Minecraft Xbox - All Mine [380]

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hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video and another video inside of stampy's a lovely world good morning William beaver good morning and good morning Esther and good morning Barnaby did you just throw an egg of me there William beaver did you just for her naked me I just saw as I turned to go through that alright you could have an egg thrown at you as well that if we're playing that game and I am also gonna be joined by Polly reindeer and please don't throw any eggs at me anyway instead of throwing eggs I am going to go and I am going to eat my cake which does have eggs in it I guess so let's say go and eat it up and follow me you can stand up I'm gonna go and take you to the other dog house and we are doing something that I haven't done for quite awhile in my lovely world we are not playing any games we are not building we are going mining now I basically found an absolutely amazing looking cave quite a while ago over by the other Funland and I kept meaning to go and explore it and I thought why not explore it while recording as well because I have not done that in a very long time I'm actually running quite low and all of our materials as well so it would be good to find a bunch more iron and even some diamonds as well we don't have many diamonds left so it would be handy to find some more but first I'm gonna add someone to my love garden and today to the my love garden I am adding a samurai Derby and I'm adding sign reader because he made me this absolutely amazing picture which is painted and also made with cereal and they say don't play with your food but I think he did an absolutely amazing job of this and it's really creative so I would say I thank you so much for using your cereal to make a a drawing for me and welcome to my love garden alright then let's go and get you over to the the dog house I am NOT gonna be taking Barnaby with me or any dogs just because mines are very dangerous places and even though I will have a William beaver to protect me I think it would be best to leave the other dog safely at home for her for this trip so yeah part of me you can go and spend some time here with all your friend in the the doghouse and war unity jumped on my head then Barnaby and oh yeah then we I can go and air head over to the the fun land and I can show you where this this really awesome cave is I haven't really looked down it yet I just I got a little bit bit of a glimpse and don't look like it went really really deep and so I thought it would be a good opportunity and to have a little bit of a break from building when they're having a chance to go in to explore her down underneath the earth the cave and William that William are you what are you doing we're supposed to be going mining today William knows literally the opposite direction of the direction we want to head to William what are you doing that's not playing around you're supposed to love mining why are you running back that way William what's he doing Billy come up Billy beaver there we go you have snapped out of it look follow me let's go this way you followed me this way and we can go in head to the other fun hunter together I never know what my minecraft helpers are do it I seem to have got a big collection of some of the ways crazy animals inside of my lovely world anyway let's go and head over to the end the fun land then and let's go down this a really deep mine so as I mentioned it's really iron and diamonds were mainly after I still got quite a lot of a red stone left I see I need some more lapis I'm actually running quite low on lapis and I would like to build out of her lapis er a little bit more so it'd be handy to find some more of that and at the moment William beaver has been actually doing most of my mining for me so I have actually been mining in Minecraft for a very long time so I'm kind of just looking forward to looking forward to it just for me I just have a chance to go mining for a change and lots of you I've suggested that you would like to see kind of more normal minecraft episodes where I do things like going mining and I don't know doing something other than just building and playing minigames which are definitely my favorite two things are doing my lovely world but yeah I fought out break things up a little bit and go mining so the cave is just over here and do and there's some cookies over here as well I don't know how these got here but I'm not gonna say no unless there's a trail of cookies where do they lead to is it just oh okay there's just a few random cookies lying around the place don't know how they go here but I don't care cookies so I'm sure I'm gonna get hungry and eat them at some point and the cave should be yeah see the caves here so I found it when I was a leveling all of this area here and I decided to leave a little bit of an opening here so we could go and explore down here a little bit it looks like William beavers I got all of his armor on and I have no she got much armor on I've only got my stampy style boots on and Polly I doesn't have any armor whatsoever but it looks like she's being brave it looks like she's out charging straight in so I guess I would go and follow up so no no oh there's a creeper I probably must have ran straight past it right let's go and take out the creeper there we go luckily we got William beaver to go in to charge in and help me out and all all of the some mushrooms as well I