I Spent 100 Days in ONE BLOCK Minecraft VR and Here's What Happened

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what if you started a brand new map but instead of starting here you start here on one single block in this series i'll be spending 100 days on one block minecraft however there is a twist i'll be doing this entire challenge in vr without removing my headset a single time on one block minecraft you start off with only a single block this block will respawn infinitely no matter how many times you break it it also gives you better blocks as you progress through the different phases this block can also spawn mobs chests and animals there are 10 different phases and the last one is of course the in portal and my goal is to defeat the ender dragon if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing it only takes one second and it really does help me a lot and i'm not gonna lie it makes me a little sad knowing that 88 of you guys don't even subscribe so if we can let's try to get these numbers a little bit better i really would appreciate it also if you do like the video then please make sure to leave a like now let's go ahead and get this vr series started so in vr this is so cool i start off and i'm like wow this is amazing and then i realize i'm floating on one block and if i fall i die and in vr this was so scary and you could literally see me shaking but then i found out when i opened my menu i can actually see my arms moving around and i started dancing and had a lot of fun with it because well i'm a loser but just think how cool i look in real life doing this it took me a little while to actually get started because i thought when i broke the block i was gonna fall but then being the new by am i did fall oh god and let me tell you when you fall inside of vr it feels like you're really falling and i may or may not have myself the nice thing about this horrible experience is that i spawn back with a shovel and let's just say i got my revenge on that stupid block for making me fall i got my first chest that i almost broke and it had a sapling in it it was even oak which is my favorite type of tree because you know what they say if you ain't oak you're broke or something like that i'm sorry my jokes are horrible you guys should really just leave anyways shortly after that chest this pig spawned and it pushed me right off the damn map whoa and upon falling i may or may not have myself again because this wasn't vr after all after i spawned back in i was gonna get my revenge but then i thought damn karen's looking hella thick and juicy but then she reminded me of my ex because she is a pig after all and i hit her off the map anyways gravel would spawn but it kept falling immediately so that was kind of annoying eventually i found this chest with a water bucket in it and i decided to try to place a block underneath the block i didn't have that much experience with minecraft and vr yet so i was having trouble with the controls and i came up way too fast it almost fell off the map myself for a third time seriously minecraft and vr is really scary i swam back up place the block and now i can mine all the gravel that i want then this happened this really weird chest fondant making a weird noise at me but i got really excited because i thought i was about to get some op loot maybe some iron tools or maybe some diamonds so i opened it and it wasn't very good as you can see you know how when someone gives you a gift and you really hate it but you act like you like it that's pretty much how i felt luckily though right after that my block got an upgrade this thing sounded like a ticking time bomb and i thought it was about to explode right in my face but it didn't explode and i got an upgrade to the planes i wasn't really sure what to expect but i started mining away and it just seemed like a bunch of dirt and wood but then a few minutes later my ex-girlfriend spawned in again i felt bad killing her last time so i was gonna let her live but because i'm in vr i accidentally hit her with my shovel when i raised my hand and just like that my ex-girlfriend left me once again stupid shovel i didn't want to murder any more of my animals so i went ahead and extended my platform some so that there'd be more room for animals to walk around after i finished extending my platform i went back to mining blocks and you guys will never guess what happened my ex-girlfriend's mom showed up me and her didn't really get along that well but i was tired of killing my animal so i was gonna let her stay anyways i mind a few more blocks and then my stupid shovel broke so i decided now was probably a good time to make some tools i made my first crafting table and then i made all the wooden tools i'm not actually sure why i didn't think about making this earlier i guess i kind of just forgot that you can craft on this game mode after that i decided to slap down two chests and i organized all my stuff because i'm a little ocd and i hate when my inventory is a mess and you know what makes minecraft so cool in vr you can actually pet the animals day one was almost over and i quickly found myself becoming addicted i mean what's more fun than this mining block after block after block and then when i thought my addiction couldn't get any stronger another chest spawned in and i had some feeling that this chest was gonna be the chest i've been waiting for so of course i decided to open it and guys guess what i found [Music] the chest in this game mode are so bad i swear i already knew i