Minecraft, But There Are Custom Vaults...

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this is minecraft with their custom vaults today we're going to be entering custom vaults each with their own special twists and mysteries inside from diamond vault sticks p-vaults to even dinosaur vaults i'll be able to enter and explore multiple rooms but i'm not really sure if they're all filled with hidden treasure or instant death will i survive and what's inside of this one stay tuned to find out okay what is that right there it looks like we're gonna be getting straight into the challenge which i'm gonna guess is custom vault so do i just right-click this thing oh wait what what is going on oh my gosh wait i just got the cheap at diamonds but i did not get diamonds we just got a super op vault key and a blankie well teleport to the vault and then we got some blankies which might be for other vaults right let's just try to get inside here we go welcome to the vault challenge loot up now be careful oh my gosh wait can i pick this up oh my gosh wait it's literally an infinity gauntlet room diamond blocks netherway blocks i don't even have a pickaxe what am i supposed to do in here what the heck okay should i press this button guys do i do this well here goes nothing wait what hello what what is going on what is that oh gosh okay yep yep yep oh whoa okay well we're good it looks like we just got back to where we started and now we have these keys in oh okay welcome to the vault challenge there are many vaults they can be dangerous or very good up for the challenge i guess i am collect 8 wood can you reach the final vault alright so we got the keys and now we got the wood so i'm gonna guess maybe eight oak planks and one key does this work oh okay it does and now we get a enchanted villager valky the key to opening the villager vault's door will teleport you to the vault on shift right click well i guess here goes nothing in a brand new vault time oh wow so just a stone room and a very sketchy looking door it's a bunch of villagers can i just walk through oh no go away man okay we're like mad sorry that's me trying to do villager noise didn't work out never do that again i guess let's right click it with the key and go inside this is so cool what the heck vault voltaire unlocked they seem friendly have a look around oh okay i really did not expect this but it's pretty much just a giant village interesting okay oh the carrots are fully grown i'll be taking those carrots no is there a catch because the first time i kind of ran into a black hole and that was not the best thing and it looks like there's actually a parkour up there okay i'm gonna go up there very soon i'm not really sure how i'm supposed to get out of here because the door kind of closed and oh some obsidian not bad oh a spinning table too well i pretty much got everything i needed and hopefully the villagers don't mind that i pretty much stole everything now to get all the way up there oh gosh i just realized i don't have a water bucket so if i do fall here that might be the video and uh we don't oh okay let's do that again okay just a few more jumps oh my gosh this is taking a good bit okay we definitely made it and oh a chest oh my gosh wait no i missed it right if you made this more on the video comment down below the time stamp and just say good job let's get all the way back up this time i'm gonna be smart boom boom got it and what exactly did we just get a village spawner infinity it has been said this hoe can create a new village out of thin air at the flick of her wrist wait so like this oh okay yeah that definitely wasn't kidding we can make a bunch of wait no no wait did did that voters just attack me hello oh no wait why are they mad at me don't tell me i gotta kill all these villagers to get out of here i guess that's a battle and we're literally fighting every single villager that is attacking us too it looks like it's only the villagers with the job holy there's so many of them okay i i have some tnt but i don't know how to blow up the tnt oh come on villagers i am so sorry about this i am trying my best right now okay okay okay i know you guys are mad at me look look i'll give you guys a free extra lunar cape you guys can maybe subscribe right now literally anything to get you guys out of here oh my gosh okay okay final one finally oh congratulations i'm not sure that's how you spell it you win now you can go home and we got a leave vault item right-clicking this item makes you lead the vault teleporting back to where you were before you entered right okay well let me throw some more villages and now that we're done here let's finally get out of here oh and we're back right not really sure what vault was after this but pretty much we've done the majority of this challenge inside of a bunch of vaults i guess now let's go into a cave oh wait collect a t good luck you'll need this good luck wait what oh we got the tnt back wait so is that gonna be the next thing we actually make a key with because i tried a lot of other stuff and it didn't really work so oh that makes sense okay so tnt volky the key to opening the tnt vault's door okay well here we go again shift right click oh gosh okay every single time it is so eerie getting inside of here but yet again another vault door and oh boom oh gosh not sure if that's a good sign so let's just go inside tnt is not something you want to accidentally set off one missed up and it's game over the loop might be good though wait what time remaining 56 seconds no no no no no no we are not gonna be dealing with that let's get out of here literally immediately and i'm gonna guess we gotta