I Survived 100 Days as a FOX in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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just imagine being a hungry fox searching for food and after eating a sweet berry you become a buff odds now let me tell you about these chickens they found a way to advance their genetics and become this whatever this is these flocks of chickens have one goal kill all the foxes this is hardcore minecraft and i'm gonna be surviving the next 100 days as a fox so my journey begins on day one i spotted it as an adorable baby fox and next to me was my trusty pack of foxes and right away we jumped into the water and hunted for fish but somehow i got stung by a jellyfish i think this fox is trying to talk to me is that a seagull i'm gonna eat this eagle oh how'd you do that yo that was crazy i just stole food from a seagull we they grabbed some sweet berries ate them and fell asleep on day two i chopped down my first tree and what do you know it fell on a wolf accidentally killing him now his friend wasn't so fond of that oh i i didn't i didn't even kill your friend it wasn't are you friendly though okay let's go let's go oh i'm trying to kill you it's trying to kill me okay okay i didn't do anything still doing anything i kept on running and then quickly hit inside of a weird cave opening if that wolf bites me i'm gonna die i only have five hearts wait what is this oh there we go honey spike oh man there's spiders in here while the wolf slowly searched for me trying to smell me out so for the rest of the night i hid inside of a cave separated from my pack all alone just hearing the wolf howl on day three i was having a nightmare and everything was pitch black and all i could see was glowing red eyes and suddenly a giant fox with nine tails appeared in front of me and said i will find you soon little foxy you in the packs of foxes no longer will be free while i sit and rot here uh who are you i am kurama the nine-tailed fox the most powerful beast in the world i was just like you once roaming the world what i was imprisoned by your kind with the help of those pesky illagers okay but what does that do with me you're the key to setting me free i woke up extremely paranoid sword come on uh one stick two sweet berries yes it works i finally dug out of the cave and luckily the wolf was gone well that's what i thought at least and all of a sudden he attacked me yes get back back off get off me get away from me bro i i don't want any trouble okay come on fine for the remaining of the day i went exploring seeking shelter this world was extremely dangerous but finally i came across a village [Music] nature you scary pink sheep no that's an egg me that's an angry tiger okay all on day four i woke up inside the village and as soon as i walked outside i saw a deer just casually eating a blueberry and then went over to him and stole it not that not bad it tastes kind of funky why would anybody even eat this and boom i finally became an adult fox and now that i was stronger i was ready to fight anything even those brain eating killer rabbits on day five i crafted myself a full set of sweet berry tools why didn't i think about this before i literally made the sword but nothing else oh this is awkward i'm just gonna walk away but we have no beef here okay literally no beef just rabbit i was ready to find other types of foxes so i traveled to the freezing tiger bomb and found a new friend hey baby stole fox you are so flipping cute what i'm gonna call you felix and no i'm not talking about pewdiepie bro we then got some pumpkins show us some snow and even placed on a campfire and created a pack of snow globes to keep us safe for the night oh get him felix come on get him buddy get oh he's killing our stuff wow this is like really giving me those fun of the snowball vibes get it boys get him is that a seal oh wait hey body oh my god oh up and it's gone it's gone felix felix chill felix chill no leave this leave the seals alone you are one crazy you just you just uh uh that's not that's not that's not good okay and for some reason felix had an obsession with seals no no no go back go back to the base mike stop go back to the base come on this dude just doesn't listen on day six we had a genius idea sweet berries are awesome but hear me out chicken hunting now that's the challenge for a fox whoever gets the most chickens gets all limited sweet berries felix what the heck is that thing it's huge is that a giant buff chicken you think this is a joke what are you doing my turf bro hunting chickens uh yeah that's that's exactly what it looks like i'm watching you and leave my chickens alone the buff chicken launched through the air and he was gone this man just superman out of here i have never seen stuff like that before but felix look he left those chickens and as soon as we attacked one a flock of chickens just started attacking how he was why are there so many of them it's a flock of chickens if you don't want them they call for reinforcements felix they don't like me they're trying to kill me the chickens are trying to murder me oh chill broke my armor yes they were just chickens so we actually stood a chance against them killing them off one by one using a pounce ability from day seven through nine i needed a safe place to start my fox pack now do you know exactly what a hobbit hole is it's kind of like an underground house built inside of a hill with an entrance doors and you know the usual house stuff okay anyways so first i lined up the inside of the hill after moving on to the wood flooring with every house you need support beams you don't want the entire house collapsing on your right literally any nuclear builders next i place down a few signs to distinguish the rooms kitchen chest four habitats chicken farm and a rabbit farm felix i gotta say buddy these small little details just really makes the place pop finally i started working on the front of the house first placing out two doors adding in a bunch of leaves with flowers to make it look a little bit fancy to