was having bad luck but then my girlfriend's dad spawned in now he used to always boss me around and even inside of minecraft he just sat up on that block and ordered me to keep on mining so i kept grinding away for the rest of the night day one was already over and i managed to myself three times die twice and i lost two animals i'm really curious to see what these numbers are gonna be like after day one hundred day two started off good but it quickly turned into chaos these two twin chickens spawned in and i also found out since i was in vr if i physically took my hand and hit the block it would actually mine it i didn't have to hit the button and then like the stupid idiot i am i accidentally hit both chickens with my shovel and they fell off the island i started panicking because i really didn't want to lose any more animals so i grabbed my water bucket and i went over to the side of my island got on my knees and prayed that i could save them they looked like they were really far away so i thought i wasn't gonna save any of them so i swam down and luckily it looks like i actually managed to save one but sadly the other one got separated and had no chance i was actually so proud of myself that i saved this thing but look what happened like how does that even happen how does it just drown on its way up it was such a sad moment i got back up to my island and my animals were definitely judging me for what just happened i'm sorry guys i tried i went back to mining and then i had a really cool idea what if i tried dual wielding inside of vr i don't know why but for some reason it felt so epic dual wielding axes even my animals thought i looked like a badass [Music] i think my only regret is that the kids who used to bully me can't see how cool i became in the middle of me looking like a total badass my ex-girlfriend spawned back in but i accidentally yeted her right off the map even though she did break up with me i felt really bad so i decided to go in the water and try to save her my plan was to get underneath her and then hit her back onto my island surprisingly i managed to save her but then her mom fell off and i had no idea how that happened maybe her mom was just really sick of her and didn't want to deal with her anymore i don't know what do you guys think i mean seriously how bad you have to be for your own mother to jump off the island shortly after that little incident my ex-girlfriend's sister showed up and believe it or not she's actually worse than my ex i mean just look at that face i decided to go ahead and build a pin for my animals because i really didn't want to lose anymore since i already lost most of them and here's a little time lapse [Music] i was debating on not putting this in here because it's kind of embarrassing but it's also funny because i'm playing in vr i really struggled climbing up this ladder as you can tell it took me a good minute to figure it out when you're in vr you have to like physically climb it but i think that adds a really immersive aspect to it you know when you actually get the hang of it and you're not a noob like me and then like any good owner i brutally beat all my animals until they got into their pen to celebrate all my hard work on the animal pens i whipped out two shovels and i went ham my ex-girlfriend's mom came back and she broke my damn shovel how dare you break my shovel that's a bad cow go into timeout i went back to mining and i got some more blocks then i got this pig then i got some more blocks yeah so pretty much to sum up day two i got a bunch of blocks and animals including the sheep i got but then i got my favorite animal oh chicken but you also have to go in timeout right as day 2 is coming to an end i got another one of these weird heart chests and i was really hoping something good was going to come out of it but it was just some apples a grass block and some saplings unfortunately however some good news though as soon as i mined it i got an upgrade i was really excited but look how excited nelson was the upgrade ended up being the underground which i thought was really ironic considering we're floating on one block up in the sky but i was really excited to get better stuff so to celebrate i made a second pickaxe and well you guys already know the rest day three had already started and i went ahead and made myself a stone pickaxe axe shovel and hoe and as you could tell i was super happy with my upgrade oh look at me dancing around i began the day with mining and then this giant red thing spawned i'd even know what the hell it was but it looked like a giant used tampon to me sorry if that's kind of graphic i don't know why that's my analogy but whatever it was the first thing i thought of i'm sorry i'm really lame and immature and i'm just gonna shut up now but seriously look at it why is this thing so freaking red since i was really confused i actually took off my headset and googled what this was because i was really curious what i could do with this thing so it actually turns out this thing is called a mushroom cow and if you make some bowls you can actually milk it and get mushroom stew so i guess you can trim it i guess but it's crazy in vr you can actually smell it and it tastes really good and now that i have a source of food i won't have to worry about starving anytime soon at this point i wanted to go ahead and make my tree farm because i knew i planned on doing a lot of expanding so i was gonna need a lot of wood i had extra slabs left over so i also decided to upgrade my animal pen and