Minecraft Xbox - Cookie Kingdom - Survival Games

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video i am bringing you a round of survival games and this is a very special survival games for that man down there this is a special uh video to celebrate a good friend of mine bigby stats getting 200 000 subscribers on youtube and this is a map that was built just for him and if you if i go over here you can see there's a massive model of him there eating a huge cookie normally the mouth was opening and closing but the game was lagging a lot so we turned it off and so yeah hopefully it's not going to lag whoa i was teleported hopefully it's not going to lag too much before we get going i'm going to give a very quick shout out to the builders so yeah this is called big b's cookie kingdom hunger games made by mjy142 uh with help from all of these people over here and on the other side over here we can see the rules no breaking uh one minute grace period hoes can have host privileges to teleport players to pods if they don't spawn on the air blah blah blah blah blah uh easy have gamer tags off as it's a small map i don't know if we're doing that or not no cheating that's a very a very big rule that's a very yeah that could that could mean lots of different things so no cheating have fun and omg how many rules uh come on big b yeah so they're all the rules uh they're the builders the map is called big b cookie kingdom uh should probably mention who i'm playing with i'm being joined by bigby stats himself of course uh listening guru choo choo alpha lee i have myself uh blackie chan mr cass mr cassas because that's something along those lines oh yeah so these these are all the the players i'm being joined by we did have a lot of problem at the beginning with people disappearing if you can notice uh only choo choo is visible right now uh basically with the the newest update on minecraft xbox there's a problem where people can just turn invisible and yeah it is a big problem and we've been spending a couple days and i mean in game days not real days uh just trying to get it so everyone can see each other and we had it for a second but it looks now like everyone's gone and disappeared again and now yeah i can only see choo-choo which will make things difficult it will be difficult if i can play a game and i can only see one person let's try let's try the standard tactic then of jumping off to my doom onto the side of this cookie mountain and respawning and then hopefully i'm going to be able to see everyone fingers crossed and oh here we go i think i can no longer see choo choo but i can see someone else who said oh i think someone popped in there we go i can see alpha lee as well so if nothing else i can at least see two people and here we go now i can see everyone looks like big b's got himself into a pod so i'm gonna go and just sit down here next to him and uh yeah it looks like we can we can finally begin the other round is everyone in their pods is everyone visible it's looking good it's looking like everyone's actually finally uh ready to start there goes choo choo falling off the edge again and then go somewhere else as well right so what i'm going to do until everyone gets into their pods i'm going to cut ahead in the video and then i'm going to cut back in i want everyone's set and uh we're ready to rock and roll okay everyone's got inside of their pods and big b always pulled their level oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i thought we're going to go up two people just died two people just died immediately i think i supposed to swim up not down i think there's all chests at the top up there no no there's googlies down here right there are crafting tables and stuff though right let's go and try and grab some stuff and get out of here as fast as we can there seems to be a very googly ridden place and there's a creeper right there please don't see me creeper oh he's seen me alright let's look in the chest very quickly oh bo i gotta i gotta grab that right okay i can't get any more arrows because the creep is going after me but i got the bow and i got a few arrows and hopefully i'm gonna be able to grab some more arrows behind me uh we do have that oh look at that stone sword right from the beginning that is a perfect and some melons as well i don't think food's going to be a massive problem i think there is some quake cake and stuff around the place but bigby stats isn't so much of a cake lover like i am he is much more into cookies hence cookie kingdom anyway got a whole load of arrows there so look i've got a stone sword and a bow and arrow all ready and a bunch of enchantment potions as well as i can go and get my levels up balls oh enchanting have a look in this chest here yay and some raw fish absolutely lovely as you can see by the the lack of chunks uh it is going to be very laggy it is going to be one of those games and to be honest i am really not playing to uh to win i'm really here uh just to basically celebrate uh big b getting 200 000 subscribers and let me go and steal these arrows as quick as i can haha no arrows for you sir and let's go and get out of here as quickly as you can right there's also people running around that way and not so many people running this way let's go inside the big massive house then shall we let's go there's a chest over there so my left uh under this cookie tree and i'm gonna go grab this then i'm gonna go and have a look inside the massive house there's gotta be good loot in there doesn't there all right let's go take the wooden sword just so uh no one else can steal it and let's go and have a look inside of the house hopefully it's gonna load in so as i said i don't care about winning but it'd be good to get something oh there's nothing in this oh that actually isn't anything in there i thought that was going to be a joke and there's nothing in that one either apparently anything in here anything in any of the chests in here oh yep creeper creeper creeper that was absolutely terrifying right i'm going to get him right just try and use a few arrows i don't want him to get close to me and this should be enough