keep the mobs out i needed a light source so i hanged up a few lanterns all i was missing was just small details such as railings and a doorbell bro i'm so excited our new fox pack is gonna love this place just look at this habitat rooms for different types of boxes dude we could even make an automated farm well i was done for the night now i can't say the same for felix that dude was wired in he was working on some sort of an igloo and from days 10-14 i woke up to a winter wonderland felix have you been watching too much frozen like you understand and you legit created a full snowball as your house before further expansion we needed some sort of a security to keep this place safe especially with that buff chicken out there so we set out on a recruit mission to find the fennec fox i stacked up on some sweet berries and other materials and after felix and i finally headed out all the way to the dry desert biome oh oh okay all right felix stay back wow straight up nature oh okay never mind oh crookey look over there felix it's a wild kangaroo that was the worst australian accent ever you know i always wanted a kangaroo in my backyard so when i wake up and grab like a nice cup of coffee there's just a kangaroo boxing no rocky stuff you know i'm a box in here bro now i can't say the same for the komodo dragon that thing is just no joke it will swallow you it's like a living dinosaur roaming the earth and at any moment it's going to transform the godzilla while i was admiring all the weird animals felix ended up making friends with an ostrich felix you know we can't bring him back home right he can't come back with us oh okay chill bro relax man i mean he seems friendly bro but still we can't do it uh did you just tame him felix you're honestly a genius that's all i gotta say buddy felix no we're not breaking him come on bro you already gotta lean on him are you kidding me finally we spotted that sneaky little dude the fennec fox he was a master of camouflage and you could barely see this dude so what do we what do we feed him i i really don't think it's through are you sure raw rabbit this is gonna work i mean i'll give it i'll give it a shot oh i think he smells it here come on buddy come on come here run away from me oh you got him there you go buddy and luckily phil's had a lead on him and after i bought him all the way back home come on buddy come on you're almost there buddy almost there welcome to the fox then aka the hobbit hole i know it's kind of weird but walk up to your crib do you not want to go in really is he being serious right now just kind of push him in a little bit come on almost there he's like not about it i think he's just like a little bit shy so do whatever you want and i just do not catch on fire please phase 15 to 18 i was looking for new items to craft a mob catcher slingshot and a spear two sticks one diamond and there we go a diamond spear felix fetch so we were just missing ender pearls and a string but instead of finding those items i ended up running into a pack of raccoons at first you might think what are raccoons gonna do to you just look at this not the sweetberry part that's kind of cute but this that's scary felix what is that thing doing here that's the same evil raccoon that tried to kill me for 100 days as a panda this guy's no joke i'm telling you all i tried fighting this dude more raccoons just kept attacking me and he managed once again to slip away i think only if you left this world i don't know why they got to be so vicious and they have glowing eyes oh ben no those that cheers did you see that what it's not my fault that they're trying to assure us to death okay look they're not friendly at all i'm telling you raccoons are evil not the creeper not the creeper oh there was my basement [Music] wait what is that what is this this item right here is called tail whip and no i'm not talking about that pokemon move [Music] that raccoon is just gone he likes just stay right there oh i guess it doesn't work on foxes i was just kidding chill i was kidding relax buddy on days 19 to 24 our hobbit hole was extremely empty and we definitely needed more foxes to help us out especially after almost dying to a pack of raccoons so i crafted another sweet berry sword with some iron armor and went searching for more foxes inside the tiger biome and bringing them home was going to be a little bit tricky without a mob catcher luckily felix had plenty of leads on him he looks they're sleeping i wonder if they actually remember us oh no come on you're scaring them off buddy that's not how you do it you grab the lead i got the sweet berries and don't scare them off oh you got him nice and now for the second one let's go very slowly just kind of creep up on him here we go are we sleeping and nope felix we gotta run it we we gotta we gotta run hey get back over here buddy come here i keep getting stuck in my own sweet berries you swimming away yes yeah come on eat please eat my friend i'm trying to save you don't run there we go that's gonna do it come on buddy follow me let's go that was crazy our new fox pack was ready we had them all unleashes and slowly transported them back to our base ladies and gentlemen welcome to your new homes everybody eat some sweet berries and let's all be pretty peaceful hill okay that was a long journey oh we got a baby yeah we got our first baby no way oh felix look how cute his head is so big though he's even guarding a sweet fairy come on boys eat on up let's go it's a secret baby let's go we grow biggest stronger felix i feel like all we're missing is a new habitat i mean you did a slow habitat covered but these are not snow foxes you know what i mean i started building an entire mega tiger habitat inside of my base by placing non-podzilla mushrooms and more and next i built the community chest room to keep all my mobs inside a bed right here for the finishing touches and we can't forget about the sweet berries there we go that's that should be plenty of it just don't want to get stuck in these things now felix i think we