Minecraft Xbox - Hunger Games - Against All Odds - Part 2

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hello everyone and welcome back to the second part of the video uh the same teams again me and stamper there says these five chums uh hopefully gonna win and uh yeah we're gonna do it stamper we're gonna do it come on right okay game plan is go right yes okay no tell me the game plan from over here or yeah from from over there wherever whenever you want the game plan is we're going to at the beginning of the game run over to the volcano we're going to get all the good loot from over there and then we're going to take it from there and improvise i spent all all night working that game plan now is it good it's absolutely amazing mate i couldn't have said it better myself do you like the game plan lee yes he actually nodded he can't hear us by the way that was just completely coincidental give me a dance with your head lee oh he never lets us down does he right should we go then let's go let's do this let's do this go on right then we stick together this go hold my hand squid hold my hand right here remember volcano there's no i ballistic squid and team right i was the first i was the first to the chest i got wooden sword and a leather tunic which is going to look jolly nice with my fur and then i fell down a little bit right i'll meet the volcano the volcano which way is it it's there oh there's some someone else going for it okay there's a okay i'm gonna very quickly stop off at the um the windmill and get the stone sword because then we can have an iron and a stone sword and then we'd be propagating out killing can i kill him uh i don't i don't know if we haven't said if we're doing a grace period or not don't we i'll stop it i don't know are you going for him i mean if we are against all odds is like 1v5 to be fair what would we do there we go jolly good who's this up here this isn't you is it there's someone else up on the volcano where are you oh coming up around here oh no it's just someone's involved i'm on fire mate i'm with you though he's running he's running he's running right should we should we get inside and um okay i've switched the lever let's go let's go why are you okay you going there i'm going to meet you down i'm going to very quickly go get the uh the bow and arrow did you get all of this stuff from the the chest like with like the lava around it yep oh god this is so good this is good right i've got an iron sword i've got some iron um i've got a golden sword for you i've got some cake i've got a ball got some arrows yeah saw it so should we just say that we've won now should we should we just print out our victory certificate no what's the plan there um well i'm good as well i've got i've got lots of armor i got a stone sword a bow down the volcano and i said we take it from there this is where we improvise well where are you let's meet up first hold hands remember come on i'm watching you you've got an audience i don't want to put you off but don't look up can we go to the village i'm never going to go into the village like properly let's go to the village come come come down the back where we're going to sneakily go down the back where i i'd like some food that's something i wouldn't mind i've only got a golden apple and i kind of want to save that a cake hello a present for you i kind of don't want to eat i don't want to waste it i think there's still like a bunch of chests in here i believe there's another stone sword there spare i'm gonna grab the arrows okay all right come on let's go sneakily go around the back i think there's another there's another chest here which is empty there's nothing there i've just put my inside in the chest away so i quickly put it away put it in here for safekeeping right i think i think lee is yeah he's on the uh the castle and he's seen us he's gonna be shooting arrows at us he's having a good shot and now how's that going inside the house okay which one are you writing down in here yeah this is a whole video there's no time for cake i'm gonna i'm gonna have a little sit down on the sofa i just i just want to rest my paw put my paws up for a bit mate look out the window just relax just relax for a bit yeah i know it's us against everyone and we've lost all of the other games and well i haven't all of that yeah well i have um there's someone attacking some slimes i think i think i can see well there's like all that little baby slime's jumping away should we have a look in some of these houses and see if we can get some more loot then i just could just keep coming back come back like you always could have one more slice don't you i've got 10 arrows so i can do quite a bit of damage from range um i got 21. you got a bar yeah that's really good i'm going to sort out my inventory a bit as well and i've got a swiftness potion golden apples as well it's really good to get your helmet what golden apples yeah one you got the iron sword come on give me something that's true oh there's people straight ahead straight ahead well by the car so they're all by the castle what's chloe got on uh leather oh hello michelin focus where are you going i've gone into another one of the buildings a little building right next door empty chest uh would you what should we do then what's the game plan right behind you all right game plan is try and get some high ground i reckon