wasn't looking for mushrooms but I guess I could go in to gather up some of these right then William beaver I need you to get as much as you can any eye in any coal any redstone anything you find I want you to gather up as much of it as you can so I should probably get my pickaxe out ready and let's go and do some mining Shou he looks like William beavers started off doing an amazing job digging already and this is about as far as I explored the other cave and last time I came here and I kind of just saw and then it seemed like it did go quite deep as I decided to save the other rest however exploring it yeah until I was doing in a video so you could all see as well and there's William beavers seem to her has jumped down ahead of me and let's go and try and start gathering up some more of this iron and ER and stuff around here as well so there's a mine on the ceiling here nope Oh careful Polly don't fall down who knows a mob trap there's a mob trapped down here quick William Beaver come helper cell phone oh they're attacking Polly they're attacking Polly oh no I need to put a torch down I need to try and stop them are you okay Polly are you okay oh no that was all oh I don't think even Polly has a salt on her Polly doesn't like fighting you can say what you can have some of these cookies and are hopefully they're going to cheer you up and this is cool though it looks like we found ourselves a dungeon well we should gather up the floor we should gather up the the floor mean get some of the M this like mossy cobblestone which is really cool and there's the chest as well oh look I've got a saddle got two saddles a bit more bread some redstone gunpowder string and a Golden Apple I'm gonna keep that safely at hand in case I I need it a little bit later on it does seem to be a very dangerous cave but not a bad start at all finding a a dungeon almost immediately but let's go and ahead out of here now and I keep going deeper down into the mine to see what else it is we're going to find and I guess we could leave the ad the mob trap up here for now just in case we want to use it like to run for something and there's some times you can make the like a mob grinder or something in order to go and they gather up a bunch of things but and then again you normally just end up with a bunch of rotten flesh when it's a zombie one right then it does seem to go a little bit deeper down here I guess I could go and gather up some of this coal my my pickaxe is absolutely amazing it's got loads of enchantments on it which means I get loads of materials and I can also mine really really fast which is they're definitely very handy when going on these are these big mining trips so let's go into keep heading down this way and I'm gonna go and try and light up the either way as much as I can and is poorly okay Oh Polly maybe stay close to William beaver William Weaver should be able to protect her okay and all what's this Daniel I there's some obsidian down here that of course means that there's some lava any diamonds no it'd be good like to try and get at least one diamond fist trip I think like any successful mining trip now you need to try and find at least one diamond so that's gonna be the the challenge I'm going to set for myself to try and find at least one diamond of course I'd like to find more than one diamond but that would be my my bare minimum alright then let's keep heading this way oh I found some gold it's not diamond but it is gold I cannot turn down some gold it's always nice to get things like gold and iron because you can actually build things out of it like most things I'm gathering up there isn't to make tools or anything it's because I actually want to build out of it and it'd be good to get enough iron and things like go to I can actually use iron and gold blocks in the future but this seems to be like an awesome cave apart from all of the other googlies everywhere there does seem to be lots of really good things well let's try and see how deep it goes is this gonna be a dead end oh no it keeps going and keeps going all the way down here Oh nope but that is a dead end down this way hopefully I will II William and Polly I can come through and gather up all of the the ores I am running past I am basically on the hunt for diamonds now so I think I need to go lower I don't know how deep I am hopefully down here this is a good sign normally a lob is quite a good sign but there are a lot of googlies down though it looks like William B was already down here and he's taking them all out I guess if we put torches absol the everywhere should get safer no here we go I found diamonds oh there's a creeper though I heard sizzling I heard sizzling be careful round two Poli this is a very dangerous place I can hit googlies everywhere I found some diamonds how many we got this is definitely more than one and all look because I got a fortune on my pickaxe and we actually are getting even more I don't know as if a little zombie be careful Poli be careful I'll get it I'll get it for you keep running oh no I fell in the lava I fell in the lava oh no I'm okay right let's have this Golden Apple that was scary I fought I fell in the lava but I was actually okay I was right on the edge here this is very dangerous especially now I got the times I don't know oh no this creepers creepers and skeletons all over the place they're charging us there we go I took out need a creeper and a William beaver there we go we worked together to take out the other skeleton