should really start breeding more of them because our habitat is uh it's going pretty good and y'all y'all gotta get off the sleep thing we don't need no more leads just don't be escaping the house and getting into trouble you're so cute you look how small it looks like you felix and this one's sleeping next to a campfire felix i think they're loving the new habitat from days 25 to 27 i finally explored the village next door there were some pretty cool structures that i hadn't checked out and maybe the villagers were hiding something like a secret chest inside the house you never know you know i just don't get it a lot of the villagers just never have anything good like the blacksmith usually hooks it up but everybody else here just kind of sucks i'll be taking this thank you now that's gonna look good inside of my house the buff chicken had his own plan he snuck inside of my base turned to a tiny chicken and stole my foxes just running off with them there we go got the grindstone and the stone cutter pretty solid oh it's the buff chicken hey hey get back over here no no no no no no no he stole my foxes i got you buddy come on follow me let's go follow me unfortunately i was too late it hadn't even been a week and we managed to lose our pack member to some kfc looking chicken on days 28-31 i woke up to my fox pack going absolutely crazy boys what's what's going on here why is everybody freaking out what's happening they're just running in circles and they're jumping on all my stuff here everybody can we just please take them over and relax oh i think y'all are hungry i'm gonna guess y'all probably hungry here you go enjoy take this come on you don't know let's go there we go now we're talking there you go felix they're going a little bit crazy you know buddy and they seem to love you how'd you get stuck what is this like a secret meeting over here oh there's so many of them felix i think they've been uh you know hiding here buddy come on everybody get out of here it was upgrading time i could not afford to lose more foxes for my pack i had to get prepared for the buff chicken's returned and while my sweet berry tools just kept on breaking on me i needed something a little bit better so i went searching ruby or felix i think this is it i see a oh no i'm felix dude be careful you you really could have died i mean i don't think we take fall damage right oh huh like there's water down here nice dude this place is huge all i'm really seeing here just like a bunch of rooms and that's about it have you found any chests be careful don't fall in the lava or something oh wait i think i found something what do we got oh got some rubies felix i'm not really finding anything i mean i got diamonds at least there we go oh great i came can't even mine it amazing oh you found some movies thank you buddy i appreciate it he looks relax relax hold on what are you screaming what what is that dude what are you finding ah this this looks a little bit sketchy are you sure about this you you really wanted you want to go hey i got i guess we're going on we're going in oh watch tripwire what is this it's like a bone huh i got a bone that's kind of cool oh it's some gold okay now now we're talking so what else we're gonna find here just watch out for any traps you gotta be careful in here luckily mobs don't hurt us so we're kind of in a good spot here what is all this i'm just like finding random like flower pots or something and a bunch of vases what is that a nametag all this for a name tag gotta be kidding me and a little bit of rubies not not bad all right come on buddy let's get out of here oh wait a minute i see a secret chest i just think i found a secret nope almost almost got it no no no come on power three bow not bad out out out finally we return back home with a decent bow and lots of rubies then we crafted a full set of ruby armor and tools all right that should be the last of it i think i'm missing something oh i got it this sword how could i forget about the sword now we're good not bad felix it's time for my full set of ruby armor here's my old armor set there you go oh what's going on wait what what's happening here wait what now let's test this out so i get a regeneration to buff when wearing a full set of armor and let's throw away all my old items felix i'm pretty sure it's like equivalent to like diamond armor or something wait do you hear that oh what was that hey i think somebody's here [Music] felix don't move don't felix just do just got them angry well what do you know it was a good thing we got upgraded because these pack of wolves finally found my scent and they must have followed me back home i just couldn't let them tear apart my fox family felix let's get him get off me get away we gotta take every single one of them out bro we can't let them hurt our family ow man dude these wolves looking insane like they legit look like they're feral or something oh no what's up buddy they're they're they're up here watch out yeah we almost got him yo you're going in felix there's just so many of them but luckily at least the iron golem is trying to help us out look at them they're gonna go no back up no oh man they are so mad they are so mad nope come on buddy that's it they're almost they're almost gone there's way too many of them yo i gotta eat some berries i'm slowly dying here this tailwhip ability is still insane felix watch this combo oh wait that's my lava i'm bad days 32 to 35 i left my base to find chickens and once i returned back home there was a strange purple-eyed fox standing in front of my door i wasn't exactly sure what she wanted hi my name is vixen and i need a place to stay and i heard that you were recruiting yeah yeah totally okay i'm just making sure you you're not being followed right uh no what are you talking about yeah just just forget about it come on let's go come on in let's go just be careful with the foxes i do have a couple of chickens all right i don't want nobody eating them especially not you okay and you can of course stay here and do whatever you want just