Minecraft, But Crafting Is Long...

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welcome to minecraft but crafting is long in today's video we're gonna be making everything in minecraft very tall so for example we're gonna be using a literal tall crafting table where i'll be making things such as tall swords tall pickaxes tall armor and even tall things that you're gonna have to see for yourself can i be the tall dragon how tall can the items get stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's hit 0.1 likes but with our eyes closed and we hit it all right cool anyways guys enjoy the video oh my gosh this is gonna be a fun one guys welcome to minecraft but crafty is gonna be very tall but not only is crafting gonna be tall today but also all the mobs that we're gonna be interacting with as you saw from the very beginning that is one tall chicken what the heck so now that we've seen that you guys can probably guess where this video is gonna be headed to now once we collected a little bit more wood we're gonna be able to make tall shovels tall pickaxes tall axes tosswords and even tall things that i'm not even sure what they are but we're gonna be making them either way so with that being said all we need right now is just three crafting tables and with the three crafting tables we can go ahead and get wait is that right that kind of looks wide but we can go ahead and apparently get a tall crafting table that kind of looks wide instead of tall wait oh my gosh okay it's literally just a tall crafting table just like that guys we got the tall crafting table and we might as well go ahead and make our first whole item which is gonna be the tall wooden shovel okay digs dirt which dirt's more dirt huh okay next to top pickaxe oh my gosh these things are insane tall wooden pickaxe just a little bit of extra reach okay yeah you know what i'm not gonna question it we did the wide video and now the axe oh gosh okay tall with an axe and the only other item we have left is gonna be the sword which is literally just a really long sword called the tall wooden sword didn't think he was tall enough so he throws himself okay yeah sure who needs a stone sword who needs a stone pickaxe who needs a stone shovel okay you oh i don't know oh my gosh what is it doing okay anyways uh okay yeah these items are very tall okay well let's try out the shovel oh okay yup yup yup i can definitely break stuff very far away introducing guys the tall wooden shovel which just straight up breaks a lot of dirt i don't even get the dirt that's a scam what about the tall wooden pickaxe oh oh so i got like long reach with this thing and since we have this guy right here i kind of wonder can i reach you from here oh gosh okay poor chicken oh wait i just realized there's a room portal right here let me real quick grab this all right what's in here oh obsidian okay and a golden shovel really don't need golden shovels because it's not a toddler shovel so i'm just gonna leave that there and oh my goodness a tall sheep oh no so it says it can throw himself so maybe i right click i have no comment oh my gosh what is going on this world is a mess right now and the pig what the heck is the pig doing what the peg you doing oh my gosh okay the horse is normal okay the horses are normal at least but what the heck wait how tall is the enderman gonna be i'm kind of scared of the enderman at this point i mean on the bright side it does pretty good damage it does more damage the more far away i am that is so weird also i don't trust you at all what the heck and before we go down we might as well go ahead and make the next tier which is going to consist of the stone very long tools also a tall sheep is literally right by me we got the tall stone pickaxe which says well this is gonna make life much easier i like how that sounds so i'm gonna go ahead and take it then we got the tall stone axe which all it says is timber so i'm gonna guess i'm gonna be able to get a lot of wood that way can't forget the tall stone shovel these are never gonna get old tall stone shovel just a little bit more dirt hopefully we can actually get the dirt this time and last but not least of course the very tall stone sword so sharp so tall so majestic i'm kind of terrified of how long these items are gonna get as we get closer and closer to the nether items and iron items all that good stuff and also this axe is a little bit too op literally we're grabbing all the wood around us every time we chop down one tree which is gonna be all the wood we need oh it's becoming a nighttime i should probably hurry up anyways so with the stone shovel when we mind this thing it's kind of just like a big hole i mean sure why not and the stone sword it says so sharp so tall so majestic can't do anything with it wait what um okay it literally throws a sword explosion i mean i'm not complaining but with all that being done let's actually try to find a cave with the oh gosh with the tall stone pickaxe which literally just minds a big old area okay i kind of get that now it's literally just a long pickaxe and i already hear zombie which i'm kind of curious to see if those guys are tall too so oh my gosh this is all zombie okay that's a real thing okay i took one of those zombie i'm so sorry oh got it useful takes a little bit of time but i mean i'll take it so there's definitely tall zombies and i'm gonna assume because there's tall zombies there's probably gonna be top creepers so hopefully they don't do like a tall explosion that'd be a little bit too much and i definitely have all the cobblestone i'll ever need so real quick before