$45,600 Squid Game Challenge!

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im still waiting for the irl one, i trust jimmy to recreate the game enterally, including the killing

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/bored_i_guess 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dream made a stupid move lmao, and once again sapnap won, what the hell is with this guy's luck

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/qams_ 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

i feel like mr. beast completely understood the point of squid game


👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/phoenixRose1724 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Build mart continues to haunt Tommy even outside of MCC

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/haarisbaddar 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Imagine dying couldn't be me

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Darth___Luke 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

i just snorted when dream took the wrong step, it was funny. what a dummy (affectionate)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/seulchi 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
we recreated every single challenge from squid game and minecraft and whoever won squid games got 45.6 billion won which is why the winner of our challenge here gets 45.6 grand this first challenge is red light green light and when i press this button the entire board turns red and no one can move if someone moves even just a centimeter they die we have an eight minute timer that's counting down let's see if anyone will walk on the red don't walk on it they're all dying go up red light whoa oh god this is exhilarating we got seven and a half minutes i'm gonna wait i'm not changing until someone gets out i don't want to get out how are you carl i'm shaking the timer oh somebody got out he's always going out so we go okay there you go go go go oh oh my gosh someone died dream i'm behind you oh so you guys can turn i don't want to find out i'm not risking it go go go go oh oh that was a quick one oh we got a lot of people he's crazy nope seriously stop jimmy stop this guy moved me oh you almost got me i thought that would work these two people haven't even left the start line yet what are you doing why do you think this guy hasn't started yet jimmy we got like 3 30 left we need to go we need to go we only have three minutes jimmy all right let's see if i can get him out oh no okay this guy finished but he's too afraid to move because he's on the finish line oh my gosh oh my god dude we got a minute and 40 seconds left what are they worried about i don't think i'm gonna make it i'm worried oh almost through the game jimmy please i don't have a lot of time oh my gosh [Music] i win i did it jimmy let us go i made it i made it tommy come on you can make it yo that guy died on the finish line i'm behind i'm behind dream i'm behind dream as well oh my gosh that was risky that was risky all right one minute remains chris isn't even moving okay 20 seconds look how close they are come on chris i'm not over yet yes yes yes can he make it can he make it come on run we started with 150 people and now we're down to 110 for this next challenge every player has been assigned to a random team each team has a color and a shape they must make last team to create their shape is eliminated why did i get umbrella let's go circle baby the challenge has begun go go go go go go go go now watch this i can remove the blocks from the bridge oh wait they fold they fall no wait i just fell what yes if you died but your team doesn't lose you come back for the next challenge the only one over tommy get the wall go go get one get walk get it get wall get well get as much wool as you can grab it all let's go all right let's go back tommy go trailer go go trailer go yes i made it i made it i made it tommy tommy get this guy they are all building whoever builds her shape last loses one two three four here and then there okay is blue doing okay i can't see it blue's doing great they're actually almost done i'm out i'm out i'm out this is not right what are they doing what are the green green is so dumb oh this is neck and neck oh boy yellow's really fumbling the bag over here tommy get your crap together this is so hard come on green come on green place the block here place the block here we did it right we did it all right green team is the first to pass yeah let's go all right comes down to these three we're good on that side why is this person destroying my stuff not the exact shape y'all red team is now done yellow versus blue who will win this one's destroy this are we done the middle of it don't fill it in wait that's good that's it that's it wait we've done it blew us first what yeah let's go oh wait carl you on yellow team and tommy at least i don't have to get spoilers now for the next game we are playing tug of war there are two teams standing on a single row of blocks the teams have to fight head to head and avoid getting knocked off the platform if you fall off but your team ends up winning you come back to life all right chandler we're on the same team let's go go blue go we got this come on red team start go right deep oh infiltrate infiltrate oh that blue guy infiltrated push up push up push up blue is up by so much make sure you control the middle should we control the middle wait they're punching oh my team's hitting me oh wait they just punched each other off no i fell oh no oh no red's coming red's coming right it's coming what's up boys push up chris's steward die chris wait should i kamikaze should i kamikaze go for it go for it go for it i'm coming [Music] i'm coming to you oh my dream oh it's actually coming down to the wire oh there's three blue there's two red three v two oh oh oh and blue remain standing yeah let's go all red team players are officially gonna be kicked blue players that died will be brought to life next game so this next challenge i gave each player 10 wool paired them up with someone random except for dream because we had an odd number let's go and let them compete in whatever game they agreed to for the wool sapnap and his partner tried to see who could throw their block the furthest clearly snap nap one it was actually an honor to meet you guys if i win can i give him money chandler played a game of guessing odds and evens and he won oh my gosh i'm so sorry and here's everyone else that got eliminated [Music] there are 13 people left now on to the next game in this game there are rows of glass left glass or right glass one glass panel is safe to jump on and the other shatters when you touch it causing you to die there's no way to tell the difference and once a panel is broken it stays broken and the remaining players get to use that intel going forward and now that you guys are arranged alphabetically server start the countdown i'm screwed go i'll push you off wait wait wait wait wait oh my gosh oh my god all right chandler good luck all right dream come on it's safe and in case you guys are wondering pvp is on stay back oh damn stop it hey why are you guys punching each other don't punch me why are they punching me off taylor we have five minutes go to the right oh let's go yes yes chandler yes somebody get their butt out here don't push me shout out don't punch me don't punch me all right all right i won't four minutes to remain chandler go you're gonna screw people out of money oh yeah i'm so good chandler keep your good luck streak going go go go guys we have three minutes and 40 seconds wait what am i doing no no no why didn't you do that dream dream's an idiot all right chandler go there's no way dude i'm so good you're halfway there oh wait taylor how are you doing this this is improbable go for it go forward no no oh no this lock streak ran out i died one minute and 30 seconds remain you still have seven jumps go elf go for it got more out oh oh okay four jumps left no it's an election left minute 15 to make three jumps go arcade go go arcane go oh geez oh geez remember if you do not make it cross i keep my money and you guys win nothing oh no nice two jumps remain four of you go forward go forward go forward no you go no i'm not going i'm not going i don't want to go you go how about one of these people jump they haven't jumped once 40 seconds oh my god oh one more jump 20 seconds just do it jump jump on jump jump oh my god oh my gosh one of you is walked away with forty five thousand six hundred dollars let's proceed for the final challenge we have squid game but i have no idea how to play this game so we're just gonna do a bare bones fight to the death starting now yeah squeaky yes we can go go wiki no no no stay away from me stop now come here last standing wins 45.6 grand ricky i'll give you money i think you guys should double team snap-nap he's already rich dream pays your right you're rich winky you are a traitor all right this is taking too long server give them wooden swords winky let's team we'll have a fair 1v1 after minky we should kill snapchat he's rich we can't do that dude [Music] has more help than both you combined you're dead stop naps you just won 45 600 what do you have to say 91012 two i wanna give them ten thousand dollars what about these two people you just slaughtered i'll give them five thousand dollars each subscribe
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 18,287,976
Rating: 4.909924 out of 5
Id: s72dhTVYKtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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