this is a very dangerous cave isn't it but I got diamonds how many did I get I've got I got seven diamonds I think because I had fortune on that I got even more diamonds and then I would have normally I there's some redstone around here as well and a bit more gold on the ceiling up here and there some lapis over there as well so let's block off this water and I'm gonna go and try and gather up this gold from the this ceiling up here how much is there one piece only one piece of gold that's not very good but I can go and grab some of this this red stone that's on the other floor look how much I get because what have I got on this pickaxe then I've got a I got four tuned to and so I think that makes it so that I get way more stuff like way more ores redstone dust whatever is when I go mining so I think and that's how I was able to get so many diamonds from one patch but this is um this is a little bit more dangerous around here I don't really fancy a heading across that lava for now as this going to head up this way there's lots of torches so I think that someone's already head kind of in this direction and yet they have have you found anything good Polly anything to show me beyond this sniff out for diamonds oh it looks like she's gathering up some of the the iron there let's go in to add some more torches everywhere as well just to to try and stop the the googly spawning and where does this lead that's a another dead end down here but there's a lot more iron and coal in that direction Polly if you maybe carry on going that way when they're trying to gather that up and this is an awesome cape I just love it when you find a cave and like you think you've got to the end of it but then it just keeps going and it's like I guess it's like a spiderweb of just different areas or like I don't like spaghetti like spaghetti like crazy tunnels going absolutely everywhere I think I just went in an absolute complete circle then let's go down am I going in a circle again I think I just keep going at the same circles I'm trying to get as deep as I can because that is where you find most of the the diamonds so let's go and have a look down here there's lots of lava around here not quite so many diamonds Oh No woohoo I nearly fell in that lava there let's just go into a block that area off because that's a pretty dangerous and what about over here though any diamonds around here I can see some cobblestone there so someone's been here I'm not sure if it's me or not all the caves do kind of end up looking the same but oh no this is a dangerous bit this is a big dark open cave let's go and to try and take out as some of these googlies if we can there's a creeper and a skeleton probably like the two most dangerous er mobs that they're right in Minecraft so let's go and take them out and there's another skeleton at the back here let's try and take him out and then we can go and up as many torches around the place as we can to likely the area up I should have probably made some better armor before I head down here but I like just wearing my stamp you sell boots and up it looks like I have a quite a lot of arrows in my head right now I also I should probably make some more torches as well I have been gathering up a load of coal on my journey so I can make her a bunch more torches so we can carry on lighting up the area and I know I said I want to keep going down but it seems like I can go up this way and go down here there's no torches which means that none of my minecraft helpers have been this way or if they have they haven't been lighting up the area no it can go down here have I been down that way I keep seeing light everywhere and I don't know whether it's from the torches or if it's just from lava as I guess I kind of just head anywhere it's like oh there are some torches down that way I don't think I've been down here or is that another dungeon is that another time to north central I think this is another dungeon I think I found another dungeon alright let's immediately go and put some torches on this to stop the other zombies spawning looks like this one got in just in time but I didn't work out too well for him let's eat up my cookies and let's see what I can find in this chest I see if there's anything good in this we have up we've got some wheat and some iron so definitely not as good as the the other one but not too bad and not too bad and I found a another dungeon I guess I should probably go and gather up all of this um by this mossy cobblestone as well because you can only find this in dungeons there's no way to make it and if I ever want to build out of this stuff it's good to have a lot of its spare so let's go and together this up and then there's iron and gold underneath it everywhere I swear that in my lovely world there's way more than in like pretty much every other world like every other world I've gone to play in I never find as good stuff as I do in my lovely world and I think it's absolutely amazing I don't know why maybe it's cuz that world is so old and maybe like world used to have more ores and now they have less I don't know maybe I am not sure though but I am not complaining and right then let's keep exploring then it would be amazing if I could find some more diamonds as I was saying I turned the corner and I find some more is only one at that bit though I wasn't as good as the the last time they said dig around a little bit just to make sure note there's none more there is another zombie here though let's go and