to go and finish him off there we go well i found a creeper if nothing else i know here's a chest down here oh ender pearls i always love getting ender poles in hunger games i always like escaping and running away in a hunger game so ender pearls are very handy at that there's a double chest here with nothing in it i think this is a good place i think there's a good chance of getting lots of chests inside of this massive house so let's go and uh have a hunt around and look everywhere where we can shall we there's some chests that are empty and i don't know if they're empty just because no one put anything in them or because someone else has been here but there are a lot of them but then again there are chess all over the place so i guess it would be kind of unfair if all of these were filled up and let me try and let me try and load some chunks in so it's finally starting to to load in a little bit more and if someone does attack me i can uh defend myself i guess right let's go upstairs and back to the front of the house because i know these ones are loaded in there we got a bit more food always useful so more balls are enchanting and i know where the um i know where the the enchantment tables are as well i know they're right in the middle of the map so i can definitely go back and try and uh enchant my stone sword would be very useful a bunch more food once again very handy i might just use these these bottles oh enchanting right now just uh to get my level up and uh let's go and have a look in these chests down here one another wooden sword i'm not gonna bother taking that okay if someone wants a wooden sword i'm not gonna i'm not gonna stop them getting a wooden sword i don't wanna get completely clogged up and here we go my first piece of um armor that's all i've had so far one iron chess play which isn't the best and as soon as this is a cookie kingdom i i might as well start eating some cookies to be honest i'm kind of surprised that there's not even more cookies and i think i've looked in that chest i don't think i've looked in this one though and uh some more arrows oh and some sticks sticks are handy in case i find some iron or even some diamonds then i can pick them up to try and make myself a better sword and oh a potion of healing and carrots yeah right let me go and get the the potion of healing at hand in case i get in uh in case i get into into some danger and i need to get my health up very quickly so yeah i think this has been a pretty good house i was expecting something a bit better and oh look at this what a lovely little indoor rapids they've got down here let's see what's in the chest oh a book pumpkin seeds oh splash potion of poison i absolutely love these let's eat this last cookie here then let's put the the splash potion of poison there there's like a best one as well it's like the highest one if you go and throw that at someone and then just kind of run away from them a bit then they're going to be getting gradually hurt so if they chase after you you can get them easily and then if they run you can just chase them down so i absolutely love splash potions of poisons i love poison me would you like some poison yes please i love poison i take two right let's go and have a look around oh down here sneaky sneaky sneaky hiding chest behind the stairs let's go and grab a whole load of fruit i guess we we can't only eat cookies we're going to have some some fruit as well while we're here and are loads of spare arrows so that's handy if i looked in this chest uh just some more sticks i don't really need them and what's going on here big b's inspiration wall oh how exciting let's let's get inspired shall we let's get inspired to go and try and take out some people i did tell to big b before the the beginning of the game i know this is your special video and that you're doing it to celebrate 200 000 subscribers but that doesn't mean i'm not going to go after you i said i'm not going to target you specifically but if i see you i'm going to go for you i gave i gave him that pre-warning but as i said i really don't care at all about winning in this game i always say that i always say i don't care about winning then by the end of the game i'm actually like you know what i actually do want to win this uh but today as i said it's really just to celebrate uh big b getting this a massive landmark and i do want to say if you are watching this anthony that uh congratulations well done it is amazing and uh bigby stat to someone who i've known right back from uh when i started youtube and he's always been one of the nicest and coolest people in the community so it's fantastic that he's managed to get this many subscribers and this map is awesome as well i kind of want to there's kind of special that someone's made this map for him and let me try the weird glitch i i was taught a weird glitch where if you press the left trigger hello spider on an unloaded in chunk you kind of load in blocks so i can kind of like load in blocks one by one i'm just scared that there's going to be someone over there and i can't see them normally once you've loaded in a few uh the whole place loads in like the whole chunk but it's not actually doing that i don't know if i'm kind of wasting my time here i think i'm i'm trying to walk into a wall oh up here this is where i'm supposed to go here we go this side's loaded in there's got to be a good chest around here and we have found pumpkin seeds fantastic that was worth the bother wasn't it there's got to be something better up here there we go i can just be on the edge of the the chunks that are loaded and i'm worried about we're going up against someone if i'm lagging this much there is someone up there i think i'm making my way up inside of a cookie mountain at the moment all right let's go and try and load in some more chunks oh is my fancy glitch not working anymore there we go i'm kind of cheating the game into working basically that's all i'm doing i'm trying to make the game work and look there's a there's a chest there oh let me go around and try and find that chest i think i might have totally missed that one how do i how do i