I Built A CHERRY MANSION in Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore (#81)

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every once in a while Minecraft adds an absolutely game-changing update like when they overhauled the nether or when they turned Minecraft into a horror game or that time they added Dwayne The Rock Johnson ah that was my favorite update and following that same Trend this year Minecraft added a pink tree but today I'm gonna prove that this update Is Amazing by finding a Cherrywood biome and making a gigantic Cherry Mansion all in Minecraft hardcore so how should we do this well I do know for a fact that if we're gonna find a cherry blossom biome I need to go Gear Up and travel very very far away cause if you're new here this world is very very old and I've explored like all the chunks around me so let's craft a whole bunch of fireworks heal up my elytra and now we can be on our way to finding new adventures goodbye Broderick I will see you later I don't have time for a Broderick Sun storyline so oh none so tragic okay okay well I flew for thousands and thousands of blocks ah yeah wrong update and while on my journey I did find some very cool things oh what desert temple is there anything new in this update at these thingies don't die far as he don't die this TNT all right do we got anything cool here anything of value for me well don't mind if I do Mr enchanted golden apple oh a little desert what are you they added camels to the game uh as you guys can tell I haven't really researched the update that much you are adorable can I ride you wait wait wait I have a saddle from the thing I found oh I'm getting a little bit sidetracked but I have a camel and he has floppy ears and he can Sprint and he can fly no he can't fly that'd be pretty cool though wouldn't it okay well this may take a little bit longer to find a cherry blossom but I'm taking my camel with me oh my gosh I love this update with all my heart and as I explore the world with my best friend please subscribe and hit the Bell I'm having some much fun right now oh baby I see pink trees come on Ernesto climb oh yeah I named the camel Ernesto he's adorable oh there's a whole bunch of trees here oh we found the mother lode this place is absolutely beautiful and I got an achievement discover every biome okay what a great accomplishment but oh my gosh the leaves the petals whatever these things are that's right Ernesto sit down enjoy the beauty of the world or don't this guy's been annoying the entire trip what did you just do when I held spacebar do you have like a boost is this like Mario Kart can you swim buddy Oh no just keep going just keep going just keep going but man oh man this trip was worth it we are gonna make the best mansion ever Ernesto you'd stay right here and don't move it's officially Mansion time so my plan as demonstrated by this terrible piece of art is to terraform away a few of these cherry trees and replace it with an absolutely beautiful pink mansion that blends right in with the biome easy peasy so let's begin I'm just kidding I would never okay so why don't we go somewhere here around the middle right here should suffice and we just very gently break away some of this really pretty wood and make sure not to waste a single piece of it because I don't want to Deforest this area relax I'm not doing a very good job with this right now pink pedals I am a fan of these RZ stay focused tour ah I didn't mean it I don't want to kill you guys you're so cute but okay a little bit later we have a gigantic area in this Cherry Forest fit for a mansion and in case you guys didn't know you lot of pedals by chopping down a forest like a lot I also kind of feel like a monster for just coming to this beautiful biome and chopping half of it away but you gotta do what you gotta do for the content okay so let's figure out how big this mansion's gonna be maybe the front wall can go here then we go like this bring it around here and I'm no expert here but I think this is a pretty sizable Mansion oh wait I am an expert I love my life oh I almost forgot Mr Ernesto come with me Welcome to our soon to be magical home it'll look better later so with the outline out of the way it was time for us to decide on a block palette and begin building like obviously we'll be using a whole lot of this cherry wood because it is a cherry Mansion but we're probably gonna need a few more colors just to make the build pop so foreign a diverse palette of blocks down now what looks the best with pink wood I'm gonna sleep on it okay rise and shine and I'll save you some time after an unhealthy amount of internal debate I decided on white I don't exactly know why but I can just picture some giant pink and white marvelous mansion and I'm gonna do it I'm going to make it happen Ernesto it's showtime we're off to go collect some materials I forgot there was a cliff here so we're trying to find some white blocks and I think diorite might be perfect all right you stay right there all right easy we also could use some birch wood that's white yeah I kind of like these logs finally a purpose for this terrible terrible wood if you're a Birchwood fan I'd probably unsubscribe I'm quite literally