Minecraft Live 2021 Memes (Wild Update)

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the alley after i gave it a player's head this is still my favorite la meme i know they only pick up items that are dropped on the ground but still just imagine them massacring a bunch of players for their player heads was i aware that we were getting frogs before everyone else yeah but i'm jumping on the frog train as all of you should phoenix sc uploaded a video where they replaced the death noise in minecraft with jeb's scream they get to vote for agnes where are you jens on a boat is the best thing oh my god this is where i put my copper golem if i had one i think deep down we all knew that the l.a was going to win closer than i thought though bean bean house fancy dirt house if the swamp can get in so can they eventually we do need to actually update the hotter climate biomes these ones are kind of bland at the moment minecraft life i think i forgot something if you forgot that wasn't important archaeology is not important exactly where is archaeology have to dig for it um i don't know if there's inside information or i better not get in trouble for saying this i was told that it wasn't scrapped they're still working on it it's just gonna come later i guess it's like the combat update we don't know copper golem la glare no one cared about him didn't even stand a chance 51 37.8 11.2 even after jeb tried to bring up the fact that they would sometimes light up areas around you no one cared at all iron golem copper golem he's so small lay voters happy to win the vote like me bee armor there's no such thing when the swamp update is sus a frog us frogs are the first cold-blooded animal in minecraft that is so not true who doesn't want a chicken on a pressure plate over this glare is just glorified f3 i'm sorry bedrock edition players you won't get this now [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so many of these team glare phantom blue flying has glowing eyes won the vote glow squid blue floating has glowing eyes l.a blue floating has glowing eyes won the vote so now we're meant to complain about him no no no the alley is going to be different we will like him wait that's not related to minecraft life i guess we just have to wait for next year and finally just a sneak peek of something i've been working on with a friend for the last few weeks attention all players the first game is about to begin you will be playing red lights green light you are allowed to move forward when the doll shouts green light but you must stop moving while it shouts red light if movement is detected you will be eliminated with that let the game begin [Music]
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 379,867
Rating: 4.9622474 out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack
Id: wD1u3mlFJIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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