we go any more deeper i should probably actually mine this cold so real quick all the cool i'm never gonna need what we need is an item to make me tall because loki um i'm gonna say right now guys i might be the shortest minecraft youtuber there is uh i'm not the tallest guy but it's all good you know the half of you are probably targeting me i am uh i am seven foot some fun as long as we don't see anything like really weird or really difficult we should be fine i only have one life right now so i'm not trying to die this early on i want to find all the tall items as soon as i can just so we can fight the dragon and i'm gonna assume right now that the dragon is probably gonna be very tall and i don't know if that's gonna be an easy thing or a hard thing or maybe it'll be easy to hit we'll see so now that we have the 14 iron ingots i think it might be time we finally make our first piece of armor which usually we would just do this and you know make some iron leggings but because we have tall crafting today guys and we're gonna be making it literally wait do i have enough iron oh my gosh we barely had enough and just like that guys with all those ironing against we get the first ever tall iron leggings and i'm gonna assume that when i put this on i'm gonna become very tall so when i put these tall iron leggings i think either i'm about to become very tall or it's just gonna be good leggings i guess we'll see here we go very tall pants in three two one oh gosh what is this oh my gosh so now we have all of a sudden literally just a little tall mini army of tall nesters and we also literally have a tall iron helmet tall iron leggings and tall iron boots that are stuck on now i mean on the bright side i guess i have stuff what oh my oh my god okay wait no this is this is too much is going on right now what the heck is that thing okay guys guys what so now that confirms that the tall nesters can protect me from tall creepers i don't oh no don't blow it up tall nestor okay they're good let's go get some more iron and then make a new pickaxe and everything toss skeleton oh my gosh that's a really small skeleton okay i want a bow all right so with that we should have 12 iron so that might be enough for all the tools we need so with all that being done we don't need all those tall stone items anymore what we need to do now is first make a tall iron sword and all it says is this thing is heavy so i guess it kind of makes sense because it's a very long blade and of course the next year is going to be the tall iron pickaxe which i'm kind of scared of what this is going to do but you know what i'm probably going to guess this is going to be big old chunks and all it says is this must be some very magical iron i don't know how being tall makes it magical but i'm not gonna complain sounds pretty cool we have the perfect amount for both a shovel and an axe so and it starts to find treasures within the earth so i'm gonna guess we're gonna get good stuff when we mine dirt and finally of course the good old tall iron act which says when the axe is so strong it is no longer limited to wood wait what can i mine another stuff oh wait so i guess i don't eat trees anymore i can literally just right click this thing it has a little bit of a cool down but that's sick what all right so with this shovel it says i would find some treasures so okay um i guess that's one way to get iron and gold okay well and so now every time we mine dirt we get not only a big chunk of dirt mine but literally a ton of good stuff i mean i'll take it and we're not done there because we still have the tall armpit accent with the tall iron pickaxe i'm gonna guess it's just uh okay no no no no no a long area that we mined and yeah it's just getting longer and longer okay okay i really did not expect that that quickly but uh tall creep oh my gosh that neck is so long also it looks like this thing is just like knockback all right let me just get these diamonds real quick i'm gonna need them later for the tall diamond tools which i'm gonna guess are just gonna be a little bit too tall but i'm not complaining at the same time all right some more gold i'm gonna need to cook this gold and then we should be good to make all the gold tools we need a mine shaft is something we need to because i gotta make a tall bow so the next thing we're gonna be making is definitely the gold items and i think we should revisit the pants again and try to make some very long pants we have literally perfect amount of golden get soaked in three two one and there we go the tall gold leggings which doesn't say anything right now but i'm gonna assume that we're gonna be getting even more minions why what the heck okay what oh my gosh okay that's ob wait what the heck am i supposed to do with this we're literally getting the area filled with golden iron blocks which i don't know if i should wear the armor right now because this is getting a little bit overwhelming all right well after that we definitely don't need any more gold and definitely no more iron so on that note i think we're good to go and make the gold tier tools which is going to be pretty easy now that we have the gold blocks but to start off let's go ahead and make the tall golden sword which is going to be yet again just a really tall golden sword and it says must be some kind of nether gold interesting i don't know what they're trying to say with that one but it does remind me that i do have to get to the nether to get the interpols and all that good stuff and now the top pickaxe is going to make it that is a one top pickaxe and it says fool's gold so i don't know if