don't cause any trouble come on chickens let's go just stay away from the army of foxes trying to eat you oh man they are ready they are absolutely ready to kill my chickens hey control yourselves that is terrifying hey vixx could you just get me like a like a fence here real quick just please oh thank you so much i appreciate it i can't tell if she's just doing that so she could have the chickens for herself i then started building a room just for the chickens and after a hole to keep the chickens inside there we go just a couple more glass blocks and that should do it hopefully none of y'all find a way to sneak inside okay that that would be really bad now for the actual entrance just in case we can like you know foxproof a little more i'm going to place like a couple sprue stairs here probably make this also look a little bit nicer yeah much better chickens don't worry i got you some water there you go and here's uh i don't even know just some hay bales enjoy a chest right here with all the seeds that y'all eat there you go enjoy careful we're gonna fill up the water you're transferring a little swimming already i'll put stairs here the ladders there we go and then a trap door and this has to be chicken proof we need like a double trapdoor or something all right that's gonna do it unless i got a future fox over here why is their way in listen we're not chicken head is right chicken farm felix we're not like chicken haters right no okay don't think i got something against chickens my favorite chicken his name is phillip and him and i we we go back to the pokemon in moose spots days on day 36 to 40. i started my morning by letting my foxes roam free oh man i'm telling you this this could end really badly be free oh look luckily they haven't killed any chickens at least we got that out of the way next up was building my new fox habitat i started off by placing down a bunch of sand then adding in red sand after some water sugar canes for decor and that's gonna do it why are they all watching me what's going on here my fox is gonna love this place i'm telling you come on buddy so this entire habitat is all yours check this out you got water you got some sugar canes you go swimming just do whatever you want enjoy i think he likes it i don't know i can't tell after i moved on to building my kitchen i used barrels as the cabinets then added in campfires with glass furnaces and iron trapdoors on top for the sink i just simply use a cauldron with a lever and for the fridge just a simple iron trapdoor setup with two dispensers and for the rest of it i place random blocks just to fit the theme on days 41 to 43 my fox's work should be hungry so i made space for a temporary sweet berry farm and once i collected enough sweet berries i began breeding my fox army there was so many baby foxes just popping up at this point we're gonna need a bigger place i'm telling you there's just so many foxes imagine what would happen if a chicken walked in that would not be good i'm telling you all right everybody come on baby free let's go and at nighttime our hobbit hole was surrounded by an army of zombies and phantoms and as soon as i walked outside there was a sign on my front door left by the buffed chicken um what's with all the zombies and why is there a sign on our front porch soon the foxes will stop killing the chickens i'm done with this guy man it's gotta be him i know it's the buff chicken he comes here steals our foxes right and then brings you the army of zombies now and phantoms we have to put an end to this there's no other way then it was defense time i rang the bell and grabbed my army of foxes to help me fight the mobs the massacre finally began felix and i one by one started killing off the zombies everybody just please stay safe and don't get killed that's the last thing we need here yup come on back up i need help with the phantom they're gonna kill me yo i'm almost dead oh come on regenerate hit him with a tail whip it's working oh that creeper almost killed me just look at my foxes go saving us from the zombies now the phantom they were extremely annoying i i was pretty much out of arrows so i didn't know what to do come on bro yo they're gonna be heated oh got another one and i'm not visiting all my foxes but i gotta say surprisingly they took out all the phantoms and i literally didn't do anything i'm telling you finally it was daytime the sun was coming up and all the mobs were burning away days 44 to 50. my fellow fox friend quickly ran to me apparently he was being chased by a flock of chickens and no you you'll see that every day i'm telling you felix fire your arrows buddy we fired our boats and that's gonna be the last of them good job buddy if the puff chicken saw this i'm telling you he'd be freaking out right now come on buddy don't don't be scared i'm not going to hurt you what do you got it and that for me interesting it turns out that my fox friend had a map to the buff chicken's base and without hesitation i follow the map solo felix what are you doing here buddy you can't follow me it's it's a solo adventure i gotta handle this it's personal no you can't come on bro i got listen you're staying back okay no no exceptions come on buddy take some sweet berries come on ah come on man now he's getting all mad at me he just doesn't get it it's just personal the map let me two middle of nowhere with a giant castle and finally the buff chicken was outside standing and waiting protein what are you doing my turf brah did you even egg what does that even mean if this dude got some serious anger issues nope this story exploding eggs how is that even possible okay oh chicken versus foxes to our ants today no longer shall we be eaten and turn into nuggets oh he's still attacking okay oh it's awful that is awful who i'm done with you you steal my fox pack and then try to kill me are you okay oh man that does so much damage that does literally like all my hearts got over the bus man let's go let's go come on it can't be that difficult he's just a chicken after all he's still