Minecraft Xbox - Pretty Kitty [186]

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[Music] hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let's play video and another video inside of stampy's lovely world and today in this video we are going to be getting beautiful and i'm going to be joined in this video by mr elfalie and whoa whoa and a big pile of mr alfa piece equipment lee are you there is anybody home hello lee good morning wait stay still stay silly oh i was gonna go and try and steal the cake without picking up all of the other stuff speaking of cake do you know what i want lee down in one that's the way stampy cat does it and i'm also in this video going to be joined by is anyone around here any other people in my house oh who's this that isn't henry or hilda hanging out in their room who have i found in it oh there there's hilda i'm also going to be joined by ash in this video as well as someone else some slippery fella who i'm sure is going to be showing up at some point in the video i'm having a look out the window here to see if i can spot him he normally has lions though i was going to be joined by henry as well and i'm not sure where henry is at the moment we've been trying to find him and oh here he is he's just hanging out that's where he was last video just hanging out on the uh the wrong side of the railing what i'm going to do is i'm going to very quickly put down just a few blocks just in case he is stuck and then hopefully he's gonna be be able to escape there you go henry you can run free you can run free whenever you want run free or just stand there doing nothing whatever you want to do henry it's up to you anyway let's go and add someone to the the love garden through here and if you don't know what the love garden is that's basically a place where i add someone's name and a sign and give them a shout out and i say thank you to them for some reason and today i am adding hopefully i'm pronouncing this right uh sas sultan uh sorry if i got your name wrong but uh she drew me an amazing picture of me and when i say me i mean the real me not the stampy cat me and i'm gonna leave as a link in the description a link to a video where you can see the picture she based her drawing off but i thought it was absolutely amazing so i want to say a very big thank you and welcome to my love garden and i get quite a lot of people asking me about uh how to get added to my love garden and the thing i always say is to try and come up with something original don't look at what other oh did you hear that did he leave there working away on the the anvil yeah try to do something original uh original don't look at what other people have done and instead uh yeah try and come up with a new and exciting way uh to be added to the love garden but you're not allowed to ask that's the only rule you're not allowed to ask to be added anyway you might be wondering why i haven't decided to pick a dog and that's because today i'm taking fluffy and fluffy doesn't live in the the dog house fluffy lives down here inside of the uh the pika pet pet shop so fluffy uh you can join me here for uh today's video at all leigh's thrown something for to me what's lee throwing me uh lee's super spectacular sword thank you very much lee that's very kind of you only joking i know you're not giving it to me i know you just wanted to show it to me i've got my own sword anyway i got diamond sword i'm gonna have to come up with my my own name there maybe i should do a stampy super spectacular sword as well we can both have some some spectacular swords anyway in the last video we were here building this uh water pyramid and uh since then we've finished off placing all the water on the top and we basically did it the uh the same on each side as you saw in the last video and i think it looks quite cool doesn't it and it looks even better at night so uh yeah once it becomes dark this whole place is all kind of glowing and it looks really cool and so all we need to do now is uh build everything inside so the main things we need to build is a jacuzzi and we need to build a little foot a foot fishy fountain thing down here and also the main big thing in the middle is going to be the beautifier and as soon as that's the uh the most important thing i'm going to do that first and i've actually got a a shovel here with silk touch and so this way when i break the uh the glass uh it all just drops down there and so i'm going to be able to go and pick it all up again and uh this thing's going to be quite big it's basically going to look like a big shower and you're going to go inside and i've got a dispenser here and you're going to press a button which is going to dispense some magical beautifying water which is going to go all over you and then hopefully when you come out you're going to come out looking even more beautiful than you did when you went is it when you went in so that's what the uh the plan is going to be so the only problem is i am going to have to do the the redstone in the video and uh that doesn't always uh end well but we'll see we'll see hopefully this is just gonna be an an efficient guide to uh to how to to build a beautify and it looks like uh lee's they're already working hard building the uh the the little feet fountain i think we can call that the fishy feet fountain i guess we can call that lee while you're right in the sign and hello squid nugget how are you doing today are you okay oh you're here keeping guard squid's there keeping guard at the front just to make sure no google is coming we actually had a quite a lot of trouble with googlies uh in the in the last video they were all over the place uh but lee did an amazing job at keeping them at bay so hopefully that's going to be the same here with a squid on guard rather than lee and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to build like a big booth here and i'm going to do it all out over this dark blue and a light blue wall and that way it's going to be kind of uh sticking with the the whole water thing kind of like a big wave i guess and that's what the thing is going to look like and then