that's a good or bad thing but you know what we're gonna go for it can't go wrong with the toggle and shovel now we're really getting to the good stuff i kind of like that message i'm gonna go ahead and find some dirt after this and last but not least of course the tall golden axe so at this point the tall axe is able to break blocks with your mind huh wait break blocks with my mind i'm not really sure how that works but it's all going toward it said something about the nether i'm gonna right click and oh it's like a fire attack oh that's sick then we got the tall pickaxe which oh my gosh what the heck literally i can make an entire ravine with this thing about and now the tall golden shovel that said it's getting very overpowered so when we mine stuff we kind of just get the same old same old but i do appreciate the obsidian because that might be the easy way of getting upside down actually wait what happens if i do this do i mind obsidian oh no way oh my gosh i might have sitting in one hit okay tall items are way too broken okay and just like that we have 18 obsidian which is gonna be way more than enough and all that we have left now is a tall golden axe which said that i'm able to break blocks with my mind so do i just right click oh my gosh literally everything is just so long okay well somehow after all that we are finding no diamonds i'm actually surprised about this oh well there we go diamonds right there and wait can gold not mine diamonds oh no okay i think we might have to change plans guys i think with our seven diamonds we might have to finally go out and make the very tall diamond pickaxe which if i'm not wrong all we need is three diamonds and then all the stakes oh and there it is the tall diamond pickaxe which it doesn't look that much taller right now but oh my gosh wait no this thing is taller holy okay so what happens if i mine right now oh no oh no okay yep okay mama oh holy diamonds thank you very much grabbing all those diamonds real quick just like that we got 13 diamonds not that much but it can also apparently my bedrock which i don't like that much so let's head up real quick all right so that was definitely a bit dangerous where is the tall crafting table because i think i want to make the rest of the diamond items now what the heck was that all right and so for our next item i guess we could make why not tall diamond x the axe has become so tall it has a mind of its own it's able to launch itself at enemies in front huh i mean okay why not sure we can't continue with the tall diamond shovel which just says boom break everywhere okay yeah why not i guess i'll take it and of course finally we're gonna be getting the tall diamond sword which says this reminds me of something what does it remind it of i have no idea what it's talking about but you know what so what happens if i right click oh so i can just launch myself interesting and now for the tall diamond shovel which uh we need some dirt it says boom break everything so maybe a boom oh okay more of that okay i'm hearing explosions but oh i see what it does now okay yeah yeah that's a lot of booms okay um it's just making a giant circle of dirt breaking i'm not very sure what what just happened okay and now we have the axe which when we left click okay yep yep yep yep this is better than the pickaxe okay wait what is happening with my levels oh my gosh wait what have i broken the game okay it stopped what just happened all right for now i just gotta get some diamonds so i'm gonna mine this block right here and hopefully it doesn't lag me out please oh a lot of diamonds all right i'm going to grab these before the lava burns them no no lava's already bringing the please please the game in total we got six diamonds which is definitely not enough because i definitely need to make the next set of leggings and i don't have enough diamonds for that also what the heck is that all right might as well mine one more time i do need some more diamonds so uh hopefully it's good for finding netherright too all right we're down and even more diamonds not bad all right so from that we got nine more diamonds i i see another diamond chunk right here so i'm just gonna go ahead and mine that i should probably stack up and run away okay that was way too low if that was three blocks forward i would have died okay no oh what am i trapped oh that's perfect okay we can make the tall bow now can i mine the cobwebs with the sword i can nice all right that works uh we definitely need a lot of strings so i'm just gonna mine as much as i can right now all right last piece of string and now we gotta make a bow so i think it's like this where we do the bow part there and now with all the string vertically so it's six string we should finally be getting the very tall long bow i'm gonna guess oh and there it is the what is that name okay tall bow bow bow tall bow tall bow bow tall try saying that three times fast that's that is going to be difficult this thing is just both stacked on both stretched into a bigger bow um okay well there goes our normal bow who needs a normal bow when he got the tall bow bow tall bow and what is this thing gonna do oh my gosh wait it definitely looks like a bigger bow and when we shoot it okay oh this shoots a little bit higher because it's taller that's a nice detail and all that we need now is just some more diamonds to get the super tall diamond leggings and once we have that i think we should be good to go to the nether or actually we should probably make a tall shield so to make a tall shield i'm gonna guess we need a lot of wood all right guys i think i figured it