Minecraft but Creepers beat the game for you...

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minecraft but creepers beat the game for you you can now tame creepers and use them to do your bidding you can direct them down a path of destruction or literally grab them by the heads and throw them there are also three special types of creepers we'll be turning into our allies and all of these creepers will require special upgrades to unlock their full potential on the name of getting to the end and defeating the ender dragon well sad story no village spawned right next to us this time we can at least get some supplies ready because we're going to need at least a sword to be able to tackle the creeper tape done wooden pickaxe done stone pickaxe done never use wooden pickaxe again done hey i see one down there okay so let me maybe just oh there's two huh well let me drop hey that did something hey the boy are you gonna follow me he does oh i love i love oh gosh please don't suffocate i would not want that so then are we cool now homeboy are we good can we friends huh i can't get him to move oh i just did something hey where are you going did he just did he just die i think he died okay guys good news we got another creeper he is thrilled i don't know where he's going but he is very happy to be here right now and i'm happy too because i figured out how to get it to work so if you right click with your sword check this out watch this [Laughter] so good and guess what i found out something really cool with enough time the creeper will actually respawn check that out love love oh i can kind of punch him oh oh i'm holding him whoa so what do i do now oh i can throw them what does he come back after i throw hello hey that is very scary so wait i can just i can use him as grenades practically oh wow oh my gosh okay we need to find a village or something good news and bad news start with the bad still haven't found a village good news have way more of these guys i've been collecting in the night and i feel like nothing can like touch me but i am somewhat running a little bit low is that hey hey we got the stone catalyst i've been waiting for how did that not pop up yet so wait st i want stone mining stone how do i get that mining stone mining okay cool check it out check it out hey stone efficiency unlocked so now i want to say if we just send a couple of these puppies out you go that way okay look at that we can now oh gosh about to die alert okay now i really need food but now we can use it to get stoned this is very exciting other than like that i'm about to die please i don't want a skeleton to pop up like anywhere i'm so sorry i need your nourishment camouflage is not that effective dude i'm just saying but check it out we got some camouflage over i just missed we got some camouflage right over it yes good oh a village okay all right i'll i'm not gonna worry about that oh we're about to beep a little bit later all right listen up boys here's the deal we don't like villagers and we don't like nasty creatures like that so you just keep doing your thing blowing up i feel like if it hits the grass it's gonna cause me to explode so you just go that way yeah oh almost died still okay we're nicely loaded up on bread now my boys they're doing their thing slowly collecting stone yeah obviously it's from the you know village house but okay so honestly now that food is essentially covered what we're gonna do is just start mining away with our creepers hi uh well don't work in water well that legit blew up all of my items oh there we go it only took 20 years and i got two and one iron cattle so i found out you need to i guess you get it from coal you don't just get it from stone i need regular stone for this so okay fair enough we can just cook some up for that okay iron mining upgraded so now we should be highly efficient at collecting iron before i guess you could get it but it wasn't too efficient come here you actually i want to upgrade the explosion but we can do that now hey medium explosion okay well that's convenient medium explosion option nice that is way bigger love i suppose ooh we might be able to get this one real soon okay we just need more iron catalyst and then some more stone i already got some cooked there so that's good so in theory if i just go to town over here with the explosions we should probably be able to find some coal shortly her catalyst yup that'll do it how about it faster respawn unlocked look at the hole they've just dug oh so far down look at this enormous oh my gosh it went so far down i'm just gonna explode them all the way down to diamond baby away you go okay well that took us all the way down to bedrock which is nice we've got some redstone we've been collecting i guess that's the first time oh hey oh wow before that d spawns you know cause i loaded up on iron i was gonna check out the aftermath i hope we didn't lose like a lot more of that so wait what can we make with that now uh diamond mining it is unlocked we just need one more diamond catalyst in order to get the largest explosion which good news by the way guys we can actually get diamond catalysts by mining iron so i'm gonna collect my homeboys come on down you're the next contestant and with any luck we might be able to get our hands on some down here ugh finally dude i have been throwing creepers for at least 30 seconds you got just a bunch of coal blocks i mean we oh one two three four five six seven eight just like that surround those puppies check it out large explosion upgrade let's see this oh the biggest and bestest explosion no no oh i i don't like these creepers they're not my friend okay take care of the skeleton go do it do it get it my items are still there two hours later well we didn't get everything back but we got what matters i suppose or enough of it and we're only one bone shy now of this new thing recruit kill unlocked so i don't know but but i have a feeling yup okay cool something just happened i saw purple appear and so then let me see something yep something's going on something is obviously happening when that occurs does it work though when i throw what come on man i wasn't even close to it that time good news guys it does work when you throw them so now we just need to maintain a very very healthy distance and every mob we kill with it we get two more of these bad boys and we get the ones we threw back as well yes i love okay i believe we've reached limit it's not letting me get any more than 30 creepers which is probably for the best this is a little dangerous to put it lightly but look at that we're just gonna go all the way down awesome it just keeps going they're such good boys i love