there's going to be a button down on the side down here somewhere which is what you're going to press to to start the wart dropping and then we're going to probably put some some glowstone on the floor just to light the whole thing up and then just a wooden a wooden or an iron door at the front just to uh to stop the water spilling all over the place because yeah even though there is water kind of everywhere at the moment it's kind of contained and so i don't want it to be uh spilling all over the place so and let me go just place these last few blocks in here and i've almost ran out of a coloured wall already i need to place that one on there and then that one up there and then this is this is kind of what it's going to look like from the front but that's going to be down like that there and this is where the the door is going to be and i need to grab a little bit more wall just to go and fill in oh what's this here oh there's a nice little shower down here as well is this like a little tester oh squid's down there i didn't even see you down there squid squid's just having a little practice go is he i think that's just a little warm up before he uses the main beautifier and all the ashes here wallowing in the water come cool down ash dubs water cooler costs one fish i got some competition here i'm trying to build my spa squid's building a little spa down here and so is ash we got a little bit of competition you should build one as well what's lee built a fishy feet fountain so you can sit down here and you dangle your your feet in the fountain and then fish come and suck on your feet and that's apparently a good thing supposedly don't ask me i didn't actually come up with that that is a real thing that that people actually do so i don't know ask your parents why they do that but that is a thing people do anyway let's go put some some glowstone on the floor down here just so i can uh see what i'm doing then i'm gonna put in the the dispenser and it should be quite simple i basically just need to link up some some redstone to the dispenser so as you press the the button some some water is going to go and come out so i think i need to if i place a block there and put a redstone torch on top of that then that will hopefully power the the dispenser that is the plan so let me just go uh make a very quick crafting table i always make a whole load of crafting tables but it doesn't really matter i don't think i needed one actually all i'm doing is making a redstone torch let's just make a a few of them and then once i've built this i'll go over to where lee is and i'll build the jacuzzi down there right i'm going to place it so it's like oh no it didn't mean to do it like that i want to place it so it's kind of just standing up i think it might need to be but don't ask me i'm no redstone master then if we do another one directly underneath it if i do another one there and then i need to to go around here and link up some redstone uh through here and then this is where the the buttons gonna be so if i think if i do some i just put some redstone dust on the the floor down there and then put a block there and then i can put one on top of it which can have a sign that just says like press here to beautify hopefully that is going to power the dispenser so all i need to do now is go and get a bucket of water and i think i have quite a few in here here we go if i go grab a bucket of water and i go and put that inside the the dispenser up here and then i'm going to do a quick tester uh pressing a button just to make sure it is actually working i don't actually think i need a crafting table to make a button no there we go i can just make a a quick wooden one here and right hopefully if i press that button the water is going to come out what i should probably do though is i try and block off some of the redstone though because otherwise the the water is going to come out and it's just gonna destroy all of the redstone that i just placed and that wouldn't be much fun so let's go and uh fill all of this in and then i'll do a quick test to go and hopefully it's gonna work i think i need to fill in the back here as well like this there we go this is kind of like a little shower and hopefully if i press the button there we go all the water's coming out and spilling everywhere no this is not good turn it off turn it off turn it off oh dude yeah it kind of worked the one thing we're missing something i didn't think about is the door so let's go and go make a just a wooden door for now and then we can go and plonk that uh on the the front there there we go that should hopefully contain the water and uh let's go and fill this in here as well because it's all looking a little bit exposed and there we go this is the pretty kitty beautifier a hundred percent complete let me just go into grab a sign so i can put a sign on it just so if we have any tourists coming into my world if they walk in here they're gonna know what they're looking at you need to make a few more wooden planks and if i go and make a sign and all i need to do now is try and decide how to spell beautifier uh let's just say b e a u t fire there we go there's the beauty beauty fire yeah it's not really a real word so i technically can't spell it wrong but that still doesn't look quite right then i can have another sign here just saying press here to beautify but i'm not too worried about that for now and yeah let's go let's go and start building the the jacuzzi then shall we lee i think if i go i put down some oh no i didn't mean to put that there let's get rid of that hopefully it's not gonna muck up the water all good i'm gonna put down some some dark blue wool there and i might put some glowstone underneath here just to make it look like it's all nice and toasty and heated and then so carry on building this round here kind of how you were anyway and uh yeah let's go and build a nice little jacuzzi so the last thing i need to do is go and fill up some buckets so i can fill it up and i think i need to get a one more piece of a wall as well i think we should have someone here we've got some in here lee actually uh we've