then i spent the rest of the evening watching the trees grow once night time came i went back to mining and i got another mooshroom [Music] things were looking really good for my peaceful little island until a mob spawned out of nowhere and i was panicking i didn't have any weapon and because i was in vr i couldn't like for some reason i forgot how to attack and i was really freaking out a few moments later two more zombies spawned and i was literally myself you have to remember i'm in vr and because of that these things are literally right in my face and they seem so much bigger than they actually are when you play on pc i really thought i was gonna die because i didn't have any armor on but luckily i killed them both without taking too much damage as a joke i put my mushroom stew up to my mouth like i was gonna eat it in real life but it actually made me eat it which i thought was really cool that they like actually implement real things like that to make it even more immersive than it already is and let me tell you in vr that mushroom stew is so warm sweet and delicious you guys really have to try it out let me know in the comments if you wish you could drink mushroom stew in vr one of those zombies i killed actually dropped a leather helmet and so i was finally able to cover up my bald head which was really nice because the knights out here get really cold and when you're playing in vr you can actually feel it now you guys can't make fun of my bald head anymore i did one more victory dance with my animals and then these three cute little bunnies spawned right when they spawn one of them tried killing itself i think it's because it looked at me and thought i was really ugly unlike them look how cute they are and i spent the rest of day three watching the sun rise i finally decided to go ahead and make my garden because i got really tired of eating mushroom stew as good as it was i think it was time for some new food and i really wanted to start breeding my animals as well and i'd like to introduce you guys to my two hoes sally and sandra but please whatever you do don't go looking them up on only fans wow look at that gorgeous gordon my hoes sure do know how to plow i had it mined in a while so i decided to get back to the grind and then this really spooky chest spawned in what is this halloween i figured it was gonna have better loot than the love chest though so i opened it up and yeah still after being disappointed in the chest i went back to mining but then i realized i never actually put walls up around my pin so i made some fences and went to work [Music] i finished putting the fences up and guess what i did after that that's right i went back to mining i mean this is one block sky block after all then out of nowhere this big ass spider spawned and i'm already scared of spiders let alone in vr this thing's huge so of course you guys know i'm already panicking i can barely switch to my weapon because i'm freaking out but i finally managed to pull out my ass and i get those double crits baby which is surprisingly hard to do in vr i mean not for me though because i'm such a pro vr gamer you know as i was mining i felt like something was watching me on my island so i turned to the right and these creepy ass bunnies were just staring at me [Music] later that same night i got my third piece of iron so i cooked it all up and i made my very first iron pickaxe and you already know i definitely did a little dance to celebrate because let's be honest dancing in vr minecraft is a lot of fun to do so don't hate and you guys this thing is so strong in vr i was literally able to mine anything in just two hits and that got me thinking about a really good idea that's right double pickaxe baby [Music] no god that's right a creeper just spawned on the middle of my island and i had nowhere to go i was extremely pissed to say the least i was making really nice progress and i just lost half of my animals maybe i'm a psychopath but i took my anger out on this poor innocent bunny stupid bunny this is all your fault i jumped down into the animal pin to check out the damage unfortunately i lost a lot of my animals but there wasn't too much damage to the island itself so i spent the rest of night 4 fixing up all the damage the next morning i thought okay last night was a bad night but we're gonna recover today and have a great day oh boy was i wrong just wait until you guys see what happens no god i tried running over to my trees and i accidentally pulled out a shovel but i didn't care i slapped that in the face with it anyways somehow it still blew up i swear i was so far away from this thing so i was really annoyed that it blew up when i was trying so hard to keep my distance at this point i didn't even feel like repairing my base instead i had an even better idea i went over to my chest i grabbed some sticks i grabbed some stone and i made myself my very first sword holding this thing made me feel like a total badass and i could only imagine how cool i looked in real life holding this thing in the air however as cool as i looked i took it one step further you guys might be thinking i listen you you you're already the coolest person with that sword like how could you get any cooler well my friends double swords baby [Music] so of course i had to test this thing out on some zombies i finally got a zombie to spawn after a few blocks i ran away trying to equip my two swords just look how badass this fight looks [Music] comment down below if you think vr minecraft combat is way cooler