get to where that that skeleton was then is it is it through here is this a doorway no i think that is supposed to be blocked off there how did i get to where that skeleton was it looked to be somewhat different or maybe it's i've got to go this way somewhere right i think i'm just going to ignore that place i think it's not loading in well enough that it's not worth me going there saying that i don't know i don't know really where else i can go let's maybe just go around the outside i could head into the middle and try and enchant this this this uh stone sword i've got a few levels oh there's someone there though i can see there there's someone in the distance i could i go for them shall i do it there are a few people over there i mean i don't really know what else i'm gonna do to be honest because it's not really like it's not like i can go around getting many more chests because it's it's not loading in very much let me try and make my way into the middle i think i've just scared that person off right here's a good chance let's just dart in here as quick as like oh someone's coming down is someone coming down right let's just crouch here and try and very quickly and chant this stone sword and then get out of here i don't want to risk it too much go on really quickly give me a good one and i'm getting hit i'm getting hit is that a person or is that a zombie oh i just got hit by someone i got hit by someone just ran down hit me then run away oh no lee's there lee's right there lee's gonna be going off to me he's got an iron sword as well oh this isn't good i think i've overstayed my welcome is he gonna be chasing me is lee going after me i bet he is i know what lee's like i bet he's gonna chase after me let me go and have a look in here right there's nothing in there let's have a little bit of food to try and get my hunger up right i've got my bow and arrow if he does go after me i can keep shooting him with this and trying to keep continually pushing him back i guess and let's try and decide where to go i've not been in there i can maybe head down in that direction and oh look there's someone right here there's some right here oh there's people all over the place right i don't like it in the middle it's too busy it's too crowded over here i don't want to fight in that place let's look this way and see if any of these chests are left empty my guess is that all of these have been looted by now this far into the game but let's have a quick check anyway just to see if we get lucky don't seem to be getting very lucky though do i it is a really cool map i kind of wish it was all uh loaded in just so you can see it all properly but it doesn't really matter oh this place looks nice and yay finally this is what i'm after this is what i should be eating on this map i should be eating cookies i'm gonna have a break for cake just for once to have something equally unhealthy and instead eat some cookies today i like this place though it's all nice and lit up there's no googlies in here all right let's check these chests oh here we go right forget that back to cake then i guess let's go and put some some cake down here and i got a bit more armor as well it's not much i've only got one gold chest plate and some leather leggings but it's certainly better than nothing and look another splash potion of poison and i've already told you about how much i love to have some poison so let's go and grab that and put it next to my other poison and so yeah if i go up against someone i guess that's going to be that's going to be my first offensive move trying to trying to splash some poison on them so there seems to be someone out around here somewhere oh there's people all over the place do you think they're teamed up there's a few people that seem to be kind of running around holding hands and oh someone's taken out someone has already been slain so uh that sort of thin down the numbers i guess so even though i've not taken anyone out or done anything useful i guess i'm i'm not doing too bad i wasn't the first to get taken out which is always the most embarrassing thing anyway there seems to be people around here oh is this the chest that i saw earlier near that skeleton i have no idea let's go and have a look in it though just to see what we can find okay i guess someone's already been around here and oh look i can swim my way up the mountain try and get the the high ground this might be a smart idea i did see someone up around here though so i'm gonna be i'm gonna be prepared for an ambush i got my sword ready ready to swing in case someone does go after me as soon as i have my cat i got my my claws out ready i'm ready to scratch in case someone tries to go after me is anyone there no i think they might have gone and backed off a little bit i guess they probably didn't know that i have nothing useful on me oh i can hear i think there's an enderman around here actually all right let's go let's watch out for him i don't look at him in the face i should be fine what's this place oh someone else was taken out glistening guru was slain by big b stats okay so bigly stats has probably got some uh some pretty good loot right i could even go through the cobwebs or up here it seems to be loaded in a little bit better up this way so uh i can't see anyone near me and look loads of people are getting taken out by big b stats i guess he's he's doing well today but i seem to have just got to the the edge of the the chunks that are loading in for me so can i i could probably just about go down this water a little bit uh but yeah then i'm going to be going to the the edge of my trunks here we go oh it's like a water slide oh this is cool it's finally loading in a little bit we can go down here i am kind of scared that there's going to be someone right on the the other side and they're going to they're going to go after me right i'm just going to hang out here trying to fight the current until some more of the the chunks loaded oh here we go i can just about here go and stand down here i don't know if it just leads down to a massive lake down that direction right let's just do it let's just go in geronimo out that