take him out shall we and I'm gonna carry on going round this way how many diamonds oh I had no though I got 10 diamonds 10 diamonds that is absolutely amazing I want to be careful here though because there's a lot of lava so can I block it off without getting in the lava or I'm right on the edge this is quite dangerous there we go as able to block it off and actually I think it might be a dead end over here so I can maybe go up that way I could try and swim up the the water possibly but I do generally I want to try and go deeper rather than higher but I'm not sure if I've been that way right I'm gonna be very careful and I'm gonna go and try and swim up right next to the the lava but not go into the lava this is pretty cool actually and this is our way that seems just to go really deep the entire way straight down if I found this straightaway I could have gone all the way straight down to where those diamonds were immediately and let's go up this way let's go and try and explore somewhere else looks like there's a bit of a cave down there I want to go all the way to the top here and I see if this leads to a new part of the the cave though I think this is where the the water comes out from though so I'm gonna have to just come off onto this block here and then I can just go into a pile up the air the rest of the way which is probably actually quicker than swimming up the other water anyway so this should be fine it is very dark around here though as let's go into all who I thought I was gonna fall down then I thought that was me gone the entire way down I also though I want to try and meet up with my helpers because I've not seen them in a while and I want to to make sure that they're okay there seems to be a bit of a pip there but it doesn't lead to anything you know does this all lead to nothing and let's try and check down here nope this leads to nothing either I just wasted my time piling up here alright then let's go and try and make my way back down then and a trying to reunite with Polly and William and trying to meet up with them and carry on mining together I think there's there's definitely safety in numbers winner in Minecraft down in these caves it's a a lot more dangerous to go ahead alone so let's try and find where I came from I think I came from this direction yeah and that's where the the dungeon was there so let's just go and keep looking around this way I'm sure eventually now we're gonna end up meeting up even though it is a a very big cave I'm sure eventually if we wander around enough we're gonna all end up meeting up I keep just sort of checking around where the the lava is because that's often where you find more diamonds I did find sometimes very close to Reno hello guys how's it going nice to meet up with you have you ever had any luck doing some mining or has he got some lapis and all sorts redstone and gold and iron and of course the other mossy cobble as well right then and let's keep wondering so I've gone up this where I think I've been this way very much though let's go around here be careful though everyone there is still lots of her lava absolutely everywhere along down this way maybe there's no torches down here and all up that way as well actually I think there's are still a lot more areas to the cave we haven't explored I want to be careful here though because oh no oh don't don't push me and don't push me and don't push me at all that was a little bit dangerous then I hate water well I hate water when it's close to lava cuz it just pushes you in are there any diamonds around here that doesn't seem to be an honour of the waters back oh no real careful careful careful please please block up the water please block up the water I'm getting pushed right into the edge here I'm gonna go and try and block off a little bit of the the lava around here nope I can't see any diamonds around there you can maybe try digging around there William beaver to see if there are any I think we're on the the right for diamonds at all be very careful there's a pit made into lava down here let's go in to block this off shall we and to try and like the area up and whoa there is a big lava cave down here any diamonds and I might just try building a a little bridge across here just to have a look on the other side and to see if there are any around here I'm not sure that we've been very lucky with how many we've found so far that's probably pretty unlikely to find anymore I don't know this just seems like the sort of place that diamonds would show up in those so I can't help going to have a check and be very careful round here Polly the lava is very very hot just like lava always is but sadly I don't think there were any around there any luck that way William beaver have you found any nope no diamonds this way let's go and have a look is this sir is this an area we've explored before I'm not sure if it is or not either any down there no there doesn't seem to be too much down here let's go and have a look this way I think we might be going back to an area we've already been and although is it have you found something that looks like William beaver has found something let's go in to follow him I don't want to run quite as fast as he is I'm not quite as a confident as he is next to all of the other lava and looks like he found something back up in this direction okay now let's go in there and follow him and to see what it is that he's found all down here no down over this way how does he know his way around this cave