go all the way up i didn't even make a water bucket oh no this is this is definitely a bad idea why did i not get a water bucket why did i not learn from my mistakes oh my gosh 13 seconds 13 seconds we gotta be quick okay seven seconds what's inside lethal bone in the special tnt oh no no no we are getting out of here right now oh my gosh i'm not sure what was about to happen in those 60 seconds but i think we got everything we needed with a special tnt not your normal tnt this tnt goes boom more than once right that's pretty much all we got so what does this do exactly i should probably not be right there let's run away we're not about to die in oh okay yep apparently it doesn't hurt me let's play sound multiple of these and oh and it's cooking the iron interesting i should probably try to get to the next vault now cause uh because this cave is not very nice right now let's uh block that off right there with the villages and uh oh now i need eight bones good luck i guess let's go to make the next walk even luckily i killed a lot of skeletons there when i was blowing stuff up and that's gonna give us a dirt and bone looking jurassic volky oh what's gonna be inside of a jurassic vault oh here we go oh man this looks a bit sketch it's literally a t-rex on the door i'm not sure if this is gonna be safe but you know what it's content let's go inside here we go welcome to jurassic park with 99 less dinosaurs but you can bring back the greatest dinosaur of them all back you decide beware this is definitely different from the all the other ones i mean they were all unique and what's in here oh summon t-rex this capsule has the power to summon an ancient beast from the past don't tell me this is what i think it is guys this might spawn in someone so i'm gonna probably regret this but here we go oh there goes the egg okay t-rex oh whoa hello why did you spawn me in oh but was i not supposed to do that hello mr t-rex nice to meet you what's going on well it's great to meet you you can call me mr big t there's no time to waste though with me back this vault will now begin fighting back you need to hurry wait what wait fighting back what do you mean wait what what no no no no t-rex please please here they come i'll try to buy time but you need to jump into the volcano oh my gosh spoonful meteor showers what is going on i know that sounds crazy but i'll save you from this park okay okay i'm gonna trust your word for it i see some water in the volcano do you have any iron for a bucket oh i do okay i am gonna make this bucket already i need to make this ravagers are coming i'm trying to hold them i'm going i'm going now okay we got into the water oh it looks like i gotta do some parkour what even is this place mr t rex or big t i forgot what your name is i found a chest room is it safe for me to open i think you should open it okay oh and there it is t-rex thank you so much for your help i'm gonna be leaving this place now though so uh i guess thanks have a great journey here we go oh okay and we're back what that just happened oh hey villager how's it going man okay we're gonna throw away the summon t-rex egg just in case something bad happens again and i guess let's go deeper in this cave i did get the water bucket finally and oh we're already getting straight to the next vault which is gonna be with eight iron ingots good luck well here goes nothing yet again let's get the iron ingots get another key inside and now we're gonna be going to i'm guessing the iron vault okay chef right click to teleport to the iron ball but before we go inside just in case maybe i should make some iron armor just so we don't maybe die to the iron volt yeah that's better well here we go and okay all right we are inside now and what is it gonna be oh who's there wait are there actually people inside of this one well here goes nothing right click your mission infiltrate deep inside the iron bowl as you get deeper things might get more dangerous but extremely valuable time is ticking wait what okay that's another timer what there's chests okay is there anything in the chest money wait hundred dollars with like beast burgers amit the shards and mr beast's leggings wait okay i'm gonna put on the mr b's leggings for no reason some more aim at the charge or why not and iron bow why not what is going on we're breaking into a bank right now a lot of money do we even need money in minecraft a tall iron shovel this thing is so big i have 22 seconds oh my gosh 14 seconds oh no oh no oh no what do i do where do i go oh we're going oh my legs wait what am i doing here now is that place gonna explode oh time is up and oh i'm kind of happy i wasn't over there that was a lot of tnt and now what are we doing in here oh gosh but we definitely have enough iron to go for a long time we also got tall iron shovel which is uh a very big guy tall shovel and a piece burger and two thousand six hundred dollars from mr b's himself and if you like the video i'll give you a 100 of mr beast dollars right there oh and it's gone okay maybe it's all the way up there let's go up there oh there it is okay chess please be what i need oh uh a wide iron shovel okay did not expect that one some more aim at the shards which makes me start to guess that maybe the next vault is made out of amethyst and of course some more mr beast burgers but the main thing is that we can finally leave this vault which kind of tried to get rid of us really quickly and we at least got some new goodies white iron shovel some beast burgers which literally are extremely op but let's get out of here and now we're back and oh gosh that is a lot more zombies oh and we got an iron bow too what is