that hurt that was kind of painful a little bit there was a chest down here and i heard an arrow as well hopefully it was from a skeleton and not a person so i don't feel ready to try and take on someone yet but look at this little hidden chest oh good stuff as well very good stuff i am not going to moan about that let's go and try and grab that maybe there's going to be a few chests around here which haven't been looted all right let's go try and put the the helmet on and i've got another splash potion of healing and a potion of speed as well which is uh particularly useful right let's go and hop down here then shall we and let's go now here's the here's the guy who was shooting at me then right it is only a googly and i can deal with the googlies i have spent years in minecraft dealing with googly so i'm getting very good at it and uh let's go and have a look at some of these chests then shall we look these aren't all looted i can actually get good things yay things are not actually looking pretty good for me now i've actually got some pretty nice loot i've almost got a full set of armor a spare stone sword and i don't need a carrot on a stick so i'm going to leave that where it is and let's have a quick look inside of this house here to see if there's any other good loot that i can grab oh i can see a chest out there i'm going to go and try and get that in a second no chest in here there's a bed like i could have a quick nap if i'm feeling tired i can go and have a quick sleep for a little bit hopefully make it day and all through here ah here's the chest oh i was expecting better than that oh well it's a few spare arrows i've almost got a whole stack now and so i can't really uh moan about that and is that everything in the household there's a lever there no i'm not going to do anything okay let's go in a head out then i've i'm feeling i'm feeling ready for combat now i'm feeling like i don't just need to run away and hello iron leggings and did i see did i see movement up there i'm sure i saw something moving across all right let's be let's be careful i don't want to be i don't want to be ambushed now i've finally got a good chance here so let's upgrade the lever and put on some diamond leggings and i guess the only thing i really need now is a possibly a better sword maybe an iron sword would help me out but big b is on an absolute rampage which means every person he's been taking out he's going to be picking up all of their loot as well and so he's probably going to be kitted out to the teeth and oh no i think about how good i am at dealing with googlies creepers are the exception i've never got good at dealing with creepers right let's go and have something to eat then just in case i am ambushed i don't want to be i don't want to be going into into combat with an empty belly and where is it is this leading up to where i went before ah there we go this is going to help me not having an empty belly let's go and grab all of these cakes and have them at hand in case i need to quickly get my hunger back up and let's go and head up here let's go and have a look for everyone else who's left it's me lee and big b are the the three remaining competitors so at worst i've got the bronze medal i've got third place and as i said i've done nothing productive all i've done good is apps not getting killed basically basically all i've done well is big b hasn't killed me so i can celebrate that but it would be good to try and hopefully win this mountain big b i guess here's the the big flag and let's go and have a look in here this is a really cool map look at the big massive flying cookies and all sorts of amazing things okay these chests here have been looted so all i'm really doing now is is going to go around looking for people i do think that he um bigby has left uh gamer tags on for the entire game so it should be easy enough to find people so this is actually the the cave i came in in i think where did how did i actually get into this room was it down here there's this chest here i've already looted oh through the water that's kind of hidden okay i guess this is how i got into the room on the first place let's make my way to the middle that seems to be uh the meeting grounds let's go into the middle of the map again and see if i can find anyone hanging out in the area around there there's a chest here nope i think this one's looted probably by me earlier to be honest and here we go i'm on i'm on the massive big b this is the the huge model of him can you get in him at all is there any access or i can stand between his in between his little shoes down there i guess i do have ender pearls there might be a possibility to end the poll up it seems a lot less laggy now and now people have kind of backed out the game a bit i seem to be able to load in and yes yes yes yes yes yes i got a nine sword i'm actually with a chance here oh and about any of the shot oh there's someone coming there's someone coming right no no time to worry about enchanting right who is it who is it oh it's lee it's lee he's got good stuff as well though looks like he's got just as good stuff as me right let's be smart here let's be clever about this i'll look at him teleporting all over the place right i need to splash him with this poison that's going to be my my first attack is he just running oh don't do this lee don't be a coward come on bears are supposed to be brave and look there's big b over there as well i think lee might kind of get sandwiched in the middle here which isn't good for lee but might be good for me the best tactic i find is when there's three people is you want to get one person stuck in the middle and then they're gonna fight with the other person and then when they're weak you try and run in and go and try and finish them off so there's lee heading up there big b was over there somewhere right maybe if i go in in this uh cookie mountain from this side maybe there's going to be a chance to ambush lee oh look at this place oh yeah he's directly above me is there any way to to get up from here i can't see any staircase or anything leading up to the top and there's a few more stuff