i should be able to deal with the skeleton easy enough let's try and charge in and dodge it arrows and take him out there we go it may be only a googly but it kills a kill and i got my xp up a little bit more i could try and i get some more bottles of enchanting and put my xp up even more if i wanted to and my pockets are getting completely filled up now i just want to make sure no one's sneaking up for me right let's finally get rid of some of these seeds that i don't need then and some string and bones i know i can see someone can you see that in the bottom left of the screen can you see that person running around down there look down there it makes me laugh right so i got a uh another potion of poison which um i didn't do too great with my one last time but hopefully i can use this one a little bit better and it looks like there's some a rather difficult parkour to actually get inside of the rocket so i might go and give that a go i'm gonna have a a bit of food at hand i'm gonna have a little carrot before i jump up a carrot for courage i'm gonna have and then i'm gonna go and try and face this uh parkour right it seems to be it seems to be easy enough but i always do a rubbish at parkour when i'm under pressure and i do feel a little bit under pressure right now i'm doing okay so far though if i jump up this way and here we go i've got inside of the exploding rocket and i have found oh an iron ingot and oh we've got some i think these are better boots than i had before so i think that might have been worth coming up here but uh there we go look i got some really good arm and i'm like full chain mail with an iron helmet right let's go try and take some people out then shall we and i got some more bottles of enchanting and so if i put that there i can go and splash this and then if i go back to the middle i'm going to go and see if there was a um if there was a an enchantment table there then i might be able to enchant my iron sword which would be amazing right let me try and gradually make my way down here without hurting myself too much and is there an easier way to get down or should i just let's just go down the way i came up at least i know that way safe i know the way i got up was safe so let's just go back down this way and let's go on the hunt after a line maker and long shot shall we so there's two kitty cats uh i'm a cat linemaker is a line and a long shot is a bear so let's see who's gonna win maybe we should uh team up with line maker maybe the cat should stick together and look looks like there's um there's like a tnt explosion here should i try blowing it up should i try blowing up that tnt do you reckon it's gonna reveal something well if i try and climb my way up here let's see if there's like a button i can press uh to be able to blow it up uh i don't know how i actually get up here can i jump up like this or this is really awkward to do getting up these ladders i'm rubbish at ladder parkour as you can see i'm just scared someone's going to sneak up on me as i'm trying to do this you've got to kind of like jump out and then back in again or maybe going up here might be easier then i can jump up to that one and then up to this one there we go i've got up to the top caution may explode right oh there's pressure plates right go in the pressure plates and then run away run away run away run away run away oh is this going to be a massive anti-climax it didn't even blow up anyway i don't know oh i just walked into a cactus that was the biggest anti-climax in the world it didn't blow up and then i walked into a cactus right let's try and take out some of these googlies then this is the kind of the direction i saw someone running in but that was a little while ago so they could have kind of gone off anywhere since then but i'm still going to have my my wits about me i don't want anyone uh to be sneaking up on me that's always the way to win it doesn't matter about who's got the best stuff you always just want to be sneaking up on someone else and oh look long shot was slain by lion maker which means it is now down uh to just a 1v1 so that means i'm gonna have to turn gamer tags on i kind of want to get somewhere safe to do without any creepers nearby as if i go to uh options setting uh options in-game gamer tags are now on so what this means is i'm gonna be able to see him from much further away and it means he can't be as sneaky as he might have otherwise been so i should hopefully better spot him and i can't actually see an enchantment table anywhere over here so i guess i'm just going to wander around the rest of the map i've not looked over on this corner yet so i'm going to go check over here and i see if there's any chests that people haven't looked in and also try and find an enchantment table or a line maker which would be just as good but he's probably got some good stuff now though because i think he's been able to take out quite a lot of people as though he's probably been stealing all of their loot so i'm going to expect quite a difficult fight when i go after him and look there are some there are some empty chests over here look more bottles of enchantment as well i really could um i really could have have a quite a lot of uh levels if i smash all of these uh i'm almost up to five levels now which uh isn't bad at all for for a round of hunger games uh so i think i'm definitely gonna look for an enchantment table and there he is there he is i can see him through the wall right let's see if i can go and make my way to him uh there's a gold helmet there i really don't need that but uh these arrows will be good there we go i got 26 arrows so if i fight him long range i might have a quite a good chance i don't know what sword he's gonna have or anything yet though and oh he's right here he's right here he's coming after me there's a zombie here though i think i'm gonna have to deal with the zombie first oh no right let's take out the zombie oh he splashed me with something he splashed me with harming i think that is well let's try and back off if i can i've got my potion of a poison uh so if he runs too close i can try and poison him and try and take him out that way i'm gonna have something to eat and to try and get my hunger up and then just keep running away always getting so close though he's getting so close there we go i've splashed him with poison i've splashed him with poison and now if i keep shooting him back with arrows and then i might can hurt him a bit if i keep shooting with arrows again he's hurt by the poison he's got to be so weak and there we go we managed to do it i'm ready to win that was so close so close i'm like two and a half hearts i did it though i did it did you see me meep me meep me into another cactus i don't even care oh dear that was good that was a nice epic fight at the end i thought i was gonna do rubbish i always panic and i just press the wrong buttons on the controller and i always make the absolute worst decisions whenever i'm in like a combat situation like that but i didn't i came up on top and i won gg lion maker good game well played i think that uh he had a very good game as well there so hopefully he's not too disheartened anyway this was an absolutely awesome map i feel like i only scratched the surface of seeing all of the little hidden bits and all of the uh sneaky extras as if you would like to download and play this map for yourself i'll be leaving it as a link in the description and it's raining oh that's no good is it and i'll also be leaving as a link in the description uh the channel of the builders as well as all of the other people i was playing with including this kitty cat up here you can't hide from me lion maker you can't hide from me gg line maker gg gg and look there was an enchantment table up here after all oh well it doesn't matter it doesn't matter now all right so let's end this video here i want to thank you all very much for watching and i will see you later me meep
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 9,789,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Beep Beep, Hunger Games, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commenatry, Stampy, Survival Games, Map, World, Online, Download, Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), RoadRunner, coyote, Video Game (Industry)
Id: Sw4J-cfYRHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 03 2014
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