throwing exploding eggs you're kidding me you got nothing better than that huh i'm way quicker for you and i can tell this dude there we go i really wish i had my sword on me are you running away get a little bit scared where you going he's just so thick but he's still so quick for a chicken how do you have abs when you're that thick like look at him he's shredded it just doesn't make any sense go wow that was just that was way too easy seriously not only did i kill him but i literally launched him on his death now that's a tough way to go out oh electro wings let's go i'm gonna become the first flying fox just mark my words and all i need is fireworks on days 51-54 i returned back home and i was extremely exhausted dodging explosive x was not easy okay this is kind of fun i could just like fly and then jump in the middle of the air and keep gliding i'm pretty much a flying fox so what exactly is this place it looks like a shrine three diamonds not bad and oh blocks of diamonds okay now we talking there we go you want you want sweet berries what what's your diet consistent you want some some brains no how about how about an egg no no no no no no no no no stop it stop it oh and he's gone just just completely gone would you look at that more fennec foxes that's pretty cool let me grab my lead come on boys let's go you're coming with me i'm gonna take you out to a new place it's much nicer trust me there's so many of them is it a giant mosquito i definitely don't want to get stung by that finally we arrived back home once i walked inside of my base the vixen was just standing there on top of a table singing to the foxes i wasn't sure what was going on what does the fox say i'm back with some friends this this is vixen by the way hi so what's going on here come on be free let's go and please do not run into the actual berry bushes because i know you all take damage you gotta die i have a surprise for you since you stopped the buff chicken here is a gold berry for your reward uh thanks i guess so what's what is this it's not going to poison me right i don't think so oh okay okay i'm just i'm just making sure come on you know good effects but sorry i don't know what what's going on i don't feel so good i don't nope nope nope not at all no nothing i'm whatever i ate transforming into the buff fox at first i felt nauseous but after it was a whole different story oh i look shredded you know i really wonder what everyone else is gonna think i walked outside it just just became buff it looks like i got some uh new abilities uh i don't fit anymore oh this is not good getting inside of my own house was honestly a pain i had to redo the entire entrance on these 55 to 60 i had to recruit the last type of fox known as the mushroom fox and they're located in an extremely rare mushroom biome and i bet you didn't know they go crazy over mushroom stew yeah i i hate mushrooms just can't stand or smell them traveling like this was gonna be pretty awkward i'm above fox trying to recruit foxes to my hobbit hole yeah i i classify that as grade a weirdness don't mind me just just a buff fox you know in a boat swimming away i finally reached land and there was the mushroom biome uh what is what this is a mongoose they literally look like a mongoose characters are you friendly you got like a weird-looking eyeball and uh oh the pimple oh i just like pressed that button he's gonna oh you're kind of friendly you're citizen you want to do oh are you my friend now so where's this dude at oh i'm finding he's just more among his characters i just heard like a sniffling it's gotta be around here i got four mushroom stew which is not bad nope there we go hey what's up guys how you doing here's a there's a mushroom stew are we friends no we're best friends forever let's go and another one i'm gonna grab two of them and this way i can actually breed them uh there's only room for two so can you just swim back yeah sorry buddy i finally brought them back home on the boat it was difficult it was so difficult welcome home so this is where you all be standing okay it's pretty simple just stop here watch out for a second here we go come on follow me so over here is the kitchen and we got a sleeping fox on a on a stove you know things get pretty weird here i couldn't let the new guests just feel unwelcome so i started building the mushroom habitat first i placed down some mushroom blocks then lots and lots of mushrooms after about a couple of tries with bone meal i finally got a full mushroom inside of my house so what do you think buddy not bad right i don't fit but i i think i'm gonna like it only 61 and 64. felix told me a story about this mysterious pink berry located inside of pink biome at first i thought he was going crazy but then again i'm over here eating golden berries that practically give me invincibility no not the seagulls again hey back back get away get up hey don't steal my berries hey no all right felix you're the captain so just lead the way let's go i can't even see you where'd you go buddy oh there he is he's under the boat yo we looking like a transformer right now felix oh he's drowning the body you're drowning get out of the vote buddy well what do you know he wasn't kidding what's going on here it's like the the leaves are falling out the trees for some reason interesting oh he looks not the angry bee not the angry bee didn't show mom i ever tell you not to mess with the bee huh so where exactly is the pink berries these are just cherries yeah cherries and cherry saplings did you find them felix oh oh there they are look at that it's exactly like a sweet berry just pink now get them all buddy get every single one see there's no more pink bam yes my evil plan sorry oh i got regeneration and strength it was about time that i created a berry farm so i dug out another room and made it slightly deeper after i added in staircases leading downstairs designing the walls was kind of tedious and i ended up dividing every single berry farm into a 6x6 slot with a 3x3 pathway so this way i had a place to walk on i