this exactly oh it's infinity arrows like multiple and oh there goes the next in you need eight amethyst shards good luck oh so we were right so with the amethyst we got from the bank we can now go ahead and make an amethyst vault okay what is this ball going to be like well here we go oh that is a good looking door don't take her crystals meh wait did i just go mad what am i doing okay well i guess here goes nothing what is gonna be behind this door this time hopefully no explosions amethyst everywhere adventure through these mine shops and find your way out oh my gosh that definitely is a lot of amethyst what the heck it looks like it goes all the way down is this like some easter strike oh okay oh we are literally inside of a geo now what's in here amethyst sword okay don't mind if i do i will gladly take your name at the sword a sword made of crystal super sharp and a literal notch apple definitely like that let's grab that and holy this looks like a lot of good stuff what's in this chest literally not the right scrap already oh my god wait we can go ahead and make one another right ink it and we have a smithy table let's use the gold one another way and get okay so some more amethyst some more bottles of enchanting and an amethyst pickaxe efficiency 5 fortune 2 how strong is a crystal pickaxe unbreakable i am definitely going to be keeping this and i'm going to assume that maybe we can find some good stuff in these mine shafts interesting wait even more notch apples what the heck protection two diamond boots and what the heck i'm not sure if this is better than mr beast boots but don't mind if i do might as well go in and get some death right boots okay two diamonds oh my gosh things are getting so good right now we got some diamonds we got some emeralds okay but where is the leave item this place is like a maze guys there's so much amethyst all over the place glowberries yet again don't know what these are but you know what just like blueberries go ahead and watch that subscribe button below right now by subscribing and now let's find another chest oh it goes deeper okay please be inside of me oh yes there we go okay we finally got the leap vault button i was in these mines for way too long so without further ado let's get out of the aim at this vault and here we go and oh man it does feel good to be back here we got the aim of the sword and this big guy and i'm not really sure what we're gonna be needing to get next so maybe let's i guess just go deeper into this cave and hope for the best or actually wait i could just blow up the game oh there we go okay nice oh wait we just got a white bed this one is different you'll need this good luck wait what am i gonna make with one bed well let's try this and what is that oh no brain volky oh this might not be pretty well here we go it's a brain thing in is that you nestor oh no well wish me luck guys here we go oh no well uh good luck i don't like that message oh no here we go hello anyone home nestor hello it's good to see ya welcome to my special vault where we will be playing a game a very special game as you can see behind me we have four other smaller not a superior brains and the game that i want you to play is well a family favorite guess the brain guess the brain okay so i'm that's supposed to guess one of these brains okay very nice of is there any prize or what am i doing here brain you have one chance and if you mess up well this might be the last fault you ever do but if you get it right well let's just say you'll remember why i'm your favorite good luck oh oh okay so literally guess one of these four brains and that that's it brain like brains brain likes brains okay i'm very nice i guess oh man okay which one do i pick honestly this one looks the closest to pink and i know brain likes pink so i mean there's also white on the brain okay the last second change i'm gonna pick the diorite one brain is it the diorite one or is this it for the challenge because i that the door is locked and i guess the only way out is through you interesting choice let's see if this is your end oh no there he goes okay brain please be nice no i i mean congratulations uh you've won guess the brain and your prizes well whatever this thing is oh my gosh accesstorio mac here you go and good luck next stick okay by the way to get out go inside the beautiful and greatest brain till we meet again the beautiful and greatest brain okay i'm gonna keep this in here for later like you said i can only use that one so let's just go inside of here well we're inside the brain's brain which is definitely weird but what what is supposed to go on here how do i get out of here i'm not really sure wait is this a trap i feel like this is a trap oh wait what is going on wait where is there pico oh okay i guess that was it for that vault well that was the brain and that was his fault at least we got a mech stick from that which is definitely gonna be something good for the future and i guess now let's see what we gotta make for the next vault oh this is a really nice game okay okay that is a lot of zombies and honestly not too bad of a cave right now though i haven't gotten my hint yet for what the actual next vault is gonna be break that real quick anything we need in here got some gold not bad golden apple and pretty much the same old stuff i have a lot of iron too what the heck what we do need though is diamonds what if the next fault was the diamond ball actually any diamonds down here oh gosh okay let's go all the way down oh there it is all right next one is gonna be with eight gold ink it's and oh my gosh skeleton please go away let's get rid of you real quick i got the