out so it's kind of like a football thing but just like that guys we get a tall with multiple l shield and all it says is covers your headsees and your toesies not bad interesting enough and once we put this on oh gosh that's a big old shield okay oh it does like a little forcefield interesting there is one more item we can make before we go mind some more diamonds and that would be oddly enough a literal tall golden apple which kind of looks like a pear what even is this right now it has no description and i kind of want to go ahead and eat it honestly let me go ahead and grab the table and let's see what this thing does once we get up to the surface also i kind of want to test out the damage shuffle and all this dirt let's go ahead and try it out oh wow yup yup yup yup that is a lot of dirt but now with a tall golden apple i guess we might as well eat it why not oh wait what what is that thing oh my gosh holy okay that is a lot of abilities oh my gosh oh wait i lost him and now my guy is sideways okay i think that's what happens when you get so many abilities i'm literally just vibrating out right now okay um i'm just gonna continue mining get all the diamonds i can i should have probably not done it here and oh no this is about to be a big hole isn't it i kind of want to make another golden apple also any diamonds down there yes diamonds okay down we go so just from that we got 19 diamonds which is definitely gonna be more than enough so real quick let's go all the way up and i think it's finally time we make the tall diamond lagging so real quick over here and with this last diamond guys we're gonna be getting the very goofy looking oh gosh there it is very tall diamond leggings and i'm gonna assume that these guys are gonna be even taller than last time and hopefully we don't get suffocated like the gold one so here we go in three two one oh my gosh and yes we are spotting diamond blocks now of course what they're getting so tall how tall the nether white's gonna be um can i mine this oh that was maybe a bad idea okay and suddenly we have 55 blocks of diamond okay you know what guys i think we're definitely ready to get to the nether so let's actually go up to the surface and make a portal all right so we got the obsidian let's go ahead and go craft this one two three four because it's a tall crafting video i mean why not let's try to just make it as tall as we can oh gosh i might be going a little bit too tall here oh wait i made it too tall guys i can't reach the top okay we're gonna make it only this tall okay that works for now just just a tall nether portal all right we got a flint still and without further ado let's go inside and see what we can find wait oh gosh okay gas right there i'm kind of curious how far away can i hit it oh my gosh that was so far away also no i lost all my minions but now that we're inside what we're going to be needing is a lot of netherwight definitely some ender pearls hold up wait this is like a lawnmower guys i'm going to bind as much nether as i can real quick okay so combining the tall diamond pickaxe in the tall golden pickaxe i think we may have a quick way of getting all the nether i will ever need yeah i'm gonna go find some netherlight real quick and i'll see you guys in a bit so i kind of went overboard guys but i'm not even sure if this is enough so in the furnace we have a 12 inch debris here 12 here 12 here and even more 12 a year so in total we're going to be getting 48 now the right scrap which is going to be in total i think 12 near the right ingots which i'm not even sure if that's gonna be enough to get all the nether right we need but i think it might be a good attempt at least so we can already go ahead and make four network ingots which is exactly the amount we need for what i think might be very helpful which is gonna be the tall netherwight pickaxe ex-astorio eater of worlds wait why does it say x astoria hold up so we're back up because i'm kind of scared of using this thing so we might as well see what it does in the nether in three two one oh gosh okay that was honestly not that bad it's definitely a big old area our biggest area yet and it's kind of satisfying to do but now what happens when i right click oh oh okay no i see what's happening oh my gosh what is this all right so the tall netherway pickaxe definitely like it said it's an eater of worlds and we definitely ate up a majority of the world here and that was only the tall nether right pickaxe so now that we've made that i'm now curious what we're gonna be getting from the sword shovel axe so before we go to the fortress and get all the stuff we need let's go ahead and make the tallest sword which is gonna be the tall netherite sword i'm not sure how things are supposed to reach you and i did not think you could make items this big of minecraft but what the heck this thing is huge and so with the tall another right sword california can i hit things there's a piglet right there oh wait we're actually not hitting things too far wait is it maybe i can right click what oh my gosh what the heck is that right i think we've literally broken minecraft i'm not complaining though and now we have the tall axe and the tall shovel so let's go and make that so tall never right shovel and it says since shovels are useless this one will guide you okay all right and let's go ahead and make the axe which is going to be tone of the right axe compared to the diamond axis thing is huge this axe just throws cores of the universe a nice one wait how tall are we getting right now what oh okay this thing i remember this from the multiplied video okay