them back to bedrock again well just picked up a diamond and guess what just spotted a couple more right over there so good can we switch the bad boy over to small explosion in hopes that it won't accidentally all of the diamonds yes yes so now we are just one shy the explosion can legit hurt oh keep forgetting that they're mine it could hurt me from all over there jackpot yes okay we got enough okay so what is a dust recipe book upgrade do dust grinding dust grinding oh oh large which one's large i saw an enderman over there did i get him oh he's oh get him oh yes so good so good and we got that raw copper baby okay so let me see ender dust good to know okay i guess we'll hold on to two of them to be honest and then we got the copper ingot which then i think we can turn yep copper dust so nice now i don't know if these do but you know i don't know if i care we got a new recipe i'm very excited so we got deep black dust for that one and then for this one we got lightning dust let me see well he didn't want it let me see can we oh black hole creeper all right guys got some upgrades but let's see what this black hole creeper does oh whoa i'm worried about getting too close to it let's throw off a charge creeper as well huh oh wow okay that is sweet um i don't know if i should have set a black hole down there but we're gonna head to the nether so that we can get another one of these special creepers going that inferno creeper sounds amazing and honestly we may as well try and get our hands on some more ender pearls while we're here meanwhile homeboy come on yeah love okay this is exactly what we needed i'm gonna save the black hole creeper and the charged creeper for the wither boss meanwhile yay nice got one and this is exactly what we needed thank you okay so let's test out our shot boom i missed a little bit higher up boom well took them out at least oh i see a blaze rod too i'm also on fire oh and here's the spawn area well that's good at least we'll go ahead and grab a couple of these well it took a second but here we are and away we go because i am legit just gonna back way away as we take this sucker out oh my gosh please don't blow up yet creeper's ready right homeboy's over there he's already going nuts where did he go okay i see him boom wow like one hit oh my gosh is he about to be dead he's living again i think we killed him wait did we blow up the star all good i would have been so concerned now we just need to do that all over again it took so long to get those skulls but with the power of editing we're good to go okay run away maintain a healthy distance from the homeboy yeah yeah let's get a big explosion going and i'm just going to launch one off in a second here ready that's good timing yes yes large ex where is he oh he's over there now oh gosh i need to flee i'm about to die my health is so bad okay homeboy's over there oh man he's right by the lava i need him to like notice me do we risk it i'm gonna risk it we can always get another oh we missed okay he's right there i need him to see me see me come on he's legit on the corner over there maybe i can just hit him with a little tiny guy there we go okay he sees me now not gonna happen oh he's over there okay large explosion oh boy homeboy direct shot are you after me hey rosie oh come on okay well this is what i managed to get back we got what's important which is the netherstar i pretty much lost everything else but none of it was too important we always get more diamonds first and foremost there we go flame dust thank you i am glad i set up a little area for myself okay so we need one black hole creeper get back here i ain't done with you yet homeboy get there we go so grab one of these grab one of these thank you and then let's see what inferno dust does huh you are not escaping oh he escaped quit struggling nice nuke creeper oh i get behind this one so apparently here's the move we're supposed to drop down another star maintain a very safe distance and apparently if i hit the netherstar with that yes something just happened supercharged netherstar netherstar supercharged netherstar okay and here's the other move so apparently what we want to do next is throw this black hole creeper at the other netherstar i hope i'm far enough away oh gosh well it just did something i i can't tell what but yeah something's going on that's different from before uh let's see it's a portal the end oh wow okay i need way more black holes in my life so i just need gun powder and paper and i can make that dragon missile okay and so that's nice and handled done and then dragon missile upgrade what i am so excited about this one and look at that just enough for some sick gear not gonna need a sword creeper's gonna beat the game for me okay i would not exactly call myself equipped for the ender dragon battle normally i mean my food consists of two pork chops and five apples but i think we're gonna be fine in we go baby in we go well that's not too convenient now i do want these guys to spawn in so i am going to just throw off a couple of them so that they actually appear you know around and behind me you know things like that otherwise i don't think they'll show up because i want to see what the heck a dragon missile does that would be very nice to know uh-huh meanwhile we get some assist kills on these homeboys over here yeah why don't we throw a couple larger ones for our trouble boom so good boom so good oh they're doing something whoa whoa whoa what oh my gosh and they go right back instantly they literally shoot up in the air and they go for the dragon he's almost dead already i'm gonna just throw a bunch of these go home boy look i can't believe it i can't believe it they're gonna they're gonna totally do it they're gonna totally do it i cannot believe it we don't even worry about the crystals so funny they're gonna get him they're gonna get him they're chasing after him get him get him get him one more one more throw the nuke throw the duke oh oh gosh that was laggy check it out he's dead we did it creepy just beat the game for us oh in the most satisfying of fashions too guys you gotta subscribe to comments to craft to see how we beat this game next shout out to creepers
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 1,383,645
Rating: 4.863658 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, villagers beat minecraft, minecraft but, emeralds, diamonds, farming diamonds, farming, the end, ender dragon, creepers beat minecraft, creepers, creeper, creeper update, new creeper update, minecraft but creepers beat the game, tnt
Id: 0bg7LjLsZLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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