then placed down sweet berries blueberries golden berries and finally pinkberries only problem i ran into was getting her while collecting berries ow ow ow ow this is just messing up my armor just completely destroying it all right boys welcome to your new berry farm come on follow me follow the berries there you go keep coming look at that our first fox what's up buddy well there they go look at them just going crazy over all the berries welcome everybody to the new berry farm you can have all the food you want you get berries you get everybody gets all types of berries these 65-69 i was exploring this massive mountain bomb just searching for new animals is that is that ho ho oh that's that's literally ho ho from pokemon what we're just fine that's crazy look at that there's another one sun bird's blessing so can i use like super oh never mind that's that oh i'm flying i can fly now look at that that's kind of cool not bad it looks like i found a barn what is is that a frog that's a giant frog are you friendly i can't tell i'm gonna be nice with you i don't want to hurt you oh your sheep kind of friendly no okay no he's not really no he's trying to eat me nope yep you're dead that's a big fly that is an extremely big flying what is that it's like some kind of like a goop i don't know i went inside the barn not knowing who would even belong to whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on here why are you guys inside of a cage i know you know you don't get stuck in cages so i know you just jump out i'm guessing they're probably searching for food or something not really sure so what's inside fried eggs nice damn banana peels leather backpack a curious knuckles and a depth star yeah i think somebody lives here i'm started where'd you guys come from were you always here what oh look over there three beds i should probably get out of here this is probably someone's base and what does this do okay that blows up that little just goes just like that i was off to a good start at this point i really was gonna be invincible mobs were becoming too easy and i kind of want to revenge on the wolf pack don't think i forgot about them anyways there they were at their campsite just clueless what's about to happen get out of here this is revenge for causing trouble you see what happens wow you guys are doing nothing to me literally literally doing nothing get out of my face buddy get out of here you too i'm taking everything you got and no survivors oh is that a platypus oh we got faith we got hey nope now these wolverine claws are pretty powerful it's like an instant one shot on anything that's got to hurt why do wolves need chests what are they doing here berry bombs that's a berry bomb is this what the wolf pack has been up to making berry bombs to use against foxes nope huh nothing happened how does this exactly work uh oh it's literally a timed bomb should i try on that alligator i wonder what my claws can do to an alligator let's find out i just i just one shot an alligator so if i use my claws i can literally just one shot anything that is that's overpowered oh yeah my final goal for the day was crafting this fox armor it was pretty much stronger than other right and with the full set i was gonna be unstoppable there we go a full fox night armor set and let's see how it looks unfortunately no more ruby but felix felix here you go buddy this this this this and that enjoy full armor set plus you got a new weapon and let's see this arm is set look at this oh okay now we're talking what do you think buddy i look good i i think i look amazing that is some detailed armor oh yeah wow it's it's good enough to make felix howl apparently that's that makes sense i looked squeaky clean and shiny what would you do if someone looking like this just broke through your wall while you're watching tv yeah what what are you gonna do about that yeah what would you do day 70 73 we're pretty chill days i let the inner farmer fox in me take control i placed on hurricanes by the lake to make it look nicer and turn this entire hill into a carrot potato and wheat farm with lots of water pockets to finish up my day i crafted three worker blocks i could start automating all my resources i dug out another empty room and built my usual design so we got ores logs and crops perfect the ore worker block and we got a little frost companion look at him go it's mining away he's already got too cool not bad and the wood cutting one now i never got chopped on a tree i got i got a fox doing it for me and this is gonna be the little room our hobbit hole officially had its own adorable foxes helping out instead of just uh um stealing things and making a mess day 74-76 i was in the snowball searching for stole foxes with felix and suddenly i saw a fox just casually get stuck in the stove i thought minecraft was broken for a second but turns out it's a real thing felix look over there buddy it's your fox family just don't don't scare them off though oh you're scaring them you kind of scare them off hey buddy just give us some street berries and let me grab the leads steady steady yeah got him oh we got a runner hold on come on get your family felix he's right behind you what are you doing are you jumping with him nope come back here don't go in the cave yeah he's gone there he is he's running come here stop running away dude he's so quick he's so quick yes yeah gotcha there you go buddy that's for them uh felix that's a chicken that's not your family uh nope okay we're not gonna we're not gonna talk about that come on let's go buddy oh no no bad day get away try to kill it he's trying to kill the family that's not cool get out of here are you kidding me seriously buddy yeah andy's dead i got you don't worry i got you um here kitty kitty kitty kitty yeah gotcha do cats get along with foxes is that a thing that's it all right have fun you don't have to put them on a leash it's okay you can run around and do whatever he wants felix i'm guessing you're gonna be a little bit occupied for the next few days with your family and