Minecraft: Top 10 Ultimate PVP Defence Stations!

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another redstone video and in this one we're going to take a look at ten Ultimates pvp defense stations now for those you don't know I recently did a video about a pop-up PvP defense station and in that video I asked you guys to create your own crazy designs then send them over to me and I have to say I was not expecting a response that I received I received hundreds of designs all of them were absolutely amazing and I've had to narrow it down to just this little selection here I'm pretty happy with the ones that I've picked so let's take a closer look now I just want to start things off by saying that these are in no particular order but the first design that we're going to take a look at today is by a champ called flame crafted now the reason I like this design is because there's just so much stuff going on there's loads of redstone contraptions to look at and it's a really creative idea so you just track down this redstone torch right here you can see our trapdoor opens up we may go ahead cross through the slime blocks and then pop up into the base area every just walk through here we can go up this ladder and that will take us through it into the control room where there's plenty of things that we can do first off we can open up a window so that we can see our enemies there's also some other defence bits and pieces like fire charges dispensing of mobs and lava and all those cool bits but then if we run through this corridor right here we make our way into the other bouncy area with slime blocks so that we can launch ourselves onto the top of the cliff and once again that do some defense from up at the top here and also it toggles some of the switches are from this switch board design number two is by a chap called set X GS now the reason I like this person is because they have done at a ton of different designs you can see those are my original pop-up PvP defense stations over there and these are all of the ones that they've come up with some of them involve TNT some of them involve pop-up mobs and all those good bit but this is probably one of my personal favorites all we have to do is check down this redstone torch right here and as you can see there's a lot of piston action in it but the entire floor drops down and all of these blocks pop up mean that we now have a pretty good vantage point to take on any bunch of players now this is a designer that I really quite like is by a chap called rkf Walker and is essentially a pop-up sniper tower which is something that I personally am quite favorable to or we have to do is hit this button right here and as you can see there's a ton of piston action happening and a little bit of lag but now we have right the way up in the sky so we can shoot it down from here but also we have got a gigantic lava moat around us and at the sniper tower and she looks pretty cool like he seriously put some effort into decorating this thing which is something that I really quite appreciate this build here is probably one of the most impressive ones to be featured in today's video first off take a look at all of the Redstone behind it as you can see there's a ton of things going on it this is one of the first self building castles featured today and it's seriously epic to get down into the control room we just have to haul of that and as you can see these pistons here open up and already we got a little bit of lag there which is a bit concerning because we're going to be building this one build all warning huge lag let's hit that button and just see what happens I can imagine it's going to be a little bit stressful on the old pewter as you could see right here we have drop down to three frames a second but everything is starting up and everything is all firing into action we've got some builds happening we've got some walls popping up and I think I'm going to have to stop recording now unfortunately because of the lag of me recording and trying to do that at the same time sadly some of it didn't quite work so as you can see we've got a few holes in the wall and most importantly this building right here looks a little bit rough around the edges but all this is a seriously amazing structure with some really awesome redstone engineering you can see that some of the modules are over here this is how they've designed them and I just think is really cool and of course a links to all of these videos can be found at down in the description design number five by world of Steve's is definitely one of the most creative ones featured in today's video because it makes use of slime block flying machines which is something that I always get very excited about as you can see right here when we hit this button all of the blocks around me pop up they start flying off into the air and there we go we have got ourselves a floating archery platform so we can shoot our arrows down here we can take out all of the players and on top of that we just look really cool we've just taken off into the air powered by slime blocks and redstone that's going to impress any players around me you know what if I was chasing a player and they just shot off into the air like that I don't even know if I try and fight them anymore I'd just clap from down on the ground like a peasant I'd love it this next designer is by a chap called Eno crafts now the reason that I like this thing is because they've essentially taken my original design but they've made it retractable the issue of my old design is that it was a one and done type view you hit the button every thing will pop up and that'll be everything finished this one you can retract it down back into the ground so if you hit this button here you can see that there is my PvP defense station we have got our defense station around us we can do all of our sword swinging and arrow firing and then if we hit the button again everything it begins to be retracted and this is a very complex redstone contraption indeed you can see there's a lot of piston action going on and if we take a look underneath here is all of the Redstone behind it yeah very complicated indeed now we have this gigantic designed by a fantastic youtuber known as Ronnie go boom as you can see right here we've got a big flat piece of land and if you head underneath we have got a ton of redstone and also a bunch of mops now we honest there are so many features of this design so many different ways to kill the players and other bits and pieces that I'm not going to be able to showcase all of those in today's video however of course there will be a link to their video down in the description if you do want to see all of the features and all of the different bits that this thing does because seriously this machine is extremely impressive this design by the Duke minecraft has got one of the coolest features I think I've seen in any redstone contraptions ever ok so prepare yourselves I'm going to be doing this from a third-person perspective and I flick this leaver here then I have to flick it off like this and that lag will start to happen but hopefully you can see this ok so this block is removed and then we should begin to see things popping out of the ground it's only a small little design we have gone down to 0 frames a second but did you see that did you just catch that I don't know if you quite caught that but basically the sand blocks were launched from over here onto this tower how cool is that this is seriously one of the coolest things ever I don't know if you could might got that because the lag was pretty bad but here we go we now have ourselves an archery tower and wow that's just so so awesome what a cool way of doing things I absolutely love it this design by youtuber known as 100% ultimate is another self builder and I have to say it is 100% awesome we shut down our pressure plate here stand on that one and as you can see the sand that pops up around us now the cool thing about this design is that actually uses a cobblestone generator which means that this is a self replenish design if we try and take this out you can see that it gets rebuilt which is pretty cooler and that's going to keep us very safe from anyone trying to attack us and finally I have saved the best till last that this is at the ultimate ultimate PvP defense station all of these bills you can see right here have popped out the ground but using redstone this is a red tongue's to build and it's completely ridiculous I've done a video showcasing it on its own they have also done a video showcasing it as well I'll put links to those on the screen and also down in the description if you do want to see the entire building process but let's just take a look around this wall was built using redstone all of these houses complete with horses and everything there's living things inside these houses that have popped out of the ground it's bonkers by far the most insane redstone contraption of her foreseen and if we just take a look underneath if we just make our way out through here you can see this is all the redstone I mean this is all of it it's just it's madness complete madness it doesn't look like any traditional redstone contraption I've ever seen in my life it uses really strange piston mechanics but it all seems to work crazy I don't even know what to say so we have it ladies and gents that rounds up today's video on the 10 ultimate PvP defense stations let me know down in the comments section if you would like me to do more competitions like this one because I really enjoyed doing it and of course your responses are generally absolutely insane but unfortunately that's all I've got time for today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please hit that like button and if you really loved it there make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out on ceiling [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,161,259
Rating: 4.9197917 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, survival, island, song, mods, hunger, games, parody, herobrine, houses, redstone, multiplayer, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, piston, lamp, swapper, combo lock, tnt, player launcher
Id: -1bpz_I6vKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2016
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