here as potion of speed uh another potion of speed got lots of them and what is what is this place this is quite a weird looking place right no one's gonna ambush me are they i think i'm on stage i think i'm on star this is a piano and here's a microphone and there's a big b stats run away run away run away right again they get the potion of poison ready then if he comes after me i'm going to poison him that's the first thing i'm going to do oh i think i missed him i think i don't think that was a good shot on my half alright let's have a swiftness potion now so if i do need to escape i can go and try and run away and i've got another splash potion of speed at hand in case i need it i think he's trying to flank around behind me i think right and there's lee there upper top shooting down on both of us as well right this isn't a good fight for for me to be and i don't think there's no nowhere for me to run to either i'm kind of i guess i can run back through there is my my only chance and he's coming after me oh he poisoned me we just poisoned each other i guess that that's one way of doing it right if he comes after me i'm going to splash myself with healing and then run in right here i go i'm just going to do it i'm just going to run right in there and try and get him i'm getting good hits on him i'm getting really good hits on him he's got to be so weak there we go i managed to take him out right let's have the splash potion of healing immediately and try and get my health up just in case lee comes after me we're down to a 1v1 it's stampy cat v the bear all right let's go and try and pick up some of this stuff a splash potion of regeneration and i got an iron chest plate here did he have any boots i can't see any boots at all i think he had a is that a better helmet down there i don't think so i think i've pretty much got the best stuff i could get let me just throw a little bit of this rubbish down on the floor here then i might be able to pick up a few better things maybe i even go and enchant my iron sword that might be something worth doing if i head straight over to the middle i might be able to enchant my iron sword and uh have the the best sword that i couldn't here we go he's already got an enchanted helmet no boots though the only thing i don't really have is boots apart from that i'm doing quite good let me have the uh uh let's go have the the cooked pork chops here because they might be quicker to eat than cake and wesley has lead dropped down okay now lee's still around there let me go and quickly charge into the middle and let me try and enchant my iron sword and then that way i should definitely be able to take out lee i've run out of all of my poison potions now though i have no poison potions left so that could be quite dangerous i'm going to get my uh my bow and arrow my healing potions and my sword all close together and so that way i can switch quickly between them and let's try and get a few good shots on knee there he's got full iron armor almost chainmail helmet iron and then diamond boot so he is pretty well kitted out so right let's forget about enchanting the sword let's just go in for the fight then shall we i'm gonna use the ball of regeneration uh just before i run in and so that way my health's gonna be continually going up as i fight him right let's go and splash myself with regeneration and this is it this is it all or nothing oh no he splashed me with something expressed me with slowness i think it was i managed to catch up with him though he's got stuck he's got stuck surely i can get him surely i can get him no no he's getting me so weak right hit him with the bow and arrow again with the bow and arrow right splash potion of healing myself and oh no no no he's got me with slowness so i'm really slow trying to catch up with him is he hiding up around here where is he he's he's hiding in the corner over there right he's charging in get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him he must be so weak but so am i there we go i can get him how is he not dead how is he not dead right right i can shoot him back with arrows how is he still alive i do not get him i hurt him so much there i hurt him so so so much i can't believe he survived that he must have had loads of potions and all sorts there right let me try and climb up here i'm in a bad position here i'm kind of a bit stuck if i do a bit of parkour i can go make my way up the top i think he's there just crouched out at the bottom down there right i can't miss any of these jumps this is the time the parkour matches oh no no i fell down and that hurt me i hit the ground too hard after all of that after all of that intense battle i just failed at parkour and i hit the ground too hard that was such an epic battle with lee that was so good and it was about to continue and then i try and do some parkour and i end up taking myself out that ladies and gentlemen is a traditional round of hunger games when you're watching stampy cat that is what i do either a very heroic and amazing victory if i may say so myself or the biggest fail you've ever seen i kill myself in the most ridiculous way and make the biggest mistake possible and sadly today was the latter which means alpha lee is the victor and to be honest i'm just about as happy at the fact that lee won as i would be if i won so well done lee also once again a massive congratulations to bigby stats uh for imagining to to get 200 000 subscribers in the description uh there'll be a link to everyone's channel including bigby stats if you want to go and watch the video from his point of view and also say a big congratulations from stampycat uh for yeah getting the amazing achievement but that's into this video here i want to thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 11,050,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Xbox (Video Game Platform), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Lets Play, Hunger Games, Special Hunger Games, Big B Statz, Survival, Gameplay, Commenatry
Id: aPcnKqpB2mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Tue May 06 2014
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