yeah this is definitely broken right this is gonna help us a lot with fighting the end crystals oh my gosh yeah that is definitely a core of the universe and then we got the tall dead right shovel which says since shovels are useless this one will guide you what does that mean right click wait what oh my gosh wait what just happened i broke one block with a shovel and all of a sudden we are in a giant sphere okay i guess that's a little bit overpowered um did it just give me another right nine netherlight ingots is there any more oh okay wait what if i mine it lit this way oh my gosh okay no now we have 33 nether ingots and now with all these network ingots we have way too much we can go ahead and make the total of the right leggings no description i guess we'll just put it on and hope for the best oh and i'm gonna get new minions all right here we go in three two one cover me debris and oh my gosh if you made this more on the video comment down below super tall because it's just what even is this oh and i can fly apparently i can fly now okay very nice all right all we need to do now is just find a fortress wait wait wait oh my wait please tell me that's a joke oh my guys oh my gosh was that an enderman that is so cute if i make it mad oh look at it go all right let's find another fortress all right we are inside the fortress all we need to get now is just some blazer rods and then we should be good or wait a second actually when we made the tall netherite shovel it said since shovels are useless this one will guide you i'm beginning to think that this might mean that it might send me to the stronghold when i get back to the overworld but just in case i'm gonna go and get some blaze rods because i don't know how much i'm gonna trust that also this will be the easiest way to get blaze rods really quickly all we gotta do is hold right click and then go boom boom boom all right last one i think all right six blades rods that should be good at 12 blaze powder and all we need now is just some ender pearls so i gotta find a pig one somewhere i realized that the minions kept killing the piglen so i took off the armor and now i got this one guy just sitting here trading stuff so now we wait also we might as well go ahead and make a lot of tall golden apples it's gonna take a lot of gold but we should have enough oh only for two actually i can make some more gold on the bright side there we go okay three tall gold apples not bad it took one of the apples okay the long crafting table literally just ate one of my extra apples on the bright side we got three toggled apples which should be good to fighting the dragon okay so by now this guy should be done i think i see the pearls down there yeah okay yeah there's some menopause on there okay uh i'm so sorry buddy have a great day okay we almost died there okay uh all right before we do anything i'm gonna real quickly to talk old apple just in case get our healing back up where is the ender pearls oh wait we already got 16 netballs also we are now sideways nice all right now that we've got the eyes of ender we can go back back we go oh a random mesa okay i mean i'm not complaining anyway so now that we're done i'm kind of curious of what the tall network shovel does because it says since shovels are useless and when i break something oh wait what that just happened we shoot a whole bunch of eyes of under that i'm guessing are leading me towards the stronghold so i guess we'll go straight this way wait is it stronghold straight up down this way already wait i think we may have already found the stronghold actually now it was not that big of a trip so top notch like pickaxe as long as i don't break the portal we should be fine oh gosh no no no no no calm down pickaxe okay well we found the stronghold for sure and we almost just broke the entire thing that would have been very bad and oh and here we go okay so i don't want to break anything in case i literally break the entire room so we're just gonna walk in here place down the eyes of ender and just jump straight into the end i'm kind of scared of using the pickaxes right now so without further ado guys or wish me luck and let's go fight the dragon okay we're in and so far it's just a normal engine dragon unless it's like wait no that that's not a normal energy oh what is happening on the bright side and we can literally just fly and i guess we're gonna be fighting a very tall dragon now we have the tall bow bow tall whatever it's called we're gonna break the crystals bite this dragon and i guess finish off the challenge against that thing what all right final crystal i guess we'll break it up oh uh guys look out i'm about to break this oh and there we go okay all right and now without further ado even though it's a tone of the right dragon guys i think this might be a little bit too easy oh my goodness okay rest in peace in the chat with the time stamp because we just destroyed the dragon in literally one minute and with that being done guys that is gonna be it for minecraft by crafting is tall and not only crafting but the dragon my minions every single mom of the game i didn't even need to talk old apples okay my person is glitching out again anyway so guys hope you guys all enjoyed it have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,839,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but crafting is long, minecraft but crafting is tall, minecraft long, minecraft tall, minecraft long sword, minecraft long items, minecraft giant
Id: GhliQF9NMgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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