looking than normal minecraft i got back to mining and during that whole day so many mobs were spawning a spider spawned and then right after that these two zombies fall by the end of it i was so close to dying even with my double swords there is one big downside to vr that you guys have already seen i walked into my animals while holding a sword and it killed both of them i didn't swing or anything i literally just walked into them so that's one thing that's really annoying about vr minecraft like i said earlier day five had so many mobs and unfortunately guys another creeper spawned got you guys i actually did kill this one luckily all thanks to my trusty sword and i'm sure you guys already guessed i did a little dance to celebrate but i accidentally partied a little too hard and punched a hole in my floor i went back to mining and then i found another love chest maybe this would finally be the chest i've been waiting for once again it was crap but this time it had a map i looked at the map and it made me realize how small my island was so i decided now is probably a good time to build a little area for my house the only spot i haven't built yet was behind my chest so i figured that was probably a good spot to put it i spent the rest of night 5 expanding my island the next morning i made all the iron tools and i felt super excited so i went to show them off to my animals and then i got really sad because i realized most of my animals have died i guess i wouldn't make a very good dad i don't know what do you guys think but it's okay that i was sad soon after that i got an upgrade and it made me happy again i stood back just in case it exploded because hey with all those creepers you never know luckily though nothing exploded and it looks like i got an upgrade to the icy tundra i really don't like the winter biome so i'm not really looking forward to this hopefully it's nothing too bad i was getting a lot of snowballs and ice blocks but unfortunately i wasn't actually able to keep the ice and then this cute little dog spawned in so i was finally able to have my first real pet let me know in the comments what you guys think i should name him i'm thinking dream only because i want some of that good luck that dream tends to bring you know it's definitely not because i'm a fanboy dream invite me to your smp a few blocks later this weird looking skeleton spawned i haven't even seen one of these so i was really scared also guys please remember this is in vr so things are way more scary when it's literally right there in your face later that night two of them spawned and i really thought i was gonna die so i strategically retreated and one of them fell into my animal pin luckily my dog was down there but i didn't want the skeleton to kill my dog because he was my best friend after all i was really scared i was going to accidentally hit one of my animals with the sword so i had to be really careful i climbed back up and i had a nice refreshing meal of mushroom stew you guys really got to try this stuff in vr while i was mining that night i had a pretty interesting idea what if i could actually melt the infinity block and get free water out of it and after a good while guess what finally happened no it didn't melt unfortunately i went back to mining and these twin foxes spawned and they were so cute looking but they took my blocks so i yelled at them and chased them around but they wouldn't give them back no matter what i did i didn't even know foxes could do that i actually tried offering him my shovel but he just ran away i finally gave up and went back to mining and then a third fox spawned i couldn't believe it i accidentally touched him with my pickaxe and i think my dog ate him that's a bad dog okay you don't eat the foxes only i eat the foxes then another dog spawned in but this guy did not like me at all he took a bite out of my hand and then chased me through my island i didn't want to kill him but i was having a really hard time getting away from him as you can see i thought he was gonna end up killing me but i finally managed to climb up and get away from him but he was very pissed i eventually got him on my good side though he even let me pat his head i didn't really do anything else for the rest of day six i just did a lot of mining [Music] day seven started and i decided i wanted to build a little dog house for my dog but he got really jealous of the fox and pushed him off the island [Music] [Laughter] that's a bad dog we don't push foxes off the island i still built his house for him though only because he's so cute i even gave him a little chest with his own food and some chew toys we really need a name for this guy i was gonna finish off the night mining but then this huge bear spawned this thing is so big in vr and i got kind of scared because i thought it was gonna bite my face off when i finally got him in my pen he was doing this really weird thing at me though i don't know if he's mad or just happy another skeleton spawn but i let my dogs eat them they do love bones after all speaking of bones i actually had two of them drop so i tried giving them to my dog in order to tame it but unfortunately it didn't work and then i got sad so i went back to mining but fortunately my luck turned around and i got a chest with some ice i was really happy because i could finally think about making a mob spawner i spent the rest of the night making little boxes to melt the ice and of course i missed the hole going into day eight i had myself four times died twice and