mr beast armor i should be fine and so eight gold ingots all right one key eight gold ingots and that is a very golden key the gold vault key well here goes nothing and right gold vault don't know what's inside so here we go warning mining any gold in this wall will lead to instant death wait what wait am i on the top floor oh no guys i think this might actually be a dropper map wait so i gotta get all the way down to that water without dying why are these things getting harder and harder and apparently if i mine the gold i instantly die that is not a good look okay well i guess let's jump down oh oh oh oh oh oh am i gonna make it i made it okay oh my god oh my gosh that could have been very bad let's get the test oh okay that's actually some pretty good loot all right so we have the lead vault item we got some golden apples good old diamonds actually a good bit of diamonds not bad and i guess let's just get out of here before anything bad happens that was a really cool one to be honest okay we're good we're back and we're not dead anyways what is the next vault gonna be all right let's see if we can find some diamonds at least in this ravine somewhere and never mind we need eight diamonds good luck so we did need diamonds and oh wait we have the perfect amount i think okay oh that is a good looking key and i guess let's go and start spinning and where are we gonna go now oh there it is the diamond vault door guard these are our diamonds am i gonna be going to another bank i'm not sure the gold one was weird so what is gonna be in this one welcome to the youtuber jewelry store everyone is here to buy don't get caught stealing oh interesting okay oh there's literally diamond armor okay okay we can't steal is there anything in the chest an apple okay literally a bunch of apples wait there's even jewelry oh that's cool guys are you thinking what i'm thinking i mean i kind of need it i don't think anything bad is gonna happen right when i grab this okay there's also no youtubers i see so i mean who's gonna see me just grabbing some armor i think we should be good right nothing should happen right oh no this is probably a bad idea okay where's the leave item wait there's no leave item there wait what's going on whoa wait wait wait wait what is going on no no no no oh my gosh tnt do you think no no no no this is very bad and this is a very bad guys oh my gosh oh it might be time for a notch apple why does stream have full netherrate i thought this was a wholesome bank oh dream died okay and he also had eyes of vendor don't mind if i do this is why you guys shouldn't steal yeah yeah probably a good lesson to learn honestly what's keeping me alive right now is this mr beast's armor oh okay i think that was the last of them and it looks like the final youtuber i just defeated had the final leave vault item i think our time here is definitely done leave all spin around and oh my gosh that was definitely something else so i guess what we need to get now is actually i'm not sure what would the next vault be wait maybe it's nothing right oh and there's the next one you need eight golden apples good luck okay do i have any gold apples i have not apples in no i'm missing one golden apple okay i'm guessing that's why we got so many golden apples earlier so i guess i can't really complain let's grab all the gold we can and let's cook it right so that should be enough eight golden apples one key and just like that we get the golden apple bulky oh wow okay this one might be very op well here goes nothing okay here we go same typical room it looks like there's some blue blocks right there and what happens when i go up to it don't touch our apples is there gonna be a lot of golden apples in here i'm gonna guess probably yes that was a really bad question let's just go inside and room will be flooded with water in three minutes good luck wait what okay i only have three minutes apparently yes we're going down oh my gosh that is a lot of golden apples are these hollow oh wait they are wait what's inside of here okay that is very good and there's a bald cap i'm not gonna question it potion of strength eight minute definitely grab me that for the dragon fight i don't have much time though it did say three minutes and it's gonna be flooded in three minutes so let's just hurry up right now all right let's just keep going down grabbing the chest i guess collecting some bald caps should we go bald probably not you know what guys if i hit 10 million subscribers by the end of the year which is kind of impossible i will go bald so you know what go subscribe right now with all that good stuff another bald cap why are there so many ball caps we're getting all the eyes of enter we need oh my gosh this is amazing i don't think much time is remaining so honestly let's just speed run through these things i love a little bit of a hunch right now that we might actually need the bald caps for the next room i think this might be the last one okay protection three nether right chest plate cover me in debris don't mind if i do i will gladly take that though that kinda is scary because that might mean that everything's gonna get a lot harder and there we go finally the leave vault item which let's go ahead and press that before this place floods here we go oh okay we're back again and at least we did not die this time i gently don't know what's gonna happen with this bald cap so i'm gonna go ahead and do a wild guess and maybe we just gotta do this oh i didn't even get a hint that time okay we just got the 100 days of valky okay i'm kind of scared of this one wish me luck guys here we go oh okay another vault and it's just 100 100 100 and 