got some some buckets of water right in here and i need some some more dark blue wool which should be in here and if you don't mind me what's going on over here jump in here and don't move this is squid slide apparently okay not the most extreme slide i've seen but let's give it a go shall we [Music] splash that's quite gentle that's quite quite nice and soothing actually let me just go and steal a little bit of your water don't don't mind me i'm just eating a little bit of your water you've got plenty and let's go and fill up my my jacuzzi with it then shall we i go and place some down there and i've got whoa i've got loads of buckets on me here let's go and place some down in that corner down there there we go here's our nice jacuzz i need to come over the name of it tell you what since um the last update they've added carpets if we put carpets around the outside they could be like cushions and then we could call it the the cozy koozie like the cozy jacuzzi the cozy koozie is that a good name maybe not let's call it that anyway right if i go and um i got the wool on me anyway let me go and try and make carpets i've actually never made carpets before so i don't actually know uh where you go to make them here they are in decorations just gonna make a whole load of them and a whole load of the the dark ones as well and uh i don't need any more woolly and then what i do is i just do like it alternating the other pattern so if i go and play place the the light wall and all the dark blue wall and then do the the same the other way around it should be just uh quite a cool funky pattern check that out i kind of like the look of that there's the the cozy koozie that is down there so here we are i think it's all completely done now i think we've we've built everything that we we needed to to build in here so um yeah i guess we can all we need to do now is going to relax and use everything i'm going to go and um get rid of a whole load of my uh unwanted items i've got loads of buckets of water in here and i don't need a bunch of them let's go and dump all of that stuff down in here and uh lighten our pockets up a little bit and uh i know what we should do we need to we need to get some fish we need to get some some fish for the the fishy fountain i've actually got a a fishing rod on me here i guess we could uh just go out here and go and uh grab a few fish i'll be good to have a quite a few of them then we can just go and uh throw them throw them down inside of the the fishy fountain and um yeah then we can go and dangle our feet down in there i dangle my my paws in there and the fish can go there look at that i caught a fish already that's that's not bad going all right let's see if i catch a couple fish and if you go grab some as well there we go i got another one as well look at this speed fishing i'm hoping to set a record here for catching the most fish in a minute or something i've got two almost instantly can i get another one new fish in three two one go oh no i was trying to get lucky sometimes if you just do an artificial countdown there we go free fish that was pretty speedy i will be honest and so i can go and throw these in the in the fountain and yeah then we can go into the the fishy fist fountain i might just uh put a little um a little chest next to it and then that way that's where we can uh we can store all of our all of our fish and we can go and uh place that down there and i might lighten up i might do some some glowstone here as well if i do a glowstone in each of the the four corners and that will kind of glow the uh like the whole area up and there's there's lee throwing a a few fish downs if i go and throw down a few more as well there's loads of them then i can just go and stand here and dangle my feet in i think i need to take my boots off for this one take off my stampy style boots and just go and dangle them all in this is pretty awesome anyway should we all have a go on the the beautifier then i think that's one of the things i'm really looking forward to do that's probably the uh the best thing we've got here and we can see if it works we've not had a little test to go and i think uh squid's here trying to to make the the slide a bit better join me to give you a quick nudge here squid and let me just put down a torch so i can see what i'm doing right you stay where you are squid i don't think you've got much choice and there we go whoa that actually kinda almost but still once again kind of didn't work anyway let's all go and have a go on the the beautify then right who needs it most who needs to use the beautifier most um i'm just saying not him i don't think uh lee sane uh squid would you like to volunteer to use the the beautifier no no no no you stay sitting down there fluffy i saved you there squid i saved you no come on come on get along guys get along uh squid if you follow me through here you can have the first test to go you're privileged you're privileged to be the first person to be able to use it and so yeah if you just let yourself in there go stand uh on that piece of glowstone i just need to to hop round here and if i press this button hopefully assuming that my redstone's actually working there should be a whole load of a water trickling down on him and then i give him a little bit of time i think i'm i'm going to give squid a little bit more time than the than the others but for no other reason than because you're going first good then if i press the button again hopefully squid is going to come out looking even more beautiful than he did when he went in hopefully haven't washed his uh his hat off has it worked oh oh you look beautiful darling you'll hardly even recognize a full ballistic squid um come out madam i mean sir i mean i don't even know um your new look do you like your new look squid are you happy with your noon you don't like it right you want to go back in then and then we'll have another go and we'll see what we're what it's going to end up looking like oh i did not expect that squid is not going to be happy hopefully he doesn't ask for his money back actually wait then again he didn't even pay so