okay so this this door's um this door was shut might maybe have a look in here it's been looted there's a chest down where abouts are you buddy the thing is the little uh good good shout out mate the wooden the the the stars the stars i'm by the stars okay you stay in that area chloe's got an iron sword and a leather helmet i'm kind of blending in i want to get her after she embarrassed that last round help help i'm with you and we're going to go back to the carecast go back to the caregivers okay carl's okay okay she's go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go are you in are you inside yeah yeah we my friend at the exact same time if she comes up the ladder we can whack her whack her one okay comfort food they're not all charging us someone's just gone back up inside the car so we need to watch sometimes like guarding us there was like four of them though there's literally four of them i just legged it i saw a bunch of them retreat back to the castle i wish i could break windows um do you want a golden sword oh you got stone on me that's all right i got stone okay you want to go down and see if chloe's there let me just if she is just come back up but like you i mean it's sword v sword isn't it iron sword behind sword i reckon she's camping around here somewhere i'll go check around the back oh well i'm going to stay right by your side right should we go attack the castle i kind of feel like oh god this is so tense because we're gonna play should we dress up as the tree skin i like sneaking around no we we can't change things gamer tags are off would that be funny like you to get with them oh we're getting shot they know where we are we're getting shot at no idea where from though stick with me stick with me i don't want to get off anywhere else behind you it's a big double house yep okay let's just edge our way forward and try and get some ground yeah they know where we are though we're not we're gonna have to outsmart them somewhere come on use that some of these sometimes right outside the house they're outside the house by themselves i heard them eating or was that you yeah right here chloe close right here by yourself go go out here and go to the left charger no no don't let it see you go out and just charge out the door out the door then just charge her and because we're together aren't we we're getting right back there we go that's one down one down one down get the stuff go go go go go can we have another cake party now please see people get fed up of waiting so they kind of like charging on the run yeah and then if any of that's any good to you oh there is there you go i kind of have a cake party but i'm gonna have a cookie oh i'm sword yeah we are sorted now come on i think i think lee might have a nine sword and then that's it but us two against him with iron sword we should be all right yeah but this fin ball and there's builder like still left yeah yeah i know but i think finn barber can sit down try and look on the bright side i think i saw someone over to our left you know by cake house we need to put up a sign in that cake house by the way we should leave a cake in there like always i i think go ahead go out and go to the left and i think i saw someone over here might be in a slime i don't wanna i don't wanna out the door to the left i've just gone i'm just scouting making sure we don't get surrounded i'm by you i'm by the fountain oh there's someone here right here there's lee shooting an hour at me you're gonna have to come out and distract him just charge out let him see you like chase him off he's gonna kill me i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm almost dead or i'm having the golden apple hey poison himself he poisoned himself haha nice one where's he gone are you all right i'm weak at the moment by the way i've only got half my health where where are you going tell me where you're going if you're looking out because because i've got a big healthy cake house hi squidward oh my god oh the shooting arrows at the door and i'm just picking them up through the door oh that one hit me come on come on stay here come on stairs come upstairs you're not coming in pinball ball's got a leather i'm just stealing arrows off okay they're right outside the door yeah i can see finn ball he's got leather this is so tense i think we should go i'm downstairs i kind of want to break this window and just like if you if you i don't think they they know where i am if you try and lure them so they come in to go to the ladder i can ambush them right at this door finbos coming in is he coming in right i'm not going to hit him straight away where are you here he's coming around the side he's coming around the back of the house he's going to see me he's going to see me let me just see what he's doing let me see what he's doing i think he's going to wander off like if they wander off and try and split up finn's at the flynn fins at the front of the house lee's around the back yeah i know where lee is i'll see him through the window lee's not that not that um prepared though he's only got leather on like it's so tense involved i reckon we can get these guys someone's opened the door they've just opened the door oh they're poisoned me i'm running upstairs i'm running upstairs come on come on get ready get ready by the stairs in case they chase up as well they didn't know i was there i