100. well here goes nothing entering a brand new dimension be careful to not break the minecraft space-time continuum wait what's in the chest wait i can leave already wait what's going on he should be around here somewhere i followed his footsteps so where is this guy it's like day 51 i think right now what the heck is going on uh king oh my gosh wait what the heck is that no i'm going in guys i don't think i'm supposed to be here get over here king oh my gosh what what is that guys i'm getting out of here i don't think i'm supposed to be here okay come on get back here buddy i'm not done with you what the heck just happened that was definitely not what i expected to see but i'm glad i didn't interfere because that almost may have broken the minecraft spacetime continuum we don't want to break that and oh diamonds i will gladly take that even though we already have so many diamonds so after that i definitely have no idea what the next vault is going to be so i guess now we just got to rely on a hint oh look at the axolotl oh maybe that was a good sign you need eight bottles of enchanting good luck oh i think we might actually have some oh that's convenient how is it supposed to actually make this then without having the bottles of enchanting are you able to craft bottles of enchanting in minecraft i'm not sure about that but we did get the key which actually looks really cool well you already know what's how it is let's start spinning oh that is one beautiful door here goes nothing oh no noobs am i my noob guys uh i don't think i'm gonna need xp well this is the right place to be you might even find some new enchants holy levels oh my gosh that was a beautiful entrance and that is one giant bottle of enchanting and yet again the slime blocks are blue okay wait so where do i go from here oh gosh wait do i have to go all the way up there maybe we can find something because down there is just engine tables and we really don't need to inch it right now oh there's a little parkour okay okay up we go and look at that right there okay one whole chest please be good and oh that looks very sketchy what is inside of this thing we got the lean vault thing that's good and blizzard three teleport and reach three okay let's get inside the bottle of enchanting and let's go ahead and spit out of here well that was actually pretty good how's it going axolotl so yet again i have no idea what the next one's going to be maybe it would be netherright but i definitely don't have enough nether right oh we're going to be needing eight obsidian that shouldn't be too difficult because you guys already know you do i even have to say it just a little quick reminder i am the fat subsidy miner in minecraft i kind of pretty much have had that title for many years also this sword is kind of really bad so let's go to find some lava and then mine it alright nice some lava right here and because i have to show it off every time watch this i'm just too good at it eight obsidian one blankie and just like that we get the portal vault key the key to opening the portal vault's door and now let's go ahead and get to the next vault oh this might be my favorite door so far okay go to comment down below what your favorite vault so far is i think this one might be the coolest looking one so oh a dimensional gateway sealed oh wait are we going to another dimension again or is this gonna take me to the nether well here goes nothing time to enter the nether pick the correct portal or it's game over whoa okay that is a lot of portals how am i supposed to know the right portal though that is uh definitely a big curse why is there sand instead of obsidian everything's pretty much blue sand i kinda have no idea where to go right now unless one of these is like different or oh that might be it it did say i was gonna die if i went in the wrong vault so i think i might take my chances guys oh here goes nothing most nerve-wracking bull ever here we go oh we didn't die but we're in the nether now well maybe i explore the nether now i'm not sure oh never mind congratulations you picked the craig portal leave before immediate death wait what okay literally it brought me to the nether and now i got kicked out on the bright side we don't die but what the heck am i supposed to do now oh okay never mind i think we might know what it is and it's a one lava bucket good luck okay lava right there not bad and now one key one love bucket and lava valky the key to opening the lava vault's door i kind of have a bad feeling about this one so i guess here we go again red carpet and it looks like there's already lava above me oh gosh this might be a bad idea don't touch the door it's too hot oh no oh here goes nothing run wait wait what lava's falling quake prize at the end wait what what what is going on oh no okay okay let's go why is it always so difficult when it comes to lava it's getting close it's getting close it's getting close okay why are there so many four block jumps i am not ready my heart is not ready for four block jump so we're almost there though we should probably get out of here as soon as we can oh my gosh whoa in the chest oh that is some special stuff okay wait crimson chest plate a flaming sword sword sword and of course the lead vault i think we might be done here guys let's get out of here before we get consumed okay that could have been a lot worse i'm not too bad about that one so flaming swordsword sword oh i love that literally it's like a flamethrower all right so now we need eight iron bars and good luck wait how do i make an iron bar and what are we gonna get from an iron bar well luckily there's a crab table right here so maybe let's