the biggest hater of merch ever but today I gotta make a sacrifice oh and how could I forget my favorite white block of them all calcite gimme gimme gimme I want all of it so with the black palette all figured out I made another portal and spent the rest of my night transporting materials over to the Cherry Forest okay let's start this party so we're gonna start off by making the foundations my idea here is to Simply make this entire shape out of beautiful white blocks and raise it up about five blocks yeah I like the sound of that [Music] good now I'm thinking for the entrance we can make some kind of like staircase thing along the side here and like go up to the middle let's see how this looks [Music] okay okay I can rock with this I like this but it still could use a few more details perhaps maybe a little Fountain here I just gotta borrow a little bit of iron oh not what I was looking for but any iron in here no come on it shouldn't be this hard to find iron aha jackpot [Music] and boom significantly better and since we're on the topic of decorating I also add in some cool little gardens around the foundation just gonna sprinkle a little bit of this around and for the plants absolutely chef's kiss and if I may add oh my goodness the pink wood at First Sight is beautiful if all goes well this could be one of the best builds I've ever made but we still got a lot more work to do okay so with the foundation pretty much all polished and out of the way it's time for us to break out the cherry wood so we're gonna hop up here and we're gonna make some nice floors sorry Ernesto he'll be fine now let's take all our remaining wood and raise up some gigantic Cherry walls to make this mansion look a little more like a building and not a landing pad Landing Pad is that a good analogy for this no as you can probably tell I don't leave my house often yeah bro can you mob shut up you're so annoying I'm just trying to build all I hear is oh my gosh there's more layers to this bruh are there seriously more caves down here stop stop stop I am this close to converting my world to peaceful mode stupid mobs [Music] oh well it appears we have a dilemma here so you see didn't want to touch any of these cherry trees because that's like the whole reason I'm building here wait I might have an idea and it rhymes with shmary babbling bro what are you talking about man I don't know just follow me basically when I was terraforming earlier I got a bunch of these Cherry saplings and if we fly down over this way inside these beautiful doors we have a Giant automatic Tree Farm I think you guys get the idea here alright so I put a sapling there then I flicked the lever and it should why is it not working oh I need bone meal yeah you stinky boy let's try this again like the lever and any second now uh okay well since cherry trees don't work in my tree Factory we're gonna have to do things the old-fashioned way planting trees by hand and waiting so let's speed this thing up a little bit hello skeletons oh they gave me a cool bow I actually need a new bow so uh don't mind if I do oh yeah this is what I'm talking about perfect and now that we have all this wood let's get back to buildings let's go to the middle and raise this thing up about 20 blocks Maybe bring all of these walls up too wait I have an idea what if I replace the outside with a little bit of this then do a little bit of that oh I just don't know how I do it it's just a gift I must have been born with it but carrying on I continued raising up all the walls until I thought the shape of the building was pretty much Perfect all right this build is 100 complete episode over I'm just kidding imagine though we still gotta make a roof because right now there is no roof seems like a pretty good reason to make one and to be honest I'm not sure if I want to use pink or white blocks but something is telling me to use more cherry logs and strip them like this so I'm gonna trust my gut here it's never wrong nope hello there what are you doing up here buddy you should go down there there's a cool thing going on down there [Music] bruh am I out of blocks again this Mansion better be worth it because this is a major grind right now [Music] ink as I missed the landing completely I think the roof looks pretty darn good but clearly I I spice it up where are you guys coming from what is this some kind of fever dream what is happening are there any more are we done and now we're done I hate it here okay so let's start things off by making some giant windows on the front let's just break out some of this now we'll take out some of these blocks and make a little garden thing okay I need some lights I'm getting a little frustrated right now okay where was I ah yes [Music] yeah we might have too much pink going on up here so maybe instead a little bit of diorite that is so much better wait wait I have one more good idea we go like this we go like this and we go boom boom and we have a little flower garden I also just realized windows need glass oh Ernesto I need you uh wrong room there we go buddy come with me we got places to go Ernesto you're so fat stupid excuse me bro you need to get your stuff to I'm trying so hard to love you but it's so