so well already he truly is the the master miner know what's down this way look he's built like tunnels he's built like tunnels and bridges absolutely everywhere all over the the place around here I think he might be by just showing me an area I've nada explored yet so I'm just gonna stay crouched and I carefully follow behind him and dodge down here stay very close to us Polly I do not what you turn to fall behind and what is it that you're showing me over this direction and Oh more diamonds he has he found more diamonds I think here he left them for me so I could go and gather them up jolly good how many if I caught now then I have got 14 diamonds 14 diamonds from one mining trip is certainly not very bad is it not very bad whatsoever I cannot complain about that so there we go I think I'm going to end this here as a very sick accessible mining trip I suppose we should probably try and find a way out of this this cave shall we so and let's see if we can go and to try and get back to the the surface it's a it's a very big cave and or I think we can go up this way if we just keep going up as high as we can even if we don't end up coming out the the same place where we went in we could hopefully at least try and get to the either service if I go up this way this cave is so huge I'll look it goes all the way down there right forget it I'm not going back to the surface I just found a whole new massive part of the other cave that I want to go and explore no look some more go down here as well I can't say no at all ok looks like I I found it a little holter to get down let's go around this way I can't believe how big this cave is oh we can go down here is this just a dead end yes just a dead end down that direction however there seems to be just like a million different directions for me to be able to go into I guess I could go down go down this way there's a lot of water and a lot of lava all over the place which is a bit of a dangerous combination let's go and to try and block off this water up here and then that way we can go and just walk along all of the the obsidian and get around hopefully a relative leader safely that way it's actually sometimes quite nice when there's lava because even though it's dangerous it helps light up the the Cape so you normally get less googlies in the areas where the the larper is so hopefully there won't be too many googlies around here and all I don't think I did a very good job blocking up the the water I think it's still just coming down and let's gonna have a look this way then I want to be very careful there's only a very fin pot and then I'm able to get around anything up in err in this direction hopefully haven't walked past any diamonds I do have a a bit of a tendency just to get too excited running around the cave and then I run straight past diamonds and don't even see them I got even more gold here I've got loads of gold as well how much gold have I got I've got 13 gold ore as well so far this trip and I'm sure that Paulie and William have way more between them as well and let's go around this way then there seem to be a path this way if I go and just dig my way through here I found her a little bit more gold ore in this direction as well then let's go and try and go the the other way I think we are definitely deep enough an auditor to find some diamonds are getting a little bit worried though because I haven't seen Paulie in a little while hopefully she's going to find her way down to us if you can hear me Paulie just follow the trail of torches I've left a trail of torches everywhere I've gone as I hopefully she's going to be able to make her way down here it looks like the other tunnel carries on down this direction a little bit it's once again very dangerous though because we're right on the very edge of the the lava ever let me just go and have a little quick look around this way just to see if there is anything cooler in this direction but apart from that I think we have explored most of the most of the other cave so what I am gonna do now is what I said I was gonna do earlier and I'm gonna go and see if I can find my way out of the cave then shall we because there's no point finding lots of amazing things if you can't get it safely back to the other surface let me go and make it a few more torches so I can try and light up my way and at a whop let's have a race last person to the fun land losers so we got to meet let's meet by da slime time game because that's near the air the exit of the cave last one to the slime time game is the the loser so that's what the the challenge is going to be so I think rather than trying to dig straight up because that can sometimes take a while and zorse are very dangerous I'm gonna go and see if I can find the the way we came in so if I can I just keep heading up this way let's see if I can get to the other slime time game first shall we umm anywhere up this way I can maybe go up that way maybe all that is a bat just sleeping on the air in neither cave there and a witch there could maybe go this way oh I gotta grab the gold I can't turn down the the gold as I go around this way no I know I'm supposed to be racing but it's so hard to to walk past it without gathering it it's such a so shiny and pretty isn't it all right then let's go this way I don't think this is the the way I came down because it's still very dark but as long as I can get to the other surface of my lovely world I'll be easily able to find my way to the other slime time game