stuff she's so cute she's just adorable i got an idea we need our first baby snow fox oh no way it's another felix felix you have a brother now yeah no um uh okay all right we're uh okay that just happened all right day 77 to 83 i gathered an army of rabbits and brought them back to the hobbit hole if i made one mistake it was gonna end extremely bad especially if felix didn't have the foxes under control finally i brought them inside and started building my rabbit farm i built the basic frame and placed on glass blocks inside i put a bunch of hay bales and bone meal the floor so the rabbits got plenty of food to eat next i created a small waterfall for them to swim in and getting in and out was going to be extremely difficult for me so i had felix help out oh man this is this is not going to end good nope not at all okay everybody get away from the door come on get away why are they smelling the cat what's up with the cat look at this dude look at him he's trying to sneak inside hey get out of here get out get out and at night time it started thunderstorming the foxes were acting a little bit different days 84-90 i began my morning by building a really simple fox head to show off my fox dominance i started off by building the head using orange and white wool i then use black wool for the eyes and moved on to the nose finally to top it off i stirred kota blocks for both of the years well nobody can miss this place anymore i mean it only has a giant fox in front of it i needed to enchant my new fox armor so i built an enchanting room with bookshelves an anvil and a chest unbreaking three wow great way to start it off you're just the worst enchantment fire protection is not bad i mean at least i don't want to catch on fire anymore air protection three ah dude this is awful come on god that's not bad there we go the boots are pretty good that will do it nice i just want to test something so what happens if i give a fox a fire aspect sword let's see there you go felix enjoy okay now hit that zombie over there there he goes come on oh it works wow that's sick days 91 to 93 during the morning i went to the lush caves to find blueberries and mine obsidian from my nether portal the nether was one of the few places i hadn't explored yet and who knows what we're gonna find there i wonder if foxes eat blueberries no nothing i mean it doesn't taste that bad at all well felix loves it oh they're eating it look he hit the blueberry nice there we go now that should look a little bit nicer especially once it glows at nighttime i think crafted a bunch of golden apples and fed them to my foxes you get it you can eat that that's kind of expensive you know it's not some regular food okay hey felix come here try this out buddy press out let me know how it tastes pretty good nice oh they're eating it look at that and finally travel to the nether he looks and i we're officially the first foxes to step inside the nether yo what is this thing it's just like throwing a slingshot at me felix i feel like the hulk like literally the hulk i run i jump i can just go anywhere no okay that was a close one so what you think we're gonna find in here what is that it's got some kind of like a like a strider face on it stay here buddy i got an idea there we go apparently the nether has mosquitoes that's that's terrifying that's a big mosquito felix i think it's just a shrine yeah don't sting me oh hey ow i set out to sting me hey on these 94 to 96 while exploring the nether i ended up meeting a new friend his name was foxy hey another fox i need your help quick uh what is it man where'd you just come from take this book i need you to activate a respawn anchor for me oh and here's the glowstone ah is that is that it oh no i'm gonna be in trouble i gotta go bye i i just i literally just met you you know i'm not here to be doing all the dirty work for everybody i don't understand but it is a fellow fox friend i guess so i gotta help him out well he ran off leaving me was supposedly a simple task i wasn't exactly sure what foxy from fnaf was doing here anyways nor did i know where we were heading to nope he looks what is that thing it's like a it's like a bone serpent well there's a pyramid over there but this guy's guarding it supposedly i mean he doesn't seem to be oh he's kind of friendly is he hurt huh really nothing so what do you do exactly oh that's it that's kind of easy there you go buddy enjoy you like bones i don't know now this looks insane check this place out just look at this this giant like glowstone pillars and sketchy oh the felix is already there okay i guess we're gonna go in you sure this is safe i don't think i can even fit through there uh this is this is kind of giving me the chills buddy it's giving me some creepy vibes okay remember it said open the door slowly that was kind of slow i guess i don't know and why are they oh what is that thing those mosquitoes what's with the chest over here oh netherride that's that's kind of good i mean we don't really need it but not bad six now the right that's a pretty good score oh hockland what's up buddy nope no no i got him i'm holding him back oh that was a close one here you break the spawner get the spawner i gotta check out check out you there we go that will do it no no weird mosquito things yo they put you on fire ow make sure your gold sweepers okay buddy eat those things they're they're really good for you look at these magma cubes good thing still launching though just flattened out that's crazy felix i'm holding them back here just break the sponsor from me okay buddy there's a lot of them oh no come on kill these wolverine claws they're they're overpowered i'm telling you look let me go look at me they're just shredding trading them apart okay there's a little bit too many let me get that spotter get the other one oh oh thanks buddy i appreciate it why are there mosquitoes in the nether still doesn't make any sense let me just tell these dudes that is so annoying and is that an ore what kind of an ore is this an n crystal fragment interesting