i suppose it doesn't really matter right i'm going to give him a little bit more uh time in there disco and hopefully something's good is going to come out and uh yeah let's that should be long enough let's go and press the button i can him getting hurt in there i think i left it on for a little bit too long that time right then squid do you want to do you want to come out and we can see what your your new look is going to be oh he looks exactly the same right i guess he needs a little bit more time in there let's go turn it back on and just uh leave it going for a little while a little while and hopefully uh he is going to come out looking beautiful and then after that we can all have our own goals going in and see what we're gonna gonna end up looking like right that should be long enough uh i've turned it off do you want to come out now squid do you want to come out and hopefully look even more beautiful oh that's a that's certainly a a change that's certainly very different um what happened to your tentacles right i think it's time that someone else had to go did you wanna have a go ash did you wanna have a go on the the beautifier and see what you're gonna end up looking like right if i put him in there once again if i just go and turn on the water uh that should all be trickling down now and the the magic beautifying water should be enough to change him to make him look absolutely beautiful so that should be long enough let me go and press the button again and you want to come out now ash and then we can see what your your ended up looking like uh here he comes and he oh um it certainly made you look different ash that that's for sure you certainly don't look the same as you did when you went in more beautiful might be a a slight stretch but certainly you look very different if if you were walking down the street ash i would have a second look that that's all i'm saying rightly do you want to have a go then what's it going to make lee end up looking like if you probably want to take your your leggings off before you go in there you don't want to get all your trousers soggy when you want your inside there you i'll hold on to them for you i'll hold on to your clothes uh you can go inside of the uh the beautifier and yeah we can see what what lee's gonna uh gonna end up looking like what would what would lee end up looking like oh oh he's changed already i saw that he's all he's almost already changed what what what look at lee he's got glasses on he's even happier now than he than he normally looks come stand out here liam come come give us a 12. this can be your little catwalk here come walk down and give us a 12 show us your new look oh look at that little waistcoat you look amazingly ah dude i i want my go i want my go i won't have a go going inside of the beautifier right i'm gonna take my my boots off uh you can you can hold on to my boots lee and then do you want to go into and you can press the button and then we can see what i'm going to end up looking like i'm actually kind of curious i've seen what everyone else ended up looking like but i'm curious about what i'm going to end up looking like right you want to press the button me and then hopefully all the uh the water is going to go and just start trickling down from here do you want to press the button here we go here's the water coming down now and let's see what i'm going to end up looking like right you want to turn it off now lee before i end up drowning right there we go and uh let's go outside and see what i look like oh oh i'm i'm still i'm still an orange cat but i'm just uh a slightly different orange cat than than i was when i when i first went in i i don't like it i look i look a bit angry i look a bit stern like this hmm i'm not sure whether i like this beautifier i think what it's taught me is we should all just stay looking like what we look like anyway and just be happy with the way we look and not worry about changing anything and lea are you wearing my are you wearing my stampy style boots right in that case i'm gonna go and wear your clothes oh i think i look quite good actually this is quite a good look being this cat with these leggings is there quite a cool look and what do you want squid oh squid wants another go you wanna have another go inside right the final go of the beautify this is gonna be the last time we're gonna use it so hopefully like this is going to end up a good one right let's leave him in there for a little while he's ended up changing and looking like quite a wide variety of different things very unsquid like so let's see what he's going to end up looking like this time right that should be just about long enough if i go and press the uh the button again and uh turn off the water and squid you want to come outside and show us your your new look there we go now you look more like a squid well you look a bit more like an octopus look at your tentacles look how many tentacles you got now you certainly do look tender cool god that was a bad pun even by my standards that was a bad fun let's all go outside and let's all stand in a row with our with our new outfits and uh and our new look so we got ballistic squid the octopus uh we got ash the hippo that looks more like a toad we've got lee bear who's still a bear but a very different type of bear and we've got stampy cat who's a new kind of stampy cat oh dear anyway now that's the end of this video here hopefully you enjoyed watching us uh completely building the uh the pretty kitty spa and uh the beautify machine uh there'll be a link in the description to the next part of my let's play which should be online very soon so i want to thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 20,781,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Video Game), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Xbox (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, Part 186, Pretty Kitty, Beautiful, Ballistic Squid, L For Lee, Lee Bear, Spa, Water, Console, Edition, Version
Id: NVAbo5j3rYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 16 2014
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