didn't if they didn't know i was there they'll run right past me and i'd hit him in the back just waiting for my i'm still poisoned right i'm at half health i've got no food have you any food like i'm all right for now but i'm going to need it i've got no food there we go and we're just watching down here oh god this is gonna go on for the night can you get anything from here can you hit him no i can't hit him with the sword i could hit him with my boat they're trying to do the same we just hit each other i'm backing off i just wish there was another escape we're just trapped in here we have no tactics straight away i hear them all coming through the door as well i hit lee if we just get a few hits on one we should just charge down with our iron swords got him ah come on we need to plant like this the house isn't there one way or one way down are we actually should we go down i kind of want to have we got any we've got any if you've got any portions or anything i got one swiftness right sometimes we'll use do we feel like we're just do we feel like running i don't know we're not going to run past them do you not think we have to kill kill our way through them all if i got a splash potion i think so i can do it on both of us right splash us oh yeah don't give it to them right ready ready to go go go go go go go go oh we're going down the line yep that's not the ladder mate come on you've got the iron armor go on go go go go go i'm right behind you go we need to find with the swords that's our advantage oh i've got climb around the ladder god all right we've got 49 seconds left god we're just completely trapped i can't because i'm like i've got half a half health now they've just hit two birds half health yeah it's just pointless um i guess we're playing the waiting game oh i hit her i hit her i wish i could jump out and like ambush him lee's at the top lee's at the top of the house leaves at the top of the house with me like he's looking out the window at me like if we can get we can jump go go go go go go go go i'll move you i'm right behind you mate no quick good thing no no no i got one i got one i got one i got one go go go from body time okay i go i'm getting i'm getting my health back up okay okay because how many is left is that two left two two one okay everyone watching on squid's channel is switching over to stampycam and literally he's coming out okay come on there so we can switch between the different views what should i do just i don't know you have to bide your time out oh i need to wait until one i see one somewhere else again then i just need to charge down i need one to get bored and go and look in from another window then then i take my moment oh look okay i'm taking my moment i'm taking my moment i've got lee i've got lee i've got leigh it's me 1v1 against someone else come on come on go back up regain your health she's got no nothing she's absolutely nervous there's going to be this good there's got to be iron swords and all sorts down the ground from you i didn't pick anything up they're going to have something i'm 1v1 i think i might be able to glitch through the wall if i go to bed can i get oh i've got an idea i've got out i'm out of the house i glitched through the wall no i flashed through the window how genius was that they have no they have no idea because game attacks are a fun that i can flank around from behind in the house go go go go go go go go go go i'm getting shot but i need to kill a skeleton coming out of the house coming they don't know where i am though they're coming to me no no no she's she's going to the cake house she's she's going to one of the small houses now she go get it yes yes come on leave sad and honestly that was preference i can't believe i got through that window if we found that out before and just went in that got them all from behind oh hunger games of the century that was amazing that was tense but we did we did it i can't believe we did it five again me and you to the end squid magic animal club for life get a tattoo of that tomorrow oh god that was tense and i was so tense right well thank you everyone for watching that hopefully you enjoyed it and you weren't didn't fall off your seats by sitting too close to the edge can we go let's go back to cake house and have something to eat yeah let's go chill out and sign up the video in there it's been a long day ah man back against right a well-deserved cake um squid um someone's got hungry like us bread yeah slime for butter bone thanks for watching everybody this is going to be the end of this video here um i don't know if we're going to do any more videos on this map we might do if you want some more videos on this kind of fast-paced uh map then where we will bring you some more um we may be putting the math up for download that's kind of up to squid what do you reckon uh yeah definitely really nice like that yeah thanks for watching guys and we will see you all later bye
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 8,447,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Video Game), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Ballistic Squid, Against All Odds, Part 2, Round, Map, World, Download, Hunger Games, Online, Best, Most, Epic, Battle, Win, New, Todat, 2013, Build, Friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2013
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