killed 12 animals i started off day eight with some mining and then i heard this weird noise apparently a monster party was happening i mean i'm all for parties but definitely not this type of party so many mobs were spawning so i ran over to my new area and i tried building up i was finally safe and able to pick them off one by one you guys might say i was being too scared but to me this was just being smart my dog was a lot braver than i was that's for sure i was able to finish them off and then i realized my eye still hasn't melted so i put up some more torches i decided to go ahead and start expanding my tree farm because i really wanted to get my mob spawner going and i knew i was going to need a ton of wood for it later that night two skeletons spawned but they were no big deal i got some bones off of them so i tried taming my dog and it actually worked so i finally got my first dog but i still don't have a name for him he was so happy though he started dancing i've never seen a dog do that before normally i hate farming wood but there's something so peaceful about doing this in vr especially with these really tall spruce trees you actually feel like you're inside of these trees and i don't know something's just really relaxing about it so i actually really enjoyed my time farming i spent the next day farming wood because i was gonna need so much in order to build this mob spawner my goal was to get six to seven stacks before i started building i swear farming wood and vr could be some sort of like stress reliever you literally just feel like you're in a forest chopping down trees and nothing else in life matters while i was farming wood i got an achievement and i realized my two mushroom cows had a baby wait oh god i just thought of something horrible i have two mushroom cows that just had a baby but when that baby grows up i'm gonna have to breed it with its parents oh god what is wrong with this game after scarring myself from that thought i added up my wood and i was more than halfway done alright you guys are probably sick and tired of seeing my tree farm but i don't know there's just really something relaxing about it and i figured maybe it will help relax you guys too so i don't know let me know does anything in minecraft relax you or am i just really weird maybe it's because i'm in vr i don't know i don't really get this feeling when i play normal minecraft alright this is kind of embarrassing to admit but the reason my ice had it been melting is because it's actually blue ice and blue ice doesn't melt in case you guys did not know that so i felt like such a noob here and i was really sad because now i don't have water for the mob spawner i also decided to keep the ice there just to remind me how dumb i am it was finally day 10 and i think my luck finally took a turn for the best as i was mining i got a chest with actual ice in it so i guess i do have a little bit of good luck i made two more boxes and this time i knew for sure i would have water and when the water finally melted i made myself an infinity pool i only needed a few more stacks of wood so i went back to chopping down those trees and don't worry guys i know you're sick of the trees i'm only showing a short clip finally i had enough wood to begin construction on my mob spawner i used most of the wood to make planks but i also made some trapdoors ladders and some slabs i wasn't really using my garden that much since i was mainly eating mushroom stew so i decided i would actually destroy my garden and put my mob spawner there normally i'm pretty good at building these but so many things went wrong like you guys are gonna think i'm the biggest noob just wait until you guys see everything that kept happening as i was trying to build this when i built my first pillar up i realized i had no way down so i had to do my first mlg jump in vr and i was hoping i could pull it off well sadly it's actually day 11 so this is gonna be the end of part one during the first 10 days we ourselves four times we died twice and we lost 12 animals what do you guys think our numbers will look like by day 100 in part 2 you'll see the mob grinder built and we'll get to see a whole new phase if you guys like this video and want a part 2 then make sure to like and comment on what i should do next to my island because i really have no idea i really had a lot of fun making this video so i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did if you want to be able to play my exact world after i finish the series then you can do so by subscribing to my patreon also we have a discord with over 8 000 members you guys should definitely join and you'll get the most up-to-date information about my next video other than that i hope you guys subscribe and i'll see you in the next [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: MetaMike
Views: 6,630,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyblock, oneblock, oneblock skyblock, one block skyblock, one block, mincraft, one block minecraft, minecraft, skyblock minecraft, oneblock skyblock minecraft, 100 days, 100days, minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days skyblock, 100 days oneblock skyblock, 100 days one block, 100 days minecraft challenges, 100 days challenge, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft VR, VR minecraft, virtual reality minecraft, index, oculus, valve, htc, vive, oculus quest, oculus quest 2
Id: -4Is1mtkN90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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