try that and is this an iron bar oh that's honestly a lot easier than i thought so let's go and get the iron bars in blaze well wait why is it gonna be blaze that's a weird correlation but i guess here we go oh okay this definitely looks sketchy yet again i guess here goes nothing guys what's inside stay away man behold your very own blaze grinder get all the blaze rods you're gonna need from this vault i only have three eyes of vendors so this might be just what i need actually okay oh i hear the blazes okay oh wait blaze is dying water oh it's literally in place water that's so cool all right what's in here oh my gosh there's literally already a ton of blaze rods nether right in gets don't mind if i do that is so much nether i end the leave item already i mean we got all the blaze rods we're ever gonna need so i guess let's just get out of here wait where am i i wasn't here before we literally got sent back to the surface i did need a new crafting table so i guess why not that's kind of convenient but now where do i go from here i don't think that was the final vault at all so maybe we need to either vendor or something oh nevermind there it is and oh okay that kind of makes sense eight another right in gets good luck luckily we kind of got a lot of netherlight from that other vault so another right bulky this is probably gonna be very good here we go okay now the right volt get out this is ours this is either gonna be very good or probably very bad for us so let's go inside and welcome to the death right vault be careful there's no telling what or who is inside two minutes remaining oh no okay we gotta hurry up oh my gosh the right chest wait protection okay yes i got to grab as much as i can in two minutes one minute remaining please what is this going to be sharpening sweeping h10 i'm going to take the sword a big sword guy looks like a very cool shield why not how do i get out though oh well loki we did get everything we needed we got the lead vault item we only have 30 seconds so i think it might be wise let's get out of here and hopefully not disturb whoever was around here this might bite me in the butt here we go okay that could have been a lot worse than what we got i mean we ended up getting some really good armor and now what happens because i mean we have one key left and we did netherright so what's better than netherrite cow do you know oh you don't know okay sorry about that oh like the video we're trying to go for one like oh okay sure why not thank you wait you'll need this good luck oh nether star blankie i think we might have the final one guys and there we go god vault key oh gosh a bit concerned cause this might actually be the final vault guys is this a final boss well here we go oh no that is a lot of lightning not really sure what's about to happen so here we go guys who dares try and enter my realm welcome to the land of the gods good luck wait are those bottles of lightning oh no i feel like something's about up here in front of me what is this oh okay hello mr zeus how's it going so you've made it this far welcome to the final vault nester thank you um honestly this is a bit of a surprise well what exactly is going on here like like to fight you i didn't think you would make it this far but count me impressed and don't worry i'm not here to fight you i am in control and i'm here to grant you one final wish you can have anything you want anything oh well the one thing i'm thinking really is uh what if you zoos allow me to somehow finish this challenge i guess i just gotta figure out how to beat the dragon or something interesting so you want to leave already i respect it and will grant your wish good luck nestor this is your final challenge my final talented oh gay oh okay of course it's a black hole that says me to the end well i guess without further ado guys this is gonna be it the final battle and do we have anything to shoot well here we go guys i have a one iron bow and some sharp turn weapon so this should get interesting very quick time to break the crystals all right all the crystals were done now it's just the dragon i do have the flaming sword sword sword one strike potion which i might as well drink right now that's gonna be eight minutes strength so we're gonna be doing a lot of damage and we have the mech okay after this i'm gonna get on the mech and see how much damage i can do on it okay sharpest 10 oh my gosh that is so much damage no you know what i think it's finally time guys i'll let some of them back oh here we go access toriel mech and let's do the thing with the mecha cannon holy i love this thing literally i'm just shooting on full full-on cadence and low-key i could use the self-destruct button but i think we might do that when the dragon purges oh it's pershing okay this might be it guys go on just a little bit more no no no no okay i just gotta aim in front of it come on come on come on make a cannon do your thing guys loki i kind of want to end this off with a self-destruct button oh it's pretty down okay and self-destruct bun let's go oh my gosh no wait i beat the dragon but did i just lose or did i win i'm not really sure well go ahead and like the video subscribe let me know if i won and besides that guys hope you guys all enjoyed everyone go watch the video that's about to show up and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 5,425,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are custom vaults, minecraft but vaults, minecraft but custom dimensions, minecraft but there are banks, minecraft youtubers
Id: lPAQt-ZY7y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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