difficult [Music] jackpot so we're gonna take a whole bunch of this and with the power of a little movie Magic we have some glorious Windows right Ernesto I think he agrees yeah [Music] and take a look foreign [Music] well moving on from that painful experience we still gotta spice this build up quite a bit more and I'm not talking about these kind of spices oh I'm so not funny okay so first and foremost I have a Heavens right here and I'm thinking if I bring these up I'll be like a back that goes right up there to the no I think trapdoors might work I take it all back that looks horrible but I think I have an alternative just gotta find some coal which should be somewhere around here Bingo and what if we try our hand at some Camp brother I hate zombies more than I hate other bad things I don't know I'm just really upset right now what I was gonna say is that we use these campfires for like an awning right here oh no my house is on fire I probably shouldn't yell that out loud but uh carrying on I can come here with my shovel and I can actually put these bad boys out and we're left with this super detailed wooden texture for the awning now we'll just throw some supports in right here bring it up a little bit and we're left with this masterpiece all right next big thing on the agenda I don't really know what to do with these little side pieces of the building I built them up and I thought they look cool but now it's just kind of awkward and stupid so I need to put something here and as I say that I wonder if I could make like some more of these things and make this like a patio kind of a deck thing all right I'm sold foreign at all this thing is really coming together now and to wrap up the exterior I spent a few more hours adding in a ton of details to make everything perfect and just a little more and that should be it oh Mr Pig you blend right in with the thing too bad not a pig Mansion it's a cherry Mansion but now that the building looks absolutely gorgeous it's officially time to move on to the interior which actually looks a little bit small but we'll make it work so first up we're gonna make my room so obviously I'm gonna need a bed a little extra security and of course a whole bunch of decorations oh and I have another idea I just gotta borrow a little bit of clay and now we can actually display these new Cherry saplies in pots look at that bruh they look so good this is like the best potted plant ever wait have you guys ever seen this item before I think you get the idea here off to find an ocean oh yes because if you guys have not been paying attention if we go to these ocean ruins there's sometimes this special sand Aha and if we brush it if we're lucky we'll get a pottery Shard to make some really cool special pot that was an emerald come on I just need like one more Pottery Shard yes I have another one and we go boom and we go boom and we go boom please look cool please look why is there a turtle on it I don't know but that does look pretty cool so nice I also saw someone in the comments saying you can actually put flowers in those things and I don't believe you but I'm gonna try so I guess you take a flower pot and you can place it on top of it no someone lied to me unless this thing is blocking it and I go like oh oh okay they were not lying that looks so sick wait no we can do better we can do so much better what if we take a whole bunch of these and make a whole bunch of these like mini cherry trees using leaves like that yes it is perfect I love that so much I love 1.20 But continuing on with the interior I built a cute little kitchen for our food supply and I built the chest room to store any of our extra cherry wood items it was supposed to be a room for Ernesto but something changed and he's no longer interested foreign [Music] just to make the Mansion a little bit cooler we made a hot tub oh my gosh guys this thing took a lot longer than I thought this was like multiple hours of getting blocked and placing them down but all in all I'm very proud of things and especially the hot tubs which are my favorite part of the entire build yeah but I think it's safe to say that we have proven that this update is actually very amazing job complete oh also enjoy this weird blooper from Last Week Tonight We Dance Spirit again we jump out loud no what am I doing yeah I don't know what I was doing there make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and I'll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye
Channel: Farzy
Views: 197,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Farzy, survival, farzy minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft java, minecraft 1.19, 1.20, minecraft lets play, minecraft hardcore, survival lets play, hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.20 lets play, minecraft 1.20 survival, minecraft 1.20 hardcore, minecraft 1.20 survival lets play, minecraft 1.20 hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.20 cherry wood, minecraft cherry blossom, minecraft cherry mansion, minecraft 1.20 builds, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft cherry
Id: lsml1LqVpK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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