so foxy was saying that somewhere here is a low stone that we have to fill up so where exactly up there it is why is there a prison here what's going on here so i gotta grab four glowstone and just fill it up one two three and four just by activating that respawn anchor i ended up breaking the magic shield which freed with the nine-tailed fox from his prison is that is that kurama yeah i can't say anything felix run away buddy oh no you foolish foxes i tricked you you really believed you were helping foxy but instead you freed me wait what how did how'd you even pull that off it doesn't matter i should probably thank you but i have bigger plans say goodbye to all foxes and villagers where where'd he go felix felix felix body all good come on we gotta go we gotta go we have a big issue we gotta we gotta warn everybody come on on days 97 to 99 as i went through the nether portal i went searching for kurama he was destroying the village next door look at your world slowly falling apart this is what everyone deserves felix sickle nope nope i'm on fire come on fire don't try to do not try that felix i better keep my distance and use my bow there we go come on postman if it's kind of working what is that what is he using nope that will fire again i'm on fire whoa he's just you just blow up the entire floor how is that possible and now he's building up is some kind of a joke nah fire fire fire okay i gotta get behind something oh no okay okay i gotta eat my street barrier come on oh uh it's a lot better okay the golden sweeper is that's who is that who is that he just destroyed the building yeah fire fire well luckily i'm immune so that's good back to the bow spam there we go combos let's go he's using his fire ability oh how do you do that watch out felix stay away from the buildings he's destroying everything no he can just launch himself up like that what oh no no don't tell me i'm out of arrows oop the house gone the house is gone i'm out of arrows the house is gone i'm gonna be doing his fireplace which is a good thing but he's still pretty powerful oh another death grip pull me down can i pounce out of this thing it worked oh it didn't work no i'm just flying out why am i flying up oh yes wait there you go buddy where do you think you're going okay no no no no the funny thing is he's barely doing any damage to me but i just can't seem to kill him oh he's destroying everything oh he's not stopping anymore no i thought he had a cool down okay i gotta go i gotta run i gotta run no it's not a good idea it's not a good idea i've come way too far to die so quickly it's about to be sunset how is this so strong you can just wipe everything out look at him just no remorse at this point i'm telling you he's going to kill the entire fox pack i deeply underestimated kurama not only was he able to wipe out the entire village with his powers he turned all the grass into lava solar killing anything left alive moose you have any ideas yeah felix all i got is a portion of poison i'm not sure what that's even gonna do buddy hey hey where you going felix hey feel it do this get back over here felix wait stop no no felix while felix ran into the battle drama four script felix in the air and chuckling into the lava no felix he's dead you you killed my friend your next move hold on a second there's no point of killing me okay what if i help you listen i know where the elders are at they trapped you they didn't treat you right you want to help me i've never had anyone help me before only use me for my powers i'm telling you they they have a massive fort i know where it is i haven't memorized deal lead the way and don't try anything or you're dead okay okay fine fine follow me call me well i can't do that but okay fine on day 100 i don't think i've ever been this scared of minecraft before i i might be above fox and i fought the toughest bosses out there but there is nothing like kurama what he did to my best friend that he hurt me i i was pretty much being held against my will just taking this massive beast to the illidan camp where he was originally imprisoned well this is it okay we got a deal right yeah it's a pretty big place are you sure finally i can get revenge is that necessary i'm supposed to be helping you hey hold up where you going and then kurama jumped into battle and started using his flame body ability he set the entire city on fire and the evokers kept using their magic but it was barely doing anything he then started destroying all the buildings around him showing no mercy when the 911 fox says he wants revenge he means it this truly was a massacre i got you buddy okay there's a lot of it there is a lot of them for sure back up i'm telling them yeah you see we are a pretty good team you know oh okay everybody [Music] wiped out the entire village he used all his powers to kill every villager not bad kid i'm sorry about what happened to your friend but i have some unfinished business i'll see you around well it was over gramma was gone and i returned back home to my fox pack i hate doing this i i really i really can't stand it you know it's like you gotta you got a really close friend and they're just gone just like that rest in peace felix the baby snow fox an item frame and a sweet berry so we never forget him and in honor of felix he would ask for one thing hit that subscribe button enable all notifications and don't forget to watch my other crazy 100 day videos
Channel: Moose
Views: 2,600,906
Rating: 4.8571668 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, I survived 100 days as a fox in minecraft, I survived, 100 days, fox, i survived 100 days, minecraft fox, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days challenge, 100 days in hardcore, 100 days hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore, moosecraft, moose, I survived 100 days in minecraft, I survived 100 days as a, Aphmau, SSundee, Beckbrojack, Ryguyrocky, craftee, luke thenotable
Id: VY_equ7zL0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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