anyway in hello Polly hello Polly how are you okay anyway we're supposed to be racing I know what she all are there's more stuff down here let me just gonna have a very quick look look at this cave look how amazing is that there's more mushrooms and all stuff down here what's in this direction it seems to be looping up this way and then there's this a dead end yeah there's a dead end down here anyway I'm not supposed to be exploring I'm gonna forget the gold I'm gonna forget the iron I'm gonna forget everything I can come back and get it later I want to try and win the race to the the slime time game so I think there was a par pleading up her this way and it looks like her Polly's going to stick with me and carry on heading up this path um where does this lead to actually let's go to the other side of this this water and to see if we can carry on going anywhere in this direction I kind of just want to pop leading up but no it looks like there is no path leading up so what I'm gonna do now is I am going to dig I think I've got myself relatively a high up anyway so if I keep digging hopefully I'm gonna get to the other surface before William beaver and Polly does I don't know how good a police Tozer I think at the moment she's only using stone tools so she's probably gonna be quicker trying to find her way out of the the cave and I haven't seen William beaver in a while so I have no idea where he is and I also have no idea where I am really I have no idea where I'm gonna be digging up to but my pickaxe is so fast at digging I should hopefully get to the other surface and absolutely no time and it's also pretty handy because I can use this tunnel right to quickly get back down to where I was before as I can go in to carry on exploring the rest of the cave later to get all of the the other things that I that I miss so let's go and keep digging up this way if I can and let's see where I I where I head out the only worry is is that we did go down very close to a lot of water and there sometimes it can be very dangerous when you're digging up if you dig up underneath the Eva gravel or water or sand or something because yeah you can end up suffocating in it which is a which isn't very nice it's not very pleasant so hopefully I am NOT gonna come up underneath the ocean all I did come up underneath some gravel though luckily I was digging pretty carefully and rather than digging straight up I was doing a little staircase so I was able to avoid the gravel otherwise that could have been a lot more dangerous than it was right then let's keep digging and let's be a extra careful now because there is a lot of gravel all over the place I should probably well have something to eat as well because I am getting a little bit peckish as well so let's go and to eat some of this this bread had to go and try and get my my hunger fully up and let's go into a keep on going then shall we so let's go and a dig way all of this gravel first I think that is a at the end of the other gravel now when they should hopefully I'd be getting really close to the the surface is always good when you're digging up from a big tunnelling trip the first time you see some dirt or something but it looks like I found water I don't know if this is the surface I don't know look I just found a cave oh no this is the surface okay well I'm in my lovely world but I have no idea where I am so it's good that I got to the surface but I still need to go and find myself to the the slime time game I don't know there's a witch as well there's a witch I got to go and take out the the witch what I would do I just looked knocked her off the other mountain before she had time to do anything at all here we go here's my fun land I can see it right I got to get down there as quick as I can it's go go go go I can't see whether Polly or William beaver are over there at all yeah and it is nighttime as well which means there are gonna be googlies absolutely everywhere let's go take up the air disguting and let's go in to keep running in this direction I'm I can see this slime time game that's the other game that we were playing in the last episode but Wireless skeletons absolutely everywhere there's even torches here and it's all lit up but there's still skeletons I don't know I think they're both there I think they both got the head before me which means I lost the other race and they were able to both win and they are celebrating with their favorite foods carrots and apples but overall that was a pretty amazing mining trip there Lester yes everyone throw down what they were able to get so I got all of this iron I got this gold as well I got all of this redstone 14 diamonds I got the the mossy cobblestone as well and look how much everyone else got as well that is pretty amazing from just a one day's work notice early and that is the end of this episode here hopefully you enjoyed seeing the the mining trip and in the next episode I'm gonna be heading back to my town where I'm gonna be building a brand new shop so make sure you come back to check when that's going to be but for now on a thank you are very much watching and I will see you all later
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 7,679,786
Rating: 4.8058543 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Part 380, Lovely World, William Beaver, Polly Reindeer, Mine, Diamonds, Console, Edition, Version, Xbox 360
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2016
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